Assignment 6 – Due Friday, October 17 Turn this in at the start of recitation on Friday, October 17. 1. Read Section 2.9 of Herstein. 2. Suppose that H and N are normal subgroups of G, that H ∩ N = {e}, and HN = G. (a) Show that for every g ∈ G, there are unique elements h ∈ H, n ∈ N such that g = hn. (b) Show that hn = nh for every h ∈ H and n ∈ N . (Hint: Show that hnh−1 n−1 ∈ H and hnh−1 n−1 ∈ N .) By the theorem in class, this implies that G ∼ = H × N. 3. Show that Z12 is isomorphic to Z3 × Z4 . Is Z9 isomorphic to Z3 × Z3 ? Why or why not? 4. List all the homomorphisms from Z/6Z = Z6 to Z/9Z = Z9 . How are these homomorphisms related to multiplication by 0, 3, and 6? Why isn’t f (6Z + n) = 9Z + 2n a homomorphism from Z/6 to Z/6, even though g(n) = 2n is a homomorphism from Z to Z? 5. In class, I asked the question: Suppose f : G1 → G2 is a homomorphism, N1 / G1 , and N2 / G2 . When does f induce a homomorphism f¯ : G1 /N1 → G2 /N2 ? In this problem, we will answer that question. (a) Suppose G1 , G2 are groups and that N1 ⊂ G1 , N2 ⊂ G2 are normal subgroups. Let f be a homomorphism. When is f¯(N1 g) = N2 f (g) a well-defined homomorphism G1 /N1 to G2 /N2 ? When f¯ is a well-defined homomorphism, we call it the homomorphism induced by f . (b) Let G1 = G2 = R and let N1 = N2 = Z. For every t ∈ R, the map ft : R → R given by ft (x) = tx is a homomorphism. When does ft induce a homomorphism f¯t : R/Z → R/Z? Give a formula for f¯t . Graph f¯2 on the axes below: Z + .8 Z + .6 Z + .4 Z + .2 Z Z Z + .2 Z + .4 Z + .6 Z + .8 (c) Show that if f is surjective, then f¯ is surjective (onto). Show that if f −1 (N2 ) = N1 , then f¯ is injective (one-to-one). (d) Suppose that K and N are normal subgroups of G and K ⊂ N . Use part (c) to show that the canonical homomorphism π : G → G/K induces an isomorphism π̄ : G/N → (G/K)/(N/K). Give an example of three groups G, N , and K that satisfy the hypotheses and describe the isomorphism π̄. 6. Herstein: p. 70, #6, 10 1