Annals of Mathematics The Metric Entropy of Diffeomorphisms: Part II: Relations between Entropy, Exponents and Dimension Author(s): F. Ledrappier and L.-S. Young Source: Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, Vol. 122, No. 3 (Nov., 1985), pp. 540-574 Published by: Annals of Mathematics Stable URL: . Accessed: 16/09/2014 00:31 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact . Annals of Mathematics is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Annals of Mathematics. This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 122 (1985), 540-574 AnnalsofMathematics, The metricentropyof diffeomorphisms Part II: Relationsbetween entropy, exponentsand dimension By F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG We continueto considerf: (M, m) -> (M, m), a C2-diffeomorphism f of a a Borelprobability measurem. As compactRiemannianmanifoldM preserving before,let hm(f) denotethemetricentropyof f,let Xl(x) > ... > r(x)(x)be the distinctLyapunovexponentsat x and let Di < r(x)Ei(x) be thecorresponding decompositionof TxM. Both partsof this paper concernthe relationbetween to entropyand Lyapunovexponents.As we have indicatedin the introduction Part I, muchofthisworkis motivatedby thetheoremsofMargulis,Ruelle[Ru 1] conditionon the and Pesin [Pe]. Part I is about a necessaryand sufficient measureunderwhichPesin'sentropyformulaholds.The maingoal herein Part and all II is to prove an analogousformulathatworksforall diffeomorphisms invariantmeasures. on m, any equationrelating of absolutecontinuity Withoutany hypotheses entropyand exponentsmustinvolvesome notionof fractionaldimension.This fact has been observedfor certainspecificexamplesfor some time (see for instance[Bi]). Generalresultsrelatingthesequantitieshave so farbeen confined in nature(e.g. [L], [Y]). Our main theorem to maps that are one-dimensional (TheoremC) extendstheseresults.We show thatforany invariantprobability measurem, (* *) hm(f) =fXtYidm where yi denotes,roughlyspeaking,the dimensionof m "in the directionof the in (7.3) and (7.4). are givenin ? 7, in particular subspace Ei". (Precisedefinitions it takessomeworkto see thatthesenumbersas definedin Section Unfortunately mentionedabove.) 7 have the intuitiveinterpretation Researchsupportedin partby NSF GrantMCS 8120790 and AFOSR GrantAFOSR-83-0265. This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS, II 541 Since yi lies between0 and dimEi, our formulaimpliesthe inequalityof Margulisand Ruelle [Ru 1] (althoughthisis a ratherindirectway of arrivingat theirresult).Pesin'sformulacorresponds to the case where yi= dimEi. We give an indicationof the proofof (* *). When two or more distinct positiveexponentsare present,it is difficult to estimatedimensionas is done in [Y]. In these situations,however,there is a hierarchyof unstable manifolds correspondingto the largest k exponents,k = 1,... , u(x) (see (1.1)). These unstablemanifoldsgiveriseto a nestedfamilyof invariantfoliations. Conditioning our estimateson the leaves of these foliationsand workingour way up successivelayers,we are able to focuson one exponentat a time. In our argumentwe use thenotionof "entropyalongan invariantfoliation" or "partial entropies".This allowsus to distinguish betweenrandomnessoccurin muchthe same way thatone studiesthe growthof ringin different directions the derivativeby decomposingTxM into subspaces corresponding to distinct exponents.These ideas mayhave further ramifications. We have expressedentropyin termsof exponentsand dimension.One may wishalso to expressdimensionin termsoftheotherinvariants. We do nothave a completesolutionto thisproblem.We showhoweverthatthe dimensionof m is bounded above by Eiyi (TheoremF). A corollaryto this(CorollaryI) partially confirms a conjectureofYorke'son the dimensionof attractors [FKYY]. Incidentally,Pesin's formulacan also be deduced fromtheoremF and (* *) in the case when m is equivalentto Lebesgue. This paper beginswithSection7 in whichwe give precisestatementsof resultsand relateddefinitions. Section8 containslocal unstablemanifoldsestimates.The notionofentropyalongan unstablefoliationis introducedin Section 9. Theorem C is provedin Sections10 and 11 and TheoremF is proved in Section 12. Some of the proofsin Section8 and especiallyin Section11 are similarto thosegivenin PartI. We tryto makethe statements oflemmasas self-contained as possiblehere but willreferthe readerto PartI forcertainproofs. We remarkalso thatwhile our theoremscontainno ergodicassumptions, mostofthemcan be provedby reductionto theergodiccase. For thisreason-and forsimplicityof exposition-wehave chosen to presentmost of our ideas and proofsassumingthatm is ergodic. Finally we should mentionthat the theoryof dimensions,as well as its relationto entropyand exponents,seemsto be of someinterestto mathematical was underpreparation, physicists.In fact,whilethismanuscript two physicists, Grassbergerand Procaccia(see [G]), derivedheuristically of (and independently this work) a relationverysimilarto ( * * ). For a discussionof these invariants that is more orientedtowardsapplicationswe referthe readerto the survey article[ER]. This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 542 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG StandingHypotheses M is a C' compactRiemannianmanifoldwithoutboundary; f: M *' is a C2 diffeomorphism; m is an finvariantBorelprobability measureon M; and exceptin (7.5), (7.6) and Section12, m is ergodic. of results and statements 7. Definitions (7.1) Unstablemanifolds.As in Section1, let F-' be the set of pointsthat are regularin the senseof Oseledec [0]. For x c F%,let XA(x) > 2) > ... > Xr(x)(x) denoteits distinctLyapunovexponentsand let D TxM= El(x) ED.. *Er(x)(x) of its tangentspace. Since m is assumedto be the corresponding decomposition be ergodic,the functionsx r(x), Xi(x) and dimEi(x) are constantm-a.e. Let u = max{i: Xi > 0}. For 1 < i < u, define Wi(x)= y EM: limsup n1log d(f -nx, f -ny) <-A i o Then Wi(x) is a C2 (-d? dimE)dimensional immersedsubmanifoldof M tangentat x to EDj < iE (x). (See forinstance[Ru2].) It is called the ith unstable manifoldof f at x. We sometimesreferto { W'(x): x c F- } as the Wi-foliation on M. Using thislanguagethen,we have a nestedfamilyof a.e. foliations W1c W2c ... c Wu to the distinctpositiveexponentsof f. corresponding each W'(x) inheritsa Riemannianstructure immersed submanifold, As an fromM. This givesriseto a Riemannianmetricon each leaf of Wi. We denote thesemetricsby d&. The measurem also definesconditionalmeasureson theleavesof Wi. More precisely,a measurablepartition( of M is said to be subordinateto the of x iffora.e. x, ((x) C W'(x) and containsan open neighborhood Wi-foliation in W'(x). Associatedwitheach measurablepartitionis a systemof conditional measures.(See (1.3) ofPartI or [Ro].) In thenexttwosubsectionswe shalldefine subordinateto Wi. some invariantsusingthe conditionalmeasuresforpartitions (7.2) Entropyalong unstablemanifolds.Fix 1 < i < u. We now definea notion of entropyalong the Wi-foliation.In the ergodic case this notionis This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS, II 543 describedby a numberhi whichmeasuresthe amountof randomnessalong the Following[BK] we takea leaves of W'. Thereare severalequivalentdefinitions. pointwiseapproach: Let E > 0. For x E F' and n E Z+, define V?(x, n, c) = {y e W?(x): di(fkx ,fky) < EforO < k < n}. to Wi and let { mx} be a systemof Let ( be a measurablepartitionsubordinate conditionalmeasuresassociatedwith(. Define hi (x E = n, E) lim inf- Ilog myVi(x, n n-- = n, E) limsup- -log n mXVi(x, and hi(X, 00 1 fl --p 00 o are indeedmeasurathatthesefunctions (The cautiousreadermaywishto verify ble.) PROPOSITION 7.2.1. At m-a.e.x, limhi(x,E,) = limhi(x, E,). These limitsexistbecause hi(x,E, ) and hi(x,E, () increaseas E I 0. The occupiesSection9. proofof thisproposition Let hi(x, {) denote the limit in Proposition7.2.1. Using the essential uniquenessof conditionalmeasuresand the invarianceof m it is easy to verify that hi(fx,() = hi(x,() m-a.e.and hence hi(x,() is constanta.e. The reader shouldcheck also thatthisconstantis independentof the choice of ( or { mx}. of hi. This completesthe definition has in factbeen exploitedin PartI The conceptofentropyalonga foliation of The mainproposition introducethisterminology. thoughwe did notexplicitly Part I (see Section5) combinedwiththe discussionin Section9 gives: COROLLARY 7.2.2. hu = hm(f). (7.3) Dimensionof conditionalmeasureson unstablemanifolds.Again fix 1 < i < u. Let B'(x, E) denotethe di-ballin W'(x) centeredat x of radius E. Let { be a measurablepartitionsubordinateto WZ withconditionalmeasures {mO. For x e ' define bi( x, ()=lim inf log and Si(X,) = mXBi(x, lim sup log E) ) E--+log This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 544 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG As in the last sectionone verifiesthat Si(x, () and Si(x, () are constantalong orbitsand thatthe two numbersSi and Si are well definedindependentof (. Propositions7.3.1 and 7.3.2 are consequencesof our resultsin Sections10 and 11. PROPOSITION 7.3.1. 8 = 8 We denote this commonvalue by Si and call it the dimensionof m on knownfact let us recallthe following Wi-manifolds.To justifythisterminology (see forinstance[Y]): Suppose 1& is a finiteBorel measureon M and X c M is a Borel set with LX > 0. If foreveryx E X, lim inflog tB(X' loge E2J'o E) > 8 and l lim sup ogLB(x, F) logE < 8, thenthe Hausdorff dimensionof X, writtenHD(X), satisfies 8 < HD(X) < 8. Suppose now that2 < i < u. RememberthatWi is a (Ej 2 idimEj)-dimenM in turn foliated by the sional foliation on each leaf of which is (Xj i- dimEj)-dimensionalfoliationW2-1. We shallsee in Section11 thatthe number Si - i-1 can be interpretedas the "transverse dimension" of m on W2/W'- 1. In particular,we shall prove: PROPOSITION 7.3.2. 0 < Si - Si-1 < dimEi for 2 < i < u. (7.4) The main result:ergodiccase. In (7.2) and (7.3) we describedsome naturalinvariants associatedwiththedynamicalsystemf: (M, m) +- . Our main result establishesthe connectionbetween these numbersand the Lyapunov exponentsof f. THEOREM C'. Let f: M < be a C2 diffeomorphism of a compactRiemannian manifoldand let m be an ergodicBorel probabilitymeasureon M. Let .. *> Xu denote the distinctpositive Lyapunov exponentsoff, and let Si i > Thenfor 1 < i < u thereare numbers be the dimensionof m on Wi-manifolds. This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS, II 545 yi with 0 < yi< dimEi such that i= j<i Yj fori =1,. ..,u and = hm(f) i<U XiYi. threepartialresults: of the following TheoremC' is the amalgamation (i) h1 = X 18 , (ii) hi-hi_ = Xi(8i - (iii) hu = hm(f). Settingy1= 81 and yi = l) for i = 2,. .., u, and i- Si-L for i = 2,. .., u, one obtains the conclusion (i), (ii) and (iii). by addingformulas of TheoremC' immediately The dimensionof a We explaintheseformulasbeforeproceedingfurther. suchas entropyand Lyapunov measureis directlyrelatedto dynamicalinvariants generatesets thatare essentiallyround balls. exponentsif one can dynamically This can be done whenall theexponentsare equal. In thiscase equation(i) is the basic principle relatingentropy,exponentsand dimension.In general,one attemptsto decomposethe dynamicalstructuresassociatedwith a map into ratesof expansion.Equation(ii) is then to the different directionscorresponding dynamicsand dimensionof Wi- 1 of (i) concerningthe transverse a restatement insideWi-leaves.This is theidea of partof theproofof (ii). (See Section11.) To complete the proofof (ii) we need anotherargument,which is explainedin and Section 10. Finallyequation(iii) says thatwhathappensin the contracting to theentropyof f. That was basicallythe neutraldirectionsdoes notcontribute concernof Part I. (See Section9.) fromTheoremC'. The nexttwo corollariesfollowimmediately COROLLARY ho = D'. With the same hypothesesas in TheoremC', and with ?5 j~i h h= fori=1,...,u. i In (7.3) we definedSi = Si(f) and in TheoremC' we definedyi= yi(f) for i = 1, ... ., u. Rememberthatthese yi's carrygeometricmeaningas the transverse dimension of m between successive Wi-foliations.Now consider f and define analogously 'i = yi(f- 1) corresponding to the positiveexponentsof f -L (or equivalentlythe negativeexponentsof f). Let Yi= 1: (M, m) Yr-i + when Xi < 0 and yi= dimEi if Xi = 0. This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 546 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG COROLLARY definedabove, as in TheoremC' and withyi as E'. Withthesame hypotheses ExiYi = 0. i This followsfromTheoremC' and thefactthathm(f) = hm(f'). We state two morecorollariesofTheoremC' thatare knownresults: COROLLARY 7.4.1. hm(f) < Li<uXidimEi. COROLLARY 7.4.2. If m has absolutelycontinuousconditionalmeasureson unstablemanifolds(see Definition1.4.2), then hm(f) = E Xidim Ei. i<u Corollary7.4.1 followsreadilyfromTheoremC' and Proposition7.3.2, as does Corollary7.4.2 since Su = Li , udimEi when m has absolutelycontinuous conditionalmeasureson Wu. The nonergodicversionof these resultsis statedin the next section.We mentionhere that Corollary7.4.1 (withoutthe assumptionof ergodicity)was by Margulisand Ruelle [Rul]. Corollary7.4.2 (again not provedindependently necessarilyergodic)is the "if" partof TheoremA and was provedin [LS]. As indicatedin Part I, thisgivesan alternateapproach,thoughthe proofsin [Rul] and are muchmoredirect. assumptions and [LS] requireweakerdifferentiability 2 case by Manning[Mg]. A in Axiom dimension TheoremC' was first proved the (7.5) Definitionsand the main results:nonergodiccase. Unlikethe situationwhen m is ergodic,thefunctionsx p-> r(x), Xi(x) and dimEi(x) (see (7.1)) are now no longer constanta.e. Let u(x) = max{i: Xi(x) > 0). Then for i = 1,...,u(x), we can defineWZ(x) as in (7.1) exceptthat Xi shouldnow be relacedby Xi(x). Let Fi = {x e F': i < u(x)}. A measurablepartition( of M is said to be subordinateto Wi on hi if for m-a.e. x e Fi, {(x) c W'(x) and containsan open neighborhoodof x in W'(x). We extendthe notionof entropyalong Wi to the nonergodiccase usingconditional and dimensionof m on Wi-manifolds of thistype.These extensionsare ratherformal.To make measuresforpartitions it the readershould considersets of the formri k = of out sense geometric { E rI Ej <idim E,(x) = k} one at a time or simplydisintegratem into its ergodiccomponents.Note thatthe entireleaf Wt(x) is containedin the ergodic componentof x (see e.g. (6.2)). First we definethe notionof entropyalong Wi, which is now a class of definedon Fi. Let ( be a measurablepartitionsubordinate measurablefunctions This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS, II 547 to Wi withconditionalmeasures{ m,}. Definehi: Fi -* R by hi(x) = hi(x , f mx1) = lim liminf - -log mxVi(xn, E) E- 0 n n-0o = lim lim sup E? *O - n-0 mxV'( x nE -log n We knowthatthe liminfand limsup definitions coincide m-a.e.on Fi because Proposition7.2.1 saystheydo fortheergodiccomponentsof m. To verifythathi is indeed a well definedclassofmeasurablefunctions one mustshowthatif (' is a measurablepartition ofthesame typeas ( and { m' } is a systemofconditional m-a.e. on Fi. measures for (' then hi(x,5 , { mj) = hi(x, ',{m}) Corollary7.2.2 now reads hm(f). fhU(x)(x)dm(x) Similarlythereare two measurablefunctions (or morepreciselytwo classes of measurablefunctions)Si, i: Fi -* R such thatif ( is a measurablepartition subordinateto Wi on Fi and { mx} is a systemofconditionalmeasuresfor(, then at m-a.e. x E ro li inf 0 and logm B' Lg limsup (x) E) loge x5 E) xlog ) = i( X) Propositions7.3.1 and 7.3.2 are valid (so we can write 3i = 3. = 3i) again because theyare validfortheergodiccomponentsof m. The functionSi is called the dimensionof m on Wi-manifolds. We are finallyreadyto statethe mainresultof thispaper: and let m be an be a C2 diffeomorphism finvariant Borel probabilitymeasure on M. Let Xi(x) > ... > Xu(x)(x) be the distinctpositiveexponents at x and let Si: Fi -> R be thedimensionof m on Wi. Then thereexistmeasurablefunctionsyi: Fi -- R with 0 < yi(x) < dimEi(x) such thatat m-a.e.x, THEOREM C. Let f: M Si W fori = 1,... , u(x) = - E yjx) j<i and hm(f) = (x) | ii(x) E dmu(x)x i < u(x) This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 548 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG fromTheoremC' by decompositionof m TheoremC followsimmediately into ergodiccomponents. The nonergodicversionsof CorollariesD', E', 7.4.1 and 7.4.2 are obvious. (7.6) A volumelemmaand some consequences.TheoremC and Corollary D give some information on the dimensionof the conditionalmeasuresof m on unstablemanifolds.We wishnow to discussthedimensionof m itself.Since this to Wu(x) we shallreferexclusively discussiondoes notinvolvetheotherfoliations, when we speak of unstablemanifolds-whichwe denote simplyby Wu. Note is assumedin thissectionunlessotherwisestated. also thatno ergodicity F. Let f: M <' be a C2 diffeomorphism of a compactRiemannian manifoldand let m be an ftinvariant Borelprobabilitymeasureon M. Let ofm on Wu, Ss be thedimensionofm on W', and AC(x)be Su be thedimension the multiplicity of 0 as an exponentat x. Thenat m-a.e.x, THEOREM E) limsuplogmB(x, - limsup < Su(x) + Ss(x) + Sc(x) log Note that Su + Ss + Sc = EYjy.The influenceof the neutralexponenton and withoutfurther one cannotexpecta dimensionis unpredictable assumptions sharperestimate.TheoremF is provedin Section12. Let us say thata measureon M has full dimensionifat m-a.e.x, limsuplogmB(x, logE? --0 = dimM. G. Let f: M *- be a C2 diffeomorphisrn of a compactRiemannian manifoldand let m be an f-invariant Borelprobabilitymeasurewithfull m dimension. Then has absolutelycontinuousconditionalmeasureson both stable and unstablemanifoldsand thefollowingformulashold: COROLLARY hmff) = JEX+dimEjdm, hm(f) = fEZ- dimEjdm, and JlogjDet Df Idm = 0. relatively easy to Whethera measurem has fulldimensionis experimentally is a weakerassumptionthan absolute verify.Note also thatfulldimensionality to Lebesgue.Hence CorollaryG can be regardedas a slightextension continuity of some of the resultsin [Pe]. This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS, II 549 of a compactRiemannian H. Let f be a C2 diffeomorphism manifold. An invariantBorel probabilitymeasurewithfull dimensionis absolutely continuouswith respectto Riemannianmeasure if any one of the followingconditionshold: (1) Thereis no zeroexponent,i.e. SC(x) = 0 m-a.e.; map of a flowgeneratedby a C2 (2) 8 C(x) = 1 m-a.e.and f is thetime-one vectorfield; and f is an ergodicalgebraicautomorphism. (3) M is an n-torus COROLLARY Assertions(1) and (2) followfromabsolute continuitypropertiesof the stablefoliation.See [Be] for(3). When the measureis not of fulldimension,our resultsare relatedto a conjectureof Yorke's (see [FKYY]). Suppose m is ergodic. We definethe AidimE>i 0. Lyapdim(m),to be dimM if Xi Lyapunovdimensionof m,written Otherwisedefine Lyapdim(m)= j<i ji .X dimE. dimE+ li Xdim E 2 0. where i < r is thelargestintegerwithY < iX of a compactRiemanI. Let f: M +- be a C2 diffeomorphisin ergodicBorelprobabilitymeasureon nian manifoldand let m be an f-invariant M. Then COROLLARY limsup E+ logmB(x, ) < Lyapdim(m) loge onlyif m has absolutelycontinuat m-a.e.x. Equality holdsalmosteverywhere ous conditionalmeasureson unstablemanifolds.In fact, if equalityholds,then thereis some i with yj = dimEj for j < i and yj = O for j > i, y, being the numbersin CorollaryE'. A weakerinequalityinvolvingliminfcan be obtainedby a simplerproof. (See [L].) To proveCorollaryI, observethatby 7.3.2 we have (*) (xi- i X3yj < j<i (Xj - Xi)dimE1. Dividingby - Xi and applyingCorollaryE', we get Eyj < Lyapdim(m) I whichtogetherwithTheoremF givestheinequalityin CorollaryI. Supposenow This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 550 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG that equalityis attained.This forcesequalityin (*), fromwhichfollowsthe last assertionin CorollaryI. That m has absolutelycontinuousconditionalmeasures in thiscase is a consequenceof TheoremA and the factthat i > u. 8. Moreon local unstablemanifolds In the firsthalfof Section8 we recordsome estimatesin Lyapunovcharts. (8.1) and (8.2) parallel(2.1), (2.2), (2.3) and (4.2). For the convenienceof the to PartI (or [Ru2]) forproofs. thenotationhere,referring readerwe reintroduce The second halfof Section8 containsa descriptionof some special coordinates These coordinatesare used mainlyin Section11. on Wu-manifolds. (8.1) Lyapunovcharts.As usual, d denotesthe Riemannianmetricon M. We writeRdimM = RdimEl x * .. xR dimE- and forx E RdimM, let (x1,.. ., Xr) be Define its coordinateswithrespectto thissplitting. jxj = maxlxili is the Euclideannormon Rdim E Let where = Ri(p) ( xi e RdimEj: IXili < p} {x E RdimM. IXI < p). and R(p) We now describe some changes of coordinates.Given e < (1/100) X mina*besla - bI where S = {0} U {X p, ., Xr}, there exists a measurable function1:17 --*(1, co) with1(f+x) < ei1(x) and an embeddingFix:R(l(x) M foreach x E F' suchthatthe following fiveconditionshold. (i) xO = x, and DFJ(0) takesRdimEi to Ei(x) fori = 1,..., r. (ii) exp[' o coincideswithDF>J(0)on R(l(x) '). (iii) Let fx= OjxF1? f o AX be the connectingmap betweenthe chartat x and the chart at fx, defined whereverit makes sense, and let fx- = -X f 0 (DXbe definedanalogously.Then forall v E RdimE - e < i-'|V| lDfx(O)vl <eI+?Il (iv) If L(g) denotesthe Lipschitzconstantof the functiong, then L(fx L fX- Dfx(0)) ? E, Dfjx-(0)) ? E - and L( Dfx),L(Dfjx-) < 1(x). (v) For all z, z' EJR(l(x) - 1), K7-d((4'xzA'Dxz') < Iz - z'l ? l(x)d()xzJADzZ') forsome universalconstantKr. This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS, 551 II x E IF ) ThroughoutPartII we shallreferto anysystemoflocal charts{ FDX: of (e, l)-chartsis more satisfying(i)-(v) above as (e, l)-charts.This definition than the one givenin Part I, whereno attemptwas made to control restrictive of Lyapunov the behaviorin individualOseledec subspaces.The construction chartsgiven in the appendixto Part I extendseasilyto meet these additional requirements. (8.2) Local unstablemanifoldestimates.Let { (DX:x e )} be a systemof (e, l)-charts.For x E IF and 1 < i < u, let WxV(x)be the subsetof R(l(x)-') the lyimage of whichis thecomponentof WiZ(x)n 4DX R(l(x) -1) containingx. We write R(z)(p) = R1(p) x LEMMA that x Rl(p) and Rr(i)(p) = R+ 1(p) x ... 8.2.1. Thereis a functiong': R(z)(l(x)- ) =0 (1) g'(O) Dg'(O) = xlRr(p). Rr-(i)(l(x)-l) such 0, <3 and (3) graph(g ) = Wx(x). (2) ?Dg Clearly,fx-'Wx(x) c W X(f x). 8.2.2. Let x e r. Thenthereexists , 0 < T < 2, such thatforall and 1 < i < u, there is a function y E .Fx(Wx(x) n R(Tl(x)')) LEMMA - Rr-(i)(l(X)-l) R(i)(l(x)'-) (1) 4y' y e graph gXy (2) IIDg, ? 4, and gi such that (3) raph ' = e WU(x): limsup n-oo frt.tx yj ? - Xi + )2,} = by WU(x). Note that WXUT(X) We denote Wxu(x)n R(Tl(x<') call and Also we denotethe graphof g' by Wxi(y) graph(gxuR(U)(Tl(x)-l)). is an easy corollary a local ith unstablemanifoldat y. The following its 4(X-image consequenceof 8.2.2(3). COROLLARY 8.2.3. Let x E I" and let T be as in 8.2.2. Then for all y ( 'DXWX T() (1) and W(y) C Wxz+?(y) theneitherWxz(y)= Wx(z) or Wxf(y)fl Wxf(z)= 0, (2) If z E FDWXU7(x) (3) If y c F, then4y-lWi(y) n Wxu(x)= Wxi(y). This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 552 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG Assertion(2) above saysthat{ W(( y): y E 4>Wx 7(x)4is a foliationon some i's thesefoliations set containingWxu(x). (1) saysthatfordifferent are "nested", and (3) says thatforeach i the global and local Wi-foliations induce the same partitionon Wxu,(x),a factwe willneed in Section11. LEMMA8.2.4. Let x E IF. (1) If z z' E R(e-XI-3'1(x) E R(l(fx) l) then fxzfxz' lfxz -fxz'l < Iz and - z-'Ie~ (2) If y E4'-WX T(x) and z z' E Wxy), then L1 z --fx- 1z - Z', < e-x2 ?Zl inside local Finally we state a lemma that tells us that the Wi-foliation Wu-leavesis at least Lipschitz.Let L(Rn,Rk) denotethe space of linearmaps from Rn to Rk. For x E F' and 1 < i < u . let Gi: UYoWU(X)W(y) L(Ryj s idim Ej Ryi < ?rdimEj) be definedby G'(z) z = Dg" Y(Z, .. ) and z E WxA(y).In particular,if Oxz E F', then where y E 4DxWxu,(x) DO x(z)(graph G'( z)) = ED3 E j(oxZ) LEMMA8.2.5. Thereis a constantD > 0 such thatfor all x E F' and for every1 < i < u, themap G' is LipschitzwithLip constant< Dl(x). The proofis identicalto thatin (4.2). (8.3) Special coordinateson local unstablemanifolds.For each x E F, we now definea coordinatesystemon thelocal Wu-manifold at x. These coordinates into parallelplanes and at the same time "straightenout" local Wi-manifolds preservegood dynamicalestimates. We firststatea lemmaaboutLipschitzfoliations thathas nothingto do with and will be omitted.Fix positive dynamics.The proofis quite straightforward integers n1,... ., nk and a number0 < p < 1. Let Bi(p) be a closed disk centered at 0 of radius p in Rn'i.Consider B(p) = Bi(p) x ... xBk(p) as a subsetof R' I +nk LEMMA 8.3.1 (straighteningout lemma). For i = 1,..., k - 1, let F1 be a Ink containing Lipschitz foliation with C' leaves on some subset of R n+? B( p). Assumethateach leaf of Fj is thegraphof a function g: B (2p) x ... x Bz(2p) - Rni+l+ nk with IIDg < ' and thatthefunctionx -- TxFj has Lipschitzconstant< some numberC. Assumealso thattheF1's are nested;i.e., if Fi(x) denotestheleafof This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS, 553 II Fi containingthe pointx, thenFi(x) C Fi 1(x) for all x E B(p) and for all i. Define (9= (1,...A k): B(p) - Rnl+' +nk as follows: Forx = (xl,...,xk) B(p), let C91(x)= x1, and let Ci(x) be theith coordinateof theunique pointof intersection of Fi 1(x) and { O} x ... x {O} x Rni+ + nkfori ? 2. Then (1) (9 is a homeomorphism betweenB(p) and its image; (2) For everyx, y E B(p), C1x= C9jyfor j = i + 1,... . u if and only if y E Fi(x) and (3) Both (9 and (- 1 are LipschitzwithLip constantdependingonlyon C (assumingk is fixed). Consider now a system of Lyapunov charts { Ix 4. For x E F' let be the naturalprojection.Then pxIWxu(x)is a R(u)(l(xfl) px: R(l(xf') lipeomorphism and the pr-images of Wxi(y),y E=I4xWxu(x), formtheleaves of a LipschitzfoliationFi. It is easyto checkthattheseFi's (i = 1,... , u - 1) satisfy the hypothesesof 8.3.1 with B(p) = R(u)(Tl(x)-l) and C = Dl(x) (see 8.2.5). Ri__dim'i in be the Let Cx:J(u)(rl(xl) map 8.3.1. We are now ready to defineour "special coordinates"on Wxu,(x).Let '7T: Wxu(x) R?iudimEi be given by 17x = Ox ? Px. From 8.3.1 we can concludethat7rxis a lipeomorphism betweenWxu,(x)and its image with Lip(7Trx),Lip(7T[l) < Nx where Nx depends only on 1(x) (and other lies on a (E j i dimEj)-dimenconstantsdeterminedby f). Moreover,vxWxi(y) sional plane parallel to REj<idimEj x {O} x ... x{O} and if Wx(y) = Wx(y') lie on distinctplanes. then 7rxWxW(y) and 7rxWx(y') LEMMA ( 7Tx 8.3.2. Let z E WxU,(x)and supposeIZi < Te-X3?. When zx = . . . 5 7Tx ) IT fxzl< ex?3 IZI for i = 1, ... ., . Proof Make theestimateone i at a time.For i ? 2 theproofis identicalto thatof Lemma 2.3.2. (8.4) Special coordinateson a set of positivemeasure.In (8.3) we describe some coordinateson local unstablemanifoldsthathave desirablegeometricas well as dynamicalproperties. These coordinates, however,are not compatiblein the sensethatforD C eFxWxu7(x) flI)D 1) need notbe equal to (7x,o x11) D. The aim of this subsection is to construct a map udimEi, whereS is a set of positivemeasure,suchthat7rrestricted to 7J: S --I R out Wi-leavesas in (8.3). each local Wu-leafin S straightens For x Ec F, Let lo be chosenso thatA = { 1 < lo4 has positivem-measure. let E'(x) = Ej < iEE(x). As mentioned in (8.2), Ei(y), i = 1, ... .,u, is actually This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 554 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG In fact,thereexistsa constantlo A4XWXT(X). definedfor every y E A = such thatforeveryy E=A, IIDfy-nvI? -e (1x3)nhlvIl forall n ? 0 and forall v E EZ(y). This impliesthaty 4 E3(y) is continuouson A. Let w E A be a densitypoint of XA *m. Then using the continuityof = y -+Ez(y) on A, we can choose To, 0 < To <X, so that for all x EA if y E F>WxU(x) n FDwR(Tol-'),then foreach i = 1,...., 4, A l IR(Colo'), n R(2T0l-1) is the graph of a functionfrom Rtfm(2T01-1) wlxW~xwi(y) Rr-(i)(2Tol 1) the normof the derivativeof whichis < 3. For each x E A then,Lemma 8.3.1 givesa map (% : R(u)(Tslo') --*Ri'"udim Ei thatstraightens out the foliationwhoseleavesare subsetsof pwfF'xWx(y). Let S = UXEA (4,xWxu(x)n (FwR(T01-1)). Define 0~~ ~o~'y To 7JY ow,X? 7T: S - Ri<udimEi by ?4ly W where y E xWU(x), x E ATO The readershouldverifythat thismap is wellof 7r(y)is independentof the choiceof x. defined;i.e. the definition We note also that (1) S is the disjointunionof sets Doawhereeach Da fl { 1 < lo} # 0, and also,m(S n {l < lo}) > 0; if x E Daf,,l(1< 101thenDoa= S n (DxWxu(x); = . continuous foliation,it is easy to see 1,. , u, is a (2) Because WZIS, i of ( in Lemma8.3.1 that gris in facta continuousmap; and fromour definition in (1), foreach a, 7TID,,and (7rID,),) are Lipschitz With the notation (3) maps withLip constant< someconstantNo. 9. Entropyalongunstablefoliations subordinateto Wi. Let q1 and 'q2 be measurable (9.1) Increasingpartitions partitionson M. Recall the followingdefinitions:q1 refines'q2( 1 > q2) if for m-a.e.x, and q1 is increasingif q1> f'q1. In (3.1) we 'ql(x) c 'q2(x) described certain increasingpartitionsthat are subordinateto Wu. In this subordinateto W', i = 1,..., U. subsectionwe constructsimilarpartitions LEMMA 9.1.1. partitions ,.u.. on M suchthat Thereexistmeasurable foreach i, (1) (i is an increasingpartitionsubordinateto W3, (2) i > i+l and (3)f -fnli generatesas n -x oo. Outlineof proof.We takea systemof( E, 1)-localcharts{ 4D) and choose 10 and S =UDa asin(8.4). Fori = 1,...,ulet Oi~x) = (Wi(x) n Da ifx E/D This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS, 555 II of S and 8.2.3(3) thatif x e Da fl { l < 10), then It followsfromour definition every (i-element contained in Da is equal to S n <VxWx(y)for some > du obviouslywe have y E FxWx'u(x).Let (i = Of, i. Since 4j > >u 41>> Some care has to be takento ensurethat (i(x) containsan open neighborhood of x in W'(x) for m-a.e.x. (In fact,Lebesgue-a.e.To small enough for detailsbecause thisargumentis identical purposes(8.4) willdo.) We omitfurther to thatin [LS]. Let x E F'. Then y E (i(x) characterization. Note that (i has thefollowing if and onlyif forall n ? 0, (1) ffny e S ifand onlyif f =x e S, (2) f-nx, ffny lie in thesameDa whenever f-nx E S, and (3) y e W(x). In (9.2) and (9.3) we shallprove im hi(x, E, i) = H(tijfti) = limhi(x,E, i). fromthis.Remarkalso thatif is another Proposition7.2.1 followsimmediately increasingpartitionsubordinateto Wi constructedin the proofof 9.1.1, then H(tIfJ) = hi as well. In (9.2) and (9.3) let ( (i = 1,. . ., u) be as above and foreach i let { mx} be a systemof conditionalmeasuresassociatedwith(. t (9.2) Proof that hi ? H(tiIfti). Let E > 0 be given. For 8 > 0, we let Then mA8Tl as 8 0. Let g(x) = A8 = {x: B'(x,8) C (i(x)). - log m'(f -' )(x) and choose 8' smallenoughthat fg 2 H(f - -Ij? Define = H(tilf~i) - n (f-i)(x) U'(x, n, 8) = {j: O<j<n and fixeA8} Then by definitionV'(x, n, 8) c U'(x, n, 8) and - log m'U'(x, n, 8) > *g)(fix). Thus whenever8 < 8' we have form-a.e.x, jn=O(X hi(=x,8, liminfn logm vi(x, n, 8) n -oo ?fg ? H(iAfO) - (9.3) Proofthathi < H((iIf~i), This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 556 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG LEMMA9.3.1. Let 9 be a partitionwithHm(jA) < Doo.Thenform-a.e.x, lim - v n log Mi(g )(x) = (i H(tjfti) n--* oo wherean( x) denotestheelementof thepartitionV . - jf-a thatcontainsx. Proof Define the informationfunctionof a partition9 given ) by (1 )(x) =-log mX2(x) where { mj is a familyof conditionalmeasures associatedwith q. Then v (i)njtiJ(X) nI((gz - -I(9It)(x) 1n-1 + n- k=i I(( iv ii v 5 k)(fx). the secondtermabove Since supnI(g V (ijftj V ??n) is an integrablefunction, thelimitfunction is constant convergesm-a.e.and in L' (see [Pa]). By ergodicity and is therefore almosteverywhere equal to lim 1 n- oo H((-q v (i)onjti whichcan be writtenas lim 1H((tj)nti) + liM 1H(_qonif-n+I 0 n- oo n The firsttermis equal to H(jIjft3). The second termgoes to 0 since f -n E generates. n--oo n We now constructa partition O where Y&0n(x)can be compared to V'(x,n,E). Let {?x), S and 10 be as in (9.1) and let S' = S nl {l < 10). Then mS' > 0. Firstwe definen+ and n_: S' -- N by n+(x) = Inf{n > 0: fnx E S.' and n- (x) = Inffn > 0: f -nx e S'). Then we let 41: M E) -- R be given by K -K112e-max(XI+3e Xr+3e} max(n+(x), n(x)} S' otherwise if x E where E' is a preassignedsmall number.Since f - log 4 dm < xo, thereis a partition92 with H(,O) < co such that O(x) c B(x, 4(x)) foralmosteveryx. (See [Me] or (2.4) fora similarconstruction.) Finallywe define4A+by replacing n in the definition max( +, ,) of 41by n+. This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS, Let x E S'. (1) If y E x~Wx(x) satisfies4y'-lyj < l04'(x), II 557 LEMMA 9.3.2. then d'(fix, fjy) < E for 0 ? j < n+(x) and fn+(x)y (2) If yEcon(x) E Ix). f+(X)xWf+(X)x(f l FxWxi(x) forsomen > 0, then d'(fjX, fly) < ?' for 0 < j < n. Proof It follows from our assumptions on y and 8.2.4(1) that fx(Ox-y) e Wfjx(fix)and 1~x((D1y)l < jD- lyle(A?+2e)i forj > 0 provided that I4D[lyIe( 1?2e)k ? l(fk)leA13e for all 0 < k < j. This is is a graphover R(')(l(fix)-') with guaranteedforj < n+(x). Since Wf/,x(fix) slope < 1 and | is the maxnorm, d'(fix,fjy) < KrI4iX(f'y)I < forO < j < n+(x). To prove (2), firstobserve that if y E 9q(x), then I -ly[I < lo(x) < lob4? +( x) so thatwe have thedesiredconclusionfor0 < j < n +(x). Furthermore, if n > n+(x) and y E ?gon(x),then fn(x)y GE 9(f n+(x)x ) n and we can apply (1) with fn+(x)x and f+(X)x W+(X)Ix(fn+(x) fn+(x)y argumentcompletesthe proofof (2). in place of x and y. An inductive 3q withH(9 ') < xo LEMMA 9.3.3. Forevery a' > 0, there existsa partition and a functionno: M -- N such thatform-a.e.x, gon(x) n (x) c V'(x, n, E') for all n ? no(x). Proof: Let S be as above and let no(x) = Inf{n ? 0: fnx E S'}. Consider an arbitrary point x with the property that fnx E S' infinitelyoften as n -*+ ?o. Let y E gono(x)(x) n We claim that d'(fix, fiy) < ?' for 0 < (i(x). j < no(x) and that ffo(X)y C 4(xXWO(X)V fno(x)X It suffices to prove this claim, for if y E 3on(x) n j(ix), then the second assertion above allows us to apply 9.3.2(2) to ffo(X)y, which then tells us that dz(fix, fiy) < ?' for no(x) < j < n. This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 558 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG To provethe claim,let us assumethatx 4 S' and forsimplicity of notation writero=- n_(fno(x)x)+ no(x). That is, rois thelargestinteger< 0 suchthat frox E S'. Since (i is increasing, we have froy E .i(frox) whichby ourchoiceof S lies in FroxWjox( fox). Also, 4 is chosenin sucha way thatf -ij(fno(x)x) lies + j no(x)x forj = 1,2,..., n - (fno(x)x). Thus well insidethe chartsat f I4fo <o < ?Ilx+ fno(x)fYoI 10. < ?fIfo(x)X? < whichis < 10?+(frox). Lemma9.2.2(1) givesexactlywhatwe need. LI Finally,combiningLemmas 9.3.1 and 9.3.3, we have at m-a.e.x and for everysmallE', hi(x,E', () = 1 limsup - -log mixV(x, E' n -oo < lim sup - 1log mi gon(X) - n-. nn oo < lim - I'logm~iX iV g) 0n(X) n n - H(~Ilft ). Proofof Corollary7.2.2. It followsfrom(9.2), (9.3) and Corollary5.3 that hU= H(tujftu) = hm(f). 10. Relatingentropy, exponentsand dimension:ProofofTheoremC' We now begin to prove TheoremC'. The fivesets of inequalitieslisted below are dealt withseparately: -h (1) a. < h b. 81 2 A 2 < i < u, (2) hi- hi_1 2 Xi(8iSi - ), 2 < i < u, (3) hi- hi1 < Xi(8i - 8i0), 2 < i < u, (4) hi-hi1? <XidimEi, (5) hu = hm(f). Inequalities(1)a. and b. tell us that 81 = 81 and that hi = ix1. This togetherwith (2) and (3) proveinductively thatfori = 2,.. ., u, Si = i (Proposition 7.3.1) and hi - hi-_ = Xi(i-b i-,) Adding these equations and setting yi = -Si -i-1 (80 = 0), we obtain hu = Ei uyiXi. That yi < dimE. (Proposition7.3.2) is a consequenceof (4). This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS, II 559 The fifthequationwas statedas Corollary7.2.2 and was provedin the last section. In Section 10 we prove (1) and (2). The remainingtwo inequalities involveexplicitestimateson "transversedimension",a notionwe shallelucidate in Section 11. (10.1) Proofthathi = Six,. Since thereis onlyone rateof expansionalong 1 in [Y]. Let - > 0 be given.Choose a system W thisproofmimicsthearguments of (E, l)-charts{ (Dj, an increasingpartition4l subordinateto W1 and a system of conditionalmeasures{ ml) for 4. From Section 9, (9.2) in particular,we knowthatthereexists8 > 0 such thatform-a.e.x, hl(x, KA8 E. 2 hi 01 and let z = <>xy. Then z E Wx'(x) and By 8.2.4(3), IkzI ? lze(Ai+2e)k for k > 0 provided all e-n(Al+3e)81(X)-l. iteratesup throughk staywellinsidecharts.This is guaranteedfork = 1,. . . , n. < 8 for0 < k < n and since fkZ Ee Wfkx(fkx), we have shownthat Thus IfXkzI C V'(x, n, KrS). This gives B'(x, e-n(X1+3e)81(x)-2) Considery E Bl(x, e-n(l+3e)8l(x)-2) Izl < S 1(x) = liminf logm'B'(x,p) iminf .log = lim inf n n-oo > mlB 1(x, - n(xl I + A1 + 3liminf3En o e n(A?+3e)S1( X)-2) + 3E) + log1l(x)2 Ilog m1V1(x,n,Kr8) r n - E A1 + 3e hi we have proved81 ? (h/Al). form-a.e.x.The choiceof E beingarbitrary, let 9 be the partitionin (9.3) withi = 1. It To provethe otherinequality, was shown in the proof of Lemma 9.3.3 that for almost every x, if fnX E S', n > 0, then fn((1(x) n gon(x)) c ! W nx(fnX) Fix x and n ? no(x). Con- sider y E (1(x) Since fky n gon(x).Let k be the largestinteger < E !I?(fkX), since k ? no, fky C < 1VD-lyI ?IDi(fky)le-(cX-2e)k n such thatfkx E S'. < l04(ffkx) < e-K-11-le-(1+?3e)(n-k). Also, 10_kj(fky) fkXWk(fkx). It then follows from Lemma 8.2.4(2) that < K-le-(A-2e)n. Thus (l(x) nr3on(x) c Bl(x, e-n(Ai-2e)) This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 560 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG forall n 2 no(x). Proceedingas before,we have Sj(X ) = < logm'B(x, e-n(Al-2e)) lim sup --n(A n(x1 -E- n--oo A ? 2e-) *lim sup- nlogmlgon(x) n -oo l hi 2? We knowfromCorollary4.1.4 that81 < dimE1. ? i(iSi (10.2) Proofthathi - hi_ X2 -i1). Let ? > 0 be given.Choose (? 1)-charts{?x) and measurablepartitions(i, 1 < i < u, as in (9.1). In particularthen, each (i is an increasingpartitionsubordinateto Wi and 4l > * > (*. For each i, choose a systemof conditionalmeasuresassociated among the with (. We now fix i, 2 < i < u, and focus on the relationships invariantsdefinedon Wi and Wi1. Thereexistsa partition9 withH(9) < xo and a measurable are functionno: M -- N such thatfor m-a.e. x, thefollowingfour properties satisfiedforall n > no( x): LEMMA 10.2. (1) logm- lB'-l(x,e - hnnlog Mi (2) (3) -2 n(i2e)) )-1 lgn(X) > l gon(x) c Bi(x, ~i(x) (4) - nlogm~b2In(x) < hi+ e-n(Xi- 2E)) e. Proof: By definitionof Si -, there exists a function n 1: M -* N such that property(1) is satisfiedform-a.e.x and n ? nl(x). By (9.2), we can choose d and n2: M -- N suchthatform-a.e.x and n? n2(x), - 1/nlogm7- 'V'- (x, n, ') By 9.3.2 thereare a partition9 and a functionn': M > hi -1 -* N suchthatform-a.e.x and n ? n'(x), So n(X) n (ij1x) c Vi (x, n. ?l). By 10.1.1 thereis a partitionR and a functionn3: M -* N suchthatform-a.e.x and n > n3(x), (i(x) n _Wn(x) c Bi(x, e- n(Xi 2E)). (Our argumentin 10.1 is given for i = 1 but this is clearly valid for all i = 1,.. ., u.) Let be= 2 V R. Then properties(2) and (3) are satisfied forn > n2(x), n'(x) and n3(x). Finally, This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS, 561 II since 910'(x) D ( V )0(x), by 9.3.1 thereis an n4: M - R such that for m-a.e.x and n ? n4(x) property (4) is satisfied. We put no = E max(n1,n2,n2,n3,n4) and thelemmais proved. For the remainderofthissectionlet 91 and no be as in the lastlemma.Fix No large enoughthatif F = { no < No) then mIF > 0. Considerthe following fouradditionalconditions: def (i-2L = B i 1(x e n(2e)) (5) (6) i_(X) 1 mx'-(LfnF) log m'Bi(x, C - 2eXi2e)n 1 nlog2 (8) We claim that fora.e.x E F, thereexistsn(x) > No such thatproperties (1)-(8) are satisfiedwithn = n(x). First,(1)-(4) are satisfiedforall x e F and n ? No. For a.e.x e F, condition(5) holdsforall n largeenough(dependingon of Si, fora.e.x, (7) holdsfor x), as does condition(6). (See (4.1.2).) By definition numberof n's. an infinite To completethe argumentwe now pick (and fix)x and n = n(x) > No for hold. By (6) and (1), m'-'(L n IF) > 2mx-'(L) which (1)-(8) > le- (+i2E)(1-?E). But for y E L n F, we have by (2), miY-Al n(y) < L n IFis e- (hi-I-)n. It followsthatthenumberofdistinctgon-atomsintersecting bigger than m-j'(L n F)e(hi-I-)n. By (5), L c (i_l(x) C (i(x); so distinct L n F. L n F definedistinct(hi V 9'0n)-atoms intersecting Yr-atomsintersecting F c Now (i(y) n glon(y) BZ(y,e-n(X1-2E)) for y E n) L, which guaranteesthat L n F are containedin BZ(x,2en(X12E)). all the ( i V 9U0n)-atoms intersecting (Here we used the fact that d'(x, y) < d- 1(x, y) for y E L.) Puttingthese togetherwe can concludethat m'Bz(x, 2e-n(2e)) > #{distinct(son v )-atomsintersecting L nl F } x minimalmeasureofsuchan atom > IC n(Xi-2F)(8j_j+,-)en(hil-e)- . e- n(hi+0 (7), we have Comparingthiswithproperty - e)(X, 2E) < (8i-1 + e)(i - 2) + nlog 2 + hi - hi 1 + 2e This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 562 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG and by (8), hi hi-1 + 3 of ?. The desiredinequalityfollowsfromthe arbitrariness 11. Transversedimension:ProofofTheoremC' (continued) In thissectionwe provethetwo remaining relationsleadingto TheoremC'. We have to estimatefromabove an increasein entropy,and thisis similarto whatwe did in PartI. In fact,theprooffollowsthesame schemeas in Sections3 and 5, and we shallnot givedetailswhentheycan be obtainedby a straightforstatements in PartI. ward adaptationof the corresponding of partitionsand relatednotions.We consideragain (11.1) Construction the familyof increasingpartitions(i (i = 1,... , u) subordinateto WZ givenby are definedusinga set S withthe Lemma 9.1. Rememberthatthesepartitions Ye be a finite entropypartitionadapted to in (8.4). Let propertiesdiscussed ({J, ,re-X1-3-) (see Definition2.4.1). We requirethat b refine{S, M - S} and anotherpartitionto be specifiedlater.Define Qi = Viv g+. 11.1.1. The familyof measurablepartitionsqli, i = 1,... , u, has thefollowingproperties: (1) Each qi is increasing, (2) qj < qj1i5l2 < i < a, fori = 1,... , u and m-a.e.x, (3) qi(x) c Dx(Wxi(x) fl R(Te-X1-3Il(x)-l)) (4) hm(f,qji)= H(tiIfti) = hi, i = 1, ... . LEMMA of S'. Property3) is a consequenceof Lemma 2.2.3 B ii) and our definition Property4) is Lemma 3.2.1. LEMMA 11.1.2. For m-a.e.xand everyy E F. nl qi(x), 1(y) n ni(x) = j -1(y). Dxffxi of ( That kDXWxl(y) fl mi(x)c q i-1(y) followsfromour characterization in (9.1). LEMMA 11.1.3. Form-a.e.xand everyy Ec F'I n i(x), f - (i - (y)) = ji -(f1y) nflf'(2 j(x)). The last two lemmasare analogsof Lemmas3.3.1 and 3.3.2. This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS, 563 II For each i > 2, we now definea metricon qi(x)/,qi-l form-a.e.x.As in choiceofa positivemeasureset E. (3.4), thismetricwilldependon thearbitrary Let E c S n { 1 < 10) be a measurableset with mE > 0. We assumethatthe { E, M - E} and defineS U _0fn E -- RdimEi as fol9 refines partition E lows: If x E, 9'(x) = '7(x) where '7: S -- Ryi<udim Eg is as in (8.4), and in general 'T(x) = '7(ff(X)X) where n(x) is the smallest nonnegative integer such that f nx e E. Since m> {E, M - E}, for each x E Un>ofnE, either f- n( i(X)) C E or f- n(7i(x)) n E = 0. Thus foreach x, ' T 7i(x) is a lipeomorphism between q i(x) and a subset of REj<idimEjcarryingdistinct qi --elements (See (8.4).) to subsetsof distinctRi <idimEi-planes. > Forx EUn>0fnE. i 2and y,y' E= qi(x),define = d'(yy') I- ~U This induces a metricon qi(x)/i_1 makingit isometric to a subset of (RdimE1, .*). For each i, i > 2, let Mihbe a systemof where = ...... , EU). conditionalmeasuresassociatedwith qi and let B(xp) = {y E qi(X): di(x, y) < P}. Define: MrXBT(XP) .. flog p-+ log p P We call the functionY, the transversedimension of qi(x)/,qi LEMMA 11.1.4. ji < . dim E,, i = 2,..., U. This is a consequenceof the above discussionand (4.1.4). LEMMA11.1.5. Thereexistsa numberN > 0 such thatforall i > 2, forall x E E and forall y,y' E qi(x), NI'x' o (y) - ?(y")I < dJ'(yy') < NJ oID-[(y) - z (- 1( " where rxiis as in 8.3.2. This followsfromremark(3) at the end of (8.4) and the uniformLipschitz propertyof rx? Ox-1 on S n {l < lo}. Note that N does not depend on E as long as E c S n { ? lo}. (11.2) Proposition5.1 revisited. 11.2. Supposef: M < is a C2 diffeomorphism of a compact Riemannianmanifoldand m is an ergodicBorelprobabilitymeasureon M. Let f > 0 be given. Then thereexistsa familyof increasingpartitions%5, i = PROPOSITION This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 564 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG 1,..., u, satisfyingLemma 11.1.1 such thatform-a.e.xand fori = 2,. .., u, (Xi + l)jYi(x) > (1 - f3)(hi - hi-, - /A), dimensionof qi/qinwhere Y is the transverse i. The proofof Proposition11.2 is parallelto thatof Proposition5.1, except if x E E, directionis now Xi. Moreprecisely, thatthe exponentin thetransverse y then E fE E and f'x n(7i(fx)), y) dJ(fnx fy) < N2e(Ai?3E)nd'(x, (apply Lemmas 8.3.2 and 11.1.5). and Lemma 11.1.4 that It followsfromthisproposition XidimEi > hi - hi- 1 whichis the fourthinequalitystatedat the beginningof Section10. To completethe proofof inequality(3), we need to relateY to Si - Si-, dimensionthatdoes notdependon the ij's. We do thisvia a notionoftransverse (11.3) Generallemmasin dimensiontheory.We statetwo lemmasrelating the dimensionof a measureand thoseof its decompositions. measureon RP x Re, X theprojecLEMMA11.3.1. Let m be a probability of m withrespectto iT. Define tiononto RP, mt a disintegration BP m z g (pt y(t) = liminf log p) and let 8 ? 0 be such thatat m-a.e.(s, t) 8 logmtBq(s, p) logp o P---- < liminf Then, at m-a.e.(s, t): 8 + y(t) < liminf -ogmBP? ((st),p) P--+0log p Proof.Fix a > 0; we can findN1 and a set A1 withmA1 ? 1 - a suchthat forall (s, t) E A1 and n ? N1, mtBq(s,2e n) < e e By the Lebesgue densitytheorem(see 4.1.2) we can findN2 and a set A2 with mA2 >I - 2a such thatforall (s, t) E A2 and n ? N2, This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions If (so, to) 565 II METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS, E A2 and n > N2,we have mBP +(sto)5 21 e-) e-n BP(to, < 2ee-nS enmo mt(Al n Bq(So e -n))m Z- 'BP(to 0 z - l(dt) e-n) because foreach t, thereexistssome u(t) with(t, u(t)) E A1 n Bq(S, e-n) and f g-f1{t}. The lemma folthus A1 n Bq(s0, e-n) fl - 1{t) C Bq(u(t),2e-n) lows when n -x oo and a -O 0. If instead of RP, we have no structureat all, a similarproofgives the followinglemma: LEMMA 11.3.2. Let (Q, v) be an abstract probabilityspace and m a probabilityon S x R9 writtenm(dco,ds) = fm,(ds)v(dco). Let y > 0 be such that at m-a.e. (co, s) ? Then, liminflog m.,(Bq(s, p)) logp o P--+ < liminflogm(B q(s5 P)) m-a logp Plo Transverse dimension. Let ,B > 0 be given. We choose E 10 ST: S - RisudimEi, E and 5, i = 1,...,u, as above and let Y be the of in/in For each i, let { m) 4be a systemofconditional dimension transverse measuresassociatedwith4j (see 9.1). Fix x E S and i, 2 < i ? u. Let 'T = 7TIji(x): ((x) - R j idimEj Define: R 'dimEj X R i'E and write mX= mXo07T (11.4) 1. y(y) = liminflog mX{Izi YiI --+ p Po 0log Note thatby the Lipschitzpropertyof 7Tand ~~^-1 < PI '7T, 1ogm-ly-IY0T- fizi YJ < PI log --+ logpp liminf Yi(T1y)= P 0 formi-a.e.y,ifwe assumeM'(Un fnE) = 1. Alsowe mayassumethat l (; (1 ly) > - 3)[hi - hi-, - for m'-a.e.y. Applying (11.3.2) with 52 = (i(x)/lq 1] and Rq = RdimEt, concludethat -2 (1-' )[h, - h - - ] mi-almost everywhere. This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions we can 566 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG Consider now the partition of ' ( i(x)) into planes of the form { zi = constant).We mayassumethatat mX-a.e.y: -8 liminflog m{z-YI<p} --+ logp pro 1Uo T-1({zi logM,'^- liminf -o = yi, 1Z -y I ~logp P--+0 Lemma 11.3.1 thentellsus thatform'-a.e.y: (*) 8- -2Y,(y)2 (1 - - < PI} _ and = ad hi-l _ /] whichcompletesthe proofof inequality(3) and hence ofTheoremC'. Remark.Observethat yi as definedabove has geometricmeaningas the dimensionof m on W'/W -1. It is not hardto see thatthisquantityis in fact independentofourchoiceof S and 'i. It thenfollowsfrom(*) and inequality(2) that Yi = -a i-1 12. Volumelemmaand dimensionofinvariantmeasures: ProofofTheoremF (12.1) Somereductions.We do not assumein thissectionthatthe measure m is ergodic.Instead,we divideM intoa countablenumberof invariantsetson are moreor less constant.By (4.1.2) it each one of whichall relevantfunctions suffices to considerthesesetsone at a time. For x E F', set Eu(x) = eD Ei(x), Xj(x)> 0 Es(x) = e Xj(x)< 0 Ei(x), Ec(x) = Eio(x)(x) where Xi,(X)(x) = 0; Wu and Ws have thesame meaningas in (7.6), and Su and Ss are the dimensionof m on Wu and Ws manifoldsas definedin (7.5). In the proofof TheoremF we do not distinguish betweenexponentsof the same sign. Thus the chartsand estimatesin PartI are moresuitableforthissection. For E > 0, integersu0, so and numbersXA, XA, S+, 8- and h, with A - A-> 100e, let F(e, u0, s0, X+, X- , 8+, S- , h) = { x E F' (i) dim Eu(x) = u0, dim Es(x) = s0, (ii) min Xi(x) 2 X+, max Xi(x) < XA, (iii) XA(x)> 0 E < 8+- XA(x)< 0 -(- E < as(X) U(X) < 8+' (iv) h < hn(f) < h + E}. This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions < - METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS, 567 II where{ 11,} is a decomposition of m intoergodiccomponents.Clearly,thereis a countable numberof invariantsets of this type,the union of whichhas measure 1. Firstreduction.We mayassumethatforsome E, u0, and h, mIF(E5 U05,0sX SO, XA+,X-, 8+, s- +, A- , 8+5 8- , h) =1 Let {?(} be a systemof(E, l)-charts(see Remark(3) in the appendixat the end of PartI). We construct an increasingpartition{u subordinateto Wu and a decreasing partition {S (i.e. fis > AS) subordinate to Ws as in (3.1). We may assumethatthesame lo is used in bothconstructions, but since m is notergodic, we can onlyensurethatLemma3.1.1 holdsforboth f and f'- 1 on a set B with mB > 1 - E'. But again by (4.1.2) it sufficesto prove the theoremfor the inducedmeasureon setsof measurearbitrarily close to 1. Secondreduction.We mayassumethat mB = 1. More specifically we provethe following proposition: 12.1. Suppose (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) are satisfiedform-a.e.x, and PROPOSITION Muand (S are respectively increasingand decreasingpartitionssubordinateto Wu and Ws on M. Then,givenE' > 0, thereexistsa set A withmA > 1 - 5e' such thatforx E A, mB limsup log (xP ? < 8++ - +x) +8c + 5( 1 +l! where &c = dimM - u0 - so is dimEC(x) form-a.e.x. We now pick once and for all a systemof conditionalmeasures muX associatedwith{U. a systemofconditionalmeasuresms associatedwith{S and a decompositionFnXof m intoergodicmeasures.Discardinga set ofmeasure0, we thateach M- is an ergodicinvariantmeasure,forwhichmu may assumefurther and ms are conditionalmeasuresassociatedwith(u and As. Let us reviewsome of the factsat our disposal.Firstrecallthatat m-a.e.x, we have: (1) Hj(tujIf{u) (2) (3) limsup logxp) (3) X lmSup <onBSxp log lim+ lis 0 log = hn(f) 8 , p (Corollary5.3), and ?8 This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 568 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG If S is a finiteentropypartitionand a, b > 0, then by the Shannontheorem, Breiman-McMillan urn - '10gm (9 (4) n + b)(h + ?) nb(x)) <(a containingx. Morewhere pq(x) denotesthe atomof the partitionVW-f1 over,if = UU v go 0 and { mx} is a systemofconditionalmeasuresassociated witha, thenwe claimthatat m-a.e.x, lim - - logm (5) n n logrn x (x) = h(f,- m) Bu(x p) and . < _ limsup P--+O logp These two assertionsare consequencesof(1) and (2) and twoothergeneralfacts, the proofsof whichwe postponeuntil(12.4). From our resultsin Section 9 (it is not hard to adapt them to the non-ergodiccase), it followsthatthereexista finiteentropypartitionY'1 and a set A1 withmA 1> 1 c-' such thatat everyx in A1, (6) (7) limnsup- n 'log msx(gAl)?n(x) 2 H(Csjf') - 2 h -E We may assume also that hw(f. ,1) we have (8) limn ? h - E on A1. Combiningthiswith(5), mx(gl)n(x) -log n ? h on A1. In the case when thereare no zero exponents,using argumentsthat are standardby now,we can choosea partitionS > 91 suchthatforsome suitable choice of a, b > 0, the atomsof gnab have diameter < e-n. Proposition12.1 then followsfrom(3), (4), (6), (7), (8) and the countingargumentwe give in partitionthe atoms we have to further (12.3). In the presenceof zero exponents, theneutraldirection.This accountsfor of Y2-nb-moreor less arbitrarily-along the factor8 c whichappearsin the statementof Proposition12.1. This partition procedureis describedin (12.2). (12.2) Local picture. X -2e). There exist a set a C and a constant > finiteentropy an 1 E', integerN0, A2 with m(A2) partitiong? refining91, withthefollowingproperty:For everyn ? N0, there S9 > g-na suchthatif x E A2 and qn(x) is the atom of9 n existsa partition LEMMA 12.2.1. Let a = (1/X+- 2e), b = (1/- This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions containing x, then: (i) diamqn(x) < 2e- 569 II METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS, and C-'e- ne -n8'mgnax (ii) mq ((x) ? Proof of Lemma 12.2.1. Let (v', v', v') denote the coordinates in TxM respecting the splittingEu(x) e EC(x) e Es(x). Via the expc-map,this definesa coordinate systemin a neighborhoodof x. Our strategyis to divide the manifold into small sets, select a representativefromeach set and work with the coordinate systemsassociated with these points. By Lusin's theorem,there exists a compact set A3with mA3 > 1 - (E/3) such that on A3, the four functions Eu(x), EC(x), Es(x) and 1(x) are continuous. Let L = maxfl(x), x E1A3). Choose 8 > 0 small enough that if d(x, x') S, < then (i) lviji < 38, and is defined whenever expX2'expj(v) (ii) expX,lexpx{ va = constant) has slope < (1/4KL) relativeto Ea(x') fora = u. c and s. Let 20 be a partition of A3 into sets of diameter smaller than 8 and For2 x A3, write x =U + xC+ xS choose a point z(q) E q for every q eQ0. where xia = (exp-'(x))x)' q(x)) a = u, c, s. We may assume that 'd(x, x') < < 2d(x, x') for x' E q(x). x- -x'I SUBLEMMA 12.2.2. Let 8 be sufficiently small. For x E A3, define V(xn) = {y e q(x): 8 < d(fixfiy) If y1, Y2 e V(x . n) satisfy I 1-Y2C I nb < - forallj, l(fiX)2 j < < (e - n/12KL ), then 1j1 - Y21 < Proof of Sublemma 12.2.2. First, if max(Jjj - ', the conclusion is clearly true. P1, I15-s If not, then 1yc - `1 < (1/4KL)max(ljlu (exp['lyi), i = 1,2, we have jvc - vc < (1/KL)max(lvu IY1 - 'I, 4 KL I na}. e- n. Ysl) s1). Writing v' - < = vul, Ivs - vj) by choice = , our of &. Set wi where 4IXis the (E, 1)-local chart at x. We have: 'J'Yi w2c < max(jwu wc- and therefore either w1 - w21 - w2u, jw wul, or WI- wl-), w21 = M - w21. wul. This property is preserved by fx which expands in the u direction by at least eX -2e (see Lemma 2.3.1a). Since Y1, Y2 lie in V( x, n), we can apply this expansion [na] times and thus Suppose Iw1 - w21 = jwu =wu - - - jwu - wul ? Sex en. In the other case, Iw1 - w21 = Iws - wsl and the same argument applied to fx- gives WI- w21 < Se-Xen. This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 570 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG Changing coordinates again we obtain in both cases yl - Y21 < small 8 gives Sublemma 2LS max(eX, e-A )e-n. The choice of a sufficiently 12.2.2. El We now choosethe partition9 in Lemma 12.2.1. Let 9, be the partition at the end of (12.1). Let 92 be the partitionintoM\ A3 and 20 on A3. Using 2.4, we can finda finiteentropypartition!3 and a functionno such thatif n > no(x), then(g3)I-b(X)C V(x, n). We take9 = Y'1 v A2 V g3 and choose > No such that m { no < No} 1 - Et/3. We now definethe partitions2n n > No on A3 (l {no < No). Since 9 refines.20 the entireset 9(x), and hence n'b(x), lies in q(x). We shall subdividethe atoms of gpna that meet A3 n {no < No) one at a time. Fix x E A3nA no < NO). Let Qnlgnb(X) be a partitionsuch that if y and Y2 belong in the same elementof .n then I1' - 'I < e-n/12KL. By Sublemma 12.2.2, these elementsof 2n have diameterless than 2e-. Clearly,we can arrange to have the cardinalityof 2 I,pAn(X) to be less than Clenac where C1 = (24KL)3c. Let (X: m(q(X) nGina (X)) r/ e < e - e )m9 b(x Then, mAn < (e'/3)e-n(l - e-e). Setting A2 = (A3 n {no < NO})\UnAn, we have mA2 ? 1 - c' and Lemma12.2.1 is provedwithC = (3C1/e'(1 -e)). 12.1. Set a = (1/XA- 2e), b = (1/- X - 2e). (12.3) ProofofProposition Considera set A 2, mA2 > 1- e' an integerNo and a finiteentropypartition9 with the propertyin the statementof Lemma 12.2.1. By (4), (7) and (8) there exista set A4 cA 1 withmA4 > 1 - 2e' and an integerN1 suchthatif x E A4 and n > N1, then (a) mx(Y'lb(x)) (b) Mj(gmon"(x)) (c) Set A5= (d) (e) nb(x)) 2 ? e < e-n > en(a~b)(h?2e) h2e N1).If z EA n A4 N2= max(No, diamqn(z) < 2e-n 5 and n 2 N2,then and mqn(z) ? C-le-nee- e-n(a+b)(h+2e) By (6) and (4.1.2), we can choose A6 C A5 withmA6 > 1 - 4E', and N3 ? N2 such thatif y E A6 and n 2 N3,then: (f) mY(A5 n Bu(y, e-n)) ? e -n(8+e) This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 571 II METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS, A C A6 withmA > 1 - 5e' and By (3) and again (4.1.2), we can choosefinally 2 N4, n then: and N4 2N3 such thatif x EAA (g)~ ~~~M m(AV n B s(x,e- n)) 2 le -n(8-+e The set of pointsforwhichthe inequalityin Proposition12.1 holdswill be thisfinalset A. Fix x in A and set = limSUpn - 1/n logmB(x,4e-n). There manyn suchthat existinfinitely . mB(x,4&-) ? e(h) Fix such an n, assumingthat n ? N4 and 4C < en8.Considerthe number A5 n B(x, 2e -n)}. N = #{atomsofQn intersecting The minimummeasureoftheseatomsimposesan immediateupperboundon N. More precisely,from(d), (e) and (h), we get N< (N) CenEena en(a+b)(h+2e)e-n(8-e). moreinvolved.Basically, The estimatesleadingto a lowerboundare slightly measuresof gpona-and conditional we use our upper estimateof the appropriate nb-atoms. To begin, since x E A, we have (g). Then for every y in {S(x) n A6 n B(x, e-n), we have by (a): < e msx(Yg2nb(y)) = ms(go'2lnb(y)) Thus: A6 n B(x,e-)} #{atomsof 90)-?b intersecting > len(e e)enb(h28). and choose y e p. n A6 n B(x, e-n). We Let us fixone of theseatomspm have (f), and forany z in 71(y)n A5 n B(y, e-n), by (b): < mY(glona(z)) = mz(glona(z)) e-na(h-2?) Thus if n( X) denotes the number of atoms of sona intersectingthe set X n A5 n B(y,e-n), then: n(- (y)) 2 'e -n(l+ + e)e na(h -2e) since 7q(y)C 9?2O(y) C Pu,we have Furthermore, n(p.) 2 n(q7(y)). Let p5 be one of these atoms, pu n ps is now an atom of g-nab intersecting A5 n B(y, e-n) forsome y withd(y, x) < e-n. Therefore (**) N E 2 {pu: pu A6.nB(xe-)* ? 4e 0} n(pu) n(8 +8 +2e)en(a+b)(h-28) This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 572 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG Comparing(*) with(**), we completethe proofof Proposition12.1 and hence thatof TheoremF, providedwe justify(5) and (6) in Section12.1. (12.4) Two lemmasfrommeasuretheory.In this section,we prove two generallemmason conditionalmeasures,leadingto (5) and (6) in Section12.1. in a Lebesguespace (X, i), 9 is a finite Suppose ( is a measurablepartition entropypartitionand px is a systemof conditionalmeasuresassociatedwith (. We denote = - 1(9/0 logyx9(x). The followinglemmatellsus that(1) implies(5): 12.4.1. Let f: (X, 1u) <- be an ergodicautomorphism of the Lebesguespace (X, p), withfiniteentropyh,(f ). Let ( be an increasingmeasurable partitionsuch that H(l/f 'l)= h,(f) and let 9 be a finiteentropy partition.Then, at p-a.e.x: LEMMA 1 lim- I( 90/( V9?0)) = ht( I f) Proof.(Comparewith9.3.1). First: 1 _ (= n1n~ n((Vg?D?))(X)= and the secondtermconvergesm-a.e.and in L' towardH(9?/Ai(9? V fwhichis clearly < htL(S.f). The limit,beingconstant,is also the limitof ) nH( 4n1V 1H(gon/(S.V900J<D) gon( (V gZ ))- 1 H( n( (~ o) We have lim -H(nVg/( ( V. O) = lim -H(t V o/n) > H(l/f- ) and 1 lim H(tln/((Vgn J) = H(I(/(f - 1lV 9+ 00)) V Then: Let 9 be a finiteentropypartitionsuchthat = f1- V2. V9+ 00)) < H(9/92 V 9+k) H(((f = h,(9VP, f) - h,(9, f) < h,(f) - h,,(9, f). Thereforethe limitin questionhas to be largerthan H(I/f- ') - h,(f) + h,(g, f), and thiscompletesthe proof. This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS, II 573 The followinglemmatellsus that(2) implies(6): 12.1.2. Let ,u be a probabilitymeasureon 9qq(1), ( a measurable partitionand ,usa systemof conditionalmeasuresassociatedwiththepartition (. Suppose A is such that LEMMA l limjsup log(s ') form-a.e.s. ?L Ten log usBq(s, E) 2imsup loge Proof Fix a > <? m-a.e. 0 and call [tBq(t,e -n) ? e-n(A+a)}. Our hypothesisis liminfnyBn(a) = 1 forall a. Call Bn( An(a) ) tt: = ts: juBq(s, = 2e-n) e-n(A+2a)? < We have: pL(An(a) n Bq(t, e-n)) If tLs(An(a) n Bq(t, e-n)) and thus: > fus(An(a) n Bq(t, e-n))ju(ds). = 0, thenthereexistss' E s(s) n An(a) n Bq(t, e-n) n Bq(t , e-n)) JUS(An(G) < 1Us,(B q(s, 2e-n)) < e- n( + 2a). Therefore,if t E Bn(a), then j(An(a) n Bq(t, e -n)) < e-n'juBq(t, e- n). Using the Besicovitchcoveringlemma (see 4.1) we concludethat JU(An(a)n Bn(a)) < e -nc(q). Therefore,u-a.e.point s belongsto a finitenumbersof sets O An and thiscompletestheproof. UNIVERSITE DE PARIS VI, PARIS, FRANCE MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY, EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN REFERENCES [Be] [Bi] K. R. BERG, Convolutionof invariantmeasures,maximalentropy,Math. Systems Theory3 (1969), 146-150. P. BILLINGSLEY, ErgodicTheoryand Information, Wiley,New York(1965). This content downloaded from on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 00:31:34 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 574 [BK] [FKYY] [L] [LS] [Me] [Mg] [0] [Pa] [Pe] [Ro] [Rul] [Ru2] [Y] [G] [ER] F. 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