Annals of Mathematics The Metric Entropy of Diffeomorphisms: Part I: Characterization of Measures Satisfying Pesin's Entropy Formula Author(s): F. Ledrappier and L.-S. Young Source: Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, Vol. 122, No. 3 (Nov., 1985), pp. 509-539 Published by: Annals of Mathematics Stable URL: . Accessed: 15/09/2014 23:43 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact . Annals of Mathematics is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Annals of Mathematics. This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Annals ofMathematics, 122(1985),509-539 The metricentropyof diffeomorphisms Part I: Characterizationof measures satisfyingPesin's entropyformula By F. LEDRAPPIERand L.-S. YOUNG* This is the firstarticlein a two-part seriescontainingsomeresultsin smooth ergodictheory.We begin by givingan overviewof these results.Let M be a and let m compact Riemannianmanifold,let f: M -- M be a diffeomorphism, be an finvariantBorel probabilitymeasureon M. There are variousways of measuringthe complexityof the dynamicalsystemgeneratedby iteratingf. Kolmogorovand Sinai introducedthe notionof metricentropy,writtenhm(f) This is a purelymeasure-theoretic invariantand has been studieda good deal in abstractergodictheory(see e.g. [Ro 2]). A more geometricway of measuring chaos is to estimatethe exponentialrate at whichnearbyorbitsare separated. These ratesofdivergenceare givenby thegrowthratesof Dfn (the derivativeof f composedwithitselfn times).They are called the Lyapunovexponentsof f and are denotedin thispaperby { Xi(x): x e M, i = 1,. . ., r(x)}. (See (1.1) for precisedefinitions.) The relationship betweenentropyand exponentshas been studiedbefore.A well-knowntheoremof Margulisand Ruelle [Ru 2] says thatentropyis always boundedabove by the sum of positiveexponents;i.e., hm(f) < f ( *) Xt(x)dimEi(x)dm(x) where dimEi(x) is the multiplicity of Xi(x) and a'= max(a, 0). Pesin shows that( * ) is in factan equalityif f is C2 and m is equivalentto the Riemannian measureon M. This is sometimesknownas Pesin's formula[P 2]. Our aim here is to further the studyof relationsof thistype.In Part I we identifythosemeasuresforwhichequalityis attainedin (*) by theirgeometric properties.Part II is mainlydevotedto provinga formulathat is valid forall * Part of this work was done while the authorswere visitingthe MathematicalSciences ResearchInstituteof Berkeley,California.Partiallysupportedby NSF GrantNo. MCS 8120790 and AFOSR-83-0265. This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 510 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG invariantmeasures.This generalizedformulacontains,in some sense,the above mentionedresultsof Margulis,Ruelle and Pesin. It involvesthe notion of dimensionand leads to certainvolumeestimates.These resultsare announcedin [LY]. Fromhere on our discussionwillbe confinedto the subjectof PartI. We attemptto givea briefhistory leadingto thisproblem.Recallthatin the thereis an or of AxiomA attractors, ergodictheoryof Anosovdiffeomorphisms properties: invariantmeasurethatis characterized by each of the following (1) Equality holds in (*). (In the literaturesuch a measureis sometimes referredto as the equilibriumstate of a certainfunctionconnectedwith the derivative of f.) are absolutelycontinuous (2) Its conditionalmeasureson unstablemanifolds withrespectto Lebesgue. (3) Lebesgue a.e. point in an open set is generic with respect to this measure. (4) This measureis approximableby measuresthat are invariantunder suitablestochasticperturbations. in its own Each one of thesepropertieshas been shownto be significant is the factthattheyare all equivalentto one right,but perhapsmorestriking another.Many of theseideas are due to Sinai, Bowen and Ruelle. For further information and detailswe referthe readerto [A], [B], [Ki], [Ru 1], [S 1], [S 2] and [S 3]. At about the same time that progresswas being made on uniformly hyperbolicsystems,Oseledec [0] proved an ergodictheoremforproductsof matricespavingthe way foranalyzingdynamicalsystemsof moregeneraltypes. Pesin then set up the machineryfortranslating thislineartheoryof Lyapunov exponentsinto non-linear resultsin neighborhoods of typicaltrajectories[P 1]. Using these new tools he began to develop an ergodic theoryfor arbitrary diffeomorphisms preservinga measureequivalentto Lebesgue measure[P 2]. (The entropyformulawe alludedto earlieris amongthesefirstresults.)Part of his theoryhas sincebeen extendedand applied to dynamicalsystemspreserving onlya Borel measure.(See e.g. [Ka] and [Ru 3]; see also [M].) In view of thesedevelopments, it was naturalto ask if some of the major resultsforuniformly hyperbolicsystemswould remainvalidin the moregeneral frameworkof all C2 diffeomorphisms. In particular,it was conjecturedthat properties(1) and (2) above were equivalent.That is, givena diffeomorphism measurem, is it the case thatPesin's formulaf preservinga Borel probability holds if and only if m has absolutelycontinuousconditionalmeasures on This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions THE METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS. I 511 unstable manifolds?It is to this conjecturethat we shall address ourselvesin Part I. Resultspartiallyconfirming thisconjecturewere obtainedearlier.That (2) implies (1) is an extensionof Pesin's theoremand was proved in [LS]. The reverseimplicationwas proved by the firstauthor [L] under the additional stipulationthatthe systembe at leastnonuniformly hyperbolic.We now remove thisassumption,confirming the above conjecturein fullgenerality. To carryout thislast step,we have foundit necessaryto considerexplicitly the roleplayedby zeroexponents.Indeed,a good portionofourproofconsistsof an attempt to obtain some controlover these nonhyperbolicparts of the dynamicalsystem. This paper proceedsas follows:Definitions and precisestatements of results are givenin Section1. In Section2 we discussthe estimatesand constructions associatedwithpartialnonuniform Two partitions are describedin hyperbolicity. Section 3. They are used to estimatethe variousentropies.Section4 contains some technicallemmas.These togetherwithall the previousconstructions are used in Section5 to provethe mainproposition. The proofsof the theoremsare thencompletedin Section6. It is our pleasure to thankour familiesand a long list of friendsand colleagues whose interestand supportcontributedto the existenceof this manuscript.The firstauthorwishesalso to acknowledgethe hospitalityof the of Maryland. University fortheentirepaper Standinghypotheses A. M is a C' compactRiemannianmanifoldwithoutboundary; B. f is a C2 diffeomorphism of M ontoitself; measureon M. C. m is an finvariantBorelprobability 1. Definitions and statements of results (1.1) For x E M, let TxMdenotethe tangentspace to M at x. The point x is said to be regular if there exist numbersX1(x) > ... > r(x)(x) and a decompositionof the tangentspace at x into TxM = El(x) ED...* Er(x)(x) such thatforeverytangentvectorv = 0 E Ei(x), = Xi(x) lim -1loglDfxnvlj and r(x) lim -logIJac(Dfx)I = >.X(x)dim Ei(x). n?0 i+= This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 512 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG By a theoremofOseledec [0], theset F" ofregularpointsis a set offullmeasure. The numbersXi(x), i = 1,..., r(x), are called the Lyapunovexponentsof f at of Xi(x). The functionsx '-* r(x), Xi(x) x; dim Ei(x) is called the multiplicity and dim Ei(x) are invariantalongorbits,and so are constantalmosteverywhere if m is ergodic. ( 1.2) Define Es(x) = E xi<o Ei(x), Ec(x) = Eio(x) whereXio(x) = 0, Eu(x) = @ Ei(x) Xi>o and Ws(x) = {y E M: limsup-log d (f'x, f'y) < 0 where d is the Riemannianmetricon M. The set WS(x) is called the stable manifold at x. For x E F', if dimEs(x) # 0, then Ws(x) is an immersed submanifoldof M of class C2, tangent at x to Es(x). The collection { Ws(x), x E F') is sometimesreferredto as the "stable foliation"of f. The unstable manifoldat x, denotedby Wu(x), and the "unstable foliation"are definedanalogouslyusing f-' instead of f. (See [Ru 3] or [FHY] for more details;see also ? 2.2 and 4.2.) If W is an immersedsubmanifold of M, thenit inheritsa Riemannianstructure fromM. We denotethe corresponding Riemannian measureon W by lLw. (1.3) Let V be the Borel a-algebraon M completedwithrespectto m. Then (M, A2,m) is a Lebesguespace; i.e., it is isomorphic to [0, 1] withLebesgue measureuniona countablenumberofatoms.A measurablepartition( of M is a partitionof M such that,up to a set of measurezero,the quotientspace M/l is separatedby a countablenumberof measurablesets (see [Ro 1]). The quotient space ofa Lebesguespace withitsinherited probability space structure is againa Lebesgue space. An importantpropertyof measurablepartitionsis thatassociated witheach A,thereis a canonicalsystemofconditionalmeasures:That is, for everyx in a set of fullm-measure, thereis a probability measuremt definedon ((x), the elementof ( containingx. These measuresare uniquelycharacterized (up to sets of m-measure0) by the followingproperties:If Mt is the sub-awhose elements are unions of elements of A, and A c M is a algebra of measurable set, then x '-* mt(A) is 4-measurable and m(A) = fmt(A)m(dx). . (1.4) Let ( be a measurablepartitionof M. This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions THE METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS. I 513 if for Definition1.4.1. We say that t is subordinateto the Wu-foliation m-a.e. x, we have 1. ~(x) c WU(x) and topologyof 2. ((x) containsa neighborhood of x open in the submanifold WU(x). is not a Note that in generalthe partitioninto distinctWu-manifolds measurablepartitionand thatin orderforthe notionof conditionalmeasureson unstable manifoldsto make sense it is necessaryto work with measurable partitionssubordinateto Wu. Definition1.4.2. We say that m has absolutelycontinuousconditional measureson unstablemanifoldsif foreverymeasurablepartitiont subordinate to WU, mt is absolutelycontinuouswithrespectto tLWu(x)fora.e. x. of a compact (1.5) THEOREM A. Let f: M <-- be a C2 diffeomorphism measurem. Thenm has a Borelprobability RiemannianmanifoldM preserving absolutelycontinuousconditionalmeasureson unstablemanifoldsif and onlyif hm(f) = fAX+(x)dimEj(x)m(dx) wherea += max(a,O). is implication A in PartI. The reverse We provethe"if" partofTheorem essentially due to Sinaiand is provedin preciseformin [LS]. (See [M] foran fromPartII.) alternate approach.Thisresultalsofollows formula in TheoremA is Remark.We showin factthatwhentheentropy that functions are strictly positive by thedensities given satisfied, dm$/dtiWU(x) manifolds. 6.2.) are C' alongunstable (See Corollary areunionsof ofa whoseelements (1.6) DefineMu tobe thesub-a-algebra RecallthatthePinsker a-algebra entireWU-manifolds; analogously. As is defined <-, A thatif of sets such of of f: (M, AR, is the a consisting sub-a-algebra m) a) = 0. a = {A,M - A), thenhm(f, ofa compactRiemanB. Letf: M <-- be a C2 diffeomorphism m. Then measure a Borelprobability preserving nianmanifold THEOREM U t_ S _ thePinskera-algebraof f. meansthatforeveryA1 E For sub-a-algebras 1-2 1, 2 C a one has A2 E -2 suchthatm(ApAA2)= 0 andviceversa. measures invariant B wasshowntobe trueforsmooth byPesin[P]. Theorem This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 514 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG We have chosento proveTheoremsA and B by reducingthe problemsto their respectiveergodiccases (see ?6). While not at all essential,this line of especiallywhere notationis concerned. approach simplifiesthe presentation, Thus along withthe standinghypothesesstatedat the beginningof thispaper, we now declarethe following forSections2-5: Additionalhypothesis D. m is ergodic. 2. Lyapunovchartsand relatedconstructions We let X+= min{fXxi > 0}, A- = max{Xi,Xi < },) u = dimEu, c = dimEC, s = dimEs and assumethat u > 0. (2.1) Lyapunovcharts.In thissubsectionwe summarizesome resultsfrom fromthatin [P1]. See theappendix slightly differs Pesin theory.Our formulation of thispaper formoredetails. As always,we let d be the Riemannianmetricon M. For (x, y,z) E RU X Rc X RsI we define IyIy, Izs} j(x,y,z)j = max{IxIx, where 1 I I ic and Is are the Euclidean normson R11,Rc and Rs respectively.The closed diskin Ru of radiusp centeredat 0 is denotedby Ru(p) and R(p) = Ru(p) X Rc(p) X Rs(p). Let 0 < F < X+/100, - A-/100 be given.We shalldefinein a nonautonoof each regularpoint. mous way a changeof coordinatesin some neighborhood the local chartand the estimateswill varywith The size of the neighborhood, x E F'. Firstthereis a measurablefunction1: F' -> [1, Io) such thatl(f-x) < efl(x). Then there is an embedding Dx: R(l(xf') -l),M with the following This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions THE METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS. 515 I properties: = x; D4FD(O)takes Ru, RC and RS to Eu(x), Ec(x) and Es(x) i) DxFO respectively: ii) Let fIx= Ax ' o f o Dx be the connectingmap betweenthe chartat x and the chart at fx, defined whereverit makes sense, and let 1X = Then - lxo f-1 o (DXbe definedsimilarly. e +-EIvI< jDfj(O)vI e-EIvI < IDL(O)vI< e~jvj forv E R', IDLx(O)vI< e"Ejvj forv E Rs. forv E RC and iii) If L(g) denotesthe Lipschitzconstantof the functiong, then L(fx L(fX - - Dfx(O)) Dfx (o)) ? 6, < and L(Dx), L(Dfx ? 1(x). iv) For all z, z' E1R(l(x)-<), we have K-ld((DxzDxz?) < jz - z'j < l(x)d(DxzDxz') forsome universalconstantK. It followsfromii) and iii) thatthereis a numberX > 0 dependingon E and ' ( x) the exponentssuchthatforall x c F', IfxzI< eXizIforall z c R(e In particular,fxR(e-X-El(x)-1) C R(l(fx)-<). From here on, we shall referto any systemof local charts{ (Dx x GEF) and X willbe as above. satisfying i)-iv) as (c, 1)-charts (2.2) Local unstablemanifoldsand centerunstablesets. For very small > 0, let { 4)x,x c F') be a systemof (c, l)-charts.Sometimesit is necessaryto reduce the size of our charts.Let 0 < 6 < 1 be a reductionfactor.For x c F', define E S8"(x) that is, = z E R(l(x)Y): 4IDXSU( x) IDfflxof oOxzI < 3l(f x) lVn 0); consistsof those points in M whose backward orbit stays (well) inside the domainsof the chartsat f nXforall n ? 0. It is called the center unstableset of f at x associatedwiththecharts{(Dx} and reductionfactorS. On This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 516 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG S"u(x), we have fn -fxon o = Xf f-n+1 ? . * *ff f-1X We nextintroducethe local unstablemanifoldat x associatedwith { ?x} and 3. This is definedto be the componentof WU(x) n (DXR(8l(x)-') that containsx. The (x-l-imageof thisset in the x-chartis denotedby WXU1(x). PROPOSITION 2.2.1. Let { X4 x E F") be a systemof (e, l)-charts. A. If O < 3 < 1 and x IF,, then i) Wxus(x)is thegraphof a function gX: R'(8l(x) 1) withgx(O)= 0 and JjDgxlj< ii) WXUa(X) C Rc+s(8l(x) 1) 3; SgC"(x). B. If 0 < 3 < e-X-e (where X is as in (2.1)) and x E F', then ]xWS I(x) n R(1(fx)1) -= WfXafr)* are standardin unstablemanifoldtheory.We The proofsof theseassertions referthe readerto [FHY] fordetails. LEMMA2.2.2. If 8 < e-X-e, thenforalmosteveryx E F', scu(x) n (D -lWu(x) = Wxu(x). Proof. In view of ii) in Proposition 2.2.1, it suffices to show S C( ) < >x-1 W (x) c Wxu,(x).Let z E Sgu(x) n (Fl 1W'(x) and let du denote Riemannian distance along Wu-manifolds.Since (Dxz E WU(x), reasons,l(f -x) i> 0 as du(f noxz, f-nx) - 0 as n -x o. But forrecurrence -+ E n oo foralmosteveryx F'. This impliesthatforalmosteveryx E F' there is some k > 0 suchthatJx Z E Wf8-kX6(f kx). Let k = k(x) be thesmallest nonnegativeintegerfor which this happens. If k > 0, then by Proposition whichcontradictsz E Sg"(x). So k = 0, or 2.2.1 B, tk+lz q R(81(f-k+lx)-,)' equivalently,z E Wu,6(x). Considernow y E F' l (Fsgu(x) where8 < '. Let WX23(y) 4'-U- be the contains image of the componentof Wu(y) n 4DxR(28l(x)-1).Then IxWxWu23(y) to as a local unstable of y in Wu(y) and is also referred an open neighborhood # OxWxu(y)).A reductionfactor manifoldat y (althoughin general0yWyu6(y) 1 in we cannotcontrolthe unstable is takenbecause working f ax-charts of < manifoldsof pointswhose backwardorbitscome too close to the boundaryof Anothertechnicalnuisanceis that If->x f fyI 0. Aside f-nXR(l(f -x)-). This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions THE METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS. I 517 fromthese,we have theanalogof(2.2.1) and (2.2.2) forWju23(y)whichwe state ones above. below. The proofsare almostidenticalto the corresponding as usual. Let { Ox} be (E, 1)-charts x e andy ci" l' every < Then for . <68 0 Let A. i) Wx238(Y) is thegraphof a function LEMMA2.2.3. gx U RU(261(x)') ? with IjDgX~yI n Scu(x), Rc+s(261(x) ') -> 43; ii) Wxu28(Y) C S48u(X). For almosteveryx E F', if y E F' n Scu(x) B. Let 8 < min(, 4e -X-). then andfy E Scu(fx), i) fxWx28(y) n R(281(fx)-1)C Wx2(h) ii) S cu(x) n 4I- lWu(y) C WxU2>(y) C Sc8(x) n 4y-LWu(y). We remarkthatin generalScu(x) is a rathermessyset.Amongotherthings (see Lemma 2.2.3, we thinkof it as containingpieces oflocal unstablemanifolds is equal to are Scu(x) zero, of the exponents A.ii)). In the case where none WX,8(X) (2.3) Moreestimates.We listheresomeestimatesthatwillbe used in later Let E, 1, { (Dx x E F' } and X be as before.Whenworkingin charts,we sections. of the point z E R(l(x) -1). Othernotations use z U to denotethe u-coordinate such as zS and zCUare understoodto have obviousmeaningsas well. 2.3.1. Let 8 < e-X- and let x E F'. Then (a) If z, z' e R(Sl1(x)-<) and Iz - z'j = I - zj 1,then LEMMA | fXZ - fXZ | = It fXZ) U - 2 e --2E ) U1 (!XZ z'I-Z; (b) If u in (a) is replaced by cu, then the conclusionholds with XA replacedby 0; (c) If z, z' E Scu(x), then _- 7'z- Itfz ? e2 IZ Z'I - Proof The proofsof (a) and (b) are directapplicationsof propertiesii) and iii) in (2.1). We prove (c): First we claim that IZ~ -z I = Iz - z'I. Suppose not. Then applying (a) to ft j1Z- , we have fx- = (z - e-X--2eZ (fx z )s - z'I. This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 518 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG Inductively,thisgives |DnZ n( =Z I~ _n Z)s - 2 e-(X-+2?)n z Z,) s z'I - forall n 2 0, whichforcesone of the points1-7nzor fxnz' to leave the chart, z, z' E Sgu(x). Now thisargumentalso appliesto fx 1z and fixz', contradicting since theybelongin ScU(uf 'x). It thenfollowsfrom(b) that Iz - I = Izcu - zul 2 e-2 lJ-jz - ' O whichis the desiredconclusion. The nextlemmainvolvessome estimatesin the chartsat x and fx where both of thesepointsbelongin F'. LEMMA ({O} X Rcs) 2.3.2. Assume 8 < min(4, le A E). Let y E SCU(x), z = n W,28(y) and z' = ({O} X Rc~s) ffWx28(y) Then Iz'j < e3eIzI. is thegraphofa functiong x, withIIDgx Proof.SinceWxu,2A(y) slope of fxWXj2(Y)is < 1. This gives Iz'I < ,ll < 1, the + I(Jxz)csI ?i(xz)ui. From propertiesii) and iii) of (2.1), it followsthat l(fxz)csl < _ez,so thatjz'j < e3eIZI. I(fxz)t1l < (eE + e)IzI and (2.4) Partitionsadapted to Lyapunovcharts.In orderto make use of the geometryof Lyapunovchartsin the calculationof entropy,it is convenientto have partitionswhose elementslie in charts.If 37 is a partitionof M, write + = V00Ofn . Let -, 1,{'Ix, x e 'I and X be as before,and let 0 <6 ? 1 be a reductionfactor. Definition 2.4.1. A measurablepartition37 is said to be adapted to ({(x 1,6) if foralmosteveryx E F', 9+(x) C DxScu(x) LEMMA 2.4.2. Given { Ix and 0 < 6 < 1, thereis a finiteentropy partition 3Z such thatg? is adapted to ({ Ox 6). of b? usingan idea of Maiies [M]. Fix Proof We outlinethe construction some l0> 0 and let A c F' n {l(x) < 101.Assumethat mA > 0. For x e A, let r(x) be the smallestpositiveinteger k such that fxkE A. We define This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions THE METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS. 4:A R I 519 by ifx E A ( Io(X) if x 81-2e-(X+E)r(x) A. Then 4 is definedalmost everywhereon A and log 4 is integrablesince fArdm= 1. Let B(x, p) = { y E M: d(x, y) < p}. By Lemma 2 in [M], thereis a partition9 with Hm(97)< xo such that 9Y(x) C B(x, 4(x)) foralmostevery x. We claim that this 92 is adapted to ({ IDx},6). In fact,we will show that 97+(x) C OXR(81(x)1) foralmosteveryx E UnOfnA. Firstconsiderx E A. By choiceof 92,we have 97+(x) C 97(x) C B(x, +(x)) which is containedin eDR(6l(x)-L) because 4(x)l(x) = 610-2e-(X+?)r(x)l(x)< positiveintegersuch 8 1( x) - 1. Suppose now thatx 0 A and n > 0 is thesmallest that f-nx e A. Then f-ng+(X) C g+(f-nX) C B(f-nX, ,(f-x)). Now fnB(f nx, ,(fx n)) C IY;?xR(6l(f-nx) c OxR( l(fnx) C (DR(81( X) e-(X?+)r(fX) ele (+)r(f nx)eXn) 1 since n < r(f-nX). Note thatthiscomputationmakessense because forevery c R(l(f-n+kx)-le-(X?e)) This 1 < k < n, fkn R(8l(f-nx)-le-(?+,)r(f-nx)) S completesthe proof. 3. Construction oftwopartitions subordinateto the W"-foliation.Giventwo par(3.1) Increasingpartitions titions4l and 42 of M, we say that 4l refines42 (4l > 42) if at m-a.e. x E M, 41(x) C 42(x). A partitionis said to be increasingif ( > fE. In this subsectionwe describea familyof increasingpartitionsthat are subordinateto the unstablefoliation.Partitionsof thistypewere used by Sinai hyperbolicsystemsand are discussedin detailin [LS]. [S1] to studyuniformly ties: LEMMA3.1.1. Thereexistmeasurablepartitionswiththefollowingproper1) ( is an increasingpartitionsubordinateto Wu; 2) Voc of-nt is thepartitionintopoints; 3) the biggesta-algebracontainedin fl~ofnt is s"y. The constructionwe sketch below not only proves Lemma 3.1.1 but withcertainadditionalpropertiesthatwillbe usefullater. producespartitions This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 520 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG Let { 1y x E F') be a systemof (E, l)-localcharts Outlineof construction. and let lo be a numbersuch that m(l < lo) > 0. We claim that thereis a measurableset S withthe following properties: (a) mS > 0; (b) S is the disjointunionof a continuousfamilyof embeddeddisks{ Da), whereeach Da is an open subsetof DxWxu1(xa) forsome xa E {l ? lo}; (c) For almosteveryx E M, thereis an open neighborhoodUx of x in Wu(x) such that foreach n ? 0, eitherf-UX n S = 0 or f-UX c Da for some a; is irrelevantforprovingLemma 3.1.1.) There is a (d) (This requirement numbery such that: i) The du-iameterof everyDa in S is less thany and ii) If x, y e S are suchthat y E Wu(x) and du(x, y) > y, then x and y lie on distinctDad5isks. The existenceofan S satisfying (a), (b) and (c) is provedin [LS] and willnot be repeatedhere.Property (d) is easy to arrangeby cuttingdown the d usize of the disksin [LS]. Let ( be the partitionof M definedby if x e Da if x 0S; = ( Da OX) M -S ((x)A then = ? is the partitionwe desire. It is easy to verifythat it has the propertiesstatedin Lemma3.1.1. 0 The partitionswhose constructionwe just outlinedhave the following There is a set S satisfying(a)-(d) such that if alternatecharacterization: a = VtofOt S, M - 5), thenforeveryx E M, y E ((x) ifand onlyif y E a(x) fx e S. and d"(f-x, ff-y) < y wheneverf For measurablepartitions'q1 and 'q2, let Hr1(q11'q2) denote the mean then conditionalentropyof 'q1given'q2 Note thatif 'q is an increasingpartition, h,,(f, q) = Hm(.tlIfl). LEMMA 3.1.2. Let 1 and Lemma 3.1.1. Then 2 be partitionsconstructedin the proofof 41) = hrnf 42) hnm(f, Proof.It sufficesto show h(f,.41 V 4) have h(f, v 42) = h(f, 4 V fnt2) = H( = H((,IfN1 V fnf21fA1 V V fn+fl? = h(f, 1)- For every n ? 1, we fnfl )+ ) H(42Ifi2 V f-nf.) This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions THE METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS. As n -- o, the second term goes to 0 since V fn+ L2) I 521 f -'n generates. We claim that H((jjft,). Clearly,H((jIftj V ffn+L2) < H((jIftj) for Dn = {x: (fg1)(x) C (fn2)(x)} . Since foralmosteveryx, the du-diameterof (1(x) is finiteand du-diam(f -nl)(x) IO as n -x o, we have H((jIftj all n 2 0. Let mDn -- 1. Thus forlargeenoughn, thereis a set Dn withmeasurearbitrarily close to 1 such thatrestricted to Dn, f1 V fn 2 = ftj. This proves limH( lljgj v fn+ t2) 2 H((jjft,). (3.2) Two usefulpartitions.Let { DX,x E F') be a systemof (E, l)-charts, let X be as beforeand let t be an increasingpartitionsubordinateto Wu constructedas in the proofof Lemma 3.1.1, with 10, S and y havingthe same meaning as in (3.1). Let 8 < min(4,Ae -x-y/2K) and let b? be a finite entropypartitionadapted to ({ DX, 8). We requirethat b? refine{ S, M - S} and anotherfiniteentropypartitionto be specifiedlater.Define %1= V v '7 and 712 = g+. These two partitions playcentralrolesin Section5. We comparetheirproperties: 1) Both % and 2 are increasingmeasurablepartitions, 2) and 1 > '12' 3) 2(x) C FS'u(x) and p1(x) C DxoWx(x)form-a.e.x, 4) hm~f 2) = hm(f,9) and hm(f, 1) = Hm(Ift). Properties1) and 2) and the first halfof3) followfromthe definitions of rq1 and 2. The secondhalfof3) is a consequenceof Lemma 2.2.2. The first halfof 4) is straightforward. We provethe remainingassertion: LEMMA 3.2.1. h(f, f) = Hm(Ift)- Proof As in the argumentin Lemma3.1.2, we have h(f,,ll) = h(f, = H((Ift V fnYA+) V fn+L+) + H(+ I f-nt V fg+) where the firsttermis < H( Ift) and the second termgoes to 0 as n -3 x. Also,usingthe factthat H(9') < x, we have h(f,,ql) = h(f, V 39) ? h(f, ). to each (3.3) QuotientStructure.Since 1 > % we can view % restricted as a of This has a 72(X) (written% lI%(Wx)) subpartition 2(x). subpartition simple geometricdescriptionin the x-chart:recallthatsince 2(x) C FDxSu(x) where This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 522 F. LEDRAPPIERANDL.-S.YOUNG 6 < 1, for every y E S"u(x), Wx'23(y) is the graph of a function from Ru(281(x)-<) to RC s(281(x)-L). The restrictionof these graphs to O71x2(x) gives a natural partitionof 1X-r1q(x). The next lemma says that this corresponds to 'qi1I'q 2(x). 3.3.1. For almosteveryx and everyy E I' f 'q2(X), LEMMA xWx,?28(y)n q2(X) = q1(Y). Proof First consider z E xWx,2J(y)n 'q2(x). We will show that z E Since 9 refines (S, M - S} and z E 9a+(y), it sufficesto show (using the characterization of t in (3.1)) that d u(f ny, fnZ) < -y whenever ffny E S. This is in fact true forall n ? 0, for I(D1-yy- 1-lzI < 261(x)-1 and by Lemma 2.3.1, f n-ly ly - ( - |z ?< g-noj[lz forall n 2 O. Togethertheseimplythat du(f-ny, f -z) < K281(x)-1 < -y.The reversecontainment followsfromLemma 2.2.3, B.ii). o This lemma allows us to identify the quotient space 'i2(x)/ql with a subset of RC`s via 1(y) '*> Wxu26(y) n {O} X RC+s. The next lemma tells us that the map ff- 1('q2(X)): f 1('q2(x)) -> p2(X) acts like a skew product with respect to this quotient structure. LEMMA 3.3.2. For almosteveryx and everyy E F, n if- (q(y)) Proof. First f-1(q1(Y)) f- L(q 1(y)) c q I( f 1y)because = %W, ml(f1y) nfl 1('12(X)). C p2(x) because p1(Y) q I is an increasing partition. That C fl('q2(x)) f(,l(f-ly)) nq2(X) and C %1(Y) followsimmediatelyfromLemma 3.3.1 and Lemma 2.2.3, B.i). (3.4) Transversemetrics. To use the fact that all the expansion of f occurs along the W"-foliation, we need to show that the map induced by f on (f- 712(X))/7ql 'q2(x)/,q1 does not expand distances. To that end we define a metric on the quotient space q2(x)/rql for m-a.e. x. This will be referredto as a transversemetric. As far as we know, "canonical" systemsof transversemetrics do not exist. First we give a point-dependentdefinition:Let x E F'. From (2.2) we know that for every y E 'rq2(x), Wxu26(y) intersects(O) x RC's at exactly one point. We call this point z. For y' E 2(x), let z' be the corresponding point in -k This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions THE METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS. I 523 {O} X RCs. Then ',)def d(y d'(yy'=Iz - z'I. ) Note that d'(., ) inducesa metricon q2(x)/ql, but thatin general,d'( d',(, ) forx' E q2(x), x' # x. To rectifythis situation,we (arbitrarily) choose a referenceplane T and standardizeall measurementswith respect to T. Let S be the set in the construction of t (see (3.1)), the partitionfromwhich ql and q2 are eventually derived.Let E C S be a measurableset with mE > 0. Furtherassumptionson the diameterof E will be given in (4.2). Let T be the C2 embeddingof a diskintoM. We assumethatT, theimageof I, is transverse (c + s)-dimensional Da Da in exactlyone pointif Da n E 0 0. Finally, in S and to every intersects we requirethatthepartition9 in thedefinition of qI and q2 refine{ E, M-E}-. (See (3.2).) With this setup, we can now definea metricon q2(x)/ql for every x E Un>0fnE. First definea functionr: Un OPE - Rc+s as follows:For x E E n Da, let ST(X) = T-1{ T n Da ) and in general,let ST(X) = q7T(f-n(x)X) where n(x) is the smallestnonnegativeintegersuch thatf-n(x)x E E. Then for x E Un>0f E and y, y' E 2(x), define dT(y, y') = I7Y - 7TY'I where I denotesEuclideandistancein RC's Note that since 2 = 9+, for every n ? 0 either f-n(2(x)) C E or C Da forsome a. This f-n(rq2(x)) n E = 0. Also,when f-nxE E, f-n(q(x)) T guaranteesthatdX(, ) inducesa genuinemetricon each q2(x)/,1 and thatfor x E q2(x), dXj = dX1. of our choice of T. It will become We commenthere on the arbitrariness thendTX clear after(4.2) thatforgivenE, if T and T' are admissibletransversals, is on the m-a.e. x. it is uniformly Furthermore, equivalence equivalentto dfT' for classes of { dT }, not the metricsthemselves,that our estimatesin Section 5 depend. Finally, what we have done here is to representM/lq1 as a subset of metricson q2(x)/'1 thatcorrespondto M/'q2 X R's. and to definetransverse Euclidean distanceon RC's. This Euclideanspace geometry playsa rolein some in of our averagingarguments as we shallsee (4.1). This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 524 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG 4. Some technicallemmas (4.1) A coveringlemmaand some consequences.For x E R , let B(x, r) denote the ball of radius r centeredat x. All distancesare Euclidean in this subsection. BESICOVITCH COVERING LEMMA (BCL, [G]). Given a set E C Rn and an arbitraryfunction r: E -- (0, o.) with supXeEr(x) < + ox, let J?/= { B(x, r(x)), x E E }. Thenthereexistsa subcover_i' C _ such thatno x in Rn lies in morethanc(n) elementsof A1', c(n) dependingonlyon n. measureon Rn. The nexttwo lemmasare Now let ,i be a Borelprobability finiteBorel measstandardwhen ,i is Lebesgue. When workingwitharbitrary lemma instead of Vitali's lemma.(This, of we use Besicovitch's ures, covering course,is not new.) Let g e L1([t) and define g6(x) I B(x,) = gd define For g positive,we further g * =sup g6 and infg6. g= Firstwe have the maximallemmas. LEMMA 4.1.1. (a) For X E R., p(g*>X)< c n) (b) Let v be definedby dv = g di. Thenfor X E R+, v(g. < X) < c(n)X. Proof We give a proof of (a). Part (b) is proved similarly.Let A = {g* > X}. For each x e A, choose 6(x) such that g6(x) > X; i.e. JB(X,6(x))g d > XiB(x, 8(x)). Letting I= {B(x, 8(x)), x E A) and choosing A' as in BCL we have 11(A) < E BE=-fWl (B) BE WL( Te g -n g am erw t e LEMMA4.1.2. Letg E-L'(IL). Then g,6---g almosteverywhere. This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions THE METRIC ENTROPY I OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS. 525 Proof This is obviousif g is continuous. UsingPart(a) of Lemma 3.1.1 we can show that the set of functionsg forwhichthis is true is normclosed in 0 V(p)L The next lemmais usuallystatedslightlydifferently in the literature.For geometricreasonswe averageover balls insteadof takingconditionalexpectationswithrespectto fixedpartitions. 4.1.3. Let (X,1i) be a Lebesgue space and let n: X -" R' be a , togeta familyofprobability measurablemap. Disintegrate measures{ I. t tE Rn. Let a be a partitionof X withH.M(a)< ox. For t E Rn and A E a, define LEMMA gA(t) = pt(A). Letg6 andgA be givenby be functionson Rn definedas above. Letg, g6 and g: X g(x) = g;(x) XA(X)gA(X) Aea = XA(x)gA(7rx) E Aea g*(x) = R and XA(X)g*(Mx) X AEa Theng , -- g almosteverywhere on X and - logg*d, ?< H,(a) + logc + 1 wherec = c(n) is as in BCL. g- Proof Firstby Lemma4.1.2 we have gA g a.e. on X. Note also that - g , 00 - -1 oT a.e. on Rn and hence logg* > s)ds p4- logg*dp= - f~~IL(A 0 Aea n{gAor < e-s})ds. Now p(A nf{gAo7T < e-s}) < ,u(A). Also, ,I(A nf{g*Ao < e-s}) < {g<e-s} < c(n)e-s gAd(I o er1) by Lemma4.1.1(b). This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 526 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG Thus du f-logg* logg,~~~~AdEi < fmin(c(n)e-s,,l(A)) ds Aa - + log c(n) + 1 < H,(a) [l by a simplecalculation. Anotherconsequenceof BCL is the followingclassicalresult(whose proof we omit): LEMMA4.1.4. Let ,I be a finiteBorelmeasureon R'. Then inf ,IB(x, E) > 0 0<E<l E for p-a.e. x. In particular, limsup ?< n. log of local unstablemanifoldswithincenterunstable (4.2) Lipschitzproperty whereit is essentialto assumethat sets. This is the onlypartofourconstruction f is C2, or at least C1+1, as opposed to CL+a for some a > 0. We will be in chartsand all notationsare as in Section2. workingexclusively Let L(RU, RC's) denote the set of linear maps fromRU to RC`s with norm Fix x E F' and let U c R(l(x<l) be such that fxUc R(l(fx) -1). To by simplifynotationwe writeF = fx.For z E U, define*I: L(RU, Rc+s) <3. DF-graph(v) = graph(*Pv) L(Ru, RC+s), if fig is the functionfrom where v E L(Ru, RC+s). Given g: U F(U) to L(Ru, RC+s) given by Ig(Fz) = jg(z)) of g by (F, DF). Similarideas are then 'Pg is called the graph transform discussedin [HP], forinstance. In what follows,L(.) denotesthe Lipschitzconstantof the map. LEMMA 4.2.1. Let x and U be as above, and let g: U -> L(Ru,Rc+s) be Lipschitz. Then 'Pg is Lipschitzwith L('g) < e-X+?+6L(g) + 4e2Fl(x). to verify thatforall y E U Proof.By ii) and iii) of(2.1), it is straightforward and forall u, v E L(Ru, RC+s), | *Yu- Iyv I < e-x +4IU - V. This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions THE METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS. 527 I Now (*) Ig(Fy) - Ig(Fy')j ?I'IY(g(y)) - +'I'*y(g(y')) 'y(g(y'))I side of (*) is < e-A The firsttermof the right-hand +4- - *'y(g(y'))l. g(y)-g(y')l, so that *yWgY)) - *y(g(y,))I IFy - Fy'I Iy-W - g(y)l <-X++4Fg(y) < e-X++4? * - IFy -I Fy'I L(g) *e2F by Lemma2.3.1(c). A simplecalculationshowsthatthesecondtermis < 41DFY- DFYI. By iii) of (2.1), thisis ? 41(x)Iy - y'I*Thus IIy(g(y')) - Iy (g(y'))I 41(x)y IFy- Fy'I IFY - Fy'I < 0 4e2?1(x) is Recall from(2.2) thatforx E F' and 8 < 4, if y E S"u(x), then Wx2,8(y) well defined. A well-knownfact fromunstable manifoldtheoryis that if definedby go: Sgu(x) L(R', RC's) is implicitly DIx(graph go(z)) = Eu(1xz), by (fX. Df>nn) and Oi' O, where I, is the graphtransform then go = limn Ois the zero functionfromf nSgu(x) to L(Rt, RC+s). LEMMA4.2.2. Let x E I' and 8 < 4. Thengo as definedabove is Lipschitz with L(go) ? Dl(x) of x. whereD is a constantindependent L(Ru, RC+s) be the trivialmap and using Proof Letting0: ynSCU(x) that inductively 4.2.1, can show we Lemma n-1 L (*no) < 4e 2e e(- X + 6)i E i=O < 41(x)e3 n-1 i=O e (f - i-x) + This geometricseriesconvergesas n -x oo since e < X+/100. (See (2.1).) The O of Ino forall n passeson to go. uniformLipschitzproperty This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 528 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG We have shownthaton Sgu(x), thetangentbundleto WxU2A(Y) y E Sgu(x), is Lipschitz with Lipschitz constant< Dl(x). It follows from this that { WXU,2(Y)I Y E Scu(x)} is a Lipschitzlamination,meaningthat the Poincare map between transversals(whereverit make sense) is also Lipschitz with to 1(x). Lipschitzconstantproportional We will recordthiscorollaryin a convenientform,but firstwe give further on E and T. specification small) positive Let E c S n { 1 < lo} be as in (3.4) and have (arbitrarily let us fixsome measure.We can takeT as before,but forthesakeofdefiniteness, in the T contained Then is = x Rc+s(l(wo)-l). wo E E and let T Xwol(?} of 0 in EC~s(wo). We assumethe diameterof E expo-imageof a neighborhood is smallenoughthatforall x E E, 1)7'w0 E R(41(x<') and )7-'T is the graph of a functionfromRc+s(1I(x)-1) to Ru(lI(x)-l) withslope < 1/100. This is possible to arrangesince x - Ec +s( x) is continuouson ({ <? 10 and all chart on { I < 10) estimatesare uniform LEMMA 4.2.3. Let E and T be as above. Thenthereis a numberN = N(10) such thatforall x E E, - dx(., -) 'd T(, ) <Ndf(*, ) Proof:In the chartat x, we definethe Poincaremap 9: ({O} X Rc's) fl { wu(2y) y E Sgu(x)} O x T by sliding along Wxu28(y).Lemma 4.2.2 tells us that there is a number D' independentof x suchthat L(O),L(0-1) < D'l(x). of thepointsofintersection Thus if y, y' E 'q2(x),and z and z' are respectively Dwith then 1T, and WX'23(y) Wxu2a&(Y') IZ - Z'lD-1T ? D'dX(y y') where I - I z-'T denotesdistancein R(I(x)-') Thereforewe have TWy Y' X d<7y, - 17Ty- along the submanifold y'-1T. = 10 -10 z - (DO XZ| 7Tyf| KDfdf(ydYf= The otherinequalityis provedsimilarly. This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions O THE METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS. 529 I As is evidentfromtheproof,the numberN dependsonlyon the chartsand on 10. It is independentof i1 and %2, or the choice of E and T (providedof is as describedbefore). coursethateverything 5. The mainproposition developedin Sections2, 3 and 4 we now provethat Using the machinery the entropyof f is equal to the entropyof f withrespectto certainpartitions subordinateto Wu. PROPOSITION 5.1. Supposef: M <-, is a C2 diffeomorphism of a compact Riemannianmanifoldand m is an ergodicBorelprobabilitymeasureon M. Let / > 0 be given. Thenthereis an increasingmeasurablepartition(/aof thetype discussedin (3.1) suchthat f3(c+ s) ? (1-)[hm(f) -hm(f,B)-/3] is to constructby as in (3.1) and to use it to construct 1 Proof:Our strategy and q2 as in (3.2) with hm(f,'12) 2 hm(f) - //3. Calling the conditional measures associated with ql and iq2 { ml} and { m2} respectively,we will show that if BT(x, p) = (y E 2(x): d j(x, y) < p1, then 3 -liminflogmx(p) logp 0 P--+ (1-0-? ) [ hm(f, i2) - hm(fAql) - 2/3/3] fromthisand Lemmas form-a.e. x. The desiredconclusionfollowsimmediately 3.1.2 and 4.1.4. We dividethe proofinto5 parts. on (A, ql and q2. Firstfix the specifications (A) We startby enumerating e > 0. We assumethatE < /3/3,X /100 and A /100. Let ( ?X, x E IF') be an as describedin (2.1). Usingthesecharts,we construct a systemof (E, 1)-charts increasingmeasurablepartitionbyas in theproofof Lemma3.1.1 withS. lo and y havingthe same meaningas in thatproof.Let N = N(10) be the constantin Lemma 4.2.3. Pick E c S nf {I < o10)accordingto (3.4) and the paragraph beforeLemma 4.2.3. Let T be chosenlikewise.We assumethatthemeasureof E is small enough that e - -eN4m(E) < 1. Now as in (3.2), let 8S = min( 1, 1e- - , y/2K) and let 9 be a finite entropy partition adapted to ({ 4x }, 80). We require also that 9 refine( S, M - S } and ( E, M - E } and that hi1(f,9) ? hm(f)- E. Finally we set ql = (A V Y' and '2 = }e+. Recall that endowed with q11and %2 so constructed, 'q2(x)/,qlhas a nice quotientstructure metricd T form-a.e.x. witha transverse This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 530 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG (B) Beforeproceedingwiththe main argument,we recordsome estimates derivedfromthe resultsof (4.1). For 8 > 0, defineg, g8, g*: M -* R by g( y) = my fq2)(y), =m BT(Y8) JBTY q( " 2)(Y)M2(dZ) and g*(y) = infg3(y). Note thatby Lemma3.3.2 g(y) is also equal to ml,(f-,q 1)(y). We leave it to the reader to verifythe measurability of go. (For fixed 8, one could check for instancethat y - JBT(Y,,)mz(f -q2)(y)m(dz) is measurableon E.) -* We claim that g& g almost everywhere on M and that J - logg dm < ox. To see this,firstconsiderone q2-element at a time.Fix x. Substitute(772(x), mX2)for(X, t) in Lemma4.1.3, let '7: -12(X) RC+s be the7 in (3.4) and let a = (f' q2)jIl2(x) Then g, g8 and g * as definedabove agree with the correspondingfunctionsin (4.1.3). We can thereforeconclude that gg, m2-a.e.and thatf - logg*dm2 ? Hm2(f'-12) + logc + 1. Integrating over M, thisgives f - logg*dm < Hm(f-q2j'q2) + logC + 1 < oo. (C) The purpose of this step is to study the induced action of f on withrespectto the metricsd' , and dX. Consider -12(x)/4(X/71 x E M. The point x willbe subjectedto a finitenumberofa.e. assumptions. Let ... < < < < E E r1 with 0 < r2 be the successive times t when ftx rl. ro ro Note that ro is constanton 2(x). For large n and 0 < k < n, definea(x, k) as follows:If rj < k < rj 1, then a(x, k) LEMMA = BT(fkX e- 5.2. a(x, k) n (f i12)(fkx) C (n- r)N2 ). f la(x, k + 1). Proof If k # rj - 1 for any j, then we have fa(x, k) nl q2(fk~lx) = a(x, k + 1) automatically since d and dF+ 1 are definedby pullingback to E. The case when k = rj - 1 forsome j reducesto the followingconsideration: Let y E E and let r > 0 be the smallestintegersuch that fry E E. Let to showthat Z E (f-rq2)(Y).It suffices d yT(fry, frZ) < N2erfdT(y, Z) of d' see (3.4).) First we have d'(y, z) < Ndy(y,z). (For the definition Then fori = 1,2,..., r, Lemma 2.3.2 tellsus that dfy(fiy, flz) < e'3d,(y, z). We pick up anotherfactorof N whenconverting back to the d'imetricat f ry. This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions (D) We now estimate m2 BT(x,ewriteas m 2 a(x,0) x = H~ mfkxa 2 fm (n-ro(x))) = mX2a(xO), which we can (x, k) 2 1) ~k=o mfk+lxa(x, k+ 531 I THE METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS. pa(x,p) x where p = [n(l - e)]. First note that the last term < 1. For each 0 < k < p, m mfkXa(x, k) mfk+lxa(x, fk Xf (02( k + 1) f X)) + 1)) m)fkXf-'(a(xk by invarianceof m and uniquenessof conditionalprobabilities. This is m2k a(x, mfk k) n a(x, k)) ((f-?2)(fxk) mfkX(f-,2)(fx) by Lemma 5.2. If g, is definedas in (B), thenthefirstquotientin (*) is equal to [g where (x, n k)( fkX)] = e-3(n-rj(x))N2i 8(x,n,k) and j = #tO < i < k: fix E When I(x) =-log E). the second term in (*) is equal to e I(fkx). m2(f -i2)(x), Thus p-l logm~BT(x e-E(nro(x))) ? - E k=O p-l logg8(x n k)(f X) I(fkx). k=O - Multiplying by - 1/n and taking lim inf on both sides of this inequality, we have .3*.flogmXB(xP) - --1 ,l8 lm inf log p o P --* log m2BT(x, e1-(n-ro(x))) = / *liminf ? liminf n - oo log -- An n -*00lg 1 n(l-) nk=o 1 logg8(x( n k)(fkX) where the last limit = (1 - -)H('q2lffq2) + lim n- oo > (1 -)(hm(f) - ? n(l -E)] k=0 - I(fkx) c). Thus Proposi- tion 5.1 is proved if we show that limsup n 1 [ n(l -E)] (x] k=O n[ngj)E nk)(fkX) < (1 - This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions + 2E] 532 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG (E) We prove this last assertion. It follows from (B) that there is a measurable function8(x) such that if 8 < 8(x), then - logg&(x) < - log g(x) + E.Also,since f - logg* < + so, there is a number 81 such that if A = {8 > 81} then JM-A- log g* ? E. We claimthatforalmosteveryx, if n is sufficiently large,then8(x, n, k) < < for all k n(l e). First there is N(x) such that for n ? N(x), 81 #{O < i < n: fix E E} < 2n *m(E). If n ? N(x), then 8(x, n, k) = e- (n-rj)N2j < Since e - -eN4m(E) < e-#enN2 2nm(E) 1, 8(x, n, k) is less than 81 for n sufficientlylarge. Thus [n(l-e)] - E k=O log g(x n k)(fkX) [ n(1-c)] k=O fkxeA [ n(l-E)] (-lo gg(fkx) + e) + E k=O fkx 1ZA _ logg*(fkx) and the lim sup we wish to estimate is bounded above by (1 E[f Recall now - logg*j logg +e+ that g(x) = ml(f- l1)(x), so that f - log g = hm(f, 1). This O completes the proof. COROLLARY 5.3. Withthesame hypotheses as in Proposition 5.1, if t is any in theproofof Lemma 3.1.1, then partitionconstructed hm(f, t) = hm(f). ) Proof For any /3, hm(f, Let /3 -O0. = hm (f, (,q) where (A is as in Proposition 5.1. [O 6. Proof of theorems We fill in the gaps between as stated in Section the results in Section 5 and Theorems A and B 1. (6.1) Proofof TheoremA: the ergodiccase. We may assumethat u > 0. (The reader can verify that Theorem A is completely trivial if u = 0.) Let t be an increasing partition subordinate to Wu, constructed as in the proof of Lemma 3.1.1. = hm(f). Let {mx} = {mx} be the condiBy Corollary 5.3, Hm(Ift) tional probabilities associated with t and let ux be the Riemannian measure on This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions THE METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS. 533 I W"(x). It remainsto showthat H((Ift) =E dimE1 =i mx<< ILxform-a.e.x. At This proofis givenin Frenchin [L]. We recallthe ideas involvedforthe sake of completeness. Let JU = IJac(DfIEu(x))I. By Oseledec'sTheorem,f log Ju= i X+dimE . Suppose we knowthat mx<< lx foralmosteveryx. Then dmx= pdtx almost everywhereforsomefunctionp. This functionmustsatisfyh(X)P(y)djux(y)= 1, and p(y)JU(f-ly)/p(f-ly) mustbe constanton ((x) by the change of variables formula.(See [LS], Proposition4.2.) From thiswe can guess thatforall y E (x), 00 (f ix) defpy) _HJU p(x) -nJu(f-iy) i=1 A candidateforp thenis p(y) = A(x, y)/L(x), whereL(x) = (x)A(x y) dIlx. boundedon ((x). Of courseall thismakessenseonlyif A(x, y) is uniformly LEMMA 6.1.1. For almosteveryx, y - > log zA(x,y) is a Lipschitzfunction on 4xwuW(x).It followsfromthis thatfor each x, y - z>A(x,y) is uniformly boundedaway from0 and + xo on ((x)- ofthe Proof.This is a standardcalculationrelyingon theLipschitzproperty functionsz '-4 Dfz and z -k Eu(z) (Lemma 4.2.2) and the factthatforany two y'l (Lemma 2.3.1(a)) 2Ey points y, y' e WXui(x),I7'ny ] nytl ? - - So we definep as above and definea measurev on M such thatif { vx} are the c-conditional measuresof v,thendvx= p dpx and v coincideswith[ on , the biggesta-algebracontainingsetsthatare unionsof elementsof t. LEMMA 6.1.2. f- log vx(f ')(x) dm(x) = flog Judm. Proof:Defineq(x) = vx(f'-')(x). Then q(x) A(x, y) dtx(y) = L(x) L(fx) _______ L(x) I Ju(x) Since L is a positivefinite-valued measurablefunctionwith flog+(L(fx)/L(x)) < flog+Ju< x, This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 534 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG flogq it follows that logq is integrableand Proposition2.2.) =-f logJU. (See e.g. [LS], 0 of v, it is clear that v = m when restrictedto the From the definition a-algebra H*I The nextlemma and an inductionshow that theyare equal on 4f-. forall n ? 0 and hence theyare equal on A. LEMMA6.1.3. f logJudm= Hm(.(ff) impliesv = m on Of 1q. is a countablepartition.For y E ((x), define For m-a.e. x, (f1l)Il(x) dP I dmvf (f- l()(y vy m(f-')(y) By the convexityof Note that(dv/dm)lf-1Xis well definedalmosteverywhere. log we have , (dv log dm with f log dv dm = ) (dv dm< zlog dm dm = 0 ifand onlyif ) |dm=O dv dm rlt --1 m-a.e. But we knowthat f log(dv/dm)If-1-dm= 0, forLemma 6.2.2 saysthat - flogvX(f-1t)(x)dm = flog Judm HM(f-'tI() -| flog mx(f')(x) dm. Thus v = m on f- . This completes the proof of the ergodic case of [ TheoremA. Pesin's formula, 6.1.4. Let m be an ergodicmeasuresatisfying let t be as above, and let p be the densityof mt withrespectto [ix. Thenat positivefunctionon ((x) satisfying m-a.e. x, p is a strictly COROLLARY p(y) - ftJU(f-ix) In particular,logp is Lipschitzalong Wu-leaves. Remark. It can in factbe shownthatwhen f is C2, each WU(x) is a C2 (see e.g. [PS]) and that p is C' along Wu(x). immersedsubmanifold This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions THE METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS. I 535 (6.2) Proofof TheoremA. We reduce the generaltheoremto its ergodic case. Let g be the sub-c-algebra of 4 consisting ofall invariantsubsetsand let D be a measurablepartitionsuch that ,- g. (We know that such a partition exists.)Choose a familyof conditionalprobabilitymeasuresassociatedwith D. Call it { m, }. Then thereis an invariantset N1 C F' withmN1= 1 suchthatfor everyx E N1, mxis invariantand ergodic. Suppose that hm(f) = fYEi+(x)dim Ei(x)m(dx). Since hm(f)= fhm(f)m(dx) and hm1(f)< fXX+(y)dimEi(y)mx(dy) foreveryx E N1[Ru2],thereis an invariantset N2 c N1 withmN2= 1 suchthat foreveryx E N2, hm(f) = XI+(y)dim Ei(y)mx(dy). Let t be a measurablepartitionsubordinateto the Wu-foliation and let { m) } be a familyofconditionalprobility measuresassociatedwith(. We verifya couple of technicalpointsbeforeapplying(6.1) to f: (M, mX) . Firstthereis an invariantset N3 c N2 with mN3= 1 such thatforevery x E N3, ((y) c Wu(y) and containsa neighborhood of y in Wu(y) formi-a.e. y, i.e. ( is indeed a partitionsubordinateto Wu withrespectto mx forevery x E N3. More crucialis the factthat t refinesD (see e.g. [LS] Proposition2.6). This implies that thereis a set N4 c N3 with mN4= 1 such that for every measuresassociatedwith( in x e N4, { in } is a familyofconditionalprobability the space (N4nf(x), m) Thus forf: (M, mx) -, x e N4, we can appeal to the proofof the ergodic and case concludethat myis absolutelycontinuouswithrespectto MWU(y)for min-a.e. y. Moreover,dmI/dIWU(Y) is as in Corollary6.1.4. Let A = {x: m << ALWU(X)).It is straightforward to verifythat A is a measurableset. We have just proved that mXA= 1 for m-a.e. x. Therefore m(A) = 1 and theproofofTheoremA is complete. O COROLLARY 6.2. Corollary6.1.4 is truein thenonergodic case. the Pinsker u_ s c-algebra.The otherequalityinvolving is obtainedby substituting f by f1. Again we firstprovethe theoremassumingthatm is ergodic. The case u = 0 is trivial,for then I u the Pinsker c-algebra. So in (3.1). Then { 4f-n } n > 0 is suppose u > 0, and let t be a partition constructed (6.3) Proof of Theorem B. We shall prove that This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 536 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG a generatingfamilyand hm(f) = Hm(Ift). A theoremin [Ro2]tellsus thatfor( with these properties, whichin the Pinskera-algebracoincideswithfnl?0oar thiscase is 'U. When m is not ergodic,let q, D and { m.,} be as in (6.2). There is a measurablepartitionu suchthatIAu" fu(m), and we let { mu} be a familyof conditionalprobability measuresassociatedwith(u* Since g C MU, thereis an invariantset N1 with mNN= 1 such that for everyx E N1 we have i) mxis invariantand ergodic, ii) (u is a measurablepartitionof D(x) and AULo qu(mX) and iii) y-4 mu is a familyof conditionalmeasuresassociatedwith (u in the space (D(x), mj). Let A be a set in the Pinsker u-algebra of if: (M,m) . Since = = C { M 1 such N1 A, there is an invariant 0, set with N2 mN2 A)) h7i(f, that hm(ff{A,M-A))=0 for xeN2. For such x, our argumentin the ergodiccase showsthatA n D(x) is in Mu and by ii) and iii) above, miu(A) = 0 A is in Ad". or 1 at mi-a.e. y. Thus min(A)= 0 or 1 at m-a.e. x and therefore This provesthatthe Pinskera-algebrais containedin 4u. The extensionof the is easy. othercontainment Appendix:Lyapunovcharts We includeherean outlineoftheconstruction ofLyapunovchartspartlyfor the convenienceofthereaderand partlybecause we need a littlemorethanwhat is usuallydone. (See forinstance[P1].) All notationis as in Section2. In addition, we let , .) be the usual innerproductin Euclideanspace, (( , ) )x be the inner product on TxM given by the Riemannianstructureand 11 lixbe its norm. corresponding Let E > 0 be given as in Section 2. We use as our startingpoint the followingfact,namelythatthereis a measurablefunctionC: IF' - [1, I) such that: 1. For everyx e F' and n ? 0, << C(x)ei IlDf -nVI fS all vE ()-A-E//2)nil/72|IvIIx l Ex for IIDfx7vvIgn I< ? C(x)e(// )nIlvIIx IIDfxIg forall vE Eu(x), Es(x), forall v e Ec(x); ? C(x)e(E/2)nhiViix IlDfx~nvIlf?-x This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions THE METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS. 537 I 2. Isin(Eu(x), Ec(x))I, Isin(Ec(x),ES(x))I, Isin(ES(x),Eu(x))II C(x)'; 3. Qf +x ) -< e(1/3)-c(xX). A standardtechniqueforobtaininggood estimateson Df afterone iteration is to introducea new innerproduct K )x on TXMforeveryx E F'. Firstwe let KKDf xu,DffnV))f-nX ((U v>, KK((Df u, Dfi v))r E fl= x0 foru, v E Eu(x) e-2n(X+ -) n=O foru, v E Ec(x) -00o E n=O KKDf uDfv ) foru, v E Es(x). 2n(A- + E) e~nX~ Then we extend K , ))'x to all of TxM by demandingthat the subspaces withrespectto KK Et'(x), Ec(x) and Es(x) be mutuallyorthogonal Recall that our objective here is to define a measurable function 1: F' -* [1, oc) and a familyof maps { 4x: R(l(xf-) -* M, xe 'P) so that these coordinatechartsand theirconnectingmaps have propertiesi)-iv) as statedin (2.1). Let Lx: TxM -* Ru+c+s be a linearmap takingEu(x), Ec(x) and Es(x) onto Ru x {0} x {0}, {0} x Rc X {0} and {O} x {0} x Rs respectivelyand satisfying (Lxu, Lxv) = (1u, v))X foreveryu, v E TxM.Setting (X= expx oL one immediately verifies i) and ii) in (2.1). Nextwe wantsomeboundson Iv IK xforv 0 0 E TxM,whereII IL is I/ IIvII First we considerv E E't(x) or Ec(x) or the norm derived fromKK ,))'. Es(x). Obviously llvii'> llvii.A directcalculationusing the propertiesof the functionC( x) showsthat -< C0C(X)11V11x 1v11X, where C0 = (2EZ oe%-En)1/2. For arbitraryv E TxM, write v = vu + vc + Vs respectingthe decompositionEU(x) e EC(x) e ES(x). It is easy to check that llvllx< 3iIvil'. Observethat llvii ? iivull IsinSl - sin 21where 01 is the angle between vu + vc and vs and 02 is the angle between vu and vC. Since IsinOl, This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 538 F. LEDRAPPIER AND L.-S. YOUNG sin021 C(X) we have IIVIL' C0C(x)[hIvulix+ IIvCII + llvSII] < 3CoC(x)3llvllx. Finallywe are in a positionto showthatproperties iii) and iv) are satisfied if we let l(x) = C. C(X)3 where C is a constantthe magnitudeof whichwill be obviousfromthe nextdiscussion: Thereis number8 > 0 suchthatforall x E IF%expxrestricted to { lIvII< 8} 1 < 2. If C is largeenough,we are is a diffeomorphism withIIDexpxIH, IIDexp assuredthatL - 'R(l(xf1) C {jv II < 8) and thatpropertyiv)holdswithK = 6. Since A= Lfxoexpj-' o foexpX o L-1, and the second derivatives of exp,exp- 1 and f are uniformly boundedin x, the Lipschitzsize of Dix is essentiallydeterminedby the normof LfX.Thus for C sufficiently largewe have L(Dfx) < 1(x)E. Also, IDLx(z)- DLx()I < 1(x)eIzI < E forz E R(l(x) -). Similarconsiderations forf-x1 guaranteethe properties listed in iii). Remarks.1) The above construction requiresonlythatf be C' +a forsome a > 0. Needless to say, with this hypothesispropertyiii) in (2.1) has to be modifiedaccordingly. 2) The reader can verifyeasily that if TxM= El(x) E ... EEr(x)(x) is the to exponentsX1(x),5... ,(x)(x)X decompositioninto subspaces corresponding then the same trickused for Ec(x) above can be performedon each Ei(x) separatelyto obtaina normII - II", withthe propertythatforeach v E i(X), e(Xi-,-)jjvjj" < JjDfxvjlfx < e(Ai+ E)lv are extremely Chartswiththeseproperties usefulin PartII. 3) If the measure m is not ergodic,the constructiondescribedin this appendixcan be carriedout on invariantsetsof the form F(E, XA+X-) where XA, = {x E F/: min Xi(x) ? XA, max Xi(x) -2 ? OOc and mF(,, XA,X) > 0. UNIVERSITEDE PARIs VI, PARIS,FRANCE MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY, EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN This content downloaded from on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 23:43:39 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions ) THE METRIC ENTROPY OF DIFFEOMORPHISMS. I 539 REFERENCES D. V. ANOsov,Geodesic flowon closed Riemannianmanifoldswithnegativecurvature, Proc. SteklovInst.of Maths.90 (1967). R. 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