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THE EFFECT OF IRRIGATION AND TIME OF HARVEST ON MATURITY, YIELD, AND GROSS RETURN OF FOUR VINING PEA CULTIVARS. By R.E Scott Four vining pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivars 'Tere', 'Piri', 'Pania', and 'Greenfeast 68' (Gf.68) were grown either with irrigation at start of flowering and pod fill, or without (natural rainfall). Harvesting began once peas reached tenderometer (TR) 90 and continued daily until TR 140 was exceeded. Harvested samples were threshed in a mini-viner, and green pea yield, TR and average sieve size were measured. Subsamples were analysed for alcohol insoluble solids (AIS), total solids (TS) and weight per pea. Botanical characteristics, yield components and total vine yield were a190 measured. TR was highly correlated with AIS and found to be a fast and reliable method for measuring maturity of peas, although the TR-AIS relationship varied between treatments. AIS and TS would be useful methods for measuring maturity when a tenderometer is not available. Irrigation prolonged flowering, delayed harvest, and reduced the rate of TR advance during the first four days of harvest. Irrigation also prolonged the harvest period for all cultivars except Pania. The effect of irrigation treatments on green pea yield was confounded by a period of heavy rain which caused waterlogging and subsequent yield depression in irrigated treatments of Piri, Pania, and Gf.68. In contrast, the pea yield of the natural rainfall treatments was enhanced by the rainfall. The heavy rain prevented measurement of the differences in the yield response of cultivars to irrigation treatments. Total vine yield, stem length, and number of peas per pod were also adversely affected by waterlogging. Pea yield of Gf.68 was also reduced by vining difficulties attributed to the pointed pod of this cultivar. Tere, the earliest cultivar, was not adversely affected by the heavy rain. Irrigation enhanced green pea yield of Tere by 20% due to increases in the number of peas per pod and pods per node. Yield increased with maturation but the rate of increase became smaller with advancing maturity. The curvilinear yield-TR relationship became linear when yield was plotted against log(TR-75). Differences in yield-TR relationships were measured by comparing regressions of relative yield (yield at TR 105=100) against log(TR-75). The respective relationships for natural rainfall and irrigated treatments of Tere were: Y Y = 27.5 = -21.7 + 49.1 X, and + 82.4 X, where Y = relative yield and X = log(TR-75). The four cultivars did not differ from each other in their yield-TR relationships within each irrigation treatment. The yield-TR relationships of Piri, Pania, and Gf.68, in contrast to Tere, were unaffected by irrigation, although the riod of heavy rain probably influenced these results. The gross return-TR relationship was similar for all cultivar x irrigation treatments, indicating that one payment scale may be equally applicable to newer cultivars as it is to older, less determinate cultivars (e.g. Gf.68). Gross return was negatively correlated with maturity, and was highest for peas harvested below TR 100. The smallest gross returns for most treatments were for peas at TR 120 to 130. Yield calculated from yield components over-estimated vining pea yield and was found to be unreliable as a method for yield prediction. This was attributed to problems associated with the early growth stage at which the yield components were measured. CONTENTS PAGE CHAPTER 1.0 INTRODUCTION ••••••••• e ••••• eo. " ••• " ••••• " • • • • • • • • • • • • • .1 ............................... . • 4 INTRODUCTION •••.• ... . . ... ... ... . . . ....... .. . ...... • 4 2.0 REVIEW OF LITERATURE. " 2.1 2.2 EVALUATION OF PEA QUALITY AND ITS RELATION TO MATURITy •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 2.3 OBJECTIVE METHODS FOR DETERMINING MATURITY OF PEAS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 9 2.4 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN YIELD AND MATURITY OF GREEN PEAS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 18 2.5 EFFECT OF IRRIGATION ON YIELD AND MATURITY ............................... .30 AND METHODS • . . .. .... . .... . ... .. ... .. . .. .. .. • 32 TRIAL •••••• . ... ..... . ... .. .. ...... ... ...... • 32 OF GREEN PEAS ••••• 3.0 MATERIALS 3.1 FIELD 3.1.1 Trial site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 32 ................................. .32 ............................. . • 34 Sowing •••• 3.1.2 Cu1tivars. 3.1.3 3.1.4 Trial layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 .............................. .36 VINING PROCEDURE . . . . . ..... .. .. .. . ... .38 3.1.5 Irrigation ••• 3.2 HARVEST AND 3.2.1 Botanical characteristics and yield camp 0 n en t s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. 3 8 ................. .39 Vining procedure •• ·.................... . .40 Tenderometer readings. ·. . . .. . .. .. ... . .... . . .42 Size grading .••••••••• ·................... . .42 3.2.2 Harvest of vining samples. 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.3 ANALYSIS OF FROZEN PEA SAMPLES •••••••••••••••••••• 44 3.3.1 Correction for dehydration of frozen peas ............................................. 44 3.3.2 Alcohol insoluble solids (AIS) determination ....................................... 44 3.3.3 Measurement of total solids (TS) content .......................................... 45 3.3.4 Measurement of weight per pea ••••••••••••••• 45 3.4 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF YIELD-TR RELATIONSHIPS •••• 46 4.0 RESULTS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• til •• 48 4.1 RELATIONSHIP OF TR TO OTHER MATURITY ASSESSMENT METHODS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 48 4.2 PLANT POPULATIONS •••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 54 4.3 EFFECT OF IRRIGATION AND CULTIVAR ON MATURITY AND YIELD OF PEAS •••••••••••••••••••••••• 55 4.4 EFFECT OF MATURITY ON PEA YIELD, VINE YIELD AND GROSS RETURN FROM GREEN PEA CROPS ••••••••••••• 60 4.5 EFFECT OF MATURITY ON SIEVE SIZE •••••••••••••••••• 79 4.6 EFFECT OF CULTIVAR AND IRRIGATION ON BOTANICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND COMPONENTS OF YIELD ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 82 4.7 PREDICTION OF YIELD FROM YIELD COMPONENTS ••••••••• 88 5.0 DISCUSSION •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 90 5.1 MEASUREMENT OF MATURITY ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 90 5.2 EFFECT OF IRRIGATION AND CULTIVAR ON MATURITY, YIELD AND YIELD COMPONENTS •••••••••••••• 94 5.3 EFFECT OF MATURITY ON PEA SIZE ••••••••••••••••••• I03 5.4 THE EFFECT OF MATURITY ON YIELD OF VINING PEAS ••• I04 5.5 EFFECT OF MATURITY ON GROSS RETURN FROM PEA CROPS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 110 5.6 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OBSERVED AND PREDICTED YIELD OF PEAS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 113 6.0 CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 120 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 APPEND ICES ....................................................... 133 APPENDIX 1 RAINFALL AND TEMPERATURE DATA OVER THE TRIAL PERIOD •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 133 APPENDIX 2 DETAILS FOR SOWING WITH STANHAY PRECISION SEED DRILL •••••••••••••••••••••• 137 APPENDIX 3 SOIL MOISTURE CHANGES OVER THE FLOWERING AND HARVEST PERIOD •••••••••••••• 138 APPENDIX 4 TR-PAYMENT SCALE FOR 1979/80 SEASON ••••••• 140 APPENDIX 5 FIELD RESULTS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 141 APPENDIX 6 MATURITY RESULTS •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 149 APPENDIX 7 'CORRELATION MATRICES FOR MATURITY TESTS ••• 15? LIST OF TABLES PAGE TABLE 2.3.1 Chemical methods for measuring maturity of green peas .............................................. 10 2.3.2 Physical methods for measuring maturity of green peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 2.3.3 Experimental instruments for measuring maturity of green peas •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 13 2.3.4 Commercial instruments for measuring maturity of green peas •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 Agronomic and maturity details of cu1tivars used in this trial •••••••••••••••••••••• 33 Sieve size grades for green peas •••••••••••••••••• 42 4.1.1 Maturity parameters for Tere at each harvest •••••• 48 4.1.2 Maturity parameters for Piri at each harvest •••••• 49 4.1.3 Maturity parameters for Pania at each harvest ••••• 49 4.1.4 Maturity parameters for Gf.68 at each harvest ••••• 50 4 .1.5 Coefficients of correlations of AIS and TR with other tests for maturity of peas ••••••••••••• 51 4.1.6 Coefficients of correlations between harvest number and tests for maturity of peas ••••••••••••• 51 4.1.7 Regression equations of TR against AIS •••••••••••• 52 4.1.8 AIS values corresponding to TR 90, 105, and 140 ••• 53 4.2.1 Plant popu1ations ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 54 4.3.1 Flowering times for each treatment •••••••••••••••• 55 4.3.2 Mean TR at each harvest of all treatments ••••••••• 58 4.3.3 Predicted green pea yield at TR 105 and response to irrigation •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 59 4.4.1 TR, yield parameters, and gross return at each harvest for Tere ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 61 4.4.2 TR, yield parameters, and gross return at each harvest for piri ••••••• 4.4.3 0 • • • • • .0 ••••••••••••••• 61 TR, yield parameters, and gross return at each harvest for Pania •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 62 4.4.4 TR, yield parameters, and gross return at each harvest for Gf.68 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 62 4.4.5 Regression equations for green pea yield against log(TR-75) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 65 4.4.6 Regression equations for relative yield against log(TR-75) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 70 4.4.7 Coefficients of correlation for gross return / with yield, TR, and harvest number •••••••••••••••• 78 4.5.1 Coefficients of correlation for average sieve size wi'th yield, TR, and harvest number ••••••••••• 79 4.6.1 Botanical characteristics for each cultivar ••••••• 82 4.6.2 Components of yield for each cu1tivar ••••••••••••• 83 4.6.3 Number of pods at each fertile node ••••••••••••••• 84 4.6.4 Number of peas/pod at each fertile node ••••••••••• 85 4.6.5 Number of peas at 4.6.6 Percentage of peas at each fertile node ••••••••••• 87 4.7.1 Green pea yield (peas/m2) at TR 105 ••••••••••••••• 89 4.7.2 Comparison of predicted and observed yield ~ach fertile node ••••••••••••••• 86 at TR 105 .••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••.•..•••••••• 89 5.4.1 Comparison of relative yields from several sources, at TR 90, 105, and 140 •••••••••••••••••• 108 Al.1 Monthly rainfall and temperature data for the months including the trial period •••••••••••• 133 Al.2 Temperature and rainfall data for Nov. 12 to 31, 1979 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••••• 134 AI.3 Temperature and rainfall data for Dec. 1979 •••••• 135 Al.4 Temperature and rainfall data for Jan. 1980 and Feb. 1 to 4, 1980 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 136 A2.l Sowing details for field trial ••••••••••••••••••• 137 A4.l Watties TR-payment scale for the South Island, 1979/80 season ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 140 AS.l Field results for Tere (natural rainfall) •••••••• 141 AS.2 Field results for Tere (irrigated) ••••••••••••••• 142 AS.3 Field results for Piri (natural rainfall) •••••••• 143 AS.4 Field results for Piri (irrigated) ••••••••••••••• 144 AS.5 Field results for Pania (natural rainfall) ••••••• 145 AS.6 Field results for Pania (irrigated) •••••••••••••• 146 AS.? Field results for Gf.68 (natural rainfall) ••••••• 14? AS.8 Field results for Gf.68 (irrigated) •••••••••••••• 148 A6.l Results of maturity measurements on Tere ( natural rainfall) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •• 149 A6.2 Results of maturity measurements on Tere ( i rriga ted) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 150 A6.3 Results of maturity measurements on Piri (natural rainfall) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 151 A6.4 Results of maturity measurements on Piri (irrigated) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 152 A6.S Results of maturity measurements on Pania (natural rainfall) ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 153 A6.6 Results of maturity measurements on Pania (irrigated) . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 154 A6.? Results of maturity measurements on Gf.68 {natural rainfall) •••.•••.•••••••••••••..•••••••• l55 A6.8 Results of maturity measurements on Gf.68 (irrigated) •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l56 A7.l Matrices of coefficients of correlation between maturity tests and harvest number for both irrigation treatments of Tere ••••••••••• l57 A7.2 Matrices of coefficients of correlation between maturity tests and harvest number for both irrigation treatments of Piri ••••••••••• l57 A7.3 Matrices of coefficients of correlation between maturity tests and harvest number for both irrigation treatments of Pania •••••••••• l58 A7.4 Matrices of coefficients of correlation between maturity tests and harvest number for both irrigation treatments of Gf.68 •••••••••• 158 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE PAGE Visual differences between cultivars ••••••• facing 33 Aerial photograph of trial site showing trial layout ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• facing 36 Sampling frame used to mark out sampling area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . facing 39 Section of trial site from where plot samples have been harvested •••••••••••••••• facing 39 The DSIR mini-viner ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 41 4.3.1 Relationship between TR and harvest number •••••••• 56 4.3.2 Relationship between log(TR-75) and harvest n umbe r .....••...•..••....•.••.••.•......•.•..•.•.. 57 4.4.1 Relationship between green pea yield and TR for natural rainfall treatments ••••••••••••••••••• 63 4.4.2 Relationship between green pea yield and TR for irrigated treatments •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 64 4.4.3 Relationship between green pea yield and log(TR-75) for natural rainfall treatments •••••••• 66 4.4.4 Relationship between green pea yield and log(TR-75) for irrigated treatments ••••••••••••••• 67 4.4.5 Relationship between yield and TR for natural rainfall treatments with fitted line from yield-log(TR-75) regression ••••••••••••• 68 4.4.6 Relationship between yield and TR for irrigated treatments with fitted line from yield-log(TR-75) regression •••••••••••••••••• 69 4.4.7 Relationship between relative yield and log(TR-75) for natural rainfall treatments •••••••• 7l 4 .4.8 Relationship between relative yield and log(TR-75) for irrigated treatments ••••••••••••••• 72 4.4.9 Relative yield-log(TR-75) relationship for all treatments (comparison of the fitted lines) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 4.4.10 Relative yield-TR relationship for all treatments (comparison of the fitted lines) ••••••• 75 4.4.11 Gross return-TR relationships ••••••••••••••••••••• 77 4.5.1 Changes in the proportion of peas in each size grade of natural rainfall treatments during maturity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 4.5.1 Changes in the proportion of peas in each size grade of irrigated treatments during maturity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Al.l Daily rainfall and mean daily temperature over the flowering and harvest period •••••••••••• 133 A3.l Soil moisture changes for Tere and Piri over the flowering and harvest period •••••••••••• 138 A3.2 Soil moisture changes for Pania and Gf.68 over the flowering and harvest period •••••••••••• 139 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION PAGE 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Vining peas are those harvested at the green by mechanical viners preserved, mainly dehydration. by Peas and are one appearence, crop, but also by canning, occupying or of the vegetable products most freezing, as they retain their flavour and nutritive value well (Martin, In New Zealand they are the most important 1977)~ stage pickers, then processed and freezing, successfully preserved by fresh pod pea approximately 10,000 vegetable hectares each season (MAP, 1980). All vining peas are classified as Pisum sativum L., in N.Z. only the grown for processing. wrinkled but seeded (garden pea) types are Elsewhere both wrinkled and round seeded types of this species are grown for vining, the latter type mainly for canning (Gane, N.Z., King and Gent, 1971). In because only a very small proportion of the vining pea crop is canned (MAP, 1980) special canning cultivars are not grown for this purpose, and freezing cultivars (usually ,at an advanced maturity) are canned comm~). To obtain instead maximum season, the use of a range pea of (M.J.Crampton, production cultivars, pers. throughout which differ a in maturity and other agronomic attributes, is often recommended (Wraight, 1976). being bred and current use (eg. quality etc.). Improved introduced cultivars with higher yield, are also advantages disease constantly over those in resistance, better PAGE 2 The yield maturity of green peas generally growers is based 1974a). Payment quality. Theoretically and gross return should regardless of the stage at country the and poorer the increase in yield of a crop should compensate for the lower price ,paid peas, to on a graduated scale where price per unit weight decreases as peas become more mature in with over the harvest period, but at the same time their quality decreases (Anderson and White, pea increases which for more mature remain relatively constant it is harvested. In this maturity of peas, on which payment is based, is measured by a tenderometer, with tenderometer reading (TR) increasing with maturity (Martin, 1937). Fulfilment of the concept of equal gross return on a close relationship between the payment scale and the changes in yield with maturity. become concerned experience with app~icab1e to that the obselete modern 1977). Furthermore, differ in payment pea growers scale and is is have based no on longer determinate) cultivars (Anon., is belief that cultivars may rate of maturity, and their rate of yield increase with maturity. If this is so, one payment scale may not be their Recently cultivars, (more there depends suitable for application to the range of cultivars which may be grown over a season (Wraight, 1976). One previous study in Canterbury examined the effect maturity on green pea yield, and found that irrigation had a significant effect on the relationship (Anderson 1974a). of The and White, cultivar used however, is now obselete in this district, and the relationships found may not be relevant to PAGE 3 more modern cu1tivars. This project was undertaken to increase the understanding of yield-maturity relationships of vining peas by studying several modern cu1tivars. To achieve this four main objectives were set: 1. to examine the reliability of TR as a method for measuring maturity of green insoluble solids peas, (AlB) by and comparison several with other alcohol maturity parameters; 2. to study the effect of harvest time on maturity and of different pea yield cu1tivars, and to compare the yie1d-TR relationships of different cu1t.ivars; 3. to examine relationships; 4. to compare different the effect the of irrigation on these and the gross returns for each treatment at stages of maturity, to test the assumption that payment scale ensures similar irrespective of the stage of harvest. gross returns, CHAPTER 2 REWIEW OF LITERATURE PAGE 4 CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 INTRODUCTION The relationship between yield and maturity different garden this study. processing This relationship is important know what the associated with It is quality essential of difficult quality, their to which maturity, are therefore measured instead. between to the pea industry, because yield tends to increase as peas although quality per se is Factors several pea cultivars is the principal interest of mature, but quality decreases. processors of quality that pea product is, measure also The directly. change with relationship and maturity will be reviewed here briefly, because it is on the basis of this relationship that tests for maturity are used to estimate pea quality_ Considerable effort has subsequently been applied to the development of simple and reliable measuring the maturity of green peas. objective methods for Many studies have also been undertaken to test the reliability and practicability of these methods, both for measuring maturity and for estimating pea quality. Many of the published methods for testing the maturity of peas, and evaluation of them, will also be briefly reviewed. Because quality and maturity are negatively the stage of maturity coinciding with optimum pea quality usually differs from the stage Some compromise must correlated, when maximum yield occurs. therefore be made between quality and PAGE 5 yield when deciding at which stage a crop wi.ll be Numerous studies into the yield-maturity relationship have consequently been carried out, essentially optimum stage at which aspect will be reviewed in relationshi.p harvested. a to identify crop should be harvested. some depth, since it is the This this which is central to the practical applicability of this study. Finally, it has been found that soil moisture conditions may alter crops, soil irrigation, the yield-maturity relationship. moisture is often under some In process pea control by so the affect of irrigation on this relationship will also be reviewed briefly. PAGE 6 2.2. THE EVALUATION OF PEA QUALITY AND ITS RELATION TO MATURITY. Quality in peas is influenced by several factors including varietal differences, size, maturity (especially as it affects tenderness), colour, and flavour Guyer and Ide, 1950). (Kramer, Scott, Measurement of pea quality, however, is highly subjective, and is usually assessed by organoleptic (sensory) methods, often involving an experienced taste panel (Ottosson, 1958). influenced by The results of such an evaluation how Bureau of Agricultural consisted, of 100 points divided thus: maturity, 35; the or weighted. (1935) reported that the standard scoring method for canned peas used by the USDA, be it was conducted, who took part, and how the various components of "quality" are scored Kertesz may can), flavour, 25; 15; absence of defects, 15; Blanchard and used system: following tenderness and clearness of liquor (ie syrup in size and colour, 10. the Economics, and uniformity of Maxwell flavour, colour and appearence (together), 15; (1941) 40; size, however texture, 10; and 30; form (roundness and uniformity of shape), 5. The different difference quality in consumer surveys (1950) referred to principal could clearly produce scores for the same material tested under the different systems. on weighting Attempts to base may one determinant which found that flavour also survey of pea was quality be confusing. which found quality, most Kramer et al. size was the and another survey important, texture, colour, and size, in that order. assessment followed by PAGE 7 The relationship examined by between Kertesz maturity (1935), and quality was who found that the scores for tenderness and maturity from standard USDA organoleptic were linearly total score. measuring related He test to the score for flavour, and to the concluded that an objective method for tenderness and maturity therefore should also give an objective assesment of quality. Makower maturity (1950) and found quality meaning the relationship between in peas was confused because the term "maturity" had two dif traditional that rent meanings. (a stage of In addition to physiological ripeness), maturity in peas may also be a component of quality. latter sense, maturity affected not only genetic by is In the primarily a textural component, stage of development, but also by and cultural factors, and changes during processing. Makower also physical showed quality that taste ripening of peas. panels Makower, easiest and were maturity primary appraisals. changes measures to detect for skin texture in maturity during are so closely scores organoleptic This may also explain why organoleptic physiological in Boggs, Burr and Olcott (1953) confirmed this, finding cotyledon the found components (eg starchiness, skin toughness anq firmness of cotyledons) were and its quality, linked, and reliable and sometimes confused. Many studies have been undertaken to find simply applied objective methods of assessing pea quality by measuring the physiological maturity of peas {Makower et 1953; Lee, Whitcombe and Hening, 1954; and al. Torfason, PAGE 8 Nonnecke and Strachan, 1956). Organoleptic appraisal remained the ultimate accepted reference method, however, for determining quality in peas, (Makower, Lynch, Mitchell and Casimir, 1959). 1950~ Ottosson, 1958; PAGE 9 2.3. OBJECTIVE METHODS FOR DETERMINING MATURITY OF PEAS The importance of method for objective finding a determining reflected in the number and range To be useful, an reliable objective of test maturity must with be peas is developed. either or be well highly an objective test which is recognised to be well correlated with 1950; simple in techniques correlated with organoleptic quality itself; correlated and Makower et organoleptic al. 1953; quality (Kramer Lee et al. 1954; et al. Voisey and Nonnecke, 1973a). The various methods have been how the peas are treated, as mechanical or morphological. however, and classified according to either chemical, physical, The classification is arbitrary some methods may fall into more than one group depending on the classifier's viewpoint. The chemical methods, principle that in maturing general, peas are undergo based on the biochemical and histological changes during development (Boswell, 1924, 1929; Bisson and Jones, 1932; McKee, Robertson and Lee, 1955). The amount of a particular component should therefore indicate that in pea's a relative maturity. Most chemical tests for maturity or and slow, 2.3.1). some require laboratory pea are at harvest stage of complicated facilities (Table Table 2.3.1 Chemical methods used for measuring maturity of green peas. Method Principle Source Comments Source Total solids (T.S.) (Dry matter) Less water in more mature peas. Kertesz (1934,1935). Simple, well correlated with other tests, less reliable than AlS. Neilson et ale (1947), Makower et ale (1953), Lee et ale (1954), Torfasonet ale -(1956). Water insoluble solids More water soluble solids in immature peas. Bonny and Palmore (1934). Slow, but more accurate than TS, not widely used. Bonney and Palmore (1935), Kertesz (1935) • Alcohol insoluble solids (AlS) AlS higher in more mature peas. Kertesz (1934,1935). Slow, but very highly correllated with organoleptic tests. Bonney and Rowe (1936), Kramer et ale (1950), Makoweretal. (1953), Torfasonetal. (1956), Adam and Brown (1948). Sugar content More sugar in younger, less mature peas. Blanchard and Maxwell (1943) • Slow and unreliable. Makower (1950), Danielson (1959). Starch content higher starch content in more mature peas. Neilsen (1953), Neilsen and Gleason (1945). Slow, impractical for general use, varies with cv. Lee et al.(1954), Torfasonet al.(1956), Ottosson (l958) • Refractive index of pea juice soluble solids in pea juice (mainly sugars) decrease with maturity. Lynch and Mitchell (1950) • Simple but unreliable. Lynch et al.(1959). I 'tI :.:G) tr:I ~ o PAGE 11 Physical methods (Table 2.3.2) are usually simple which measure tests physical characteristics of a sample of peas, from which its stage of maturity can be determined. Because they are non-destructive some physical methods have also been used to separate peas into quality grades (e.g. specific gravity, and pea size). The mechanical methods involve the use of a specially designed instrument to measure some physical characteristic of peas. Tests normally destructive. are rapid, simply applied, and Most of the mechanical tests have not developed beyond the laboratory or experimental stage (Table 2.3.3). few, however, have A proven sufficiently reliable to achieve commercial adoption (Table 2.3.4). Morphological methods for estimating maturity an aid for field ~thod, Schippers (1965b, 1969) developed The method tenderness was of the methods with themselves. they when more for measuring maturity were not available. Schoonens (1971) recommended method, peas highly correlated with alcohol insoluble solids (AlS) content, and could be used standard a by which all pods on a plant were scored on their appearance, and on the contained. more assessment of maturity, than a method of estimating pea quality. "visual" are more a "tactile" modification inspection to of Schipper's the peas Table 2.3.2 Physical methods for measuring the maturity of green peas. , Method Principle Comments Source Brine flotation specific gravity relative density Peas become less dense with maturity and float in known concentration of brine. Shook (1931), Walls and Hunter (1937), Lee (1941), Martin (1944). Reliable and may be used for quality grading Boggs et ale (1942), Adam and Dickinson (1945) ,Adam (1947),Adam and Brown (1948) • Size grading sieve grading Peas become larger with maturity and can be screened into size grades Bosswell, (1924,1929), Boggs et ale (1942)-. - Unreliable because pea size varies with cultivar and growing conditions of plant. Makower (1950), Lynch et ale (1959) • Viscosity Viscosity of pureed peas increases with maturity. Elehwany and Kramer (1956), Adam (1957). Simple, generally Well correlated with chemical maturity tests. Elehwany and Kramer (1956), Adam (1957). Weight per pea (or per 100 or 1000 peas) individual peas become heavier with maturity. Lynch and Mitchell (1953). Unreliable,similar problems to size grading. Makower et ale (1953), Ottosson (1958), Lynch et ale (1959) • ------ ~-- - - ---- - -- ----- - - Source - - I - - - "'C :P G: tr I- '" PAGE 13 Table 2.3.3 Experimental instruments for measuring maturity of peas Ins trument Method and principle Source Pea Crusher Measures resistance of peas to crushing. More mature peas are firmer. Sayre et al(1931), H0 r s fa 11 eta 1.( 19 3 2 ) , Boggs et al.(I943), Adam and DIckinson (1945), Adam (1947), Adam and Brown (1948). Penetrometer A metal probe measures the force required to penetrate pea skins. Sayre et al(1931), Boggs et al .. (1942,1943). Succulometer Measures amount of juice expressed from a measured sample of peas. Lynch and Mitchell (1950). Shearometer sample of peas raised into a set of blades. Similar to shearpress and tenderometer (Table 2.3.4) but hand operated and transportable. Lynch and Mitchell (1950). Miniature tend e rome t e r Same principle as tenderometer, but compact and hand opera ted, and less reliable. Kramer et ale -(1950) • Single pea maturometer Same principle as maturometer but only tests one pea each run. Casimir and Moye r (19 68 ) • Ottawa pea tenderometer Electronically measures the force needed to drive a sample of peas through a wire grid. Voisey and Nonnecke (1973b), Atherton and Gaze (1980). Table 2.3.4 Commercial instruments.used for measuring the maturity of green peas. Comments Source Instrument Principle Source Tenderometer (Martin or FMC tenderometer) Measures shear force needed to drive a set of moving blades through a sample of peas (in p.s.i.). Martin (1937). Highly correlated with organoleptic and AIS evaluation, simple and fast. Walls and Hunter (1937), Martin et al. (1938), a n d many others (see text) • Textu reme ter (Texturometer) Measures the resistance offered by a sample of peas to the passage of 25 (5mm) steel pins. Cristel(1938), cited by Kramer et ale (1950) •- - Hand operated, compact and fast, difficult to maintain accuracy. Torfason et al. -(1956), Voisey and Nonnecke (1973a). Maturometer Measures resistance of 143 peas to the passage of one 3mm steel pin through each. Lynch and Mitchell (1950) • Well correlated to other tests, slower than tenderometer, hand operated. Adam and Holt (1953), Sayre (1954) • Shear press (Kramer shear press, Qualitometer) Similar to the tenderometer, tests res is tance to a set of blades forced into a sample of peas. Kramer et al. -(195l),cited by Torfason et ale (1956). -- Reliable, more compact than tenderometer. Torfason et ale -(1956), Ottosson (1968). Hardness meter Measures the force needed to drive a sample of peas through a brass grid. Doesburg and Grevers(1952), cited by Lynch et ale (1959). Hand operated and transportable, but not very reliable. Voisey and Nonnecke (1973a). >t: :t: C; t< I ... ,j: PAGE 15 Many experimental studies were undertaken to compare the reliability, practicability and efficiency of the various methods for estimating pea maturity and quality, often an organoleptic analysis as a reference point. using The AlS method has been commended repeatedly as the objective method closest to organoleptic tests, with high correlations between AlS and taste panel data reported by Lee (194la), ale (1950) and Makower et al.(1953). Kramer et AlS thus became firmly established as an objective method with which other objective methods may be compared to test their r~liability. These workers also showed that the reliable machine for measuring tenderometer reading (TR) closely organoleptic tests. Several tenderometer maturity of correlated studies peas, with also was a with AlS and examined the relationship between AlS and TR by regression analysis. The relationship: y = -6.15 + 0.24 X -0.00045 X2 was found for cv.'Alaska' peas, where Y= AlS and X= TR (Walls and Kemp 14.1%. 1939). At TR 105 for example, AlS was therefore Lee et ale (1954) pooled data from six cultivars and derived an average relationship: AlS = -0.49 + (0.1252 x TR). TR 105 was thus equal to 12.7% AlS. was analysed by Weckel and Three years Kuesel following relationships for Alaska and trial data (1955), who found the cv.'Perfection' peas respectively: where Y= AlS, y = -3.07 + 0.144 X, and y = and -1.58 + 0.120 X, X= TR. The respective AlS values PAGE 10 equivalent to TR 105 for approximately 11 and 12%. those of Adam Perfection and Alaska peas were These (1957). results were similar to From data collected from two years trials, Adam found that AIS = 11.7% at TR 105, according to the relationship: x = -1.1 + 0.122 Y, where X = AIS, and Y = TR. The texturemeter estimates, and has has also given It maturity been highly correlated with AIS, TR and organoleptic results (Kramer et ale 1956). reliable 1950; Torfason et ale also had the advantage of compactness, lightness and portability, but did not become widely used, possibly due to difficulty maintaining the system on which it depended integrity (Voisey and of the hydralic Nonnecke, 1973a). Close correlation between the maturometer index (M.I.) and TR has also been demonstrated, in England (Adam and Adam, 1955) and in maturometer has only where it was by TR and M.I. replicate been developed Nonnecke, 1973a). studied the U.S.A. used (Lynch also (Sayre, 1954), extensively in Australia, 1959; Voisey and et ale The relationship between M.I. was reading very high (r=0.995) but and TR variations the was in from the maturometer for any given sample TR for the same material. showed that the correlation between AIS and M.I. was high (r=O.91) but that for AIS v TR was higher The but Sayre (1954), who found that correlation between were higher than variations in Sayre Holt, 1953; maturometer (r=O.96). was also prone to more cultivar variability than the tenderometer or the texturemeter (Sayre, 1954). PAGE 17 Apart from AIS, no other chemical methods became Total adopted. solids analysis, which was simply applied, gave results which were well correlated with those (Makower, methods Torfason, 1950; et of other ale 1956). AIS, however, was generally considered to be a much more estimate of maturity, although it was difficult to measure (Makower et ale 1953; The widely reliable technically more Lee et ale 1954). starch method was cumbersome and subject to error due to changes in starch composition during maturity, with cultivar (Kramer et al.1950; 1954). was Makower, 1950; varied Lee et ale ottosson (1958) found that the starch content of peas also affected by environmental conditions. method (Blanchard and Maxwell, because sugars are very 1941) labile was also very slow (Ottosson,1958). The sugar unreliable, before blanching, and are highly diffusable thereafter (Makower, 1950). also which The method was Other chemical methods have been tried and rejected, including carotene and ascorbic acid content Peterson (Pollard, and amylose/amylopectin ratio (Adam and Brown, Guggolz, Silviera et al.1953), and Lynch et al.1959; 1948; be a maturity. standards, others (Makower, 1950; Ottosson, 1958; Voisey and Nonnecke, 1973a). has proved relatively reliable physical method for estimating It has been the basis of the USDA offical and was highly correlated organoleptic tests (Lee, 1941a, Brine McCready, and Owens, 1950) amylose content (Makower Specific gravity testing by brine flotation to 1944), Wilcox, flotation has also been 1941b; with Lee TR, et grading AIS, and ale 1954). used to separate peas into different maturity grades (Martin, 1944). PAGE 18 2.4. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN YIELD AND MATURITY OF GREEN PEAS The effect of studied maturity on yield of peas was by Boswell (1924), who investigated chemical changes during ripening of pea increased seeds. Although dry matter yield throughout maturation, sugar yield rose to a peak, then fell sharply. Boswell' recommended immediately they the green after sugar content peas be harvested reached marketable size, and before decreased. Bisson and Jones (1932) undertook a similar investigation, mainly into changes in the carbohydrate components of pea seeds, important for determination believing of pea quality. these most Like Boswell, they concluded that green peas should be harvested once their sugar content (per pea) had reached a maximum, and before total sugar yield (per unit area) fell. by McKee Turner et and ale Lee physiological was confirmed (1955), Turner and Turner (1957), Turner, (1957) and Danielson (1959), whose studies showed that the changes in pea flavour during maturity were related not only to content, This decrease in sugar but also to a marked increase in the starch content of the developing peas. The influence of stage of quality ale on the yield and of Perfection peas was studied In Utah by Pollard et (1944). including maturity Quality was measured by several indices, the tenderness (TR), and starch, ascorbic acid and carotene content. Plots were harvested over nine successive days, starting at a very immature stage (TR 83) and finishing at TR 165.5. from Over that period, average pea yield increased 3.6 T/ha to 7.26 T/ha and starch content increased from PAGE 19 2.6 to 6.3%, while moisture content decreased from 81.9 to 75.7% • The study cv.'Early continued Perfection' Peterson, 1947). the two was for two further included seasons (Pollard, and wilcox and The yield and the yield-TR relationship were cultivars very similar, although Early Perfection had a slightly higher rate of yield increase Perfection. The rate of than of change in TR, starch content, and total solids for each cultivar, and in each season, were also quite similar. The yield-TR relationship of both cultivars changed as maturity progressed, with proportionately increases in yield at higher TR. smaller The rate of TR change per day increased during maturation. Peas from each harvest small, grades: were into high quality peas (grade l); average quality peas (grade 2); (grade 3). divided three size medium sized, and large, poor quality peas In both cultivars, the proportion of grade 1 peas decreased rapidly during maturity, and grade 3 peas increased rapidly, while grade 2 peas steadily decreased, although more slowly in Perfection than in Early Perfection (Pollard et ale 1947). The peas within each size grade became less tender and more starchy during maturation, although the amount of TR change varied with grade. The mean TR for grade 1 peas of both cultivars (pooled) increased only 7 TR points harvest the period, but those in grades 2 and 3 increased 39 and 57 TR points respectively. both over cultivars The starch content of peas of in each grade approximately doubled over the duration of the experiment. PAGE 20 Gross returns from crops harvested at different maturity stages that were a also crop produced a harvested crops early in maturity Conversely, high gross returns were obtained were harvested at an advanced maturity, although most of the workers comparatively They showed large proportion of high quality peas, but gross return was low. when examined by Pollard's group. peas produced were of poor quality. These recommended that prices paid to growers be adjusted, so that the gross return for high quality peas was similar to that for lower grades. Another investigation into the relationship of maturity to yield and quality of green peas was conducted in Maryland by Kramer (1946). cv.'Pride' a Two cultivars were used in the study: maturing sweet (wrinkle-seeded) pea, and ~ate Alaska, a small round-seeded early maturing cultivar. was harvested at Alaska five stages from TR 96 to TR 147 (9 days) and 4 harvests were taken for Pride, from TR 83 to TR 165 (10 days). The peas in this trial were also size graded, and green pea yield, TR, and AIS were measured for each grade at each harvest. the peas Kramer found the same trends as Pollard et al.(1947), with respect to the decreasing rate yield change for each increasing rate of TR distribution progressed: size peas cultivar change in with each during time size of maturity; the harvest; the of grades as maturity and the rate of TR change for peas in the larger grades being greater than that for peas in smaller size grades. also of in The mean AIS of peas in each grade of both cultivars increased with maturity but the rate of AIS increase in each grade remained relatively similar. PAGE 21 Kramer (1947, 1948) showed that the relationship between yield, maturity, and quality was relatively constant for each cultivar. He established proposed that once this relationship was for a cultivar, the yield and maturity index AlS or TR) at one maturity stage could yield at other stages of maturity. be used to predict Kramer (1948) also stated that AlS measurements on cooked or raw peas could be used estimate the TR. He recommended peas) should with respect to Kramer found round or wrinkled be understood if optimum harvest dates yield that to that the yield-maturity relationships of different pea types (ie. seeded (e~. and quality were to be achieved. the yield of Alaska peas peaked about TR 145, hence harvest should never be delayed beyond this point, or both quality and yield would decrease. were harvested at TR 125, the quality was only 10% of the potential yield was When Alaska peas much peaked about TR 110. and The same was sacrificed~ said for sweet peas like Pride and cv.'Thomas yield better, Laxton' whose If harvested at TR 100, 90% of maximum yield would be achieved, with a much higher quality product. Similar Perfection conclusions and Thomas Laxton seasons in New York State that maximum 85, only 65% were drawn peas from study a conducted by Sayre (1952). over of three The study showed yield was obtained at a TR of 140, while at TR of the maximum yield was produced. Sayre concluded that TR 110 was the optimum harvest stage for these cultivars little, because above that yield increased but quality deteriorated rapidly. relatively Sayre also showed that returns per hectare for peas peaked at TR 85-95. More PAGE 22 was paid to growers older peas, and even for high quality young peas than for with the increase in yield during maturity, the financial returns per hectare decreased. Lynch and Mitchell (1953) conducted a series in of trials Tasmania, using cv.'Canners' Perfection' to determine the relationship between maturity and yield, and to identify optimum harvest time (OHT) for peas. Like Kramer (1946) and Pollard et al.(1947), these workers found that the poor quality remained Yield of peas to however, of intermediate Lynch and Mitchell used a measure maturity, so no relationship between yield and TR was reported. peas, of reasonably constant during early stages of maturity, then decreased rapidly. maturometer yield peas increased during maturation, and yield of high quality peas decreased. quality the Maturometer index (M.I.) of raw was found to be very closely correlated with AIS of canned peas (r= +.981~ Lynch and Mitchell, 1950). A TR range of 80-140 was found by Sayre (1954) to be equivalent to . M.I. 120-330, with TR 100 approximately equal to M.I. 192. The influence of maturity on yield-quality relationships of peas in Wisconsin was investigated by Hagedorn, Holm and Torrie (1955), using two canning and 'Wisconsin Perfection' cultivars, (late). Alaska Maturity was measured by the tenderometer, and quality by size grading. responses to (early) Actual yield maturity varied considerably for each cultivar over seasons and locations, but when compared in relative terms the cultivars had a similar rate of yield increase with maturity. Of eight trials using Alaska, one showed a curved PAGE 23 response, as did two of the seven trials, but the average response of linear. The Wisconsin Perfection yield to maturity was yield-TR relationship for Alaska and Wisconsin Perfection peas respectively, were given by the following equations: y= -1612 + 29.6 X , and y= -1432 + 27.9 X , where Y= yield of peas in Kg/ha, and X= TR. Sieve size studies on peas from proportion of both showed larger peas increased with maturity. of peas in each grade also increased the cultivars during the Mean TR maturity, with rate of increase greatest in the larger size grades, and least in the small grades. These trends were similar to those reported by Kramer (1946) and Pollard et al.(1947). A series of 157 pea trials at Bjuv, Sweden, was out by Ottosson (1958) from 1950 to 1957. involved predominantly wrinkle seeded vining and the These trials pea cultivars, relationship between yield and TR was investigated. Ottosson found that wide variation in actual diversity carried in yield, due time, location, and cultivar which made direct comparison between the yield-TR relationships difficult. proposed that yield responses unit at OHT. found that the OHT for vining peas in Sweden was at TR 110, when the yield of sugar in peas was per He to maturity be expressed as relative yields, calculated as percentages of yield Ottosson to area. at its maximun He claimed this technique standardised the position of yield curves from a range of sources, but shapes remained relatively unchanged (Ottosson, 1958). their The average number of pod bearing nodes on plants pea crop was found to be a major determinant yield-maturity relationship (Ottosson, 1958). lowest fertile node several (ie. the Pods from the matured soonest while those from nodes In crop pool Crops with only one nodes have plant less or two "dilution" pod effect bearing due to the addition of young peas, and therefore mature sooner and evenly, with a relatively lower yield. finite, however, because pods from higher peas and of peas, slightly reducing the rate of maturity and increasing yield. per a three or more) podding nodes, more tender peas from younger pods are continually added to the harvestable a of higher up the plant matured progressively later. with in therefore contributed The nodes more effect was bore fewer proportionally less to the existing population, comprising mainly larger, more mature peas. Factors which affect plant growth, such as soil or weather conditions and disease, unfavourable also affect the number of pod bearing nodes, and thereby influence yield maturation rate. conditions (eg and Ottosson also found that under poor growing drought, disease) skin toughness and dry matter content increased, without a corresponding increase in pea growth. The combination of results from 157 trials over seven seasons (1950-4 and 1956-7) gave a curvilinear relative yield response to maturity, being almost linear from TR 70 to 120, then levelling out to peak near TR 160. A Ottosson further (1968) series of from 1965 experiments was conducted to 1967, at A1narp, Sweden. by He PAGE 25 confirmed the earlier work with respect to yield the distribution of maturity (Kramer, 1958). Plant peas various Pollard 1946~ density, physical condition, in soil sowing et size and and grades during al. 1947; moisture, time, curves Ottosson, soil fertility and cultivar used were reported to affect the yield-maturity relationship (Ottosson, 1968). the He also found a strong positive relationship number of accumulated heat units and between the number of fertile nodes, and that both temperature and the fertile Ottosson (1968) nodes affected maturation rate. number concluded that the OHT was TR 100 for freezing peas, and of TR 110-115 for canning peas. Salter (1962) and NeIder (1963) showed that the normally curvilinear relationship between yield and maturity transformed to a linear relationship when the log plotted is a against log ( TR-TR ) , value, relationship usually simplified between TR 85 and 120. was where TR= measured TR, and TRO O base yield was 75. The linearity interpolation this of corrected yield for The model: y= was proposed by Berry (1963) to describe the tenderometer-yie1d relationship of green peas where e, TO' A, and Bare contants, T=TR and W=weight peas plant. of Berry found approximate values for shelled e and TO per of 1.25 and 64 respectively, and when the yield transformation: y= e-~~j 1.25 was regressed against TR, a linear relationship was obtained. PAGE 26 This model was used successfully by Salter (1963) to transform data from irrigation trials. Berry recommended that the values of TO adjusted to suit the data to be analysed. 8 at 70 and 1.0 respectively, Berry e should be and By setting TO (1966) and successfully fitted the model to data from 12 irrigation or density trials carried out over five years, with TR ranging from 77 to The value 153. of 1 for 8 was proposed where yield approached an upper limit with increase in situations where the TR. 8=<1 yield-maturity was suggested curve for showed a yield decrease at high maturities, as found by Kramer (1948), and Sayre (1952). Changes in agronomic characters during studied for several Schippers (1965a). cultivars dif harvest), but no reference. A the appearence described pea maturation cultivars grown at Otara, N.Z, by He showed that the yield response of red with were maturity recognised (as maturity pea measured by date of index was used for visual method for measuring maturity based on and firmness of the by Schippers (1965b, 1969; pods and peas, was see section 2.2) which correlated well with AlS. The yield-TR relationship for cv.'Victory Freezer' peas, grown under irrigated and dry land conditions, investigated by Anderson and White (1974a) at They found a Lincoln, was N.Z. different yield-TR relationship for irrigated peas than for unirrigated peas (section 3.4). Equations for lines of best fit were derived, using data from TR 85 to 140. PAGE 27 The respective equations for irrigated and non-irrigated peas were: - 2.76X 2 -16.35 (R= 0.91) y= 45.72X -10.89X 2 -47.30 (R= 0.95) y= 14.18X 2 where Y= yield of green peas in Kg/m and X= lo910 TR Like many of the studies White above, to referred Anderson and found that the rate of TR increase was greater at high An harvest of stage peas in Canterbury of 100-110 TR was for unirrigated maturity. optimum TR than at early stages recommended because the increase in yield beyond this stage of maturity was small (or negative). The yield-maturity relationship, of cv. Perfection' peas was investigated by 'Dark Skinned Pumphrey, Ramig and A11maras (1975), in a series of 17 experiments conducted over 11 years in U.S.A. Oregon, considerable variation in pea from individual Their yields, When trials. results and yield revealed yield-TR was curves converted percentages of the yield at TR 100, however, points from trials to all could be plotted together, and a curvilinear yield-TR relationship was derived. separately, giving the Two irrigated trials were analysed following equation for line of best fit: Y= -1059.1 - 8.405 X + 200.0 where Y= percent xO. 5 (R= 0.84) yield, and X= TR. The equivalent relationship for dryland peas was: Y= -1640.8 -14.134 X + 3 The different curves for .1 irrigated xO. 5 and (R= 0.81) dryland peas similar to those found by Anderson and White (1974). were PAGE 28 Results from cultivar x irrigation trials, conducted over three years, were used by Martin methods of interpolating pea maturities (e.g. TR yields 105). (1981) to compare six corrected Martin found to generally agreement between methods, especially when yield were large, from each and when more than The plot. treatments matured at one sample agreement was the time same standard good differences was reduced harvested when many or rapid maturation prevented sampling close to the optimum maturity stages. No single method was superior in all situations. There is optimum some harvest diversity time in (ORT) for what is in which they respectively). same stage cultivars for 1958). In was and England the 105 canning in Sweden (Salter, 1962, 1963; (Ottosson, Berry, 1966; 1970), while the "practical canning stage" is from (Reynolds, 1970). Berry, 1966), or Similar TR 115 standards apply in New Zealand (Anderson and White, 1974a), but because 6% canning. "practical freezing stage" for peas TR 115 to 120 (Salter, 1962, 1963; 125 for found to be optimal for harvest of all freezing is from TR 95 to Reynolds, 100 TR 110 was recommended by Sayre (1952) as the ORT for both Perfection and Thomas Laxton peas to are Kramer (1946, 1948) suggested different TR stages for harvest of Alaska and Pride peas for canning (TR 125 and The the vining peas, depending on cultivar, their end use, and the country grown. considered only about of the annual pea harvest in recent years has been canned (MAF, 1980), most peas over TR 105 destined by freezing, but as lower grade (catering) for preservation packs (R.K. Cawood, at pers. harvest comm.). are still Caution should therefore exercised when interpreting processing quality" in terms of TR alone, to the intended method of preservation. without "optimum reference PAGE 30 5. EFFECT OF IRRIGATION ON YIELD AND MATURITY OF GREEN PEAS The beneficial especially when effect of irrigation on yields, applied at critical growth states, has been well demonstrated (Salter and Goode, 1967). experiments pea by In the U.S.A. Monson (1942) and Smittle and Bradley (1966) showed that irrigation before flowering had little effect pea yields, but irrigation increased pea yield. Maurer, concluded that and after flowering Pumphrey and Schwanke (1974) found that pod fill was the most ef Similary during on ctive Ormrod and stage for yield enhancement. Fletcher (1968) in Canada, water stress after flowering depressed green pea yield, whereas stress during the vegetative stage did not. In England, Salter (1962, 1963), and Salter and Williams (1967) and also pod fill confirmed 1971; 1981; found that increased irrigation green of pea peas at yield. flowering This by trials in New Zealand (Stoker, 1973; Anderson and White 1974a, 1974b; White, Sheath and Meijer, Martin 1982). was Anderson, and Tabley, Trials in New Zealand also show that garden pea seed yield was enhanced irrigation at flowering Anderson and White, 1974bi and pod fill (Stoker, 1975, 1977; White et al. 1982). Other agronomic characteristics may also be af irrigation in peas. by cted by Several studies, for example have shown that irrigation reduces the rate of pea maturation and may delay the optimum harvest stage up to one, week compared with unirrigatea peas (Salter 19621 Smittle and Bradley, 1966; PAGE jl Salter and Williams, Anderson 19671 and White, 1974a1 Pumphrey and Schwanke, 1974). Irrigation may yield-maturity also curve. alter Anderson the and shape White of the (1974a) and Pumphrey et ale (1975) found that irrigated peas did not reach a yield plateau, even at TR 140, while unirrigated peas peaked in yield at TR 120-125, after which yield decreased. This effect, however, was not found by Salter (1962, 1963) or Smittle and Bradley (1966), who showed that the shape of the yield-maturity curves for irrigated and unirrigated peas were similar, although general they the found slope that of the irrigated yield-TR curve than non-irrigated peas. possib1~ explanations, particularly lines peas differed. have These with number of podding nodes, were discussed by a In steeper effects, and reference to the Ottosson Salter (1963), and Anderson and White (1974a). (1958), CHAPTER 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS , PAGE 32 CHAPTER 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1. FIELD TRIAL 3.1.1. Trial site. The trial was located in paddock R17 of the Lincoln College Research Farm, on an imperfectly drained Wakanui silt loam (T. had Webb, Soil Bureau, DSIR, pers. comm.). The land been in grazed ryegrass/white clover pasture for over 12 years, and an MAF soil analysis: quick-test gave the 6.2 33 10 17 23 pH P(Olsen) Ca K Mg Because the fertility (particularly phosphate), and suitable for peas (Gane et following ale pH were 1971, McCleod, 1979) no fertilizer was applied. Trifluralin herbicide (Treflan) incorporated soil, at recommended rates, six days with before sowing. some the Post emergence herbicides were not hand-weeding was subsequently carried used out was but when necessary. 3.1.2. Cultivars. Four garden pea cultivars suitable for processing were, in 'Tere', which were Canterbury were selected for the study. 'Piri', all not 'Pania', and 'Greenfeast 68' and They (Gf.68), bred at Lincoln, by Crop Research Division, DSIR (Figure 3.1.1). is cultivation Tere, which was only released in yet widely grown. 1980, Pania and Piri were both released in 1974 (Crampton and Goulden, 1974). Pania has been the PAGE 33 main cultivar grown for vining while Piri has been grown on where a in Canturbury since 1979, smaller crops could not be irrigated. area, particularly Gf.68, released in 1968 (Crampton, 1968), was the main vining cu1tivar in until superseded by Pania, which is easier to vine and has better green pea colour (R.K. comma ) • pers. All Cawood, J. cultivars used normal foliage, and bear single and and agronomic Canturbury details of the Wattie Canneries, are determinate, with double pods. Maturity cu1tivars used are given in Table and in the components of yield results (Chapter 4, section 4.6). Figure (facing) Two photographs show visual differences between cultivars (taken 6.1.80, 55 days after sowing): GF=Gf.68, PA=Pania, PI=Piri, TE=Tere, I=irrigated, N.R.= natural rainfall, X= buffer. Table Agronomic and Maturity details of Cultivars used in this trial. Cultivar Maturi ty type Node to first flower Pod apex Cotyledon colour Attributes Tere early 10-11 blunt green High yielding early cultivar. Piri medium 13-14 blunt green Tolerant of dryer soils~ Pania late 14-16 blunt green Very high yield, widely adapted throughout N.Z. Gf.68 late 14-16 pointed yellow Reliable yield in a range of soils. Difficult to vine, pale peas. PAGE 34 3.1.3 Sowing Seed of Lincoln, all cultivars together with was obtained standard although those for Piri and Pania from the DSIR, germination certificates, were one year old. An additional germination test was conducted, using the standard moist towel method. showed The aggregated results from all tests that Tere, Piri and Pania had germination percentages of 90-92%, while that for Gf.68 was 86 per cent. An electro-conductivity test for seed carried out (R.C. which had a "high" score (Gane et al. there should particularly as be the (Gane et ale seed) problem was optimum 1971). Captan ('Orthocide 65', a.i./Kg no trial planting season, when occur was Close, Lincoln College, pers. cultivars had a "very high" vigour score that vigour 65% except 1971). with also comm.) All Greenfeast, This indicated seed emergence to be sown late in the pea soil temperature conditions The seed was slurry treated with a.i.), at label rates (0.8g to protect against seed and seedling rot, and damping-off fungi. The trial was sown on November 12 and 13, 1979, using "Stanhay" a precision seed drill with 10 sowing units, using a 15cm row spacing. cultivar were Before tested (NZIAE, Lincoln Col sowing, seed samples of each in a special Stanhay calibration rig, gel to determine which belts, bases and drive speeds should be used to achieve populations of 100-110 plants per m2 • variables Details of the belts, drive speeds and are given in Appendix 2. other During drilling care was PAGE 35 taken to prevent Blockages did seeds jamming however, occur, drilled, seed flow within from each but the sowing after unit was each units. strip was checked, and any crop's stage of blockage was cleared. It is sometimes useful to express. a development in terms of days from sowing. In this experiment November 12, 1979 was considered the date of sowing even though Piri and Fania were morning. would actually sown A difference of one day at probably make sowing (day 0), the following time, however, negligable difference to the time when plants began flowering, or reached harvest maturity. 3.1.4. Trial Layout The trial was of a standard split plot design. plots were out the treatments other non-irrigated with irrigation treatments, they of each (natural one irrigated rainfall). bordered natural Where rainfall were separated by a buffer strip 2.5m wide (Figure one in a randomised block layout with five There were two main plot treatments, blocks. and set The main Each main plot was split into four cultivar. single drill strip 41.0m Thecultivar long and plots constituted a 1.35m wide separated from adjacent plots by a gap 0.65m wide. were sub-divided for harvest into 12 plots, sub-plots (10 rows), The plots 3.2m long (Figure 3.l.4.1), with a buffer zone 1.3m long at each end of the plot. each This layout was used to facilitate irrigation, but cultivar x irrigation combination was considered a separate treatment within the trial. effectively Over the PAGE 36 harvest period {section 3.2.3}, successive daily harvests were made from each replicate of each treatment. Fisure (facing) Negative print from a false colour infra-red aerial transparency of the trial site with a trial plan superimposed. Natural rainfall plots of Tere and the buffer (marked X, also Tere) stand out as lighter strips. 3.1.5. Irrigation. Three l3mm alkathene pipes (laterals) were placed apart 300mm along the central area of the irrigated plots when the pea plants were IOO-lSOmm high. tank 4m above header pipe. spring ground stored in a header level was fed to laterals via a 5lmm Water flow into the laterals was controlled clamps, so individual separately when required. O.Smm th~ough Water plots by could be irrigated Water was delivered to the plot microtubes 225mm long, located 300mm apart on alternate sides of the laterals. Irrigation was flowering and pod lied fill, to the the two appropriate growth reported to be most responsive to irrigation Salter and 1974b). Goode, 1967; of began at early flowering, when and capacity. On continued this stages of peas (Salter, a Wakanui about 33%. soil 1963; irrigated treatment 15% of plants had fully open until site each field the soil capacity reached was type, field reached approximately 27-28% soil moisture content, which seemed for at Stoker, 1973, White and Anderson, The first irrigation blossoms, plots at low with a winter field capacity of It is quite normal, however, for a soil to have a )AGE 37 lower field capacity in summer than in winter (T.Webb, Soil Bureau, pers. comm.). The appearence within two days of irrigated plots changed from the start of irrigation. elongated rapidly Irrigated plots and became remained bright green noticably Stern apices in different in appearence from N.R. plots of the same cultivar throughout the rest of period (Figure the trial Changes in soil moisture during the flowering and harvest period were gravimetric methods. colour. monitored using standard The top 50mm of soil was removed before a sample was drawn by auger from the next 250mm for moisture determination. A period of very heavy rain (114.6mm) several days after the first irrigation Al.4, Figure Al.l of of Pania and Gf.68 (Appendix 1, Table Appendix 3, Figure A3.1) led to symptoms waterlogging in the irrigated plots, where many plants became yellow and stunted. therefore only given Irrigated sufficient plots water of Pania during were the second irrigation to raise the soil moisture above the 50% available level (Appendix 3, Figure A3.2), and Gf.68 was not irrigated at all during pod (Appendix Figure 3, fill, in A3.2.). spite of low soil Tere and Piri, however, which were first irrigated earlier than Pania and appear irrigated badly waterlogged, moisture and were Gf.68 did to not field capacity during the pod fill stage (Appendix 3, Figure A3.l). The irrigation at pod fill, where applicable, began when the pods at the first fertile node were almost fully swollen. PAGE 38 3.2. HARVEST AND VINING PROCEDURE 3.2.1. Botanical characteristics and yield components. Immediately before the vining of ten plants were randomly each (Hardwick and began selected from each replicate for measurement of botanical characteristics yield treatment Milbourn, 1967; and components of Reynolds, 1970). The following parameters were measured for each plant: (1) number of nodes up to and including the first fertile node, from the first node above cotyledonary attachment; (2) stem length from soil level to plant apex; (3) pod length at first two nodes, measuring each node where double pods occurred; one pod at (4) number of ovules per pod at each fertile node (small, immature ovules were counted but shrivelled ovules were not); (5) number of pods per node at all fertile nodes including flat pods. From this data it was possible to calculate other characteristics viz: pods fertile nodes per plant; proportion of yield also be calculated. sample were treatment. per plant; and peas per peas fertile per node. plant plant; The contributed by each fertile node could The results from each 10 plant replicate combined to produce mean values for each PAGE 39 3.2.2. Harvest of vining samples. The maturity of each treatment was monitored visual methods using the of Schippers (1965b,1969) and tactile method of Schoonens (1971). The harvest period for a treatment began when the TR average over all five replicates reached TR 90. Harvests of a particular treatment continued daily until the mean of the pooled readings exceeded TR 140, as most commercial crops are harvested within these limits (Reynolds, 1970; Anderson and White, 1974a). For each harvest a sub-plot was selected randomly each plot of the treatment, and within this a 2.5m 2 area was marked out (Figure with a tubular steel from sampling sampling frame The sampling area measured 2.78m long and 0.9m wide, and comprised the six innermost rows of the 10 row drill strip, leaving two guard rows on each side (Figure In plots where a row was absent due to blockage in the drill, seed mis si ng row. an inner guard row was substituted for the Subsequent investigation showed that this departure did not significantly alter the yield from affected plots. All plants within the sampling area were pulled by hand, counted, and placed in a bag, which was then weighed to measure total vine yield •. Figure (facing, top) Sampling frame used to mark out the sampling area in each sub-plot. To ease handling, the frame was only 1.39m long, and was placed on two adjacent parts of the sub-plot to mark the correct· area. Fi re (facing, lower) A section of the trial site wi re areas, from which samples have been harvested. The guard rows can be seen at the side of the sampled area. -"""-- PAGE 40 3.2.3 Vining procedure. The vines from continuous flow each sampling mini-viner, area similar Reynolds (1966) and Wraight (1976). "Unilever" design used field samples (Figure modified to sample, very automatically The peas discarded. into a that described by The machine was accumulation small to fed of the many factories for vining small minimise and in were Any mini-viner of debris «7.lmm remaining had in been the pea diameter) were debris was easily removed manually and additional cleaning equipment (Reynolds, 1966; Wraight, 1976) was not required. Problems were experienced when vining the pods the 15% of pod Peas contained in the broken end were discarded with the thrashed vine, and thus did not contribute to the measured yield. to Many of this cultivar did not open longtitudinally, but broke transversely instead. of Gf.68. of the yield of Gf.68 Approximately was estimated to be lost, although no accurate assessment was made. probably 10 The problem was related to the type of pods borne by this cultivar. Unlike most vining pea cultivars in current use, Gf.68 has a pointed pod apex (Table, making it less suitable for mechanical harvest (Reynolds, 1970). were The more mature pods worst affected, so the proportion of peas lost probably increased with maturity. After vining, the rinsed Three in cleaned sample of green peas was fresh water, drained, and weighed for plot yield. rate 500g sub-samples were then taken from each plot s i e ve s u mp e , Z~ o ne a n lysis : t or:." a nd anoth e !::" Eo r:- t nc e co rn il for t h irr] a na l y s ls la te r-. P i g l.l r ~ 3 . 2 . 3 . 1 Th e DS IR min i -v in e r u!-"c! d n the harvest of t his trial. Pea vin e wa s fe d into the hopp e r at t he fa r e nd o f the machi ne , and s pen t vi ne and t r ash wa s jected from the near end. Peas were c ollected in a t ray under the mid d le section of the vine r . ..','.',',',','.'.'.','.'.',','.',' .. I' !',',',',''',',','" ,'t I t ' I I ' ,I I I ,',,\",,',','.',',',',','.',',1""',1',',.,',',',',',',1., , H'" H111,',',',',',11',',"flllltt'"'' .'" . ,1 t 111 1',-, ",,,\1"/"."""""":':':':.:',',11',',',','''.',',',',',:.;,:• .•:,:,',1 :.-:,;,;':':;:;:::;:::::::::;::::':':':':-;';':;:;::;;:::::::::::~::::;-:,:" t llll:",1I1I '....\',',!,' .... ,II.'.' .. I'll1, •• ',""'1 11111 11 I l . II IfJ" ,,1111 I J - PAGE 42 3.2.4. Tenderometer readings. Maturity FMC of the green tende rometers Christchurch. each peas was J. at measured on the Wattie Canneries, three Hornby, A 100g (approx.) sample of peas was placed tenderometer, and a mean of in the three readings was calculated for each plot. Apart from keeping samples in a cool place, procedure was special followed to ensure that TR was not altered by the holding time between vining and studies no have TR measurement. Other shown however that TR is unaffected by holding up to six hours after vining (Martin, Lueck and Sallee, 1938; Adam and Holt, 1953). 3.2.5. Size grading. Peas in the 500g sieve size sub-sample were passed two screens (10.3mm over and 8.7mm) and classified according to the British grading schedule shown in Table (all very small peas were discarded during vining). Table Sieve size grades for green peas. (After Schoonens, 1971). PEA SIZE >10.3mm 8.7 to lO.3mm 7.1 to 8.7mm < 7.lmm BRITISH GRADE large medium small very small EQUIVALENT USDA STANDARD GRADES. 6 and 7 4 and 5 2 and 3 0 and 1 PAGE 43 The percentage of peas in each grade was calculated and used to compute an estimate of the average USDA sieve size as described by Schoonens (1971), using the formula: (%smal1 x 2.5)+(%medium x 4.5)+(%large x 6.5) 100 3.3 ANALYSIS OF FROZEN PEA SAMPLES. 3.3.1. Correction for dehydration of frozen peas. During May analysed for 1982, the alcohol insoluble content, and weight per pea. were completely frozen 500g pea samples solids and total Before analysis, thawed, and reweighed. were solids the samples It was assumed that all change in weight after thawing was due to dehydration of the peas during freezing, although some loss of water soluble compounds (eg. sugars) factor was (C.F.) may have calculated occurred. for each A correction sample using the formula: C.F.= (thawed weight/500g) x 100 This factor was then used to convert the results of on thawed peas so analysis they could be expressed relative to the original fresh weight. 3.3.2. Alcohol insoluble solids (AIS) determination. Twenty five grams of thawed peas were macerated for minutes in a Waring Blendor with 150ml 80% ethanol, then rinsed with a further 100mi 80% ethanol 500ml kjeldahl flask. The pureed into peas a at 83 0 C. The long-necked and ethanol were heated to boiling by placing for 30 minutes in a held two water bath water bath was located in a ventilated fume cupboard to promote refluxing of any ethanol given off. The mixture was then filtered under suction through a weighed filter paper (Whatman no.l) in a buchner funnel. and The paper residue were rinsed with a further 50ml 80% ethanol, and oven dried overnight at 80 0 C. The dry weight of residue was PAGE 45 calculated and expressed as a percentage of the corrected fresh weight. The method for measuring AIS used in this experiment was a combination of several methods reported elsewhere. It was most similar to the methods described by McMahon, Cassidy and Isaacs (1981) and D.G. Grant (pers. amount of peas and ethanol used were comm.), although the adjusted to suit the equipment available. 3.3.3 Measurement of total solids (TS) content. A 40g sample of thawed peas was crushed mortar and pestle, in a placed in a weighed tin, and dried in a hot air oven for 20 hours at BOoC. were coarsely The tin and dried sample then reweighed and the total solids content of the peas calculated and expressed as a percentage of the corrected fresh weight. 3.3.4 Measurement of weight per ~ The average weight of peas in each sample was calculated using the following procedure. a 50g sample of thawed peas was The corrected fresh weight of calculated using the C.F. for each sample thus: fresh weight=(thawed weight/C.F.) x 100 The number of peas in the sample was then fresh weight divided by the corrected average pea weight. number counted, and the of peas, to give the PAGE 46 3.4 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF YIELD-TR RELATIONSHIP The data used comparison the for of yield-TR relationships was restricted to those harvests with a mean TR between TR 90 and 140. a TR less than within this data set, any plots 90 or greater than 140 were also excluded. The plotted yield-TR relationships of curvilinear, and therefore (Figures 4.4.1 - 4.4.2). TR transformation: most difficult treatments to were compare directly When yield was plotted against the 10910(TR-75), a linear, or nearly linear relationship was produced in most This with transformation cases (Figures 4.4.3-4). was suggested by NeIder (1963). NeIder also recommended log transformation of yield, to improve the linearity, but this was not found necessary. Deviations in plant population significant were found irrigated treatments maintain were yield corrected experimental was a On significant treatments of Tere and Fania, however all for population consistancy. Yield population deviation was made by regression pea have effect on the yield of irrigated treatments. close examination, the effect on yields was only on, for to deviation, to correction for analysis, where regressed against 10g(TR-75) with population deviation from the treatment mean as a covariate. The adjusted deviation) (TR-75). yields (i.e. corrected for population of each treatment were then regressed against log The data was tested for the presence of outliers by comparing studentised residuals with significant values given by Lund (1975), and six points were subsequently omitted from PAGE 47 further analysis (Appendix 5). The restricted data set for each treatment was again regressed against log(TR-75). the resulting From equations the mean yield at TR 105 could then be calculated for use in the subsequent calculation of relative yield. Differences among the treatment were measured different stages of Anderson (1975). The relative 105. by and as White yield relationships comparing maturity, (1958), expressing yield-TR in studies (1974a) for relative and each of yield by was at Ottosson Pumphrey plot each et ale found by the observed yield as a percentage of yield at TR Relative yield was regressed against log(TR-75) and the fitted lines were compared by analysis of variance. The restricted calculations data set was to pea yield, relating including correlations. of .the figures used in gross used, AIS-TR between to For maturity TR, AlS etc.) almost a full data set was points from the last treatment, with a mean TR of over 140. the returns, etc. relating to yield, given in Chapter 4. (e.g. including other This data was also used as the basis most calculations, tables, and figures relating measurements any relationship however, harvest for each For the comparison of including correlations them, two outlying points were omitted (Appendix 6). CHAPTER 4 RESULTS PAGE 48 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS 4.1 RELATIONSHIP OF TR TO OTHER MATURITY ASSESSMENT METHODS. Results are given in Tables 4.1.1 to 4.1.4 of tenderometer reading (TR), pea irrigation (P.Wt.), mean Alcohol insoluble solids (AIS), total solids (TS), average sieve size (Ave.S.S.) per the for each treatments. The harvest, TR and of and weight all cultivar and Ave.S.S. were both measured on fresh raw peas immediately after vining, but AIS, TS, and P.Wt. from were measured on thawed frozen peas. Results analysis 6f thawed peas were subsequently corrected for waterloss during freezing (Chapter 3, section 3.3.1), and are expressed on a fresh weight basis. Table 4.1.1 Maturity parameters for both irrigation treatments of Tere at each harvest. Harvest number TR AIS ( %) 1• 2. 3. 4. 5• 6• 7• 90 94 104 115 131 136 150 9.3 10.3 11.7 12.8 14.1 15.3 16.4 1. 2. 3. 4• 5. 6• 7• 8. 96 95 101 113 116 116 132 146 8.6 8.9 9.3 10.4 11.3 11.4 13.4 15.3 Total solids Ave.S.S. ( %) Natural rainfall 15.3 5.05 16.0 5.29 17.3 5.58 19.3 5.90 20.4 5.97 20.4 6.05 21.8 6.24 Irrigated 14.9 15.6 15.7 16.9 18.5 18.1 17.3 20.0 4.64 4.40 4.95 5.33 5.52 5.79 5.97 6.13 Weight per pea (g) 0.489 0.524 0.546 0.593 0.645 0.667 0.665 0.437 0.421 0.442 0.498 0.525 0.548 0.594 0.611 PAGE 49 Table 4.1.2 Maturity parameters treatments of Piri TR Harvest number AIS (%) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 93 102 106 117 129 135 155 8.9 10.3 10.6 11.9 13.8 14.1 16.0 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7• 8. 9• 90 94 97 99 106 7.4 8.4 9.2 9.9 10.6 11.9 12.8 14.7 17.1 III 120 133 148 for both irrigation at each harvest. Total solids Ave.S.S. Weight per pea (g) ( %) Natural rainfall 4.04 14.5 17.6 5.19 5.34 17.4 18.5 5.55 19.4 5.97 17.8 6.01 20.8 6.15 Irrigated 13.6 13.4 15.3 16.7 16.4 18.8 19.1 18.1 22.3 4.25 4.66 5.26 5.23 5.41 5.49 5.62 5.77 6.11 0.426 0.473 0.480 0.513 0.586 0.612 0.630 ( 0.378 0.417 0.479 0.478 0.473 0.539 0.544 0.591 0.648 Table 4.1.3 Maturity parameters for both irrigation treatments of Pania at each harvest. Harvest number TR AIS (% ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7• 8• 93 98 106 110 118 131 137 158 8.2 10.1 10.5 11.1 12.8 15.0 16.3 19.4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 93 94 102 109 120 130 143 8.9 9.1 10.7 11.5 13.7 14.3 16.5 • Total s.ol ids Ave.S.S. ( %) Natural rainfall 11.9 4.36 14.1 5.10 14.8 5.38 15.6 5.19 19.0 5.46 20.7 5.63 21.2 5.91 25.2 6.00 Irrigated 16.5 16.7 18.4 18.8 20.4 21.0 22.4 5.02 4.90 5.18 5.50 5.88 6.13 6.08 Weight per pea (g) 0.422 0.440 0.479 0.497 0.525 0.527 0.545 0.596 0.446 0.471 0.487 0.546 0.571 0.581 0.603 PAGE 5 Table 4.1.4 Maturity parameters for both irrigation treatments of Gf.68 at each harvest. TR AIS {%} 93 101 104 113 122 136 149 10.1 12.2 12.8 14.4 16.3 17.6 18.8 92 92 97 102 110 124 136 159 10.2 11.0 11.9 12.6 13.8 16.0 17.6 19.7 Harvest number 1. 2. 3. 4• 5. 6• 7• 1• 2• 3• 4. 5• 6• 7• 8• The relationships Ave.S.S. each found be correlation with Weight per pea {g} Natural rainfall 15.0 4.79 17.2 5.12 18.9 5.23 20.0 5.66 22.2 5.86 23.6 5.88 24.7 5.94 Irrigated 18.0 18.6 18.6 20.0 20.5 22.4 22.9 24.8 between AIS, 0.439 0.466 0.461 0.506 0.515 0.551 0.565 4.83 4.86 5.42 5.57 5.84 5.80 5.89 5.96 TR, 0.453 0.434 0.501 0.492 0.529 0.537 0.548 0.545 TS, P.Wt. highly between TS, P.Wt. TR, Correlation matrices were computed although correlated with AIS, although in the TR and AIS was particularly high {Table and Ave.S.S. were also well correlated with the exception of P.wt., correlation with TR was slightly poorer than with AIS {Table 4.1.5}. changes and treatment {Appendix 7}, and all other methods were to 4.1.5}. Ave.S.S. were measured by correlation analysis, with AIS as the reference standard. for Total solids { %} The maturity parameters also displayed high positive correlations with harvest number {Table 4.l.6}, and therefore time of harvest. PAGE 51 Table 4.1.5 Coefficients of correlation between AIS and TR, total so lids (TS), pea we igh t (P. Wt. ) I and Average sieve size (Av~S.S~) i and between TR and 'rs, p"v-lt. and Ave.S.S. Ii Piri Tere Cu1tivar II . . . rrlga tlon N.R. treatment * i (no. of pairs) (34) I !Cornparison IRR. NoR" (40) (35) Pania . Gf.68 IRR. N.R. (44 ) (40) IRR. N.R. (35) (35) IRR. (40) I I IAIS V TR .955 .96S 981 '" 9tL!. ",984 ,,981) ,,961 ,,969 AIS V TS " 941 " 792 .HIO .907 .952 " <) 87 ,. 9 ~;5 .96 ;; AIS V P .. Wt. .907 .917 .94~ .922 .897 .898 .873 .756 AlS V Av.S.S. .910 .875 .937 e895 .893 ,,9) .1 .97,5 ,,840 TR V TS .921 .781 .788 .745 .940 .966 .918 .944 'rR V P.Wt. .909 .941 .948 .883 .916 .894 .883 .713 TR V Av.S.S. .914 .913 .914 .833 .881 .905 .8.62 .772 I * N.R. = Natural rainfall, Table 4.1.6 --- IRRp - Irri ted Coefficients of cOl'.Telation tween harvest number (H.N .. )·and tests tor maturity ot peas. Cultivar Piri Tere ~ Irrigation treatment N.R. (No. of pairs) (34) ...,. ..¢ - - Pania IRR. N.R. (40) (35) IRR. N.R. (44) (40 ) IRR. N.R. (35) (35) IRR. (40 ) • 968 .882 .962 . .931 .946 .941 .951 .. 919 Comparison H.N. V AIS 11 V TR .978 .890 .972 .913 .944 .943 ~922 .921 II V TS .920 .710 , 75 'J ,831 .924 ,93] ,943 , II V P.Wt. .917 .895 .962 .861 .930 .911 .878 .791 " V AV.S.S. .931 .883 .941 .843 .929 .898 .938 .890 oJ4 f Cf • • PAGE The AIS-TR regression relationship analysis, to was investigated further for all by determine whether a given stage of maturity, as measured by AIS, corresponds with a stage ~L. treatments. similar TR The regression equations (Table 4.1.7) revealed significant differences, particularly between Gf.68 and the three other cultivars,and also between the two irrigation treatments of Tere. to TR The AIS values corresponding 90, 105, and 140 are given in Table 4.1.8. Irrigated Tere increased from 7.7 to 14.6% AIS over the TR range of to 140, the while same TR calculated, Gf.68 N.R. range. 90 increased from 10.4 to 18.3 over The mean for all treatments was and an AIS range of 9.1% to 16.2% was equivalent to the TR range of 90-140, with an AIS of 11.1% corresponding with TR 105 (Table 4.1.8). Table 4.1.7 Regression equations of TR against AIS for each treatment. Treatment Equation * R2 ( %) Number of pairs S.E. of b. Tere " N.R. IRR. y= 10.6 + 8.29 X y= 33.2 + 7.34 X 92.3 93.1 34 40 .42 .32 Piri " N.R. IRR. y= 18.8 + 8.30 X y= 40.1 + 6.25 X 96.2 96.5 35 44 .28 .18 Pania " N.R. IRR. y= 42.4 + 5.92 X y= 33.7 + 6.55 X 96.8 96.8 40 35 .18 .21 Gf.68 N.R. IRR. y= 24.8 + 6.30 X y= 16.9 + 6.85 X 92.3 94.0 35 40 .32 .28 .. * Y = TR, X = AIS Table 4.1.8 AlS values calculated for TR 90, 105, and 140, using the regression equations given in Table 4.1.3. Treatment TR 90 TR 105 TR 140 Tere N.R. lRR. 10.7 7.7 11.4 9.8 15.6 14.6 Piri " N.R. lRR. 8.6 8.0 10.4 10.4 14.6 16.0 Pania " N.R. lRR. 8.0 8.6 10 .. 6 10.9 16.5 16.2 Gf.68 " N.R. lRR. 10.4 10.7 12.7 12.9 18.3 18.0 9.1 11.1 16.2 " Mean 4.2 PLANT POPULATIONS The number examined by of plants analysis of in each variance. significantly different from each Pania and Gf.68, but Tere different from Pania and Gf.68 within cultivars were harvested Piri (Table and were neither non-significant, were significantly 4.2.1). irrigation treatment or harvest number. relationship was Tere and Piri were not other, and sample Differences irrespective However, when of the between plant population and yield was examined by regression analysis, a significant relationship was found within the irrigated treatments (Chapter 3, section 3.4). Table 4.2.1 Plant populations for all treatments, and the mean for each cultivar with both irrigation treatments pooled. Cultivar Population (Plants per m2 ) N.R. IRR. Mean Tere 106.6 107.5 106.7 Piri 106.7 105.8 106.0 Pania 92.2 91.8 92.0 Gf.68 93.2 91.0 92.4 S.E of difference between means within an irrigation treatment, 1. 37; between means within a cultivar, 1.34; between pooled means, o .97. PAGE 55 4.3. EFFECT OF IRRIGATION AND CULTIVAR ON MATURITY AND YIELD OF PEAS. The duration of the flowering period was prolonged by irrigation (Table of all 4.3.1). cultivars The greatest difference was between natural rainfall (N.R.) and irrigated Tere, where irrigation delayed the end of flowering by seven days. Irrigation prolonged flowering of the other cu1tivars by two to three days. Table 4.3.1. Effect of Cu1tivar and Irrigation Treatment on flowering times (lS/12/S0=36 days from sowing). Treatment Flowering dates start end Duration of flowering (days) N.R. 18.12.79 29.12.79 11 IRR. 1S.12.79 5. 1.S0 IS N.R. 23.12.79 7. 1.S0 15 " IRR. 23.12.79 10. 1.80 IS Pania N.R. 25.12.79 12. 1.S0 IS II IRR. 25.12.79 14. 1.SO 20 Gf.6S N.R. 27.12.79 IS. 1.S0 22 IRR. 27.12.79 21. 1.S0 25 Tere n Piri The effect of irrigation treatments and cu1tivar differences on the maturation rate of green peas was measured by daily change in TR. The rate of TR increase by irrigated treatments at early stages of maturity (3.5 TR points per day over the first four days of harvest) was usually slower that of N.R. day). than treatments at the same stage (5.4 TR points per Over later harvests, however, the rate of TR of irrigated and N.R. increase treatments was similar (9.4 points for irrigated compared with 9.2 for N.R. treatments). The rate PAGE 56 of TR change proportionately with Both 4.3.1). curvilinear, normally was increase irrigation in harvest increasing number (Figure treatments of Tere, however, were less consistant in their pattern of TR change than the treatments, and a clear trend log(TR-75) was plotted against section 3.4), was less harvest other obvious. number When (Chapter 4, a more linear relationship was found for most treatments (Figure 4.3.2). Figure 4.3.1 The relationship between TR and time of harvest (harvest number) for both irrigation treatments of each cultivar:- - - = natural rainfall; = irrigated. TERE 160 PIRI 150 140 I 130 cc w f- lC0 W L a cc 110 W 0 Z W f- 100 ~0 0L /, .,r / / / /, ,( I I I I .,r ./ I ! I I ..-" / I I I 140 (C w 1ce f- ?' lLJ a 110 W 0 Z W f- 100 ./ ...-" / / ;r I / ~- " 'I ..-" / / , , - - -" / / /' / / /" I I I ! I / I l' i... ~e e -" / IP'" e / I .r I GREENFEAST 130 (C ./ PANIA ./ L or' / ". I I ~~--1_~L-~ 150 z / ..-" / I ./ I I ~~ ./ 160 ~ . ~~T~T 3 4 5 B HARVEST NUMBER 7 8 S e 1 2 3 4 5 B 7 HARVEST NUMBER 8 3 PAGE 57 Figure 4.3.2 The relationship between log(TR-75) and harvest number for both irrigation treatments of each cultivar: - - - = natural rainfall; = irrigated. 1.8 'I' 0::: Cl 0 -J / I (() 1.6 l- PI RI TERE e.e 1.4 b ·1. f ~ ,/ / f / I / ,... ---" ,/ ,/ ~ /, , / I / / .,- /' ? I I /' ,/ / ?' -- ..... / / )' 1.e GF.S8 PANIA e.e -..... 1.8 ?' (() 1.6 I'.... I l0::: Cl 0 -J 1.4 / / 1~ / I / ,- / I J' ?' ,- " ./ e 1.0 (3 1 C 3 4 5 6 7 8 :'l (3 HARVEST NUMBER / / / .-- C -- ... 3 I / / 4 ,/ ,/ ? 5 I / ~ 6 /' /' . 7 8 ~ HARVEST NUMBER The regression of log(TR-75) against harvest number gave the following equations for N.R. and irrigated treatments respectively: where Y = Y = 1.15+0.105 X Y = 1.13+0.086 X log(TR-75), and X = harvest number. PAGE 58 Irrigated treatments were slower generally progressing through the harvest period, and were harvested for one or two days more than the corresponding N.R. exception however, with the N.R. plots. Pania was an plots being slower maturing than those with irrigation (Table 4.3.2.). Although the general trend increase in always occur. greater, or TR was towards a curvilinear with time, as described above, this did not Often the day to day TR smaller, than expected. changes were much Occasionally there was no TR increase from one day to the next, and a small decrease was recorded for harvest 2 of irrigated Tere (Table 4.3.2). Table 4.3.2 Mean TR for each harvest of all treatments with date of harvest (13/1/80 = 62nd day from sowing). Treatment Date N.R. Pania Piri Tere IRR. N.R. 96 95 101 113 116 116 130 146 93 102 106 117 129 135 155 IRR. N.R. IRR. Gf.68 N.R. IRR. ( , 80) 13/1 14/1 15/1 16/1 17/1 18/1 19/1 20/1 21/1 22/1 23/1 .24/1 25/1 26/1 27/1 28/1 29/1 30/1 31/1 1/2 2/2 3/2 90 94 104 115 131 136 150 90 94 97 99 106 111 120 133 148 93 98 106 110 119 131 137 158 93 94 102 109 120 130 143 93 101 106 113 122 136 148 92 92 97 103 110 124 136 160 PAGE 59 Irrigation enhanced the green pea yield of Tere by 20 % but the yield from irrigated plots of all other cultivars was significantly lower than from N.R. yield plots (Table 4.3.3). response of the irrigated plots in general appeared to be negatively related to cultivar maturity (as node The to first flower, Table 2.1.1). lower in yield than irrigation all treatment, other due by Gf.68 was significantly cultivars, partly indicated irrespective of to the difficulty vining this cultivar (Chapter 3, section 3.1.5). Table 4.3.3 Predicted green pea yield at TRI05 and response to irrigation. Irrigation treatment IRR. N.R. Cultivar Pea yield (Kg/ha) Irrigation response (% of N.R. yield) Tere 8747 ( 74) 10532 (112) 20 Piri 8618 (74) 8176 (143) -5 Pania 11191 (148) 10290 (133) -8 Gf. 68 8048 ( 77) 7363 (147) -9 (Figures in parentheses are S.E.'s of the predicted yields) It is also evident that yield ranking for the treatments do not irrigated relate to those from the N.R treatments. Without irrigation Pania significantly out yielded Tere and Piri, which were not significantly different from each other. The yield of irrigated Tere and Pania were not different, but were significantly irrigated Piri (Table4.3.3). higher significantly than that of PAGE 60 4.4 EFFECT OF MATURITY ON PEA YIELD, VINE YIELD AND GROSS RETURN FROM PEAS The yield of green peas from over all treatments increased the harvest period (TR 90 to 140), although the rate of increase (Tables differed with 4.4.1 to 4.4.4). TR, as a scatter relationship was of treatment and stage of When the yield was plotted against observed data points, a curvilinear generally found (Figures 4.4.1 and 4.4.2). The curvilinearity was less evident for the N.R. of Tere and maturity Piri, or for irrigated Gf.68. treatments When the mean yield and TR values were plotted, they linear, especially For regression analysis of above TR 100. tended to be the yield-TR relationship, however, only the individual data points were used. plot In all cases analysis was conducted on the restricted data set (TR 90-140) for population deviation. more, with yield adjusted PAGE 61 Table 4.4.1 Tenderometer reading, yield parameters, and gross return at each harvest for both irrigation treatments of Tere. Harvest numbe r 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mean ** 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mean TR Pea yield (Kg/ha) Relative yield (TR 105=100) 93 94 104 115 129 134 7487 7995 8575 9278 9764 10166 Natural rainfall 85.6 91.4 98.0 106.1 111.6 116.2 96 96 102 113 119 116 129 8892 9250 10261 11849 12152 11151 12550 Irrigated 84.4 87.8 97.4 112.5 115.4 105.9 119.2 Vine * yield (T/ha) Gross return ($/ha) 40.4 36.8 36.4 38.8 38.4 36.8 38.0 1531.7 1594.7 1312.4 1195.3 1025.1 1077.5 53.2 49.6 50.8 52.4 47.6 52.4 1748.8 1781.5 1766.2 1493.5 1434.8 1369.7 1291.5 -- 51.2 * Vine was not weighed when rain present on the foliage. ** For Tables 4.4.1-4.4.4, S.E. of the difference between vine yield means for cultivar: 1.64. irrigation treatments within a Table 4.4.2 Tenderometer reading, yield parameters~ and gross return at each harvest for both irrigation treatments of Pirie Pea yield (Kg/ha) Rela tive yield (TR 105=100) Vine yield (T/ha) Gross return ($/ha) 6 93 102 106 117 129 135 7595 8040 8797 9268 10059 10528 Natural rainfall 88.1 93.3 102.1 107.5 116.7 122.2 40.4 40.4 42.4 39.2 41.2 1510.8 1296.6 1279.0 1124.4 1058.3 1107.9 1 2 3 4 5 92 95 97 99 106 5459 6235 7593 8305 8511 8784 8999 9826 Harvest number 1 2 3 4 5 Mean 6 7 8 Mean TR III 120 133 Irrigated 66.8 76.3 92.9 101.6 104.1 107.4 110.1 120.2 -- 40.8 49.2 46.0 50.4 -- 51.2 50.8 46.8 43.6 48.4 1197.4 1188.6 1377.7 1489.6 1265.1 1185.0 1035.6 1066.8 PAGE 62 Table 4.4.3 Tenderometer reading, yield parameters, and gross return at each harvest for both irrigation treatments of Pania. Harves t number TR Pea yield (Kg/ha) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mean 93 98 106 110 118 131 137 9389 10288 11257 11976 12478 12734 13392 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mean 96 95 102 109 120 130 8382 9480 9999 10795 11302 12113 Relative yield (TR 105=100) Natural rainfall 83.9 91.9 100.6 107.0 111.5 113.8 119.7 Irriqated 81.5 92.1 97.2 104.9 109.8 117.7 Vine yield (T/ha) Gross return ($/ha) 47.6 - 1904.9 1857.8 1654.1 1658.5 1444.3 1335.9 1401.4 50.8 50.8 48.8 46.4 44.8 48.0 . 48.4 1610.8 1912.6 1607.8 1466.0 1264.5 1309.8 50.8 49.6 46.8 43.2 44.4 47.2 Table 4.4.4. Tenderometer reading, yield parameters, and gross return at each harvest for both irrigation treatments of Gf.68. Harvest Number TR Pea yield (Kg/ha) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mean 93 101 104 113 122 127 7033 7428 8245 8607 8806 9112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Mean 92 93 97 102 110 124 132 6424 7030 7340 7037 8029 7088 8575 Relative yield (TR 105=100) Natural rainfall 87.4 92.3 102.4 106.6 109.4 113.2 Irrigated 87.3 95.5 99.7 95.6 109.1 96.3 116.5 Vine yield (T/ha) Gross return ($/ha) 44.4 41.6 43.6 42.0 40.0 36.4 41.2 1424.2 1250.7 1270.9 . 1101.5 1014.3 947.0 43.6 45.2 48.8 45.2 44.0 39.2 43.6 44.1 1286.5 1451.8 1347.2 1136.8 1086.3 762.0 914.3 PAGE 63 Figure 4.4.1 Relationship between green pea yield and TR of the natural rainfall treatments of each cultivar, showing the scatter of data points ( 0 ) and the trend in harvest means ( A A). PAGE 64 Figure 4.4.2 Relationship between green pea yield and TR for the irrigated treatments of each cultivar, showing the scatter of data points ( c ) and the trend in harvest means (A ... ) • PIRI TERE 15 14 13 t1l .r:: H~ aDD p: 11 0 - l 10 W 1-1 >- a: w (L 8 ~ • j . ~ D .o~~~:D: D 8 . . .. . __L ___ 7 ~ D 6 ~-L 5 L .L_ PANIA 15 ~ I GF.68 14 13 t1l .r:: 1E • D p: 11 10 S 8 . 7 .~. o 0 . • 6 5 3el 100 110 1~0 130 TENOEROI'1ETER READ! NG 140 100 110 1~ TENOEROf"IETER READING 140 PAGE 65 TR was Chapter 3, section relationship. a linear transformed 3.4, relationship the log(TR-75), to linearise as described the yield-maturity evolved for most treatments (Figures The harvest means and and the fitted regression equation observed the scatter data points (Figures 4.4.3 and 4.4.4). In most cases the regression line conformed well to the distinctly bi-phasic yield response to the predicted yield values increasing the predicted maturity. from the regression were plotted against corresponding TR values, the curve by observed The notable exception was irrigated Piri, which had a data. When described data also fitted the observed points well (Figures 4.4.5 and 4.4.6), and emphasised the curvilinearity of the original yield-TR data. Table 4.4.5. Regression equations for yield (Kg/ha) against log(TR-75). Treatment Equation * R2 ( %) No. of pairs S.E. of b Tere Tere N.R. IRR. y= 2406+4293 X y= 2281+8675 X 85.7 86.6 25 31 365.3 634.2 Piri Piri N.R. IRR. y= 448+5532 X y= -529+5893 X 88.6 59.8 29 36 382.1 829.3 Pania N.R. Pania IRR. y= 1485+6571 X y= 1197+6156 X 70.5 72.7 33 27 762.9 754.7 Gf. 68 N.R. Gf. 68 IRR. y= 1578+4380 X y= 3659+2506 X 77.3 25.8 27 32 474.8 776.1 * line for yield against log(TR-75) (Table 4.4.5) were also plotted to compare with of in When yield was plotted against the log(TR-75), 4.4.3 and 4.4.4). from to Y =Pea yield (Kg/ha), X = log(TR-75). PAGE 66 Figure 4.4.3 Relationship between green pea yield and log(TR-75) for the natural rainfall treatments of each cultivar, showing the scatter of data points (0 ), harvest means (A) and fitted line from the regressions given in Table 4.4.5, with pea yields converted to T/ha. PIRI TERE 15 ,-----,,.-----.---,-···········T······ 14 13 ttl .s:: C le 11 . .'~ 10 ~ (C IJ.J IL DO 8 7 6 5 GF.68 PANIA 15 14 13 ttl .s:: 11: j:::: 11 0 ..--1 IJ.J t--1 113 >- :J IJ.J 5 a:: (L u 0 •o D .~ ~--D 7 "0 ~ ~_IJ p ~ ~D b U U 6 5 L 1.<:' 1.4 Log 1.6 (TR~75) loB 1.2 _....L.-_....L.-_--'-,~____..l. ..............._ ____..l.~ 1.4 Log 1.8 (TR~75) 1.8 PAGE 67 Figure 4.4.4 Relationship between green pea yield and log{TR-75) for the irrigated treatments of each cultivar, showing the scatter of data points ( 0 ), harvest means ( .. ) and fitted line from the regressions given in Table 4.4.5, with pea yields converted to T/ha. PIRI TERE 15 14 13 ,-.. t1:I .r.:::. C H~ .. 11 10 ....... >- . ~. 3 .... D- .. 8 7 •• o • • L--...........l._~~ -'.'-----'I'--.__ 6 ... 5 Po L.~_~~ L-..-.-L ..... GF.68 PANIA 15 • U u .... I 14 13 Ie " o. . . . .;-<o~~.u . 11 > HI lI. 3 8 ... ~ ~/D • .. . 7 6 5 ~. _--L~-,--_-,-----.-J'--- .....1..- 1.2 1.4 1.6 Log (TR-75) L--..----'-_-L-.....L.........~ ___'__ 1.e. 1.4 Log 1.6 (TR~75) ___.L... _ __'__________' 1.8 PAGE 68 Figure 4.4.5 Relationship between green pea yield and TR for the natural rainfall treatments of each cultivar, with data points ( a) and fitted line from values predicted by regression of pea yield against log(TR-75). 15 TERE PIRl. PANIA GF.68 14 13 (\l .s::. Ie i=== 11 a 10 ---1 W H >- 9 <C: w 8 0- 0" 7 6 5 15 14 13 (\l Ie I- 11 a 10 .s::. ...... ---1 W H 9 a::: w 8 >- 0- 7 6 5 50 100 1113 1213 130 TENDEROMETER READING 1413 913 100 1113 120 1313 TENDEROMETER READING 1413 PAGE 69 Figure 4.4.6 Relationship between green pea yield and TR for irrigated treatments of each cultivar, with data points (0) and fitted line from values predicted by regression of pea yield against log(TR-75). PAGE 70 The observed pea yield for each treatment was be influenced the to by factors other than stage of maturity (e.g. cu1tivar, soil moisture, plant density etc.). of found yield-maturity relationship, were expressed as relative yield, For comparison therefore, yield data with the yield of each treatment at TR 105 (Table 4.3.2) equal to 100 (Figures 4.4.7 and 4.4.8). The relative yield was regressed against log(TR-75), and the equations from these relationships (Table 4.4.6) were the basis for comparison between treatments. R2 The ,statistic from regressions of both pea yield and relative yield against log(TR-75) show that, irrigated Gf.68, a high with the exception proportion of change in yield was explained by change in maturity (Tables 4.4.5 and 4.4.6). Table 4.4.6 Regression equations for Relative Yield against log(TR-75). Treatment * Equation of * R2 ( %) No. of pairs S.E. of b Tere Tere N.R. IRR. Y= 27.5+49.1 X Y=-2l.7+82.4 X 85.7 86.6 25 31 4.18 6.02 Piri Piri N.R. IRR. Y= 5.20+64.2 X Y=-6.47+72.l X 88.6 59.8 29 36 4.43 10.14 Pania N.R. Pania IRR. Y= 13.3+58.7 X Y= 11.6+59.8 X 70.5 72.7 33 27 6.82 7.34 Gf.68 N.R. Gf.68 IRR. Y= 19.6+54.4 X Y= 49.7+34.0 X 77.3 25.8 27 32 5.90 10.54 Y=Relative yield (% of yield at TR 105), X=log(TR-75). PAGE 71 Figure 4.4.7 Relationship between relative yield and log (TR-75) for the natural rainfall treatments of each cultivar, with data points (0) and the fitted line from regressions in Table 4.4.6. TERE 130 PIRI &) . (S) ....... lee II If) . .. (S) ....... 110 a:: I0 . 10a ......J IJ..J ~ IJ..J Be ......J 70 lJ..J a:: a • > ....... Ia:: . a !'}0 .. a .... 0 01' .a 60 GF.68 PANIA 130 .. &) (S) ....... lea II If) (S) ....... 110 a:: I0 H:la a. 0 . .. .• . . ......J IJ..J H >lJ..J > ....... la:: ......J IJ..J a:: ao a ~0 Be 0 • 70 60 1. e 1.4 1.6 Log (TR-7S) 1.8 1. e 1.4 Log ( 1.6 1.8 j j PAGE 72 Figure 4.4.8 Relationship between relative yield and log(TR-75) for the irrigated treatments of each cultivar, with data points (D) and the fitted line from regressions in Table 4.4.6. TERE 130 PIRI .•. ,-, CS) (S) ,.....; II .. lee If) CS) ...-! a: f- 0 0 lHl 0 0 100 . •• 0 .0 --.J l!.J H >- l!.J II 3el > 8G ....J LLJ 70 H fa:: a: . u" a ~. • • .... " 0 • 0 se 8(S) ..-i II If) CS) ..-i a: f0 GF.68 PANIA 130 .. leG D 0 • 1113 D D· 100 D • • • .. l!.J >- LLJ 3el > Be ....J LLJ 70 H fa:: a: se .... • ... ... • --.J H " D " • D 1.e 1.4 1.6 Log (TR-75) 1.8 1. e 1.4 1.6 Log (TR-75) 1.8 PAGE 73 When the treatments slopes were for compared relative with each difference between them was found. treatments did yield the The slopes of abnormally, 5.60 to irrigated differ however, although Gf.68 was suspected Because Gf.68 was the data from the irrigated treatments were recompared omitting Gf.68, and the F ratio from N.R. other, no significant to have a major influence on this outcome. behaving of 1.69, was which was non-significant. reduced The common line for all N.R. treatments (pooled) was compared with common the pooled irrigated treatments (excluding line Gf.68). for The line for the irrigated treatments was found by test to made between be cultivar. significantly steeper, so comparisons were then the two irrigation treatments within were for each The lines for the two irrigation treatments for almost identical, and those for Piri were very similar to each other (Table 4.4.6, Figure 4.4.9). lines ! A significant difference, however, was only found within Tere. Pania the The two Gf.68 appeared to be relatively different (Figure 4.4.9), but the difference was not significant. The two lines for Gf.68 could not realistically be compared, however, due to the poor relationship between yield and maturity found for the irrigated treatment Tables 4.4.5 and 4.4.6). of this cultivar (R 2 =25.8%, PAGE 74 Figure 4.4.9 Relative yield-log(TR-75) relationship for both irrigation treatments of each cultivar: - - - - = natural rainfall, = irrigated. 8(S) .-i II TERE 130 PIRI lee If) (S) ........ cc 110 l- /' a 10e ~ lLJ H >-- ~ ./ lLJ > H I- a: ./ ./ ./ /' ./ /' /' /' /' /' ./ /' /' /' r' ./ /' 00 /' /' /' / /. Y' ;/ ,/ ,/ /' /' ,/ ,,- ~ ,.,.; ~ lLJ cc 70 60 (S) GF.68 PANIA 130 CS) .-i II l() (S) lee .-i 0:: 110 f- /' a lee .-J UJ H }- UJ > H I- a: ~ ,'/ ./ / ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ /' /' ./ ,/ ,/ ./ ,/ ;/ 00 ~ lLJ 0:: 70 60 1.e 1.4 1.6 Log (TR-75) 1.~ 1.e 1.4 1.6 Log (TR-75) 1.8 PAGE 75 The relative yield values predicted from in the equations Table 4.4.6 were also plotted against corresponding TR so that the relative yield-TR of treatments each curves cultivar for could the be two irrigation compared (Figure 4.4.10). Figure 4.4.10 Relative yield-TR relationship for both irrigation treatments of each cultivar: irrigated. - --= natural rainfall, (S) (S) ..-i PIRI TERE 130 120 II lJ) (S) ..-i a: I- 1Hl 100 0 --.J lLJ f-i >> 80 a:: --.J w 70 lLJ r-; I 50 ,- ,/ / / / A '" .- -' " ,"'- -' -' ..... -- -- ./ ;/ ~ V' /. h h ./ ~ ./ ---- ---- -- ---- /J /. I0:::: 60 .pANIA 130 (S) (S) ..-i II GF.68 120 ,.- lJ) (S) ..-i a: I- 110 .--: 100 0 --.J lLJ >W > f-i r-; !}0 / / / / / / /' ".- .-' .-' -- ---- .-' "/ 80 I- a:: --.J w 0:::: 70 60 !}0 100 110 120 130 TENDEROMETER READING 140 ~ 100 110 120 130 TENDEROMETER READI NG 140 PAGE 76 Vine treatment yield over did not change significantly for any harvest period (Tables 4.4.1 to 4.4.4), the despite the increase in the weight of peas borne on the vine. Some day to day fluctuation in vine yield was probably caused by variation in the amount of dew present on the vine at time of harvest. the fluctuations to the An unsuccessful attempt'was made to relate days when dew was recorded. It is likely, however, the order in which samples were harvested on a day with heavy dewfall would also have a on the variation in measured vine yield. early in the day, for example, would therefore be heavier retain strong influence A plot harvested more dew, and than if it were harvested later, when some (or all) of the dew had evaporated. PAGE 77 The gross return for each sample was calculated from the vined pea yield using Wattie Canneries' payment schedule for the 1979/80 season (Appendix 4), when carried out. Returns were early stages of maturity, and the highest lowest field trial for peas harvested at about TR 120 to (Table 4.4.1 to 4.4.4., Figure 4.4.11). Figure 4.4.11 Gross return-TR relationship for both irrigation treatments of each cultivar: - - -= natural rainfall; - irrigated. TERE ee ~ fIRI 18 16 Cd .r: ...... fh 14 Z cc. :::) f- w cc. (IJ (IJ 0 cc G Ie: 10 8 6 PANIA eEl 18 @ (S) - . 16 .... """- "'-, Cd .r: 14 ...... """- GF.68 ......... fh ...... ..... /' "- --&." => f- lLJ cc. 10 '" "- '" "'- a:::: G 8 6 -... --- ...... "- V (IJ (IJ 0 .""-r- ....... :z: a:::: Ie 100 110 lce 130 TENDEROMETER READING 140 30 100 was 110 lC0 .. 130 TENDEROMETER READING 140 130 PAGE 78 The relationship between gross return and pea yield, TR, and number harvest analysis. yield and With the gross were also exception return of for examined the correlation comparisons irrigated significant negative correlations were by Piri found in between and Gf.68, all cases (Table 4.4.7). Table 4.4.7 Coefficients of correlation between gross return ($/ha) and green pea yield (Yld.), TR, and Harvest number (H.N.). Cu1tivar Irrigation treatment (no. of pa irs) Tere Pania Piri Gf.68 N.R. IRR. N.R. IRR. N.R. IRR. N.R. IRR. (25) (31 ) (29) (36) (33) (27) (27) (32) Comparison $/ha v Y1d. -.795 -.511 -.715 -.078 -.493 -.506 -.629 -.047 " v TR -.911 -.733 -.844 -.682 -.824 -.816 -.887 -.796 " v H.N. -.884 -.769 -.715 -.477 -.769 -.680 -.809 -.782 PAGE 1Y 4.5 EFFECT OF MATURITY ON SIEVE SIZE. The changes in Ave.S.S. for all treatments during (Tables 4.1.1 maturity were similar to 4.1.4), and was well correlated with TR, yield and harvest number (Table 4.5.1). Table 4.5.1. Coefficients of correlation between Ave.S.S. and pea yield, TR, harvest number (H.N.) and P.Wt. Piri Tere Cultivar Irrigation treatment ( no. of pairs) Pania Gf.68 N.R. (25) IRR. N.R. (31) (29) IRR. N.R. (36) (33) IRR. N.R. (27 ) (27 ) IRR. (32) .844 .878 .917 .761 .840 .799 .885 .525 Comparison Ave.S.S. v yield " v TR .896 .926 .938 .813 .873 .909 .931 .830 " v H.N. .893 .865 .938 .799 .895 .859 .951 .904 " v P.Wt. .841 .929 .922 .872 .842 .796 .826 .860 The pattern of changes in sieve grade proportions during maturity were also similar for all treatments, although the absolute amounts in each 4.1.4). When these grade data differed (Tables 4.1.1 to were plotted against TR (Figures 4.5.1 and 4.5.2), the interrelationship between the different size grades during maturation could be seen. The proportion of small peas (7.1-8.7mm) remained low and decreased over the harvest period. The medium sized (8.7-l0.3mm) peas comprised a substantial proportion of the pea sample during stages of maturity, but progressed, while the large proportion. decre.ased peas (> rapidly 10.3mm) the as early maturity increased in The average size of the peas increases steadily PAGE 80 during maturity, reflecting a small peas, and a decrease in the medium and steady increase in the dominance of the large peas. Figure 4.5.1 .Changes in the proportion of peas in each size grade during the maturation of peas in the natural rainfall treatments of each cultivar: A = small~. = medium;" = large. TERE lee ~ PIRI 80,...- ~ f!: a l- 60- LL a :z a 1-1 I- 413 c: a J -i (L ~ ,ee -' (L t 13 I~' PANIA lee ~ • + (;F.68 ,"",'80 '* f!: a ~ l- 60 LL a :z a 1-1 ~ a (L a a:: (L 413 ee j !l0 100 11<1 11:.0 1313 1413 TENDEROMETER READING 1513 160 53 100 111<1 11:.0 1310 1413 READING 1510 160 PAGE 81 Figure 4.5.2 Changes in the proportion of peas in each size grade during the maturation of peas in the irrigated treatments of each cultivar: It. == small;. == medium~ y = large. TERE 1013 * FIRI ··········r I I I I I I I 80 ~ a: I0 l- 60 LL 0 z 0 ,......, 40 I- a:: 0 CL 0 a:: (L ~ e0 - ...... 0 FANIA 100 ~ -r--'--1 GF.68 1 I I I I I 80 _~~--T ....J a: IC) l- I 60: LL C) Z 0 ,......, I- 40 --- 0: C) CL 0 a:: CL e0 e I !30 100 110 120 130 140 TENDEROMETER READING 150 160 50 100 110 ~ I 120 I I 130 ... , • I I 140 TENOEROMETER READING t_J::U 150 160 PAGE B2 4.6. THE EFFECT OF CULTIVAR AND IRRIGATION ON BOTANICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND COMPONENTS OF YIELD. The number of nodes to the differed for each cultivar, first but fertile was affected by the irrigation treatments contrast, length all stem of (Table cu1tivars increase with irrigation, although varied with cultivar. not the node significantly 4.6.1). showed amount (F.N.) of In a marked increase With the exception of Tere, pod length of all cultivars was decreased by irrigation. Table 4.6.1 Botanical characteristics for each cultivar (number of nodes to first fertile node (F.N.), stem and pod length, and increase in stem length with irrigation). Nodes to 1st. F.N. Irrigation treatment N.R. Stem length (mm) Increase* wi th IRR. ( %) Pod length (mm) IRR. N.R. IRR. IRR./N.R. N.R. IRR Cultivar Tere 11.1 10.9 303 454 50 6.4 7.7 Piri 13.9 13.1 443 701 5B 7.4 7.1 Pania 14.5 14.1 439 602 37 7.5 7.1 G.f.6B 15.7 15.7 466 594 28 B.6 7.B - 0.10 0.16 S.E. of mean 0.29 0.23 14.8 27.6 * Increase in stem length is the difference (IRR. - N.R.) expressed as a percentage of N.R. PAGE 83 The effect of irrigation on yield measured (Table 4.6.2). per plant exception was of was also The number of fertile nodes and pods increased Tere, components by irrigation, but, with irrigation decreased peas per pod. Piri, Pania and G.f.68, therefore, the final number of the For peas per plant was similar regardless of irrigation treatment, but Tere gave a positive increase in number with irrigation. of peas per plant Gf.68 had significantly more fertile nodes per plant than the other cultivars, but fewer pods per node. Table 4.6.2. Components of yield for each pea cultivar (except weight per pea). Fertile nodes per plant Irrigation treatment pods per node peas per pod peas per plant * N.R. IRR. N.R. IRR. N.R. IRR. N.R IRR. Tere 2.5 3.2 1. 69 1.65 4.0 4.4 17.2 22.8 Piri 2.8 3.3 1. 85 1. 66 4.4 3.8 21.4 20.4 Pania 2.6 3.3 1.86 1.75 5.9 5.2 28.6 29.1 G.f.68 3.2 4.4 1. 52 1. 31 5.1 4.6 24.9 26.7 0.14 0.27 0.125 0.067 0.16 0.17 Cultivar S.E. of mean * 1.01 1.86 This is the observed value, rather than the product from multiplying the yield components, which was slightly different due to rounding errors. PAGE 84 The number of pods per node and peas per pod produced by each plant were partitioned according to the F.N. they were borne. second F.N. The number of pods borne at the was very similar for pods first and all cultivars, with a slight depression from irrigation (Table 4.6.3). of at which The number fell -sharply at the third and other fertile nodes, although there was some response to irrigation, especially by Tere. Table 4.6.3 Number of pods borne at each fertile node (F.N.). Node 1st F.N. Irrigation treatment N.R. 2nd F.N. 3rd F.N. Others IRR. N.R. IRR. N.R. IRR. N.R. IRR. 1.6 1.6 1.8 0.7 1.4 0.1 0.4 Cu1tivar Tere 1.9 Piri 1.9 1.8 1.B 1.7 1.1 1.2 0.1 0.6 Pania 1.9 1.B 1.9 1.B 1.0 1.0 0.1 1.0 Gf.6B 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.0 1.1 0.4 1.4 S.E. of mean 0.06 O.OB 0.05 0.05 0.15 0.14 O.OB 0.33 - PAGE 85 The number of peas per pod at the without irrigation for nodes, all cultivars irrigation than without. peas per pod fell F.N. was greater all cultivars, and except for Tere, the same was true at the second fertile first Under only F~N. set more irrigation at other peas per pod with irrigation, slightly fertile nodes, but without At the third and the number of the third and other the decline in the number of peas per pod was much steeper (Table 4.6.4). Table 4.6.4 Number of peas per pod at each fertile node. Node Irrigation treatment 1st F.N. 2nd F.N. 3rd F.N. Others N.R. IRR. N.R. IRR. N.R. IRR. N.R. IRR. Tere 4.7 4.2 3.7 4.8 3.0 4.4 0.6 4.2 Piri 5.0 3.5 4.3 3.9 3.2 3.9 2.1 3.4 Pania 6.2 5.2 6.1 5.4 5.2 5.5 2.7 4.2 Gf.68 5.9 4.9 4.9 4.5 4.3 4.7 3.3 4.0 S.E.of mean 0.19 0.31 0.14 0.22 0.36 0.21 0.73 0.35 Cultivar PAGE Hb The peas produced by each plant were also partitioned according to the node at which they were borne (Table 4.6.5). With the exception of Tere, unirrigated plants bore more peas than irrigated plants at the first and second fertile nodes, but at the occurred. third The and other distribution fertile of nodes the converse peas per node was therefore similar to that described for peas per pod. Table 4.6.5 Node Irrigation treatment Number of peas borne at each fertile node. 1st F.N. 2nd F.N. 3rd F.N. Others N.R. IRR. N.R. IRR. N.R. IRR. N.R. IRR. Tere 9.0 6.7 6.1 8.7 2.0 6.0 0.1 1.4 Piri 9.9 6.4 8.1 6.7 3.2 4.7 0.3 2.5 Pania 11.8 9.4 11.3 9.9 5.0 5.4 0.5 4.4 Gf.68 10.1 8.2 8.6 7.3 4.1 5.3 1.5 5.8 0.79 0.32 0.44 0.58 0.76 1.34 0.44 Cultivar S.E of mean 0.39 PAGE 87 The distribution of peas between the fertile also was expressed as of percentages of the total number of peas per plant (Table 4.6.6). approximately 82% Plants in the N.R. treatments bore of their potential pea yield at the first two fertile nodes, while irrigated peas bore only at nodes the nodes. same (especially Tere and total yield at the The plants Piri) bore F.N. , first irrigated plants bore only about in the N.R. approximately about 6S% treatment half their but at the same node the 30% of their total pea yield. Table 4.6.6 Percentage of total pea number borne at each fertile node. Node 1st F.N. Irrigation treatment N.R. 2nd F.N. 3rd F.N. Others IRR. N.R. IRR. N.R. IRR. N.R. IRR. Cultivar Tere 52.5 29.3 35.5 38.1 11.6 26.3 0.6 6.5 Piri 46.1 32.3 37.7 33.4 lS.l 22.8 1.6 11.5 Pania 41.6 33.2 39.6 3S.8 17.1 17.5 1.7 13.S Gf.68 41.2 31.2 34.7 27.7 16.3 20.0 5.8 19.7 S.E.of mean 2.28 3.24 1.38 2.88 1.97 2.21 1.20 4.27 PAGE 88 4.7 PREDICTION OF YIELD FROM YIELD COMPONENTS. The plant samples used for yield component analysis were taken at an early stage of maturity (before vining harvests began) so the measurements taken from regarded as measurements of them potential yield. were not measured at that stage, because counted were still very made many however, pea was calculated against log(TR-7S), from the because linear the be the peas An effort at using on samples of vined peas. only Pea weights of small and immature. yield prediction was attempted, measurements should pea weight The weight per regression of P.Wt. P.Wt.-TR relationship was curvilinear for most treatments. A predicted Table pea 'yield' (i~. number of per m2 , 4.7.1) was calculated from the mean number of peas per plant (Table 4.6.2) and mean plant population A peas (Tabl~ 4.2.l). yield in Kg/ha was then calculated from the number of peas per m2 yield and the calculated pea weight. When the predicted was compared with the observed (vined) yield at TRlOS, the difference varied considerably between treatments, was particularly high for irrigated Gf.68 (Table 4.7.2). and PAGE 89 Table 4.7.1. Green pea yield (peas/m 2 )Ca1culat d from peas per plant and plants per m2 Peas per plant Irrigation treatment P2 Green as per m Plant~ per m * N.R. IRR. 106.7 183S.2 2432.8 20.4 106.0 2268.4 2162.4 28.6 29.1 92.0 2631. 2 2677.2 24.9 26.7 92.4 2300.8 2467.1 N.R. IRR. Mean Tere 17.2 22.8 Piri 21.4 Pania Gf.68 Cultivar * Mean population for both irrigation treatments. Table 4.7.2. Comparison of predicted and observed yield at TR lOS. Mean weight per pea (g) Irrigation treatment N.R. Yield Predicted (Kg/ha) Observed Difference in yield * IRR. N.R. IRR. N.R. IRR. N.R. IRR. Cultivar Tere .S70 .S16 10457 12591 8747 10S32 16.4 16.4 Piri .528 .501 11978 10812 8619 8176 28.0 24.4 Pania .472 .517 12420 13800 11191 10290 9.9 25.4 Gf.68 .480' .499 11088 12289 7362 27.4 40.1 * 8048 Difference is expressed as percentage of predicted yield. CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION PAGE 90 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION 5.1. MEASUREMENT OF MATURITY The significant correlations between maturity assessment methods used in this experiment confirm many of the studies reviewed in Chapter 2 which advocated the use of such or compared their ef ctiveness for measurement of maturity and quality. Even after freezer storage for years, total AIS, solids (TS) and more than measurements made harvest (Appendix 7). on fresh two weight per pea (P.Wt) measurements were still highly correlated with TR size tests, peas and sieve immediately after Thus, although methods like AIS and TS are relatively slow, they have the advantage that they may be used to measure maturity of peas a harvest. This may be considerable especially important time if after there is limited or no access to a fast and simple method, such as TR. Although correlation coefficients between the methods for measuring maturity were high (Table Appendix 7), the relationship between any two differed between treatments (Table absolute terms, therefore, one method 4.1.1 may different 4.1.5; methods to not often 4.1.4). be In directly comparable with another, although both may vary at a constant rate during maturity, hence the high correlations obtained. The AIS-TR relationship was examined by regression analysis, and differences were found in the intercept (a) and slope (b) terms of regression equations for several treatment (Table 4.1.7). This variation indicates that the two methods PAGE 91 measure changes in different components of maturing peas, and that peas from different treatments vary in the rate at which one component changes in respect to the other (Table 4.1.8), In this experiment an AIS of aproximately 11% with TR 105. This was similar to the results of Lee et ale (1954), Wecke1 and Kuesel (1955), Adam and Gaze (1980). 1953: (1957) and Atherton It is also within the AlS maturity limits set in Australia for pea (Sykes coincided cultivars Scheltema, Sykes harvested and for freezing Last, 1961). The AlS values found here are lower than those published by Kramer et al. (1950) and Adam and Brown (1957), who found the optimum harvest maturity of peas was about AlS 13 to 14%. Their studies were on peas intended for canning, however, when more mature peas (than those preferred for freezing) would be considered optimum (Chapter 2, section 2.4). Other studies relationship here. A have varies difference with was also shown that the AIS-TR different cultivars, as was found commonly reported between round seeded Alaska type peas, and the wrinkled seeded garden peas. The latter type generally had an AlS of 1.5 to 2.5% lower than the round seeded peas at the same TR (Weckel and Kuesel, 1955; however, Ottosson, 1958; Lesic, 1975). In New Zealand, only garden peas are cultivated for vining, so this source of variation does not exist. Differences in the AIS-TR relationship have also been reported between different garden peas however, so dif unusual. (Adam, 1955; Atherton and Gaze, 1980), rences found between cultivars in this trial are not Seasonal differences also appear to significantly PAGE 92 affect the AIS-TR relationship of garden peas (Adam, 1955). The speed and method of vining has been the tenderness 1967). shown to influence of peas (Casimir, Mitchell, Lynch and Moyer, Maturity as measured by a chemical method like AIS would probably be unaffected, hence disparity between the two methods could be introduced. In this experiment, AIS determination was thawed peas which had results expressed as weight. The been a used and thawed The 1961). on frozen raw (unblanched), with percentage of the original fresh AIS method was originally developed to measure maturity of canned peas (kertesz, 1934, been conducted 1935), but it has successfully to measure the maturity of raw peas frozen (Kramer, AIS peas Scheltema 1954~ et ale measurements made on different substrates, , however, may not be directly comparable. Kramer (1948) found that at TR 105, the Alaska peas was 14.2%, peas of the same line. Laxton, AIS of canned while 15% AIS was recorded for raw The difference was greater for Thomas which at TR 105 had an AIS content of 12.3 and 14.7% for canned and raw peas respectively. (1950), (1950) and Adam and Holt (1953) also Kramer et ale Lynch and found that the AIS of raw peas was about one or higher than the same material after canning. Mitchell two percent Ottosson (1958) found that at low maturities the AIS of raw and thawed frozen peas was content very similar, but with increasing maturity the AIS of raw peas became comparatively higher. Near TR 200, however, the AIS of raw peas was only about 1% higher than that of similar peas which had been frozen. PAGE 93 In New Zealand, most peas for processing between harvested 90 and 140, so these were taken as the lower and TR upper maturity/quality limits for Nonnecke are (1973) compared the this trial. Voisey and A1S ranges for the upper and lower quality limits of peas from 20 different studies. found that at the upper quality (i.e. the A1S varied from while at 6.0 to 17.1% s.d. 3.05), the higher maturity limit, the range was from 13.9 experiment range of low maturity) limit (mean 9.1%, to 27.2% A1S (mean 22.7%, s.d. 3.98). this They The A1S values from (Table 4.1.4) are therefore well within the results from a large number of other studies relating to pea maturity. The purpose of examining the AIS-TR relationship was confirm that measuring maturity Coefficients were the R2 4.1.3), the but significantly reliability tenderometer and quality has of a reliable peas for method for processing. of correlation between A1S and TR were high, as statistics from the regression the regression different. equations This cast analysis were some (Table in some cases doubt on the of the tenderometer as a means of estimating pea quality, compared with A1S. TR is to In other studies however, where been compared directly with quality and maturity, as measured by organoleptic methods, the tenderometer was to be almost as good as AIS (Chapter 2, section 2.3.). found PAGE 94 5.2. EFFECT OF IRRIGATION AND CULTIVAR ON MATURITY, YIELD AND YIELD COMPONENTS Irrigation and cultivar treatments in many cases had a significant effect on both maturity and yield of garden peas. These results did not consistently agree with other reports, however, especially on the effect of irrigation on pea yield. Irrigation applied at the beginning of flowering and during pod fill has usually been found to significantly increase the yi~ld of green peas experiment only response. less (Chapter one 2, section cultivar, 2.5.). Tere, displayed Irrigated Piri yielded slightly but than the relatively N.R. large In this such a significantly treatment, while Pania and Gf.68 gave yield depressions from the irrigated irrigated treatments treatment (Table 4.2.1). The aberrant (especially of behaviour of the Pania and Gf.68) was probably due to changes in soil moisture conditions caused (114.6mm) the very Peas are one of the most sensitive crop anaerobic soil conditions caused (King, 1979), particularly just before and (Erickson and Van Doren, 1960; Suhail, 1979; Dennis, this rainfall he~vy on January 2 and 3, 1980 (Appendix 1, Figure Al.l, Table Al.4). to by Jackson, 1979; 1980). growth during flowering Cannell, Gales, Snaydon and Belford, Cannell, Thomson display changes, and distinct can and Jackson, ale 1980). and Belford et ale physiological and suffer depression of yield (Erickson and Van Doren, 1960; 1979; by waterlogging Pea plants subjected to waterlogging during stage morphological plants 1979; Cannell et PAGE .95 Excessive soil moisture from flowering to reported by Bartz cited by Salter Frese, Czeratzki irrigation during and Korte and Goode (1967), found that in a season when wet conditions prevailed, yield was by was (1959) to reduce pod fill of Alaska peas more than any other treatment. (1955), maturity flowering. reduced 15% The maintainance of high soil moisture levels throughout the growth of vining peas was also shown by with plants appropriate Stoker which (1973) to depress pea yield compared received stages of less growth. rainfall observed is this trial interaction between treatments, and the the but at more The variation in effect of irrigation treatments and in water, on different cultivars thought to be the result of an rainfall and the irrigation growth stage the peas were at when the rain occurred. The irrigated treatment of the earliest cultivar, Tere, experienced three distinct periods when soil moisture reached field capacity, separated by intervals when soil moisture was much lower (Appendix 3, Figure A3.l). soil moisture periods, due to the near the end of The second of the high heavy rainfall, occurred flowering, close to petal fall, when only small yield responses would be expected (Salter, 1963). N.R. treatment of Tere was at the flat pod stage of growth when the heavy rainfall occurred, when insensitive 1965; to Salter The irrigation and Goode, (Salter 1967). peas 1963; are relatively Salter and Drew, For this cultfvar, therefore, the period of heavy rain apparently had no adverse affect on the irrigated yield. The N.R. treatment, treatment, and however, may have enhanced probably received PAGE 96 little benefit from treatment rain, out yielded and the at N.R. TR 105, the treatment by irrigated 20% (Table 4.3.3). The heavy rainfall period occurred during irrigated Piri (Table 4.3.1; and irrigation may rain be expected Drew, 1965), although soil moisture at the time was already high from 'irrigation (Appendix 3, The N.R. of Appendix 1, Table Al.4, Figure Al.l) when a yield response to (Salter flowering Figure A3.1). treatment of Piri was also flowering when the heavy occurred, positively and to the could also to respond rain (Salter and Goode, 1967). It seems unusual, however, that the N.R. be expected treatment, which received a single moist period during late flowering should out yield the irrigated treatment of irrigation during early (Table 4.3.1, 4.3.3; appears the same cultivar, which received and mid flowering, and at pod fill Appendix 3, Figure A3.1). It therefore that the irrigated treatment suffered adversely from excessive water, which reduced its yield to below that of the N.R. treatment. enhanced by treatments, Yield of the latter treatment may have been the it rain, is but impossible with to (waterlogging) reduced yield and how only two irrigation tell how much one effect much another (natural rainfall) may have enhanced it. The irrigated significantly lower treatments of Pania yielding than the and In both cases, the rainfall occurred soon irrigation, (Appendix 3, Figure A3.2). when soil were corresponding N.R. treatments. after Gf.68 relatively moisture was still high The natural rainfall treatments PAGE 97 were near the middle of the floweri?g when the rain occurred, so a positive response to additional soil moisture was likely (Salter and probable Goode, that waterlogging 1967). the rain In this situation it is highly caused a yield reduction by in the irrigated treatments, but enhanced yield of the N.R. treatments. the of effect As discussed above, waterlogging research into and soil oxygen deficiency has shown that peas are particularly sensitive to such conditions immediately before, and 1979: Jackson, 1979: stage of growth during flowering Belford et ale when yield (Cannell et ale 1980). responses to This is also a irrigation are greatest. It is proposed that in this trial the depressed yields from irrigated treatments of Piri, Pania, and Gf.68, were the combined effect of waterlogging in irrigated treatments, and a The yield response to rainfall in the N.R. treatments. nearer the period of heavy rain was to the critical sensitive growth stage (i.e. the start of flowering), the greater its effect on yield depression or enhancement. Irrigated Piri, being slightly earlier flowering than Pania or Gf.68, did not exhibit as large a yield depression, even though it sustained the most prolonged period of high soil moisture (Appendix 3, Figure A3.1). Irr(gated Pania and Gf.68, being closer to the start of flowering on January 2 and 3 (Table 4.3.1), were probably more sensitive to waterlogging. which the N.R. treatment of Piri The later stage received at the rain is probably also a major reason why this treatment did not yield even more than it did relative to irrigated Pirie treatments of Pania and Gf.68, however, almost The N.R certainly PAGE 98 responded to the rain, hence the greater difference between the two irrigation treatments with Pirie Tere, waterlogging and of being did not these cultivars earlier, display the compared apparently escaped abnormal effects exhibited by the other three cultivars. The results Pania, and of both Gf.68, irrigation therefore, are treatments not heavy rain. The magnitude of except for Tere, between cultivars. further and the effects the abnormal behaviour invalidates any conclusions on the effect yield, Piri, the outcome of the imposed treatment alone, but were confounded by of of of precludes Problems experienced irrigation yield when on comparison vining Gf.68 restrict any conclusions which may be drawn from the yield and maturity of this cultivar. The soil description (Chap. the possibility of a sustained through impaired drainage. revealed 3, section 3.1.1) period of Examination of the waterlogging, soil profile mottling in the subsoil, although under more normal Canterbury summer conditions, the not be a problem (T. imper ct Webb, Soil Bureau, pers. drainage experiment also would comm.). Several other parameters measured during the this supports course of support the theory of waterlogging in the irrigated treatments, and a yield response to rain by the N.R. Pirie treatments of Pania, Gf.68 and to a lesser extent, PAGE 99 The results given here (Table 4.4.1 to 4.4.4) show that the vine yield from irrigated Tere and Piri were greater than from respective N.R. treatments of treatments, but those from irrigated Pania and Gf.68 were not significantly higher than from N.R. treatments. (Table was also much smaller from irrigated plots of 4.6.1) The increase Pania and Greenfeast than corresponding and Pirie The differences in in stem treatments length of vine yield and stem length response to irrigation by Tere and Piri, compared with ofPania and Gf.68, Tere those are believed to reflect the effect of different amounts of waterlogging on plant growth. Salter (1963) respectively, found and (1974b), and Anderson that irrigation increased haulm growth and total green (vine) weight of peas. In White this trial the irrigated treatments of Pania and Gf.68 failed to display the increase in vine yield which would be from irrigated Jackson (1979) waterlogging plants. and reduced the rate of thought be expected Studies by Cannell et ale Belford induced normally et ale (1980) (1979), showed that premature quiescence of stern apex, and internode extension. This effect is to be the reason why the responses in vine yield and stem length to irrigation, of Pania and Gf.68, were less than expected. vine yield treatments It -is also suggested that the large difference in and of stern Piri length reflects between the the two slightly growth at which it was exposed to the period of compared with Pania and Gf.68. irrigation later stage of heavy rain, PAGE 100 Physical changes in the irrigated eight of plants in the treatments of Gf.68 and to a lesser extent, Pania, were also observed. patches appearence Most noticable was the development of of yellow plants within the irrigated plots, five to days after inspection, the many of heavy these rain occurred. On closer plants were found to be stunted near the stem apex, with smaller leaflets than those found on healthy plants of the same cultivar. Plants in the irrigated plots of Piri, Pania, and Gf.68 also tended to become pale in colour at an earlier stage of N.R. ln treatments. plant than the corresponding mat~rity These effects are consistent with growth described by Cannell et ale changes (1979) and Jackson (1979) for waterlogged peas. Measurements made on yield components major difference also indicate in the behaviour of Tere compared with the other cultivars. The pod length and number of peas per for increased Tere, were The of peas per plant were also significantly higher from the irrigated treatment of Tere, but there was no between pod, by irrigation, but for all other cultivars the reverse occurred (Tables 4.6.1 and 4.6.2). number a irrigation treatments of difference the other cultivars, for this parameter (Table 4.6.2). Although attributed to these the differences effects of in yield waterlogging, entirely consistent with the conclusions of (1979) and waterlogging Jackson (1979). depressed nodes, and thereby yield. the components These number of Cannell et ale are they are not Cannell workers fruiting et found ale that (fertile) (1979) and Belford PAGE 101 et ale by (1980) also found that waterlogging reducing depressed the number of pods per plant. yield The results from this trial show that both number of fertile nodes and of pods per plant were greater from irrigated treatments of all cultivars (Table 4.6.2, pods per plant by of nodes per unaffected by Gf.68, number plant and pods per node), and appeared to be waterlogging. the mUltiplication older, It less was also determinate noticable that cultivar, had significantly more fertile nodes per plant, but less pods per node than the other cultivars. The other cultivars were very similar to each other in these parameters (Table 4.6.2). Disagreement between the results of this experiment, and (1979), Jackson (1979) and those described by Cannell et ale (1980) on the effect of waterlogging on yield Belford et ale components, may result from the differences maturity when the waterlogging occurred. was waterlogging not controlled, in stage of In this and experiment coincided different stages of maturity for each cultivar. A with a reduction in pod fill (peas per pod) attributed to excess soil moisture at flowering, as described by Bartz (1959), is more the N.R. consistant with the results of this experiment. It is interesting treatments of per node at that plants in first fertile node than plants in the irrigated treatments (Tables 4.6.3 and 4.6.5). This suggests that depresses note all cultivars had more peas per pod, and peas the corresponding to irrigation at the start of flowering yield at the first node, particularly by reduction in number of peas per pod. PAGE 102 From the results of Tere alone, it appears that yield enhancement . by . irrigation is through -increase in the number of fertile nodes, and increase in the number of peas per (Table 4.6.2). The number of pods per node was relatively insensitive to changes in soil moisture (Table 4.6.2, and an increase in peas per pod directly increased the 4.6~3),so number of peas per fertile pod nodes node. An· increase the number ale (1982) Anderson and White (1974b) and also found that irrigation increased green pea yield by increasing the number of peas per pod pods per of per plant, therefore, also directly increased the number of pods per plant. White· et in plant. and Anderson and White also found, as in this study, that irrigation increased the proportion of yield characteristics were contributed by nodes higher up the plant. The flowering relatively and unaffected by maturity waterlogging. The duration of flowering and time to harvest were prolonged in the irrigated treatments for of all cultivars (Table 4.3.1 and 4.3.2). Pania, the progressing irrigated through treatments were also treatments (1974a) and (Table 4.3.2). were also later and slower maturing in experiments by Salter (1963), White slower the harvest period, with a smaller rate of TR increase per day, especially at low TR Irrigated Except Stoker Pumphrey and (1973), Schwanke Anderson and (1974). The exponential rate of TR increase with time, as found in this experiment, has also been observed in other studies were this relationship Kramer, was 1946; examined (Pollard Hagedorn et Anderson and White, 1974; al et 1955; Pumphrey et ale al. 1944, 1947; Ottosson, 1958; 1975). PAGE 103 5.3. THE EFFECT OF MATURITY ON PEA SIZE. The proportion of peas in dramatically medium during and maturity, large size with all treatments behaving similarly (Figures 4.5.1 and 4.5.2). The grades changed the proportion of small peas in any treatment was never great and decreased to near zero at changes found Pollard et al. peas. The in high maturity. sieve size this trial were similar to those found by (1947) with Perfection and results The Early Perfection of Kramer (1946) also show very similar trends from Alaska and Pride peas during maturity, as do those of Lynch and Mitchell (1953), for Canner's Perfection. The rapid increase in yield of peas at early stages of maturity is probably due to the growth of peas in each grade, and the passage of small and medium peas into the medium large size grade respectively. and As the volume of peas in the two smaller grades reduced and the large peas reached maximum size, the rate of yield increase would decrease. their PAGE 104 5.4 THE EFFECT OF MATURITY ON YIELD OF VINING PEAS Both green pea yield and relative yield maturity during the harvest yield, relative yield, (Tables and 4.4.1 to 4.4.4). period. TR increased With few exceptions, increased at each rate period (Appendix I). of TR influenced increase by are not temperature without during the Short term fluctuations in the uncommon, as maturity through heat cool periods yield increase in patterns, accummulation (Seaton, 1955). increase harvest The exceptions noted were probably due to sampling variation and changes in weather harvest with In corresponding converse applies during warmer weather (M.J. is unit may TR, while the Crampton, pers. comm.). The relative decrease in harvest of irrigated yield Tere is and TR actually at the the sixth result of an inarease in the mean yield and TR from the fifth harvest to the 3.4; due elimination of an outlying value (Chapter 3, section Appendix 5, Table A5.2). No satisfactory explanation is tendered for the variability in yield of Gf.68, except for the difficulty experienced in vining N.R., however, display have observation, fluctuations. sustained increased its yield by yield The Gf.68 severe effects of the irrigated treatment may also variability. parameters As measured treatments, including yield components, than cultivar. which was equally difficult to vine, did not similar waterlogging this 4.3.3, 4.4.5, 4.6.1 to 4.6.6). on we~e comparable measurements made on N.R. a more general irrigated variable treatments (Table PAGE 105 The relationships (measured and by 4.4.7), between pea yield and TR), were generally curvilinear (Figures 4.4.6 with progressively the rate smaller of yield increase as TR increased. a1. (1944, 1947), similar relationships then decreased at higher TR. TR was also reported Kramer showed by ~ramer (1975) also peas peaked near TR Decrease in yield at high (1948) and Sayre (1952). that Alaska peas peaked in yield about TR 145 to 150, but the 'sweet peas' Laxton Pollard for irrigated vining peas, but found that the yield of non-irrigated 120, by Ottosson (1958), and Salter (1963). Anderson and White (1974a) and Pumphrey et al. found becoming These relationships were similar to yie1d-TR relationships described et maturity peaked about TR (garden peas) Pride 110. Sayre, and Thomas however, found that Thomas Laxton peaked at TR 125, while Perfection peaked at TR 130-135. Hagedorn relationship et al. in five (1955) out of found a seven trials with Wisconsin linear yield-TR Perfection, and in seven of eight trials with Alaska. three excepted cases, a curvilinear relationship was found with yield levelling off at high harvest means of some In the TR. treatments In this trial, the tended to have a linear yield-TR relationship, but the observed data points were more curvilinear in distribution. The shapes of yield-TR relationships may by a number of factors. be influenced Several workers have found variation in the yield-TR relationships of different cultivars (Pollard et al. 1947; Kramer, 1948; Sayre, 1952; Hagedorn et al. PAGE 106 1955; Ottosson, 1958). The relationship was also be affected by irrigation (Salter, 1963, 1974a; been Pumphrey et ale 1975). Other found to Anderson and White, factors 'which have found to affect the yield-maturity relationship include location, time of sowing, disease, seasonal variation, temperature, and soil type (Ottosson, 1958, 1968). In this experiment the relationships between maturity were yield and examined by regression analysis of the linear relationship between relative yield (relative to yield at 105) and log(TR-75). The slope of a common line for the pooled data from irrigated treatments (excluding significantly treatments. steeper When only however, was cultivar- results were found to have different relationship for each irrigation 4.4.6, Figure Gf.68) was than the comparable line for all N.R. ~individual Tere TR The 4.4.9). slopes a analysed, significantly treatment for (Table both' irrigation treatments of Piri and Pania were clearly very similar, while those for relative Gf.68 were not yield-Iog(TR-75) be comparable relationship of due to the poor the irrigated treatment (R 2 =26%). The inconsistency of these results indicates that relationships these have also been affected by interaction between the imposed treatments and the period of heavy rain discussed above. The objective of comparing the yield-TR relationships of several vining pea cultivars in the presence or absence of irrigation, therefore, could not be achieved. PAGE 107 Tere was the only cultivar which apparently escaped adverse effects could be of examined the for heavy the yield-maturity relationship. rain, so only this cultivar effect of irrigation is consistant with of a decrease the the N.R. with the results of Salter (1962), Anderson and White (1974a) and Pumphrey et ale absence on The greater rate of increase in relative yield from irrigated Tere, compared treatment the in yield at (1975). high The TR by any N.R. treatment, including Tere, was possibly due to the period of rain. The relative yield of Tere at several stages of maturity was compared with results from several similar trials conducted elsewhere, where curved yield-TR relationships were found (Table 5.4.1). The results from irrigated Tere are very like those of. irrigated Victory Freezer and Dark Skinned Perfection reported Pumphrey et ala by Anderson and (1975), respectively. White They (1974a) and also very are similar to the results for Perfection given by Pollard et ala (1947). The Victory Freezer results and decrease at high TR, however, of N.R. DSP, as Tere in that discussed the results of N.R. number and of location. similar yield above. from dryland of Tere did not Up to TR 120 Tere, Victory Freezer, and DSP are all very similar, in spite of time, differ differences in cultivar, The agreement among the results from a trials is also generally good, relative yield at TR 140 varying most (Table 5.4.1). with PAGE lOB Table 5.4.1 Comparison of relative yields from several sources, at TR 90, 120 and 140, (yield at TR 105 = 100.) Source Relative yield Treatment TR 90 TR 120 TR 140 This Trial (Lincoln 1979/BO)* Tere Tere N.R. IRR. B2.2 75.2 10B.7 114.5 116.5 127.5 Anderson and White (1974a)* (Lincoln 1970/71) Victory Freezer N.R. IRR. 73.8 79.2 110.0 116.0 106.8 132.1 Pumphrey et al. (1975) 17 trials over 11 years in Oregon * Dark N.R. Skinned Perfection IRR. 73.5 75.9 110.7 114.3 104.7 121. 2 Pollard et a1. (1947) Several trials in Utah (1943-45)** Perfection Early Perfection 78.0 114.5 128.6 63.4 112.4 132.5 Sayre (1952) Several trials in N.Y. 1948-51** Thomas Laxton Perfection --- 78.9 81.3 110.5 113.8 111.2 119.4 Ottosson (1958) 157 trials in Sweden 1951-57 ** Several cultivars -- 76.0 119.0 134.0 * ** -- -- ,- calculated from data given estimated from plotted data Ottosson (1958) relationship was (fertile) nodes. nodes than a postulated function that of the the number of pod bearing Although irrigated Tere Tere N.R., the same yield-rna turi ty was had more rtile also true for the irrigated treatments of the other cultivars, show significant relationships From this of differences their respective which between the irrigation did not yield-TR treatments. study it appears that the number of peas per pod, and particularly the number of peas per pod at higher fertile nodes, are also yield-maturity a major determinants relationships. Irrigated of the Tere shape also of had PAGE 109 considerably more pods at the third F.N. than Tere N.R. (Table 4.6.4) and the proportion of peas per plant the second, borne at third and subsequent fertile nodes by irrigated Tere plants (71%) was much higher than that borne at the same nodes by N.R. plants (48%, Table 4.6.6). that the yield considerably of peas from higher nodes was increased by irrigation, which caused a delay in the rate of maturity and maintained a higher rate compared These results show with of yield increase unirrigated plants of the same cultivar. The mechanism of yield increase, was by an increase in number fertile nodes, of peas per pod , and pods per node at elevated nodes, rather than an increase in the number of fertile nodes alone, as reported by Ottosson (1958). Lack of change in vine yield with maturity, as found this trial, has also been reported by Lynch and Mitchell (1953), Mitchell and Lynch (1954) and Ottosson (1958). and Lynch Mitchell (1953) concluded that the potential increase in vine yield due to increase in compensated by increase the weight of peas may be the loss of a similar weight of water during maturity of the vine. It is also probable that much of the in pea weight is due to transportation of water and assimilates from the plant (Pate in and would occur. body into the developing peas Flinn, 1977), so little net change in vine weight PAGE 110 5.5 EFFECT OF MATURITY ON GROSS RETURN FROM GREEN PEA CROPS. The relationship between gross return and TR for all treatments were very similar (Figure 4.4.11), suggesting that one payment scale might satisfactorily serve for a number different vining pea cultivars. Gross return, however, was negatively correlated with pea yield, TR, and harvest (Table 4.4.6), TR 100 (Tables decreased and was 4.4.1 4.4.4, number for peas harvested under Figure 4.4.11). Returns with maturity to a minimum between TR l19_and 131, An depending on treatment. between greatest to of gross return almost identical relationship and TR was described by Sayre (1952), for Perfection peas grown in New York. The relationship for Thomas Laxton peas was also similar, except that gross return continued to decrease above TR 135. Pollard et ale yield relationships (1947) described of~ of peas gross produced. flat rate, the high TR. should opposite applied adjusted to on give a low TR, to peas of poor quality with a These workers suggested that the be based In that situation, poorest gross returns were obtained for high quality peas with while return-pea Perfection and Early Perfection peas grown in Utah, where payment was on a weight the producers payment of schedule low TR peas "a greater or at least equal" gross return compared with growers producing high TR high quality product. to produce peas, and thus encourage production of a Sayre (1952) states that encouragement high quality peas was the reason why the payment system which he described, was designed. In New Zealand this PAGE III system seems unfair to the grower, who has no control over the maturity at which his crop will be harvested. The pea processing industry in Canterbury depends on export market which demands an inexpensive product, so a comparatively high proportion of the high TR (R.K. Cawood, pers. crop comm.). is harvested be of the every-day-catering (TR 90-115), and (TR 115-120). The probability of a crop being an advanced TR, the peas (E.D.C) grade (TR 120 to 130),'while 38% of the peas packed were in the the at Over the past five years, the market has required (on average) 48% of to an remaining 14%, retail grade catering grade harvested at yielding a relatively low gross return, is therefore comparatively high. Under the current system a farmer can conceivably obtain a higher gross return for a poor low yielding crop harvested early, than an agronomically advanced maturity. better crop harvested at an It is the desire of pea growers to ensure that TR-payment scales are aligned with the concept of equal gross return from a crop, regardless of the maturity at which it is harvested (Anon., 1977; and Process Growers P.C. Federation, Boyes, pers. N.Z. Vegetable comm.). An ideal formula, embracing all situations, is probably impossible obtain, climate, as many time yield-maturity separate scales variables of sowing, relationship were (e.g. soil probably be impracticable. soil moisture, cultivar, type etc.) (Ottosson, developed, to their affect 1968). the Even application if would PAGE 112 It is apparent relative yield of from Table 5.4.1, however, that the most cultivars, especially from TR 90 to 120 remain within reasonably narrow limits. An "average" gross return-TR relationship, therefore, more satisfactory to growers than that currently in use, should be attainable. general the irrigated and N.R. treatments set upper and lower limits for relative yield at a given TR (Table This suggests that In 5.4.1). one scale for irrigated and another for non-irrigated peas may be appropriate. As found in this trial, however, non-irrigated plants may not always behave as such. Although irrigation the relationships treatments for most cultivar x were not significantly different, the effects of heavy rain precluded valid comparisons being made. A satisfactory general relationship for several cultivars, with and without irrigation, therefore, was not found. PAGE 113 5.6 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN OBSERVED AND PREDICTED YIELD OF PEAS. The observed mUltiplication yield, of yield and yield components treatment, mainly to confirm the components used elsewhere predicted from the were compared for each reliability in this study. of the yield The relationship between the two yield parameters for each treatment, however, varied considerably. Two main factors are recognised which may partly explain the discrepancy. samples on Firstly, for practical reasons, the plant which yield collected for commenced. Weight per pea was not because many each components of the treatment ovules were immediately measured counted The pea weight factor used in the predicted yield, data. before at were vining that stage were still small and immature. therefore, measured, calculation of was derived from the vined pea The average weight/pea for the vined peas, however, was based on a sample from which very small peas «7.lmm) had been discarded. artificially This weight factor would be high, because the number of peas counted in the yield component analysis included the very small yield therefore predicted from the yield components peas. The was therefore inflated, as there was no way of estimating at the time yield components were measured, which peas would be larger than 7.lmm at TR 105. The second source of error which may explain some of the discrepancy in yields, was the failure of predicted yield to PAGE 114 take into account component ovule or measurement), pod abortion although this (subsequent possibly to occurred (Hardwick, Andrews, Hole and Salter, 1979), especially in the waterlogged plots. In this trial, therefore a very close agreement the observed and predicted yield because of problems relating to the which yield components were however, had similar levels of could between not be expected, early growth measured. stage Tere difference and between at Piri, the two yield parameters for each irrigation treatment (Table 4.7.2). In contrast, between Pania and Gf.68 difference Gf.68, much poorer agreement the two yield values for the irrigated (waterlogged) treatment than for the N.R. large had may treatment exhibited also reflect by the (Table 4.7.2). The Gf.68, especially irrigated difficulty of vining this cultivar. It was obvious from these predicted comparisons (observed) yield. The higher than observed yield considered 7.lmm at TR 105. potential yield and method for predicted may be estimating yield was always more realistically an estimate of potential yield, assuming that all peas counted developed to obviously pea from yield components, taken at a relatively early stage of rna turity, is not a reliable vining that have yield maturity, and were larger than Environmental and genetic factors, however, a profound realised. affect on Hardwick the proportion et encountered similar problems when they failed to ale of (1979) rela te the yield of pea crops to several yield components, including the PAGE 115 number of pods per plant, and the number of pods at each of the first four fertile nOdes. Comparison between predicted and observed yield did confirm the reliability of the yield components, but did not prove their unreliability either. yield not components It did show, however, that may not be a reliable basis for predicting vining pea yield, particularly when the measured at a practical harvest stage. components are not CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION PAGE 116 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION The maturity of correlated AIS with than AIS, were relationship peas measured by TR was highly and moderately better correlated with other between as methods AIS tested. Although the and TR differed among treatments, the variations were similar to those reported elsewhere. tenderometer is a reliable, fast and measuring the maturity of raw green peas. is not available analysis. maturity can frozen raw peas weight can be analysed later. method for If a tenderometer measured by AIS or TS When immediate measurement on fresh inconvenient, sieve be simple The raw peas is with a known original fresh The weight per pea and average size measurements would be less acurate, as the amount of change over a large maturity range is comparatively small, and they are also more susceptible to cultivar and environmental variation. Only one irrigation. cultivar, Tere, gave yield response treatments. The timing waterlogging of the in period waterlogging confirmed research elsewhere that pea roots very to The effect of irrigation on the other cultivars was inconclusive, as heavy rain caused irrigated a sensitive to the of are anaerobic conditions close to flowering. Yield of the natural rainfall treatments of Pania and Gf.68 was enhanced by the rain. The yield response of Tere to irrigation, was due to increase in the number of fertile nodes~per an plant and number PAGE 117 of peas per pod, especially at the higher fertile nodes. number of fertile treatments decreased of nodes was also higher in the waterlogged Piri, the number Pania, of and peas Gf.68, per but pod. waterlogging in this trial emphasises the control The waterlogging The need effects of for careful of soil moisture for peas about the flowering stage. The adverse effects of anaerobiosis may occur more frequently than recognised, especially on heavier, moisture retentive soils, and soils which are compacted. Irrigation maturity, and prolonged with the flowering, exception delayed of Pania, increased the duration of the harvest period (TR 90 to l40). TR .increase by irrigated harvest The rate of treatments was slower during the first four days of harvest, but after that TR increased at rate similar to the natural rainfall treatments. The delays in maturity of the irrigated treatments may result increased proportion exponential, from the of total yield borne at higher fertile nodes of irrigated plants. be a TR increase with time although day to day tended changes to were occassionally very small or negative. In all treatments the proportion of peas in and large medium grades changed most rapidly, so that about 80% of the peas were in the large grade at the end period. the Change in average of the harvest sieve size was moderately well correlated with increase in green pea yield. Green pea yield of all treatments increased with maturity, but the rate of increase was curvilinear, declining PAGE 118 as the peas matured. most cultivars The were yield-maturity very similar and unaffected by irrigation treatments. rain on these treatments, relationships The were apparently effect however, of heavy precluded valid comparison, and this aspect should be re-examined under suitable environmental conditions. of more In addition, the effect of controlled waterlogging treatments on a range of maincrop vining pea cultivars should be thoroughly investigated. The irrigated treatment waterlogging, had a of Tere, significantly in greater increase with maturity than the natural The steeper yield-TR curve was absence rate rainfall of of yield treatment. due to an increase in the proportion of peas borne at higher nodes. at the Prudent irrigation flowering and podfill is therefore recommended as a means of delaying the onset of harvest maturity while increasing the rate of yield accummulation. However, because Tere is an early maturing cultivar, general recommendations be should drawn from the results of this cultivar alone. not Most peas grown for processing are later maturing and usually have potential to set more peas Gross returns were maturity, r plant than early cultivars. negatively correlated with Peas from TR 119 to 131 attracted the gross returns, approximately two thirds of the maximum. which yield, and time of harvest, with maximum returns for peas under TR 100. trend the ~pplied to all treatments including irrigated lowest This Tere, had the greatest rate of yield increase with maturity. The results show that the payment sca which applied the similar gross returns 1979/80 season did not ensure during irrespective of maturity however, the that at gross harvest. They return-TR treatments was similar, and that one do indicate, relationship payment of scale all may be measured on applicable to a range of different cultivars. Yields plants predicted at an from early stage observed (vined) yield. the use of an yield of components maturity were The differences were higher than attributed to inappropriate weight/pea factor, and to the abortion of peas and pods, especially by plants stressed with waterlogging. Both problems were associated with the fact that yield components were measured maturity, so the the case of Gf.68, and early stage observed be accurately determined. the lack yields. of The agreement results between show that analysis of yield components was an aid to understanding effect of different treatments on yield. reliable for especially final green pea yield, method measurements were taken at a comparatively immature stage development. the It may also have indicated potential yield, but it was not a estimating of a cultivar with pointed pods, poor vining also contributed to predicted an status of yield components at the optimum harvest stage (TR 105) could not In at when of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PAGE 120 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am indebted guidance, to many encouragement, this project. people for their and criticism during the course of cannot mention everyone I assistance, some way, but to those not who helped me in cifically named, including many personal friends, I extend my thanks. Others to whom I am especially grateful are: Prof. advice in J.G.H. the encouragement; White, my supervisor, for guidance planning and conduct of the trial; and patient and helpful and positive criticism during preparation of the manuscript. Dr W.A. Jermyn wise encouragementi advice on thesis D.S.Goulden, and much for and words; preparation. needed coaxing understanding, Also Mr and helpful T.P.Palmer, Mr Dr J.W.Ashby for comments and criticism of the manuscript. Mr G. Meijer and staff at the Field Service Centre assistance with sowing and irrigating the for trial, and Webster and supplying vehicles when necessary during harvest. Mr R.A. others who Banfield, Mr D. Lake, Miss B.M. assisted with planting, field work, and harvest, sometimes giving up summer weekends to do so. Mr A.R. Wallace for advice statistical analysis of results. and assistance with PAGE 121 Members of Applied Biochemistry Division, DSIR, Lincoln, for sharing space, equipment and ideas which made laboratory analysis of frozen samples possible. Miss K.B. and Mr Hatherton, Miss A. R. Lamberts for Hodgins, Mr advice and W. Rennie, assistance with preparation of figures. Dr A. McKinnon and Dr P.D. Jamieson for assistance with final printing of thesis. J. Wattie's available, and Canneries particularly for making Mr R.K. the tenderometers Cawood for advice and discussion on several aspects of the trial and thesis. The DSIR for supplying seed, miniviner, and computer facilities used for data analysis and thesis preparation. And finally laboratory thesis. Mr A.C. Russell who assisted with analysis of frozen samples and typed most of this with willingness and reliability he assisted most in the completion of this study. 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Proceedings of the Agronomy Society of New Zealand 6: 19-22. APPENDICES PAGE 133 APPENDIX 1 RAINFALL AND TEMPERATURE DATA OVER THE PERIOD OF THE TRIAL. Source: Lincoln College Meteorological Station (Lincoln no. 3, Station H32643) Table Al.l Monthly rainfall and temperature data for ----the months including the trial period (data given here is for the whole month, and not just the days in the trial period). data (oe) Temperature Month Year Rain (mm) EPT ft max. min. mean* AHU** Nov. 1979 50.9 99.9 19.0 8.7 13.9 236.8 33.3 127.2 21.9 9.9 15.9 307.4 134.9 115.1 22.4 10.6 16.5 325.1 55.3 90.1 21.0 10.7 15.9 287.2 Dec. Jan. tl 1980 Feb. tl # Evapo-transpiration calculated by the Priestly-Taylor method. * mean=arithmetic average of daily means for the month. The daily mean is: (max. + min.}/2 ** Accumulated heat units above a base temp. of 4 o C. Figure Al.l Daily rainfall and mean daily temperature over the flowering and harvest period (17/12/79 . to 4/2/80; rainfall under 0.5mm not shown). ,-... 0 108.9rnrn 0 '-" l.LJ 0:: E 25 ""' E ....... c5 ::J Ia: 0:: 20 ~0 lLJ IL Z L l.LJ I- 15 15 >- 0 II Z LLJ >- 10 « 0 a: 10 L « 0: I:::::! -.J ;-; a: -l -l « u.. S 0 5 3S (17/12179) 41: 4~ 56 63 DAYS FROM SOWING 713 77 84 «~ 0) PAGE 134 DAILY WEATHER DATA OVER THE TRIAL PERIOD Table A1.2 Temperature and rainfall data for November ---- 12 to 31, 1979. Days from sowing 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Date Nov. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Daily rain (mm) ----6.1 0.2 --- --2.0 23.7 1.1 ------------0.2 --5.9 --- Daily Max. 22.5 21.8 15.7 13.8 17.9 23.2 17.4 17.3 '19.2 20.6 22.8 23.2 22.0 19.4 20.5 24.8 22.6 21.0 22.7 temperature (oe) Min. 2.9 8.9 11.5 7.6 3.9 8.6 10.6 11.0 12.2 9.5 9.5 7.8 7.6 8.5 11.0 14.1 13.5 11.4 10.9 mean 12.70 15.35 13.60 10.70 10.90 15.90 14.00 14.15 15.70 15.05 16.15 15.50 14.80 13.95 15.75 19.45 18.05 16.20 16.80 PAGE 135 Table Al.3 Temperature and rainfall data for December, 1979. Days from sowing 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Date Dec. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Daily rain (mm) --9.3 --------0.2 ----0.9 0.3 ----5.4 ----------0.4 --------0.4 7.8 8.6 --------- Daily temperature (oC) Max. Min. mean 21.5 25.5 20.3 19.9 20.4 28.9 15.2 16.0 16.8 21.4 22.6 23.4 19.7 20.5 17.9 23.9 28.6 26.0 23.4 24.5 20.0 26.0 29.4 30.5 28.9 21.4 14.4 15.6 16.3 19.5 19.6 9.2 15.1 11.9 4.7 5.1 9.5 4.3 4.5 8.4 12.5 12.5 13.2 6.1 8.0 12.2 4.0 11.3 16.8 7.3 8.1 9.5 10.7 13.9 18.5 21.6 6.7 8.8 11.2 10.2 6.4 4.7 15.35 20.30 16.10 12.30 12.75 19.20 9.75 10.25 12.60 16.95 17.55 18.30 12.90 14.25 15.05 13.95 19.95 21.40 15.35 16.30 14.75 18.35 21.65 24.50 25.25 14.05 11.60 13.40 13.25 12.95 12.15 PAGE 136 Table Al.4 Temperature and rainfall data for January and February 1 to 4, 1980. Days from sowing SO Sl S2 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Date Jan. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Daily rain (mm) --- 108.9 5.7 ------- ----- ----0.5 2.4 ----0.9 2.0 ----0.2 --- --8.3 6.0 ----------------- Daily temperature (oC) max. min. mean 22.1 20.1 11.5 15.4 17.5 18.4 19.7 20.9 18.4 21.3 20.5 24.4 26.4 25.0 21.0 27.7 13.4 19.3 25.6 24.8 22.9 20.3 19.5 25.6 25.5 27.2 29.0 24.8 23.2 31.2 31.7 13.9 12.0 8.3 8.2 5.9 9.2 11.9 8.2 9.9 9.4 13.0 13.4 11.5 11.4 15.2 16.2 11.6 4.6 10.2 6.9 11.2 7.7 14.2 7.6 8.8 6.8 16.5 5.1 11.5 14.5 12.6 18.00 16.05 9.90 11.80 11.70 13.80 lS.80 14.55 14.15 15.35 16.75 18.90 18.95 18.20 18.10 21.95 12.50 11.95 17.90 15.85 17.05 14.00 16.85 16.60 17.15 . 17.00 22.75 14.95 17.35 22.85 22.15 24.9 30.5 31.1 18.6 10.3 12.7 14.9 14.5 17.60 21.60 23.00 16.55 Feb. 81 82 83 84 1 2 3 4 ----0.1 0.6 APPENDIX 2 DETAILS FOR SOWING WITH STANHAY PRECISION SEED.DRILL. Table 2.1 Cultivar Sowing details for field trial. Holes/belt Hole size (mm) Pulley * Seed spacing (mm) Seeds/m 2 Germination (% ) Expected populatio~ (plants/m ) Tere 40 11.1 std. 5.71 116 92 106.7 Piri 40 9.5 std. 5.71 116 91 105.6 Pania 40 9.5 std. 5.71 116 90 104.4 Gf. 68 36 11.1 fast 5.08 131 86 112.7 * This setting is for the pulley located at the "knee joint". A small (ie. fast) pulley may be fitted here to facilitate sowing at heavy rates; std = standard pulley. The A pulley on the master land wheel was used for all cultivars, and a T base was also used at all times. Chokes were not used. REFERENCE Stanhay S766 Precision seed spacing drill instruction book. "d > G1 ttl I-' W -I PAGE 138 APPENDIX 3 SOIL MOISTURE CHANGES OVER THE FLOWERING AND HARVEST PERIOD Figure A3.1 Soil moisture changes for Tere and Piri over the flowering and harvest period: Triangles represent observed points, and the lines. indicate projected patterns of soil moisture change: - y - - natural rainfall;... .... = irrigated; I = peak due to irrigation. --...= TERE 30 e8. ,--,. 26 "#. e4 w a::: ee ~ I- if) 1-1 C) L ...-.J I--i C) if) e0 18 16 14 12 10 35 4e 56 4::1 e6 I' J ,...." I I 24 I I w 22 a::: ~ L ...-.J 1-1 C) if) '. \ \. \ I I 20 1 18 I I 16 I '. \ \ \ \ ., .... ? , 'v 'v. "- I 14 I '1t 12 10 84 I e8 if) I--i C) 77 PIRI 313 ~ 0 70 63 35 (17/12/79) 42 4::1 I I 56 63 DAYS FROM SOWING "- .,:... "- \ II v 70 "- "- "- ., 77 ,, 84 PAGE 139 Figure A3.l Soil moisture changes for Pania and Gf.68 over the flowering and harvest period: Triangles represent observed points, and the lines indicate projected patterns of soil moisture change: ...... - - -"T == natural rainfall == irrigated; I == peak due to irrigation. t" .. PANIA e8 c6 * 24 ~c.c :J I t020 I--t o L 18 --.J ~ 16 (f) 14 12 35 4e 56 63 713 77 84 713 77 84 GREI:NFEAST 68 28 c6 14 12 1(3 35 (17/12179) 43 56 63 DAYS FROM SOwING PAGE 140 APPENDIX 4 TR-PAYMENT SCALE FOR 1979/80 SEASON, CANTERBURY Table A4.1 Watties tenderometer reading-payment scale ---- for the South Island, 1979/80 season Grade Tenderometer reading Price (cents/Kg) 0 Not exceeding 90 22.611 1 Over 90 not over 95 20.390 2 " 95 .. 3 " 100 4 " 5 6 7 " 100 17.915 " II 105 15.710 105 II " 110 13.780 " ., 110 " " 115 13.230 " 120 11.835 II 120 115 .. 10.525 * From J.Wattie Canneries green pea agreement for South Island pea growers, 1979/80 season. PAGE 141 APPENDIX 5 FIELD RESULTS (FULL DATA SET FOR EACH TREATMENT) Table A5.1 Field results for Tere (natural rainfall) Harvest number Rep. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ** 6 7 7 7 7 7 * ** Plants per plot * 265 278 281 274 266 276 267 266 272 262 252 271 254 282 266 271 251 257 261 259 262 259 257 259 273 254 259 274 279 296 258 269 277 275 283 Peas per plot (g) 1855 1744 1790 1901 1746 1984 1984 1985 1953 2111 2007 2173 2245 2094 2190 2340 2245 2267 2415 2273 2307 2252 2517 2420 2496 2386 2160 2571 2691 2590 2267 2410 2459 2445 2560 TR 92 86 89 93 88 98 95 93 91 93 104 106 102 103 103 120 113 112 114 115 130 140 126 126 135 133 143 129 137 138 160 145 141 151 152 2 Plot size for all treatments = 2.5m Data omitted from yield analysis (see text, Chap. 3, section 3.4) PAGE 142 Table A5.2 Field results for Tere (irrigated). Harvest number Rep. Plants per plot peas per plot (g) 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 288 245 270 277 290 256 288 256 254 285 267 259 247 281 280 266 255 268 257 265 266 262 262 267 276 256 286 264 276 285 255 265 256 265 276 228 255 263 263 276 2681 2032 1727 2384 2570 1966 2522 2119 1784 2765 2926 2100 1826 3104 2272 3113 2697 2600 3003 3137 3073 2824 2050 3039 3210 2650 2747 2686 3066 3041 2867 3287 2848 3268 3111 3362 3104 3135 3032 3298 ** ** ** TR 99 96 90 100 95 92 95 93 88 105 115 93 96 104 95 120 107 109 112 118 119 III 102 120 128 115 III III 123 121 132 139 121 126 143 157 139 140 146 150 Data omitted from yield analysis (see text, Chap. 3, section 3.4) PAGE 143 - Table A5.3 Field results for Piri (natural rainfall). Harvest number ** 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 ** Rep. .' 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5· Plants per plot 266 259 272 276 260 266 271 262 273 254 264 273 293 260 263 270 265 274 274 274 262 256 254 265 273 261 267 272 258 256 260 262 262 269 273 Peas per plot (g) TR 1994 1995 1933 1911 1661 2040 1970 2052 2070 1916 2237 2226 2244 2054 2240 2331 2345 2244 2413 2258 2629 2428 2457 2587 2468 2533 2709 2657 2874 2627 2942 2515 2609 2761 2725 95 93 91 96 92 105 102 101 104 97 109 109 108 101 104 119 120 116 115 117 131 134 122 130 129 139 133 134 134. 135 149 163 153 150 159 Data omitted from yield analysis (see text, Chap. 3, section 3.4) PAGE 144 Table A5.4 Field results for Piri (irrigated). Harvest number Rep. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 Plants per plot 275 276 267 266 268 255 270 259 271 258 297 254 271 267 267 280 253 256 266 270 259 246 240 268 279 260 260 263 257 272 262 268 257 263 256 262 286 250 269 270 259 258 265 283 266 Peas per plot (g) 1447 1094 1213 1171 1343 1435 1527 1670 1594 1660 2051 1694 1950 1853 2088 2180 1968 2011 2172 2059 2006 2452 1624 2217 2204 2239 2169 2142 2175 2207 2133 2582 2153 2338 1968 2480 2620 2379 2605 2260 2496 2339 2785 2722 2471 TR 94 87 88 89 90 93 98 88 94 96 97 93 97 98 101 101 93 100 100 99 112 101 100 105 113 III 104 III 109 119 125 116 118 120 119 137 116 140 136 135 151 141 151 144 151 PAGE 145 - Table AS.S Field results for Pania (natural rainfall). Harvest number Rep. Plants per plot Peas per plot (g) 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 207 215 214 236 242 249 241 232 240 229 234 240 247 246 237 231 228 241 247 220 226 226 240 231 236 237 211 223 233 215 262 217 220 214 265 231 226 217 228 238 2392 2170 2111 2518 2487 2722 2598 2510 2342 2733 2838 2817 2783 2796 2900 3366 2795 2707 3050 3065 3078 3000 3117 2965 3440 2999 3164 3000 3365 3338 3689 3384 3127 3475 4003 3240 3259 3287 3823 3813 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 ** 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 ** TR 94 92 93 92 92 99 102 98 97 94 106 110 108 107 100 112 114 109 113 104 120 118 121 117 116 140 137 127 128 123 143 134 138 138 134 181 156 154 142 159 Data omitted from yield analysis (see text, Chap. 3, section 3.4) PAGE 146 Table A5.6 Fiela results for Pania (irrigatea). Harvest number Rep. Plants per plot Peas per plot (g) TR 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 233 212 215 232 238 235 217 239 223 237 230 239 229 228 241 224 230 224 210 228 216 238 213 234 228 225 226 235 231 232 239 216 234 239 226 2268 2088 2180 2038 2156 2413 2225 2577 2196 2487 2430 2691 2496 2310 2807 2467 2831 2634 2549 2624 2715 3011 2686 2776 2710 2959 3210 3056 2908 3023 2785 3280 3009 2919 2969 98 88 89 92 97 99 88 93 94 95 108 97 103 96 107 113 105 112 110 106 126 114 121 119 122 138 120 134 130 127 156 132 137 144 146 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 l:'Alit; Table A5.7 Field results for Gf.68 (natural rainfall). Harvest number Rep. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 ** ** 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Plants per plot 243 219 224 222 225 253 240 244 217 243 248 256 250 233 222 230 223 255 242 236 222 240 207 245 219 238 226 227 221 215 229 221 237 242 208 Peas per plot (g) TR 1896 1812 1591 1683 1749 1962 1825 1809 1825 1927 2276 1960 2089 1987 2080 2252 2332 2094 2004 2119 2181 2292 2122 2209 2144 2445 2203 1833 2178 2321 2403 2087 2242 2308 2229 94 94 91 92 93 103 109 97 102 95 108 104 104 101 101 112 123 112 106 III 132 126 120 115 118 145 154 126 124 131 164 155 139 140 146 Data omitted from yield analysis (see text, Chap. 3, section 3.4) l.'l{ Table AS.8 Field results for Gf.68 (irrigated). Harvest number Rep. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 S 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 Plants per plot 237 231 232 196 206 230 241 229 234 228 233 231 232 213 219 241 246 230 217 312 228 229 235 232 208 217 220 243 237 219 238 241 239 226 226 238 238 228 251 228 Peas per plot (g) TR 1683 1470 1655 1680 1399 1401 1588 1917 1644 1971 1785 1715 1902 1845 1890 1525 1720 1945 1746 1895 1873 2117 2412 1924 1689 1764 1561 1935 1951 1644 1864 1741 2508 1896 2143 2028 1855 2264 1915 1987 93 91 91 93 91 87 93 95 92 93 96 97 92 99 100 98 103 103 103 105 107 113 106 114 109 126 117 123 133 121 125 142 135 142 136 145 166 147 168 171 APPENDIX 6 RESULTS FOR MATURITY MEASUREMENT ON PEAS (ALL DATA FROM TR, AVERAGE SIEVE SIZE AND LABORATORY ANALYSES) Table A6.1 Results of maturity measurements on Tere - - (natural rainfall). Harvest number Rep. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 ** 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 ** TR 92 86 89 93 88 98 95 93 91 93 104 106 102 103 103 120 113 112 114 115 130 140 126 126 135 133 143 129 137 138 160 145 141 151 152 (%) Total solids (% ) Average sieve size Weight per pea (9) 9.38 9.04 9.38 9.59 9.25 10.42 8.50 10.82 9.95 9.84 12.36 11.88 10.67 12.02 11.51 13.89 12.85 11.99 12.49 12.75 14.28 15.55 13.25 13.46 13.91 15.55 16.62 14.54 14.90 14.95 15.89 16.68 17.36 16.70 15.52 16.09 14.74 15.20 15.30 15.09 17.17 13.84 17.43 17.23 14.25 18.76 18.08 16.00 16.41 17.25 19.84 19.42 18.28 19.58 19.18 19.96 20.76 20.54 19.55 21.00 20.64 21.31 20.53 19.84 19.90 23.04 20.95 22.41 21.48 21.04 5.250 4.890 4.970 5.180 4.970 5.496 5.300 5.252 5.152 5.232 5.804 5.768 5.352 5.404 5.576 6.008 5.984 6.008 5.94.4 5.652 5.892 5.964 6.068 5.976 5.968 6.148 5.986 5.928 6.018 6.156 6.220 6.284 6.116 6.304 6.268 0.526 0.481 0.494 0.476 0.470 0.529 0.554 0.536 0.523 0.476 0.566 0.560 0.531 0.510 0.564 0.651 0.589 0.555 0.577 0.593 0.654 0.652 0.628 0.639 0.651 0.706 0.651 0.619 0.715 0.641 0.652 0.693 0.654 0.677 0.648 AIS Data omitted from AIS-TR analysis (see text Section 3.4). Table A6.2 Results of maturity measurements on Tere - - (irrigated). Harvest number Rep. 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 TR 99 96 90 100 95 92 95 93 88 105 115 93 96 104 95 120 107 109 112 118 119 111 102 120 128 115 111 111 123 121 132 139 121 126 143 157 139 140 146 150 AIS ( %) Total solids (%) Average sieve size Weight per pea (g) 9.40 7.85 7.50 8.94 9.09 8.89 9.12 8.93 8.47 9.26 10.92 8.25 8.60 9.59 8.90 11.76 9.49 9.46 10.33 10.80 13.13 10.77 9.73 11.86 11.03 11.27 10.18 10.79 13.10 11.79 12.66 13.73 13.00 12.66 14.72 17.49 14.04 13.71 15.26 16.09 16.22 13.91 12.62 15.29 16.45 13.29 16.35 17.02 14.75 16.53 18.86 14.47 14.58 15.99 14.70 18.93 15.94 17.19 15.95 16.33 20.79 19.31 15.49 18.41 18.47 18.22 17.38 18.27 17.75 19.07 17.43 17.97 16.81 15.73 18.50 20.90 20.72 19.97 19.91 18.70 4.832 4.616 4.166 4.976 4.764 4.128 4.542 4.320 4.194 4.812 5.488 4.692 4.480 5.496 4.592 5.552 5.196 5.048 5.308 5.528 5.668 5.400 4.956 5.688 5.872 5.672 5.520 5.800 6.000 5.968 6.000 6.120 6.004 5.628 6.108 6.136 6.096 6.112 6.008 6.280 0.481 0.399 0.416 0.443 0.448 0.419 0.435 0.425 0.388 0.437 0.508 0.408 0.382 0.483 0.427 0.545 0.453 0.480 0.498 0.517 0.518 0.534 0.462 0.546 0.567 0.542 0.528 0.514 0.573 0.585 0.569 0.614 0.580 0.583 0.625 0.613 0.602 0.616 0.601 0.624 Table A6.3 Results of maturity measurements on Piri ---- (natural rainfall). Harvest number Rep. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 3 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 3 TR 95 93 91 96 92 105 102 101 104 97 109 109 108 101 104 119 120 116 115 117 131 134 122 130 129 139 133 134 134 135 149 163 153 150 159 (%) Total solids ( %) Average sieve size Weight per pea (g) 8.69 8.95 8.88 9.29 8.84 10.64 9.78 9.74 11.40 9.69 10.68 11.16 11.49 9.30 10.31 12.00 12.32 12.32 10.70 11.92 13.93 14.53 12.94 13.78 13.66 14.64 13.91 14.46 13.81 13.86 15.59 16.61 15.41 16.44 16.01 14.05 13.89 15.64 14.68 14.01 18.59 16.75 15.79 18.30 18.35 17.86 18.13 18.49 15.92 16.74 18.43 19.84 18.87 17.74 17.50 19.47 21.39 20.14 18.09 18.11 17.88 17.90 17.58 17.73 17.84 19.74 22.06 21.32 19.97 20.92 4.608 4.668 4.512 4.756 4.648 4.968 5.324 5.176 5.348 4.920 5.084 5.620 5.632 5.040 5.328 5.544 5.744 5.460 5.516 5.496 6.076 5.940 5.976 5.976 5.884 5.984 5.912 6.124 5.948 6.088 6.016 6.236 6.128 6.172 6.176 0.452 0.432 0.405 0.427 0.411 0.481 0.469 0.499 0.460 0.458 0.489 0.483 0.504 0.454 0.469 0.523 0.528 0.480 0.527 0.508 0.561 0.582 0.587 0.590 0.609 0.597 0.604 0.631 0.611 0.615 0.614 0.644 0.633 0.630 0.628 AIS Table A6.4 Results of maturity measurements on Piri ---- (irrigated). Harvest number Rep. TR AIS ( %) Total solids ( %) Average sieve size Weight per pea (g) 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 94 87 88 89 90 93 98 88 94 96 97 93 97 98 101 101 93 100 100 99 112 101 100 105 113 8.02 7.00 7.04 7.15 7.67 8.29 8.98 7.84 8.15 8.71 9.20 8.97 9.10 9.30 9.60 10.60 8.94 9.99 10.30 9.83 11. 23 10.32 9.42 10.53 11.36 11.95 11. 35 11.65 11.16 13.37 12.99 12.88 12.48 12.57 13.21 13.78 10.41 14.92 14.75 15.21 17.49 16.33 16.81 17.31 17.78 15.74 13.76 14.18 10.10 14.15 12.75 12.24 14.40 14.41 13.04 15.21 14.80 14.98 15.85 15.44 17.62 15.36 17.49 15.81 17.19 17.36 14.97 15.05 17.18 17.67 19.66 19.14 18.46 17.40 19.18 20.17 19.22 19.39 18.10 18.88 16.89 17.32 18.36 18.24 19.90 22.77 20.87 21.40 23.14 23.27 4.376 4.128 4.200 4.100 4.448 4.496 4.904 4.320 4.844 4.732 5.444 4.808 5.092 5.420 5.544 5.280 4.832 5.476 5.276 5.304 5.652 4.988 5.172 5.656 5.592 5.484 5.192 5.378 5.492 5.886 5.624 5.648 5.588 5.644 5.612 5.792 5.224 5.848 6.040 5.956 6.076 5.968 6.088 6.188 6.200 0.397 0.367 0.394 0.376 0.358 0.453 0.434 0.350 0.423 0.426 0.499 0.454 0.460 0.491 0.489 0.499 0.416 0.546 0.465 0.466 0.482 0.401 0.466 0.478 0.536 0.536 0.482 0.521 0.566 0.589 0.547 0.561 0.583 0.508 0.520 0.589 0.537 0.628 0.615 0.586 0.634 0.707 0.624 0.623 0.653 3 3 3 ** 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 ** III 104 III 109 119 125 116 118 120 119 137 116 140 136 135 151 141 151 144 151 Data omitted from AIS-TR analysis (see text Section 3.4). PAGE 153 Table A6.5 Results of maturity measurements on Pania ---- (natural rainfall). Harvest number Rep. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 TR 94 92 93 92 92 99 102 98 97 94 106 110 108 107 100 112 114 109 113 104 120 118 121 117 116 140 137 127 128 123 143 134 138 138 134 181 156 154 142 159 AlS (% ) Total solids ( %) Average sieve size Weight per pea (g) 8.83 8.27 8.20 8.80 8.12 10.98 10.48 9.37 9.36 10.18 10.10 10.97 11.02 10.78 9.62 10.79 11.59 10.80 11.83 10.35 13.03 12.97 13.53 12.44 12.25 16.02 15.40 15.03 15.06 13.29 16.63 16.85 17.44 15.41 15.39 21.91 20.41 18.32 17.03 19.38 11.84 11.98 12.15 13.22 11.97 17.00 15.82 10.14 13.78 13.64 13.90 16.21 15.08 15.53 13.14 15.88 15.84 15.35 19.02 12.02 18.23 19.37 19.44 19.41 18.76 21.53 19.89 21.23 21.27 19.66 23.60 22.25 19.21 21.27 19.87 27.32 25.95 23.82 24.16 24.85 4.564 4.460 4.624 4.428 4.692 5.423 5.112 4.872 5.028 5.076 5.384 5.380 5.304 5.437 5.336 5.264 5.156 5.122 5.220 5.188 5.360 5.444 5.504 5.432 5.576 5.592 5.780 5.620 5.552 5.608 5.928 5.872 5.936 5.956 5.856 6.096 5.940 5.856 6.052 6.036 0.399 0.407 0.403 0.398 0.430 0.458 0.422 0.452 0.429 0.437 0.491 0.489 0.454 0.493 0.469 0.472 0.511 0.476 0.519 0.505 0.516 0.557 0.511 0.516 0.523 0.577 0.495 0.525 0.525 0.516 0.549 0.537 0.518 0.564 0.557 0.643 0.587 0.565 0.584 0.602 PAGE 154 Table A6.6 Results of maturity measurements on Pania ---- (irrigated). Harvest number Rep. 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 TR , 98 88 89 92 97 99 88 93 94 95 108 97 103 96 107 113 105 112 110 106 126 114 121 119 122 138 120 134 130 127 156 132 137 144 146 AIS (%) Total solids (% ) Average sieve size Weight per pea (g) 9.52 8.81 8.37 8.64 9.31 9.93 8.48 9.20 8.61 9.48 10.98 9.63 10.44 9.50 12.67 12.13 10.38 11.97 11.69 11.46 14.42 12.55 13.67 13.72 13.93 16.00 13.25 13.86 14.55 14.09 17.79 14.57 16.51 16.91 16.65 16.52 16.39 15.99 16.21 17.26 17.19 15.97 16.78 16.24 17.50 18.80 17.62 17.80 17.44 20.48 18.77 18.14 19.12 19.14 18.86 20.88 18.98 20.20 20.60 21.20 21.56 19.50 21.42 21.22 21.33 23.50 21.08 22.09 22.95 22.37 5.068 4.596 4.724 5.474 5.244 5.112 4.752 5.044 4.794 4.788 5.300 4.968 5.144 4.912 5.576 5.412 5.388 5.640 5.516 5.528 5.932 5.688 5.912 5.936 5.908 6.136 6.256 6.148 6.016 6.088 6.068 5.948 6.064 6.164 6.176 0.493 0.433 0.433 0.460 0.409 0.511 0.435 0.500 0.457 0.451 0.503 0.463 0.499 0.491 0.480 0.548 0.519 0.551 0.564 0.550 0.545 0.569 0.565 0.576 0.598 0.621 0.547 0.582 0.555 0.601 0.604 0.579 0.588 0.640 0.604 . Table A6.7 Results of maturity measurements on Gf.68 (natural rainfall). Harvest number Rep. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 TR 94 94 91 92 93 103 109 97 102 95 108 104 104 101 101 112 123 112 106 III 132 126 120 115 118 145 154 126 124 131 164 155 139 140 146 (% ) ··Total solids ( %) Average sieve size Weight per pea (g) 10.59 10.14 9.98 9.53 10.44 12.78 12.97 11.35 12.53 11.25 14.27 13.77 11.82 12.29 11.98 13.59 14.92 14.36 14.26 14.73 16.35 18.21 16.62 15.13 15.21 18.28 19.77 16.92 16.67 16.42 20.31 19.34 17.62 17.94 18.75 16.28 15.87 13.96 14.77 14.28 15.86 18.87 17.94 17.39 15.74 19.87 17.70 19.33 19.62 18.00 19.68 19.69 21.22 19.19 20.26 20.17 23.96 23.40 22.41 20.84 24.50 25.49 22.66 22.91 22.55 25.84 26.16 23.31 23.23 25.06 4.896 4.964 4.648 4.744 4.712 5.060 5.272 5.040 5.216 5.008 5.372 5.196 5.320 5.124 5.160 5.800 5.692 5.564 5.524 5.728 5.848 5.896 5.992 5.792 5.792 5.920 5.932 5.800 5.848 5.920 5.968 5.972 5.936 5.836 5.972 0.452 0.459 0.404 0.437 0.443 0.457 0.511 0.449 0.468 0.444 0.466 0.481 0.435 0.475 0.448 0.511 0.544 0.504 0.479 0.491 0.556 0.518 0.483 0.520 0.496 0.555 0.557 0.515 0.576 0.551 0.566 0.565 0.606 0.531 0.556 AIS· PAGE 156 Table A6.8 Results of maturity measurements on Gf.68 ---- (irrigated). Harvest number Rep. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 TR 93 91 91 93 91 87 93 95 92 93 96 97 92 99 100 98 103 103 103 105 107 113 106 114 109 126 117 123 133 121 125 142 135 142 136 145 166 147 168 171 AIS (% ) Total solids (% ) Average sieve size Weight per pea (g) 10.48 9.67 10.47 10.18 10.43 9.47 10.75 11.33 11.56 11.66 12.76 12.03 11. 52 11.27 12.16 11.85 12.64 12.18 12.71 13.43 14.87 15.97 9.44 14.14 14.51 17.10 15.03 15.37 17.20 15.23 16.53 18.30 16.91 18.54 17.97 17.45 19.64 18.69 22.19 20.60 18.32 18.20 17.31 18.58 17.51 17.80 19.28 18.33 18.69 19.03 18.87 18.27 19.09 17.58 19.41 19.91 19.73 20.29 19.78 20.44 22.11 21.54 19.29 19.38 20.16 23.40 21.31 21.09 23.64 22.74 21.58 23.08 22.93 23.41 23.44 24.05 24.62 23.12 26.93 25.43 4.920 4.688 4.812 4.856 4.840 4.584 5.008 4.932 5.004 4.796 5.392 5.368 5.120 5.560 5.672 5.452 5.564 5.600 5.564 5.692 5.872 5.876 5.684 5.936 5.848 5.984 5.564 5.716 6.100 5.664 5.784 5.756 5.972 6.016 5.944 5.944 5.932 5.872 5.980 6.060 0.477 0.449 0.434 0.451 0.449 0.400 0.440 0.457 0.422 0.450 0.476 0.455 0.484 0.590 0.499 0.502 0.447 0.475 0.510 0.525 0.540 0.546 0.486 0.533 0.540 0.525 0.521 0.530 0.551 0.559 0.531 0.531 0.570 0.555 0.553 0.507 0.542 0.556 0.541 0.578 PAGE 157 APPENDIX 7 CORRELATION MATRICES FOR MATURITY TESTS Table A7.l Matrices of coefficients of correlation --oetween maturity tests and harvest number for both irrigation treatments of Tere. Natural rainfall TR TS P.Wt. Ave.S.S AlS TR TS 0.955 0.941 0.907 0.910 0.968 0.921 0.909 0.914 0.978 0.883 0.915 0.920 P.Wt. 0.900 0.917 Ave.S.S 0.931 Irrigated AlS TR TS P.Wt. Ave.S.S 0.965 0.792 0.917 0.875 0.882 . TR 0.781 0.941 0.913 0.890 TS 0.788 0.799 0.710 P.Wt. 0.951 0.895 Ave.S.S 0.883 Table A7.2 Matrices of coefficients of correlation between· maturity tests and harvest number for both irrigation treatments of Pirie I Natural rainfall AlS TR TS P.Wt. Ave.S.S 0.981 0.810 0.945 0.937 0.962 TR 0.788 0.948 0.914 0.972 TS 0.718 0.792 0.757 P.wt. 0.939 0.962 Ave.S.S 0.941 Irrigated TR T.S P.Wt. Ave.S.S AlS TR TS 0.982 0.907 0.922 0.895 0.960 0.852 0.908 0.861 0.927 0.845 0.850 0.879 P.Wt. 0.912 0.898 Ave.S.S 0.882 Table A7.3 Matrices of coefficients of correlation --oetween maturity tests and harvest number for both irrigation treatments of Pania. Natural rainfall AIS TR T.S P.Wt. Ave.S.S 0.984 0.952 0.897 0.893 0.946 TS TR 0.940 0.916 0.881 0.944 0.893 0.882 0.924 P.wt. 0.891 0.930 Ave.S.S 0.929 Irrigated TR T.S P.Wt. Ave.S.S AIS TR TS 0.984 0.982 0.898 0.911 0.941 0.966 0.894 0.905 0.943 0.881 0.905 0.931 P.Wt. 0.877 0.911 Ave.S.S 0.898 Table A7.4 Matrices of coefficients of correlation ~tween maturity tests and harvest number for both irrigation treatments of Gf.68. Natural rainfall AIS TR T.S P.Wt. Ave.S.S 0.961 0.955 0.873 0.925 0.951 TS TR 0.918 0.883 0.862 0.922 0.839 0.931 0.943 P.Wt. 0.862 0.878 Ave.S.S 0.938 Irrigated AIS TR T.S P.Wt. Ave. S. S 0.969 0.962 0.756 0.840 0.947 TR 0.944 0.713 0.772 0.921 TS 0.700 0.795 0.914 P.Wt. 0.855 0.781 Ave.S.S 0.890