Assessment of the impact of motor-fuel taxation on transport behaviour and climate change in the Czech Republic using an estimated econometric model Jan Brůha, Hana Brůhová-Foltýnova, Vı́tězslav Pı́ša KOLIN I NSTITUTE OF T ECHNOLOGY Climate Change Targets & Urban Transport Policy WCTRS SIG G3 Urban Transport Planning and Policy L-Università ta’ Malta, 13-14 April, 2015 Outline of the presentation This presentation: 1. overviews motor fuel taxation in the Czech Republic I and compares it to the situation in neighbouring countries; 2. presents an econometric model of motor fuel taxation I that takes into the account the fuel tourism; 3. discuss the uncertainty in estimated parameters. Motor Fuel Taxation in the Czech Republic European Framework I VAT Directive 2006/112/EC I I minimal standard rate is 15% Energy Taxation Directive I I minimal rate for diesel 330 EUR/1000 litres from 2010 minimal rate for petrol 359 EUR/1000 litres Changes in Taxation of Petrol I I I 2010: VAT 19% ! 20% 2013: VAT 20% ! 21% 2010: EXT 11 840 CZK/1000 l ! 12 840 CZK/1000 l Changes in Taxation of Petrol I I I 2010: VAT 19% ! 20% 2013: VAT 20% ! 21% 2010: EXT 9 950 CZK/1000 l ! 10 950 CZK/1000 l Motor Fuel Prices in Central Europe !"#$%&'($)*" (%"" ($"" !"#$%$&'''$( (#"" (*"" ()"" (!"" (("" (""" '"" &"" !""# !""$ !""% !""& !""' !"(" !"(( !"(! !"() !"(* +)","&'($)*" + ($"" (#"" !"#$%$&'''$( (*"" ()"" (!"" (("" (""" '"" &"" %"" + !""# !""$ !""% ,-./012 !""& 34567+859-:;16 !""' <50=2>? !"(" @->A20? !"(( BC;2>D !"(! E;CF2G12 !"() !"(* Excise Taxes on Motor Fuels in Central Europe +,-./0123,1451607849 #"" *)" !"#$%$&'''( *"" ))" )"" ()" ("" ')" !""# !""$ !""% !"&" !"&& !"&! !"&' !"&( !"&) +,-./0123,1451:.0/09 1 )"" !"#$%$&'''( ()" ("" ')" '"" !)" 1 !""# !""$ !""% ;<0-=1>0?@A9.- B@/78.3 !"&" C@5D38E !"&& F94G3H.3 !"&! 64935I !"&' J08K35E !"&( L.5.K39123,1>370 !"&) Motivation for the model We present and estimate an econometric model of the fuel demand in Central Europe: I the model takes into the account fuel tourism, I fuel tourism can increase price elasticity of fuel demand, I I which has nontrivial implications for fiscal policy. Nevertheless, the changes in consumption affect GHG emissions. I and the fuel tourism affect also the effectiveness of taxes for mitigating the GHG emissions (e.g. Banfi et al., 2005) Related research for Central Europe Fiscal consequences for the region recently addressed by: I Novysledlák and Šrámková (2011) find on the Slovakia case that the effect of fuel tourism is not strong enough to decrease fuel taxes on fiscal grounds. I Pı́ša (2013) and Brůha, Brůhová-Foltýnová and Pı́ša (2014) confirms this finding on Czech data. I Ševčı́k and Rod (2010) argue for the opposite. I hence, the evidence is mixed ..... and more research can be beneficial. I The above mentioned studies did not address the issue of CO2 emissions. I which is a contribution of our research. Data Panel data from 2005Q1 to 2013Q4 for the EU countries on: I Motor fuel consumption I Motor fuel prices and taxes I GDP and price indexes I Exchange rate I Borders and the distance between capitals We concentrate on: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. Model formulation Model formulation: log Cit = 0 + X Xit + y log yit + p log pit + } log }it + "it , where Cit is fuel consumption in country i in year t, Xit are additional regressors (such as time trend), yit is the real GDP, pit is the real fuel price, and }it is the relative average price of fuel in neighbouring countries defined as follows: }it = P pit , j wij pjt where pjt is fuel price in region j in year t and wij are weights. Similar model to Pı́ša (2013), but estimated using Bayesian methods under uninformative priors. Model estimation The estimation of parameters is the goal: I bayesian panel data model. I we allow for limited heterogeneity of parameters across countries. The quantity of interest is I I p p + }, where measures the ‘direct’ price elasticity, } measures the elasticity due to international differences in fuel prices. Estimation results Petrol p y } Diesel 97.5% HPD Posterior mean HPD -1.49 0.29 -1.84 -0.87 1.01 -0.93 -0.28 1.75 -0.00 2.5% 97.5% HPD Posterior mean -1.42 0.24 -1.88 -0.80 0.97 -0.96 -0.20 1.70 -0.05 2.5% HPD I ⇠ 1), but the Both motor fuels are rather elastic ( p = coefficient p measures elasticity ignoring the international price competition. I The coefficient differential. } captures the effect of international price Simulation scenarios /1 Based on these estimation results, we consider three hypothetical scenarios: 1. In the Czech Republic, the excise tax on motor fuels will increase on the level in Germany. 2. The increase increase to the same target will occur in all CEE countries, with the exception of Poland I Poland has relatively low motor fuel tax rates and has relatively long boarders with third countries (Ukraine, Belarus, Russia) with low motor fuel prices. 3. The increase increase to the same target will occur in all CEE countries (including Poland) We stress that the goal is not to assess a concrete policy proposal, but to show the potential of our framework. Simulation scenarios /2 We evaluate the impact on: I motor fuel consumption; I budget revenues; I motor fuel consumption (and we can thus estimate the change in CO2). Change in the final end-user price (in %): Scenario I Scenario II Scenario III AT 0 13.8 13.8 CR 15.9 15.9 15.9 Petrol DE HU 0 0 0 21.7 0 21.7 PL 0 0 21.2 SK 0 3.7 3.7 AT 0 6.3 6.3 CR 6.4 6.4 6.4 Diesel DE HU 0 0 0 9.3 0 9.3 PL 0 0 10.6 SK 0 2.9 2.9 Scenario I – results Petrol Change in fuel consumption C ZECH R EP. 2.5% Posterior HPD mean -45.6 -28.1 Diesel 2.5% Posterior 97.5% HPD HPD mean HPD -10.1 -18.1 -11.1 -4.5 97.5% CE -1.3 -0.9 -0.4 -0.4 -0.3 -0.1 P OLAND -0.00 0.82 1.53 0.11 0.39 0.72 Change in fuel C ZECH R EP. -875 -578 -245 -777 -488 -204 consumption TOTAL IN CE -511 -339 -161 -407 -239 -74.7 P OLAND -0.0 44.7 88.6 2.7 55.5 108.5 Change in C ZECH R EP. -2.00 -1.35 -0.56 -2.02 -1.27 -0.53 CO2 emission TOTAL IN CE -1.17 -0.77 -0.36 -1.06 -0.62 -0.19 (ths. tons) P OLAND -0.00 0.10 0.20 0.01 0.14 0.28 Change in C ZECH R EP. -17.3 0.17 17.45 -5.01 1.99 8.61 G ERMANY -0.00 0.67 1.32 0.01 0.28 0.54 P OLAND 0.01 0.82 1.62 0.02 0.34 0.67 (in %) (mil. l.) ET revenues (%) AVERAGE IN Scenario II – results Petrol Change in fuel consumption (in %) 2.5% Posterior Diesel 97.5% 2.5% Posterior 97.5% HPD mean HPD HPD mean HPD C ZECH R EP. -44.2 -27.4 -10.7 -17.5 -10.7 -4.38 CE -3.38 -1.99 -0.56 -1.51 -0.79 -0.07 P OLAND -0.00 0.84 1.64 0.02 0.36 0.70 AVERAGE IN Change in fuel C ZECH R EP. -855 -567 -242 -750 -473 -201 consumption TOTAL IN CE -1299 -772 -218 -1407 -752 -66.8 P OLAND -0.00 45.5 90.1 2.80 57.4 112.2 Change in C ZECH R EP. -1.96 -1.29 -0.55 -1.95 -1.23 -0.52 CO2 emission TOTAL IN CE -2.97 -1.76 -0.50 -3.73 -1.95 -0.17 (ths. tons) P OLAND -0.00 0.10 0.21 0.01 0.14 0.29 Change in C ZECH R EP. -15.9 0.85 17.56 -4.38 2.37 8.68 G ERMANY -0.00 0.69 1.36 0.01 0.29 0.56 P OLAND 0.01 0.84 1.65 0.02 0.36 0.70 (mil. l.) ET revenues (%) Scenario III – results Petrol Change in fuel consumption (in %) 2.5% Posterior Diesel 97.5% 2.5% Posterior 97.5% HPD mean HPD HPD mean HPD C ZECH R EP. -35.6 -22.5 -9.75 -13.1 -8.14 -3.43 CE -7.33 -4.38 -1.36 -3.95 -2.19 -0.46 P OLAND -33.0 -19.7 -7.38 -15.84 -9.16 -2.74 -158 AVERAGE IN Change in fuel C ZECH R EP. -717 -478 -223 -557 -365 consumption TOTAL IN CE -2763 -1669 -528 -3716 -2076 -442 P OLAND -1524 -960 -386 -2353 -1398 435.4 Change in C ZECH R EP. -1.64 -1.09 -0.51 -1.51 -0.95 -0.41 CO2 emission TOTAL IN CE -6.32 -3.82 -1.21 -9.66 -5.40 -1.15 (ths. tons) P OLAND -3.50 -2.20 -0.88 -6.12 -3.64 -1.13 Change in C ZECH R EP. -7.36 5.72 18.51 -0.08 4.92 9.64 G ERMANY 0.00 0.76 1.50 0.01 0.32 0.64 P OLAND 6.21 19.54 31.9 6.19 12.87 19.29 (mil. l.) ET revenues (%) Conclusion Our results suggest that: I one can expect the decrease in CO2 emissions even after an unilateral increase in motor fuel taxation; I nevertheless, there is a clear role for international harmonization; I although the elasticity with respect to international price differential is high, it does not seem that the countries are on the wrong side of the Laffer curve; I the research on the fuel tourism can be beneficial in decreasing the overall uncertainty. Closing slide Thank you for your attention jan The research has been supported by Czech Science Foundation grant no. 14-22932S. The support is gratefully acknowledged.