Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2009
Facilities Committee
3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
Meeting called
West Wing Conference Room
Steve Garcia
Type of meeting:
Standing Committee
Steve Garcia
Note taker:
Michelle Messer
Chris Hylton, David Schneider, Steve Garcia, Christa White, Thomas Miller, Michelle Messer.
Agenda item:
Update - Adapted PE Center
Steve updated the committee on the progress of the Adapted PE Center letting them know that no
classes had been scheduled for summer; however the Dedication Ceremony will take place on June 8th
at 5:30 p.m.
Agenda item:
Update - Remodels and Renovations
No budget was ever identified for remodels and renovations and the committee has received no official
requests using the new Administrative Procedure.
The Administrative Procedure regarding Remodels and Renovations may have to be taken back to
Cabinet to include Relocations so that there is some way to enforce how these types of changes occur
on campus.
Agenda item:
Review Campus Standards
Steve explained the work being done for the campus standards. There are guidelines which are general
in nature and each of these guidelines has specifications, which are much more specific in nature and
can include specific types of products and vendors to use.
Gkkworks is currently finishing up the work on these and they are due by May 25th. These will then go
to the Design Build Entities who are interviewing to work on the Public Safety Training Center in Apple
Agenda item:
5-Year Plan
Steve Garcia
Steve Garcia
Steve Garcia
Steve Garcia
Steve reviewed the 5-year plan which reflects planning for the 2011 -2015 and includes three Initial
Project Proposals (IPPs); one for a Student Services & Administrative building, one for the Westside
Center Phase II, and one for a Liberal Arts modernization. It also includes a Final Project Proposal
(FPP) for a Science Building Addition.
The committee reviewed and questioned why the Old Art and Music Modernizations and the Visual
Performing Arts project, which were once closer to the top of the list, are now at the bottom. Steve
explained how the State rates each project (i.e. need = student contact hours) and why these projects
were further down on the list this year, but said he would talk to Dr. Silverman regarding moving them
Follow-up Note: Steve spoke with Dr. Silverman and gkkworks and these items have been
moved up the list in priority.
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Agenda item:
Review/Discuss Project list for main Campus (Bond
Funded Projects)
Steve Garcia/Chris Hylton
Committee discussed possible needs for our main campus, including implementation of the parking plan
presented to College Council, pedestrian lighting at crosswalks, building upgrades (technology, safety)
Agenda item:
Next Meeting
Faculty is not usually available for part of the summer break, and the college is closed on Fridays.
Next meeting for those who can attend will be Thursday, July 9th at 3:00 p.m. then again on August 14th
at 3:00 p.m. – West Wing Conference Room.
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Steve Garcia