2014-2015 Curriculum Committee Meeting Recommendations 09/11/14 - 06/11/15 Course ACOM 12 ADPE 41A ADT Art ADT CIS AENG 1 AENG 10.1 AENG 10.2 AENG 10.3 AENG 10.4 AENG 2 AENG 2 AGNR AGNR AGNR AGNR AGNR AGNR 100 AGNR 100 AGNR 102 AGNR 102 AGNR 131 AGNR 131 AGNR 141 AGNR 141 AGNR 171 AGNR 171 AHOM 60 AJ 101 AJ 102 AJ 103 AJ 104 AJ 104 AJ 145 AJ 145 ALDH 141 ALDH 141 Title Adult Literacy Advanced Physical Fitness Associate Degree for Transfer: Studio Arts Associate Degree for Transfer: Computer Science Citizenship Preparation Level 1 Low Beginning Listening/Speaking Review Low Beginning Reading & Writing High Beginning Listening and Speaking High Beginning Reading and Writing Citizenship Preparation Level 2 Citizenship Preparation Level 2 Ecological Restoration Tech Certificate Environmental Field Studies Certificate Horticulture and Landscape Tech Certificate Mojave Desert Master Gardener Certificate Animal Science Technician Certificate General Animal Science General Animal Science Equine Science Equine Science Introduction to Soil Science Introduction to Soil Science Plant Materials and Usage II Plant Materials and Usage II Introduction to GIS in Natural Resources Introduction to GIS in Natural Resources Needlecraft and Design Introduction to Administration of Justice Criminal Trial Process Criminal Law Legal Aspects of Evidence Legal Aspects of Evidence Introduction to Criminal Investigations Introduction to Criminal Investigations Athletic Training I Athletic Training I ALDH 61 ALDH 61 ALDH 82D APE 160B Home Health Aide Home Health Aide Medical Assisting Exam Review Intermediate Adapted Physical Exercise Change SLO revision Course update; number change New Associate Degree for Transfer New Associate Degree for Transfer New course Course update Course update Course update Course update; title change New course Approve recommended preparation: AENG 10.1 Certificate deactivation Certificate deactivation Certificate deactivation Certificate deactivation Deactivate certificate Course update Approve distance education as a MOI Course update Aprpove distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update; title change Approve distance education as MOI Course update; title change Approve distance education as MOI Course update Course update Course update; title change Course update Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update; change lec/lab hrs, grading Approve recommended preparation: Interest and/or experience in athletics and sports Course update; change units from 1.5 to 2.0 Approve prerequiste: ALDH 60 or current C N A Certificate Course deactivation New course 1 CC Date 09/25/14 03/12/15 11/13/14 12/02/14 02/26/15 10/09/14 12/11/14 12/11/14 02/26/15 10/23/14 10/23/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 12/11/14 12/11/14 12/11/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 02/26/15 02/26/15 02/26/15 02/26/15 04/23/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 12/11/14 12/11/14 BOT 11/11/14 05/12/15 12/11/14 12/11/14 05/28/15 03/26/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 07/14/15 05/12/15 12/09/14 12/09/14 05/12/15 11/11/14 01/13/15 01/13/15 05/12/15 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 05/12/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 06/09/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 2014-2015 Curriculum Committee Meeting Recommendations 09/11/14 - 06/11/15 Course APE 160B Title Intermediate Adapted Physical Exercise APE 160C APE 160C Advanced Adapted Physical Exercise Advanced Adapted Physical Exercise AUTO 50 AUTO 50.1 AUTO 50.1 AUTO 50.2 AUTO 50.2 AUTO 50.5 Introduction to Automotive Technology Evolution of the American Automotive Evolution of the American Automotive American Care Culture American Care Culture Introduction to Basic Automotive Service and Maintenance Introduction to Basic Automotive Service and Maintenance Automotive Engines and Drive Trains Engine Repair Automotive Cylinder Head Machinist Auto Machinist/Cylinder Block Specialist Auto Machinist/Engine Assembly Specialist Standard Transmission and Differential Overhaul Automative Transmission and Overhaul Automotive Brake/Wheel Alignment Automotive Brakes, Theory and Function Automotive Lubrication Technician Automotive Tire Technician Auto Suspension and Alignment Automotive Brakes Automotive Brakes Automotive Detailing Introduction to Diesel Engine Repair Introduction to Diesel Technology Advanced Diesel Engine Repair Med/Hvy ruck Susp & Steering Heavy Duty Truck lube Technician Fundamentals of Hvy DutyTruck & Off-highway Equipment Hydraulics Advanced Heavy Duty Truck & Off-highway Equipment Hydraulics Service & Repair Mobile Hydraulics Fundamentals of Heavy Equipment Systems Repair Advanced Heavy Equipment Systems Repair Forklift Preventive Maintenance and Repair AUTO 50.5 AUTO 51 AUTO 51A AUTO 52 AUTO 53 AUTO 54 AUTO 55 AUTO 56 AUTO 57 AUTO 57.1 AUTO 58 AUTO 59 AUTO 60 AUTO 61 AUTO 61 AUTO 62 AUTO 63 AUTO 63.5 AUTO 63A AUTO 64 AUTO 65 AUTO 65.2 AUTO 65.3 AUTO 65.4 AUTO 65.5 AUTO 65.6 AUTO 65.9 Change Approve prerequisite: Physical condition limiting participation in regular physical education courses. Medical release applicable. New course Approve prerequisite: Physical condition limiting participation in regular physical education courses. Medical release applicable. Course update Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update; title change; units/hours change CC Date BOT 03/26/15 05/12/15 Approve distance education as MOI 06/11/15 07/14/15 Course update Course update; change units to variable; lec/lab hrs Course deactivation Course deactivation Course deactivation Course update; change units to variable; lec/lab hrs Course update; change units to variable; lec/lab hrs Course update Course update Course update Course update Course update Course update Approve Recommended preparation: AUTO 57 Course update Course update Course update Course update Course deactivation Course update Course deactivation 06/11/15 10/23/14 05/28/15 05/28/15 05/28/15 10/23/14 10/23/14 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 05/28/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 05/28/15 06/11/15 05/28/15 Course update 06/11/15 07/14/15 Course deactivation Course update Course deactivation Course 2deactivation 05/28/15 06/11/15 05/28/15 05/28/15 03/26/15 05/12/15 03/26/15 05/12/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 12/09/14 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 12/09/14 12/09/14 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 2014-2015 Curriculum Committee Meeting Recommendations 09/11/14 - 06/11/15 Course AUTO 66.0 AUTO 67 AUTO 68.0 AUTO 70 AUTO 71 AUTO 72L AUTO 73 AUTO 74 AUTO 75 AUTO 77 AUTO 77 AUTO 77 AUTO 77 AUTO 77.1 AUTO 77.1 AUTO 77.1 AUTO 77.1 AUTO 77.2 AUTO 77.2 AUTO 77.2 AUTO 77.2 AUTO 77L AUTO 78 AUTO 79A AUTO 80.6 AUTO 80.6 AUTO 82 AUTO 82 AUTO 85 AUTO 85.1 AUTO 85.1 AUTO 85.5 AUTO 85.5 AUTO 85.6 AUTO 85.6 AUTO 85A AUTO 85B AUTO 85-D AUTO 86.6 AUTO 89.2 AUTO 95A Title Introduction to Light Duty Diesel Engine Tech Heavy Duty Truck Air Brakes Heavy Duty Truck Hydraulic Brake Systems Small Engine Repair Motorcycle Engine Repair Motorcycle Laboratory Motorcycle Service Tune Up & Maintenance Motorcycle Fuel/Emission Systems Repair Motorcycle Electrical & Ignition Systems Repair Automotive Service Writing/Shop Mgt Automotive Service Writing/Shop Mgt Automotive Service Writing and Shop Management Automotive Service Writing and Shop Management Automotive Leadership/Team Building Automotive Leadership/Team Building Automotive Leadership and Team Building Automotive Leadership and Team Building Automotive Safety Training for Managers Automotive Safety Training for Managers Automotive Safety Training for Managers Automotive Safety Training for Managers Automotive Service Writing and Shop Manager Laboratory Auto Parts Specialist Basic Tune Up Introduction to Automotive Electricity Introduction to Automotive Electricity Automotive Electrical Repair Automotive Electrical Repair Engine Performance Introduction to Engine Performance Theory Introduction to Engine Performance Theory Engine and Emission Control Training Engine and Emission Control Training Emission Control Training Emission Control Training Advanced Engine Performance Auto Electrical and Electronic systems BAR Specified Diagnostic/Repair Training American Iron Hot Rods Hybrid Vechicle Maintenance and Service Automotive Laboratory Change Course update Course update Course deactivation Course update Course deactivation Course deactivation Course deactivation Course deactivation Course deactivation Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update CC Date 06/11/15 06/11/15 05/28/15 06/11/15 05/28/15 05/28/15 05/28/15 05/28/15 05/28/15 10/09/14 10/09/14 06/11/15 06/11/15 10/09/14 10/09/14 06/11/15 06/11/15 10/09/14 10/09/14 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 BOT 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 11/11/14 11/11/14 07/14/15 07/14/15 11/11/14 11/11/14 07/14/15 07/14/15 11/11/14 11/11/14 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 Course deactivation Course update Course update; units/hours change Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course deactivation Course update; title change; units/hours change Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course deactivation Course deactivation Course update; title change, units/hours change Course update Course update Course 3update 05/28/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 05/28/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 09/25/14 09/25/14 10/09/14 10/09/14 05/28/15 05/28/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 11/11/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 2014-2015 Curriculum Committee Meeting Recommendations 09/11/14 - 06/11/15 Course AUTO 95A1-L AUTO 95A2-L AUTO 95A3-L AUTO 95A6-L AUTO 95A7-L AUTO 95A8-L AUTO 95B AUTO 95C1-L AUTO 97 AVA 50 AVA 50 AVA 51 BADM 100 BADM 100 BADM 103 BADM 103 BADM 104 BADM 104 BADM 106 BADM 106 BADM 107 BADM 107 BADM 110 BADM 110 BADM 117 BADM 117 BADM 118 BADM 118 BADM 142 BADM 142 BADM 144 BADM 144 BADM 51 BADM 51 BET BET BIOL 100 BIOL 100 BIOL 110 BIOL 110 Title Engine Repair Laboratory Automatic Transmission Repair Laboratory Standard Transmission Repair Laboratory Automotive Computer/Electonics Laboratory Automotie HVAC Laboratory Automotive Engine Performance Laboratory Automotive Laboratory Automotive Service Consultant Laboratory Automotive Air Conditioning and Heating Systems Aviation Technology Survey Aviation Technology Survey General Aviation 1 Introduction to Business Organizations Introduction to Business Organizations Financial Accounting Fundamentals Financial Accounting Fundamentals Principles of Accounting Principles of Accounting Accounting Software Applications Part A Accounting Software Applications Part A Accounting Software Applications Part B Accounting Software Applications Part B Principles of Management Principles of Management Legal Environment of Business Legal Environment of Business Business Law Business Law Business Mathematics Business Mathematics Business Communications Business Communications Applied Accounting II Applied Accounting II Business Education Technologies, A.S Legal Office Certificate of Achievement General Biology General Biology Introduction to Human Nutrition Introduction to Human Nutrition Change Course update Course update Course update Course update Course update Course update Course update Course update Course update New Course Approve distance education as MOI Course update Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update; title change Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update; change title Approve distance education as a MOI Course update; change title Approve distance education as a MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as a MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Update A.S. degree Update certificate Course update Approve distance education as MOI New Course Approve prerequisites: BIOL 231 and CHEM 100/100H or CHEM 206 CC Date 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 10/09/14 10/09/14 02/26/15 02/26/15 03/26/15 03/26/15 12/11/14 12/11/14 12/11/14 12/11/14 10/23/14 10/23/14 04/23/15 04/23/15 03/26/15 03/26/15 02/26/15 02/26/15 10/30/14 10/30/14 03/26/15 03/26/15 02/26/15 02/26/15 05/28/15 05/28/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 BOT 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 11/11/14 11/11/14 05/12/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 12/09/14 12/09/14 06/09/15 06/09/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 12/09/14 12/09/14 05/12/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 BIOL 110 Introduction to Human Nutrition Approve4recommended preparation: ENGL 101.0/101H 06/11/15 07/14/15 2014-2015 Curriculum Committee Meeting Recommendations 09/11/14 - 06/11/15 Course BIOL 110 BIOL 145 BIOL 145 BIOL 211 BIOL 211 Title Introduction to Human Nutrition Forensic Pathology Forensic Pathology Human Anatomy Human Anatomy Change Approve distance education as MOI Course update; title change Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve prerequisites: BIOL 100, BIOL 100H, BIOL 107 or BIOL 201 CC Date 06/11/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 03/26/15 03/26/15 BOT 07/14/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 BIOL 211 BIOL 213 BIOL 213 BIOL 231 BIOL 231 Human Anatomy Sexually Transmitted Diseases Sexually Transmitted Diseases Human Biology Human Biology 03/26/15 04/09/15 04/09/15 12/02/14 12/02/14 05/12/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 12/09/14 12/09/14 BIOL 231 BIOL 295H BIOL 295H BSKL 3 BSKL 5 BSKL 9 CIDG 104 CIDG 148 CIS 105 CIS 105 CIS 107 CIS 206 CIS 206 CIS 206B CIS 264 CIS 264 CIS 264 CIS 83 CIS 94 CIS 94 CIS 94 CIS 95 CT 131 CT 143A Human Biology Undergraduate Research I- Scientific Communication Undergraduate Research I- Scientific Communication Essential Reading and Writing Essential English Grammar Essential Mathematics Blueprint Reading for Industry ST/Solar Vehicle Introduction to Systems Analysis Introduction to Systems Analysis Introduction to the Internet for Educators Programming Java Programming Java Java Proramming B Discrete Structures Discrete Structures Discrete Structures Programming in Python PHP Programming PHP Programming PHP Programming Php+mysql Web App Microcomputers in Construction Renewable Energy Lab A: Photovoltaic 12/02/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 04/23/15 04/23/15 04/23/15 04/23/15 04/23/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 10/23/14 06/11/15 06/11/15 05/28/15 04/23/15 04/23/15 04/23/15 12/11/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 06/11/15 10/09/14 11/13/14 12/09/14 CT 143A CT 143B CT 143B CT 143C Renewable Energy Lab A: Photovoltaic Renewable Energy Lab B: Solar Thermal Renewable Energy Lab B: Solar Thermal Renewable Energy Lab C: Wind Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve prerequisites: BIOL 100, 100H, 107, or 201; and BIOL 211 and CHEM 100 or CHEM 201. Approve distance education as MOI Course update; title change Approve prerequisites: BIOL 100 or H100 or BIOL 107 or BIOL 201 Course update; change hours Course update; change hours/units Course update; change hours Course deactivation Course deactivation Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course deactivation Course update; number/title change; units/hours change Approve distance education as MOI Course deactivation New course Approve prerequisite: MATH 90 Approve distance education as a MOI Course update Course update Approve recommended preparation: MATH 90 Approve distance education as MOI Course deactivation SLO revision Course update; change to variable units, grading from GRDOPT to GRD Approve co-requisite: CT 142 Course update Approve co-requisite: CT 142 Course update; change to variable units, grading from GRDOPT to GRD 5 12/09/14 12/09/14 06/09/15 06/09/15 06/09/15 06/09/15 06/09/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 12/09/14 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 06/09/15 06/09/15 06/09/15 01/13/15 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 07/14/15 11/11/14 12/09/14 11/13/14 12/09/14 10/23/14 12/09/14 10/23/14 12/09/14 11/13/14 12/09/14 2014-2015 Curriculum Committee Meeting Recommendations 09/11/14 - 06/11/15 Course CT 143C CT 143D Title Renewable Energy Lab C: Wind Renewable Energy Lab D: Alternative Fuels CT 143D CT 144 CT 148 CT 60A CT 60B CTMF 120A CTMF 131A CTMF 131B CTMF 131B CTPW 119 DVST 3 ECON 101 ECON 102 ECON 102 ECON 102 EDUC 101 EDUC 101 EDUC 138 ELCT 57 ELCT 57 ELCT 58 ELCT 58 ELCT 59 ELCT 59 ELCT 60 ELCT 60 ELCT 7 ELCT 7 ELCT 85 ELCT 85 EMS 50 EMS 50 EMS 51 EMS 51 EMS 60 EMS 60 Renewable Energy Lab D: Alternative Fuels Photovoltaic Systems and Installation ST: Residential Photovoltaic Systms/Install Construction Lab A Construction Lab B Woodworking Tools & Equipment Computer-Aided Manufacturing Software Computer-Aided Manufacturing Software Adv Computer-Aided Manufacturing Software Adv Wastewater Operations Language Analysis Development 3 Principles of Economics: Macro Principles of Economics: Micro Principles of Economics: Micro Principles of Economics: Micro Introduction to Teaching Introduction to Teaching Cooperative Education-Education Technical Mathematics for Electronics I Technical Mathematics for Electronics I Technical Mathematics for Electronics II Technical Mathematics for Electronics II Technical Calculus for Electronics I Technical Calculus for Electronics I Technical Calculus for Electronics II Technical Calculus for Electronics II A+ Certification Exam Preparation A+ Certification Exam Preparation Fiber Optics Fiber Optics Emergency Medical Responder Emergency Medical Responder Emergency Medical Responder-Refresher Emergency Medical Responder-Refresher Emergency Medical Technician Emergency Medical Technician EMS 60 EMS 61 Emergency Medical Technician Emergency Medical Technician-Refresher Change Approve co-requisite: CT 142 Course update; change to variable units, grading from GRDOPT to GRD Approve co-requisite: CT 142 New course Special Topics SLO revision SLO revision SLO revision Course update; title change Course update; title change Approve prerequisite: CTMF 131A Course update; change title Course update SLO revision Course update Approve prerequisite: MATH 90 Approve distance education as a MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Course udpate Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve prerequisites: CPR equivalent to 2010 AHA BLS for Healthcare providers and 18 years of age before first day of class. Approve distance education as MOI Course 6update CC Date 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 12/11/14 10/23/14 10/09/14 10/09/14 10/09/14 10/09/14 10/09/14 10/09/14 03/26/15 05/14/15 12/11/14 04/23/15 04/23/15 04/23/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 11/13/14 09/11/14 09/11/14 09/25/14 09/25/14 09/25/14 09/25/14 09/25/14 09/25/14 10/23/14 10/23/14 10/23/14 10/23/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 BOT 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 01/13/15 12/09/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 05/12/15 06/09/15 01/13/15 06/09/15 06/09/15 06/09/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 12/09/14 10/14/14 10/14/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 2014-2015 Curriculum Committee Meeting Recommendations 09/11/14 - 06/11/15 Course EMS 61 EMS 61 EMS 70 EMS 70 Title Emergency Medical Technician-Refresher Emergency Medical Technician-Refresher Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) EMS 70 EMS 71 EMS 80 EMS 80 Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) Clinical Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) Clinical Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) Clinical Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) Field Internship Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) Clinical Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) Clinical Paramedic Anatomy & Physiology Paramedic Anatomy & Physiology EMS 80 EMS 81 Paramedic Anatomy & Physiology Paramedic Introduction to Emergency Medical Service EMS 81 Paramedic Introduction to Emergency Medical Service EMS 81 Paramedic Introduction to Emergency Medical Service EMS 82 EMS 82 EMS 82 EMS 83 EMS 83 EMS 83 EMS 84 EMS 84 Paramedic Cardiology Paramedic Cardiology Paramedic Cardiology Paramedic Pharmacology Paramedic Pharmacology Paramedic Pharmacology Emergency Medical Services Emergency Medical Services EMS 84 EMS 85 EMS 85 Emergency Medical Services Paramedic Clinical Paramedic Clinical EMS 85 Paramedic Clinical EMS 71 EMS 71 EMS 72 EMS 72 EMS 72 Change Approve prerequisite: Current EMT license Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve prerequisite: CA EMT or NREMT License or equivalent experience. Approve distance education as MOI Course update CC Date BOT 11/13/14 12/09/14 11/13/14 12/09/14 06/11/15 07/14/15 06/11/15 07/14/15 Approve prerequisite: EMS 70 and current CA EMT or NREMT License 06/11/15 07/14/15 Approve distance education as MOI 06/11/15 07/14/15 Course update 06/11/15 07/14/15 Approve prerequisite: EMS 71 and current CA EMT or NREMT License 06/11/15 07/14/15 Approve distance education as MOI 06/11/15 07/14/15 Course update Approve prerequisite: Application and acceptance into Paramedic Academy and EMS 60 or EMT card. Approve distance education as MOI Course update 06/11/15 07/14/15 06/11/15 07/14/15 Approve prerequisite: Application and acceptance into Paramedic Academy and EMS 60 or EMT card. Approve distance education as MOI 06/11/15 07/14/15 Course update Approve prerequisites: EMS 80 and EMS 81 Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve prerequistes: EMS 80 and EMS 81 Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve prerequisites: Application and acceptance into Paramedic Program and EMS 80, EMS 82, EMS 82 and EMS 83 Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve prerequisites: Application and acceptance into Paramedic Program and EMS 84. Approve7distance education as MOI 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 11/13/14 12/09/14 06/11/15 07/14/15 06/11/15 07/14/15 06/11/15 07/14/15 06/11/15 07/14/15 06/11/15 07/14/15 2014-2015 Curriculum Committee Meeting Recommendations 09/11/14 - 06/11/15 Course EMS 86 EMS 86 Title Paramedic Field Internship Paramedic Field Internship EMS 86 ENGL 138 ENGL 210A ENGL 210A ENGL 210B ENGL 210B ENGL 211A ENGL 211A ENGL 211B ENGL 211B ENGL 6 ENGL 6 ENGL 6 Paramedic Field Internship Cooperative Education-English Fiction Writing I (Formerly ENGL 210) Fiction Writing I (Formerly ENGL 210) Fiction Writing II Fiction Writing II Poetry Writing I (Formerly ENGL 211) Poetry Writing I (Formerly ENGL 211) Poetry Writing II Poetry Writing II Basic Writing and Reading Basic Writing and Reading Basic Writing and Reading ESL 35B ESL 35B ESL 37 ESL 37 High Intermediate Listening and Speaking High Intermediate Listening and Speaking Intermediate Grammar Intermediate Grammar ESL 37A ESL 37A Low Intermediate Writing and Grammar Low Intermediate Writing and Grammar ESL 37B ESL 37B High Intermediate Writing and Grammar High Intermediate Writing and Grammar ESL 43 ESL 47 ETEC 106 ETEC 106 FIRE 101 FIRE 101 FIRE 107 FIRE 107 FIRE 108 FIRE 108 FIRE 40A FIRE 40A Low Advanced Reading and Vocabulary Advanced Grammar Introduction to computer Technology for Educators Introduction to computer Technology for Educators Fire Service Operations Fire Service Operations Fire Investigation Fire Investigation Fire Hydraulics Fire Hydraulics Firefighter: Physical Agility Entrance Exam Firefighter: Physical Agility Entrance Exam Change Course update Approve prerequisites: Application and acceptance into Paramedic Program and EMS 85. Approve distance education as MOI Course update Course update; change title Approve distance education as a MOI New course Approve distance education as a MOI Course update; change title Approve distance education as a MOI New course Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve prerequisite BSKL 3 Approve prerequisite: Eligibility as determined by VVC assessment test. CC Date 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 12/11/14 12/11/14 12/11/14 12/11/14 12/11/14 12/11/14 02/26/15 02/26/15 05/28/15 05/28/15 06/11/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 Course update Approve Recommended preparation: ESL 35A Course update 12/11/14 12/11/14 02/26/15 02/26/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 Approve recommended preparation: Minimum score of 31 on ESL assessment, or satisfactory completion of ESL 23, 25, 27A, and 27B Course update Approve Recommended preparation: ESL 27B or appropriate ESL assessment test score or instructor recommendation. Course update Approve Recommended preparation: ESL 37A or appropriate ESL assessment test score or instructor recommendation. Course update Course update Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve Co-requisite: FIRE 95 8 BOT 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/11/14 01/13/15 12/11/14 01/13/15 12/11/14 01/13/15 12/11/14 01/13/15 09/25/14 12/11/14 06/11/15 06/11/15 10/30/14 10/30/14 10/30/14 10/30/14 10/30/14 10/30/14 10/30/14 10/30/14 11/11/14 01/13/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 2014-2015 Curriculum Committee Meeting Recommendations 09/11/14 - 06/11/15 Course FIRE 53 FIRE 53 FIRE 59B FIRE 59B FIRE 59B FIRE 76 FIRE 76 FIRE 82 FIRE 82 GEOG 102 GEOG 102 GEOG 103 GEOG 103 GEOG 104 GEOG 104 HIST 130 HIST 131 HLTH 102 HLTH 202 KIN 101 KIN 101 KIN 103 KIN 188A KIN 210 KIN 210 KIN 210 KIND 162A KIND 162B KIND 163A KIND 163B KIND 175C KIND 175D KIND 176D KIND 186A MATH 10 MATH 104 MATH 104 Title Hazardous Materials First Responder: Operational Decontamination Hazardous Materials First Responder: Operational Decontamination Wildland Fire Skills Maintenance Wildland Fire Skills Maintenance Wildland Fire Skills Maintenance Fire Management 1-Supervision for CO Fire Management 1-Supervision for CO Hazardous Materials First Responder Awareness Hazardous Materials First Responder Awareness Introduction to Cultural Geography Introduction to Cultural Geography Geography of California Geography of California World Regional Geography World Regional Geography Latin American History Latin American History Contemporary Problems in Personal and Community Health Nutrition for Fitness Introduction to Exercise Science and Kinesiology Introduction to Exercise Science and Kinesiology History and Appreciation of Dance Introduction to Indoor Cycling (Spin) Movement Anatomy Movement Anatomy Movement Anatomy Introduction to Ballroom Dance American Rhythm Ballroom Dance Latin Ballroom Dance Standard Ballroom Dane Modern Dance II Intermediate Modern Dance II Dance Performance Introduction to Hip Hop Dance Basic Math Skills Trigonometry Trigonometry Change Course update CC Date BOT 10/30/14 12/09/14 Approve prerequisite: FIRE 82A 10/30/14 12/09/14 Course update Approve Recommended preparation: Employment as a wildland fire fighter or fire fighter service a community with wildland or interface fire conditions. Approve distance education as MOI Course update; change units from 2 to 2.5 Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI SLO revision SLO revision Textbook revision 06/11/15 07/14/15 06/11/15 07/14/15 06/11/15 10/23/14 10/23/14 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 09/25/14 09/25/14 09/11/14 07/14/15 12/09/14 12/09/14 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 11/11/14 11/11/14 10/14/14 Course update Course update Approve distance education as MOI Textbook revision New course New course Approve prerequisite: BIOL 211 or BIOL 215 Approve distance education as MOI Textbook revision Textbook revision Textbook revision Textbook revision New course New course New course New Course Delete prerequisite MATH 6 Approve prerequisite: MATH 66 Approve9distance education as MOI 05/28/15 11/13/14 11/13/14 09/11/14 10/09/14 02/26/15 02/26/15 02/26/15 09/11/14 09/11/14 09/11/14 09/11/14 09/11/14 09/11/14 09/11/14 05/28/15 04/23/15 06/11/15 10/23/14 07/14/15 12/09/14 12/09/14 10/14/14 11/11/14 05/12/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 10/14/14 10/14/14 10/14/14 10/14/14 10/14/14 10/14/14 10/14/14 07/14/15 06/09/15 07/14/15 12/09/14 2014-2015 Curriculum Committee Meeting Recommendations 09/11/14 - 06/11/15 Course MATH 105 MATH 105 MATH 105 MATH 105H MATH 105H MATH 119 MATH 119 MATH 12 MATH 12 Title College Algebra College Algebra College Algebra Honors College Algebra Honors College Algebra Finite Mathematics Finite Mathematics Pre-Algebra Pre-Algebra MATH 12 MATH 120 MATH 120 Pre-Algebra Introduction to Statistics Introduction to Statistics MATH 120 MATH 120H MATH 120H MATH 132 MATH 132 Introduction to Statistics Honors Introduction to Statistics Honors Introduction to Statistics The ideas of Math The ideas of Math MATH 226 Analytic Geometry and Calculus MATH 226H MATH 226H Honors Analytic Geometry and Calculus Honors Analytic Geometry and Calculus MATH 231 MATH 231 MATH 231 MATH 42 MATH 63 MATH 63 Linear Algebra Linear Algebra Linear Algebra Elementary Algebra Pre-Statistics Mathematics Pre-Statistics Mathematics MATH 63 MATH 66 MATH 66 Pre-Statistics Mathematics Pre-college Mathematics Pre-college Mathematics MATH 66 MATH 66 MATH 90 MATH 90 MUSC 104 MUSC 105 Pre-college Mathematics re-College Mathematics Intermediate Algebra Intermediate Algebra Basic Musicianship, Level I Basic Musicianship, Level II Change Course update Approve prerequisite: MATH 90 or MATH 66 Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve prerequisite: MATH 90 or MATH 66 Course update Approve prerequisite: MATH 90 or MATH 66 Course update Approve prerequisites: MATH 10 or Eligibility as determined by VVC assessment test. Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve prerequisites MATH 90 or MATH 66 or eligibility by VVC assessment test Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve prerequisites MATH 90 or MATH 66 Course update Approve prerequisite: MATH 90 or MATH 66 Eligibility as determined by VVC assessment test. Approve prerequisites: MATH 104 and MATH 105 or MATH 105H or placement by VVC assessment Course update Approve prerequisites: MATH 104 and MATH 105 or MATH 105H or placement by VVC assessment SLO revision Course update Approve prerequisites/corequisites: MATH 226/226H Delete prerequisite MATH 10 New course Approve prerequisite: MATH 12 or MATH 42 or placement by VVC assessment test Approve distance education as MOI New course Approve prerequisites: Placement by VVC assessment test or "B" or better in both semesters of a high school Algebra 2 course. Approve distance education as MOI Approve prerequisite MATH 42 Course update Approve prerequisites: MATH 42 or MATH 63 Approve distance education as a MOI Approve 10distance education as a MOI CC Date 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 BOT 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 06/11/15 07/14/15 05/28/15 07/14/15 05/28/15 07/14/15 05/28/15 05/28/15 05/28/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 05/14/15 06/09/15 05/14/15 06/09/15 05/14/15 06/09/15 09/25/14 06/11/15 06/11/15 04/23/15 02/26/15 02/26/15 11/11/14 07/14/15 07/14/15 06/09/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 02/26/15 05/12/15 10/23/14 12/09/14 10/30/14 12/09/14 10/23/14 05/28/15 05/14/15 05/14/15 12/11/14 12/11/14 12/09/14 07/14/15 06/09/15 06/09/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 2014-2015 Curriculum Committee Meeting Recommendations 09/11/14 - 06/11/15 Course MUSC 126 MUSC 126 MUSC 132 MUSC 132 Title Guitar Ensemble Guitar Ensemble Master Arts Chorale Master Arts Chorale CC Date 05/14/15 05/14/15 02/26/15 02/26/15 Nursing Process 3 Nursing Process 3 Introduction to Paralegal Studies (Formerly POLS 130) Change Course update Approve prerequisites: MUSC 124 or MUSC 125 or equivalent Course update Approve prerequisite: Solo audition to determine ability to match pitch, sing in tune, carry a harmony part, level of music reading. Prior choral experience in a high school, college/university, community or church choir desirable. Course update Approve prerequisite: Appropriate level of performance ability as demonstrated by audition. Course update Course update Approve prerequisite: Student must audition Course udpate Approve prerequisite: Student must audition. Course update Approve prerequisite: Student must audition Course update Approve prerequisite: Appropriate level of performance on instrument as demonstrated by audition. Course update Approve prerequisite: NURS 222 Course update; change number from POLS 130 MUSC 136 MUSC 136 College Symphonic Band College Symphonic Band MUSC 138 MUSC 139 MUSC 139 MUSC 140 MUSC 140 MUSC 141 MUSC 141 MUSC 145 MUSC 145 Cooperative Education/Music Studio Jazz Band Studio Jazz Band Studio Singers Studio Singers Jazz Rock Combo Jazz Rock Combo College Symphony Orchestra College Symphony Orchestra NURS 223 NURS 223 PAL 100 BOT 06/09/15 06/09/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 PAL 100 Introduction to Paralegal Studies (Formerly POLS 130) Approve prerequisite: ENGL 101.0 or ENGL H101. 10/30/14 12/09/14 PAL 100 Introduction to Paralegal Studies (Formerly POLS 130) Approve distance education as MOI 10/30/14 12/09/14 PAL 102 PAL 102 PAL 102 PAL 103 PAL 103 PAL 103 PAL 104 PAL 104 PAL 104 PAL 201 PAL 201 PAL 201 PAL 202 PAL 202 Beginning Legal Research for Paralegals Beginning Legal Research for Paralegals Beginning Legal Research for Paralegals Legal Writing for Paralegals (Formerly POLS 136) Legal Writing for Paralegals (Formerly POLS 136) Legal Writing for Paralegals (Formerly POLS 136) Legal Ethics for Paralegals Legal Ethics for Paralegals Legal Ethics for Paralegals Fundamentals of Litigation for Paralegals Fundamentals of Litigation for Paralegals Fundamentals of Litigation for Paralegals Family Law Family Law Course update Approve Co-requisite: PAL 100 Approve distance education as MOI Course update; change number from POLS 136 Approve Co-requisite: PAL 102 Approve distance education as MOI Course update Delete prerequisite POLS 130 Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve prerequisite: PAL 103 Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve 11corequisite: PAL 201 10/30/14 10/30/14 10/30/14 10/30/14 10/30/14 10/30/14 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 10/30/14 10/30/14 10/30/14 06/11/15 06/11/15 02/26/15 05/12/15 02/26/15 05/12/15 12/11/14 05/14/15 05/14/15 03/26/15 03/26/15 05/14/15 05/14/15 02/26/15 02/26/15 01/13/15 06/09/15 06/09/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 06/09/15 06/09/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 06/11/15 07/14/15 06/11/15 07/14/15 10/30/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 07/14/15 07/14/15 2014-2015 Curriculum Committee Meeting Recommendations 09/11/14 - 06/11/15 Course PAL 202 PAL 203 PAL 203 PAL 203 PEDA 171 PHIL 108 PHIL 108 PHIL 108 PHIL 109 PHIL 109 PHIL 120 PHIL 120 PHIL 120 PHIL 121 PHIL 121 PHIL 121 PHIL 207 PHIL 207 PHIL 207 PHOT 138 PHOT 51 PHOT 51 PHOT 51 PHYS 100 PHYS 100 PHYS 100 PHYS 201 PHYS 201 PHYS 202 Title Family Law Tort Law for Paralegals Tort Law for Paralegals Tort Law for Paralegals Jazz Dance II Introduction to Ethics and Contemporary Moral Issues Introduction to Ethics and Contemporary Moral Issues Introduction to Ethics and Contemporary Moral Issues Introduction to Logic Introduction to Logic History of Ancient Philosophy History of Ancient Philosophy History of Ancient Philosophy History of Modern Philosophy History of Modern Philosophy History of Modern Philosophy Introduction to Critical Thinking Introduction to Critical Thinking Introduction to Critical Thinking Cooperative Education-Photography Environmental Photography Environmental Photography Environmental Photography Introductory Physics Introductory Physics Introductory Physics Engineering Physics I - Mechanics Engineering Physics I - Mechanics Engineering Physics II - Fluids, Sound, Thermodynamics Change Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve corequisite: PAL 201 Approve distance education as MOI Course deactivation Course update; title change Approve recommended preparation: ENGL 101.0 Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve distance education as MOI Course update; title change Approve recommended preparation: ENGL 101.0 Approve distance education as MOI Course update; title change Approve recommended preparation: ENGL 101.0 Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve prerequisites: ENGL 101.0 or ENGL 101H Approve distance education as MOI Course update Course update Approve recommended preparation: PHOT 100 & PHOT 101 Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve prerequisites: MATH 42 Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve co-requisites: MATH 226 or 226H Course update PHYS 202 Engineering Physics II - Fluids, Sound, Thermodynamics Approve prerequisites: PHYS 201 12/02/14 12/09/14 PHYS 202 Engineering Physics II - Fluids, Sound, Thermodynamics Approve co-requisites: MATH 227 or 227H 12/02/14 12/09/14 PHYS 203 PHYS 203 Engineering Physics III-Electricity and Magnetism Engineering Physics III-Electricity and Magnetism 12/11/14 01/13/15 12/11/14 01/13/15 PHYS 204 PHYS 204 PHYS 221 PHYS 221 Engineering Physics IV- Optics and Modern Physics Engineering Physics IV - Optics and Modern Physics General Physics I General Physics I Course update Approve prerequisite: PHYS 202 and co-rerequisite: MATH 228 or MATH 228H Course update Approve prerequisite: PHYS 203 Course update Approve prerequisites: MATH 104 and co-requisite: MATH 226 or MATH 226H and recommended preparation: PHYS 100. 12 CC Date 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 06/11/15 09/11/14 10/09/14 10/09/14 10/09/14 02/26/15 02/26/15 10/09/14 10/09/14 10/09/14 10/09/14 10/09/14 10/09/14 03/26/15 03/26/15 03/26/15 11/13/14 10/23/14 10/23/14 10/23/14 12/02/14 12/02/14 12/02/14 12/02/14 12/02/14 12/02/14 12/11/14 12/11/14 12/11/14 12/11/14 BOT 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 07/14/15 10/14/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 05/12/15 05/12/15 11/11/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 11/11/14 05/12/15 05/12/15 05/12/15 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 2014-2015 Curriculum Committee Meeting Recommendations 09/11/14 - 06/11/15 Course PHYS 222 PHYS 222 Title General Physics II General Physics II RLST 207 RLST 207 RLST 207 RSPT 231 RSPT 231 RSPT 232 RSPT 239 RSPT 239 RSPT 243 RSPT 243 Introduction to Critical Thinking Introduction to Critical Thinking Introduction to Critical Thinking Basic Fundamentals of Respiratory Therapy Basic Fundamentals of Respiratory Therapy Patient Assessment & Clinical Application of Respiratory Therapy Patient Assessment & Clinical Application of Respiratory Therapy Intensive Respiratory Therapy Care Intensive Respiratory Therapy Care Neonatal/Pediatric Respiratory Thereapy Care and Related Pathophysiology Neonatal/Pediatric Respiratory Thereapy Care and Related Pathophysiology Introduction to Mechanical Ventilation Support Introduction to Mechanical Ventilation Support Clinical Simulation Clinical Simulation RSPT 50 SOC 50 TA 102 TA 102 TA 117 TA 138 TA 203 TA 203 WELD 60A Polysomnography I Sociology of Parenting History of Theatre History of Theatre Technical Theare: Lighting and Sound Coop Ed Theatre Arts Script Analysis Script Analysis Welding Laboratory RSPT 232 RSPT 233 RSPT 233 RSPT 234 RSPT 234 Change Course update Approve prerequisites: PHYS 221 and co-requisite: MATH 227 or MATH 227H and recommended preparation: PHYS 100. Course update Approve prerequisites: ENGL 101.0 or ENGL 101H Approve distance education as MOI Course update Approve prerequisite: RSPT 230 Course update. CC Date BOT 12/11/14 01/13/15 12/11/14 01/13/15 Approve prerequisite: RSPT 231 11/13/14 12/09/14 Course update. Approve prerequisites: RSPT 239, BIOL 211, and BIOL 231. Course update. 11/13/14 11/13/14 11/13/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 12/09/14 Approve prerequisites: RSPT 233 and BIOL 221 11/13/14 12/09/14 Course update Approve prerequisite: RSPT 232 Course update Approve prerequisites: RSPT 233 or CRT/RCP credentials with "registry eligibility" as designated by the NBRC/RCB. Course update Course deactivation Course update Approve distance education as a MOI Course update Course update New course Approve distance education as MOI SLO revision 05/14/15 06/09/15 05/14/15 06/09/15 11/13/14 12/09/14 11/13/14 12/09/14 13 03/26/15 05/12/15 03/26/15 05/12/15 03/26/15 05/12/15 11/13/14 12/09/14 11/13/14 12/09/14 11/13/14 12/09/14 05/28/15 05/28/15 12/11/14 12/11/14 12/11/14 09/25/14 02/26/15 02/26/15 09/25/14 07/14/15 07/14/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 01/13/15 11/11/14 05/12/15 05/12/15 11/11/14