ADOPTED MINUTES VICTOR VALLEY COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 30, 2012 1:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:15 p.m. by Debra Blanchard, Chairperson. MEMBERS PRESENT: Debra Blanchard, Chairperson, Ron Fields, Patty Golder, Lisa Harvey, Leslie Huiner, Pam James, Scott Jones, Alice Ramming MEMBERS ABSENT: Carol Delong, Mike McCracken, GUESTS: John Sweet, Ruby Wikstrom MINUTES: Minutes will be distributed at a later date. AVIATION: It was MSC (James/Harvey) to approve the course update for AVA 51 General Aviation 1. It was MSC (Fields/Jones) to approve the course update for AVA 61 Airframe 1. It was MSC (Harvey/Jones) to move Other Review agenda item 5 AVA 52, AVA 62, AVA 63, AVA 71, AVA 72, and AVA 73 to Action Item 2. It was MSC (Harvey/Jones) to bundle AVA 52, AVA 62, AVA 63, AVA 71, AVA 72 and AVA 73. It was MSC (Huiner/James) to approve the course updates for AVA 52 General Aviation 2, AVA 62 Airframe 2, AVA 63 Airframe 3, AVA 71 Powerplant 1, AVA 72 Powerplant 2 and AVA 73 Powerplant 3. PSYCHOLOGY: It was MSC (James/Harvey) to approve the course update for PSYC 101 Introductory Psychology. It was MSC (Huiner/Fields) to act on the course update for PSYC 110 Developmental Psychology. It was MSC (Harvey/Huiner) to table PSYC 110. AUTOMOTIVE: It was MSC (Jones/Fields) to approve the certificate update for Automotive Technician Certificate of Achievement. FIRE TECHNOLOGY: It was MSC (Fields/Golder) to move Other Review agenda item 5 FIRE 11A, FIRE 11E, FIRE 11F, FIRE 11G and FIRE 90 to Action Item 2. It was MSC (Fields/Golder) to bundle FIRE 11A, FIRE 11E, FIRE 11F, FIRE 11G and FIRE 90. It was MSC (Ramming/James) to approve the course update for FIRE 11A Rescue Systems 1; to approve FIRE 11E Rapid Intervention Crew Tactics as a new course; to approve FIRE 11F River/Flood Rescue as a new course; to approve FIRE 11G Auto Extrication Techniques as a new course; and approve the course update for FIRE 90 Paid Call Fire Fighter Academy. PHYSICAL SCIENCES: It was MS (Golder/Fields) to act on the course update for GEOL 101 Physical Geology. Motion tabled. It was MSC (Golder/James) to approve as corrected the course update for OCEA 101, Oceanography. POLITICAL SCIENCE: ADULT ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (Non-credit): It was MSC (James/Harvey) to table POLS 221D, Model United Nations D. It was MSC (Ramming/Fields) to table AENG 10.2A High Beginning Listening and Speaking. OTHER: The Committee made the recommendation that beginning Fall 2012 courses that are out of Title 5 compliance not be offered due to failure to comply with Title 5 regulations. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 3:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debra Blanchard Chairperson 2