VICTOR VALLEY COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE AGENDA MAY 22, 2014 - 2:45 P.M. SAC QUIET ROOM 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ADDITIONS/DELETIONS/CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA 3. ANNOUNCEMENT COURSE/REVISION DEVELOPERS MAY COMMENT OR EXPLAIN AGENDA ITEMS 4. MINUTES - Will be distributed later APPROVE Y___ N___ 5. CONSENT AGENDA 5.1 KIN 103 History and Appreciation of Dance SLO only revision APPROVE Y___ N___ 6. ACTION ITEMS COURSES 6.1 ART 125 Drawing I Course update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.2 ART 125 Drawing I Recommended preparation: ART 112 APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.3 ART 125 Drawing I Distance Education APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.4 ART 150 Oil Painting I Course update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.5 ART 150 Oil Painting I Recommended preparation: ART 125 APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.6 ART 150 Oil Painting I Distance Education APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.7 ATHL 122P Preparation for Intercollegiate Women's Basketball Course update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.8 AUTO 51 Automotive Engines and Drive Trains Course update; remove prerequisite APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 1 VICTOR VALLEY COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE AGENDA MAY 22, 2014 - 2:45 P.M. SAC QUIET ROOM 6.9 AUTO 57 Automotive Brake/Wheel Alignment Course update; remove prerequisite APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.10 CART 72 Adobe Illustrator New Course APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.11 CART 72 Adobe Illustrator Distance Education APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.12 FIRE 10 Fire Fighter Skills Maintenance Course update; change lec/lab hours APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.13 FIRE 10 Fire Fighter Skills Maintenance Recommended preparation: Employment as a fire fighter with a recognized fire protection agency (State mandated). Employment as career fire fighter or paid call fire fighter. APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.14 MATH 90 Intermediate Algebra Update textbook; change prereq Math 50 to Math 42 due to number change APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.15 MATH 226 Analytic Geometry and Calculus Clarify wording of prerequisites APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.16 MATH 226H Honors Analytic Geometry and Calculus Clarify wording of prerequisites APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.17 MUSC 132 Master Arts Chorale Repeatability from 1X to 3X APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.18 PHOT 100 Beginning Photography Course update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.19 PHOT 100 Beginning Photography Distance Education APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.20 PHOT 101 Intermediate Photography Course update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.21 PHOT 101 Intermediate Photography Recommended Preparation: PHOT 100 APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 2 VICTOR VALLEY COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE AGENDA MAY 22, 2014 - 2:45 P.M. SAC QUIET ROOM 6.22 PHOT 101 Intermediate Photography Distance Education APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.23 PHOT 110 Intermediate Photoshop New Course APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.24 PHOT 110 Intermediate Photoshop Distance Education APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ TABLED COURSES (From 5/8/14) 6.25 ART 115 Water-Based Media Course Update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.26 ART 115 Water-Based Media Recommended Preparation: ART 125 APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.27 ART 115 Water-Based Media Distance Education APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ PROGRAMS/CERTIFICATES 6.28 Associate in Arts in English for Transfer Degree (AD-T) Approve corrections 7. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION 8. PUBLIC COMMENTS RELATED TO NON-AGENDA ITEMS At this time the Curriculum Committee will listen to communication from the public on non-agenda items. Public comments are limited to 3 minutes per person and 6 minutes per subject. 9. ADJOURNMENT 3 APPROVE Y___ N___ T___