VICTOR VALLEY COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE AGENDA DECEMBER 11, 2014 - 2:45 P.M. SAC QUIET ROOM 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ADDITIONS/DELETIONS/CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA 3. ANNOUNCEMENT COURSE/REVISION DEVELOPERS MAY COMMENT OR EXPLAIN AGENDA ITEMS 4. MINUTES - November 13, 2014 APPROVE Y___ N___ 5. CONSENT AGENDA: None 6. ACTION ITEMS COURSES 6.1 AENG 10.2 Low Beginning Reading & Writing Course update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.2 AENG 10.3 High Beginning Listening and Speaking Course update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.3 AGNR 100 General Animal Science Course update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.4 AGNR 100 General Animal Science Distance education APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.5 ALDH 141 Athletic Training I Course update; change lec/lab hrs, grading APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.6 ALDH 141 Athletic Training I Recommended preparation: Interest and/or experience in athletics and sports APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.7 ALDH 61 Home Health Aide Course update; change units from 1.5 to 2.0, lec hrs 24-27, lab hrs 24-27 APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.8 ALDH 61 Home Health Aide Prerequisite: ALDH 60 or C N A certificate APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.9 BADM 106 Accounting Software Applications Part A Course update; title change APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ APPROVE Y___ N___ 6.10 BADM 106 Accounting Software Applications Part A Distance education 1 VICTOR VALLEY COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE AGENDA DECEMBER 11, 2014 - 2:45 P.M. SAC QUIET ROOM T___ 6.11 BADM 107 Accounting Software Applications Part B Course update; title change APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.12 BADM 107 Accounting Software Applications Part B Distance education APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.13 CIS 83 Programming in Python Course update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.14 CT 144 Photovoltaic Systems and Installation New course APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.15 ENGL 210A Fiction Writing (formerly ENGL 210) Course update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.16 ENGL 210A Fiction Writing Distance education APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.17 ESL 35B High Intermediate Listening and Speaking Course update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.18 ESL 35B High Intermediate Listening and Speaking Recommended preparation: ESL 35A APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.19 ESL 37A Low Intermediate Writing & Grammar Course update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.20 ESL 37A Low Intermediate Writing & Grammar Recommended preparation: ESL 27B or appropriate ESL assessment test score or instructor recommendation APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.21 ESL 37A Low Intermediate Writing & Grammar Distance education APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.22 ESL 37B High Intermediate Writing & Grammar Course update 6.23 ESL 37B High Intermediate Writing & Grammar Recommended preparation: ESL 37A or appropriate ESL assessment test score or instructor recommendation 2 VICTOR VALLEY COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE AGENDA DECEMBER 11, 2014 - 2:45 P.M. SAC QUIET ROOM 6.24 ESL 37B High Intermediate Writing & Grammar Distance education APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.25 ESL 47 Advanced Grammar Course update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.26 MUSC 104 Basic Musicianship, Level I Distance education APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.27 MUSC 105 Basic Musicianship Level II Distance education APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.28 MUSC 138 Cooperative Education Music Course update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.29 PHYS 203 Engineering Physics III - Electricity and Magnetism Course update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.30 PHYS 203 Engineering Physics III - Electricity and Magnetism Prerequisite: PHYS 202 Co-requisite: MATH 228 or MATH 228H APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.31 PHYS 204 Engineering Physics IV - Optics and Modern Physics Course update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.32 PHYS 204 Engineering Physics IV - Optics and Modern Physics Prerequisite: PHYS 203 APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.33 PHYS 221 General Physics I Course update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.34 PHYS 221 General Physics I Prerequisites: MATH 104 Co-requisites: MATH 226 or MATH 226H Recommended preparation: PHYS 100 APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.35 PHYS 222 General Physics II Course update APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.36 PHYS 222 General Physics II Prerequisite: PHYS 221 APPROVE Y___ N___ 3 VICTOR VALLEY COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE AGENDA DECEMBER 11, 2014 - 2:45 P.M. SAC QUIET ROOM Co-requisite: MATH 227 Recommended preparation: PHYS 100 6.37 TA 117 Technical Theatre: Lighting and Sound Course update T___ APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ PROGRAMS/CERTIFICATES 6.38 Animal Science Technician Certificate Deactivation APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 7. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION Grades on prerequisites 8. PUBLIC COMMENTS RELATED TO NON-AGENDA ITEMS At this time the Curriculum Committee will listen to communication from the public on non-agenda items. Public comments are limited to 3 minutes per person and 6 minutes per subject. 9. ADJOURNMENT 4