fferential Geometry and Courant Di Topology Seminar Filling inequalities for nilpotent groups

Courant Differential Geometry and
Topology Seminar
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
251 Mercer Street
New York, NY 10012
Warren Weaver Hall 1314
Tuesday, April 24, 2:00pm
Filling inequalities for nilpotent groups
Robert Young ( University of Chicago )
A homogeneous nilpotent Lie group has a scaling automorphism which acts as a homothety on a leftinvariant subriemannian metric. Many upper bounds for the Dehn function of such a group depend
on filling curves with discs which grow slowly when scaled. Gromov developed a method which uses
microflexibility to construct a compact family of such discs and uses the scaling automorphism to
connect the discs into fillings of curves; this provides a bound on the Dehn function of the group and a
method for constructing fillings satisfying certain tangency conditions.
I will extend this technique to higher dimensional fillings and show that in the case that the Lie group
contains a lattice, it suffices to construct finitely many discs. I will use this to construct the first examples of nilpotent groups with arbitrarily large nilpotency class and quadratic Dehn functions.
Note special time and room!!