Proceedings of Annual Paris Business Research Conference

Proceedings of Annual Paris Business Research Conference
13 - 14 August 2015, Crowne Plaza Hotel Republique, Paris, France
ISBN: 978-1-922069-82-5
Studying the Effect of Quality of Services Provided by
Employees on Brand Special Value - Case Study: Bank
M. Samiei Nasr and Sarah Shademan
In today’s competitive world, where goods are not physically different, a credible brand
provides organizations with significant competitive advantage and captures heart and
soul of its audience. Today, it is widely recognized that brand has a very important role in
formation, maintenance and development of business performance. A powerful brand
helps organization to differentiate itself. Also, it is true that main capital of many
businesses is their brand and in such situation, using credibility of brand in the best
manner, enhances customer loyalty as a profit determining factor in long-term. Evidently,
value which customers perceive of brand of company depends on various factors, one of
which is quality of services offered to customers. This study attempts to investigate the
effect of quality of services provided by Bank Pasargad on special value of its brand.
Conceptual models studied in this research have been investigated using structural
equations method. Statistical universe of this study consists of 384 people among
customers referring to Tehran Bank Pasargad from the beginning up to the end of
November 2014 for the purpose of purchase. Results obtained in this study verify all
research hypotheses and among 5 variables affecting special value of brand extracted
from SERVQUAL Model, trust has had higher path coefficients and as a result, has been
of the most effectiveness.
Keywords: Brand, Service Quality, Brand Special Value
Dr. M. Samiei Nasr, Department of Business & Accounting, Islamic Azad University
(South Branch), E-mail:
Sarah Shademan, E-mail: