COLLEGE COUNCIL MINUTES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2014 PCR Present: Chair~ Peter Maphumulo Tracy Davis, Claude Oliver, Justin Gatewood, Ray Navarro, Kendra Ullger, Robert Sewell, Greta Moon, Lynne Glickstein, Evelyn Blanco, Amanda Monroy Guest: Paul Williams, Bill Greulich, Joseph Morris, Rolando Regino, Leonard Knight Recorder: Victoria Churgin Call to Order: 3:00 p.m. 1) Approval of the Minutes a) December 11, 2013 – approved by consensus 2) Accreditation Update ~ Peter Maphumulo Peter Maphumulo reported on our accreditation status. On Friday, Peter Allan shared with the campus community that we had been removed from probation and affirmation with a caveat, which speaks immensely of our faculty, staff and our administrators primarily in terms of working and demonstrating to the ACCJC and most importantly to ourselves that we can do this; we have the internal capacity and fortitude to do it and we did it. The commission needs to be convinced that this time as opposed to the past 20 years that VVC has actually made the changes and will continue to demonstrate substantial improvements in the planning, assessment and the continuous quality improvement as an institution. The steering committee has developed a formula for dealing with accreditation and will be standardizing the processes. The mid-term report is in its final stages and is being fine-tuned. The report is due to the commission on March 15, 2014; shortly after the commission will notify us with a follow up visit date. Hearty discussions to place amongst the group regarding status, planning and processes and incorporating the evidence within the mid-term report for recommendations 2, 3, & 6. 3) First Read: Draft ACCJC Midterm Report~ Peter Maphumulo Review of the comprehensive ACCJC Midterm Report which summarizes VVC’s progress since our last self-study in 2011. Peter Maphumulo reported that the Academic Senate has approved the first read. Peter stated that the Steering Committee has created a specified midterm report plan which reflects the flow of the planning process. Peter is looking for feedback from the Council as this is a living document. A general discussion took place and opinions were encouraged. Action: Peter Maphumulo suggested giving the Council another opportunity to read the document. The recommendation is to email initial responses to Victoria Churgin by noon tomorrow simply stating either “I have read and approve the document, the Steering Committee is on the right track” or send your feedback on particular areas of the document. Bring back for a second read. College Council Minutes, February 12, 2014 Page 1 of 3 4) First Read: Suggested Board Policy 3750, Use of Copyrighted Materials ~ Bill Greulich Bill Greulich recommended creating a board policy to put a copyright policy into place in order to abide by the copyright laws. Peter Maphumulo in discussion asked the Council if it was prudent to have a policy that addresses copyright issues as an institution; the Council agreed that it would be in the best interest of the institution to have a policy in place. Action: The Council agreed that we need to have a policy in place. Bill Greulich will provide the Council with further details regarding developing the policy. Bring back for a second read. 5) Informational Item/Discussion, College Council - Purposes, Roles, Functions, and Membership ~ Tracy Davis Action from the November 06, 2013 meeting: all recommended changes of the charge and purposes, roles, functions, and membership will be sent to Victoria and will be presented at the next meeting. Tracy Davis presented the item and recommended that the item be brought back to the next meeting for further discussion on the changes. Action: Bring back to the next meeting for further discussion. 6) Informational Item/Discussion: Distance Education Committee ~ Justin Gatewood Given that the ACCJC has approved the VVCCD’s substantive change request in regards to Distance Education, and that the Distance Ed. Plan was completed by the DE Task Force, it is in the District’s best interest to transition the DE Committee to become a Shared Governance Committee so that all Constituency groups can participate in the discussion and planning of this aspect of our organization. Justin Gatewood presented his concerns to the Council. Peter Maphumulo stated that the proposal is sound and the merits of the request are very persuasive, however he would like to table the item for further discussion as it would be nice to have the faculty leadership present during the discussion. Action: Item tabled, bring back for further discussion. 7) Committee Updates: a) Accreditation Committee: Refer to agenda item #2 b) Diversity Committee: No report c) Environmental Health & Safety Committee: Leonard Knight reported that the committee met last Wednesday; we now have students participation (2); meetings are on the first Wednesday of every month; all meetings/agendas are posted on SharePoint; smoking policy discussed at the last meeting and discussion was brought to the last College Council meeting; an Administrative Procedure will be submitted to a future College Council meeting for a first read; committee discussion took place regarding the mass notification system and the topic was brought to past Council meetings for further discussion. d) Facilities Committee: No report e) Finance/Budget & Planning Committee: No report f) Employee Professional Development Committee: No report g) Student Success and Support Committee: No report h) Technology Committee: Justin Gatewood reported that the committee met in January; Jessica Gibbs and Virginia Moran visited the meeting to explain to the committee the need for the completion/update of the Technology Master Plan. Meeting dates have been tentatively changed to Fridays; standards are being reviewed; all meetings/agendas are posted on SharePoint. The next scheduled meeting is on Friday, February 21. College Council Minutes, February 12, 2014 Page 2 of 3 8) Other Robert Sewell: reported that Victor Valley Auto Park will be selling vehicles on campus during the upcoming 4 day weekend; the event will not impact classes or construction; this is a MUN fundraiser; the auto park will donate money for each car sold to the foundation, the Foundation will make sure that the donations apply to the MUN Scholarships. Next Regularly Scheduled College Council meeting: February 26, 2014 Adjournment: 4:39 p.m. College Council Minutes, February 12, 2014 Page 3 of 3