VICTOR VALLEY COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE AGENDA DECEMBER 10, 2015 - 2:45 P.M. SAC QUIET ROOM 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ADDITIONS/DELETIONS/CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA 3. ANNOUNCEMENT COURSE/REVISION DEVELOPERS MAY COMMENT OR EXPLAIN AGENDA ITEMS 4. MINUTES - November 12, 2015 5. CONSENT AGENDA: NONE 6. ACTION ITEMS COURSES 6.1 CHEM 255 Quantitative Analysis Course Deactivation 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ CIDG 160 3ds Max Fundamentals APPROVE Course Update Y___ N___ T___ CIDG 261 3ds Max Character Animation and Advanced Keyframing Techniques APPROVE Course Update Y___ N___ T___ CIDG 261 3ds Max Character Animation and Advanced Keyframing Techniques APPROVE Prerequisite: CIDG 160 Y___ N___ T___ MATH 120 Introduction to Statistics APPROVE Course Update Y___ N___ T___ MATH 120 Introduction to Statistics APPROVE Prerequisite: MATH 90, MATH 63, or MATH 66 with a grade of "C" or better, or by assessment test. Y___ N___ T___ MATH 120 Introduction to Statistics APPROVE Distance Education Y___ N___ T___ MATH 120H Honors Introduction to Statistics APPROVE Course Update Y___ N___ T___ MATH 120H Honors Introduction to Statistics APPROVE Prerequisite: MATH 90, MATH 63, or MATH 66 with a grade of "C" or better. Y___ N___ T___ MATH 227 Analytic Geometry and Calculus APPROVE Course Update Y___ N___ T___ MATH 227 Analytic Geometry and Calculus APPROVE Distance Education Y___ N___ T___ MATH 42-S Elementary Algebra Support APPROVE New Course Y___ N___ T___ MATH 42-S Elementary Algebra Support APPROVE Corequisite: MATH 42 Y___ N___ 1 VICTOR VALLEY COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE AGENDA DECEMBER 10, 2015 - 2:45 P.M. SAC QUIET ROOM T___ APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ MERT 51 Advanced Materials, Lighting and Rendering with MAYA APPROVE Course Update; title change Y___ N___ T___ MERT 51 Advanced Materials, Lighting and Rendering with MAYA APPROVE Recommended Preparation: MERT 50 Y___ N___ T___ MERT 52 Digital Character Animation with Maya APPROVE Course Update; title change Y___ N___ T___ MERT 52 Digital Character Animation with Maya APPROVE Recommended Preparation: MERT 50 Y___ N___ T___ MERT 52 Digital Character Animation with Maya APPROVE Recommended Preparation: MERT 51 or familiarity with a current 3D application, preferably Maya Y___ N___ T___ MERT 53 Advanced Animation / Demo Reels APPROVE Course Update Y___ N___ T___ MERT 53 Advanced Animation / Demo Reels APPROVE Prerequisite: MERT 50 or CIDG 160 Y___ N___ T___ MERT 56 Photoshop for Animators APPROVE Course Update Y___ N___ T___ MERT 56 Photoshop for Animators APPROVE Recommended Preparation: CIDG 160 or MERT 50 Y___ N___ T___ MERT 74 Digital Video Production APPROVE Course Update Y___ N___ T___ MERT 80 Zbrush Fundamentals APPROVE Course Update Y___ N___ T___ MERT 80 Zbrush Fundamentals APPROVE Recommended Preparation: CIDG 160 or MERT 50 Y___ N___ T___ TABLED COURSES: ESL 35B High Intermediate Listening and Speaking APPROVE Course Update Y___ N___ T___ ESL 35B High Intermediate Listening and Speaking APPROVE Recommended Preparation: ESL 35A Y___ N___ T___ ESL 37B High Intermediate Writing & Grammar APPROVE Course Update Y___ N___ T___ ESL 37B High Intermediate Writing & Grammar APPROVE Recommended Preparation: ESL 37A or appropriate score on ESL assessment Y___ N___ 6.14 MATH 42-S Elementary Algebra Support Distance Education 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 6.23 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.27 6.28 6.29 6.30 2 VICTOR VALLEY COLLEGE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE AGENDA DECEMBER 10, 2015 - 2:45 P.M. SAC QUIET ROOM T___ APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ ESL 49A Bridge to College Success: Listening and Speaking and Pronunciation APPROVE Recommended Preparation: ESL 45 or successful completion of any advanced level ESL course; Y___ N___ or qualifying placement score T___ ESL 49A Bridge to College Success: Listening and Speaking and Pronunciation APPROVE Distance Education Y___ N___ T___ ESL 49B Bridge to College Success: Grammar, Reading, and Writing APPROVE New Course Y___ N___ T___ ESL 49B Bridge to College Success: Grammar, Reading, and Writing APPROVE Recommended Preparation: completion of any level four high intermediate ESL course equivalent, Y___ N___ or qualifying placement score T___ FIRE 60B Command and Control of the Rapid Intervention Crew Deployment APPROVE New Course Y___ N___ T___ FIRE 60B Command and Control of the Rapid Intervention Crew Deployment APPROVE Distance Education Y___ N___ T___ 6.31 ESL 49A Bridge to College Success: Listening and Speaking and Pronunciation New Course 6.32 6.33 6.34 6.35 6.36 6.37 PROGRAMS/CERTIFICATES: 6.38 Basic Inspection Area Smog Technician Certificate Deactivation APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ APPROVE Y___ N___ T___ 6.39 Import Sport Tuning and Customization Certificate Deactivation 6.40 Heavy Duty Hydraulic Technician Certificate Deactivation 6.41 Civil CADD Technician I Certificate Deactivation 7. INFORMATION/DISCUSSION 7.1 "Ensuring Effective and Efficient Curriculum Processes - An Academic Senate White Paper" See Attachment 7.2 "Hours and Units Calculations for Credit Courses" See Attachment 8. PUBLIC COMMENTS RELATED TO NON-AGENDA ITEMS At this time the Curriculum Committee will listen to communication from the public on non-agenda items. Public comments are limited to 3 minutes per person and 6 minutes per subject. ADJOURNMENT 3