Victor Valley College Instructional PRAISE Report (Mathematics, 1701) Handbook definition of PRT: The PRT will be comprised of the following members: Department chair, director, facilitator and/or discipline expert One or more area/subject experts Other faculty and staff as deemed necessary All faculty and staff within a program are encouraged to participate in the program review process. Stephen Toner, Dept. Chair Lyudmila Shved Nichole DuBal Submission Year: 2014 Budget Development Year: 2015-2016 1 The mission of Victor Valley College is to cultivate intellectual growth, social responsibility, environmental stewardship, cultural enrichment, and economic development. create exceptional and accessible lifelong learning opportunities that afford students within our expanding communities the attainment of knowledge and skills necessary for success in the global economy. embrace difference in our communities by integrating their wealth of multicultural knowledge and wisdom into a cohesive and resourceful learning environment for all. inspire innovative teaching and service with imaginative uses of collaboration and technology, fostering vibrant programs that are measurably effective in addressing student learning and community needs. empower each student to learn by modeling academic integrity, democratic citizenship, and meaningful contribution to society. The Vision of Victor Valley College: Victor Valley Community College uplifts the diverse communities we teach and serve by promoting educational excellence, enhancing local prosperity, and ensuring environmental leadership. The goals of Victor Valley Community College are as follows: Fiscal Stability. The College’s financial resources will remain sufficient to support quality programs and services, and the ongoing improvement of all college operations. Student Success. The College’s courses, programs, and support services advance student success. Accreditation Recommendations. All recommendations from the ACCJC will be fully addressed to reaffirm and maintain the College’s accreditation status. Image. The College’s reputation among High Desert residents will be that of a quality institution of higher education. 2 The Institutional Learning Outcomes for Victor Valley College are as follows: Communication: Read and write analytically including evaluation, synthesis, and research; deliver focused and coherent presentations. Computation: Apply complex problem-solving skills using technology, computer proficiency, decision analysis (synthesis and evaluation), applications of mathematical concepts and reasoning, and the analysis and use of numerical data. Creative, Critical and Analytical Thinking: Apply procedures for sound reasoning in the exercise of judgment and decision making; demonstrate intellectual curiosity and a respect for learning; solve problems through analysis, synthesis, evaluation and creativity; identify, evaluate and appropriate use of multiple sources of information. Social and Personal Responsibility: Evaluate the relationship between natural, social and economic systems and the significance of sustainability; demonstrate responsible attitudes toward cultural diversity, citizenship, personal contribution to local and international communities, and the effect of human actions on the environment. Information Competency: Students demonstrate information competency and critical thinking skills through their ability to effectively locate, retrieve, evaluate and utilize use library and information resources within the guidelines of academic standards to meet collegiate and personal information needs. 3 Program Mission: The Mathematics Department offers a variety of courses to meet the needs of our diverse student population. It is a vital and growing program, providing reasoning skills to help students function in a wide range of sciences: social, biological, physical, behavioral, and management. Mathematics is necessary for understanding and expressing ideas in science, engineering, and human affairs. Mathematics is integrally related to computer science and statistics, which have proven invaluable to advancing research and modern industrial technology. The Mathematics curriculum academically prepares the student to transfer to a 4-year university to complete a Baccalaureate degree; it is also an integral part of many certificates and degrees offered at VVC. In addition, we offer a Math AS-T degree for students who wish to major in mathematics. The Mathematics Department is also a key component that integrates relevant knowledge and addresses questions across a wide range of basic mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics, and other disciplines. Our students gain knowledge and skills to construct, analyze, and interpret mathematical models for a variety of real-life problems, drawing on a wide range of mathematical tools and concepts. Program Learning Outcomes (for programs that offer degrees and/or certificates): Students will be able to: 1. calculate arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical quantities using appropriate technology. 2. estimate arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical solutions. 3. solve arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical expressions, equations, functions, and problems using appropriate technology. 4. represent mathematical information numerically, symbolically, graphically, verbally, and visually using appropriate technology. 5. interpret mathematical and statistical models such as formulas, functions, graphs, tables, and schematics, drawing conclusions and making inferences based on those models. 6. develop mathematical and statistical models such as formulas, functions, graphs, tables, and schematics using appropriate technology. 7. communicate mathematical theories and ideas clearly and concisely to others in the oral and written form. 4 II. The Components of the Instructional Program Review PRAISE report A. Section 1: The Program Overview The Program Overview should be brief (2-3 pages) and reflect the consensus of the members within the program. It is meant to provide a broad understanding of the program and its relations to the overall mission of the college. Describe how the program’s mission serves to meet the overall mission and/or vision of Victor Valley College (refer to the college mission and vision on page 2). The Math Dept. cultivates intellectual growth (VVC mission statement #1), provides learning opportunities that afford students the attainment of knowledge and skills necessary for success in the global economy (VVC mission statement #2), inspires innovating teaching with technology affective in addressing student learning (VVC mission statement #4) and empowers students to learn (VVC mission statement #5). Describe how the program’s mission is aligned with the ILO’s of the college (refer to the college ILOs on page 2). The Math Dept. addresses the Computation and Creative, Critical and Analytical Thinking ILO’s most directly. We teach students to apply complex problem-solving skills using technology as well as the analysis and use of numerical data. The Math Dept. teaches reasoning skills to promote intellectual curiosity and how to solve problems through analysis, synthesis and creativity. Our advanced and honors courses also focus students on information competency. The Math Dept. is increasing its use of technology for mastery learning through the use of programs such as MyMathLab and Connect Math. Describe the current trends related to the program’s mission. The Math Dept. was approved to offer its AD-T in Mathematics beginning in the summer of 2012. Since then, the math department has been increasing its offerings to help enable more students to graduate with this degree by increasing the frequency of offerings and numbers of sections of its upper math courses (both Math 228 and Math 231 are now offered in both the fall and spring terms). In collaboration with the CIS department, the Math Dept. now offers Math 119, Finite Mathematics, which is necessary for students completing the AD-T in CIS. In an effort to help students fast-track through our math courses, the department plans to begin offering Math 66 in the fall 2015 semester. This six-unit course will cover the content of both Math 42 and Math 90 for students seeking a quicker path. In an effort to meet the diverse needs of our math students, the Math Dept. opened the Math Success Center in the fall 2012 term and is dedicated to increase tutoring support for VVC students. Beginning in the spring 2015 term, the department will pilot a Supplemental Instruction (SI) Program to further meet the needs of our Basic Skills students. Students in selected sections will have the opportunity to meet weekly with a trained tutor to help further the success in their math course. 5 The Math Department continues to self-assess each term, looking at our courses, updating and reviewing our departmental policies, as well as analyzing SLO data to look for areas in need of improvement. This self-analysis keeps the department aligned with the department’s goals as well as promoting excellence in our teaching. At the November 21, 2014 department meeting, the math department approved the development of a new, non-STEM course, Pre-Statistics Mathematics, to provide an alternate pathway for students to reach the college transfer courses Intro to Statistics (Math 120) and Ideas of Mathematics (Math 132). Describe the characteristics of the program. The Mathematics Department is the largest department on campus, serving approximately 3350 students each semester. In terms of FTES production, the department generated 1135.92 FTES in the last three terms (F13, Sp14 and Sum14, all teaching formats combined), which is 30% more than the English department, the second leading FTES generating on campus during the same sampling frame. The Math Department has courses leading to its own AD-T degree, a math/science degree, as well as supporting other disciplines, such as the requirements for entrance into the VVC nursing program. Math 90 is a graduation requirement for all students. Staff Type F/T Faculty P/T Faculty 10 Years Ago 4 Years Ago 3 Years Ago 2 Years Ago 1 Year Ago Current Year Percent Change 15 12 13 13 12 12 -20% 26 25 25 27 * 28 ** 7.7% inc The Mathematics Department has 7 classrooms on the main campus, which are booked solid from 8:00 am until the end of the work day. We also run classes at the Hesperia High School campus every semester (8 classes in fall 2014). Of the 139 sections offered in the fall 2014 semester, 34 were offered online and 8 were hybrid sections. Of the 139 sections offered in fall 2014, 44 were offered in a traditional setting, while 96 sections used an online component from a publisher (such as MyMathLab, Connect Math, or WebAssign). Currently, the Math Department has 12 full-time (down from 15 ten years ago) and 28 adjunct teachers. Each semester we are severely overloaded and need additional faculty. Overload Overload Spring 2014 Fall 2014 7 2 F/T Faculty 5 1 P/T Faculty The Mathematics Department runs the Math Success Center on a shoe-string budget, as there are not funds dedicated annually toward the efforts. In the fall 2013 semester, no tutors were hired until the fifth week. In the fall 2014 term, there was only 1 tutor for the first five weeks of the term. The temporary location of the Math Success Center is in the Academic Commons 6 building, but there is talk of moving its location to the Advanced Technology building in 2015 when construction of the new wing of the Science building is complete. The Math Department maintains currency in state and national trends with membership in AMATYC, the American Math Association of Two-Year Colleges. Faculty representatives are sent to its national convention each year. Several faculty also attend meetings of CMC, the California Math Council. Each year, student representatives attend the MAA conference in San Diego, in which they attend workshops and participate in poster contents. They have won numerous awards over the years for their presentations. List the short-term and long-term goals for the program. Indicate with which of the District goals (Fiscal Stability, Student Success, Accreditation and/or Image) the program goal is aligned. Goal #1: The Math Dept. needs additional full-time, tenure-track faculty; we also request a full-time tenure-track math faculty member to run the Math Success Center full-time instead of just a facilitator (student success). Goal #2: The Math Dept. needs dedicated funding for tutors in the Math Success Center (student success and VVC image). Goal #3: The Math Dept. needs an additional classroom in order to expand its offerings to meet the needs of all the waitlisted students (student success). Goal #4: The Math Dept. seeks funding for either a statistical software license for its Math 120 class and for 1 class set of TI-84 graphing calculators. Goal #5: Increased homework completion in our math courses (student success). Goal #6: Increased student attendance, especially after the last day to drop (student success). Goal #7: The mathematics department would like an additional Instructional Assistant in the Math Success Center in order to avoid a gap in coverage during lunch time and in order to be able to expand its hours of operation into the evening. If the current Senior Instructional Assistant were to retire, we would recommend two part-time assistants instead (student success and VVC image). How has analysis of SLO/PLO data and the Student Enrollment data for the program contributed to the identification of these goals? The Math Dept. has assessed SLOs in each of its courses since the spring 2012 term, and PLOs since the spring 2013 term. Each term, we dedicate time during our department meetings to discuss the results and teacher comments submitted with the SLO and PLO data. Every term, the same two comments seem to appear among the comments: students are not putting in the effort to complete their homework assignments, and attendance in class really is a problem after the last day to drop a course. Goals 5 and 6 (homework and attendance, above) are a direct result of these reoccurring comments. Student Enrollment data, including waitlists, indicate a high demand for additional sections of math to be offered every term. We are also mandated by the Student Success 7 Act to provide these sections in order for students to meet the goals of the educational plans. This high demand is the driving force behind Goals 1 through 3, as well as Goal 7. The math department has been having somewhat weak SLO and PLO results resulting from our Math 120, Intro to Statistics, course. Discussions at department meetings over the past two years relating to the SLO and PLO results demonstrate the need for Goal 4. How can each of the goals above be achieved? Goal #1: The Math Dept. needs additional full-time, tenure-track faculty in both the math department as well as the Math Success Center; while we will continue to stress this as our main goal of the department, the decision to hire is out of our hands. Goal #2: The Math Dept. needs dedicated funding for tutors in the Math Success Center; while we will continue to stress this goal, we are at the mercy of the Administration. We urge the Administration to develop a funding source and strategy for tutoring on campus. Goal #3: The Math Dept. needs an additional classroom in order to expand its offerings to meet the needs of all the waitlisted students; the department hopes that when the addition to the Science building is complete there will be an additional classroom available for additional math sections. Goal #4: The math department will seek augmentation and grant funds for statistical software and a class set of graphing calculators to meet this need. The department also seeks funds for an SI program for Intro Stats students (Basic Skills funds will not support classes at this level). Goal #5: Increased homework completion in our math courses; in discussing this issue as a department, several suggestions to teachers include assigning quizzes to students based upon their homework, requiring homework (if not already doing so), as well as emphasizing use of an online homework system such as MyMathLab or Connect Math. Goal #6: Increased student attendance, especially after the last day to drop; in discussing this issue as a department, some teachers have found success with a class participation portion of the grade. It has been pointed out that if faculty are dynamic and hold students accountable, students will want to come to class. Goal #7: Math Success Center Assistants; the decision to hire is out of our hands. Enter any additional information here. The Math Department once had 15 full-time faculty members. We are down to 12 fulltime faculty at this time, with the possibility of a few retirements in the next few years. As the department serves the largest proportion of students on campus, wait lists continue to increase. Coupled with the mandate by the Student Success Act that VVC provide courses to ensure students are able to complete their educational goals within 2 years, we find the need for additional full-time faculty to be very pressing. The cost productivity for the Math Department is one of the lowest on campus. In terms of FTES generation, hiring Math Faculty is a winning proposition, fiscally speaking. 8 B. Section 2: Program Assessment The Program Assessment provides a concise assessment of the program and includes the following subsections: Faculty and Staff What is the management, faculty, and classified staffing structure of the program? The math department currently consists of 12 full-time and 28 adjunct faculty. What is the full-time to part-time ratio of faculty within the program? (Determine the ratio of sections taught by full-time faculty to part-time faculty.). Fall 2014: 12 FT to 28 adjunct How does the current staffing structure/ratio affect, positively or negatively, the program’s ability to fulfill its mission, goals, and student success? The Math Dept. is in desperate need of both FT and adjunct faculty. We are unable to expand our offerings without additional space and faculty. Student wait lists give increasing evidence for the need for additional math faculty. The Student Success Act requires that enough sections be offered to meet the needs of students’ educational plans. Since adjunct faculty do not have office hours, there is less faculty-student contact in those sections taught by adjunct. The proportion of adjunct faculty who have distance education experience and qualifications is much less than that of full-time faculty, affecting the out-of-classroom experience of many of our students. It should be added over the last few years, as other campuses have been hiring, we have lost several faculty to other schools. 11 of the P/T faculty who taught in the fall 2013 term are no longer with us. All of our F/T faculty teach over 100% load. Almost all of the adjunct faculty cannot fit an additional class in without going over load. Overload Overload Spring 2014 Fall 2014 7 2 F/T Faculty 5 1 P/T Faculty In each of the past 4-5 terms, sections have either been cancelled or additional classes have not been added due to lack of faculty. 9 What changes in management, faculty, and staff are needed to make this program more effective and focused on student success? As described above, more full-time, tenure-track faculty are needed. We have requested an additional four FT math faculty in each of the last five PRAISE reports. While the department had one FT hire three years ago, we also lost a FT professor to retirement. As shown in the table above, each term, faculty are over load. The Math Success Center has one Senior Instructional Assistant, which allows the lab to be open from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm. We would welcome an additional assistant, and in the event of the loss or retirement of this employee, we would like to hire two part-time assistants so that there would not be a gap in coverage during lunch time and so that the lab could remain open for extended hours. The Math Department also recommends the hire of one full-time tenure-track faculty to work in the Math Success Center. Curriculum and Instruction Which educational paths do your course offerings provide in terms of degree, certificate, transfer, certification, or employment? Our Math Program offers two degrees: the AD-T in Mathematics, and a math/science degree with the science departments. We also provide math preparation for students in the nursing and science classes, as well as key courses for General Ed requirements. Starting in the fall 2015 term, the department intends to begin offering a non-STEM pathway to Introductory Statistics (Math 120) and Ideas of Mathematics (Math 132). How do these offerings contribute to or affect the overall program’s mission and Victor Valley College’s mission and vision (refer to college mission on page 2)? Foremost, the Math Department strives for innovating teaching and service. We are making every effort to improve success and retention rates with the introduction of hybrid courses, coupling the best of both online and on-site methodologies. We strive to serve our students through the Math Success Center. Our Math Success Center is where we foster different learning styles as well as a sense of responsibility for one’s classmates. By empowering our upper division students to tutor, we hope we are modeling academic integrity as well as meaningful contributions to our college. Have course outlines of record been updated within the past three years? And what changes, if any, were made? If not, when is the next curriculum review scheduled for the program? All courses have been reviewed and updated within the last 3 years. All textbooks are up-to-date, and all SLO’s are current. The math department has introduced Math 116 (Preparation for Calculus) and Math 119 (Finite Mathematics) within the last three years. The department has Math 66 working through CurricuNet with plans to offer the course starting in the fall 2015 term. 10 As the math department is beginning to introduce hybrid offerings, courses are being updated to include DE offerings if they weren’t already set to be offered in a DE format. What methods are used for evaluating the relevance, need, currency and variety of the program’s offerings? The department monitors the success rates of students in its courses to determine any changes that might be needed. For example, the prerequisites for Math 42 (formerly Math 50) were changed to require a B or better in Math 10 based on data showing a significantly lower success rates in Math 42 for students earning a C in Math 10, as compared to those earning a B in Math 10. The department is also a member of AMATYC, the American Math Association for TwoYear Colleges, and sends representative to its conferences each year. We maintain currency in our offerings and adjust our policies accordingly. For example, we have aligned our proctoring policy for online classes to be consistent with the corresponding AMAYTC position papers. The department also follows the offerings of other nearby schools. We have modeled the curriculum of the Math 116 course to be similar to that of Cal Poly Pomona. We are also following closely the successes and failures of LA Harbor College is attempting to develop a pre-statistics curriculum track. The Math department has also determined that online courses in Math 105 have not been as effective as those offered on campus. Starting in the fall 2013 term, we no longer offered Math 105 as an online course and have substituted these sections out with hybrid offerings. We are in the process of doing the same with our online Math 120 sections. What are the program’s strengths and weaknesses in the areas of curriculum and instruction? Strengths: We are up-to-date on all courses. We were also the first department on campus to establish a transfer degree. The Math Department has created a Department Handbook for all its faculty, listing the current course descriptions, SLO’s, sections to be covered, as well as departmental policies and forms. It is a one-stop reference for math faculty. Weaknesses: Not all faculty are trained in CurricuNet and curriculum matters, as the department chair handles most of these matters on behalf of the department. What changes in the areas of curriculum and instruction are needed to make this program more effective? While the department has found that students who are required to do their homework with an online management system has generally been more successful than not using an online system, and has desired to move in that direction for most of its introductory courses, there has been resistance from some faculty to using online materials. The department has a course outline in Math 120 well beyond the C-ID descriptors. Since we cover so much material, it is difficult to find texts that have the extensive set of material. We are in the process of weeding out a few of the topics of study that are 11 beyond the scope of the C-ID descriptors in order to be able to better focus the limited time with the classes on material that students typically find difficult. Also, we have found that many of our students do not want to take classes late at night. While there is a stronger demand for additional daytime sections, when additional sections are added in the evening, students will not enroll. This is part of the reasoning for our request for an additional dedicated mathematics classroom. We have also found that Friday or Saturday course offerings (non-hybrid) have much lower success and retention rates. An additional dedicated math classroom will also enable us to minimize these less-effective class offerings. What instructional strategic methods (such as in technology, distance education, etc.) have been used to improve instruction within the program? More of our math courses have been using MyMathLab and Connect Math in recent years, with the result that students are learning that a greater time commitment is needed for success in these courses. In the fall 2013 term, the math department began to offer hybrid courses to improve success rates over standard online courses. We have altogether eliminated the Math 105 online course in favor of hybrid or on-campus courses. We are in the process of developing a hybrid Math 120 course to replace the online sections of this course. Five years ago, the Math Department purchased document cameras for all its classrooms. This has drastically changed how we teach, as we are now able to teach while facing our students and are better able to interact with our students. Several math faculty have also started creating video lectures for the classes to meet the needs of Effective Contact for DE courses. Several faculty are using Smart Pens to both deliver lecture content as well as explanations to their students. We also have three Mobi Interactive devices for use by faculty for interactive delivery of instruction in the classroom. The Math Department embraces new technology and seeks to meet students at their point of need, realizing that the days of the pure lecture format are a thing of the past and not having the desired impact with our students. 12 Program Effectiveness and Student Success Describe the trends in Retention, Success, Headcount, and FTES for this program for the past three years. Identify strengths and weaknesses in each of these categories. 70% of the courses in the math department are currently offered face-to-face (F2F), 25% are offered online, and 5% are offered in a hybrid format (using the fall 2014 term as a baseline). Altogether, the number of courses and sections offered has increased at a higher rate than that of the institution in all terms, noting that a slight shift from online to hybrid offerings has deliberately occurred in the department. For face-to-face offerings, all measures exceed that of the institution significantly in fall and spring terms, except for a slight dip in success rates in the spring terms. Generally speaking, retention rates in online classes are about 6-7% lower than face-toface classes, while the retention rates for the institution tend to be between 4-5% lower than face-to-face classes each term. Generally speaking, success rates tend to be about 8-10% lower than the institution for face-to-face courses and 7-12% lower for online courses. Analysis: The Math Department is extremely successful in its face-to-face offerings, and continues to generate a high percentage of the FTES for the college. The Department notices that success and retention rates are lower than the college in its offerings, but this is to be expected since math anxiety is so prevalent. Despite these lower numbers, the department has seen increases in success and retention rates over the past several years. The Math Department recognizes that success and retention rates is lower in its online courses (as is the case for the institution) and is seeking to transition some of its online offerings to a hybrid format. Math 105 is no longer offered online but rather in a hybrid format, and the plan is for Math 120 to follow suit in the fall 2015 term. Initial (limited) data from hybrid offerings is showing a slightly lower retention rate than online courses, but higher success rate. Rates are more promising when you compare the data subjectby-subject rather than as aggregated data. 13 Required Data for Instructional Program Review - F2F MATHEMATICS (Fall) 2011 2012 2013 Change from 2011-2013 Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Headcount (Unduplicated) 3,362 11,311 3,483 10,640 3,337 10,177 -0.7% -10.0% Enrollment (Duplicated) Enrollment: 3,388 28,689 3,506 26,513 3,355 24,855 -1.0% -13.4% # of Courses 11 526 12 531 13 511 18.2% -2.9% # of Sections 90 1,072 98 1,072 99 1,034 10.0% -3.5% FTES (Credit) 396.48 3,756.46 414.94 3,507.37 386.42 3,302.57 -2.5% -12.1% Overall Retention Rate 91.5% 92.2% 92.4% 90.7% 94.0% 91.9% 2.5% -0.3% Overall Success Rate 57.3% 66.7% 57.4% 67.1% 60.4% 68.4% 3.1% 1.7% Success: MATHEMATICS (Spring) 2012 2013 2014 Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Discipline Headcount (Unduplicated) 3,578 11,234 3,410 10,192 Enrollment (Duplicated) 3,626 28,275 3,486 25,213 Change from 2012-2014 Institution Discipline Institution 3,322 9,680 -7.2% -13.8% 3,383 23,435 -6.7% -17.1% -8.3% Enrollment: # of Courses 12 564 15 527 15 517 25.0% # of Sections 101 1,147 103 1,058 100 1,042 -1.0% -9.2% FTES (Credit) 426.93 3,557.30 405.13 3,248.48 383.42 3,065.36 -10.2% -13.8% Overall Retention Rate 90.0% 89.4% 90.7% 90.5% 92.1% 92.0% 2.1% 2.6% Overall Success Rate 56.1% 63.9% 54.8% 66.3% 54.1% 65.2% -2.0% 1.3% Success: MATHEMATICS (Summer) 2012 2013 2014 Change from 2012-2014 Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Headcount (Unduplicated) 310 2,764 601 2,922 732 3,234 136.1% 17.0% Enrollment (Duplicated) 311 3,527 603 3,851 739 4,251 137.6% 20.5% 6 125 7 122 9 149 50.0% 19.2% Enrollment: # of Courses # of Sections 14 152 21 168 28 218 100.0% 43.4% FTES (Credit) 37.31 452.66 69.21 491.48 76.18 528.46 104.2% 16.7% Overall Retention Rate 91.6% 92.5% 93.9% 93.9% 91.2% 92.6% -0.4% 0.2% Overall Success Rate 64.3% 76.3% 65.8% 77.4% 67.9% 75.4% 3.6% -0.9% Success: 14 Required Data for Instructional Program Review - ONLINE MATHEMATICS (Fall) 2011 2012 2013 Change from 2011-2013 Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Headcount (Unduplicated) 1,018 3,441 1,134 3,563 982 3,442 -3.5% 0.0% Enrollment (Duplicated) 1,020 5,880 1,135 5,977 982 5,754 -3.7% -2.1% 6 94 6 94 5 95 -16.7% 1.1% Enrollment: # of Courses # of Sections 38 213 42 223 37 222 -2.6% 4.2% FTES (Credit) 115.34 588.70 133.35 608.76 111.79 580.28 -3.1% -1.4% Overall Retention Rate 88.6% 89.0% 87.9% 86.3% 86.8% 87.5% -1.9% -1.5% Overall Success Rate 52.6% 59.0% 52.1% 56.7% 45.7% 55.9% -6.8% -3.0% Success: MATHEMATICS (Spring) 2012 2013 2014 Change from 2012-2014 Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Headcount (Unduplicated) 1,178 3,713 1,021 3,479 924 3,495 -21.6% -5.9% Enrollment (Duplicated) 1,182 6,425 1,024 5,941 924 5,971 -21.8% -7.1% # of Courses 6 104 6 101 5 99 -16.7% -4.8% # of Sections 42 227 40 231 38 235 -9.5% 3.5% FTES (Credit) 135.73 645.76 121.94 606.76 104.99 600.88 -22.6% -6.9% Overall Retention Rate 83.7% 86.2% 87.6% 88.7% 85.2% 87.8% 1.5% 1.5% Overall Success Rate 44.4% 55.9% 46.5% 58.3% 45.2% 57.1% 0.8% 1.1% Enrollment: Success: MATHEMATICS (Summer) 2012 2013 2014 Change from 2012-2014 Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Headcount (Unduplicated) 301 1,351 329 1,590 344 1,761 14.3% 30.3% Enrollment (Duplicated) 302 1,731 329 2,034 344 2,290 13.9% 32.3% # of Courses 5 48 5 51 4 60 -20.0% 25.0% # of Sections 11 71 14 85 13 98 18.2% 38.0% FTES (Credit) 34.95 179.24 37.89 206.47 37.54 232.01 7.4% 29.4% Overall Retention Rate 83.4% 88.7% 87.8% 90.3% 86.9% 88.3% 3.5% -0.4% Overall Success Rate 57.0% 65.2% 60.2% 66.1% 56.7% 63.6% -0.3% -1.5% Enrollment: Success: 15 Required Data for Instructional Program Review - HYBRID MATHEMATICS (Fall) 2011 2012 2013 Change from 2011-2013 Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Headcount (Unduplicated) 32 1,113 33 1,300 153 1,286 378.1% 15.5% Enrollment (Duplicated) 32 1,249 33 1,440 153 1,421 378.1% 13.8% # of Courses 1 29 0 31 1 31 0.0% 6.9% Enrollment: # of Sections 1 47 1 56 5 54 400.0% 14.9% FTES (Credit) 4.31 176.16 4.02 225.31 19.20 191.36 345.5% 8.6% Overall Retention Rate 90.6% 88.6% 69.7% 86.0% 81.7% 88.4% -8.9% -0.2% Overall Success Rate 40.6% 55.4% 39.4% 56.3% 48.4% 60.4% 7.7% 5.0% Success: MATHEMATICS (Spring) 2012 2013 2014 Change from 2012-2014 Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Discipline Institution Headcount (Unduplicated) 0 1,353 0 1,430 139 1,696 N/A 25.4% Enrollment (Duplicated) 0 1,538 0 1,617 139 1,942 N/A 26.3% # of Courses 0 33 0 36 2 43 N/A 30.3% # of Sections 0 64 0 69 5 80 N/A 25.0% FTES (Credit) 0.00 214.57 0.00 239.98 16.95 262.07 N/A 22.1% Overall Retention Rate 0.0% 87.7% 0.0% 86.3% 83.5% 88.3% N/A 0.6% Overall Success Rate 0.0% 57.7% 0.0% 58.5% 54.0% 58.9% N/A 1.1% Enrollment: Success: What changes are needed to make the program more effective in the student retention, student success, headcount, and FTES categories? Without a doubt, the most effective change to address retention and success will be a dedicated budget for the Math Success Center. WE NEED (not just want) A DEDICTED TUTOR BUDGET. Additional full-time tenure-track faculty will also help to address all of these issues. A full-time faculty in the Math Success Center will help to bring continuity and FTES generation to the Center. There are many students out there who are unable to take math classes due to overcrowding (as evidenced by large wait lists). Additional math offerings is an inexpensive source of dramatic FTES production. However, we are limited to 7 classrooms. If an additional classroom (or two) were to become available when the new wing of the science building is completed, along with faculty to staff these classrooms, additional FTES could be realized immediately. Following the supply-and-demand of course offerings over the last two years we have seen that the proportion of online offerings is maximized; students wish to have additional sections offered prior to 5:30 pm. While we have attempted to offer additional evening sections, students would rather not take the course than take a class offered at 7:30 pm. We have also noticed an influx of students seeking higher-level courses (trigonometry, statistics and calculus); this need also points to the need for more full-time faculty. 16 What has the program done to establish and maintain links with support services (such as counseling, DSPS, EOPS, Early Alert, library support, and tutoring services) for students? The Math Department fully cooperates with DSPS and EOPS. We actively participated in the Early Alert in the fall 2014 term. Copies of all of our texts are available on reserve in the library (which isn’t really necessary for those courses using an online homework system in which an e-book is provided). The department offers tutoring services at the Math Success Center, although there is no annual dedicated budget established. We would like to establish additional tutoring services in the evenings and summer. How do the program’s goals integrate with educational master planning? Based on this and previous discussions, identify resources necessary to fulfill this integration. These goals are fully aligned / integrated with the Department Goals listed below. Math Department Goals Master Planning Program Goals Goal 1: Fully functioning math lab with tutors. Goal #1: The Math Dept. needs additional full-time, tenure-track faculty; we also request a full-time, tenure-track math faculty to run the Math Success Center. Goal #2: The Math Dept. needs dedicated funding for tutors in the Math Success Center Resource: Additional faculty Goal 2: Additional FT tenure-track faculty. Resource: Additional faculty Resource: Additional tutors Resource: Dedicated Tutoring Budget Goal #3: The Math Dept. needs an additional classroom in order to expand its offerings to meet the needs of all the waitlisted students Goal #4: The Math Dept. seeks funding for either a statistical software license for its Math 120 class or for 1 class set of TI-84 graphing calculators. The department also seeks funds for an SI program for Intro Stats students (Basic Skills funds will not support classes at this level). Goal 3: Funding to consider course and program redesigns. Resource: Additional classroom Resource: Additional tutors Resource: Augmentation Funds Goal #5: Increased homework completion in our math courses. Resource: none Goal #6: Increased student attendance, especially after the last day to drop. Resource: none Goal #7: The mathematics department would like an additional Instructional Assistant in the Math Success Center in order to avoid a gap in coverage during lunch time and in order to be able to expand its hours of operation into the evening. If the current Senior Instructional Assistant were to retire, we would recommend two part-time assistants instead. Resource: Additional faculty, Instructional Assistant 17 Resource: Additional faculty Have courses been assessed and recorded in TracDat according to the program’s 6-Year Assessment Plan? Were changes made to the 6-Year Assessment Plan? If so, describe them. All math courses are assessed each term. The department made this decision in order to improve its program as well as gather data in hopes of grant funding. No changes were made in the 6 year plan other than adding new courses as they were offered (Math 116, Math 119). 18 Course-Level Student Learning Outcomes (all programs complete this section) Identify the courses that were assessed on the course level (SLO) within the most recent year (spring through fall). All math courses are assessed each term they are offered. Refer to the previous year’s assessments, as well as those in the past two Annual Updates, for the following: Discuss the types of assessment tools that were utilized in the assessments for the various courses (i.e. quizzes, projects, portfolios, assignments). How do these types of assessment tools provide meaningful data/feedback to the instructors? The department has selected problems for each course which are aligned with the SLO’s. Each semester we review these problems and make changes as needed. Faculty then include these problems within their final exams and report the numbers of students successfully mastering each representative SLO problem, along with overall comments regarding the success/failure of their students. In our first department meeting each term, we discuss the results of the prior term(s) and determine action plans, curriculum changes or program changes as necessary. Discuss the results of the data collected from course level SLOs for courses assessed. In which courses did the data indicate areas for improvement for the SLOs assessed? In which courses did the data indicate that students have been successful in the SLOs assessed? The math department continues to see two common comments from instructors: students are not committing themselves to adequate homework and preparation, and student attendance in class is poor, especially after the drop date each term. To address these concerns, the math department has continued to dialog on the matters. Regarding homework completion in our math courses; in discussing this issue as a department, several suggestions to teachers include assigning quizzes to students based upon their homework, requiring homework (if not already doing so), as well as emphasizing use of an online homework system such as MyMathLab or Connect Math. Regarding student attendance, especially after the last day to drop; in discussing this issue as a department, some teachers have found success with a class participation portion of the grade. It has been pointed out that if faculty are dynamic and hold students accountable, students will want to come to class. In most areas, SLO results have shown decent proficiency. One trend that needs to be addressed is the factoring SLO in Math 12, Prealgebra. Part of the problem with this SLO is that the material it addresses is at the very end of the course and has weak coverage in the texts we use. It is usually after learning how to factor polynomials using several methods that students 19 become more proficient with the GCF method of factoring. The department seeks to address this issue. Here is a summary of the SLO results over recent years. SLO Math 6-1 Math 6-2 Math 6-3 Math 6-4 Math 6-5 F 2008 F 2011 Spr 2012 Sum 2012 Apply arithmetic operations to whole numbers. Apply arithmetic operations to fracti ons. Apply arithmetic operations to deci mals. Apply order of operations to expressions involving whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. Solve applications involving whole n umbers, fractions, and decimals. SLO Course offered in Fall 2012 for the first time. F 2012 Spr 2013 91.67% Sum 2013 F 2013 Spr 2014 Sum 2014 86.79% 89.58% 97.37% 96.36% 91.67% 73.58% 81.25% 81.58% 54.55% 100% 81.13% 89.58% 65.79% 69.09% 100% 75.47% 62.50% 78.95% 58.18% 91.67% 73.58% 83.33% 78.95% 48.27% F 2008 F 2011 Spr 2012 Sum 2012 F 2012 Spr 2013 Sum 2013 F 2013 Spr 2014 Sum 2014 Math 10 - 1 Add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers, fractions and decimals. 67.35% 79.03% 84.34% 88% 83.01% 88.92% 85.25% 91.03% 85.46% 85.95% ^ Math 10 - 2 Solve percentage problems. 59.72% 66.24% 77.40% 96% 76.77% 71.21% 49.18% 79.66% 76.95% 75.21% Math 10 - 3 Find the perimeter and area of basic polygons. 81.36% 82.10% 91% 90% 75.60% 87.63% 77.87% 85.17% 82.27% 99.17% SLO F 2008 F 2011 Spr 2012 Sum 2012 F 2012 Spr 2013 Sum 2013 F 2013 Spr 2014 Sum 2014 65.71% 92.86% 85.48% 75.87% 62% 91.39% 86.33% 95.12% 75.27% 79.03% 74% 86.75% 79.86% 82.93% 75.81% 55.65% 58% 77.48% 84.17% 87.80% 66.13% 42.74% 42% 70.20% 64.03% 48.78% Math 12 - 1 Math 12 - 2 Solve linear equations and applications. Perform order of operations using signed numbers. Math 12 - 3 Perform polynomial operations. Math 12 - 4 Factor polynomials. SLO not offered 67.57% 46.43% F 2008 F 2011 Spr 2012 Sum 2012 F 2012 Spr 2013 Sum 2013 F 2013 Spr 2014 Sum 2014 Math 42 -1 Graph linear equations and inequalities. 58.70% 74.58% 82.81% 84.38% 76.90% 74.46% 87.38% 82.07% 79.26% 79.70% Math 42 -2 Factor polynomials. 63.40% 75.59% 73.62% 76.69% 82.06% 78.57% 83.50% 78.99% 83.70% 79.08% Math 42 -3 Solve a system of linear equations. 69.70% 79.26% 76.74% 65.63% 74.62% 72.73% 84.47% 78.62% 77.61% 74.61% Math 42 -4 Simplify rational expressions. 49.00% 75.59% 76.32% 70.31% 74.48% 72.73% 85.92% 77.36% 83.21% 82.90% 59.10% 78.60% 78.85% 75% 78.68% 79.00% 84.95% 82.25% 85.56% 84.62% 82.52% 81.14% 79.92% 81.22% Math 42 -5 Math 42 -6 Solve first and/or second-degree polynomial equations. Translate words into algebraic expressions and equations. SLO Math 90 - 1 Math 90 - 2 Math 90 - 3 Math 90 - 4 find the domain of polynomial, radical, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions. express sets and inequalities using set notation and/or interval notation. choose an appropriate method (graphing, substitution, elimination, row reduction of matrices, or Cramer’s Rule) to solve a system of equations or an application involving a system of equations and determine whether the solution is reasonable. Translate application problems into algebraic equations. SLO added in Spring 2013 F 2008 F 2011 Spr 2012 Sum 2012 F 2012 Spr 2013 Sum 2013 F 2013 Spr 2014 Sum 2014 78.66% 73.05% 85.18% 80.17% 77.25% 81% 74.84% 81.67% 82.28% 70.13% 63.83% 73.95% 77.64% 76.03% 70% 79.22% 84.78% 80.67% 75.78% 86.42% 66.67% 74.55% 85.68% 82.64% 83.49% 88.50% 84.18% 83.00% 83.81% 70.89% 78.97% 78.62% 72.84% SLO added in Spring 2013 20 SLO F 2008 F 2011 Spr 2012 Sum 2012 F 2012 Spr 2013 Sum 2013 F 2013 Spr 2014 Sum 2014 Math 104 -1 Identify six trigonometric functions and express them as the ratio of the sides of a right triangle. 88.70% 96.30% 92.77% 100% 95.45% 84.71% 82.14% 91.18% 95.45% 100% Math 104 -2 Solve right triangle problems. 71.70% 96.30% 80.72% 95.65% 80.30% 72.94% 60.71% 91.18% 88.64% 78.26% 75.76% 68.24% 67.86% 79.41% 85.23% 69.57% 92.31% 91.30% Math 104 -3 Math 104 -4 Use trigonometric identities to evaluate a non-standard angle without the use of a calculator. Evaluate the six trig functions at standard angles without the aid of a calculator. SLO Math 105 1 Math 105 2 Math 105 3 Math 105 4 Recognize, graph and compute zeros for polynomial, rational, radical, logarithmic and exponential equations. Apply matrix algebra to determine the solution of a system of linear equations. Apply concepts of analytic geometry to the conic sections. Demonstrate knowledge of geometric and arithmetic sequences. SLO Math H105 1 Math H105 2 Math H105 3 Math H105 4 Math H105 5 Math 116 2 Math 116 3 Math 119 2 Math 119 3 Math 119 4 Math 120 2 Math 120 3 Math 120 4 F 2011 Spr 2012 Sum 2012 F 2012 Spr 2013 Sum 2013 F 2013 Spr 2014 Sum 2014 77.40% 52.27% 66.35% 84.78% 84.62% 72.22% 62.50% 79.17% 73.80% 88.89% 77.40% 75.28% 77.78% 95.65% 63.29% 76.54% 84.62% 84.90% 87.70% 55.56% 67.90% 68.54% 74.04% 84.78% 61.60% 75.93% 56.92% 79.69% 86.10% 88.89% 71.90% 86.36% 66.83% 93.48% 75.11% 73.46% 70.77% 74.48% 82.80% 80.56% F 2008 F 2011 Spr 2012 Sum 2012 F 2012 Spr 2013 Sum 2013 F 2013 Spr 2014 Sum 2014 F 2013 Spr 2014 Sum 2014 100% 100% 85.71% 100% 80% 100% 100% 70% 57.14% F 2013 Spr 2014 Sum 2014 Fall only course. F 2008 F 2011 Spr 2012 find the sample mean and sample standard deviation of a given data set. find the area under the normal curve between two x-values. find and interpret a 95% confidence interval for a mean. perform a hypothesis test for the mean of a population. Sum 2012 84.62% 100% 69.23% 57.14% 76.92% 100% 84.62% 100% 84.62% 85.71% F 2012 Spr 2013 Sum 2013 Course offered in Fall 2013 for the first time. F 2008 F 2011 Spr 2012 solve a system of linear equations using matrices. maximize an application problem subject to constraints using linear programming and the simplex method. solve conditional probability problems using tree diagrams and conditional probability. validate the logic of an argument using truth tables. SLO Math 120 1 F 2008 Evaluate all six trigonometric functions in both radians and degrees. Apply transformation techniques to quadratic and trigonometric functions. evaluate limits in both graphical and algebraic forms. SLO Math 119 1 SLO added in Spring 2014 Recognize, graph and compute zeros for polynomial, rational, radical, logarithmic and exponential equations. Apply matrix algebra to determine the solution of a system of linear equations. Apply concepts of analytic geometry to the conic sections. Demonstrate knowledge of geometric and arithmetic sequences. Apply skills learned to real-life problems and present solutions in written and verbal form. SLO Math 116 1 SLO added in Spring 2012 Sum 2012 F 2012 Spr 2013 Sum 2013 Course offered in Fall 2014 for the first time. F 2008 F 2011 Spr 2012 Sum 2012 F 2012 Spr 2013 Sum 2013 F 2013 Spr 2014 Sum 2014 100% 90.32% 100% 96.46% 93.83% 81.48% 95.08% 77.24% 87.80% 91.67% 77.78% 86.49% 73.45% 62.96% 76.92% 82.79% 69.44% 97.56% 83.33% 74.04% 89.19% 95.58% 92.59% 78.57% 86.89% 80% 67.50% 77.78% 66.83% 94.59% 71.68% 70.37% 84.62% 77.05% 62.07% 84.62% 21 F 2011 Spr 2012 Sum 2012 F 2012 Spr 2013 Sum 2013 F 2013 Spr 2014 Sum 2014 88.89% 94.92% 96% 85.71% 93.48% 66.67% 90% 72.73% 92.59% 44.44% 89.83% 96% 77.14% 71.74% 83.33% 95% 77.27% 81.48% 51.85% 69.49% 92% 82.86% 63.04% 66.67% 85% 59.09% 77.78% F 2011 Spr 2012 Sum 2012 F 2012 Spr 2013 Sum 2013 F 2013 Spr 2014 Sum 2014 calculate basic limits. 76.67% 88.46% 91.53% 83.08% 81.48% 89.47% calculate basic derivatives. 73.33% 84.62% 84.75% 93.85% 85.19% 89.47% calculate basic integrals. 66.67% 76.92% 84.75% 60% 77.78% 78.95% apply the derivative and integral to elementary applications. 48.57% 73.08% 77.97% 90.77% 74.07% 76.32% F 2011 Spr 2012 F 2012 Spr 2013 Sum 2013 F 2013 Spr 2014 Sum 2014 F 2012 Spr 2013 Sum 2013 F 2013 Spr 2014 Sum 2014 72.50% 77.14% 73.33% 80% 67.57% 60% 85.71% 86.67% 46.67% 87.70% 55% 91.43% 73.33% 66.67% 52% 65% 82.86% 66.67% 80% 80.49% F 2012 Spr 2013 F 2013 Spr 2014 SLO Math 132 1 Math 132 2 Math 132 3 use Venn diagrams to solve applications. use combinations and permutations to solve probability applications. find the expected value of a probability distribution. SLO Math 226 1 Math 226 2 Math 226 3 Math 226 4 - SLO Math H226 1 Math H226 2 Math H226 3 Math H226 4 Math H226 5 - Math 227 2 Math 227 3 Math 227 4 Math H227 2 Math H227 3 Math H227 4 Math H227 5 calculate basic integrals. Math 228 3 75% 100% Course offered in only in some fall terms. 75% 75% 75% F 2008 F 2011 Find derivatives and integrals which include exponential, logarithmic inverse trigonometric, polar and parametric functions. Solve integrals using integration by parts, partial fraction and trigonometric substitution. Determine whether a given improper integral is convergent or divergent, and evaluate the integral if it converges. Find the convergence of an elementary infinite series. Find derivatives and integrals which include exponential, logarithmic inverse trigonometric, polar and parametric functions. Solve integrals using integration by parts, partial fraction and trigonometric substitution. Determine whether a given improper integral is convergent or divergent, and evaluate the integral if it converges. Find the convergence of an elementary infinite series. Analyze proofs of early calculus theorems and write proofs using more than one technique. Calculate the derivative and integral for vector-valued functions. Compute double, triple, and line integrals. Compute the gradient, curl and/or divergence of a vector-valued function. SLO Math 231 1 Math 231 2 Sum 2012 apply the derivative and integral to elementary applications. Read, analyze and construct basic proofs. SLO Math 228 1 Math 228 2 F 2008 calculate basic derivatives. SLO Math H227 1 F 2008 calculate basic limits. SLO Math 227 1 F 2008 Use techniques of Linear Algebra to solve systems of linear equations. Apply eigenvalues and eigenvectors to problems of dynamical systems. F 2008 F 2011 Spr 2012 Spr 2012 Sum 2012 Sum 2012 Course offered in only some spring terms. 85.71% 80% 85.71% 80% 57% 80% 100% 100% 92.86% 65.63% 90.00% 71.43% 100% 89.26% F 2008 F 2011 92.30% Spr 2012 Sum 2012 60% Spr 2013 F 2011 Spr 2012 100% F 2012 F 2008 Sum 2012 Sum 2013 Sum 2013 F 2013 Spr 2014 94.12% 86.67% 100% 78.13% 88.24% 70% 73.91% 81.25% 88.24% 86.67% 82.61% F 2012 Spr 2013 F 2013 Spr 2014 Sum 2013 93.33% 100% 100% 66.67% 92.86% 97.22% 22 Sum 2014 Sum 2014 Sum 2014 SLO Math 270 1 Math 270 2 Math 270 3 solve first and second order linear differential equations with initial conditions. solve a nonhomogeneous differential equation by the method of undetermined coefficients. solve first and second order nonlinear differential equations with initial conditions, including the power series method and Laplace transformations. F 2008 F 2011 Spr 2012 Sum 2012 F 2012 Spr 2013 Sum 2013 F 2013 Spr 2014 83.33% 68.18% 77.78% 90.48% 77.78% 55% Give examples of courses in which the instructor(s) made a change for improvement based on the results of an assessment. What type of change was made? How and when will the change be implemented? In reviewing SLO results and teacher comments, we come together to discuss the results and some of the teaching strategies teachers are trying. As noted in the comments described above, we are finding that students are not attending class like they should after the drop date and are not doing their homework. At the August 30, 2013 meeting, we shared examples of what we do in our classes to help address these problems. These notes were then emailed to any faculty not present at the meeting. It is our belief that this sharing of ideas and strategies will help address these problems. We again addressed these issues in our September 26, 2014 meeting and created a list of suggestions for faculty. We also have noticed that scores in Math 120 online and Math 105 online have not been as successful as the math classes below them. We attribute this to more challenging coursework and less means of support for higher level classes. As a result we decided not to offer Math 105 as an online class for a while. Instead, we began to offer a hybrid flipped-classroom model for the coming year to bring together the best of online and on-site classrooms. We intend to the same in Math 120 in the next two semesters. For years we have noticed a decline in the preparedness of our Math 226 students. Students have not mastered trigonometry and algebra to the level that they should in order to be successful in Math 226. As a result, we have opted to introduce Math 116 (Preparation for Calculus) to students earning a C in either Math 104 or Math 105. Give examples of courses in which loops of assessment have already been closed. Did the outcome of the change implemented in the classroom improve student learning? Based on student grade data, we found that in the fall 2011 semester, we found that students earning C’s in Math 10 were not successful in our Math 50 course, whereas students earning a B or A were more successful. We went through the process of changing the prerequisite for Math 50 to a B, requiring those earning a C in Math 10 to take Math 12 (Pre-Algebra) prior to Math 50. It took time to change in the course catalog, and just went into effect in the summer 2013 term. Faculty who taught Math 50 during the summer term had much more responsive and successful classes. We will continue to monitor the improvement. As a result of discussions based upon fall 2012 SLO results, it was decided to add additional SLO’s to Math 50 and Math 90 courses dealing with the translation of words into algebraic expressions and equations. 23 Sum 2014 Describe how assessment results of courses assessed led to identification of new/continuing/increased allocation of resources for the course. Several years ago, we noticed that our developmental students were not getting enough practice and tutoring in their classes. After studying models of tutoring programs from around the state and convincing the facilities committee that we needed a location for our math tutoring, the Math Success Center was opened in September 2012. While funding was bleak, we managed to get by the first academic year. Funding, however, has decreased, and the Math Success Center, which requires at least $66,000 per year to operate, was only given an $8000 budget for the 2013-14 academic year (compared to a modest $77K for the English Department’s Writing Center). The VVC Foundation came to our aid in the 2013-14 academic year. The Math Department insists that baseline funding for the Math Success Center be established for a minimum of $66,000 per year from the general fund. Studies show that successful completion of community college programs hinges on student success in mathematics. While we are continually seeking grant monies to supplement the Math Success Center, grant monies cannot be relied upon. Enter any information that the above questions do not address. The Math Department will begin a Supplemental Instruction program in the spring 2015 term. Funding will be provided through Basic Skills grant money. The department also hopes to find the funds for SI support of Math 120 (not covered by Basic Skills grant money). 24 Program-Level Program Learning Outcomes (If applicable per the definition of programs) List the PLOs for the program: Students will be able to: 1. calculate arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical quantities using appropriate technology. 2. estimate arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical solutions. 3. solve arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical expressions, equations, functions, and problems using appropriate technology. 4. represent mathematical information numerically, symbolically, graphically, verbally, and visually using appropriate technology. 5. interpret mathematical and statistical models such as formulas, functions, graphs, tables, and schematics, drawing conclusions and making inferences based on those models. 6. develop mathematical and statistical models such as formulas, functions, graphs, tables, and schematics using appropriate technology. 7. communicate mathematical theories and ideas clearly and concisely to others in the oral and written form. Describe how the SLOs for courses offered within the program align with the PLOs identified. Is this alignment evident through mapping of the SLOs to the PLOs? In February 2012, the department met to map the SLOs to the PLOs and ILOs. There is a direct relationship between the two since the PLOs were developed in a way that summarized the SLOs in the department. We realize that this process is reversed and that the PLOs should help the SLOs be developed instead of the other way around, but the SLOs were in place long before we learned of the need to develop PLOs. The PLOs were reviewed again in March 2013 at the SLO/PLO department meeting. Refer to the previous year’s assessments, as well as those in the past two Annual Updates, for the following: Describe the unique (authentic) PLO assessment(s) that the program implemented in the past three years. What type of tool was used and how will the results provide the program with meaningful information about student success? The math department decided to assess its PLO’s throughout its upper division courses. Meetings were held in the spring 2013 term to discuss what exercises and activities within the courses best exemplified the PLO’s. Faculty in these courses were asked to assess these topics and activities in their courses and report the results along with their SLO results at the end of the term. Individual teachers were given the freedom to assess in the means they found best. The following table lists the PLO’s along with the methods of assessment: 25 Program Learning Outcomes 1. calculate arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical quantities using appropriate technology. 2. estimate arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical solutions. 3. solve arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical expressions, equations, functions, and problems using appropriate technology. 4. represent mathematical information numerically, symbolically, graphically, verbally, and visually using appropriate technology. 5. interpret mathematical and statistical models such as formulas, functions, graphs, tables, and schematics, drawing conclusions and making inferences based on those models. 6. develop mathematical and statistical models such as formulas, functions, graphs, tables, and schematics using appropriate technology. 7. communicate mathematical theories and ideas clearly and concisely to others in the oral and written form. Methods of Assessment Math 226 – Student demonstrates ability to calculate using infinity by adequately finding a limit. Math 227 – The student must apply Simpson’s Rule or Taylor’s approximation to a problem which is unsolvable using other calculus techniques. Math 270 – The students must show the solution to a first and a second order differential equations given initial conditions Math 105 – The student must analyze a polynomial graph using mathematical tools developed in the course Math 120 – Hypothesis test assignment Math 228 – The student must use gradient, curl and divergence to visualize and analyze a multidimensional model. Math 231 – The student must be able to write a proof of some property of vector spaces. Course and program-level outcomes are mapped in TracDat to show the relationship between them. Has the mapping been evaluated in the past three years? Describe changes that have been made to improve the relationship between course and program-level outcomes. In February 2012, the department met to map the SLOs to the PLOs and ILOs. There is a direct relationship between the two since the PLOs were developed in a way that summarized the SLOs in the department. We realize that this process is reversed and that the PLOs should help the SLOs be developed instead of the other way around, but the SLOs were in place long before we learned of the need to develop PLOs. The following table tracks the PLO results for the past three terms: 26 Program Learning Outcomes Methods of Assessment Criteria for Success 70% will pass assessment item Data Results Spring 2013 51 out of 58 passed; 88% Data Results Fall 2013 16 out of 20 passed; 80% Data Results Spring 2014 28 out of 33 passed; 85% 1. calculate arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical quantities using appropriate technology. Math 226 – Student demonstrates ability to calculate using infinity by adequately finding a limit. 2. estimate arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical solutions. Math 227 – The student must apply Simpson’s Rule or Taylor’s approximation to a problem which is unsolvable using other calculus techniques. 70% will pass assessment item 28 out of 28 passed; 100% 14 out of 15 passed; 93.3% 34 out of 44 passed; 63% 3. solve arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, spatial, and statistical expressions, equations, functions, and problems using appropriate technology. Math 270 – The students must show the solution to a first and a second order differential equations given initial conditions 70% will pass assessment item 63 out of 72 passed; 87.5% Not offered in fall 2013 14 out of 22 passed; 64% 4. represent mathematical information numerically, symbolically, graphically, verbally, and visually using appropriate technology. Math 105 – The student must analyze a polynomial graph using mathematical tools developed in the course 70% will pass assessment item 45 out of 59 passed; 76% 66 out of 76 passed; 86.8% 94 out of 130 passed; 72% 5. interpret mathematical and statistical models such as formulas, functions, graphs, tables, and schematics, drawing conclusions and making inferences based on those models. Math 120 – Hypothesis test assignment 70% will pass assessment item 21 out of 32 passed; 65.6% 50 out of 88 passed; 56.8% 124 out of 158 passed; 78% 6. develop mathematical and statistical models such as formulas, functions, graphs, tables, and schematics using appropriate technology. Math 228 – The student must use gradient, curl and divergence to visualize and analyze a multi-dimensional model. 70% will pass assessment item 15 out of 18 passed; 83% No results submitted 19 out of 24 passed; 79% 7. communicate mathematical theories and ideas clearly and concisely to others in the oral and written form. Math 231 – The student must be able to write a proof of some property of vector spaces. 70% will pass assessment item 27 out of 39 passed; 69% Not offered in fall 2013 20 out of 36 passed; 55.5% 27 How has the result of unique (authentic) PLO assessment led to identification of resources needed to improve and/or maintain the success of the program? Since the results of the SLO from Math 120 regarding hypothesis tests was also low in the fall and spring (SLO #4 – 72% and 70%, respectively), we made the recommendation to the Math 120 teachers to emphasize hypothesis testing. We also decided that we would like to look seriously into cutting the non-parametric statistics chapter from the end of Math 120 in order to make more time to emphasize hypothesis testing in the course. Since nonparametric statistics is not included in UC and CSU Intro to Statistics courses which we articulate to, we don’t think this will be an issue, but we will verify this move before a change is made. As a result of this emphasis on hypothesis testing, PLO #5 had much better results in Spring 2014. At the September 2014 department meeting we decided that one of our department goals should be to seek monies for a class set of graphing calculators and a license for statistical software. The math department also seeks to start a Supplemental Instruction (SI) section of Math 120 if funds can be found. The remainder of the PLO’s seemed to be successful until just recently. Even though PLO #7, based on an assignment from Math 231 had 69% success, we thought it to be a very challenging assessment anyway and were not overly concerned. However, in the spring 2014 term, results began to slide for PLO’s #2, 5 and 7. Each of the courses contributing to these results were singleton class offerings, which could attribute to the fluctuation from term to term. Discuss how the program engages in discussion of SLO and PLO data for program improvement. Is there a dedicated meeting and discussion time (such as in department meetings, etc.)? Where are meeting minutes and related documents located? The department discusses the SLO and PLO data from the previous term(s) at its first department meeting each semester. Discussion is documented in the department meeting minutes and is posted in SharePoint. SLO assessment data is posted on the Math Department web page: for public viewing. Enter any information that the above questions do not address. Click here to enter text. 28 Facilities, Technical Infrastructure, and Resources How do the size, type, and/or quality of the program’s current facilities and infrastructure affect the program’s ability to fulfill its mission and support its current offerings? What changes can be made to support growth or improvement? We are mandated by the Student Success Act to provide enough sections of courses to meet the needs of students’ educational plans. There are many students who are unable to take math classes due to overcrowding (as evidenced by large wait lists). Additional math offerings is an inexpensive source of dramatic FTES production. However, we are limited to 7 classrooms. If an additional classroom (or two) were to become available when the new wing of the science building is completed, along with faculty to staff these classrooms, additional FTES could be realized immediately. Following the supply-and-demand of course offerings over the last two years we have seen that the proportion of online offerings is maximized; students wish to have additional sections offered prior to 5:30 pm. While we have attempted to offer additional evening sections, students would rather not take the course than take a class offered at 7:30 pm. We have also noticed an influx of students seeking higher-level courses (trigonometry, statistics and calculus); this need also points to the need for more full-time faculty. Our classrooms in the ATC building only fit 36 students and face a very tiny dry erase board. We wonder if the technology configuration could be altered in each of these rooms to face one of the side walls so that faculty could have more dry erase boards installed. A possible new configuration might also lend itself to seating 40 students instead of 36. How do the quantity, type, and/or quality of information technology and infrastructure available to the program affect the program’s ability to fulfill its mission and support its current offerings? What changes can be made to support growth or improvement? Most of the full-time math faculty teach online. We would like office computers which could support two monitors as well as web cameras. Specific requests: 12 new computers (one for each F/T math faculty), each with two monitors and web cameras. (This should really be part of the office standard on campus.) How do the quantity, type, and/or quality of other resources and infrastructure available to the program affect its ability to fulfill its mission and support its current offerings? What changes can be made to support growth or improvement? The lack of consistent funding for the Math Success Center is directly affecting our ability to offer tutoring to students. The first 5-6 weeks of each fall term have minimal tutor support due to lack of funds and inefficient processes to handle tutor applications. Since the OWA access to Microsoft Outlook does not support copying and pasting images into our emails (necessary to help our students), we would like the ability to access the Outlook servers from our home computers. This will allow us to paste screenshots into email responses to our students. The current workflow is very inconvenient and not meeting with current needs. 29 Referring to the discussions above, specify the program’s projected needs for facilities, technology, and/or other resources. Shared Governance committees will use this information for institutional planning recommendations. We project a need for one large classroom in the ATC building to become the new home of the Math Success Center when space becomes available due to the opening of the new wing of the Science building. At that time, the math department also respectfully requests one additional classroom for hosting additional sections, as needed to meet student demand for math classes. We ask that our three math classrooms in the ATC building be oriented to face the long wall, with additional large dry erase boards for teacher and student use. While the current set-up may be a somewhat efficient use of space, it is not entirely conducive to a mathematics classroom. The Math Department also requests a baseline fund of $66,000 per year for the Math Success Center tutoring budget for fall and spring terms. We also request an additional $5500 to support winter and summer tutors in the Math Success Center. We seek $1500 to be able to run one SI section of Math 120 in fall and spring terms. As outline in other places in this report, the Math department requests additional full-time faculty and Instructional Assistants for the Math Success Center. 30 Optional: Service, Community Outreach, and Economic Development Note: Include this section only if this area is a part of the program’s mission or goals. Faculty and staff in the program may or may not be tasked with community service, which can include outreach, consulting or technical assistance, service-based instruction, or economic development. How is the program’s academic and professional expertise extended to the public in the surrounding communities? Click here to enter text. How are faculty, student, or staff skills linked to challenges, issues, or concerns within the community the program serves? Click here to enter text. In what types of service, community outreach, or economic development activities does the program engage? Click here to enter text. How are vocational advisory committees’ recommendations used by the program? Click here to enter text. What are the program’s strengths or weaknesses in the area of service, community outreach, and economic development? Click here to enter text. What changes in service, community outreach, and economic development are needed to make the program more effective? Click here to enter text. 31 C. Section 3: Needs Assessment How has the augmentation the program received last year, or the lack of augmentation, affected the program? 1. We did not receive any baseline funds to run the Math Success Center. The fall 2014 semester started with only 1 math tutor for the first 5 weeks. There still is no budget in place for tutors for the spring 2015 term. 2. We asked for travel funds for students to attend the annual MAA conference, but have not received any. 3. We sought a 10% increase in the supply budget to help with basic math supplies for the Math Success Center. These monies have not been realized. 4. We have also asked for 4 additional full-time tenure-track math teachers each of the past five years. While one teacher was hired 3 years ago, we have since had a retirement. 32 In the following table, list: o the needed augmentation o the current status in relation to the needed augmentation o the page number of the report where the justification(s) for the needed augmentation can be found. Examples of justification includes assessment and Student Enrollment data Below are, but not limited to, areas that should be considered for augmentation: o Human Resources o Facilities o Instructional/Service o Marketing and Outreach o Research o Other o Technical, Equipment and Other Resources Augmentation by Priority Current Status 1. Dedicated funding for tutors for Math Success Center We are begging for a dedicated source of tutoring funds. We need $66,000 as a baseline for each year (fall, spring), plus $5500 for winter and summer. 2. Four additional full-time, We are listed on the Faculty Senate tenure-track teachers prioritization list for new hires. 3. Additional math classroom We have been asking our dean for 2 for additional sections years now. 4. Funding for SI support for New request – ongoing funding Math 120 sections $1500 annually 5. Twelve Office Computers New request – one time only with dual monitors and webcams. 6. Statistical software and New request – one time only class set of graphing calculators for Math 120 students 7. Travel funds for students This is the second year we are to the annual MAA requesting this expense. We were conference denied last year. 8. Nine large dry erase New request – one time only boards, three each for our ATC classrooms, contingent upon room re-design 9. 10% increase in supply This is the second year in a row we budget to support Math have requested this. We did not Success Center receive any additional funds last year. 33 Page # of PRAISE for justification 6, 7, 8, 16, 17, 24, 30, 32 7, 8, 9, 10, 17, 32 7, 8, 16, 17, 29, 30 8, 17, 24, 28, 30 29 7, 17, 28 32 29 32 Checklist for Attachments: Program Review Team Member Signature Page (your division dean’s office can help scan and create a file of the document after signing) Budget Development Worksheet Five-Year Staffing Profile (Appendix G of Handbook) Student Enrollment data sets (data from Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Research) 34