University of Warwick Dissertation Report A Denitive System For The Browser Author: Timothy Monks Supervisor: 0622387 Dr. Steve Russ Keywords: JavaScript, Denitive Notations, Modelling, Web Browser, HTML5, Compiler, Dependency, EDEN September 15, 2011 Abstract Interactive modelling through denitions has been a successful way of Thinking with the computer in the Empirical Modelling Research group and with a wider community through spreadsheet packages. This project is an attempt to bring generalised modelling to the browser using the browser-side scripting technology, JavaScript. The report gives a technical description of the maintainer for state with denitions and a translator for a language (EDEN), which allows for ecient maintenance of such a system. 1 Contents 1 Introduction 6 1.1 Report structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.2 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.3 Motivation for Denitive Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.3.1 Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.3.2 Denitive Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1.4 What is JavaScript? 1.5 Why JavaScript? 2 Related Work 12 2.1 TkEden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 The EDEN notation 2.3 WebEden 2.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 JavaScript Data Binding APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3 Aims and Initial Design 3.1 3.2 12 16 Design Thoughts for a Maintainer for State with Denitions . . . . . 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 3.2.1 Preliminary Work: A JSON DSL for Denitions . . . . . . . . 20 3.2.2 Preliminary Work: Denition Maintainer . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.2.3 Change of Approach: 3.1.1 Support for Interactive Development 3.1.2 Associating Denitions and State Design Thoughts for a Denitive Notation Representation Using JavaScript as an Intermediate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 3.3 Design Thoughts for an End User Interface - JsEden . . . . . . . . . 23 3.4 Overview of Underlying Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2 4 Description of maintainer.js 25 4.1 Observables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Symbol Table 4.3 Dealing with Observables that have yet to be dened . . . . . . . . . 26 4.4 Denitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 4.5 Denition Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.6 Simple JavaScript Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 4.7 Querying State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 4.8 Mutation of observables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 4.9 Note about Determining Dependencies Dynamically . . . . . . . . . . 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 EDEN Translation Scheme 25 26 35 5.1 Number, Character and String Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 5.2 Observables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 5.3 Arithmetic, String and Boolean Logic Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . 36 5.4 Dierences Between EDEN and JavaScript's Built In Operators . . . 36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 5.4.1 5.5 Lists Pointers 5.5.1 List Indexing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 5.5.2 List modication statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 5.6 Denitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 5.7 Extracting Denitions in EDEN Form for Formula Inspection . . . . 39 5.8 Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 5.9 Function Arguments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 5.10 Function Argument Aliases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 5.11 Function Local Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 5.12 Triggered Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 5.13 Control Flow 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.14 Verbatim JavaScript Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 5.15 Methodology for Developing the Translator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 3 6 Example Applications 47 6.1 JsEden Prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 6.2 General Approach to Developing Visualisations with JsEden Models . 47 6.3 Example JsEden Model With A Simple Box Visualisation . . . . . . . 49 6.4 Embedding Formulas Into an HTML Document 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Project Management 52 7.1 Timeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 7.2 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 7.3 Other commitments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 7.4 Version Control and Backups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 7.5 Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 7.6 Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 7.7 Legal, social, ethical and professional issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 8 Conclusions 56 8.1 Success of targetting EDEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 8.2 Potential outside of EDEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 9 Further Work 58 9.1 More Model Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2 Implement Cyclic Dependency Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 9.3 Possibilities outside the browser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 9.4 Collaborative modelling and interaction with already existing tools . 59 9.5 Modelling with hierarchical structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 9.6 Support for other notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 9.7 Improved JsEden UI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 9.8 Improved Error Reporting for EDEN Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 9.9 Persistency for the developed models in JsEden 61 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 10 Appendices 64 10.1 Build Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 10.2 Test Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 10.3 Glossary of Technical Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 List of Figures 2.1 Screenshot of WebEden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 3.1 Activity for a JavaScript VM over time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 3.2 Activity for a TkEden VM over time 18 3.3 An overview of how EDEN code is used with the JavaScript maintainer 24 4.1 Illustration of objects sharing a common operation via a prototype object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 4.2 Example of the Structure used to represent an observable . . . . . . . 27 4.3 Illustration of the symbol table used in the maintainer . . . . . . . . 28 4.4 Illustration of notication of change to a dependent symbol . . . . . . 31 4.5 An example of agent observation 32 4.6 Illustration of scheduling a triggered action through 5.1 Screenshot of the grammar testing and development environment 6.1 Prototype JsEden Interface 6.2 A simple visualisation using a square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 6.3 Web page with embedded formulas that reect the maintainer.js state 51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . setTimeout . . 33 . . 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 5 1 Introduction 1.1 Report structure The project undertaken was to implement an interpreter for denitive notations that would run in a modern browser. This report is meant to provide a grounding so that the reader may understand the project's topic and motivation, as well as documentation and analysis of the project itself. The report covers some rather technical aspects of the implementation as well as possible future uses for the project and also some higher level discussion on the topics of denitive notations and modelling. The structure for the report is: • Introduction: The rst section is intended to outline the problem and provide a proper context to the rest of the text of the report. It will introduce denitive notations as a tool for model building and software development as well as the JavaScript platform. • Related work: This section goes into some deeper analysis of already exist- ing denitive systems and related libraries and frameworks that already exist for JavaScript. Particular attention is paid to how the current JavaScript approaches dier from the interactive modelling approach usually associated with denitive scripts. • Project Aims and Initial Design: This section outlines the project aims as well as the design process for the system to be built. • Description of maintainer.js: This section is an in detail description of the mechanics for the maintainer for state through denitions, including the API for the maintainer, the underlying structures used and the state caching system. • Project Management: This section outlines the time line for the project, as well as the tools used and any issues encountered. • Conclusions: This section is a retrospective on the work done, including an analysis of the success of the project. • Further Work: This section covers potential extensions to the work done in this project. 6 1.2 Acknowledgements The work done in this project is my own. However, there are many people I would like to thank for helping me get through this project, which has been technically and more so personally dicult for me at times. While there are too many people to thank individually, here is a summary: • The project supervisor Steve Russ and also Meurig Beynon, both of whom oered much inspiration through their interest in my work, as well as great support in something I personally nd dicult - writing up. • My girlfriend, Jess, who is far better at reminding me to nish things than my own quiet conscience. • My family, for support and perspectives from their own experiences with similar problems in the past and for allowing me to have somewhere to live. • The sta at the department of computer science for giving me the chance to complete this project and my degree. • Far too many students from the department of computer science and the computing society for reminding me that people are interested in what I do and do interesting things with computers, and for having more faith in me than I do! 1.3 Motivation for Denitive Systems This section provides a small discussion on models leading to the motivations for using computers and denitive systems for model construction. 1.3.1 Models A model is a construction that helps humans reason about the world. For example, understanding the combination of quantities can be helped via the combination of symbols and sets of rules (logic, or mathematics), or using a physical device like an abacus. In either case there is some external experience from the referent phenomenon (the thing we are interested in understanding) that we can somehow use to make conclusions about the referent. 7 As well as helping us reason about things, models also help us communicate about the world. This can depend on the representation used for the modelling, some are more convenient for communication than others. History has seen the development of increasingly complex models (mostly mathematical systems, as opposed to increasingly complex abacuses), which have allowed humans to reason about dicult things like the spread of infectious disease and next week's weather. The development of computers has allowed us to solve the complex equations involved in these models in very short periods of time, thus, computers are an important part of understanding complex systems. 1.3.2 Denitive Notations A denitive notation is somewhat like a programming language, it is a tool to craft a source of experience which utilises computer hardware. One might use either tool to model a familiar real world phenomena (e.g. a simulation of a ball falling into a uid), or go the other way, and create something that is unfamiliar (e.g. reverse the gravitational eect on the ball). The key feature for a denitive notation is the presence of denitive statements, which take the form: definitive statement ::= symbol “is” formula These statements dene a particular observable in terms of a formula which may contain other observables. In order to build a model using these sorts of denitions, a maintainer is needed that ensures that the model can never be observed in a state that is unfaithful to the current set of denitions. This job is very amenable to formal reasoning, so a computer program is appropriate for carrying this out. Modelling through denitions is already quite popular in spreadsheet packages. While similar to programming languages in that they can have imperative parts for performing algorithms, they generally are found in tools which give a much more interactive experience in which the model state is much more tangible and immediately modiable. The experience is much more like using a multimedia tool like PhotoShop, where your actions have much more observable consequences, as opposed to a program where there is a complex relation between your modication to the program and the behaviour of the program. 8 1.4 What is JavaScript? This short section is intended to clear up what JavaScript is and provide enough understanding of the features of JavaScript such that the implementation of a denitive system can be explained later. JavaScript is a technology which allows for much more dynamic content in a web page than would be possible from just rendering HTML. Though the name is very similar to the programming language Java, the language itself is in fact very distinct except for the fact that both of them have similar syntax to the C programming language. Apart from this it has the following distinguishing features: • Dynamically typed • Duck typing • First class functions • Object Oriented through use of object prototypes Generally JavaScript is run via a virtual machine, through direct interpretation and more recently through clever JIT (Just In Time) compilation techniques. The use of these techniques has turned JavaScript into a much more powerful tool in modern browsers than it had been previously, especially when compared to alternative technologies such as Flash, Java or SilverLight which have run on sophisticated VMs for quite some time. JavaScript is embeddable directly in web pages simply by using HTML <script> tags. It does not require any plugins to be installed by the end user of the webpage, just that they have a browser which supports JavaScript (and have not explicitly disabled it), which includes the vast majority of browsers today. To make this a bit clearer, here is a simple example of embedding some JavaScript that changes the content of a webpage every second: <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var counter = 0; window.onload = function() { setInterval(function() { counter++; document.body.innerHTML = counter; 9 }, 1000); }; </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> The key things to notice in the listing are: • The script is embedded directly in the web page • The use of `function()' allows for writing function values, which in turn allows for the use of higher order functions such as setInterval • setInterval takes a procedure to run and an interval, in milliseconds, which is how frequently the passed procedure should be called. • It is possible to easily manipulate the DOM (Document Object Model) of a document.body.innerHTML <body> section of the page webpage from JavaScript, e.g. assignment to allows mutation of the content in the 1.5 Why JavaScript? There are several other technologies that allow for development of rich web applications. The other notable technologies are: • Adobe Flash • Java Applets • Microsoft Silverlight JavaScript was chosen over these for a few reasons: • Superior cross platform support. Flash will not run on iOS devices (iPhone, iPad) for example, and has poor support under GNU/Linux. run on iOS devices. Java will not Silverlight has some support for platforms other than Microsoft Windows through a free implementation of the .NET runtime called Mono, but is not ocially supported. 10 • No plugins required. JavaScript applications work out of the box with any modern browser. There is no need to manually download any plugins, which lowers the level for entry for applications written in JavaScript. • Event based programming model. JavaScript allows you to dene handlers which execute whenever some event happens. These handlers are eectively observing agents. • JavaScript can interact well with webpages. One interesting aspect that might be explored is using a lightweight JavaScript maintainer to demonstrate the ideas of dependency in an informational webpage. • Simple toolchain. All that is needed to modify an application written in JavaScript is a text editor. Refreshing the browser will allow you to use the updated application. This could prove valuable for lowering the barrier of entry for new developers. 11 2 Related Work This project is mostly a practical one, so while there is limited relevant literature (except in maybe the ecient implementation of compilers, which will be relevant later on), it is important to examine already existing systems which use denitive notations as these were the context in which the design decisions during the project were made. 2.1 TkEden TkEden is a tool developed at the University of Warwick which allows for interactive model construction using denitive notations. The name TkEden reects the underlying interpreter for denitive notations called EDEN, and the toolkit used for the user interface, Tk. It has a very large history of use by students in the University, leading to a large archive of models which are free to obtain and use. The core concepts in TkEden are: • Observables - all of the model state is captured through named values called observables • Dependency - Observables can be dened in terms of each other, and then kept consistent by the maintainer • Agency - Agency is what causes change in the model state, and can happen by human intervention or by triggered actions which act as simple machine based agents watching for changes in particular observables 2.2 The EDEN notation The TkEden tool infact supports several notations for use in dierent contexts. The main notation (which most of the other notations are in fact translated to) is called EDEN. The notation acts as an imperative interface to the underlying engine, which allows for manipulation of the various observables, dependencies and agency in a model. Each statement is like a single interaction with the model state. Some interactions rene the dependencies that the model adheres to, while others are a direct manipulation of the model state. Others have no interaction with the model state at all, but cause some side eects somewhere else, e.g. an arithmetic expression with no 12 assignment to an observable will have no eect to the model or an expression which calls the writeln function to log something to the TkEden console. The syntax has a similar style to C, as well as supporting imperative style programming (e.g. assignment, loops and other ow control). Denitions in EDEN take the form: observable is formula; Where a formula is some expression, syntactically similar to an expression you might see in any C like programming language. There is a reasonably accurate documentation of the grammar available from [Beynon(2006)]. 2.3 WebEden WebEden is a tool which allows for modelling with denitions in the browser. It was created by Richard Myers as a 3rd year project at the University of Warwick. The architecture combines a Flash frontend connected up to a modied instance of TkEden. The important parts of the architecture are: • The Flash frontend is all about managing input and presenting a nice interface, and pushing interactions to the backend via an XML protocol. • The interpretation of EDEN code (and code in other notations) and the dependency maintenance all happens on the modied instance of TkEden, which then communicates any changes back to the UI. While WebEden was an excellent 3rd year project, and does allow for modelling through denitions through a remote interface to TkEden, there are some benets in moving away from the architecture that it uses: • Analogue interactions are laggy - Since WebEden relies on transmitting user interactions over a wire to be processed, and then receiving a response to that, change triggered by mouse motion seems a lot less continuous than it usually would. • Expensive to scale - WebEden requires a single instance of TkEden for each user using WebEden. If the maintainer and interpreter existed locally, scaling would be a lot simpler. 13 Figure 2.1: Screenshot of WebEden /research/em/software/webeden/) (taken from • Architecture overly complex - WebEden had sophisticated load balancing and authentication systems in place. These are denitely important in WebEden, unfortunately at the University of Warwick these seemed to be problematic, leading to users having problems in connecting to instances of TkEden hosted in the department of computer science. This could possibly be xed with the proper knowledge of WebEden and some negotation with the department, but it could be avoided entirely if we removed the reliance on a remote dependency engine an interpreter. 2.4 JavaScript Data Binding APIs There are a few libraries that already exist for JavaScript which support something resembling modelling with denitions. They use a technique called data binding to tackle a particular concern - updating some visual representation of data from an underlying model whenever change occurs to the model. This is analogous to triggered actions in EDEN, however, these systems generally have no concern for maintaining state such that a set of denitions is always faithful. Some frameworks of interest are: • backbone.js 14 • Knockout • SproutCore Data bindings can also be found in other environments such as Adobe FLEX or when using Key-Value Observation with Objective C. 15 3 Aims and Initial Design This section provides both an outline of the key aims and objectives as well as a more granular break down of sub-aims and sub-objectives, so that it is clear what is trying to be achieved in the following sections. The overall aim of the project is to attempt to prototype a system for interactive modelling with denitions, that works in the browser. The main objectives for the project are: • Build a system that maintains state through denitions that runs in modern web browsers • Develop support for a denitive notation for the system • Explore possible applications of both 3.1 Design Thoughts for a Maintainer for State with Denitions 3.1.1 Support for Interactive Development Modelling with denitions is an interactive process where the model is rened through continuous observation and action. This is a discussion of how the cho- sen platform, JavaScript, can allow such a work ow. A JavaScript engine executes in a single thread, and is asleep most of the time. In order for computation to happen, some event must trigger it rst. Some examples of events are a timer nishing, user interaction or receiving an HTTP response. The timeline in Figure 3.1 illustrates this, where the shaded areas correspond to activity in the machine. This is similar to the activity of TkEden's virtual machine. Until agency spontaneously renes the state, the machine can stay asleep. The important thing is that the TkEden virtual machine ensures that before the state can be observed again, no observables have associated values which are inconsistent with their denitions. Figure 3.2 shows how the activity of the TkEden VM can be construed as similar to the JavaScript one. Further to this, the TkEden virtual machine needs to notify triggered actions of any state that was modied by the last spontaneous update. These then execute in some undened order (but notably not in parallel). 16 activity time page load user interaction user interaction Figure 3.1: Activity for a JavaScript VM over time 17 dealing with dependency maintenance and queueing triggered actions time script loaded agency agency Figure 3.2: Activity for a TkEden VM over time 18 Now, looking at the similarity between the operation of the TkEden VM and the JavaScript VM, it seems that the JavaScript VM is already a good platform for interactive development in the style that TkEden supports. The JavaScript process carries a persistent state with it, and indeed it is very possible to interact with that state interactively and observe it change. The key dierence is that there is no notion of a denition attached to a variable, variables only take values. The crux of the work is to provide some structure for associating denitions with observables, as before this is done there is really no concept of maintaining the values of observables based on denitions. It is also desirable to manage the `values' and `denitions' of observables eciently, i.e. whenever possible, avoid re-computation of the `value' of an observable based on some denition, though that is more of an implementation detail than a conceptual problem. 3.1.2 Associating Denitions and State A simple way to work around the problem of variables not having both a value and a denition is to make the value stored in a variable model an observable, by using an aggregate which contains the denition for the observable as well some computed value for it. JavaScript supports aggregate types as collections of key value pairs, called Objects. An example of an observable modelled with an object is: { value: 2, definition: function(context) { return 2; } } Alternatively it may be preferable to store all the observable values and all the observable denitions in separate data structures. There are no hooks in JavaScript for when a variable changes. However, if we always ensure that updates to state happen through calls to particular functions, we can ensure that the implementation of these functions guarantees that it is impossible to observe inconsistent state, as well as notifying any machine agents of changes in state. To summarise: • JavaScript's execution model already a great match for TkEden's interactive development 19 • The JavaScript process carries with it a persistent state which can be interactively modied and observed • JavaScript variables have no concept of a denition like TkEden observables, so some way of modelling this needs to be in place • JavaScript doesn't provide hooks for mutation of it's state, however if we ensure that we use particular functions for all change, we can ensure these changes come with indivisible changes of dependent observables 3.2 Design Thoughts for a Denitive Notation 3.2.1 Preliminary Work: A JSON DSL for Denitions Before deciding to carry out this work as a dissertation project, a previous denition maintainer was developed based around it's own JSON based DSL for specifying denitions. JSON was used for several reasons: • JSON is small in amount of syntax and number of concepts to learn, compared to something like XML • JSON is easy to work with in JavaScript since it maps to JavaScript data structures directly • Allows for the possibility of transmitting denitions between processes, e.g. for working with denitions in a collaborative setting like dtkeden. In this system, formulas were represented by a list of JSON Objects, where Objects represented symbols and operators in the language. Each Object's meaning was determined by a particular eld called `type'. An example of a formula would be: [ { ‘type’: ‘Symbol’, ‘value’: ‘add’ }, { ‘type’: ‘Symbol’, ‘value’: ‘a’ 20 }, { ‘type’: ‘Number’, ‘value’: 1 } ] This structure, when evaluated using a hand written evaluator, would eectively be equivalent to computing the expression `a + 1' where a is an observable in the environment that is being maintained. Further to this a parser for a LISP like dialect was developed, in order to make it easier to specify formulas for denitions using simple prex notation for functions. Again this parser was hand written due to the simplicity of the language. The previous denition could be written using this language like so: (add a 1) The language was developed to the point of supporting lambda (function) expressions and hence the denition of named functions via dening a symbol to be a lambda expression was possible. 3.2.2 Preliminary Work: Denition Maintainer As well as having some way of representing denitions, a maintainer also had to be developed to ensure that observables could be associated with a denition and that any observables were always faithful to the denitions stored in the system. The pattern used for denition re-evaluation is the same as the nal maintainer and in fact the nal maintainer evolved from the code initially developed at this stage. 3.2.3 Change of Approach: Using JavaScript as an Intermediate Representation Shortly after starting to develop the previously described system, I discovered CoffeeScript [Ashkenas(2011)] which translates a DSL directly to JavaScript (with the aim of just providing some syntactic sugar around common JavaScript idioms or pitfalls), and decided that the approach of translating EDEN to JavaScript was an interesting idea. 21 The key dierence is that instead of developing a custom data structure that represents a denition (the list structure described in the previous section), the system would just use native JavaScript functions since they are already the perfect abstraction for a computation, which is essentially what evaluating a denition is. For example, using a JavaScript function to represent the expression used to demonstrate the JSON powered DSL would result in something like the following: function() { return observables.a + 1; } Once some JavaScript has been generated, it is possible to dynamically evaluate it using the builtin eval function. This approach has several advantages over the previously investigated one: • No need to design an intermediate representation (IR) capable of representing enough for EDEN denitions. Plus, JavaScript is already a great choice of target language for the EDEN notation, as it is so similar syntactically. • No need to develop interpreter for the IR, just use the JavaScript interpreter (which is also much more ecient in certain cases as it performs Just In Time compilation [Google(2000)]) As well as this, there would be the benet of the ability to reuse previous models developed using TkEden, for both learning how direct use in a fully compatible environment or just as a source of illustrative examples for how to use the EDEN language. After this decision, the project had two clear, reasonably independent goals: 1. Develop a maintainer for state with associated functions acting as denitions. 2. Develop a translator for EDEN to JavaScript, relying on methods provided by the maintainer to interact with some set of observables. 22 3.3 Design Thoughts for an End User Interface - JsEden Further to the technical work to be done, it would be good to have an interface that can be used for entering EDEN code interactively and observing the results. This environment would be called JsEden to reect the targetting of EDEN, and the underlying implementation using JavaScript. Ideally the interface would look similar to TkEden, which has quite good facilities for inspecting the current model state and denitions. 3.4 Overview of Underlying Structure What follows is an overview of how the individual parts of the JsEden environment all relate to each other: The important things to note are: • Observables dened using formulas are modelled using some JavaScript data type • Updates to the state happen through function calls, which allows us to intercept them and maintain dependencies eciently, as well as triggering machine agents Triggered actions Figure 3.3 shows how the EDEN to JavaScript translator and maintainer.js are related. The key things to note are: • The EDEN to JavaScript translator is written in JavaScript itself and available as a function which takes EDEN code as a String and returns JavaScript code as a String. • The JavaScript code is then input into the eval procedure, which runs the code given to it in the same context as it's callsite. This can cause updates in any state accessible, most notably it can cause updates via the maintainer.js APIs. 23 other JavaScript state EDEN code EDEN to JavaScript translator maintainer.js state the generated JavaScript can have side effects JavaScript code implemented as a JavaScript function HTML DOM state JavaScript evaluator implemented as a builtin function of JavaScript Figure 3.3: An overview of how EDEN code is used with the JavaScript maintainer 24 4 Description of maintainer.js This section gives a more detailed description of the workings of the JavaScript maintainer, called maintainer.js in this project. At the start of this project, a small library was developed in order to perform maintenance of a set of observables, possibly dened in terms of each other, as well as agent interactions within the world of observables. This section describes the underlying workings of the library as a reference for those interested in using it or creating any sort of derivative work. This section also goes on to describe other possible solutions for dependency maintenance and weigh up how much the design of the chosen solution was inuenced by the desire to support the modelling activity through the EDEN notation. The main topics of concern for the library are: • How are observables modelled • How are observable denitions (formulas) represented • How are observables stored and accessed by name • How symbols can depend upon, or observe, other symbols • How is indivisible dependency implemented eciently 4.1 Observables Observables should allow for the association of a name with a value as well as a denition. This was implemented using a JavaScript Object, which is essentially a key value store as hinted at earlier. As well as being a key value store, JavaScript objects can come with a prototype object which is checked in the case where a requested key has no associated value. This makes it easy to attach common functionality to each Object intended to model an observable: let them share the same prototype and attach common functionality to the prototype (see Figure 4.1 for an illustration). In the code developed during this project, the observables were described as symbols, and they all share the same Symbol prototype. The following JavaScript code demonstrates how functionality is tacked on to the Object used as a prototype: Symbol.prototype.value = function() { ... } 25 The prototype has common functionality attached to it Symbol Symbol Prototype Symbol Symbol Figure 4.1: Illustration of objects sharing a common operation via a prototype object Each symbol stores its current value, and its denition. Further to this, it stores important information such as the symbols that rely on it in their denitions, the agents that are observing it and also the symbols it relies on and observes. This information is used in the cacheing system for observable state. Figure 4.2 illustrates the structure of the Symbol type, which just stores this information in various elds. 4.2 Symbol Table Observables are stored in a symbol table, which maps string identiers to values. This allows us to query and modify symbols using a name. Symbol This is im- plemented in a straight forward manner, using an Object where the keys are the observable names and the values are the Symbols, and is shown in Figure 4.3. 4.3 Dealing with Observables that have yet to be dened In TkEden it is possible to dene an observable in terms of some other observable name that currently has had no value or denition associated with it. The API for 26 Symbol Value 2 Definition function(c) { return c.lookup('x') + 1 }; Subscribers [ ] Subscribees [ "x" ] Observers [ ] Figure 4.2: Example of the Structure used to represent an observable 27 Symbol Table Symbol Value Definition 2 function(c) { return c.lookup('x') + 1 }; y Subscribers [ ] Subscribees [ "x" ] Observers [ ] x Figure 4.3: Illustration of the symbol table used in the maintainer 28 the maintainer.js symbol table has been designed to deal with this case. In order to fetch an observable to query its value or modify it, a call must be made using the lookup method. This allows us to check whether the requested symbol has been observed or dened before: if this is not the case, a new Symbol is created for it and returned. This can then be modied or queried, and will have its initial value as undefined. 4.4 Denitions Denitions are simply represented using a function. In JavaScript, functions are values so this makes it simple for dynamic storage of `denitions' by simply storing a JavaScript function. The convention currently used in the maintainer is that the rst argument to the function is a symbol table of observables, and the return value of a function is the `value' of the observable given the current system state. A simple example of a denition represented this way is: function(context) { return context.lookup(’a’).value() + 1; } This function, when evaluated, returns 1 greater than the current value of the `a' observable (assuming the observable `a' has some numeric value currently, else the result will be an erroneous value). Any Symbol comes with a method to associate a denition with it: Symbol.prototype.define Unfortunately functions in JavaScript are not like mathematical functions, they are not guaranteed side eect free nor are they guaranteed to satisfy referential transparency (they could rely on some external state for their result), which means when using the `native' JavaScript interface it is up to the modeller to ensure they use pure functions for their denitions or they may get some unpredictable (and unrepeatable) results. This problem can be addressed with an appropriate domain specic language, however the one implemented later (the EDEN denitive notation) does not enforce this constraint. 29 4.5 Denition Maintenance Now that there is a structure which maps all the observables to a function that can be treated as a `denition' by evaluating it, it is already possible to have a system where observation of an observable results in a value that is faithful to it's formula. The most naive solution is to simply evaluate the function used to represent it's formula on each attempt to inspect it. However, this is obviously a lot more wasteful than what can be achieved, also it makes it impossible to implement EDEN style triggered actions which only trigger when an observable changes, which will be implemented later. Therefore, the maintainer attempts to trigger re-evaluation only when necessary. It does this through a combination of a simple cache mechanism for the results of formulas, and by allowing the (manual) specication of observables that are relied upon in a particular formula. These are called dependencies for the formula, and any change to them should invalidate any cached value for the result of that formula. An example of using the raw JavaScript api is: context.lookup(‘a’).define(function(context) { return context.lookup(‘b’) + 1; }).subscribe([‘b’]); The call to is changed. subscribe is what sets up the notications for when some symbol All this does is request that the symbols subscribed to inform this symbol of any changes, so it can then mark itself as having an invalidated cached value (whether or not this is always true is dicult to say). An illustration of this notication can be seen in Figure 4.4. 4.6 Simple JavaScript Agents Each Symbol comes with methods for `observing' other symbols. Currently, the method for watching other symbols relies on the symbol table structure, as symbols to observe are specied by a name in String form. This decision works ne in an EDEN style setting, where every observable exists in a symbol table and is looked up via a string, however it might have been preferable to observe symbols specied by a direct reference to the symbol. 30 B is notified that it is no longer up to date B is A + 1 A B is defined in terms of A Spontaneous change in the value of A A = 2; Figure 4.4: Illustration of notication of change to a dependent symbol 31 watchA must inform any observables it was previously observing that it is no longer observing them watchA asks A to schedule a call to watchA when A changes A watchA watchA remembers that it is watching A watchA spontaneously starts watching A Figure 4.5: An example of agent observation It is actually possible for any symbol to observe other symbols, but it only really makes sense to do so when the observer is some callable value (i.e. some JavaScript function), because when the observed symbols are changed, a call to the value is scheduled. An example of how to do observation: context.lookup(“watchA”).assign(function() { alert(“A changed!”); }).observe([“A”]); Here, an action is stored under the name `watchA' and is set to trigger whenever the observable named A changes. The way it does this is by requesting that the A symbol schedules a call to it whenever its value is changed. Figure 4.5 illustrates the interaction between the various symbols involved when one symbol is set to observe another. The dierence for notifying an observing symbol vs. notifying a dependent symbol is that the notication to an observer is deferred until all of the dependencies have been 32 JavaScript VM A call to watchA is scheduled for when this transition has completed A watchA watchA is observing A Spontaneous change in the value of A A = 2; Figure 4.6: Illustration of scheduling a triggered action through dealt with. setTimeout This is handled using the built in JavaScript function setTimeout, which allows you to ask the virtual machine to schedule a call to a given function after a given timeout (or if no time is given, as soon as it gets a turn). This deferred notication is illustrated in Figure 4.6. 4.7 Querying State Each Symbol has a method for querying its current state (which is dened in the shared prototype object). The method is: Symbol.prototype.value This method is quite simple - it checks whether the Symbol is up to date (each symbol stores a ag to mark whether they have a faithful cached value), if it is, then it just returns the cached value, otherwise it triggers a re-evaluation of its denition. This has subtle but important connotations - if an observable is never inspected, and it is dened through some formula (as opposed to having a value directly assigned 33 to it), but never has its state queried, it will never have its formula evaluated even if its formula is dened in terms of symbols that are changing frequently. This should do well in avoiding evaluating formulas too frequently. 4.8 Mutation of observables As discussed previously, the trick for maintaining values by dependency is to ensure that mutation of the managed state happens through an agreed interface. In this case, each Symbol can be modied using helper methods: • Symbol.prototype.assign • Symbol.prototype.mutate The implementation of these methods noties any dependent symbols, schedules calls to of an update and removes any attached denition. 4.9 Note about Determining Dependencies Dynamically Again, some care needs to be taken by the programmer about specication of which symbols to watch. The approach to improving this situation implemented later is to use a DSL which, when parsed, establishes the symbols used in the formula and implicitly sets up subscriptions for you. However, there is an alternative approach that has not been explored during this project. Instead of determining dependent symbols at denition time, it could be possible to have automatic deduction of the symbols to watch for cache invalidation at denition evaluation time. In this system, the context passed as the symbol table would keep track of what symbols were looked up during the evaluation, and implicitly subscribe the observable to these symbols (and only these symbols) when the evaluation completed. This would have the benet of allowing the JavaScript api to do automatic dependency detection, however it may be costly performance wise, since in this system, whenever the formula is re-evaluated, it has to potentially resetup dependencies. 34 5 EDEN Translation Scheme This section attempts to document the various EDEN forms are translated to JavaScript code while providing similar (unfortunately not always identical) meaning. The aim is to provide a clearer guide than the code used for generating the translator (which is basically a formal grammar with semantic actions), by using a plain English description of the translation rules and examples. As well as illustrating the translation scheme, this section includes potential problems arising from the translation itself. 5.1 Number, Character and String Data Types The `primitive' EDEN data types include integers, oating point numbers, characters and strings. These were mapped directly to the closest corresponding JavaScript data type. JavaScript has less granular primitive types than EDEN. There is no true integer data type - all numbers are stored using a 64bit oating point representation, though there are some guarantees on operations that occur on values that t perfectly into an integer representation[ECMA()]. JavaScript does however still have matching notations for values with and without a fractional part, so number literals were translated verbatim. Further to this, there is no true `character' datatype in JavaScript, there are only strings. Strings however are sucient for representing a single character, just by having a string of length 1, so all character literals are translated to string literals. 5.2 Observables An observable in EDEN is denoted using letters, underscores and numbers. A reference to an observable in EDEN source is translated to a call to the lookup method on the object that eectively represents the EDEN symbol table from the maintainer library. For example, a simple reference to an observable: a Is translated to: context.lookup(‘a’) 35 How this is then used is dependent on the context in which the observable is in. Essentially, the result of context.lookup (a Symbol) models an lvalue in the EDEN notation. An lvalue is basically a location where something can be stored, and so supports an assignment operation (for storing data) and also retrieving the data stored there for use in more complex computations. The result of context.lookup is Symbol.prototype.value method (for retrieving the stored value) and Symbol.prototype.assign method an object that supports these requirements through the (for updating a stored value). 5.3 Arithmetic, String and Boolean Logic Expressions EDEN supports a number of expressions for performing computations. Firstly there are arithmetic expressions which can use various inx or prex operators, but also there are expressions for comparison between numbers, boolean logic, and string operations. Fortunately these are all very common within most programming languages, so there were operators in JavaScript that almost directly corresponded to the EDEN ones. The translation scheme maps each operator to a native JavaScript one where it can. For example: a + b; is translated to: context.lookup(’a’).value() + context.lookup(’b’).value() 5.4 Dierences Between EDEN and JavaScript's Built In Operators While these operators all seem close to the EDEN counterparts there are some dierences in their behaviour. Firstly, the addition operator in JavaScript is overloaded so that it can deal with numbers and strings. In the string case, it performs concatenation of the operands, whereas in EDEN attempting to `add' strings is caught at run time and reported as an error to the user. “hello” + “world”; type clash: number type required (got string) while executing string near line 1, char 18: 36 To make matters even more confusing, JavaScript's type system allows for implicit conversions of data types for operands in an expression. In particular, the `addition' of a number and a string results in a string, where the number operand is coerced to a string representation before concatenation: 2 + “world” Another example where a dierence in behaviour is observed is with division. In EDEN, the division operator, when applied to integers, computes the result of integer division of its operands. However, since in JavaScript there is no dierentiation between integer types and oating point types - all numbers have a oating point representation. This means that in cases where the result of division has a remainder, dierent results are seen from the EDEN expression to the JavaScript expression: 3 / 2 == 1 ## this holds in EDEN 3 / 2 == 1.5 // this holds in JavaScript 5.4.1 Pointers EDEN supports referring to observables indirectly through what are called pointers. In a sense pointers are `rst class lvalues', in that they allow some value representation of a location that can be passed around and manipulated. In EDEN, the & symbol is used prexed to an observable to mean `location of '. Take this as an example of storing a pointer to one observable in another observable: x = 2; ptr_x = &x; Fortunately, objects created from the Symbol prototype eectively are rst class lvalues, so we can store references to them in the observable symbol table or any other lvalue we want: context.lookup(‘x’).assign(2); context.lookup(‘ptr_x’).assign(context.lookup(‘x’)); Accessing the location stored is done by using the * symbol prex to a pointer value. The result of that expression is then a valid lvalue - so can be assigned to or used to retrieve a value for a computation. E.g. 37 *ptr_x = 2; y = *ptr_x + 1; Would be translated to context.lookup(‘ptr_x’).value().assign(2); context.lookup(‘y’).assign(context.lookup(‘ptr_x’).value() + 1); 5.5 Lists An example EDEN list literal: [1, 2, 3] Is simply translated to a JavaScript list literal: [1, 2, 3] 5.5.1 List Indexing In EDEN, it is possible to index an lvalue to retrieve another lvalue. This can then be used to update and retrieve sections of EDEN list structures. An important property of these derived lvalues is that updates to the data stored for their location expires their `parent' lvalue. For example: list1 = [1,2,3]; list2 is list1; writeln(list2); ## list2 == [1,2,3] list1[1] = 5; After the nal statement is executed, list2 needs to be notied that one of the terms it depends on has changed. The way this was modelled on the JavaScript side was by creating something that had the same interface as Symbol, but with slight modications so that it would update its parent symbol. context.lookup(’list1’).get(1 - 1) It was also necessary to adjust for the fact that EDEN uses 1-indexed arrays, JavaScript uses 0 indexed arrays. This was dealt with by just substituting whatever was used as the index with - 1. 38 5.5.2 List modication statements JavaScript lists come with several methods that work well as substitutions for the various list related statements in EDEN. The Symbol prototype supports a mutate method - essentially a generalised version of Symbol.prototype.assign - that allows an update of a stored value directly using a given modication function. Consider the following sample which inserts: insert list, 1, 9000; This is translated to: context.lookup(‘x’).mutate(function(s) { s.cached_value.splice(0, 0, 9000); }); 5.6 Denitions It was important here to extract what the dependencies for the formula were so that they could be watched for changes. This was implemented essentially by having a boolean ag that represented whether the parser was looking at tokens that were in a denition. Whenever an observable was encountered, the ag was checked to see whether to make note of the observable (by adding it to a set). The boolean ag was set to true when an `IS' token was seen by the parser, and set to false when the the statement terminator was seen. This relied on the particular parser algorithm used, which reads tokens from left to right, so will always see the `IS' token before seeing all the observables in the denition. 5.7 Extracting Denitions in EDEN Form for Formula Inspection In the TkEden environment it is possible to query observables for their formula using a query statement, for example: x is y + 20; ?x; 39 The query statement causes the following output: x is y + 20; /* current value of x is @ */ x ~> []; /* x last changed by input */ So, this caused the need for associating each observable with a string which stored the denition in EDEN notation. This was simply implemented by guring out the span of the denition while parsing it, followed by extracting a substring from the raw text being parsed. The string was associated with the observable simply by adding a new property to the Symbol object used to represent it (remembering that objects in JavaScript are basically just associative arrays that can be extended at any time). 5.8 Functions Dening a named function with the maintainer library is as simple as dening any other observable, since functions are values in JavaScript. So some EDEN code like: func blank { } Is translated to: context.lookup(‘blank’).define(function() { return function() { }; }); Note that the denition actually evaluates to a function value. This is the value that will be looked up and called when the function is called. 5.9 Function Arguments EDEN functions have access to a list of parameters in their body. Any symbol of the form $N (where N is a number) refers to the Nth argument passed to an EDEN function. For example, a simple square function can be implemented as follows: func square { return $1 * $1; } 40 In JavaScript, the arguments keyword refers to a list like structure containing the arguments passed in a function invocation, so is essentially synonymous to $ in EDEN. Translating references to $ in EDEN to references to arguments in JavaScript is a good start: return arguments[0] * arguments[0]; However, in EDEN it is possible to perform assignment on the arguments list, that is, $ is in fact an lvalue. Consider the following function: func test { $[1] = 1; writeln(“$[1] = “ // str($[1])); } In test, the value of the rst argument is overridden with the number 1, and then printed. As a testcase: test(9000); Running this causes the output $1 = 1, showing that the argument has been successfully overridden. The implications of this are that we need references to $ to be translated to some Symbol, which is what models an EDEN lvalue in the JavaScript system. Two steps were made: 1) Every translated function also comes with a line converting the arguments array to a Symbol so that it could support `assignment' in our system, for example, the blank function in section 5.8 would be translated to: context.lookup(’blank’).define(function() { return function() { var args = new Symbol(asJavaScriptArray(arguments)) }; }) There is one small thing to notice: The arguments keyword doesn't actually refer to a full-edged JavaScript array (in that it doesn't support the methods dened in the Array prototype object). Since the translation scheme relies on EDEN lists being translated to JavaScript arrays, Array.prototype asJavaScriptArray methods to the arguments structure. 41 is used to add the 2) References to $ are now translated to references to the local variable `args', this local can then be treated similarly to any other lvalue. For example, assignment looks much like it did with assignment to observables: args.assign(10); Or in order to assign to a particular position in the arguments: args.get(0).assign(10); 5.10 Function Argument Aliases EDEN has a syntactic sugar for referring to function arguments by a name instead of just by position. These are declared at the start of a function using a para statement, like so: func square { para number; return number * number; } In the current translator, these para statements are not really translated to JavaScript code. Instead, the parser just makes note of the para aliases at the start of the function, and if it encounters any of those aliases later in the function body, it translates those references to the corresponding argument position for the alias. The above code would be translated to: context.lookup(‘square’).define(function(context) { return function() { return args.value(0) * args.value(0); }; }); 42 5.11 Function Local Variables EDEN supports `auto' variables which are scoped to within a function denition. JavaScript also supports declaring function local variables through use of the var keyword, so a corresponding function local was created in the generated JavaScript code for each function local. For example: func sumToN { para n; auto i, sum; sum = 0; for (i = 1; i < n; i = i + 1) { sum = sum + i; } } Is translated to: function() { var local_i = new Symbol(); for ( local_i.assign(1); local_i.value() < args.get(0).value(); local_i.assign(local_i.value() + 1) ) { local_sum.assign(local_sum.value() + 1); } } One nice property of function local variables with this implementation is that they don't require performing a hashing operation in order to retrieve a location for storing and retrieving values like regular observables currently do. This could be important for making certain types of computations more ecient (e.g. any computations where a single location is updated or read lots of times). 43 5.12 Triggered Actions Triggered actions are modelled on the JavaScript side in the same way as EDEN functions, by just dening an observable as some function value that can later be called. For example: proc WatchA : A { writeln(“a changed”); } Is translated to: context.lookup(’WatchA’).define(function(context) { return function() { context.lookup("writeln").value()("a changed"); }; }).observe(["a"]); 5.13 Control Flow This was the most straight forward part of the translator to implement, since the JavaScript control structures resemble the EDEN ones very closely. The structures EDEN supports are: • If statements • Switch statements • While loops • C style for loops • Break/Continue All these are almost directly transferable to JavaScript. For example, a for loop in EDEN looks like: for (i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) { ## code ... } Would be translated to the following JavaScript: 44 for ( context.lookup(‘i’).assign(1); context.lookup(‘i’).value() <= 10; context.lookup(‘i’).assign(context.lookup(‘i’).value() + 1) ) { // code ... } The only dierence is in how the value of i is retrieved. 5.14 Verbatim JavaScript Sections An extension was made to the EDEN syntax which allows for marking sections of code to be translated to JavaScript with no modications. In order to mark such a section, the code needs to be surrounded with `${{` and `}}$'. The intention of this feature was to allow for the creation of agents that updated some state in a visualisation, e.g. some HTML elements in a page. Take this example of an agent which alerts: proc WatchA : A { ${{ alert(“A changed!”) }}$; } This generates the following JavaScript: context.lookup(’WatchA’).define(function(context) { return function() { alert("A changed!"); }; }).observe(["A"]); 5.15 Methodology for Developing the Translator The Jison parser generator was used to create the program that translated EDEN source into JavaScript source. Since Jison itself is written in JavaScript, it was simple to develop the grammar le in the web browser and interactively test translating and evaluating examples. The interface used in this process is shown in Figure 5.1. 45 Translator Grammar Generate Translator Test Input/Output Figure 5.1: Screenshot of the grammar testing and development environment 46 Figure 6.1: Prototype JsEden Interface 6 Example Applications 6.1 JsEden Prototype A prototype interface for what JsEden might look like was developed using a combination of maintainer.js, the EDEN translator and some simple HTML/JavaScript for the user interface. The nal interface is shown in Figure 6.1. The features it includes are: 1. An interpreter for EDEN statements 2. Simple error reporting 3. A naive visual symbol table, allowing for in place modication of model state 6.2 General Approach to Developing Visualisations with JsEden Models Usually it is desirable to develop some visual representation of what is trying to be modelled. These can be implemented using triggered actions that update some state 47 in the webpage that JsEden runs in, whenever certain parts of the underlying model state change. However, before developing a model that uses any sort of visualisation, some care needs to be taken to ensure that any required preconditions in the state used for the visualisation have been fullled (for example, initialising some graphics system, adding some element to an HTML page which will then be drawn within). In a TkEden model, all the visualisation state is described in a denitive notation. Of course, not all the state for a DoNaLD picture is explicitly described (things like the algorithms used to draw lines, all the state of the tcl/tk toolkit used), however, due to the engineering of TkEden, any `external' state required for the correct visualisation is guaranteed to be initialised on TkEden starting up. In the JsEden environment, there is currently no state setup on startup for line drawings. Furthermore, there is no ability to use the DoNaLD notation to describe line drawings. However, DoNaLD is not too important as it is simply some sugar around already understood EDEN statements. This can be veried by using TkEden, which allows for inspection of translated DoNaLD denitions. For example the following donald code: line myLine myLine = [{0, 0}, {100, 100}] Results in the following EDEN being generated: _ is [ OPENSHAPE, &_myLine ]; _myLine is line(cart(0, 0), cart(100, 100)); A_myLine = ""; proc P_myLine : _myLine, A_myLine, DoNaLD { plot_line(DoNaLD, &_myLine, &A_myLine); } Here what has happened is that the line `declaration' is essentially a macro which generates a denition for an agent which is responsible for updating the external visualisation state. What we can do in the JsEden environment is to use raw JavaScript to setup what is needed before constructing a visualisation. Subsection 6.3 demonstrates an example of doing this by wrapping some JavaScript in EDEN functions, which construct and manipulate an HTML canvas element (which is for general puprose line drawing). 48 6.3 Example JsEden Model With A Simple Box Visualisation The following listing shows an EDEN script which uses HTML canvas for drawing a box. Any changes to the boxX, boxY, boxW or boxH observables causes an update in the visualisation. This example is available for testing as a sample in the grammar development page (along with a few others). ## ## HTML canvas utilities ## ## sets up some necessary "external" state proc setupCanvas { ${{ $(’body’).append(’<canvas id="c" width="400" height="400"></canvas>’); }}$; } proc clearCanvas { ${{ var c = $(’#c’).get(0); c.width = c.width; }}$; } proc drawBox { ${{ var c = $(’#c’).get(0).getContext(’2d’); c.fillRect(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]); }}$; } setupCanvas(); ## ## example agent that draws a box based on some observables ## proc boxDrawer : boxX,boxY,boxW,boxH { clearCanvas(); drawBox(boxX, boxY, boxW, boxH); } boxX boxY boxW boxH = = = = 0; 0; 20; 30; The result is shown in Figure 6.2. 49 Figure 6.2: A simple visualisation using a square 6.4 Embedding Formulas Into an HTML Document The idea in this example is that a user could enter a formula inlined in some HTML markup like so: <formula>x + 1</formula> And this tag would have its contents replaced with the contents of the given expression. Here was the markup used in this example: <h1>dependency demo</h1> <p>the current value of x + 1 is <formula>x + 1</formula></p> <p>the current value of x + 2 is <formula>x + 2</formula></p> <p>feel free to modify x here: <input type="text" id="xInput"/></p> Figure 6.3 shows the resulting webpage. The way this was implemented was quite simple. Once the page has nished loading, some JavaScript executes which scans the page for following for each: 50 formula tags, and creates the Figure 6.3: Web page with embedded formulas that reect the maintainer.js state • An observable (called formulaElementN, where N corresponds to the Nth formula tag) which is dened using the expression inside (interpreted as EDEN). • An agent is created which watches this observable for changes, and propogates the change to the HTML. This example can be found in the project source distribution as 51 document-maintainer.html. 7 Pro ject Management This section gives an overview of when the work required for this project happened, as well as what approach was taken to managing the work involved. As well as this, it gives a rough idea of other issues related to getting the project done, such as the tools used to do so and any external events that might have aected the work. 7.1 Timeline The MSc Computer Science and Applications course for which this project was carried out for started at the beginning of October 2010. Students are required to select a supervisor and project by the end of the rst term, as well as submit a specication for their project idea including analysis and background detail. Professor Steve Russ kindly agreed to supervise for this project. The way this project has turned out is not very close to the original plans made during this rst term. The project supervisor has stayed the same, and the overall eld of modelling with denitive scripts has stayed the same, but the original focus was on a currently existing tool called Cadence[Pope(2011)]. In some respects the project had similar ideas in mind - Cadence (and the main denitive notation used to interface with it, DASM) while interesting from both a modelling perspective and a software development perspective, is currently a little bit lacking in accessibility as both the complex underlying maintainer and the notation itself are somewhat undocumented through literature and examples. In the end this is one of the main motivations of JsEden - to create something very accessible to the user and the developer, via the use of web technologies to allow it to work across platform with no setup as well as oering a robust development stack. This is a project that I have had in my head for a while, so it is dicult to document all the time spent towards it. However, it is denitely true that the bulk of the work developing the maintainer and the translator happened in a few weeks during February/May. The report documenting this was written much later, during July/August/September. 7.2 Methodology The methodology for the work done for this project was quite straightforward. The requirements for the project did not really change during the course of it, it was 52 simply a case of attempting to achieve goals in order and assessing while the process was continuing. There were a few cases where the maintainer being developed parallel to the translator would need to be modied to make the translator neater. Testing was carried out during the development of the parser to attempt to prevent regressions from occurring, as new features of the EDEN language were implemented, test cases were created for them. The test cases currently in place have been documented in section 10.2. 7.3 Other commitments While working on this project I have also been involved in some part time work doing software development (also involving JavaScript and rich interfaces). This work started in early March and has varied in the amount of time committed per week - ranging from 3 hours to 30. As a result of this there has been a section of my time and eort that could not go to this project, however since all my other modules were completed last year, I feel I have managed to dedicate a decent time to both projects and have no regrets about my decision to do both. 7.4 Version Control and Backups Throughout the project the git version control system was used for managing the codebase. This is an advanced system for storing snapshots of your codebase which in git are called commits. This system proved useful in several ways: • Easy tracking of current changes to the project by generating a `di ' which shows all edits/additions/removals from the last stored snapshot. This was useful for both guring out what elements had changed when something was behaving in an unexpected way, and also for remembering what I was doing the previous day. • Reverting the codebase back to a previous snapshot in the case of a problem. • A log of all the snapshots including both a di and a message from the author to describe the changes introduced between that commit and the previous one. • Simple (and ecient) synchronization of the codebase including the entire commit history to remote locations, making for eective backups. 53 • Branching o from a particular stored state so that it was possible to work on multiple trains of thought if I wanted to switch between features that would required large changes to the codebase, as well as semi-automated merging of codebase states. 7.5 Tools The toolchain for the software development process was quite simple. The key elements of it were: VIM[Moolenaar(2011)] which is a simple programmer's text editor, available for various platforms including Windows, GNU/Linux and Mac OSX. For testing, various browsers were used as there are occasional subtle dierences in their behaviour (usually in situations where the DOM/JavaScript specication aren't specic). The browsers tested in were: • Google Chrome • Safari • Firefox • Internet Explorer 8 • Mobile Safari (for iPhone) Further to this the Firebug extension for Firefox browser was useful during the development process. It is an extension that provides sophisticated debugging facilities for JavaScript development including an interactive console, inspection of JavaScript data structures and reporting of JavaScript errors with the ability to jump to the problematic location in the code. This proved invaluable for both debugging problems and for experimentation with both JsEden and the core maintainer library. 7.6 Libraries Several JavaScript libraries were used to aid the development of JsEden: • jison - - a parser generator used to develop the translator for EDEN to JavaScript 54 • jQuery - - a general purpose DOM manipulation library used in the UI • jQuery UI - - a jQuery plugin that adds some common UI widgets • Douglas Crockford's implementation of JSON parsing/serialisation in JavaScript - - for browsers which don't have the JSON object implemented natively • jsbeautier - - a script to tidy up JavaScript whitespace/indentation, to format the outputted JavaScript from the translator for easier inspection 7.7 Legal, social, ethical and professional issues Generally this project did not touch on many legal, social, ethical and professional issues. The main things to consider (for any software product) were related to licensing of the code written itself and any libraries used in it's development. The code written by the author includes a copyright notice as well as a notication that it is all licensed under the MIT Licence[OSI()], which is a very permissive license in that it only requires a copy of the license is provided with the code or any derivative work. The other code used is all library code, all of which are licensed under a permissive license: • jQuery - MIT • jQuery UI - MIT • jison - MIT • Douglas Crockford's json2.js - Public Domain • jsbeautier - Public Domain 55 8 Conclusions 8.1 Success of targetting EDEN The JsEden prototype could be a great asset to the Empirical Modelling community. The EDEN translator developed to help reuse EM models is reasonably comprehensive but still needs more testing, as well as `builtin' functions being ported over (in some cases this is just including functions written in EDEN in the JsEden environment). While it oers something similar to WebEden, the architecture is much simpler and the ability for responsive interactions is far greater. As for the other tools available for interactive modelling, it potentially oers a clean break from TkEden which has become stale. The codebase is large and over the years has been patched by many people without too much code review to keep it manageable. This makes it far less accessible for new developers than the JsEden architecture which only requires a very small amount of code written outside of denitive scripts. The following is a small summary of some of the advantages of JsEden over TkEden and WebEden: • JavaScript is more accessible than C (which the TkEden VM is written in), as it already has high level language features such as automated garbage collection, resizable data structures and rst class functions. This is particularly relevant as EDEN is mostly of interest in the University of Warwick department of computer science - where there is basically no ecosystem for C developers. • The JsEden Codebase is (currently) much smaller than the TkEden one. The JavaScript maintainer is less than 350 source lines of code, the translator is about 500. The EDEN virtual machine and language interpreter alone are over 10,000 lines of code. While this might not be a particularly accurate measure of code complexity, the scale of the dierence here should illustrate there is certainly a signicant delta. • Easily extensible by embedding JavaScript code into EDEN code to hook into rich browser APIs. This means that it is much easier to extend or modify the tool within the tool itself. • Guaranteed to work for a very long time as JavaScript is too widespread to be deprecated any time soon. 56 • Simple architecture making it trivial to deploy or migrate. No need for clever load balancing or authentication beyond dealing with HTTP trac to get the requisite JavaScript les. • Much easier to scale than WebEden, which required an instance of TkEden somewhere serverside for each instance of WebEden. • JIT compilation for denitions, whereas in TkEden, the result of a denition is computed using the hand written interpreter. • Competition in JavaScript engines drives development to improve performance. Saying this, obviously a lot of work still needs to be done for this platform to act as a substitute for TkEden, which has had numerous features implemented over the years. 8.2 Potential outside of EDEN While the EDEN language provides a great DSL that makes the use of dependency a lot less error prone, the JavaScript API oers a lot more exibility in what sorts of things can be connected together. The main problem is that EDEN can't quite understand everything that exists in the JavaScript world, though this might be dealt with by making some minor extensions to the EDEN syntax. JavaScript already has an event based programming model, which allows for easy updates of visualisations in the event of changing data, so the real gains of maintainer.js would be seen in easier maintenance of program invariants through dependency. 57 9 Further Work This section documents some ideas for interesting extensions on the work done in this project. 9.1 More Model Development In order for a tool to be useful it has to be used. The maintainer is already in a state where models can be developed interactively, however without constructing larger scale models it is dicult to assess how successfully it can be applied. 9.2 Implement Cyclic Dependency Checking Currently maintainer.js does not check for attempts to create cyclic dependencies between symbols. This can cause an innite loop when expiring a symbol's cached value. This could be implemented quite simply by adding some code to the symbol subscription method to check for cycles before commiting the change. 9.3 Possibilities outside the browser While JavaScript is mostly executed in a browser environment, it is also possible to execute it in a less strictly controlled environment (mostly this is used for serverside web programs). One example of such an environment is called Node.js, which combines Google's v8 JavaScript engine with libraries for enabling it for general purpose programming outside of the browser. One benet of running the maintainer via Node.js instead of a browser based environment is the simplicity of interfacing it with other computer artifacts, for example using its simple Foreign Function Interface (FFI) to provide action to C apis[Branson()] or by using other inter process communication like named pipes or sockets. This could open up possibilities of using more so- phisticated graphics engines or interacting with other tools or peripherals. Node.js is targeted at communicating systems which could allow it to shine as a sort of glue with the ability for maintenance via denitions, not unlike some of the uses of Cadence. Another environment for using JavaScript outside of the browser is Rhino, which is a JavaScript engine that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The JVM has 58 recently gained improved support for dynamically typed languages (mostly due to a rising popularity in the implementation of the Ruby language for the JVM, which is dynamically typed)[Oracle()]. JavaScript run through Rhino has access to Java APIs available on the system, so this could open up some interesting possibilities for interacting with already existing Java programs or user interfaces from triggered actions. 9.4 Collaborative modelling and interaction with already existing tools There are possibilities for remote communication between instances of JsEden in either the browser setting or one of the headless settings. The communication methods available in the browser are: • Comet • EventSource • WebSockets Sadly all of these models follow a client-server model, where the browser is always a client. In other words, there is no possibility for peer to peer communication between browsers (at least when using JavaScript, it may be possible with Flash or Java which has more capability to elevate based on user specied permissions). This means there would always be the requirement for a high bandwidth machine that has to proxy the communications between browsers. Things are easier outside of a browser setting, where JavaScript is less limited as the program is trusted in this environment. Node.js has great support for networking over TCP or UDP, so could be used along with the JavaScript maintainer to produce a collaborative modelling environment. It may also be possible to have collaboration between a JsEden based environment and already existing modelling tools such as dtkeden (distributed TkEden) or Cadence which already have well dened protocols for distributed formula maintenance. 9.5 Modelling with hierarchical structures Many programming languages allow for modelling problems using objects, which are essentially a way of modelling ownership of certain state (as well as sometimes enforcing where changes to such state can come from). 59 JavaScript already supports object oriented modelling, however the project has mostly ignored the possibility of using such ownership relationships in the dependency enabled environment. Notably, this is topical in the Empirical Modelling community of late due to the more recently developed Cadence tool, which is heavily focused on hierarchical graph structures for its state. These sorts of structures should also be usable in a way similar to `collections' used in JavaScript data binding oriented frameworks, which allow for setting triggered actions that watch for elements being added or removed to the collection. Currently JsEden (and TkEden) make it dicult to create triggered actions that watch for the introduction of (or removal of ) new symbols before acting. This capability could be particularly useful is for the creation an ecient visualisations of a collection which can vary in size dynamically. One example of a scenario like this is the visual symbol table' which shows the denitions for all the observables currently dened. 9.6 Support for other notations The vast majority of the interesting models developed using TkEden use some kind of graphical interface. This was generally developed using a separate notation for graphics, such DoNaLD, SCOUT or the gel notation. While the use of multiple notations might not be the best approach for dealing with multiple concerns available, the support for these notations would help support the reuse of the EM archive projects. In scripts written for TkEden it is possible to switch what notation is being used using a directive such as: %donald It would be quite simple to add support for multiple notations by creating a higher level translator which dispatches translation o to a separate translator function for the currently active notation, and switches which translator to dispatch to whenever a %donald style comment is seen. 9.7 Improved JsEden UI Some more work on the UI could make the modelling process more accessible and raise the perceived quality of the software. Improved support for code editing - there 60 are a few JavaScript/HTML editors that could be used instead of just an HTML <textarea> for code editing. These would allow for syntax highlighting and even syntax error highlighting. An example of a library that already supports better code editing is CodeMirror[Haverbeke()]. 9.8 Improved Error Reporting for EDEN Code Currently the error reporting for the EDEN interface to the JavaScript maintainer is limited to syntax errors, however it is also possible for there to be run time errors in the JavaScript generated by the EDEN translator. JavaScript will already report these errors to the browser's error window, but in this form they don't aid the use of the EDEN environment as much as they might for the following reasons: They make little sense in the context of EDEN as they actually refer to the generated JavaScript code. Since the errors occured in dynamically generated and evaluated code, they have no source attachment to point to. It may be possible to deal with this by using the attached denitions of functions, however guring out how line numbers correlate between the generated JavaScript and the original EDEN source will be challenging. 9.9 Persistency for the developed models in JsEden The prototype JsEden environment does not store any of the work done between page loads. There are several useful features that could come from work to implement this: • Inspecting history of interactions for educational reasons • Collaboration, by transmitting the model to other people • Taking breaks from working on a model • Returning to a previous model state, possibly storing multiple branches of models developed from some particular state In order to persist models, the system could either: 1. Store a snapshot of the current model state 2. Store a history of all the interactions during the model development. 61 Both approaches are interesting and have their own considerations for implementation and use cases. The rst approach is ideal for restoring a model to a previous state quickly. It does rely on the current state being completely serialisable to something like a string in some way, which is ne if the model state is completely representable in terms of some denitive notation. The ability for sections of script to be translated verbatim to JavaScript in the EDEN like language of JsEden introduces problems here, as the model can become reliant on some `external state' which is not seen as a simple observable in the JsEden environment. It is quite easy for this to happen when dealing with function values which rely on some state which is in their closure (this is a common idiom for encapsulating state for event callbacks in JavaScript) but not accessible as an observable. Another possibility is that some JavaScript code relies on the state of the HTML page which it has access to. This sort of situation makes it impossible to take a faithful `snapshot' of the model, as there is no way to enumerate all of this state. The second approach is necessary if users wish to gain insight into the interactions performed in the model development, but really it is impossible to capture all interactions - trying to capture all interactions (which potentially includes all mouse interaction) would be unreasonable, so it would be limited to capturing interactions through the EDEN interface. This would mean that in order to restore a model, it really is necessary to be able to enumerate all the model state as observables. It is also important to consider where exactly information about model development should be stored. The possible solutions are: 1. Store everything locally using new HTML5 APIs 2. Store things on a remote machine by using POST or REST requests to some server side app Option 1 has the benet of requiring no server side application in order to implement persisting developed models. It also allows the user to do model development without the need for an Internet connection. The local storage APIs introduced in HTML5 are reported to work in most modern browsers [Grove()], and due to the introspective nature of JavaScript, it is possible to do feature detection and fall back on some 3rd party system for persisting data on the client side (for example Google Gears[Google()]). 62 As for Option 2, one good example of how to do this is This is a system that allows you to develop web applications within the browser, and store them persistently on their servers. You are they given a url which you can use to return to that particular version of the webapp. The format is always<unique-id>/<revision-id> 63 10 Appendices 10.1 Build Instructions HTML/JavaScript applications generally only need a JavaScript enabled browser in order to run. The architecture for the JsEden environment is currently quite simplistic, and in order to host your own instance of it, all that is required is to extract the source distribution and open eden.html in a browser. Making it public is simply a case of putting it somewhere being served up by a webserver. If you're using a machine in the department of computer science at Warwick University, you can run (this will also work on most GNU/Linux or OSX machines): curl ";a=snapshot;h=refs/heads/\ master;sf=tgz" | tar xzvf The grammar development and testing environment is test.html, the prototype JsEden interface is eden.html. 10.2 Test Cases Some testcases were created for the translator during it's development. The tests are all in js/tests.js in the JsEden distribution, here is a summary of what is tested for currently: 1. Lookup results in a symbol 2. Assignment sets the correct value 3. Increment results in a value 1 greater 4. += op works 5. The value after formula denition is correct 6. Function denition stores a function in the symbol table 7. Procedure denition stores a function in the symbol table 8. Triggered action denition stores a function in the symbol table 9. Triggered action denition observes a requested symbol 10. Function calls work Return statement from a function works 64 11. Function parameters work 12. Parameter aliases work 13. Nested strings work 14. Multiline strings work 15. Multiple function denitions with locals works 16. Underscores in observable names works 17. Autos work in a function denition 18. Autos work in a procedure denition 19. Autos protect the outside scope 20. Single quoting a character works 21. Empty quotes won't parse 22. Single quoting an escaped quote character works 23. Lists are 1 indexed 24. .get(i) returns an accessor with index i 25. .get() returns an lvalue 10.3 Glossary of Technical Terms Closure - The closure of a function is the set of all things in its scope. XML - A standardised markup for representing arbitrary data, along with some schema. JSON - JavaScript Object Notation. This is a simple string representation of JavaScript objects for communication. DOM - Document Object Model. This is a JavaScript object representation of HTML documents to allow for simple manipulation (without parsing HTML) DSL - Domain Specic Language EDSL - Embedded Domain Specic Language. This usually refers to a system of values in an already existing programming language that resemble a DSL, often with help from the type system to enforce language rules. VM - Virtual Machine 65 References [Ashkenas(2011)] Jeremy Ashkenas. URL The coeescript project page, August 2011. [Beynon(2006)] Meurig Beynon. Syntax summary for eden, November 2006. URL /langref/summary/. [Branson()] Rick Branson. A node tutorial. URL [ECMA()] ECMA. The ecmascript language specication. URL /files/ECMA-ST/Ecma-262.pdf. [Google()] Google. The google gears project page. URL [Google(2000)] Google. The v8 project page, January 2000. URL [Grove()] Ryan client-side Grove. Yahoo! storage to improve search user pad: Using experience. URL [Haverbeke()] Marijn Haverbeke. The codemirror project page. URL [Moolenaar(2011)] Bram Moolenaar. The vim project page, April 2011. URL [Oracle()] Oracle. TM platform. java Jsr 292, URL supporting dynamically typed languages on the [OSI()] OSI. The mit software license. URL [Pope(2011)] Nicholas Pope. The cadence project page, August 2011. URL 66