CHANGES IN REVENUE REQUIREMENTS 65% Bond Repayment & PayGo* 16% Salaries & Benefits 6% Other Services 5% Maintenance, Repair, Fuel 4% Electricity 3% Treatment Chemicals 1% Biosolid Disposal 65% Capital Improvements 35% Operations *PayGo (Pay-As-You-Go) cash used for capital projects CLEAN WATER VALUE CMUD delivers safe, reliable water and sewer services at a competitive price. The new water and sewer rates compare very favorably against existing rates in other North Carolina municipalities and across the southern United States. THE VALUE OF YOUR WATER Understanding Your New Water and Sewer Rates HOW DO WE COMPARE? (7 ccf / 5,000 gal/month) Based on 2012 data. On July 1, 2013, water and sewer rates will increase for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility Department customers. For more information, visit us at or call 311 (704-336-7600). Printed with soy ink on FSC certified 50% post-consumer fiber. Please recycle. # 30320-I-0192 July 2013 Please read the enclosed information about the new rates. More details also are available by visiting or calling 311 (704-336-7600). Information presented is as of April 11, 2013 WHY IS AN INCREASE NECESSARY? Since its creation in 1972, CMUD has made strategic infrastructure investments to serve our growing community’s needs. These system improvements protect public health, supply high-quality drinking water, ensure fire protection and support the economic vitality of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County. Building and maintaining this system to the safest standards requires key capital investments that, in turn, drive the overall budget for the department. Even though the utility has enhanced operating efficiency and reduced staffing levels, the cost to pay for large construction projects (pipes, plants and other facilities) has increased and accounts for 65 cents of every dollar spent by the utility. Increased operating expenses, such as electricity and fuel, also drive up the cost to provide clean water services. CMUD receives no tax funding. It is funded solely by water and sewer customers. Rate increases are projected annually to recover increasing costs to effectively maintain the community’s growing and aging water and waste- water system. CMUD workers conduct 150,000 water quality tests each year, maintain 16,000 fire hydrants, and care for more than 8,000 miles of water and sewer mains. Rate dollars pay for these services. Water and Sewer Usage Rates 2013-2014 WATER RATES AND FEES Fixed Fees: All water customers are charged daily fees (typically $2.46 per billing period) for water service. This fee pays for meter reading and billing costs. Availability Fee: All water customers pay an availability fee for each meter during each billing period. The fee helps pay for water construction projects and is based on water meter size. For residential customers with a typical 5/8 inch-sized meter, the water availability charge is $2.47 per 30-day billing period. This fee is calculated daily and is based on the number of days of service on the bill. Water Usage Charge: Residential customers also pay a usage charge per Ccf of water used during the monthly billing period (see chart to the left). Multi-Family (Apartment) customers with a single ‘master’ meter pay a usage charge per Ccf, depending on the amount of water used per dwelling unit during the billing period (see chart to the left). SEWER RATES AND FEES Fixed Fee: All sewer customers are charged daily fees (typically $2.46 per billing period) for sewer service. Availability Fee: All sewer customers pay an availability fee each billing period. The fee helps pay for sewer construction projects and is based on the customer’s water meter size. For residential customers with a typical 5/8 inch-sized water meter, the sewer availability charge is $4.56 per 30-day billing period. These fees are prorated based on the number of days of service on the bill. Usage Charge: Sewer customers pay $4.46 per Ccf of metered water usage to recover the cost of wastewater collection and treatment. Residential customers do not pay for sewer usage beyond 16 Ccf of water usage per billing period (this is known as the “sewer cap”). Multi-family (apartment) customers do not pay for sewer usage beyond 11 Ccf of water usage per unit during a single billing period. Irrigation meter customers do not pay sewer charges.