


AUGUST 23, 2011

7:00 A.M. CST


Services provided by:

Caption First, Inc.

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This text is being provided in a rough draft format. Communication

Access Realtime Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings.




>> ANDREA SAKS: I had a lot of trouble getting on but it may have been me. But don't worry. I'm on now. I'm trying to get onto now join the meeting.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: GoToMeeting, yeah.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Click run, yes. Okay. We'll see if I'm there. Launch. Meeting should start in a few minutes. Okay. I should be completely there. All right. God I only got back about five, ten minutes ago.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yeah, it's okay.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Do we know who does the captioning, did you manage to find out.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: No, I don't know about that. But there's captioning for the workshops and the main session.

>> ANDREA SAKS: So it's just our workshop.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: No all workshops.

>> ANDREA SAKS: We need to know who it is.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Now wait a minute. What is the conference for

-- DCAD? Hang on, what is the conference pin number. DCAD. Okay.

Okay. Got it.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yeah, you are on my screen now.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm looking at your desktop.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Cynthia is on. Yay!


>> ANDREA SAKS: Hello.

>> Hello it's Xiaoya.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Cynthia is having trouble getting audio.

>> HIROSHI KAWAMURA: Hello this is Hiroshi. Can you hear me.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes, Hiroshi, congratulations on getting funding. Thank you.

>> Hello Andrea and guys here it's Xiaoya here can you hear me.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes we are hear you beautifully. Thank you.

And Shadi has arrived.

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Hi, everyone, Fernando here.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Hi, Fernando.

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Hello, sorry I missed last call.

>> ANDREA SAKS: That's okay. We'll take it out on you now.


(Background talking.)

(Background noise.)

>> ANDREA SAKS: We have five minutes to get started, everybody.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: There's a disturbance. Can you please put on mute?

>> ANDREA SAKS: If you're not speaking could you please put on mute, please? We're hearing back chat.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Somebody has a radio on in the background.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: I'm sorry; attention to all, please: If you are running a noise in your office or house, please turn it off

because it's disturbing the teleconference. Please.

>> ANDREA SAKS: We'll do a roll call and maybe when we do a roll call we can figure it out.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yes, we can, Andrea. Yeah.


(Background noise.)

>> ANDREA SAKS: Shadi? Are you on? I think it's Shadi's voice

I hear in the background.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Yeah. Is that really my line.

>> ANDREA SAKS: It might be your line. Can everybody go on mute just as a test, please. Oh, that's wonderful. Wait a minute. I think it's okay now.

>> much better, yeah.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Much better. Okay. Right. I'm going to give

-- we have three more minutes. Arun is not on yet.


>> PETER MAJOR: Hello, Peter is here.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Hi, Peter.

>> PETER MAJOR: How are you.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm cool how are you.

>> PETER MAJOR: It's 55 degrees.

>> ANDREA SAKS: You're kidding, where are you.

>> PETER MAJOR: In Geneva. (Off microphone).

>> ANDREA SAKS: Oh my.

Well, two more minutes and then we start.

Cynthia, we're having a similar -- we had a similar problem.

Please persevere.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: And give an exact telephone number. Not trans number. A telephone number, direct line.

>> ANDREA SAKS: It has to be -- not your Skype.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Not the Skype, no.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Keep trying.

Cynthia is getting a totally different context. She's getting something that says put in the pin first. She doesn't put in the pin first. You're supposed to let them verify the number.

I think she's not able to hear what the instructions are properly.

So Cynthia, do not put in the pin number until the numbers that they verify are your telephone number -- is your telephone number. And then it will ask for the pin. And then put the pin number. And then hang up.

I think this is interesting because Cynthia can't hear properly. She can do a one-on-one telephone call directly once she knows who it is. But the mechanical voice is difficult to understand.

Cynthia, please try again. It doesn't ask for your phone number.

Cynthia, it just repeats your phone number. And you are to press 1 if that is correct. Then it will ask you for the pin number.

I think what we will have to do is write this out for other people with hearing difficulties in the future so they know what to expect from the automated service.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Who is that?

>> GERRY ELLIS: Hi, Gerry Ellis here.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Hi, Gerry we're trying to get Cynthia on so you're well in time. We're not quite there yet.

>> GERRY ELLIS: You have a tremendous echo there, Andrea, it sounds like you're in a cathedral.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm on my loud speaker which is the only way I can deal with that. But hold on. Let me try something else is that better.

>> GERRY ELLIS: It is.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Well, you guys are going to have to speak up because I'm not going to be able to hear you. So I'm going on captioning okay.

>> MALE SPEAKER: Is anybody else on speaker phone, as well.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm going to do this.

Cynthia, you do not repeat any telephone number at all. The conference call instructor who is speaking to you repeats your telephone number to verify if that is the number in which to have calls back. You don't do anything except after the speaker has spoken, repeating your number, which he picks up from the system, then you press 1 on your keypad. Then the speaker comes back and says: Please put in the pin. You don't repeat telephone number at all.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Andrea, Jorge has arrived in the chat.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I see that. Thank you.

I hope she's got it now. Okay. Cynthia, it's quiet I hope

-- well, we hope she's got it now. Cynthia is quiet. So we'll see what happens. We'll wait a few minutes.

It's very difficult to explain to -- and Cynthia can hear some sounds. And as I say on a one-on-one phone call, she can talk to you. But it's difficult.

Hi, Cindy. Okay. Hang on a minute. I closed out

GoToMeeting viewer. Went back -- oh she's still doing the same.

There is no audio on GoToMeeting. Your audio comes from the telephone line. From the call.

You have to get on the call.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Andrea, we are trying something. Maybe we can call her here. With the help of calling here. So we can start the meeting.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Let's try that. Cynthia, hold on. Put your telephone number in the chat so that Alexandra can see it.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Alexandra will try to directly call you in.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Andrea so we can solve it from here.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I just explained to her.

Cynthia, can you respond by chat, please and give us your number.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yes, she has.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Great. Because I accidentally deleted by chat.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yeah, so you can carry on.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. We're going to just wait for Cynthia.

Because . . . I think we've got everybody. I don't know if we have

Arun yet. I think we've got everybody.

I think it's -- the mechanical voice is difficult.

Okay. While we're waiting I'll do a small roll call. Okay

-- because Cynthia can watch this. Will people please -- if I call your name, just say yes you're here we'll do it that way so it works easier. Shadi.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Gerry.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Jorge? Are you there, Jorge? Huh, okay. We might have lost Jorge.

We have Peter. Peter, are you there? We've lost Peter.

>> PETER MAJOR: I'm here.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Peter, are you there? Are you physically --

>> PETER MAJOR: Yeah, I'm physically here in Geneva.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. All right. Xiaoya we have you.

>> Yes.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Is there anybody I've left out.

>> HIROSHI KAWAMURA: Hiroshi, I'm here.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Hiroshi, hello.


>> ANDREA SAKS: And we have Fernando.

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Yes, also here.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Right. Okay. And that's all we have right now waiting for Cynthia to be able to be hooked in.

Cynthia, we can't use it through the computer. You have to go through a telephone.


>> ANDREA SAKS: So the only other option she can do -- hold on just a second, guys. Okay. This is the only way you can do it,

Cynthia. If you have to use Skype, what you have to do is call in that number and push Option 1. If you are using Skype there's no need to have a callback. Unfortunately that's the only option that we have.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Andrea we are trying again to call back


>> ANDREA SAKS: She cannot hear you. She says in order for her to hear well, she needs it to go through the computer. But that's not going to work.

Okay. She's going to do it via chat. She doesn't want the call to go in. She can't deal with that. She's going to use Skype.

Hold on.

Thank you, everyone, for your patience. We'll get this sorted out. Unless somebody has a telephone number on a Skype account you can't use Skype in that manner just for the record if you did buy a number from Skype which is an American number then you can do it but I don't think Cynthia has done that.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Ah, Cynthia, are you there?

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Hello, I'm here.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Great. Sorry about that. Now we're in business. I'll talk to you about all of the wonderful things you can do but this doesn't work with the Skype system and I'll explain more later.

Okay. Everybody, thank you very much for joining us. This

is the last phone meeting that we are going to have before everybody meets up.

There are -- I would like to just get an approval of the agenda.

But I would like to something to any other business and that is logistics for what is actually and who is going to be there. What's going to happen at IGF. So we need to have that for Section 6. Okay.

So we know who is going to be there from ITU, who is not going to be there. And that will I think be on No. 6. Okay? So with that addition is there anybody who wants to add anything else to any other business before we approve the agenda? Fine. Okay. May I approve the agenda, please? Okay.

2: Approval of the report: Action points from the last meeting, August the 4th and the captioning, the DCAD coordinator was me and Peter.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Has everyone had a look at that? Okay.

Somebody else just entered. Who was that.

>> JORGE PLANO: Hello, this is Jorge Plano.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Oh, Jorge you're back. Great. Okay. Jorge.

Thank you.

So we have Jorge back. All right.

We just approved the agenda. And we have approved the report from last time.

The workshop update. Alexandra, do we know which one goes first, either 136 or 137?

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: No, I checked. Good question. I checked the Web site. And the two workshops are both in the first and second session. So we just have to decide which workshop will go first,

136 or 137 or 137, 136. IGF has not specified it. So I think it's a decision of the DCAD.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I agree. All right. Shall we decide which one goes first, ladies and gentlemen? Does anyone have an opinion?

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Yeah, this is Cynthia. I think we should do it in numerical order because if anyone is gauging their time, they are going to expect that it's going to start with 136.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Any other comments?

>> GERRY ELLIS. Gerry here, I agree with Cynthia.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Right. Any other comments? So I'll put it to all of you as a vote is it agreed that we start in numerical order which is 136 first followed by 137. If nobody says anything, it's

considered a yes.



>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. We got that Yep.

(Chuckles) okay.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. That's fine. Now I'm going to ask Shadi to please give an update on that and also people who are in Shadi's workshop to give an update on it themselves. And Shadi you're in control of that. So would you like to first tell me who is in your workshop and then carry on. Just so everybody knows what's going on over to Shadi.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Yeah, hi, everyone. I don't have the list right now right in front of me. Just a sec.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Alexandra has it.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Alexandra would you like to help Shadi out so he knows what he's doing.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Yeah, I have it. I have Satish Babu on my list, Fernando Botelho, Martin Gould and Hiroshi Kawamura. Is there anybody else missing from the list, Alexandra?

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Well, in the list that was sent I think yesterday, there's also Mr. Christophe Oule. But we have to decide

-- this has to be discussed. So.

>> ANDREA SAKS: It's not sure Mr. Christophe Oule will be in attendance.


>> ANDREA SAKS: So there is a possibility you will have him, as well, as we discussed one goes into one workshop and the other goes into the other.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: But currently I mean I'm showing on the

PC the characteristics of the workshop No. 136 the speakers first is the moderator Shadi, Satish Babu, Fernando Botelho, Martin Gould,

Hiroshi Kawamura and Christophe Oule. And I think we have almost all bios from everybody.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Shadi, carry on, please. Have you got everybody's stuff?

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: I believe so. I think the only thing I'm not entirely sure I haven't checked back if we have a slide show for everybody's presentations. I think we have their slides. But I haven't checked back if their slides actually include a typo.

Also, yeah, Alexandra can you confirm that you received all of the materials.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yes. So I would like to just mention what is missing which is a little bit -- so from Satish Babu we need the presentation. From Fernando I would like to have an update of his bio. And that's it.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Do we have titles of each presentation, please,

Alexandra? Do you have any --

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Some speakers sent me Version 1 and Version

2 so I have to verify that, too. But I think we have covered most of the titles, as well. But I'll send a reminder to have a clear title for the presentation.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Would that help you, Shadi, if Alexandra did that.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: She already did that. I saw that. And I will chase the people up on that.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Perfect. Okay.

I think we're in pretty good order on yours at the moment.

I think it's pretty well organised. When you get there I presume everyone will meet with you together offline and discuss who goes first or have you got this already in your mind.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: I was planning to go just with the order of presenters as in the proposal that Alexandra sent. But I do think that we should still meet. I mean I don't think it makes a big difference the order. But we should make sure to coordinate on the outcomes maybe in advance. Maybe debrief afterwards, as well. So that when we present in the main session, we can have consolidated outcomes from this session.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm just going to ask, Xiaoya, you're still on the line.

>> Yes.

>> ANDREA SAKS: We need to probably ask everyone and this will apply to both workshops where everyone is staying. And Shadi, you will have to give information to Xiaoya of where you're staying. We also want to be careful of security. So we don't want to publicize everybody's every place so we can organise a meeting for Xiaoya before so he can meet with everyone. So that might have to be organised by you while you're there. The same will apply to everybody's place so if everybody can send their hotel details please and your arrival date please to Alexandra, she will make sure that Xiaoya has that

information. Is that okay. Xiaoya?

>> XIAOYA YANG: Yes, please, but for myself I haven't started to book a hotel yet. So unfortunately I do not have my personal information now available.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Well that's okay. I know you'll send everybody that when you have done that.

>> XIAOYA YANG: Yes, for sure.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Great. That's perfect. Okay. So then what will happen is that will be organised via e-mail on how everyone is going to function. And Xiaoya will be at the venue and will be the focal point for the ITU. Just to let you all know that. And I did tell people on the meeting last time that I'm not allowed to travel that far. So Xiaoya is going to be it. And Alexandra is not able to attend, either. So Xiaoya is going to be the one that will keep this thing together.

So those of you who have never met Xiaoya are in for a treat because she's very organised.

>> XIAOYA YANG: Now, let me ask a question: Is Peter Major here?

Peter whether he's going to IGF?

>> PETER MAJOR: I think so, yes.

>> ANDREA SAKS: You're not sure yet.

>> PETER MAJOR: Well, I haven't made arrangements yet but I intend to go.

>> ANDREA SAKS: All right. So you and Xiaoya need to coordinate with each other I think as you are -- I don't want to call you the vice, the vice coordinator.

>> PETER MAJOR: I'm co-coordinator.

>> ANDREA SAKS: But you are the vice coordinator. So I hope you're able to go. Will you keep me advised as to whether you're going or not.

>> PETER MAJOR: I have already registered.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Right. Okay. Fine for the record, Xiaoya,

Alexandra, and Peter I will be arriving in Geneva midday on the 31st of August. So I will be there for the entire week. And the week after. The rest of that week and the week after.

Are there any questions about 136 before we go to 137?

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: So Andrea this is Shadi again, regarding travel arrangements, I've been inquiring about accessibility at the venue from the local organizers I haven't received confirmation of accessibility yet about accessible bathrooms and accessibility in

general at the UN headquarters. I'm also looking at different hotels and planning to also inquire about the accessibility. I'm getting

-- not the answers that I really want to hear. Because I ask if they have accessible rooms. And if their hotel is accessible. And I get responses like: Yes, you can rent wheelchairs at our hotel.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. So we have a problem with consciousness there, Alexandra can you talk to (off microphone) and see what you can find out to assist Shadi.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Because he's in direct contact with the organizers.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Well I haven't gotten any responses from the organizers yet. I got responses from some of the hotels. But I'm a bit -- I'm still a bit unsure about the accessibility and if I don't get --

>> ANDREA SAKS: Understood. We're going to help you with that

Shadi. We're going to take that on board, okay.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Excellent, thank you.

>> ANDREA SAKS: So you -- both Alexandra and I will work on this week okay.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Is there anybody else who has this problem?

Okay. Shadi, don't worry. We'll get that sorted out. We will figure it out. Okay. So that's on the list of things to do.

Okay. Are there any other questions or anybody who needs help from 136?



>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: I would like to make a comment.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Sorry; I just would like to ask Shadi if you can give me a telephone number where I can call you this week, okay, after I call IGF so I can tell you.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Okay. Great.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yeah, thanks.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: This is Cynthia.


>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Can you hear me? Okay. I know that you're going to check on this anyway, but I'm still also trying to get information about the transport to the hotel. I understand we're to get our own taxi. But I'm finding out that it's going to take

two and a half hours from my hotel -- from the airport to the hotel just due to traffic. I just want to raise that to be sure that you do check on the transport from the airport to the hotel.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. That's duly noted, Cynthia, thank you very much. We'll find out what we can about that. In fact -- okay.

We'll get that done. And what we also would like is when your flights are booked to please give us your flight details because if certain people arrive at the same time, similar times, we might be able to do some coordination. Okay? Okay. Great.

All right. Any more questions regarding logistics before we go to 137? Okay. Cynthia you are in charge of 137, mainstreaming the disability perspective. Can you give us an update and the people who are in. Jorge is coming. We haven't got Arun on the phone. But

I believe he's coming, as well. Who else do you have on your list?

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: I'm double checking now the list that -- on the screen right now. Okay. I have the same list. I also found something strange I want everyone to know that around July 26th --

(Audio cutting in and out).

>> ANDREA SAKS: Their presentations.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: It didn't arrive on my end. I've been having e-mail bouncing. So I have to double-check with Alexandra on whether they are all in.

Now, it looks like Alexandra who has not turned in their presentation to you.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Okay. I didn't receive it from Gerry.

From Jorge I need the bio, abstract and presentation. I need the bio from Arnoud. I need the abstract from Abdoulaye. That's it.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Okay. I notice you do not have an indication that you've received mine. Mine was very early in the game. I'm sure you just have not listed it yet.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Cynthia, I'm sorry; as moderator are you going to present something or not?


(Audio cutting in and out).

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: I sent it to you early August.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: The presentation. Okay. So -- okay. I have to check.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: The presentation of (off microphone).

(Audio cutting in and out).

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Thank you. It was part of the (off

microphone) application.

(Background talking.)

>> ANDREA SAKS: One of the things that we are -- Arnoud is not going to be joining us this year. And so therefore, Arnoud, we can put his presentation and abstract up but -- so it's important that we have Cynthia present.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: So Arnoud is not able to attend.

>> ANDREA SAKS: That's correct.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: And we're waiting for Gerry's presentation and Jorge's presentations.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Where are your presentations? Smack hands.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Is Abdoulaye's presentation in French.

>> ANDREA SAKS: English.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: It will be in English.

>> ANDREA SAKS: His slides are in English. He can speak English.

It's not his first language. We don't have the ability for a translation at the moment. We still have to work that out in case he wants to ask a question or participate.

Shadi, are you a French speaker?

>> PETER MAJOR: Andrea I'm a French speaker, Peter, so I can help.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Can you? Because this is a very different IGF, as you well know.

>> PETER MAJOR: Yeah, and I'll be just glad to help.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Perfect. Okay. So Peter will be able to tell

-- we should probably seat those two together. But I do know that

Abdoulaye can present in English a little bit. But he will need to have some help.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Is he on the call now?

>> ANDREA SAKS: No, he's not. Because we don't have a translator for French for that.


>> ANDREA SAKS: He's able to read English so he gets the transcript.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Alexandra, Andrea, I see that we are on

Tuesday at 9 a.m. we need to -- the whole panel really need to meet before 9. Is there a room we can go to before 9 to check in and be ready.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm confused, Cynthia. I thought that we were doing 136 first.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: I know. But what I'm -- I'm trying -- I'm thinking of the bigger picture. We have two panels. 136 goes first.

Then 137. But shouldn't we all meet before 9 a.m. and begin the programme so that we can check in about whether we're all ready to go?

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay Xiaoya, is this possible?

>> XIAOYA YANG: I have no idea. Indeed I understand we have another pending issue. Are we also asking for a DCAD meeting.

>> ANDREA SAKS: We did ask for a DCAD meeting but it wasn't scheduled. There's a shortage of space and time. Alexandra mentioned to me earlier that it is in the UN organisation. So that there is a possibility for having a room at a later date for the DCAD meeting or a possibility of having the DCAD meeting before.

>> XIAOYA YANG: Andrea, I think the practice for IGF workshops is the speakers and moderators, if possible, get separate space, they can meet. Otherwise we can just meet outside the meeting venue.

It's a -- its corridor about 10, 15 minutes before. Just you know to check the presence, to check everything. I think that's just normal practice.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Well my question is are we all going to go off the same laptop? Is that possible?

>> ANDREA SAKS: I think what Cynthia wants is all of you guys to get together and if you have any concerns or what I usually used to do was to do that with everyone. We all used to meet together.

Xiaoya, is it possible --

>> XIAOYA YANG: I think we have this meeting for the whole morning for our sessions for both 136 and 137. And I understand if we decide to arrive in this room earlier all together, it should be possible.

I don't see any problem here.

>> PETER MAJOR: The only problem I can see is (off microphone).

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: In the room before us.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Hold on. Everybody is talking. Xiaoya, finish

-- repeat what you said. Then we'll get Peter and then we'll get

Cynthia. So Xiaoya -- because there was cross talk.

>> XIAOYA YANG: I understand we have this room the whole morning for us.

>> ANDREA SAKS: So in other words, if everybody agrees to arrive

20 minutes early, you will have sufficient time to go over any details that need to be organised and to check that everything is functioning.

>> PETER MAJOR: That's fine. But I can see that the hotels are

25 kilometers from the point. And there will be a shuttle service and we will very much depend on the shuttle service from the hotel.

So it's a question of the shuttle service.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. So everybody has to get up early.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Can I say something, Andrea, at this point.


>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Last year in Vilnius the shuttle started at 7:00 o'clock in the morning so almost two hours before the start of the meeting so maybe people have to get an earlier shuttle to get to the -- at least for the Wednesday, 28th of September.



>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Thank you for that warning, Peter everybody is going to have to organise. But once we know where you're staying when you arrive we can communicate information like that a little more easily. So that's a good point that you mentioned,

Peter. And Alexandra, you'll have to add that to a list, shuttles from hotels.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Alexandra, my question was: Is anyone scheduled in our meeting room before 9 a.m.

>> ANDREA SAKS: No. We have the room. Xiaoya just said that we have the room before.


>> ANDREA SAKS: So we can go in there.

>> XIAOYA YANG: I understand there's no events scheduled before

9 in this room.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Thank you.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Cynthia, okay, that's fine. You're going to be staying at the hotel. The Tribe Hotel, correct?

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Yes. I thought we were going to talk about where we are -- I thought we weren't going to talk about where we are. Okay.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Well, I meant -- I'm sorry; I meant because we need a focal point for where you're -- and the -- you're actually next to the venue, correct.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: I'm one and a half kilometers from the venue.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Right. Is anybody -- okay. Fine.

Well, who is going to be staying with who will be coordinated.

Everybody is going to know where everybody else is staying if that makes any sense.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Andrea, this is Shadi, just so you know where the other workshop coordinators might be I'm also trying to get information about the accessibility of the Tribe Hotel. And also the accessibility of the transportation between the Tribe Hotel and the UN building. I don't know how the streets are there or the pavement, if -- I mean one and a half kilometers distance is usually not an issue for me but it really depends on the surface on the ground at the same time I would assume any shuttle service I wouldn't be able to use with a wheelchair so I would either need a separate car or some kind of other solution. So this is also part of the information that I've not been able to get yet.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Fine, we'll add that to the list, the transportation from the hotel if you manage to get into the Tribe.

Okay. Alexandra and I will work on this week. We'll get back to you on that Shadi that's another good point. So we need to find out about travel. And the thing is as I say once you guys have booked your hotel send the information in as quickly as possible so we can figure out where everybody is and see if we can assist you in that way.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: So I would like to ask something: Is everyone bringing a laptop or are we going to run this off one laptop?

>> ANDREA SAKS: Xiaoya, are you bringing an ITU laptop.

>> XIAOYA YANG: I'm bringing mine.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Are we going to be using the ITU laptop to run everything from? Cynthia, I would recommend you bring something because you're going to need to be able to access the captioning.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Yes, I am bringing. But I want to be sure that -- let's do this. Everyone, be sure you also bring your presentation on a stick just so we have less stability in speed -- more stability in speed in moving from one presenter to another.

>> ANDREA SAKS: That's a very good idea. That worked very well last time. And we can load it all onto one computer, if it's Xiaoya's computer that's going to be used. Or it's a computer that they have there.

So I think to be prepared, Xiaoya --

>> XIAOYA YANG: No problem, you know, we will make sure that it's possible to get all of the presentations in one computer before the workshop starts.

>> ANDREA SAKS: That's a good idea. So another reason why everyone should meet together. Okay. Great. Before that time.

So if we start -- what time is it, 9 or 9:30 I've done a data drop.


>> XIAOYA YANG: I think 9.

>> ANDREA SAKS: So everybody really should try to aim to be in the room by 8:30. Just so we can handle all of this stuff. Cynthia,

I have another question. And this is a general one. Who is doing the remote participation? We did get an offer from Judy Oswaid

(phonetic) who has attended who is also a person with a disability she came to Vilnius to be the moderator and I forwarded that to you,

Xiaoya and to you, Alexandra, that that is a very helpful suggestion that we have another person who has offered to be the moderator, remote moderator. Did you take note of that, Xiaoya?

>> XIAOYA YANG: I'm still trying to find out how this remote moderator is going to help.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Well, if she is a -- doing the remote moderator, that means she's in the room. We'll have to clarify that you and

I, that we're talking on the same page.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: She's physically in the room.

>> ANDREA SAKS: She's in the room. And that she is the person who is answering the questions from the remote participants who will be on the chat boxes and who will be -- like they did last time. So that the questions can be asked by people who are meeting not with us but in other locations who are listening to the Webcast and looking at the captioning.

>> XIAOYA YANG: Okay. That's understood. Thank you. I think that's very good -- that will help us.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I told her that. So I forwarded you that e-mail in answering her in saying that you would contact her. So that may be a blessing for you, Xiaoya. Because that way that will free you up to make sure everything is working in other areas.


>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Right. The hub moderator also does testing and troubleshooting.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Well, I don't know if she's able to do that yet.

But the point is between Xiaoya and Judy, they should be able to deal with it.


>> ANDREA SAKS: So that's a good point. Okay. So that's another thing that goes on the list is to check about Judy.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Do we know if captioning is going to have to be provided.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Captioning is provided. We do not know who is doing it. But it is -- it has been arranged for the entire meeting and for the main sessions.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: For the workshops and the main sessions.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes; yes.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Thank you. But we don't -- Alexandra confirmed that today. But we don't know who it is.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Alexandra confirmed that today but we don't know who it is.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Okay. Can we talk this out.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Cynthia, I can't hear you very well.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Can we talk this out? We have one hearing room. We're allotted 9 to 12:30. I'm assuming we'll have one panel go. We'll have a break and we'll have a second panel.

>> ANDREA SAKS: That is correct.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: (Off microphone).

>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm sorry; I'm having trouble hearing you. Can you --

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: So we have to be mindful of our time.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes. That is correct. And the coordinators are the controllers of the time. They will give a brief introduction, introduce the panelists. And then the presentations will be given.

And then a question and answer. And Cynthia, you and Shadi are the main people who will be controlling the time.

>> XIAOYA YANG: I think there is a point that we need to have a break between the two panels. Am and can we have a rough idea when will this break happen?

>> ANDREA SAKS: We have three and a half hours.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Xiaoya, yes, the schedule is 9 to 10:30.

Break, 10:30 to 11. And the second workshop, 11 to 12:30.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: That's generally what we wanted to do, yes.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Now at this point I'm just going to let everybody know that I am not there. I will be watching you. Don't worry.

I'll be looking. And I'll try and see if I can participate remotely.

I'm going to give that a go. But I won't be interfering with anybody it's just sort of like a mommy giving birth to her chicks. The you guys should be just fine. Have we got any more logistical questions

that we need to have Alexandra take note of.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: We have -- I don't know if anybody is aware the registration is not open until the 9th of September 1st. And then everybody has to take care with their -- with respect to the

ITU -- it requires a Visa for Kenya so it's up to each of the speakers to see if their nationality needs a visa.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: And I would like to make a comment on the visas. The Web site for the home country used to have visa information up. And it had said you could get your visa at the airport. However, since I have talked to our consultant here, they are recommending that you not wait until you get to the airport to get your visa. There may be extremely long lines.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Thanks, Cynthia, yeah.

>> PETER MAJOR: At this point --

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: I'm showing now the host country Web site on the GoToMeeting. It comes up, yeah.


>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Yeah, the host country Web site has removed the information they used to have under travel information for visa.

It's no longer there. Which is probably a good idea.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: But the sooner each of the persons is going to -- that's going to Kenya needs a visa, if necessary, the better it is, of course.

>> GERRY ELLIS: Andrea, Gerry here could I ask a different question.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Of course you can go for it.

>> GERRY ELLIS: What's the best currency to bring to Nairobi people have suggested dollars, sterling, whatever. Could people give us a point in the right direction as to what currency to bring.

>> ANDREA SAKS: That's a good question and I don't know the answer to that. At the state of the economies, who knows I don't know that euros would be very interesting, either. I think we have to find that out. Can you add that to the list, please, Alexandra, about currency? I would always get some currency in the country itself before you travel. It's always a good idea to have some. I do not know what facilities they will have there. Is that on the Web site?

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yeah, I'm looking, Andrea.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Alexandra is looking for that.

>> GERRY ELLIS: Well I know the current currency is the Kenya

(off microphone) but I don't know if dollars are sometimes better

in restaurants or whatever, you know.

>> ANDREA SAKS: You have hundred dollar -- if you have hundred dollar bills, forget it. You have to have small bills.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: I'm sorry; in the host country Web site the mention of course the Kenyan shilling and then they mention U.S. euros and pounds so I suppose one of the three would be good. Gerry, there's information in the -- about the currency under travel information really at the end of the page under the type of currency, banks and credit cards.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Let me read to you what it says at the moment though I expect the rate of exchange is no longer valid. You were right, Gerry it says the unit of currency is the Kenya shilling divided into 100 cents the indicative exchange rate as of the 5th of March -- well we know dog gone well that's not what it is now.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Without a chance.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Sorry; it was in $1 was 82 cents, 1 euro was 1.12 what do you call them Kenyan shillings and a pound was 130 Kenya shillings or cents.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: That was in March of 2010 which was a year ago.

>> ANDREA SAKS: But hang on a second. I can actually get that information because I have a currency thing right on my desktop.

Give me one second and I will do that oh . . . good grief. All right.

USD let me see if I can find the Kenya shilling. Let's do K. Oh, bad number it says. Dog gone it. Let me do $1. Sorry, guys, one second. Okay. Euros. Here we go.

Kenyan shilling. Okay. $1 is 92.65 Kenyan shillings let me do pound. Just a minute. British bound is 153.039 Kenyan shillings. And the euro, just a minute, I had forgotten I had this, people. Very exciting. We don't want the Ecuador. Euro. Is -- the euro is 134.062 Kenya shillings. That's the rate as of today.

Okay. So we have to -- obviously you can do a credit card there. I don't -- let me see. To get back to your -- it says major international credit cards are widely accepted for transactions.

Banks are open from 9 in the morning until 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Monday through Friday. They have old banking hours.

The Forex Bureau located in different parts of the city I presume these are the machines are open from 9 in the morning to 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon Monday through Friday. So banks, I think it is a bit restrictive over the weekend. So I think, also, your hotels will

be able to accommodate you but I obviously don't think the rate of exchange would be that good.

Are there any other questions we need to deal with.

>> GERRY ELLIS: Just one we need to be careful about, as well is the conversion software can differ about the conversion we need to think about that.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I didn't hear you, Gerry.

>> GERRY ELLIS: You know the converter for the power for laptops or whatever.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Is there a thing -- can we look at the Web site, also, for the power indicators of what plugs and everything we need,


>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Sure. One second, I have to note the action point. Two seconds.

>> ANDREA SAKS: You're the best, Alexandra, you just do it.

Useful link.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Okay. So let's go . . . I'm sure that the

Kenya Web site has all of this information. Recommended hotels.

>> XIAOYA YANG: It mentions that the electricity supply in Kenya is 220/240 watts. 50 Hertz. Plugs a 3 point square. But I don't understand exactly what 3 point square is.

>> GERRY ELLIS: It sounds like the British standards.

>> ANDREA SAKS: It's very possible because Kenya --

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Sorry, Xiaoya, can you point it out so I can show it on the screen.

>> XIAOYA YANG: It's saying that Kenya host country Web site travel guide. Quick tips. And everything is there.


>> XIAOYA YANG: Time, working hours, the currencies, electricity, everything is there.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Okay. Perfect.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Can we have a look at it now? Because it will be easier for Gerry and to Fernando if we can tell them something that we can have a look.

>> XIAOYA YANG: (Off microphone) unfortunately in this (off microphone).

>> ANDREA SAKS: Cynthia wasn't it you that showed a wonderful

Web site that showed the pictures of the different adaptors.

>> GERRY ELLIS: I had that at one stage and dig that out again.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Can we delegate that to you and you can send it

around to everybody.

>> GERRY ELLIS: I'll find that I can't remember where it was but

I have it written down somewhere.

>> ANDREA SAKS: That will be fabulous. We'll put Gerry in charge of that. Okay. Now, we have exactly 35 more minutes just to let you know. Are there any other logistical questions that you think you need to do? Oh, one of the things, Xiaoya, are you going to have a mobile phone that people can contact you on?

>> XIAOYA YANG: I will bring my ITU mobile. And I need to find out whether it will work in Kenya. I guess so.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Can you find that out and let everybody know?

Those people who have mobiles, perhaps you could help. We have done this in the past. Cynthia, are you bringing yours.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: I will have it. But if Xiaoya has Skype on her mobile, I'll be able to Skype her.

>> XIAOYA YANG: I don't have Skype in my mobile.



>> ANDREA SAKS: The thing is a lot of people can SMS, it's totally an individual choice how we do that but as long as we get logistics of where people are staying and everything else and that gets to

Xiaoya, Xiaoya will be able to coordinate you guys and make sure that everybody you know can communicate.

Now, the next thing we have to talk about is the mission statement. And Arun was the one who sent something in. But he's not on the phone call. Alexandra, I'm going onto that unless we have any other questions or Cynthia you have anything else to talk about regarding your workshop.


>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm sorry; I forgot -- I've passed one up.

Shadi, I'm sorry we're going to not do that one yet. Shadi, the main session, Access and Diversity. Shadi, you are going to present the

DCAD proposals. This was arranged when -- in between calls when it was pointed out to Chengetai that we didn't have a person with disabilities on the panel so we processed Shadi to do that and they accepted him so Shadi will be on the panel and Alexandra can you make a note to confirm that that's on the Web site.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Great. And communicate with all of you after the Web site meeting, I mean after the workshop meeting, there will

probably be a need for you all to talk together to decide what are the main points that Shadi wants to express. But the four -- what was it, six questions, we didn't get much response from people on what they thought. We got one from Arun. And this would form the part of the mission statement.

>> GERRY ELLIS: Cynthia -- or Andrea, I sent one there today.

>> ANDREA SAKS: You did?

>> GERRY ELLIS: You may not have seen it yet but I sent it today.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. So the point is we'll try to work on something via e-mail before. Alexandra, you said you had something from Arun.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Do you want to share that?

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yeah, I'm showing it. I'm showing now in

GoToMeeting. And Arun says he has sent for your input and it says let me focus on persons with multiple and cognitive disability in trying to address these questions.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Go ahead and read it out for everybody. That's fine. Go ahead and read it out.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Okay so what are the main technical, commercial and policy obstacles on the ground for achieving universal affordable access to infrastructure, particularly to broadband

Internet access in Developing Countries.

Persons with Disabilities are experts in the matter of obstacles.

If you are deaf-blind, be for instance, affordable technology to allow you to accept the Internet does not exist. That is a technology obstacle. But merely overcoming that is not enough.

Once the technology becomes available, the educational system must allow its use in class and in exams as well as adapt the curriculum so that the two are compatible.

No. 2: What are the main current obstacles to access to knowledge and content online. That was the question. And was

Question No. 2 of the main session.

Language for those who are not fluent in English. For a severely disable person, learning anything is hard. Expecting such a person to know English in addition to the mother tongue is unrealistic.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Hiroshi are you still on the call.


>> ANDREA SAKS: This is up your street. So Hiroshi, you haven't been on the calls -- excuse me for interrupting Alexandra.


>> ANDREA SAKS: But the questions of the main session, did you get a copy of that?


>> ANDREA SAKS: Alexandra, would you make sure that you send him a copy of the questions so he can put what he feels are good answers because I had a feeling maybe because he hasn't been on the calls you hasn't been following what we've been up to.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: We'll resend -- we'll send the questions.

But I sent it to Hiroshi but we'll resend it to him.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. And the idea is from these questions we're going to come up with a mission statement. So this will probably be very much done on the spot with Shadi and Cynthia helping their respective workshops to come through with answers that they agree.

And presenting something at the end saying this was the mission statement and contributing to those discussions. Is that okay Shadi that we stuck you on the spot and Cynthia that we make you a focal point -- Cynthia is really good with language and getting things in a very concise organised way.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: This is Shadi --

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: What day and time is the main session?

>> ANDREA SAKS: That's a good point. Alexandra what is the date and time of the main session, please?

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: It's on the 29th in the morning from 9 to


>> ANDREA SAKS: All right. Ladies and gentlemen, that means that --

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: It's following the two workshops.

>> ANDREA SAKS: You guys are going to have to get together to work together on that after the two workshops and Xiaoya you may have to help them find a space. They probably can't use the same room to be able to do that.

You may have to work in the lobby. But -- and that will count as the official DCAD meeting. It's not organised in the same that

Vilnius was organised last year. It's very different. And it's been very difficult to get information.

>> XIAOYA YANG: What exactly is the problem? I think our workshop is on the 28th and this main session is on the 29th.

>> ANDREA SAKS: There is no problem. The thing is the mission statement still has not been written. And we promised a mission statement from the DCAD. As a result of the meeting -- of the workshops. And what we thought we would do was that, Xiaoya, the six questions that they had, they would use those questions to form the mission statement.

The main session on Access and Diversity. Every single question we decided last time had an application that would apply to Persons with Disabilities. Had an answer that needed to be answered for Persons with Disabilities.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Andrea, what Xiaoya was pointing out is if we want to finalize that mission statement from the input or output from the Wednesday meeting from 9 to 12:30, we need to do it on

Wednesday that day, have a DCAD meeting on that day.

>> ANDREA SAKS: That's exactly what I'm saying. That's exactly what I'm saying.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Because we have the main session --

>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm saying exactly the same thing. So the problem may be space to meet.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: So we just checked with Peter. And the exact time is 11 to 12:30 for the main session.

>> PETER MAJOR: Excuse me -- it's up to -- it's up to 13 so it's up to 1.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: So it's 11 to 1:00 o'clock on Thursday morning the 29th.


>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: So optimally the DCAD's offside meeting wherever we have it it would be best to have it on Wednesday afternoon.

>> PETER MAJOR: Yeah, I agree. Yeah that's a good idea.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. So finding a room for everyone to meet after lunch will probably be up to all of you there to deal with and

Xiaoya you may have to assist on that.

>> XIAOYA YANG: I understand. We have already made this request for a DCAD meeting. We made this request to the Secretariat. But they didn't confirm that. And on the other hand, I understand from

Alexandra's information that we didn't push them enough to have this meeting. Because we were not sure that after the two workshops whether we still need this DCAD meeting.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I think you probably at this junction will.

Because we have not received other comments or answers to those

questions that we have asked. We have Gerry's and Arun's --


>> ANDREA SAKS: Hello, who just entered.

>> ARUN MEHTA: This is Arun Mehta from New Delhi.

>> ANDREA SAKS: We were just talking about you, kid. That's why you're on the thing. We were just going through your question answers.

>> ARUN MEHTA: I am so sorry to be late.

>> ANDREA SAKS: You're all right. We forgive you. Let me give you an update. We are talking about that Gerry sent you, you sent yours. Hiroshi is going to take a look at it. He's on the call.

We need to probably finalize the mission statement. Shadi

Abou-Zahra is going to be the representative for DCAD on the panel of the main session for Access and Diversity because we said that after we had our meeting last time that all of these questions had

-- they were applicable to Persons with Disabilities. So we went and said we needed a person with disabilities to be on the panel.

>> ARUN MEHTA: Besides which he's an excellent choice as a panelist so I think that's an excellent idea.

>> ANDREA SAKS: It's been settled that's happening Alexandra is going to confirm it but we've got that done. So basically what we're talking about now is logistics. This is not obviously going to be finalized today. We could try to work on it for the next thing over the period of time. I still want to send in their question answers.

You've done it. Gerry has done it. And then after you've had your workshop we're talking about an opportunity even if it's meeting informally in a room that's free we can still count it as a DCAD meeting. It doesn't have to be open to the public as we had originally did that. I think what happened, Xiaoya, is because we needed the time for two workshops, that they gave us the time for the two workshops and weren't going to give us a third section for

DCAD because they had problems.

That's kind of how I interpret the situation.


>> ANDREA SAKS: It doesn't stop us meeting informally afterwards between -- after lunch after our presentations on the 28th all the way through till the 11:00 o'clock hour for Access and Diversity on the 29th so you have that time to organise and get a mission statement which addresses those questions for Shadi to be able to present the mission statement doesn't have to be six answers. It just has to

be a statement. So I'm going to leave that with all of you to deal with there.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Andrea, I would just like to confirm when should I ask for Arun will be on Wednesday afternoon whenever -- ask for a room I should ask for Wednesday afternoon whenever there's a room free to meet.



>> ANDREA SAKS: And we're going to confirm all of this by e-mail.

So we were reading your questions. But I don't know that we really have time to go through that. Alexandra will send your responses and the original questions and Gerry's response to everybody so everybody can see what everybody else is saying.

Is that okay. Alexandra.


>> XIAOYA YANG: Andrea, allow me to interrupt again here. I don't quite understand now we definitely need this DCAD meeting to formalize this mission statement?


>> XIAOYA YANG: And you are not going to be there. And I assume

Peter will take the lead of coordinating this -- the drafting of this mission statement?

>> ANDREA SAKS: Peter will run the meeting. And Cynthia and

Shadi will probably work together to -- yes, I would say that probably we need -- yes. Well, of course. He would be the logical choice because he's the vice coordinator.

So you'll run the meeting. So Cynthia and Shadi will probably produce the final draft. But everybody else inputs. I mean like we did it before. We did it in Sharm El Sheikh everybody who was there we sat there and we were still working on it at the very end, weren't we. Gerry, you --

>> XIAOYA YANG: And I think it's rather striking to me that this

-- I consider this should be a big output -- the most important output from the DCAD to this meeting.

>> ANDREA SAKS: It is.

>> XIAOYA YANG: So before -- even before this conference call we were mostly concentrating on the two workshops and now we know that we still have another big objective to have this mission statement generalized and submitted to the main session this is a big task for us and I think we should really pay more attention and

do -- make enough preparation for that.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I agree. That's why I've asked everybody to go and answer the questions and that we'll forward that around so everybody's views are well known before. And Cynthia, are you able to -- and Shadi, are you able to combine these two things together?

Shadi, are you on holiday, by the way.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Yes, it's my last week of vacation actually.



>> ANDREA SAKS: All we can do is ask for the information.

Cynthia, are you able to synthesize it?

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: I was planning on doing that. I should tell everybody I will be at the conference of State Parties in New York the first week in September. So I may be delayed in getting that synthesis together. But I plan on doing that.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. So it is being worked on, Xiaoya, at the

-- over the period of time before. But it has been our experience

-- and Gerry will test this out because Gerry was able to put in a lot of input in Sharm El Sheikh because it wasn't quite where it should have been. And I think that we give everybody an opportunity to look at a final draft. And also whatever came up in the workshop to add to that we've done it that way before so you are correct and we should be working on it and I'll be watching it, as well. So we're going to continue to work remotely and Hiroshi is going to get his second

-- is going to get the questions. And Fernando, you are going to write something about the cost factor, correct?

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Yes; yes. I sent my presentation, the five slides. Should I prepare anything in writing in addition to that.

>> ANDREA SAKS: The six questions. That were put out by the main session. We wanted you to answer those in terms that you felt were applicable to your area of expertise for Persons with Disabilities.

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Great. Okay. I'll do that.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Why don't you send the question out to everybody,

Alexandra, again.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Andrea, I will resend that again with a reminder so it's more clear for everybody maybe.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. I think that's good.


>> ANDREA SAKS: And Jorge, you'll do it in regard to older people?

Are you there, Jorge? We have lost Jorge. Okay. When you send it

out I'll make sure a -- make a special note for Jorge to do it for older persons.

>> XIAOYA YANG: Andrea, let me understand the task here. The

DCAD mission statement will be based on the answers to the main session questions? Or it not necessarily will be our answers of all of these questions? Because I can imagine people might have diverse opinions about answers to those questions. For example we were just talking about Arnoud's reply. And for example I might not agree with

Arnoud that the most -- the biggest barrier to access, to online is language. For example maybe I would not agree with him on this.

And then we can assume that from different DCAD members we might have different answers so we need to have some discussions.

And we might need to agree on some kind of priority list what are the mostly agreed biggest barriers for example. And then we can form something in the name of the DCAD.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I agree with you. I think everybody in the call agrees with you. And that's why we ended up doing when we did our statement before. We ended up finalizing it at the DCAD meeting that we had.

>> XIAOYA YANG: Yeah, I think then I agree with you and I would also like to emphasize it here, we need to have the answers from all of us before. And then we can make good use of the DCAD meeting for discussions.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Perfect. Absolutely spot on, Xiaoya, I think that's great. Does everybody agree with Xiaoya's premise there, that we operate in that fashion?


>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Xiaoya, that is agreed. We agree to work in that way. Thank you for that. That was clarifying -- that clarified the position perfectly.

Okay. I think at this moment in time we pretty well covered everything. Now I forgot what I put on the agenda. I'm completely brain dead. What was I going to say at the last bit. Could you go to the top of the page? There was one other thing we had to deal with. If we've covered the mission statement sufficiently. Can you go to the top of the page? I added something to the DCAD meeting list. To the agenda. And I can't remember for the life of me what it was that I wanted to put in there. Alexandra.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yes, Andrea, I've put -- I've added all of the actions under each point. So the meeting who has to do what

and who said what and now for the mission statement. So I was already under any other business to what Xiaoya just said.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Perfect. Okay.

Does anybody have anything that they would like to say at this point, please?

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Yes, this is Cynthia. I thought there was some comment that we were going to confirm who was going to be there.

>> ANDREA SAKS: At the moment everyone that -- I mean, Shadi, were you able to get ahold of Satoshi. Shadi, are you there.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Sorry; of who.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Satish, sorry.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Yes. But I think he's on travel this week.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: He said he would send his presentation a bit later. But replied.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. And Hiroshi, you're going to be there?


>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay good. Everybody who is on this call is going to be there. I know that Arnoud is not. Jorge has confirmed that he will be. Christophe Oule is still a pending issue. So everybody apparently from the list are all going to be there.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Okay. Thank you.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Are there any other questions? Or statements?

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Sorry, Andrea, this is Fernando, so are we going to be receiving a contact from ITU or just like in previous times regarding tickets and so forth?

>> ANDREA SAKS: Ah, Xiaoya, you have not received anything from


>> XIAOYA YANG: Sorry; I don't understand the question.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm directing you to Fernando -- Fernando, repeat your question for Xiaoya.

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Yes, my question is for those people who will receive assistance in order to buy the tickets and so forth --

>> XIAOYA YANG: Haven't you been contacted by ITU fellowship?

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: No, I haven't yet. No.

>> XIAOYA YANG: That's surprising. I assumed that they should have already contacted you. I will follow up on this. Because those

-- but you know that you are confirmed -- your fellowship is confirmed?

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: No; no. I only know that now. I only know that now. Until now I have not received any kind of confirmation

or e-mail or anything like that. Last year in the previous IGF there was a problem with UNDP in Brazil which took a long time to react to an e-mail from ITU Geneva. So this might be happening again. I don't know.

>> XIAOYA YANG: I understand what the procedure should be. I have already asked that the fellowship colleagues last year started to contact those -- a list of those who have been confirmed. And

I know that some of you have already been contacted so I assume that all of you have been contacted. But if not I'll follow up with them.


>> ANDREA SAKS: We need to contact people regarding funding issues, if anybody needs to contact people regarding funding issues could you contact Xiaoya, please. And Xiaoya's e-mail is on other correspondence. That way she will know what's going on.

Are there any other questions.

>> GERRY ELLIS: Just for Fernando's sake I was contacted and it was confirmed and the flights were confirmed very, very quickly and very efficiently so I can give Fernando the e-mail address of the person I was dealing with. I will do that.

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Thank you, Gerry.

>> ANDREA SAKS: But copy Xiaoya on all correspondence.

>> GERRY ELLIS: I will.

>> XIAOYA YANG: Yes, please.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Are there any other questions that we need to answer? I'm just going to say this over again. I'll give other opportunities. Who else would like to?

Well, I think we have -- I think we have in fact covered everything. I'm sorry I'm not going to be able to be with you. I'm really going to miss all of you. But I know you guys are so good at what you do. I'm going to look forward to looking at it.

I will still be working with Alexandra and Xiaoya so I'm not out of the picture totally so if you do want to have something you want to talk with me about I will be happy to participate in any way

I can. Xiaoya, would you like to say anything.

>> XIAOYA YANG: No, not at this moment. But I will be in IGF on the spot so if you have any questions, you can -- and you need any information, you can contact me. And I'm willing to help. At your service.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you. And Alexandra, thank you very, very much for taking such great notes I'll be watching them as you do that.

You'll be sending that out shortly I know and we'll send out a copy of the captioning.


>> ANDREA SAKS: I guess this is it, guys, good luck. And knock them dead.


>> ANDREA SAKS: I think we can end the call can we not.

>> PETER MAJOR: Thanks, Andrea, we shall miss you.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm going to miss you guys. But Peter, hey, you are going to be the pitbull without lipstick.


>> ANDREA SAKS: I will give you my lipstick, dear.

>> PETER MAJOR: Okay. Thank you.


>> ANDREA SAKS: And I will be in Geneva Peter so we can meet up, okay.

>> PETER MAJOR: Right.

>> ANDREA SAKS: All right. I'll see those of you in Geneva, I'll see you next week. And thank you very much, Cindy, for your wonderful captioning as usual.

(Thank you!).

>> ANDREA SAKS: We're going to need a transcript as soon as you're able. And we'll get the answers to those questions, Shadi, that you need. And that everyone needs regarding logistics on the ground.

And thank you for all of your hard work. And get the answers to the questions, please.




>> MALE SPEAKER: Take care, everyone, bye bye.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you.

>> Bye.

>> CYNTHIA WADDELL: Safe travels.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Safe travels, everyone, bye bye.

>> Bye bye.

(Session ended at 8:29 a.m. CST)


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