


JUNE 21, 2011

7:00 A.M. CST


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This text is being provided in a rough draft format. Communication

Access Realtime Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings.



>> Hello this is Shoya from TSB.


>> Can you hear me? Yes, okay.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Hi. I just got dumped from GoToMeeting.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yeah, I saw you online.

>>ANDREA SAKS: But now it's gone again so now I have to do it again. It just dumped me. Let's try this again.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yeah, try again and we are online.

>>ANDREA SAKS: I know you are. I was there. I just got dumped.

So I'm going to try this again.


>>ANDREA SAKS: All right, oh, God. Now . . . it says downloading complete the meeting should start in a few seconds. Verifying ID.

While you wait we do the audio checklist. I'm waiting it hasn't put me in.

>> WOMAN SPEAKER: Yeah I'm also waiting.

>>ANDREA SAKS: Hi, Shoya.

>> WOMAN SPEAKER: Yes I'm also on the conference bridge and I'm joining GoToMeeting and I got the same message waiting for organiser.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: We'll have Pablo come in and look and see.

>>ANDREA SAKS: Well Chengetai looks like he's going to give us another 90-minute slot but he's not promising until Tuesday because something could go wrong. He said Murphy's Law. So:

How many people are on or just us for the minute.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Nirmita has arrived. She was here for the meeting. So she's here.

>>ANDREA SAKS: Nirmita, hello.


>>ANDREA SAKS: How are you.

>> NIRMITA NARASIMHAN: Good how are you doing.

>>ANDREA SAKS: Pretty good. And we're waiting for Peter to turn up.


>>ANDREA SAKS: It says successfully connected if you are the organiser click here. Waiting for organiser. I'm still not on.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yeah, it looks like the Internet line is gone. So we are fixing it. We have Pablo from EDH.

>>ANDREA SAKS: Who do we have from EDH.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: We have a colleague we were online and then the Internet line went away and so we are connecting as well.



>> ANDREA SAKS: Well the captioning is working perfectly.

Thanks, Cindy.


(Thank you!).

>> ANDREA SAKS: It's what we have come to expect from you I hope we don't take you for granted, Cindy because you're brilliant.

(No you guys are great always!).

>> ANDREA SAKS: What time is it in the morning there for you.

(It's 7:00 o'clock a.m.).


>> ANDREA SAKS: Oh it's not too bad it's only 7 in the morning.




>> ANDREA SAKS: Hi, who is there.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Hi, this is Shadi.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Hi, Shadi we are having trouble with --


>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Yes exactly I was trying to get into

GoToMeeting then I decided to call in since I couldn't get an answer online.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Well there is a problem with it but we have the captioning which is great Shadi a bit of good news have I been -- have you been reading my e-mails I've been putting you in on copy.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Yeah it looks really interesting.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Well it looks like we will have an extra 90 minutes but it's not 100% until next Tuesday because he's in Singapore but he says he thinks he'll be able to get us one under the circumstances. So we may have to have another meeting fairly soon.

But I'll go into that when we get into the meeting. But since --

I've decided that I'm calling you and Cynthia my team leaders. For as good a title as any.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: I'm honoured.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I will get you a little wreath.


>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: I'm honoured and scared at the same time.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Oh, don't be. You are so silly.


>> ANDREA SAKS: I don't think we're having Gerry today because of the circumstances.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Yeah, it's really sad.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: So we're still working on the Internet connections here in the room. Okay?

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Alexandra could you speak again I couldn't hear you very well you sounded very far from the microphone.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Sorry; I said we were on the Internet and

GoToMeeting and it's gone away that had appeared so we have a colleague here now to establish Internet connection.


>> ANDREA SAKS: So you don't have captioning either.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yeah now we don't have anything because the

Internet is lost so we reestablishing it.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Well, we've got Shadi. We've got Nirmita.

We've got me. We have Shoya we have you we haven't got a lot of people on yet who said they are going to be on. So you've got time.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: And Peter just arrived.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Peter.

>> PETER MAJOR: How are you.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Oh, I'm good, thanks how are you.

>> PETER MAJOR: I got lots of e-mails from you.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes, have you been be reading them, that's the point.


>> PETER MAJOR: I wish I had thought of that.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I think we've got our extra 90 minutes. I sent your report to him.

Just one question. Did you talk to -- God, the name just went out of my brain. DAISY. Hiroshi?


>> ANDREA SAKS: I was asking Shadi.

>> PETER MAJOR: I read the e-mails to see what he had to say last week.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Who is speaking? I can't tell.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Andrea Peter said he didn't speak to


>> ANDREA SAKS: No but I was talking to Shadi.


>> ANDREA SAKS: That's okay. Shadi are you still online.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Yes. Yeah, I am. And so my last communication with Hiroshi was -- must be been a while ago to two weeks ago or something. I mean I heard from him when he was in Geneva recently for the WIPO stuff but regarding DCAD, I contacted him I think two or three weeks ago to make sure about the travel arrangements. And yeah. So -- and earlier I had a contact with him about the initial interest in participating in this presentation and he was very welcoming.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Well the question I have is because the rules that we've got for funding do not include Hiroshi.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Right, both Hiroshi and Martin who would be

-- Martin Gould who would be replacing Axel and I made them both aware as Alexandra had directed me and Hiroshi I believe responded and said he will make sure to arrange other sources of funding.


>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: And Martin and Axel said they will contact

Alexandra directly so I took myself out of that loop.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay in future Alexandra and Shadi if you ever get involved in that again, can you copy me. Even though I may be in some strange place. I just like to see what's going on because

I can keep following and be ahead of it but thank you for the update.

That's what I needed to know. I know Alexandra met with Hiroshi while he was at WIPO so she'll fill us in on that during the meeting.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: She might have more updated information than

I do then.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Well it's just that I gave the job to you.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: We have GoToMeeting on now.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Here we go please enter the meeting password.

Here we go. Thank you, Pablo.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Thanks, Pablo.

>> ANDREA SAKS: It's coming. Hey, here we are. Hey here is the agenda. Cool.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: What's the meeting password.




>> ANDREA SAKS: Ah, who has entered?

>> JORGE PLANO: Hello this is Jorge Plano.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Hi, Jorge, we've had some technical difficulties but we have just now solved so you're right on time. We can now get onto GoToMeeting where we couldn't before. Not everybody is online yet. We're going to give people a few minutes.

>> JORGE PLANO: Yes I got the pin rejected a couple of times.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Well now you can try and it will work. The problem was at ITU. Not you.




>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: We had GoToMeeting and then the Internet went off and now thanks to my colleague, Pablo, we have the Internet back here.


>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: So we have the GoToMeeting session going on and the captioning, as well. So you can see the screen here.

And then maybe when we are ready --

>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm just going to give people a few more minutes because people may be trying to get into GoToMeeting and not have dialed in yet. Or whatever. Because there were three things to take care of, captioning -- because I've got captioning on a separate screen. I mean I'm hoping -- Cynthia is supposed to be on and I might just call her and wake her up. Let me just see if she's on Skype.

Because last time she overslept.

Let me see if she's on Skype. Gosh, I have two computers up, guys, this is really insane.

Now, who else said they were coming? We were going to get


>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Arun said he was supposed to be on -- Arun said.


>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: And (off microphone) as well.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Who is that?

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: This is Shadi again I thought the

GoToMeeting had the voice, as well. But it doesn't.

>> ANDREA SAKS: No, unfortunately if you stick to -- the system is a bit bazaar. Eventually we're going to get something else but we haven't invented it yet so you go in on the dialed number and press

2. And then hang up and they will call you back and you don't have to pay for the call.


>> ANDREA SAKS: With the password. Does that make sense?

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Yes it does but I'll just stay on since I have the connection on.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. As you want. I'm just trying to think if -- she's not online. Oh I hate to call her because what is it now in the morning, 5:00 o'clock in the morning, 6:00 o'clock in the morning there.

Well . . .

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Maybe we can start in the meantime.

>> ANDREA SAKS: We'll start. Let's start. So we've got -- okay.

So all right. I'm going to start. It's 10 minutes past 2. We have

on the meeting we have Shoya Yang (phonetic). We have Alexandra we have Nirmita whose last name I'm going to mess up please repeat it for me.

>> NIRMITA NARASIMHAN: Nirmita Narasimhan.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you. And we have Shadi Abou-Zahra. We have Peter Major. We have Jorge Plano. We have myself. Have we left off anybody?


>> ANDREA SAKS: We have apologies from I guess it's Martin -- what's his name again.


>> ANDREA SAKS: -- to take care of Axel's stuff.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Would you spell that for me, please?

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: G-o-u-l-d. G3ict.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I could have just looked at the bloody captioning.

I'm really silly.

Okay. So the first thing on the agenda is the agenda. We have to approve the agenda. We're waiting for Cynthia and for Arun who will appear shortly but have not yet. So we will have to fill them in with a quick recap.

I'm also waiting for Fernando Botelho who has also added something on to the agenda which I will put under funding issues, which was he wanted to talk about budget and pricing. Regarding --

I think what's going on there but when he pops in, he will take care of that. And is there anybody -- anything else that we need to add to the agenda or that anybody would like to add to the agenda? That can't be handled in any other business?

Okay. Fine. Is the agenda accepted? Great.

Now, I'm going to let Peter start with his report. Which was

-- which was a lifesaver because when he told us that everything had merged, things sort of changed. And I'll fill in in the end. So

Peter, would you like to present yourself, please, as you've done it. And we'll worry about the other business after you've presented it. Okay? Hello? Can anybody hear me?


>> ANDREA SAKS: Is Peter there.

>> PETER MAJOR: Yeah, I'm here. Can you hear me?

>> ANDREA SAKS: Yeah, now I can.

>> PETER MAJOR: Okay. Good.

Well, I sent out the report to --

>> ANDREA SAKS: You're echoing. You need to get closer to the mic.

>> PETER MAJOR: Yeah, I will.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you.

>> PETER MAJOR: So I sent out the paper about the results of the open consultation and the MAG meeting --

>> ANDREA SAKS: Alexandra can you put it up on GoToMeeting sorry


>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yes the report is up on GoToMeeting.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I've got only -- okay. You have it. Sorry.

Thank you. Sorry Peter carry on.

>> PETER MAJOR: So well you probably all know about the background. The things that the General Assembly extended the mandate of IGF. And there was already an open consultation and the

MAG meeting in February 2011.

And at the same time there was a Working Group which started working on the improvements of the IGF first in Montreux and then in March in Geneva this was followed by the open consultation and

MAG -- in May in Geneva it was during the WSIS Forum in fact it was the same venue I was very comfortable for folks who wanted to participate. However I have to admit that there's no way that you can participate in everything.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Sorry; I couldn't understand what you were saying.

>> PETER MAJOR: There's no way you can participate both in the

IGF open consultation and MAG meeting. And at the same time attend some presentations of the WSIS Forum. So probably this is something which should be talked about in the future.

Anyway, so as you may know, the Nairobi at the IGF will have the main title as "Internet as a Catalyst for Change: Access,

Development, Freedoms and Innovations" and the main themes are basically the same as we've had last year and the year before. And we are in one of the main themes this is Access and Diversity.

DCAD and ITU proposed two workshops under the main theme of

Access and Diversity.

The first one is "Implementing Good Practices in

Accessibility for an Inclusive Society" the second one was the

"Mainstreaming the Disability Perspective for an Inclusive Society".

While the first one was more practice oriented. While the second

one was a bit more politically oriented. Legal political initiatives.

During the MAG meeting, it was decided that the MAG will break up into small groups so-called Working Groups to decide on the outcome of the proposals. And I myself participated in the group of Access and Diversity. As always the case, there are too many proposals.

There were I think all of 100 proposals. And there is a target of bringing the workshop numbers to around 60 plus.

So we have discussed it at length. And during the discussion it was suggested by many of the participants in the Working Group to merge the two workshops, the two proposals from the ITU and the


While I can give you some personal impressions on what was the reason for that, I first of all thought it was a complete lack of understanding. And it was striking things. People who were in the Working Group have attended many of the IGFs if not all of them.

And they might have remembered that we had many workshops on this topic. In Sharm I think we had one of the main sessions dedicated to access and accessibility.

And in Vilnius we had successful workshops as well and even though these people some of them were MAG members some of them were organizers, didn't really have any idea what the whole thing is about or very remotely. And it just gave me some doubts whether the approach we are taking is the right one or should we take something different or should we approve our approach. I don't know. I'll leave it up to you.

What -- I started explaining the whole issue. And when I could get some young people. The only reason I got people really interested is when I started talking about the age-related disabilities and that's something which really rang the bell and then others started to complaining about age-related disabilities. And then at the end of the day they are so tired that they have to wear glasses and even with glasses they can't see the screen. And then they started complaining about hearing problems in terms of what -- basically that's the only way or one of the ways, efficient ways to convey the message. The other thing which occurs to me and which is a very good thing you remember in Vilnius when we had young people involved in our workshops and that's another thing which should be considered, as well.

Well, in the end I came around with the decision that the two workshops were merged. However, I think I had a vague promise from this Working Group that even the two workshops are merged, the time allocated to the combined one will be almost the same as we had for the two or eventually a bit reduced.

However, as of yesterday I went to the web site and I found out that the two workshops were still on. But side by side. And we were allocated I think 90 minutes for the two all together. So

I think there must have been a kind of misunderstanding which I think

Andrea you were very good to serve out and I'll be very happy to help you in that.

So that's basically where we are and I'm ready to answer any questions if you may have one. Thank you.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Andrea? Andrea? Maybe we lost Andrea.

Anyways, Peter contributed his -- are you back.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Alexandra can you announce that Arnoud is on, please, he can only use the chat window for the captioning. He can't access the GoToMeeting.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you. Okay. Sorry; I didn't mean to interrupt. I was just watching to see if he has anything to say.

So we'll continue with what I have done this morning regarding talking to Chengetai. Because when Peter told me last night that we only had 90 minutes I went and took a look and everything else and this morning I contacted by telephone the IGF. And found out that -- and Alexandra was in the same wavelength. She did the same thing. But anyway we ended up getting it communicated --


>> ANDREA SAKS: To Chengetai directly who responded by e-mail asking for some information on how this misunderstanding happened.

So I sent him Peter's report. And he wrote back and said that he couldn't do anything about it until Tuesday but he was more than likely going to be able to give us an extra slot.

So he was afraid to say absolutely 100% today because of the fact that Murphy's Law he wanted to be sure.

There are two issues that come up with this. We might not get it. I think it's remote. But we might not get it. And second, if we do get it, it may or may not be able to be in time to feet into the main session. So one of the things we have to discuss is preparing what Shadi suggested to me in an e-mail which I'm going

to ask him to elaborate on, a mission statement, that we maybe will have to include some of the issues of other workshops, whichever one gets the other slot, which may or may not feed into the main session.

Am I being clear? That we have that mission statement written in advance. Or part of it written in advance.

And also I don't know when the DCAD meeting is for. Peter, did you happen to notice that?

>> PETER MAJOR: Notice what?

>> ANDREA SAKS: Well, we have also asked for a meeting time for

DCAD. Alexandra, we have to look on the schedule I think to see if the DCAD meeting is --

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yeah. We have on the general schedule, there are many DCAD slots. But there's no specification where the

DCAD -- sorry the Dynamic Coalition is -- there's slots but no mention of the slots itself.

>> ANDREA SAKS: So it says Dynamic Coalition Dynamic Coalition.


>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm sorry; I didn't get your answer.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: It means they are still working there are slots for Dynamic Coalition but there's not a slot where the DCAD is mentioned.

>> ANDREA SAKS: So other Dynamic Coalitions have slots and we do not.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: No there are several slots where they are on the general category of Dynamic Coalitions.

>> ANDREA SAKS: It doesn't identify which Dynamic Coalition that have those slots there are several slots open for Dynamic Coalitions; have I got it? I don't understand if we're on the same page Alexandra.

Are you confused by my question? Hello?

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yes. We have the -- we had interference so your answer is your interpretation is correct, Andrea.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Fine. Thank you. So we don't know if we're going to be able to have the Dynamic Coalition meeting in time to be able to work on the mission statement because we don't know what time that is going to be.


>> ANDREA SAKS: But that work might have to occur before

September. We're on the second day. Which is which days? Let me just see if we can work this out. Can you help me with this, Alexandra, second day. Which is --

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yeah which is the 28th of September.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Supposedly we have 14:30 to 18:00 for one of them.

We don't know what the other one will be.

When is the main meeting for Access and Diversity? What day is that and what time?

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: The Access and Diversity session is on the

29th of September so that's the following day in the morning.

>> ANDREA SAKS: In the morning.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. So we have to move pretty quickly even though we have a session the day before, we don't have a lot of time to prepare anything. Let's just say worse comes to worse that's all we have. We want to feed into the main session so we have to have some conclusions. Is there a DCAD space to do a meeting before on the first day?

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yeah I'm going to show the main calendar now.

>> ANDREA SAKS: That would be an excellent idea and then I don't have to ask these crazy questions. Let's see what we've got here.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: So okay what I'm showing now is the Day 1.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Right.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Under the opening session there's no DCAD slot allocated.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Right.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Then Day 2. There is --

>> ANDREA SAKS: Ah there is one. There is one on the 11 to 12 isn't there?


>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. You're going to put this on the DCAD web site under our meeting for today, aren't you, so we can look at this?

That would be great if you could.

We also -- okay. Right. We could nail that one.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yeah, Andrea we can ask to book that slot.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes, I'm going to ask him for that.

Is everybody in agreement that I try and go for that?

>> PETER MAJOR: Yeah. This is Peter.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Now if we do not get other workshops done in time for the main session, can we go -- and Day 3, can we look at Day 3, please?

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yes, Day 3 is on.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Thank you. Day 3 is where -- where is

Access and Diversity.

>> WOMAN SPEAKER: In Day 3 there is workshop No. 138. This is

Shoya. And 138 is in Agenda Item 5 for today. I plan to raise this issue when it comes to that. So it's not that relevant to what we are talking at the moment.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you. 138 is your third workshop is that correct.

>> WOMAN SPEAKER: Yes it's the ITU EBU Joint Workshop.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you, Shoya it's important to know that because we may want to put something in the actual -- I don't see where Access and Diversity and my eyes are jumping all around the page.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: One second Andrea.

>> ANDREA SAKS: You said it's in the morning. I'm looking in the morning. 9:00 o'clock interregional Dynamic Coalition -- oh, here it is. Go back. Oops. Ah . . . okay. It's only a half an hour. It's only one half an hour can we go back to that, please?

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Andrea where are you looking I'm sorry.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Go to the beginning. There you are. Stay right there. Main session. Access and Diversity. It's an hour and a half.


>> ANDREA SAKS: It's from 11 to 12.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: 12:30. 11 to 12:30, the main session.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Yeah. Okay. Now we're not the only ones in there. So we're going to have to do something besides. How about the -- I mean some of the things that Peter has just discussed with us that they don't get it are probably some of the issues that we should bring up in a way.

There is -- okay. I'm going to do another jump. These are just pieces of information to help us figure out what we're going to do thanks to those circumstances.

There is a document which is called the draft programme of

2011. Do you have that one? Which has the Access and Diversity main question. And it says: Sub questions. Do we have that document for -- I may have forgotten to ask you for that one, Alexandra.


>> ANDREA SAKS: It's -- it discusses the Access and Diversity

main question. The Internet access as a basic human right. What challenges and opportunities does it pose for policymakers in the broader Internet community. So this is like more policy rather than best practices. But I don't know what the rest of the group thinks.

It lists 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 questions that we need to look at.

And we need to submit this document to everybody to have a good look at. Because we are in June. We're going to have to have at least two meetings before. And we need to actually clarify a bit more how we're going to divide this up. And Tuesday we'll know exactly how much time we have. And whether or not we have the Dynamic Coalition time slot on the time that we wanted. Because we can continue to prepare what we're going to present at the main session.

Whether or not we -- we'll have to decide which workshop goes in the section that is the last session the day before because we're supposed to feed into -- in principle the one that's supposed to feed into the main session.

Does anyone want to say anything at this point about all of the -- all that I have said about our situation with the two subjects, two workshops, main session and Dynamic Coalition meeting? I hope

I've given a clear enough overview.

Please, other people speak.

>> PETER MAJOR: This is Peter. Andrea, to get you summarized, it's (off microphone) to have a Dynamic Coalition meeting when we propose the other DCAD meeting.


>> PETER MAJOR: And when -- what do you propose to have in our message?

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. I'll summarize what I've said.

We have a slot. I need to look at the schedule again for Day

1, please. Just so everybody can see it. Day 1.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. So the morning. Oh, we are in the morning.

Where -- Day 1. There was a space for Dynamic Coalition.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: It was on Day 2 Andrea.

>> ANDREA SAKS: It was on Day 2 excuse me.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: No not just -- Day 2 --

>> ANDREA SAKS: Yeah go to Day 2 in the morning.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: In the morning, yeah.

>> ANDREA SAKS: At 9:30. No it was 11 to 12.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay 11 to 12:30. Okay. And I proposed that that slot be given to us so that when we get our second slot no matter where it's put, we can formulate our mission combining the two ideas of the group to be able to do it in the main session because our slot for one of the workshops either 136 or 137 is going to be on Day 2 at 1430 -- no it's going to be 16:30 to 18:00 which is the last one of the day.


>> ANDREA SAKS: So we still have one workshop pending. So that's my first proposal that I ask Chengetai for that slot for our Dynamic

Coalition meeting. It will give us a chance to organise and prepare what we need to do.

What does everybody think about that?

I want somebody to say something, please.

>> PETER MAJOR: Andrea it's Peter again I think that's a good proposal. And we can go ahead with that.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Peter says yea Shadi what do you think this is just dynamics just so we can get our slots in the way we want them.

Shadi, are you all right with that.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. The other thing is that Tuesday I'll know more about the time. So Shadi, bless his heart, came up with a proposal that if we are only going to have 90 minutes, and that's all we have to have, we have to totally restructure how we are doing this.

Would you like to propose that idea so everybody knows where we are on that one? I'm going to give that to you if that's okay.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: So actually, Andrea, you know, even if we have the full length of time, it is going to be just one slot of time of 180 minutes, you know, three hours, so I still think it might be useful to go through the exercise of streamlining the two separate sessions into one session that is, you know, more -- I don't know

-- extensive rather than two separate ones.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Right.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: But anyway my specific suggestion was also in case we are short of speakers and we always have that issue that we have many speakers who would want to speak. So I am happy to, you know, step back to free up my slot if that is necessary.

I also want to suggest specifically -- and I'm not in any way trying to prioritize or favor any particular presentation. But just,

you know, if I just had to pick three from the presentations in my panel, I would say that Hiroshi was going to present on emergency and disaster preparedness. And I think this is really an essential issue not just because it deals with access to People with

Disabilities, which is in itself already very important. But also deals with saving peoples lives. And we will be presenting on some of the recent events in Japan. And I think that would be just really important also for the delegates of IGF to realise what difference accessibility makes.

The other presentation by G3ict introducing their international survey on the situation of adhering or complying with the UN Convention, I think that would be very important to relate the delegates, as well. I must say here that I believe our issues with funding and I'm not exactly sure what the situation is. So if that can be worked out, I think that could be a good presentation.

And finally, Nirmita who I believe is on the call I heard earlier was putting together policies and best practices of policies particularly I think she was going to present on the experiences in

Southeast Asia. And I think that is very important, as well, to bring concrete case studies and best practices. I think this would complement what Cynthia was intending to also present about. But more -- much more to the global scale on all of the different activities going on internationally. There would be really concrete case studies and I think that would be really exciting, as well.

So maybe Nirmita can actually share more about where she is with that right now.

Yeah. Again, I just want to really say this is not in any way favoring any particular you know presentations. If it were up to me I would have all -- the entire IGF talk about nothing -- talk about nothing else accessibility but these would be my suggestions to the group.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Thanks, Shadi. I have one suggestion for you.

We need to have a moderator for this group. So if you were to move into the moderation factor, that would probably work.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: I was planning to moderate the session, as well. Maybe just introduce myself very briefly. You know, and introduce maybe you know the organisation very briefly. But taking no more than you know three or four minutes or something. And then mainly moderating the panel. So that was my thinking all along.

However, if I really do take the long travel to get to Kenya,

I think maybe the moderators or the moderator/rapporteurs would also be represented maybe in the main session or something like that.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Well that's a possibility. Because if you're moderating this one -- and I realise that going to Kenya just to be the moderator is a bit of a jump. But if you were also part of going into the main session, that would be -- because you're very good at moderating. And I've seen you so I know you're good and I don't think any -- since this is your -- you've been organising this one, it seems only natural that you would do that.

Now, Cynthia is not on the call at the moment. I don't know why.

But -- because I spoke to her last night and it was my understanding that she would be there.

So we'll put Cynthia off to the -- Cynthia's off to the side and maybe it's good that we speak about this one and this one may go into that one and if I can increase -- let me get your point -- our -- that one is 136 or 137 Alexandra, the number? Shadi's is what number.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: I think it's 136.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Yours is 136. If I can get them to extend it to a three-hour slot, great. If I can't, then it's -- we'll deal with that at a later time. But some of the stuff that might be -- if we put yours there because with -- you've made a very valuable point. Japan. The tsunami. Hiroshi. A really important event.

Definitely that has to be in the main session, as well.

The survey, which we wanted to do previously is there.

And the best practice policies for Asia, that's a Developing

Country, that would fit right in really well.

We do have one other person who has come in. Abdul is not on the call but I spoke with him he wanted to do a five-minute presentation on something he was doing in Africa and I need to get more information and we have to talk to him. But we weren't sure where we were going to put him because we had so many people.

So I told him that we'll find some place for him to go but we hadn't really got a place defined as yet so I wanted just to bring that up at that point because Developing Nations are the nations that need to be emphasized I think at this particular time. As well as

-- carry on.

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Sorry Andrea this is Fernando. I finally

made it. I'm sorry for being late. I missed about half an hour of the conference call towards the beginning. And I don't know if it was brought up. But since you are mentioning the Developing Nation perspective, I wanted to bring up the points that we need to have an acknowledgement and hopefully a presentation that covers the issue of cost or better still low costs solutions you know that are particularly relevant for the Africa, Latin America and some of the

Asia contexts.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. That's where you wanted the cost thing.

Okay. Gotcha. All right.

Which workshop are you associated with? The one led by

Cynthia or the one led by Shadi.

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Yeah, I don't know. From in the list that

I saw yesterday on the e-mail, I did not see my name. So I'm not sure that I am at the exact moment associated with any workshop.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Well I have you --

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: I thought all of the --

>> ANDREA SAKS: Do you all mind if I recap a little bit for

Fernando so he knows the problems we have at the moment? Would that be -- I will do it fairly quickly if that's all right?

We may have lost 90 minutes. There was some confusion and an error and a misunderstanding when they merged our workshops together as per the report that Peter gave somehow somebody interpreted that is that we were only having 90 minutes but we were feeding into a main session this time.

I intervened and got -- and so did Alexandra. And I took

Peter's report which clearly states that we were given three hours.

And communicated directly with Chengetai who has come to the conclusion he's going to -- he thinks he can give us another slot but we don't know where this slot will be. There is a space for the

DCAD meeting to have one in the morning of Day 2. Our slot is -- that's in the morning from 9:30 to 12:30. And our slot is -- slots for one of the workshops for 90 minutes is at 16:30 to 18:00 and the next day at -- what is it 11 to 12:30. The main session on Access and Diversity appears.

So we've got this little crunch of stuff we have to do for that particular time and doing a mission statement.

So we're kind of looking at since Shadi is here and Cynthia is not we're focusing on what Shadi had created in his mind and Shadi was talking about -- I don't know if you heard that he would -- does

not feel he needs to be a presenter if time was of an issue. He would be the moderator.


>> ANDREA SAKS: You got that part.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Fine. So that's where we are and it looks like I will hear on Tuesday from Chengetai whether or not we have this extra slot. In the meantime I'll be writing him an e-mail which

I'll copy all of us on to say we have looked at the situation. And we need to have the Dynamic Coalition meeting at that slot that I've mentioned even when we get the extra 90 minutes because we don't know where that's going to go to be able to plan the mission statement because you've put us so close to the main session. We have no time to prepare our mission statement unless we do it well in advance.

But we would like to include what is happening at IGF on the spot.


>> ANDREA SAKS: So that's what I'm going to do so that's one of my proposals.

So at the moment that's all you've missed.

You've read Peter's report as I remember.


>> ANDREA SAKS: So we are looking at the schedule which I have verbally given to you.

So that's where we are.

Okay. So that is --


>> ANDREA SAKS: Shadi is that you.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Yeah, sorry to interrupt you I believe at least that's what my recollection is but maybe Alexandra can confirm that Fernando was assigned to Cynthia's session 137 initially. I'm not sure exactly -- I know things have moved around quite a bit. But that was my recollection.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Fine. So the cost factor would go into now -- now you -- let me just look at this. I'm just trying to be clear on everything so we know what we're doing. Hold still. I'm taking out the e-mails. I've got it. Alexandra sent. Theme:

Access and Diversity. Panelists, Shadi, Satish Babu, Fernando

Botelho, Martin Gould, Hiroshi -- no he's with you. He's with you.

And the other one I've got -- I mean Workshop No. 1 "Implementing

Good Practices in Accessibility for an Inclusive Society" is you.


>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: Yes. Sorry; I was just looking up. Yeah.

>> ANDREA SAKS: So actually Fernando is with you we have Martin

Gould, Hiroshi, Nirmita and Fernando. So he does fit in with you.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Now the other workshop which I have to find I printed everything out today I was quite good I'm trying to find a description of the other workshop which I cannot -- help me Alexandra, the other workshop -- ah, Workshop No. 2. That was Jorge Plano,

Cynthia Gerry Ellis and Peter Major were in Workshop No. 2 and that was "Mainstreaming the Disability Perspective for an Inclusive

Society" and Arnoud also which is a little different because Peter

I know you wanted to do something about the fact that Web sites of the UN are not accessible. Gerry was thinking of doing Cloud

Computing. Arun is not on.

>> ARUN MEHTA: I am.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Oh, you are. Hello. I didn't know you were here.

All right. Speak for yourself.

>> ARUN MEHTA: I joined the chat. Well, you know, from what I'm hearing now it looks as if we are a little bit tight in terms of number of slots to speak and so on. So you know I'm -- if you don't have a slot -- if you have fewer slots then I'm quite happy also to sort of step back and not make a presentation this time.

But what I was hoping to talk about was, you know, we have made some interesting developments in how we work with children with mental challenges. And that includes also the aspect of low-cost software with Open Source and development by students and things like that. So it might fit in over there.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Don't give up hope because we are probably going to get that other slot. I'm pretty sure we are going to get it. So we'll be there. So I'm not going to say you have to give up and

Cynthia isn't here to coordinate that one. And Jorge, what were you going to do?

>> JORGE PLANO: Yeah. My presenter will be about the regulations, the present state of web accessibility regulations in different countries. A picture of the general situation in different countries. Of the adoption of the new 2.0 guidelines and what is the present situation.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. And Arnoud, I need you to type to me -- oops. Oh, I see that you are there. I am now looking at the chat

box, hello, Arnoud. I can see you there. Arnoud has made several comments. Wait a minute. He said he thought Shadi was right. That since they are closely dependent on each other in -- each other anyway which is -- I'm not sure what you're referring to. But he's saying well I plan to talk and present about how to reach equal communication.

Okay. And can you elaborate a little further for me, Arnoud? For example a relay service for telecom and how that would be done through policy and Government to understand. Done enough for policy and

Government to understand, which is also extremely important.

So I don't think we can decide a mission statement today. Are we all in agreement about that? But we've got some -- we've reconnected.

We've got a clear division of the two workshops. For the moment. And we want to get that -- we want -- well, I would like to hear from everybody else. I've given one proposal to ask for the

DCAD slot that comes on the same day. We have to wait and see until


Can I ask people at this stage to write me an abstract, please.

This would help me tremendously.

Does silence mean yes.

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: It means yes.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Great. And really just make it a small paragraph.

And we'll use scissors and cut it up and see where we can fit together a mission statement. And I want everybody to please take a look at the draft programme. Shall I read -- I'm going to read the questions.

So Fernando can hear them.

The sub questions for the main question. Which is: Internet access as a basic human right. What are the challenges and opportunities that this poses for policymakers and a broader Internet community.

Now the sub questions are: What are the main technical commercial and policy obstacles on the ground for achieving universal affordable access to infrastructure, particularly to broadband

Internet access in Developing Countries. So we're right on spot on that.

What are the main current obstacles to access to knowledge?

And content online? We're covering that. Arnoud is covering that.

As well as you know it's cost, it's equal access.

Well I don't have to tell you guys. You know.

Anyway, the next question, what are the regulatory and policy options to address those obstacles to access both infrastructure and knowledge content and what are the roles of the policymakers.

And the broader Internet community on that regard. That's a mouthful. I think that could have been shortened. Should I read that one again, Fernando.

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: No, it's okay.

>> ANDREA SAKS: You got it.

How access to infrastructure is -- this is No. 4 -- and knowledge in the context of Developing Countries can contribute to a foster transformation of education, innovation, entrepreneurship fight poverty and promote social and human development. This is No.


How does access to the Internet and the regulation of digital contact impact the diversity on the Internet, especially on content production in Developing Countries.

No. 6: How can Internet Governance enable a movement toward a participatory and inclusive Internet taking into consideration the right to access of People with Disabilities multilingualism and the inclusion of the most socially excluded groups.

Excuse me. Now, I don't know if we're going to be able to speak at this or we have to submit this in writing.

So I don't know. I think it's going to be in writing. And the Dynamic Coalition is going to come up with a statement answering those questions, which I think fit with everything we have been discussing so far.

Do I have any comments on anybody wanting to -- we can write these answers now. We don't have to have the workshop before we have them.

Would people be interested in working on in their particular capacity writing an answer, a one or two-sentence answer to each of the questions that we could compile.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. So we have two homework jobs for you guys.

One is to write an abstract of what you wish to present now whether or not we end up as a panel or not don't worry about that just write your specialty you have spoken them perfectly eloquently here I understand them but I don't want to paraphrase. I want your words.

And each person with relation to what they are expecting do a

one-sentence minimum two on each of those questions. And this can be found on the Web, which is the draft programme for 2011. Under

-- and it's on Page 5. Under Access and Diversity.

And that way we can begin to prepare what we're doing.

And I have to talk to Cynthia. But she'll get the captioning.

And I'm going back to the agenda. I think we are at No. 4.

And No. 3. I think we've covered those issues except one proposal we haven't dealt with how to involve youth in the DCAD workshop. If you remember we agreed to invite the young people to give a presentation in one of the workshops. Or to speak. I don't think they are going to speak very long. But we have not proposed that as an invitation to them. And it is Martin Boyle who is the person at Nominet who said if I wrote to him he would assist and maybe even find a way of funding these young people.

Now this is a real -- with all of the craziness that we have regarding our time and the fact that we did announce that, that we were doing that, I think we have to proceed. But I need to have your input on that.

And shall I -- I think it would be prudent to wait to see if we have the extra 90 minutes. And we have time to deal with it for the next meeting, which we should plan fairly soon.

But what are peoples feelings on pursuing that idea providing of course funding can be found that we do not have to find for them.

And Nominet has a funding possibility which I just mentioned. So we don't know if that's really going to happen but I need your feedback on that. Now, come on, you guys.


>> ANDREA SAKS: I would like to see us follow through on that.

It will take its natural course. But what does everybody --


>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: This is Fernando. My feeling on it is that we are faced with the same traditional challenge, right? Too many issues to discuss. And not enough time. But obviously it would be great to have young people participating.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Well we did invite them and we did pass it at the DCAD meeting.


>> ANDREA SAKS: So I think --

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: So let's go for it.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I think it won't hurt anything and I also can

mention that to Chengetai if we have any more problems.

So I will -- if everybody is in agreement, I will write an e-mail to Martin Boyle and say: Martin, we discussed this. And we've had a meeting. We're still kind of not sure how much time we have. But you mentioned the young people that you might be able to provide funding for them. Can you give me the -- I mean do we have a contact for this group? And I will see what I can do about that.

I won't be able to do that straightaway. But I'll do that within the next week because I don't know if all of you know that next Monday I'm just getting a couple of stiches to hold my stomach in. That's -- I have a small hernia that has developed. Nothing serious. So I have a lot of -- I'll try to see if I can do that before

I go in. If that's agreeable to everybody, I'll do that. And copy everybody.

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Andrea, how young are they supposed to be?

>> ANDREA SAKS: Well they were at the minute. They were about

16, 17, 18.

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: They were already there.

>> ANDREA SAKS: They were already there. They actually spoke at our meeting. They spoke in another workshop, which I chaired for

Nominet which I forget the name of that but they asked me to chair because whoever was supposed to come didn't so I did it and they went to the floor and said something that they wanted us to be aware of them and everything else because this is about people that were not being able to access the Internet. And young people were not being able to access the Internet because the libraries were being closed.

I don't know if anybody remembers this.


>> ANDREA SAKS: So they all want to go to the library to use the

Internet which is a little different we used to in the old days in my time we went to the library because we didn't have enough books so we went to the library to do our studying as a normal course of event well what's happening in the UK for instance everybody is closing them because everybody is on the computer and these kids were saying don't close the libraries we can't afford computers we need to get on there and do our homework and it was an interesting perspective and also one of them came to our DCAD meeting and gave a small present on their friend. And you should be interested in this Fernando because this young man who is blind created a software screenreader. And he was a kid.


>> ANDREA SAKS: So that was their friend and they told this story.

So I thought we should have them. Because basically they have something to say. They can be audience participation. They can produce a small presentation. I don't think it would take a hell of a lot of time and we'll just wait and they might do it at the DCAD meeting rather than at the workshop and we still could feed it into the main session.

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Sounds good.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. I will do that. Is everybody happy with that? I love silence. It's golden.


>> ANDREA SAKS: So we have now got down to where we need to hear from Shoya because there is a third workshop. Shoya we're at Item

No. 5, the joint ITU EBU workshop but before I get there does anybody have any comments about what we have discussed?

>> Hi Andrea. Just for your information because the previous two workshops whether it's one or two but we call them according to the proposal numbers, 136 and 137 were proposed by DCAD. And this new one which number -- proposal is No. 138, it was proposed on behalf of ITU and EBU.

So that's an important difference. And I would like to highlight it here for your information. Because this one was agreed between the directors at the crest of EBU contacts and the original idea was to make this workshop proposal is to highlight the work currently under way in ITU-T in the Focus Group on audio video media accessibility so it's focusing on broadcasting services and to make broadcasting services more accessible.

So basically that's the information. And since it will be coordinated by ITU and EBU, it will still be Alexandra as our major focal point from ITU side working together with EBU colleagues and together with the Focus Group Chairman, Mr. Peter Looms to propose draft programmes for this session.

I think useful information for the DCAD is if you have any recommendations for any possible speaker -- any possible speaker who is an expert on broadcasting services accessibility or if this is relevant is active in the Focus Group could be a good candidate for this session. That's all I would like to say here. Thank you,


>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you, Shoya. I think what we need to do

is get an abstract -- not to tell you what to do with that workshop but an abstract from Peter Looms and David Wood of EBU so that they know what their subjects are and what they want. And then if they need a speaker, then we can certainly look at that. And all of our people are pretty adaptable because broadcasting is a big issue with the Deaf Community as Arnoud will tell you. And also with the blind community as Fernando will tell you.

So we need to talk about things like voice description and captioning. As well as the ability to be able to access programmes and accessibility features easily if we have motor problems.

So I think it's entirely possible that if we -- we might have an overspill into yours. So we will keep that opportunity open for you.

But you should I guess find out what they want to do. And keep us in the picture.

>> There is their objective statement of this workshop in the workshop proposal. It can be found in the IGF web site.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Right, Alexandra, can you stick that with our list of documents on the Web when we post them so that everybody can access them in one place? Alexandra, are you there?

>> Okay I think I will get this to Alexandra.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you very much because what we try to do all of the documents we've been looking at today, what we'll try to do is have them under the DCAD meeting banner for this meeting so everybody can go straight there and look at them.

Okay. If she's not there, how do we update on funding issues?

Should we wait until she comes back for that one and come back to that? Alexandra doesn't seem to be there. Peter, are you there?

Maybe we have lost connection.

>> MALE SPEAKER: They must be having problems.

>> ANDREA SAKS: You have a problem?

>> MALE SPEAKER: It sounds like they are offline.

>> ANDREA SAKS: It sounds like they are offline, as well. Shoya since you're at ITU can you find out what's going on they are on the fourth floor and you're on the fifth are you not.

>> Yeah I'm on the fifth I'll look on the fourth floor.

>> ANDREA SAKS: And come back to us and let us know. What we're going to talk about is probably the next meeting.

>> Okay. Next conference call you mean.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes we'll talk about that until you can come back

because we need an update maybe she can come up to your office and speak.

>> Okay. I will try. Just hold on.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. We'll talk about the next conference call.

I think we've gone as far as -- I know it's not -- we haven't used the full two hours. But does anybody else want -- unless we have Gerry or Cynthia on you've got your homework. How fast do you think we ought to go for the next meeting? Do you think we ought to do the middle of July? I don't know when people take their holidays but we're going to have to have at least two meetings before.

And I'll send an e-mail as to what strength tells us but does everybody have their diaries out? And I'm going to make a proposal. And how long would it take us to get this -- these little abstracts and answers to the questions, how much time do you think you need?

Have you lost everybody?

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: No; no. Only the shy ones.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Only the shy ones, Arun, are you there?

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Andrea, this is Fernando I think in a few days I can send you the answers on the abstract and I would guess that most people would be able to do that, as well.


Arnoud, are you there? He said at least we have the captions.

Yes, we do. Arnoud, how fast can you do your abstract and answer to the questions? I mean you don't have to do them that quick. I mean two weeks is fine. Arnoud, can you speak or type? We seem to have lost a lot of people.

>> I'm back. Alexandra are there along with Peter have they been able to make any noise.

>> ANDREA SAKS: No, they haven't we haven't heard them. Oh . . . no. We haven't had any response.

>> That was strange because both of them told me that . . .

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Can they hear us.

>> I think so and they said they were shouting to make noise.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Well, they don't -- tell them to come up to your office. I think we need to do that.

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: Or maybe call back in. Hang up and call back in it might work.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Wait a minute Cindy I was only scheduled for an hour and a half and actually I'll have to stop at 3:35. Okay. Great.

I don't think we need another writer. We're trying to decide on the time. Thank you Cindy that's perfect an hour and a half is really all we need we have 20 more minutes, correct. You don't have to apologize, Cindy, that's fine. What I'm trying to do at this point,

I think we have got everything but maybe -- are you still there, Shoya.

>> Yes.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Why don't you get them up and we can figure out the next meeting. And we're pretty much done for the moment. And we'll have to distribute the document, the captioning as soon as we can. I've given the homework out that they are -- everyone -- hopefully -- I know that Arun saw that so he'll do it. I don't think he's still on.

I don't know if Arnoud is still on. No he said the mail question should be possible within a week so I'm going to try to see if we can have it two weeks. That might give me time to recover.

I think that's fine. Let's look.

So I'm looking at the first week in July. Does that look possible for people? We could --



>> ANDREA SAKS: The 5th or the 6th and we'll give a choice of two and send out the e-mail that either the 5th and the 6th and for people to respond. Would that work?



>> What happened?

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: I don't know. We can hear you.

>> Okay.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Alexandra.

>> I have Alexandra and Peter in my room.

>> ANDREA SAKS: That's great. We pretty much covered everything unless Peter, you have -- and Alexandra you have something to say.

We're just working on the new date.

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: For the next conference call for DCAD.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Arun is back said sure I'll do this in a week and Arun says yes and Nirmita is with you there. So he would prefer the 5th as he has a meeting on the 6th. Okay. We're looking at the

5th of July fellas. Jorge are you still there.

>> JORGE PLANO: Yeah; yeah.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Can you make the 5th of July?

>> JORGE PLANO: Yeah, it's okay.

>> ANDREA SAKS: 5th of July is okay. 5th of July is okay for me. What about the rest of you? Anybody have problem with the 5th of July?

>> FERNANDO BOTELHO: No problem.

>> PETER MAJOR: I may have something I'm not sure.

>> Peter said he might have a meeting but he is not sure.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Which meeting is that, Peter? I'm sorry.

>> PETER MAJOR: (Off microphone) in the UN.


>> MALE SPEAKER: I actually have a conflicting schedule for that entire week but I may be able to call in.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: This is Shadi I may be able to call in but otherwise I don't think we should delay this.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I don't, either I think we can manage because we can always give you the captioning and you had an opportunity to work on what you were thinking you wanted to have done in yours so we might be focusing on Cynthia's next time so it will be fine but you will call in. I know you will. You can't stay away way.

>>SHADI ABOU-ZAHRA: I will do my best.

>> ANDREA SAKS: That's fabulous so we'll do the 5th of July we'll do an hour and a half like we did before, correct? Now, does anybody want to say anything about anything?

>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Andrea just to mention that with Peter we were shouting out the teleconference and I could not call in because the PC was connected to the GoToMeeting so if that -- the GoToMeeting would have interrupted us so we preferred listening and communicating by chat and then we came to see Shoya here on the fifth floor.

>> ANDREA SAKS: That's perfect. We figured we had lost you.

Will you put all of these documents up on the Web under the DCAD meeting date so everybody can access the draft programme that's on the Web? Just take it down, download it and stick it up on the schedule as we have it now. And all of the bits and pieces that we have looked at today. Your original e-mails that I have when you sent them in to Chengetai on Workshop 1 and Workshop 2 and the document for the workshop organised by topic area document. So that all goes on.


>> ANDREA SAKS: So people are going to obviously answer the questions that are posed by -- posted by Access and Diversity and

as soon as we can get the captioning out we need to send it to everybody who wasn't here that means Martin Gould and Cynthia but to everybody on the call today so they can go back over it. And I will then work with you on writing a letter about the youth involvement.

And Shoya, as well. And I'll do that before I go in for surgery. But it's only a day operation, kids, they can't keep me down. So I will be working. And if they let me take the computer into the hospital, I would do that.


>> I hope you good luck.

>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Thank you. All right. Anybody have -- we have actually a few minutes. Does anybody have anything they would like to say? I've done too much talking.


>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. I guess we're done for the moment. I will also communicate with Cynthia. So I guess -- Shoya is there anything you want to talk about?

>> No, I don't have anything else.

>> ANDREA SAKS: All right. I think we're done thank you very much Alexandra for organising this and putting this together. Thank you, Peter very much for going to the MAG meeting and writing a report.

I think you saved our bacon with that and Shadi thank you for your concise getting it together and Arun we got to keep kids involved.

So I think you know what you're going to write about is extremely important. And also I'll do my little job on that and everybody has got their homework and thank you so much for joining.

>> Thank you.

>> Thank you Andrea.


>> Thank you all on the line.

>> ANDREA SAKS: I'll talk to you all again soon on the 5th same time same place.

>> Bye bye.

>> Bye bye.

(Session ended at 8:27 a.m. CST)


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