JUNE 22, 2010
6:30 A.M. CST
P.O. BOX 3066
This is being provided in a rough-draft format. Communication Access
Realtime Translation (CART) is provided in order to facilitate communication
accessibility and may not be a totally verbatim record of the proceedings.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yes hello. Anybody on line?
>> Hello. Hello. Good afternoon.
>> Phone open.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Sorry. Who is on the call? Hello?
>> On the conference call Lolia from CC Nigeria.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Can you say your name again, please?
>> Lolia.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: How are you?
>> Very good. Thank you.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: We are still waiting for others to join.
>> Okay. Who is that? Who is speaking?
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: It is Alexandra Gaspari from the
>> Hi. How are you?
>> Okay. Great. Okay. How many are there?
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: It is only you, me and the captioner and
Andrea will be on line soon.
>> Okay. All right. So just wait.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Hello. Hello, Andrea.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Yeah, I am on my regular phone.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Not okay but it will have to do. How is everyone?
Who is on? I am looking at the captioning. So...
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Lolia from Nigeria.
>> Yeah. Lolia.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Lolia. Hi.
>> Hi.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. We have a few more minutes. And other
people might be having the same problem if they are using Skype,
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yes but I think the fixed line is the best.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Can't afford the fixed line. But they do use Skype.
We may be having other problems. So I don't know what's going on here. I
really don't know why it is not working.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: I don't know.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I am going to try my other computer. Alexandra,
I am going to get my other computer booted up. Okay. How many people
do we have on do you think?
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Got on line? Lolia from Nigeria.
>> ANDREA SAKS: That indicates to me that we have a serious
problem because everybody uses Skype to get on. Is there anything that
maybe we can talk to Mark Antwon about because he might be able to deal
with it? I don't know that something can be done at our end.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Jack was here before for the line but the
line got -(Beep.)
>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you.
>> Hi this is Nirmita.
>> ANDREA SAKS: You are calling on Skype or another system?
>> I am calling from the land line.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. That's what I wanted to know. Okay. We
seem to be having problems with people who can't get on from Skype. Not
many people are on. The people who (inaudible). So I don't know what's
going on. I am going to try another computer. So Alexandra, can you talk
to someone at your end for a few minutes. It has only gone to Geneva time.
We need to see what's happening here.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you. We are going to do a test with
another computer, with a fresh computer here. My baby one that I travel
with which usually works quite well.
>> Hello Andrea.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I am in the UK. Nirmita, I still haven't given up on
our project. You will get it. There are some difficulties but you will get it. I
have to talk to you probably offline about this.
>> Okay. I don't think be back -- I have to be back in Washington
next week.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I am still in the UK until I go to Geneva. Are you
at the Wipo thing here?
>> I was supposed to but I am going to the other UN thing on the
>> ANDREA SAKS: In Washington?
>> Next week, yes.
>> ANDREA SAKS: You haven't met Lolia but Lolia is from Nigeria.
>> Hi.
>> ANDREA SAKS: You should tell about yourself. Why don't we have
this time when -- Alexandra is trying to check if there is a problem and we
will see what happens here. Because there is only ->> Hi Nirmita, I am Lolia. Lolia in LA from Nigeria. Nigerian
communications commission. I am working with persons with disabilities.
We have something with disabilities and we are working with persons with
disabilities in this country and we are trying to look at regulatory issues that
we can bring on board to support them. What about you?
>> I am with research (inaudible). I look at policies, especially
corporate disability policies and other IP matters.
>> Okay. That's great.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Alexandra, have you come back?
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Still waiting for somebody to come down.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I got an idea. You have Skype, do you not, on
your machine?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Do you think you could try to log on with Skype
and see if that's -- you get the same results? I just booted up my baby
computer to see if I can do a better job here of doing that. So let me see
what happens. Okay. We are going to try again. That's why we don't have
people on I would be willing to bet. We had quite a few confirmations. So
let's check. You don't need to put in the hash mark, do you?
>> Hello?
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yes, you are on.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. I just disconnected the land line. So I just
got on with a different version of Skype. Oh, gosh. I'm hearing double
trouble here.
>> Hello Andrea, Peter.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Hi Peter.
>> (Off microphone).
>> Hi Peter, this is Lydia from Nigeria. Lydia is Lolia.
>> How are you?
>> Lolia. I can see the captioning. Yes, that's correct, Lolia.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I am seeing that Cynthia has been having a
problem getting on. This is Andrea for those of you that don't recognize my
voice. I am on a different ->> Hi Andrea.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Hi. Who is that? Who just said hi to me?
>> That's still me, Lolia.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. So I am now on Skype. The call keeps
failing. So we are waiting for Cynthia to get on. We have -- okay. We have
got Lolia, Nirmita. We have Peter Major.
>> PETER MAJOR: Yes, yes.
>> ANDREA SAKS: And Alexandra and -- I am writing everyone's
name down. I seem to be echoing. All right. We can always work with
Cynthia on a remote basis. We also don't have Gerry and Gerry confirmed.
>> ANDREA SAKS: We will give it another five minutes.
>> All right.
>> ANDREA SAKS: And let me type to Cynthia and say or are you
there, Cynthia? No, she is not. Cynthia, you can read the captioning. And
therefore if you can't get on, you can always keep trying. We can work with
you via the chat box. Most of the times I have used 4-122-730-6282. Yes,
that is the correct number, Cynthia. The code is 4742.
Okay. Cynthia, the only problem you have is that I wanted you to give a
small report on the Lithuanian information that you were able to obtain for
us. Maybe you can keep trying. I think there is something definitely wrong
(background noise). Can you mute the microphone, Alexandra? I am
getting a lot of background. Okay. Thanks. Well, and pop it on when you
need to speak obviously. Shall we start without others because we do have
the captioning. Cynthia, are you all right with the way we are doing this and
have you in the chat box? I am just waiting for her. Wait a minute, she is
just asking me. Yes. Oh, ha. The phone needs to answer. No spaces with
the number. Maybe that's the problem. Hang on, we might have her on in
a minute. I do not ->> I have the captioning. Lolia is correct now and not correct is
>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you.
>> Thank you.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Is it Lolia or Lydia? I am not sure ->> It is Lolia.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Got it. Sorry I missed it. So we have Arnoud who
has entered the chat and is not able to get on either. Are you not able to
get on? . It is a good thing we have two hours. We may have to sort out
this technical business for a second here.
>> Hello this is Jorge.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Hi. Did you have trouble getting on?
>> No. Okay.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. So we have Jorge Plano on. We are having
a little trouble getting Arnoud and Cynthia on because Skype is obviously not
working. Somebody else has just come on. Who is that? Who just entered?
>> Okay. Does anybody ->> ANDREA SAKS: Arnoud. We gotcha, Arnoud. Great. Okay.
>> Arnoud: All right.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Jorge has entered the chat. We still don't have
Cynthia. Cynthia, are you still trying to get on?
>> I am actually now using a normal phone line.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Ahh. I had to do that, too. But the older versions
of Skype, the keypad is not working. The newer version of Skype which I
have in the baby computer which is a little notebook is working. And that
seems to be what my problem was. So I am on Skype on one computer and
the captioning on the other.
>> Andrea this is (inaudible).
>> ANDREA SAKS: Good. I guess this wait is great. So we are
getting the usual suspects in now.
>> I am also using Skype. I am not entirely sure which version but it
worked pretty okay for me.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Well, if your keypad is in your chat box
then it usually works. If your keypad, you have to go back to the original
keypad to do the number, then sometimes that one does not function.
That's been my observation. And in my older computer I have the old
system. And in my baby computer I have the new system. But we will see
how it goes. I actually got the phone to answer but entered the code three
times and it said the pin number wasn't valid. She is using 4742 hash. Do
not use hash because it doesn't work. Okay. She is going to try again.
We have two hours. I am going to try and wait a few more minutes for
Cynthia to see if she can successfully get on and we also don't have Gerry
on. And I am wondering if he is having the same problem.
Who is typing? Yes, Jorge just said I first tried the regular, meaning the
regular keypad but there is a second smaller keypad clicking in the miniature
in the black bar. Yes, that's the new version. And that is exactly what I am
talking about. In the chat box where you call the number, where you can do
some chatting and stuff there is a tiny little black icon. If you use that icon
it works. But if you use the regular keypad it does not.
>> It does not work.
>> ANDREA SAKS: You have got it right. That's exactly why I
switched to my smaller computer. I don't know which -- I will just try one
other thing with Cynthia and then we will have to start. Cynthia, I am just
typing in the chat box those of you can see, do you have an older version of
Skype? Well, she is not answering me now. She may be trying to get on.
Just give her another few minutes. She has to give me a report. Sorry
about this everyone. And thank you for your patience.
>> Lolia: Andrea, how long do you think this will last?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Well, we have booked for two hours. We will start
in just a few minutes and we will go as quickly as we can. We are expecting
a phone call from David Wood of EBU and when he enters he is on for a
short time. And then I will go back to the agenda. Do you have a copy of
the agenda in front of you?
>> Yes, I have one.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I am not getting a response from Cynthia. So I
don't know what she is doing.
>> I made it. I can't believe it.
>> ANDREA SAKS: We can start. Thank you for your perseverance
and thank you everyone for being so patient. Carefully go around the room
and say who you are and where you are from because not everyone has
gotten on at the same time. We will start with Cynthia since she just came
>> Cynthia. Hi I am Cynthia Waddel. I am with the international
center with disability resources and I will tell you that -- updated with Skype
has screwed up their programming in their keypad.
>> But I am here.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Next person.
>> Yes.
>> Hi. I am Lolia.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Go ahead Lolia. You go first and then Jorge.
>> Lolia: I am Lolia from the Nigerian communications commission.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Jorge, please go.
>> I am Jorge Plano from Buenos Aires.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Arnoud, will you speak please? Have we lost him?
>> No, I am here. I am on SameTime. My name is Arnoud. I am
also part of the Dynamic Coalition.
>> ANDREA SAKS: And Shadi, would you like to go next?
>> Yes. This is Shadi from the WCC web accessibility initiative.
>> ANDREA SAKS: And somebody just entered. Can they identify
>> ANDREA SAKS: I guess we have a mystery. Peter, we can put on
your microphone there. Peter, will you go ahead then?
>> PETER MAJOR: Yeah, I am Peter Major and I used to be the
(inaudible) and then I joined the Dynamic Coalition and ever since I tried to
work in the coalition.
>> My name is Michael. I am a part of the communication bureau of
>> ANDREA SAKS: Oh, hi. Nice to hear your voice. You stuck in
there. And then also Alexandra, can you identify yourself please?
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: I am Alexandra Gaspari from the
>> ANDREA SAKS: Have we missed anyone?
>> Yes.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Dobecha.
>> Andrea, you always forget me.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Please identify yourself.
>> I am Dobecha from the society of Bangalore.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you. 20 minutes late but we can begin.
You all have a copy of the agenda and sorry we had to send out two. There
was a bit of confusion.
>> There is one more person. Her first name is Judy and she is on
chat and she can't get in.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Oh, Judy. Do you have -- she is on the
captioning. Judy, are you trying to do it with Skype as well?
>> She is reading the captioning but she can't get in.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Keep trying because everyone seems to have a
problem using Skype. Judy, would you type for us in the chat box ->> Her apologies to all and I would say the only reason I got in I had
to use select a six -- after I got my call answered which I had to dial eight
times before my call answered it kept failing and then to enter the pin code
it would not accept the keypad, the keyboard numbers or the Skype keypad
and I use -- I discovered that the Skype application had six dots and if I
selected the six dots it had a keypad that allowed me to enter the keypad.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes, we all established that. That six dot is the
icon for keypad in the new Skype and that's what you have to use. Okay.
Well, Judy, will you stay on and we will watch the Skype chat box. Judy,
would you please type in the chat box who you are and the captioner -- I will
read out what you say. Will you go ahead, Judy? This is called remote
participation. Nirmita, I don't know if she is on. If she comes on again I will
read out. What I am going to do at this point is carry on because time is
pushing forward. If you all got a copy of the agenda, I would like just an
approval of the agenda. Judy just said all right. So she is going to stay with
us. Her name is Judy. I am going to pronounce it badly Okite. Sorry no -okay. We got it. And your organization, Judy, where are you from?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Got somebody else.
>> From Nairobi, Kenya. I will watch the chat box and I will relay
what you are saying. Now who just appeared?
>> Hi, this is Arnoud. Can you hear me now?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes Arnoud. We have all had such trouble.
Arnoud Meta, please identify yourself for everyone.
>> Hi I am Arnoud from New Delhi and I work with the organization
called BATS and a professor of engineering and right now in Germany
visiting friends.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Arnoud, we have got a list of people on.
Alexandra, you have taken everyone down and I have, too. I am tired of the
sound of my voice. Would you quickly read for everyone who is on line?
>> Arnoud: Thank you.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: It is Lolia from Nigeria. Nirmita from India.
Cynthia, Peter, Judy from Kenya and Arnoud.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Just repeat again for those who joined a bit later
David Wood will be joining -- he is in London and he is at another meeting
and he is going to take a timeout and come in to the call and when he
comes on the line. Hopefully he will get on the line and we will stop what we
are doing and bring him on. Now we are going to try to approve the agenda
which hopefully everyone has. We have changed it once. So I hope you
have the new one. So can we approve the agenda?
>> Yes.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. We have had some apologies but due to
the time, Alexandra has a list but several people did contact us to tell us that
we could not come and want the captioning and Axle is one that could not
come and I was hoping that Ginger Paque was able to come and she is the
queen of remote participation and Clara is not able to be on. Here we go.
We were not able to get a proper report done. We have sent you the
captioning. There will be a retrospective report. So we put the captioning
record out so you could see what was said. I know it is quite long and I
doubt if everyone got through with it. Basically what happened in that
meeting we were unsure of what we were going to do regarding the title and
what Alexandra did was get it organized to the point along with David Wood
to end up with two acceptances and that will be later explained and nobody
has got a spot to speak and we couldn't come to any conclusions for a title.
But the titles have now been decided. I have thought that -- well, IGF has
joined EBU and ITU together for the meeting, but it is in a different context.
I am now going to go on to point 4. And we have two workshops. But
DCAD has been assigned to help with both of them in populating both of
them so that we can, you know, have more spaces and also it makes it
easier on the organizers.
We also are in communication with IGF, I mean with UNICEF and there
was supposed to be somebody on from UNICEF and her name is Urma Garda
and I am wondering if she is having trouble getting on and she may be here
later. The next one is for -- we will go to detail ->> Andrea, this is Peter. Did you say UNICEF or UNESCO?
>> ANDREA SAKS: UNESCO. Thank you in which case I am going to
ask Peter because I was not able to attend the meeting and Alexandra was
only there for a short time due to other commitments. Peter Major has been
faithfully attending open meetings and I wonder if I can impose on him to
share anything that you think we need to know about.
>> PETER MAJOR: Yes. With pleasure. I was able only to attend one
afternoon of the meeting because it coincided with the ITU business forum.
I can give you as a first indication the transcript and the URL for the
transcript which is on the government forum Web page and you can find the
However, to sum what has been really going on, so the main focus of the
open consultation was to finalize the sessions in terms of plan schedules,
programme schedules, number of moderators, (inaudible) and so on. And
the other purpose was to limit actually to merge and revise workshops. Now
the themes, the main themes of the IGF, the fifth IGFs had already been
determined by the multi-stakeholder advisory group and you might be aware
that the mainframes are maintaining (inaudible). Privacy. No. 3, access and
diversity for internal governments for development, taking scope of internal
government on way forward and finally the emerging issues which is going
to concentrate on cloud computing.
The general feeling was that remote participation should be encouraged.
(Coughing). In general participation from the floor should be encouraged.
It was suggested to have balance, whether to have moderators, two or three
moderators per session, to give the floor to the audience due to (inaudible)
Next are the workshops. It was suggested that some small working
groups during this consultation meeting should evaluate the workshops.
There were more than 180 workshops that you may know. But the purpose
of eliminating some of them or merging with others. So in the end the
(inaudible) workshops from the ITU and IGF have been approved without
any comment. However, if I understand correctly probably some of you may
give some additional information concerning the workshops. As a final
remark during the open consultations some concerns have been raised about
the continuation of the IGF and some issues which was general interest.
However, during the meetings we don't really discuss technical issues. This
was during the multi-stakeholder advisory group meetings and the
subsequent UN commission meeting. So the outcome of the continuation of
the IGF will be clear only after the IGF during the -- basically general
assembly of the UN is going to take a decision on that. But it looks very
probable that it is going to continue in a more defined form. Basically
concentrating more on issues of development and scope enhanced
corporation and issues which are of general interest. So basically that's
what I can tell you about the open consultation and I will answer any
questions if I may.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I have one question. Are you going to be able to
go to the next open meeting which I believe is coming up later this June
around next week?
>> PETER MAJOR: Yes, yes. Ready to go back.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Peter, would you do us a favor because I am not
going to be there until July? And Alexandra has a commitment with training
during the end of I believe it is the 28th that that's happening. I will double
check to be sure, training at the end of this month. Can you be our DCAD
representative and then give us a slight written report which we will
distribute over the reflector?
>> PETER MAJOR: Yeah, yeah. With pleasure.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you very much because -- sorry.
Alexandra, did you say something?
>> ANDREA SAKS: I heard something in the background. I wasn't
sure. Okay. Thank you for that. So there was a bit of a scare because one
of the DCAD members told me and I just did not check properly, but
because we had David Wood on our particular workshop, that is the ITU
workshop I thought we had been merged. We haven't. EBU has its own
workshop which deals more with applications and technical issues. And we
have the workshop that is dealing more with rights and communications
which is on a different level. So it is the 28th. I have it in the agenda.
Excuse me, Peter.
We are now on 5. I have already done 4. I'm hoping David will pop on in
the next few minutes. We still only have 90 minutes and only five speakers
each. The proposal for David's workshop mentions companies like Apple and
Google and Nokia and they -- I do not have confirmation from him whether
these people are participating or how much room that there is there. If your
particular presentation deals more with technical stuff, I have an idea that it
might be welcomed in that particular workshop. Because what we are
dealing with with our workshop here that we have been given from ITU is
beyond the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities.
I would like to open the floor and not do all the talking. I would like
people to talk to me about how they see that in terms of their work and how
they could contribute. And if you say your name then I'll address and let
you have the floor and we will have the captioning taking notes. Anybody
want to contribute to this particular workshop under that title?
>> The first one or the second one?
>> ANDREA SAKS: The second one, the ITU one or I was going to say
the ITU one because we have to wait for David on the other one unless you
want -- okay. We will open it up completely. Fine. Maybe that's better,
Nirmita. You have a better idea.
>> Nirmita: I would like to contribute to the ITU one. I am looking at
implementation in the Latin countries and a lot of my work is related to -- in
India. Especially in the facility. I could be quite interested in participating in
the IT.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I have written that down. Have you got a vision
in mind of what you would -- what your title might be?
>> Nirmita: Not yet. Can I send it to you?
>> ANDREA SAKS: That's fine. I have written this down. I am going
to come back to you in a minute. Who else would like to contribute to the
ITU? Remind you we only have five slots.
>> PETER MAJOR: It is Peter. I have sent I think it was a couple of
weeks ago. Basically I think that -- I think that the purpose of the workshop
was based on the results of the questionnaire that we were supposed to
send out. And then this questionnaire I think I have raised a couple of
things related to the activities we have been doing and I was just inquiring
about the impact of our activities, directly and direct impact. I have had no
response to this questionnaire. I am not particularly attached to that but I
would be -- basically that's what supposed to present a questionnaire. That
was the original proposal I think from the ITU and the DCAD to come up
with a questionnaire and to evaluate the results. So what are we going to
do about it?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Peter, my view of that just for the record is that I
thought that might fit better in to the DCAD meeting. They asked if we
wanted one and I said yes. So we do have a further 90 minutes to do that
in the DCAD meeting rather than taking up the time in the workshop. What
do people think of that?
>> Sure.
>> ANDREA SAKS: That's a yes from Nirmita so I don't forget you.
>> ANDREA SAKS: What is your view?
>> PETER MAJOR: Andrea, I am just reading the original version
proposal which will make use of the online survey. May be forehand. So I
was just -- my whole proposal was based on that half sentence that said we
have an online survey which may be important. So we think in terms of
making the survey during the DCAD or in part of, I can't really see how we
can achieve anything.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I'm a little confused by this. Hold on. Let me just
read the proposal. The results of the questionnaire will be given. I see.
Okay. I am reading this now. I realize you have been here. We don't have
a questionnaire. That's right nobody has answered that. Alexandra, I am
sorry, I didn't negotiate this particular proposal. Can you shed some light on
this for me please?
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: So Peter sent the questionnaire on the 4th
of June. And now in the proposal of workshop No. 180 which "From Athens
to Vilnius: Beyond the UN Convention on the rights of persons with
disabilities" to make the consent, the questionnaire was one of the main
points. So maybe the people didn't have time to look but the questionnaire
was there and I don't know. Maybe we can try and do this teleconference to
know what people think about it.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: But I mean I look at it and it is very
complete and I think be very worth to see what the participants and see
what the DCAD could have done from the beginning of IGF until now. That's
what I think.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Can I interrupt you just for one minute? We have
Ginger Paque from Venezuela who is the expert on remote participation. Are
you looking at the captioning? I just want to make sure everyone knows she
is on.
>> Hello Andrea, this is Fernando.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Hi. You are on, too. Let me do a quick recap for
everybody at this point because the questionnaire problem we will come to
in a minute. We have gone through the agenda and we are now on item 5.
Excuse me. And Peter has agreed to be the representative at the open
meetings in 4C and Peter gave a report on how the open meeting went and
regarding the merging. We have two workshops to help with. One put on
by EBU and one put on by ITU. Where we are now is discussing where
people would like to be and where they would like to present. In the ITU
area we have just been discussing about this questionnaire. The
questionnaire I actually did not answer it myself. And that's probably not a
good thing. But questionnaires people never respond well to. I mean they
go out all the time but obviously nobody has responded to the questionnaire.
So my feeling is do we want to carry on with the questionnaire or do we
want to eliminate the questionnaire or do we want to send it out again and
encourage people to answer it? Or can we -- I am going to give you four
choices and I would like you all just to think about it a minute. The other
choice being should the questionnaire really go in the DCAD meeting instead
of in the workshop? You all have a few minutes.
>> Andrea, I have a question. If the workshop proposal description
only talks about a questionnaire, do we have the liberty to move it to the
DCAD open meeting and then have presentations based on the title beyond
the UN convention? That's ->> ANDREA SAKS: No.
>> And then the second question I have I did not realize the
questionnaire had been sent out. How many questions were in it?
>> ANDREA SAKS: I am going to do the remote captioning here.
Arnoud says send it out again. Judy says send it out again.
>> Yes. Send it out.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I don't think the workshop should be based
around the questionnaire because there are other things that are going on
with it is one aspect of it. It was just an idea. So we cannot move the title
of the workshop to the Dynamic Coalition meeting because the Dynamic
Coalition meeting does not do workshops. It similarly is a meeting but
questionnaire would be very interesting I thought in the Dynamic Coalition
because that's exactly what the Dynamic Coalition is about. Does somebody
want to take on is the next question being in charge of the questionnaire so
it has a focal point and give a presentation on the result? And that would
mean really pushing people to actually answer it. Does that answer your
>> Yes.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Does anybody want to take on the questionnaire?
Peter, you seemed interested in doing that.
>> PETER MAJOR: Actually I can do that but I still have the concern
of the accepted workshop proposal, 180 mentioned that we are going to
present the result of the questionnaire and it mentions nothing else. So that
is the workshop itself. Now if you want to change it I am not really sure
what are the procedures to do that.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I think we could change it because to be very
honest with you I did not get that -- I did not understand that myself. I
don't think a lot of us did. I think the idea of basing a workshop around the
questionnaire was a mistake. But -- or maybe it is not intended in the way
that is thought. It was supposed to be done on civil rights. You remember
that the original concept of the first paper that we had before was dealing
with how the Internet empowers people in their lives on a civil rights issue.
But I thought that has happened and that's how I interpreted the title. I
thought the questionnaire was simply incidental. But now I get your point.
How many people would like to amend the scope of the workshop to include
other subjects other than just a questionnaire if that's how it is being
>> This is Lolia.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Lolia, go and then Cynthia.
>> I haven't gone through the questionnaire because I didn't realize it
is there. But I was wondering if you can tell us what the scope of the
questionnaire is and how many questions and, you know, depending on that
maybe we could even work with (inaudible) on different questions on the
questionnaire. I won't know until I have had a chance to look at the
questionnaire or have an idea of what is covered.
>> ANDREA SAKS: That's a good idea. I'm sorry. Peter, could you -Cynthia, wait a second. Let Peter elaborate or is this important to get in?
>> I want to say something before Peter elaborates. I thought along
the line of Cynthia, we can look at the questionnaire, yes, but then still leave
room for other issues because I haven't sent the questionnaire or we haven't
sent the questionnaire.
>> I haven't seen the questionnaire either. This is Cynthia. And I was
going to propose for a presentation. It is not out yet but I have been
commissioned by the secretariat of the UN convention on rights of persons
with disabilities to write a monograph on all kinds of topics but its focus is on
accessibility and ICT. By our meeting in September there will be reports
from the countries about what they are doing in compliance with the
convention and I believe that it is possible that a presentation could be
based on what countries are doing now beyond the convention as it relates
to their own country. And there could be a presentation as to where we are
highlighted (inaudible). What they are doing in empowering people as a civil
rights issue in the interim.
>> So I was going to propose the presentation based on that.
>> This is Arnoud. Can I comment? Can you hear me? This is
>> Arnoud, we can hear you. I think (inaudible) have dropped out of
the phone call.
>> And the captioner, it is Arun. Not Arnoud. This is Arun.
>> Although it is an honor to be confused with Arnoud.
>> Do you think we have lost Andrea?
>> It sounds like it.
>> Hi it is David Wood joining the call.
>> I think we have lost the coordinator right now.
>> Okay.
>> Let me ask, has anybody raised up the issue because I was late in
joining the call, raised up the issue of low cost solutions for accessibility?
>> No.
>> Andrea was saying two workshops. One which the EBU is
organizing and I think that David is in for a short time and possibly he
should take the floor and tell us.
>> Yeah, I agree.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I am back. I am on my regular phone. I can't get
back on Skype. Hi David. I am reading the captioning. David has just
come on and we have two workshops and what we were talking about and I
have seen it is that we seem to have been trapped in to an idea quite by
accident I think that we have this questionnaire as the main thrust of the
ITU workshop which limits quite a bit and Cynthia has given an idea
regarding what she is doing for that and what we are trying to establish is
whether or not we can continue with the idea of the questionnaire. We need
to elaborate on the questionnaire, but we also need to talk to you David
about what you propose for your workshop and how many people you
already have to populate it and how much room is in what you need from
us. Can I ask the group to be okay to deviate from the other, switch over to
David for this particular moment because he has limited time? Is that still
correct, David?
>> DAVID WOOD: Yes. That's very helpful and thank you very much.
I am sorry I am in the (inaudible) at the moment and there is a lot of
people, show biz people talking. My understanding is you probably
discussed this before but there are two workshops and one of them is indeed
linked to that idea that we would send the questionnaire to member states
beforehand to find what measures they have taken to help people with
disabilities as you like as a kind of a consequence of the ITU convention. I
don't think it necessarily limits what you do, what's done in the session. It
was simply an idea to provoke interest. So people that answered this
questionnaire probably would come to the session. But you are right we can
do that and we have to put down whatever it is, five or six questions now
and then Marcus Kumar who very much liked the ideas will help us to
circulate them to the different administration to take part in the IGF.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Can I ask a question? So this was a Marcus
Kumar idea that you guys all liked and it was going to be done at IGT and
has nothing really to do with the workshops that we are doing. It is a
separate thing that we must create and circulate, is that correct?
>> DAVID WOOD: Almost. The idea is that the questionnaire is sent
out to member states now and for one of these exceptions, one of the
presentations, of course, only one of them would be a description of the
results that were found, 70 percent of nations, something, 30,000. So that
was the thought that Alexandra and I and Marcus had.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Another question. Do we have a mailing list for
this member states questionnaire or were we just to use the DCAD list?
>> David: The idea was to use the DCAD list but also Marcus offered
to use whatever list he had as well to bring it to the widest possible number
of potential respondents.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Thank you for that clarification. The Web
page indicates that according to how other people are interpreting it that
this particular questionnaire is the basis of the workshop. So I think one of
the things that we need to do, Alexandra, to change that there will be one if
everyone is in agreement that we should do this and that we need a
volunteer as we were talking a minute ago and maybe Peter could be in
charge of and Alexandra to facilitate the sending out of the questionnaire.
But the question is you did write a questionnaire, Peter or Alexandra wrote I
am not clear on that, that was sent on the 4th of June, correct? Nobody
read it. We are terrible.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Peter, finalize the questionnaire. And still
think it is an excellent idea because that is a base for the workshop. Since
we have so many backup participants coming from every corner in the world
it was an excellent occasion to segment what we are doing in India or in
Argentina or Brazil.
>> ANDREA SAKS: The reason why -- when you throw away power to
the outside forces and be dependent upon them to create your workshop
you do not have any control and it doesn't work. The questionnaire in itself
is a good idea. But it is not from my experience to base the workshop on
that means. It is too difficult to manage and control and as we have just
seen you got absolutely no response and that includes me not because we
don't care. But because questionnaires are always put at the bottom of the
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Sorry. It was not thrown away for. It was
the opposite to involve the backup participants.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I understand the motive but I have had
experience with a lot of questionnaires and they just don't get answered
until somebody is really in charge of it and hammering it down. I am going
to make a very strong suggestion at this point. I do think everyone's
interested in the questionnaire. I am seeing a lot of comments that I am not
giving from people who are on the chat room which I need to do but I am
going to make a suggestion, that we continue with the questionnaire but
that is only one part of the workshop. It is not the basis for the workshop.
Because people's civil rights are the basis of the workshop. When you
compare what happened in the beginning when we had no access to
accessible devices, when people in Rio in wheelchairs had to be out in the
rain when they couldn't get to the toilets and how far we have gone from
this point to what's happened in Egypt to what is happening now. That's
what it meant to me. A lot of what people are doing in other countries is
excellent but it shouldn't be -- you can't base it on the reliability of people
answering a questionnaire. And nobody has answered it.
>> Andrea, I understand your concern about being held hostage to
other people's timeline in responding to the questionnaire which is why I
thought it would be -- might be helpful to -- in my presentation to talk about
the reports the countries are actually submitting on what they are doing in
complying with this civil rights issue and the Internet. These reports which
go to the monitoring committee begin to be reported this month. And I was
going to propose for my presentation I would collect that information as well
as the information if we send it as is relevant to our forum but also to
address the low cost accessibility issues that are being the topic of the
expert that at the World Bank as part of the UN meeting that's connected
with that monograph that I just mentioned that I was commissioned to write
for the secretariat. (Dog barking).
>> ANDREA SAKS: Who wants to come in? I couldn't hear.
>> This is Arun. May I comment, please?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Please come in.
>> Is the questionnaire still open to some creative input? And
listening to what Andrea's concerns and so on, first of all, if it is a general
questionnaire and ask people to come to IGF about what's happening with
regards to UN convention in their own country. A lot of people don't know
UN convention and a whole other people have not done absolutely no work.
Of course, it does. But I am suggesting that we can enhance that with -supposing we decide first that these are the topics that we would like to
cover in our workshop. And then we make our questionnaire accordingly
that is -- that is specific to concerns that we wish to raise if we had the
questions in there and addressing whichever concerns can then be
responsible for telephoning let's say ten people in different countries or
whatever who he or she knows are working in this area and are well
So that person when making the presentation is well informed about the
questions that are in the questionnaire and is using them. But are not
asking people at the IGF but asking experts in the area around the world
who we know very, very specifically detail these questions and maybe on the
telephone even if people have difficulty answering written questionnaires
and put forth. How does that sound?
>> ANDREA SAKS: I agree with you. People are not always able to
answer questionnaires and people get so much e-mail. As I said it goes to
the bottom of the pile until they have time to deal with it if they deal with it
at all. Needs somebody to actively manage it and go after it and really deal
with it as a task, and since Peter created the questionnaire I think what we
have to do is send it out again. It can't be the basis of the workshop. One
of the people that has proposed doing a civil rights issue is Clara Roots
which is the rappatore of question 20 in the ITU-D. One of the things that
came out of the council in Hyderabad. They put accessibility to every
question. In addition to have question on it. And that was going to be -and a lot of the field was very important issues like broadband and
employment and emergency and Clara was going to give a report on which
was really important information and this was one of the things that I
wanted to talk to everyone about. That shows what the ITU and the D
sector has done which is extraordinary. That does not fit in with the
questionnaire. And bless their hearts they sent out a questionnaire on
question 20 and they got five replies after hammering people. The problem
is the format as Arun has said.
Questionnaires are very difficult to get people to respond to. It is just a
problem that human nature causes and I have not as everyone else has not
realized that somebody was trying to base the workshop on the
questionnaire. So I am still very skeptical about using the questionnaire as
the basis for the workshop and using it as an augmentation or an extra part
where there is a presentation on it to get a sufficient response.
>> I think one of the things if the questionnaire or counsel Marcus
Kumar and the UN and it is possibly more likely to be answered because it
will be seen as an official, a document. Of course, you are right we can't
predict it and we should be 100 percent sure that people will respond. But
Marcus at any rate saw that this is something coming from the UN. Then
the nation states might be prepared to answer. It has to be short and
attractive and well written and has to highlight the issues as Andrea said
that we want to discuss in the session anyway.
>> Who is leaving? Who has left?
>> Andrea (can't hear him).
>> Andrea, one more thing about the questionnaire. Looking at
sending it out to member states. Governments are responding to it. If we
need -- well, it is not really possible for our -- not probable all governments
are going to respond in time. That's one little issue of the questionnaire.
But I think from she is saying the presentation will adequately cover this and
the report she is going to get, is this the report given by member states to
the UN. So the way I see it I think it is going probably going to be covered
in some presentation.
>> This is Lolia.
>> ANDREA SAKS: One at a time. Give me two names and we will
choose which one first. Two people wanted to say.
>> This is Lolia.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Go ahead.
>> Lolia: Can I comment? I wanted to say for the content we can
have a combination of the different (inaudible) or like I said earlier I haven't
seen the questionnaire. (Coughing). Questions from there and then, of
course -- find what is -- what you have done in the various countries. Also a
possibility. So my suggestion is we maybe adopt (inaudible) and also find
out how somebody is to be in charge of the questionnaire and drive it could
help. The questionnaire yes, certain issues and some of the -- the concerns
that may be expressed at the workshop.
>> ANDREA SAKS: The next person who wanted to speak was?
>> DAVID WOOD: Sorry but I have to dash back to the meeting in a
few minutes. If I might, Andrea ->> ANDREA SAKS: Of course. Before you go, David, and then will
you discuss this with me on line. How many speakers have you got for your
end of the workshop?
>> For the questionnaire or the other workshop?
>> ANDREA SAKS: You have a workshop called the Apps and are on
there to help you with ITU DCAD UNESCO.
>> DAVID WOOD: That's actually right. We just got some ideas for
some people from the big companies who produce Apple, Google. Very
much relying on you and the DCAD group for suggestions and if you agree, I
got to go now, maybe we could have another telephone conference for that
second session in a week's time.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you for giving me that information. Yes,
we can. That's all we need to know from you now and I will talk to you in a
week and fill you in and you will get a copy of the captioning. When are you
back in Geneva?
>> DAVID WOOD: Thursday.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Talk to you Friday.
>> David and Andrea, this is Shadi. I wanted to mention that I am
interested in the application workshop as we at WCC, we standardize a lot of
web based applications and also look at the accessibility of such applications.
>> ANDREA SAKS: That's noted, Shadi. Thank you. Okay. Thank
>> David: Bye.
>> Hi Andrea, this is Lolia again. Can I comment?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes. Please.
>> Lolia: I have to leave in another five or ten minutes. I just like to
say that some of the things that I probably want to see there, low cost and
some regulatory or guidelines, you know. Here the wireless is not that much
and you find that there is quite a lot of accessibility -- a lot of accessibility
initiatives are required, you know, for persons with disabilities. So we will
actually like to see if -- how Internet can help, how the mobile phones can
help and what sort of guidelines and regulations that regulators can put on
to help industry support persons with disabilities.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Before you -- I realize you have to go. Can you
write me an abstract on that as a presentation? And Alexandra would you
send Lolia, please, the link for the policymakers toolkit for accessibility that
was done by ITU-D and by G3 ICT? Can you do that for me, Alexandra?
And this might help her form her abstract. What I am going to ask everyone
to do eventually is give me an abstract on what workshop that you think you
fit to. We will have another meeting. Does that work for you, Lolia?
>> Lolia: That's fine. Thank you very much.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you so much for joining and I have been to
Athens and a third of the countries and I know what you are talking about.
It is a very important subject. Give me a very good abstract and I would be
very grateful if you can do so as soon as you can. Copy Alexandra.
>> Lolia: Thank you. Have a good rest of your meeting.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Let's do a recap because we have had a bit of
fracturing and we have had two people announce what they would like to do
and that's Shadi and that's Lolia and we need to get back to this
questionnaire and Peter who originally wrote it, I think we are going to give
you more jobs, Peter. I hope you can take it. It is the logical choice
developing on the questionnaire, sitting on the questionnaire but the
problem I see we need to communicate with Mr. Kumar to get his mailing
list and to get his backing to send it out from the IGF for us as the people
who will collate and to take care of but he has to write some kind of
introductory letter as head of IGF secretariat so it has the kind of high level
that was discussed by David before he left. What do people think about that
>> Andrea, Gerry.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Gerry, you are there.
>> Hi. How are you doing everyone?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Hi. You just joined us.
>> I joined in about ten minutes ago. I have been listening for once
in my life.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. Gerry go.
>> I am Gerry and I am from Dublin, Ireland. And I am a software
engineer. One problem that you mentioned was that people wouldn't fill it in
but the other problem is the kind of people who will fill it in because people
tend to be self-selecting. If we approach Marcus I am sure he will want to
do two things. One is identify how we will choose the people or encourage
people to fit in and which people and how it will be interpreted. And in other
words, is it going to be some professional organization who will interpret it
and come up with statistics or will we do it ourselves.
>> Can I make a ->> ANDREA SAKS: Go ahead. Is that Nirmita?
>> Yes. Yes. So answering Gerry's question I think if we are sending
it out to countries it should go through one department for persons with
disabilities in that country and one expert so that each country, you have an
answer from the government and an answer from civil societies.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Good idea. Who is going to do this particular
research to get the addresses of all the countries and the departments? This
is a logistical problem.
>> If we are looking at DCAD members and we approach the
governments in our country and I think we can adequately get our feedback
around those questions (inaudible) or refer to organizations. So I think that
will take care of some countries. And ->> ANDREA SAKS: Don't have everyone on the call and if they are
not answering the questionnaire, are they going to answer an e-mail sent
out by DCAD?
>> Coming to the second thing, let's go around this. We have the
database and they have the UNESCO in different countries. So we can
involve more GTS, even IT for that matter would have links in each country
and I am sure it wouldn't be that difficult.
>> ANDREA SAKS: So you are absolutely right and we were supposed
to have Urma Garda who is wonderful. We would contact her. But
Alexandra, do you have the time to do this?
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Andrea, Cynthia comes from Marcus. Not
involved -- (Off microphone). Peter wants to talk.
>> PETER MAJOR: I am ready to contact Marcus and eventually he
can start from the IGF secretary eventually come to ITU databases. Just
getting back to our original e-mail, probably it was not very well formulated.
Still have some kind of feedback from you. It wasn't that you should answer
the questions but qualify the questions themselves. So to -- I wanted to
have an e-mail discussion the way we are having this now. So probably it
was just my mistake and I am sorry about that.
>> ANDREA SAKS: This is how things happen and this is really good
because I have one view and somebody else has another view. You are
getting whole different views. Any time as I say you put your power out in
the universe and expect your power to come from others you run the risk of
getting nothing and this is why the DCAD itself as a group is powerful
because it works within itself. It makes the decisions hopefully collectively,
even if I am the bossy chairman, but the thing is I want people to
understand that we have a real problem here if we are going to rely on it as
the basis of the workshop. Logistically will not work because of time. We do
not have time and as Alexandra said it came from Marcus and if it came
from Marcus it should have stayed with Marcus. So the basic thing it is a
Marcus idea which has merit but needs to be managed and -- but it cannot
be the basis. When we have to get people ready for doing presentations, for
workshops, for being chosen to be at each one, to get them funded, if we
can do that. We are in June. We are going to have to be ready very soon
because this is not in November as it was last year. It is in September. So
we have less time. So from a point of view of the logistics I don't think we
can rely on the questionnaire as the basis but it is a part of the workshop
and we can present that at the workshop. I still think it would have fit much
better in the coalition meeting because it is supposedly being run by the
Dynamic Coalition, and it would be an activity that the Dynamic Coalition is
undertaking and therefore reportable in the Dynamic Coalition meeting as
one of the things that we did. But I think we can amend the actual Web
page to have it include as I think it says. What does it say? Let's look at it.
I have it printed up here.
The workshop will make use, well, if we don't have the survey we can't
make use of it. So made beforehand. We don't have enough time to have
that done, to get everyone organized to make use of it. So that has to
change immediately in my opinion. Participants will be asked whether the
UN convention has influenced what they have done using the Internet with
those with disabilities. I really find that again what the comment that
somebody made, it was Arun, he said that some people don't even know
about the convention. So that makes a presumption that's not correct to
start with. The basis is not accurate. So I am going to have to ask all of
you to give a comment -- I think the workshop will make use of the online
survey made beforehand and the results will be given when we go to the
next session. We will be invited to respond to the results. We can have that
as part of that and it is a part of the workshop. Because all of you who are
on line have things you wish to contribute, wish to communicate with and
you should not be tied to a survey. And this is my very strong view. Would
anybody like to tell the bossy chairman what they think?
>> Yeah. Andrea, I think I agree with the workshop, the
questionnaire cannot be the basis for the workshop. But I also think it is a
good idea to have one impression on the questionnaire which may be in the
workshop or may be in the meeting. Either way. But I think it is pretty
useful to get it out and also in terms of making it more interactive. I think it
is a good idea. Something we could all contribute to as well and have to
work on it.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I think that's exactly my view Nirmita. We are in
agreement. Anybody else want to make a point here?
>> Hi this is Shadi. I am wondering I think G3 ICT may be looking in
to the implementations in the UN worldwide and other organizations are
looking at implementations in Europe and other governments. Are we really
up to getting such data? I mean are we in a position to be able to make
such a survey ->> ANDREA SAKS: This is a very good point because Alexandra just
said it came from Marcus and therefore she would not be able to do it as
ITU. Very quickly she said that but I picked up on that. It is a huge
undertaking. In fact, it is a possible undertaking for the accessibility
workshop that the ITU is attempting to form. It is really not something for
the Dynamic Coalition which is a small group of dedicated people most of
whom are on the phone could undertake. Peter may, in fact, do a small
offshoot but it won't be at the level, but I think you have just described,
Shadi, we don't have power and the tools in which to do it or the budget.
>> Andrea, just one more thing. It is now the (inaudible). I don't
know -- but in terms of the questionnaire it is not necessary or possible for
us to select pretty much every country on the planet. So if we are taking a
sample it would be more in terms of a sample survey like you do in research
rather than you -- you select two countries from Asia and two countries from
England and visibility of doing it and it would be an informal questionnaire or
survey rather than a formal exercise which is the kind you are talking.
>> Nirmita, I think you may be underestimating how to actually
measure implementation and the questions that would arise from that and ->> No. What I am saying I thought -- has already circulated with
questionnaires and one is a legal questionnaire and one is for expert and I
am pretty sure you all got this as well in most countries around the world. I
think we should leverage the information we have and maybe we can do this
presentation. I know that ->> ANDREA SAKS: I have an idea. You just mentioned ICT. Axle
Labra, if he has already done that questionnaire ->> He has done this.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Why are we duplicating the work? Maybe the
idea, Alexandra and Peter, for you to communicate with Axle Labra who I
wasn't able to communicate with this week but the problem is duplication of
work, duplication of effort and if he already done it maybe ->> Andrea, the question is not duplicating work. If they could present
the findings because they have been doing this exercise for the past year
and including a questionnaire regarding implementation and asking what
they think are the next steps.
>> ANDREA SAKS: That's a very good idea and he is on the list and I
was expecting him to be on the call today. What does everyone think of that
idea? I hear you in the background.
>> This is Cynthia. First of all, G3 ICT which I am one of the many
authors produced a country index to enable countries to do their own form
of measuring using that particular index which Shadi asked a very good
question how people are going to measure it. In this G3 ICT and a formula,
if you will, of how countries can measure many but the biggest concern, one
concern I have in listening to this is the ability of a country to officially
respond or even unofficially respond to a questionnaire when they are under
the gun to do reporting to the monitoring committee on the state of what
they are doing for implementation. Which is why the safest way I would
think would be as I had suggested would be to take a look at what they are
reporting to the (inaudible) committee which begins this month and that
information will be in before September. So they should have, if you will, a
"survey" already done by the country officially that we -- that I can rely on
in this part of this presentation.
I am -- because of the legality of this I am not quite sure how
comfortable people are in doing the survey. And that's all I can say at this
point. I am concerned about that.
>> Andrea?
>> I am sorry, this is Fernando. I wanted to complement with what
Cynthia is saying. I think she is right. We will not have, you know, people
jumping all over themselves to answer these things because there are legal
implications and so forth. And I also agree with Nirmita that we should
check with G3 ICT regarding what they have so far and I have been one of
the experts that have received their questionnaire and we should not
assume that they are all set and ready with their survey because I don't
think they are. This is too much work for DCAD to do on its own and joining
forces with them was actually essential.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I would like to interrupt here and say we have one
half hour left. The idea from the questionnaire from what everyone has said
I am going to ask a question and if you agree don't say anything and if you
don't agree speak. That for the moment the questionnaire cannot be the
basis of the workshop. That the questionnaire can be something that is
further investigated by Peter Major since he says he will do that and he will
come back in the next two weeks on some of his findings, on some of the
things that he has discussed. Is that a possibility for all of you to expect?
>> Yes.
>> Andrea? This is Gerry. Can I move it on a little bit and add a
suggestion to it? Because I think you are absolutely right that the
questionnaire is too big for us and Cynthia is absolutely right. Why would
we answer our questionnaire if they are already answering a bigger one or -(Laughter).
>> Or -(Laughter).
>> ANDREA SAKS: Exactly. Good intentions but real experience ->> Can I move it around a little bit and say well, maybe we should ask
Axle and his people to give a report of where they are at the moment and
that sort of stuff. I think the thing we could use to have our own input in to
this workshop to do a comparison of what the UN convention and the UN
millennium goals and see where the crossover is.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Do you want to take that as a possible abstract for
the workshop you would like us to choose?
>> I don't know if I have the knowledge but can go and investigate it.
(Talking over each other).
>> ANDREA SAKS: What I want to do is at the moment we are going
to have to amend the workshop proposal. We have the right to populate the
other workshop. I want to just go back and look at my agenda as usual, us
DCADDers, I think I got a new nickname for us. We have gone all over the
place and we have covered a lot. And this is very, very good. I think what
we need to is go back to the basics. Who wants to present? What do they
want to present? How does it fit in with the titles of either group? I know
that Shadi wants to do the EBU application. And also Nirmita wants to do
one. We have to get you finalized as to what you are doing. I will be
coming in to Geneva to get this sorted out. I wasn't a part of this and I
didn't want to get involved and I wanted other people to do it. But I think
we have to take the step that the questionnaire is not the basis for the
>> Yes.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Does everyone agree with that?
>> Yes.
>> Yes.
>> PETER MAJOR: Let me say something.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Who is that?
>> PETER MAJOR: It is Peter. Andrea, we have finalized the
workshop proposal on the 30th of March. That is three months ago.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I can take care of that.
>> PETER MAJOR: Let me finish. I read and reread the workshop and
I was really surprised myself but I said okay, we are going to base ourselves
on questionnaire. And nobody was doing it.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Everyone is doing it. There is more questionnaires
going out. Peter, we can't do it. What do you want me to do?
>> PETER MAJOR: Let me finish. Not within DCAD. I haven't said
anything. There was no reply to that. I asked specifically opinions about
the questionnaire and there is no opinion of the questionnaire. (Talking over
each other). I have the opinion right now. I have no problem with that.
And -- but I'm still perplexed where are we going.
>> ANDREA SAKS: That's what I am trying to get clear. I will be
talking to Marcus by phone and explain the problems, that this is just too big
an undertaking and the group decided, I didn't decide, the group decided
this was too big of an undertaking to do. We don't have the staff to manage
it properly and who is going to answer our questionnaire. Who do we send it
to and what are the legal ramifications. We are not going to have it taken
away from us. The title can be very broad. "From Athens to Vilnius:
Beyond the UN Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities". Look
how far we have come in making that event accessible. That's a major thing
we have done.
>> And I have proposed the workshop title myself. That's my original
>> ANDREA SAKS: Where this questionnaire came from but I think
we have to get rid of it -- if you want to pursue it we can. But there is
always the danger that when you have a questionnaire you have no reply.
We only had four. It makes us look silly. That's what happened to question
20. They created a fabulous questionnaire asking member states from the
ITU, from the developing countries whose addresses we had. We got four
replies. But you have to have the experience to know these kinds of pieces
of information and as Cynthia has said, you know, there is a questionnaire in
existence and I know that Fernando has said legal ramifications, but I have
got the captioning of who said what. It is unmanageable. We have a great
title. We have two great titles. We have -- we still have to decide the DCAD
meeting thing and we still have to talk about remote participation. And we
have to talk about funding issues and we have got 25 minutes. So what I
would like to -- and we have to choose another date. So what I would like
to do is is everyone in agreement on, those people who are participating,
who are interested and those who people who are on the chat and Ginger
Paque is on the chat and she is the expert on remote participation. Have to
decide who is presenting what and what we are doing and can we do that by
e-mail and copy everyone so everyone can have a look at it and try to get
the workshop properly manned and filled with people who have subjects that
fit the title and we will manage Marcus and the IGF regarding the
questionnaire when Peter, you and I can work on this and also anybody else.
And I think Nirmita, you said you wanted to be involved in this a bit and we
will do the best we can on what we come up but it cannot be the main thrust
of the workshop because it is just too big. That's my view.
Now is it okay for me to say to you request we have you all bring in your
stuff and is that proposal okay with everyone as long as it was?
>> Yes.
>> ANDREA SAKS: You are all going to give me your proposals, yes?
>> Yes.
>> Yes.
>> Good idea.
>> Yes.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Sorry?
>> Deadline?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. I am going to give you two weeks because
we really do have a problem with time. Two weeks from today. Is that
okay? That is the 22nd -- that's the 6th.
>> That's fine.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Is that good? Everyone give me the 6th. Give me
something. And okay. So we have how many people are on line? We may
be okay with both -- I have to -- with both workshops but I do have to talk
to EBU because they are ambitious. They want to do Google and Nokia and
all these different people, whether they can get them I don't know. So we
will see. But I will talk to David about that. And I will have to communicate
with Peter and Alexandra and Marcus about the fact that this questionnaire
is probably not the same as doing a declaration which we were in control of.
And who is going to be the volunteer to contact Axle Labra for this?
>> Gerry: I know Axle. I will be happy to talk to him.
>> I will.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I have two volunteers, Nirmita and Gerry?
>> Gerry: Sure.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Also keep in the loop Peter and Alexandra and
myself? I mean you got to choose one person as the spokesperson to write
to Axle Labra about this and we have got Peter managing the actual
questionnaire. How are we -- do you want to make a committee of
yourselves again like we did for the declaration?
>> PETER MAJOR: I have no problem contacting Axle. In fact, we
have been in contact with other issues and also this country came out the
conversation we had the other day. Anyway I am going to send him and
just inform him but I am not really sure what he does in terms of mail but I
am going to resend.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Send what?
>> PETER MAJOR: The question I ask his opinion about how we
should proceed.
>> ANDREA SAKS: We can't proceed. That's the whole point. I mean
we don't have the manpower.
>> I think if Marcus wanted to do it I think he should have staffed it
and begun.
>> It sounds to me -- this is Fernando.
>> ANDREA SAKS: You want to help Peter with this?
>> PETER MAJOR: I could get it.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Still too disorganized to let go at the moment.
What we need first, Peter and Nirmita and Gerry, you three seem the most
interested in this area. Can I put you three in charge of working together to
talk to Axle Labra and keep the rest of us copied, please? And Alexandra,
will you send out an e-mail with the people on this meeting? Because if we
try and communicate with the whole of the DCAD list we are going to go
absolutely bonkers and that will include Judy and Arnoud and Ginger who
are on chat. It looks like the group has voted not to have the questionnaire
as the focal point for the workshop and that it still looks to me that this
questionnaire may end up being Axle Labra's questionnaire. Am I wrong on
understanding what's been discussed?
>> Nirmita: I understand probably not our questionnaire but just
because it is not possible but just to check what is the statement of survey
and whether in a position to comment on the findings.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I think that's the best way to go at this point. You
spoke to Axle a couple of days ago?
>> Yes.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Peter? Hello.
>> ANDREA SAKS: You spoke to Axle a couple of days ago? We have
20 minutes. Is that particular -- so that's in your hands, correct, Peter,
Gerry, Nirmita. And Alexandra, will you give everyone the e-mail address of
everyone on this meeting so they can keep us copied, correct?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you. Okay. We are going to move on
down. No. 6, the DCAD meeting has been granted. It is 90 minutes. I
think at this time possible presentations. I think it is very interesting that
we have talked about the possibility of putting in the questionnaire but at
this moment I don't think we have time to deal with what's going to be the
content. Obviously the reports of what we have been doing during the year.
Can we put the DCAD meeting on hold to the next meeting?
>> Yes.
>> Yes.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Remote participation, I hope Ginger is still there.
Ginger, are you still there? I know she is on the chat thing. We have to
have a person who is the remote participation person for our workshop.
Two workshops and also probably for the DCAD meeting. Ginger, are you
there? I don't know if she is paying attention. Let me just put this here.
She is talking to Arnoud. Ginger, are you there? (Paper crackling). Okay.
She is not responding. I am going to put that on hold for a minute until she
comes back to me. What we have to do is we are going to deal with that
next meeting and I will talk to Ginger about that. Somebody has to do what
I have been trying to do and it is very difficult to run a meeting and to do
the remote participation and talk to people. Ginger is here. Ginger, I am
going to speak to you in the captioning. We need a volunteer, a person who
does the remote participation with the individuals. I know you have tons of
experiences on doing that and all these people who are on here have never
done it and I am trying to do it now. You are going to be possibly that
volunteer to help us with remote participation for both meetings and the
DCAD meeting? Can I ask you? That's a big question.
>> Yes. Give her time to read it.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Have a remote moderator, that's what I am
talking about. A remote moderator is the person doing what I am trying to
do. She has just said -- I can help. Oh, great. Ginger said yes, I can help.
She would love to. Will you be our remote moderator please for two
workshops and the meeting that we have for DCAD? (Dog barking). Or
getting someone who can do it for us? (Dog barking). I am waiting with
baited breath for this reply.
>> And somebody's dog is barking.
>> That's mine.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Yes. She has just put the workshop will each have
their moderator normal but the workshop organization will require the panel
to stipulate a remote moderator. Yes, we are trying to find somebody with
experience who can do that for us. I am finding that doing it is a very
difficult job. I am doing it now by reading what you are saying. So we will
-- that is Ginger just said we will need to have one for each panel. Ginger, I
repeat, I would like you to be our person since you are so good at it. Can
you commit to doing our two workshops and one DCAD meeting? That's
three sessions. Or help us find somebody who knows how to do this. I
should be able to do it for us depending upon my other duties and then it
goes Arnoud? Arun has just popped in and said I have had some experience
with remote participation. So I can help, Ginger. Great.
Arnoud has not come back and said anything but I think if we have
Arnoud and Ginger and Arun we should be all right. And I will take the
responsibility with working with Arun -- Arnoud just said we can work this
out. Okay. I will take the responsibility of communicating with Ginger, Arun
and Arnoud to get this okay. Is that okay to the group? I can take that one
to help us understand what we need to do and come back and make a report
with their help. You guys help me.
>> Yes.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Ginger just said I will be helping with the general
remote participation in the meetings. So I may not be able to stick to just
one. With Arun and Arnoud we should be able to manage. Thank you the
three of you. We are in business. Okay. (Dog barking).
Next issue people who need some funding. I still have a path one to
work on which that person knows about and you have to belong to a
developing countries (dog barking). But if you need funding in general let
me know and we will see what we can do. (Dog barking).
Do we have any other business before I get on to choosing the next
date? Right. Okay. Date of the next conference call, because we have
given you a deadline of the 6th. I am going to propose that the following
week we do a call that will be the week of -- God. Have to go up to the
calendar here. Although I have it here in my computer. What am I saying?
Ginger just said we need three moderators who are not presenters for
remote. Okay. We will get that organized. Oh, okay. Ginger also said we
will take care of this and probably in June planning meeting we will clarify
this for all workshops. Okay. That's great. Ginger, thank you very much
for that and you and I will be in touch on Skype.
Back to choosing a date. Let's look at the date. Because we really need
to get it done fairly quickly. So looking at July, Alexandra, is the following -the week of Monday, Tuesday, the 12th through the 17th -- through the
16th possible for people?
>> No.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Who said no?
>> Shadi.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Shadi you said no. Okay. Right. The following
week is study group 16. But I can probably manage to find some time to do
that. But Alexandra is not around in the first week. And the second week
we are all the way up -- I am on holiday in August for two weeks. So we are
going to have to choose a date fairly soon. Okay. The second week in, third
week in July we cannot do the 28th.
>> How about Tuesday the 20th?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Sorry?
>> Tuesday the 20th?
>> Alexandra is not available. She is in Shanghai.
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: I am on mission. I can do it before.
>> ANDREA SAKS: We will do it that way. The 20th through the 21st
of ->> I prefer the 20th. This is Fernando.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Fernando is on the 20th. The 20th is a Tuesday.
Is everyone okay on the 20th?
>> Yes.
>> Yes.
>> ANDREA SAKS: It is the 20th and I can have Martin Antwon. I will
be there personally in Geneva. I will be coming in to Geneva a week early
to handle some of this stuff that needs to be dealt with. So I will be in
Geneva probably from the 14th onward before study group 16 starts op the
19th. So I will be available but I am not available on the 5th. I am not
available on the 7th or 8th. On the 1st of August -- the first two weeks in
August I am not available. So and -- okay. Does anyone want to tell me
anything else or anything else that we need to do at this point? Arun just
said what about the 7th of July. Arun, are you going to be okay on the
>> Yes. One second.
>> ANDREA SAKS: So it is the 20th. Thank you very much people. I
think what I have to do is to Peter, can we speak probably maybe tomorrow
offline about -- I will try -- I think what I have to do is who is going to ask
one more question and go back, who is going to write the e-mails to Axle
Labra about his ->> Peter, Nirmita and myself will have a chat off line about it.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. That's fine. So I don't have to worry about
that. Does anybody else want to say anything else? And Ginger, you are
going to tell me when you are having the planning meeting in June.
>> Andrea ->> ANDREA SAKS: Ginger, are you there?
>> I need to go. Are we done?
>> ANDREA SAKS: We are just about done. We are done.
>> Andrea?
>> ANDREA SAKS: We are done. I will try and talk to Ginger in a few
>> Andrea, this is Cynthia. This is Cynthia.
>> I should at least tell everyone that I have been trying to have
communications with a disability organizations on the ground in Lithuania.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Oh. You have seven minutes. Please forgive me.
I did say you could speak about that. Any other business. Cynthia, would
you like to briefly explain what happened there?
>> What I did earlier this year is directly contacted the European
disability forum has a membership of the Lithuanian organization. I
contacted the president and secretary and the first communications did not
reach who it needed to. Now I am in communication with the secretary of
the Vilnius disability organization. All that has happened so far is I wanted
to get an idea as to what the challenges were for them with respect to the
Internet and accessibility and invite their participation in any way in our
open meetings or in our presentations. So far I have not got -- received
anything concrete but I wanted the members of the DCAD to know that that
communication was under way.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Cynthia, thank you. Can you continue working on
that, please?
>> Yes, I will.
>> ANDREA SAKS: And if you would like don't just update me. Give it
to the whole group.
>> Okay.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. And Alexandra, presumably you are going
to do a report on this in the next week or two? Actually it will have to be
done quite soon. I know you have training next week and everyone has got
the deadline on the 6th. Can you get the report out by the 6th to everyone?
>> ANDREA SAKS: I beg your pardon?
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Let me try to do so, Andrea.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you very, very much. That's great. That's
absolutely perfect. And I can see you have resent the questionnaire to
everyone. Thank you very much for doing that. We will all have a look at it,
>> Yes.
>> Andrea, Gerry. Quick question on any other business. So do we
have an idea of the appropriate hotels and that sort? The sooner we book
the better and try to get one that's close to the conference area.
>> ANDREA SAKS: I don't have any information on that. Do you
know if that is on the web?
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: What's that, sorry?
>> ANDREA SAKS: Gerry had a question about the hotel and
accommodation for Vilnius. Do you have information on that yet?
>> ALEXANDRA GASPARI: Yes, it is on the web that Peter is saying.
>> PETER MAJOR: Host country.
>> ANDREA SAKS: And is the IGF website accessible? Gerry, you will
let me know.
>> Nirmita: Andrea, I need to sign off.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Thank you very much, Nirmita. Thank you for
your contribution.
>> Bye Nirmita.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Gerry, did you say something?
>> I said bye Nirmita.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Okay. All right. Gerry, did you get the -- on the
IGF website? Would you do Gerry a favor please, Alexandra, send him the
link so it will make it easier for him to find instead of searching about?
>> ANDREA SAKS: You will get that information from Alexandra.
>> Gerry: Thanks.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Anything else we need to do before we sign off?
>> Oh, my goodness.
>> ANDREA SAKS: The captioner -- thank you captioner. I don't
know who it is.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Hi Tina. I have not worked with you before.
Thank you so much. You have really helped me keep everybody in order,
especially when I cut off and everybody else is on the chat thing has been
following who is not on line. I appreciate everything you have done and I
am sure everyone else appreciates it, too. I think we are going to say
>> Thank you.
>> Thank you.
>> ANDREA SAKS: Good-bye.
(Call concluded at 8:57 a.m. CST)
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