Current Research Journal of Biological Sciences 2(1): 53-58, 2010 ISSN: 2041-0778 © M axwell Scientific Organization, 2009 Submitted Date: September 14, 2009 Accepted Date: October 08, 2009 Published Date: January 05, 2010 Status on Seasonal Distribution of Macrobenthos from the Gulf of Mannar (South East Coast) of India B. Kaja Magdoo m, M. Kalaiselvam and T. Balasubramanian CA S in M arine Biology , Annam alai University, Porto Novo, T amilnadu, Ind ia Abstract: The present study on assessment of Macrobenthos is to construct a baseline data for the health of the ecosystem; such organisms may not persist on the chemical stress and anthropogenic pollution activity. Here the total m acrob entho s consisting of 21 species in 5 major grou ps, viz. crustaceans (6), gastrop ods (5), bivalves (4), polychaetes (11) was recorded in Gulf of Mannar region of Tamilnadu. The population densities of benth ic macrofauna ran ged from 3 07 to 4 97 ind .mG 2 , the diversity ranged from 1.0630 to 1.2480 bits ind.G 1 , the richness varied between 3.263 and 4.324, and the evenness varied between 0.8885 and 0.9557. And the mean values for macrob entho s we re tabulated an d the S tation w ise perc entag e distribution of marine macrobenthos were as in Shingle Island: Bivalves > Polychaetes > Gastropods > Crustaceans, in Pamban Back water: Gastropods > B ivalves > Crustaceans > Polychaetes, in Kurusadai Island: Polychaetes > Bivalves > Gastropods > Crustaceans. and in Rameshwaram backwater: Polychaetes > Bivalves > Gastropods > Crustaceans, were observed throughout the study period, although there is no changes observed on the distribution and abundance, all the study locations were free from pollution. Key w ords: Island, macro benthos, nutrients, biodiversity, backwater and Gulf of Mannar INTRODUCTION Benthos is the org anism that inhabit in bottom of sea or sea floo r. M acro be nthos play as an im portan t role in aquatic community consist of involved in mineralization, promoted and mixing of sediments and flux of oxygen into sediments, cycling of orga nic matter and in effort to assess the quality of inland water (Lind, 1979 ). The Gulf of Mannar falls in the Indo-Pacific region, considered to be one of world's richest marine biolog ical reso urces. This is considered a hyp er fragile enviro nme nt, inhabiting all the types of flora and fau na. The reef system in Gulf of Mannar is around a chain of 21 uninhabited islands that lie along the 140 km stretch between Tuticorin and Rameswaram of Tamil Na du, on the southeast coast of India. These islands are located between latitude 8º 47! N and 9º 15!N and longitude 78º 12!E and 79º 14!E. The average distance of these islands from mainland is about 8 km. T he pre sent study in the field of marine macrobenthos was conducted within the M andapam group of islands namely Shingle, Kurusadai and the backwater systems including Pamban and R ameshw aram regions. The Gulf of M annar is also well known for its diversity of sea grasse s. Out of the fourteen species of seagrasses under 6 genera known from Indian seas, thirteen species occur in the Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve, w ith Halophila, Halodule, Enhalus and Cymodocea being common among them (Venkataraman and W afar, 2005). The Gulf of M annar is pred omin antly a high biodiv ersity reef ecosystem with 147 species of seaweeds (Kaliyaperumal, 1998), 17 species of sea cucumbe rs (James, 2001), 510 species of finfishes (Durairaj 1998) 106 species of shellfishes such as crabs (Jeyabaskaran and Ajmal Khan , 1998), 4 species of shrimps (Ramaiyan et al., 1996) and 4 species of lob sters (Susheelan, 1993). During recent survey on mollusc, 5 species of polyplacophorans, 174 species of bivalves, 271 species of gastropods, 5 species of scaphopods and 16 species of cephalopods (Scaphopods added for the first time) w ere recorded (Deepak and Patterson, 20 04). In addition, a total of 10 true mangrove and 24 mangrove associated species were recorded from the island s in the Biosp here Reserve (Jeganathan et al., 2006). It has 3,600 species of plants and animals tha t make it India 's biologically richest coastal region (Global Environment Facility, 1999). The GEF (1999) report quoted that: "of the 2,200 fish species in Indian waters, 450 species (20 per cent) are found in the Gulf of Mannar, making it the single richest coastal area in the Indian subcontinent in terms of fish dive rsity." Kurusadai Island, a biologist’s paradise, harb ours representatives of every animal phylum known (except amp hibians). MATERIALS AND METHODS In this study on Macrobenthos were conducted between October 2006 and September 2007, two islands and two backwater systems were investigated in and around Gulf of Mannar, India for an academic year. (Fig. 1) During this period grab samples co llected in Corresponding Author: B. Kaja Magdoom, CAS in Marine Biology, Annamalai University, Porto novo, Tamilnadu, India 53 Curr. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 2(1): 53-58, 2010 Table 1: Season wise distribution of Benthic Macrofauna in Backwaters and Islands Nam e of Species Shingle Island Pamban B ackwater --------------------------------------------------------------------------Post-m Sum Pre-m Mon Post-m Sum Pre-m Mon Polychaetes Nephtys sp. T T x T T T T T Pista sp. T T T x x T T T Chaetopterus sp. x x T x T T T T Prionospio sp. T T T T T T T T Cap itella cap itata T T T T T T x x Amp harete sp. T T T T T T T T Melinnopsis sp. T T x T T T T T Perineries cultrifera T T T T x T T T Cos sura c oasta x T T T T T T T T Glycera alba T T T T T T T T Poly dora ciliata T T T x T T T T Bivalves M eretrix m eretrix T T T T T T T T M . casta T T T T T T T T Anadara gran osa T T T T T T T T Cardium setosum T T T T T T T x Arca sp. T T T T T T T T Gastrop od s Umbonium vestiarium T T T T T T x T Natica sp. T T T T T T T T Tur ritella atten uata T T T T T T T T Cerith edia c ingula ta T T T T T T T x Littorina scabra T T T T T T T T C ru stacean s Amp hithoe sp. T T T T T x T T Grandidierella sp. T T x T T x T T Urothoe sp. T T T T T T T T Cheiriphotes sp. T T T T T T T T Pontharpinia sp. T T T T T x T T Isopods T T x x T x T x Penaeid Shrimp larvae T T T T x x x x Grand total 26 27 24 24 25 23 25 23 Sym bol de notes: T - Spe cies pre sent, x- S pecies a bsen t. Kurusadai Island ----------------------------------Post-m Sum Pre-m Mon Ramesw aram backwater --------------------------------------Post-m Sum Pre-m Mon T T x T T T T T T T T T T T T x T T T T T T T T T T T T x x T T T T T x T T T T x T T T T T T T T T T x T T T T T T T T T T T T x T T T T T T T T x T T x T x T T T T x T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T x T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T x T T T T T 26 T T T T T T T 27 T x T T T T T 25 T T T T T x T 24 T T T T x T x 25 T T T T T T T 27 T x T T T T T 25 T T T T T T T 26 (Atago, Japan) and digital pH Pe n (Eutech, Malay sia). Temperature of overlying water and sediment were also recorded. W ater and Sediment sam ples were collected separately for Nutrient analysis were performed as per APHA (1989). The obtained biological data w ere analyzed using statistical applications. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of total Benthic Macrofauna of backwater and Islands from G ulf o f M annar region s reveals that, Polychaetes including Nephtys sp., Pista sp., Chaetopterus sp., Prionospio sp., Capitella capitata, Ampharete sp., Melinnopsis sp., Perineries cultrifera, Cossura coasta, Glycera alba and Polydora ciliata. Bivalves including Me retrix meretrix, M. casta, Anadara granosa, and Cardium setosum. Gastropods including Umbonium vestiarium, Natica sp., Littorina scabra, Ce rithed ia cingu lata and Turr itella atten uata , Crustaceans including Penaeid sp. (shrimp larvae), amphipods such as Grandidierella sp., Cheiriphotes sp., Urothoe sp., Amphithoe sp., and Pontharpinia sp., Isopods were also recorded from the study areas. The area and season wise percentage composition and distribution of macro benthos were plotted in the Table 1. The adeq uate conservation of biological diversity requires accu rate identification, and knowledge of species’ distributions, abundances, and ecology (Dayton, 200 3). The sediment-inhabiting macrofauna were the major Fig. 1: Study area map showing sampling locations the year round sampling, which categorizes four seasons. Samples were sieved by 0.5 mm. sized sieves for macrobenthos, they were analyze d under the compound microscope (Olympu s CH 20i), taxonomic identifications with the classical works of Day (1969). Salinity and pH measured in the field itself using hand held Refractometer 54 Curr. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 2(1): 53-58, 2010 Table 2: Season wise Water Nutrients of Shingle Island Seaso ns/Para meters NO2 NO3 NH4 Post monsoon 0.429 2.168 0.140 Summer 0.214 3.061 0.052 Pre monsoon 0.390 2.945 0.062 Monsoon 0.253 3.252 0.057 TN 20.245 22.028 20.043 21.019 IP 0.100 0.500 0.167 0.332 TP 0.602 1.376 1.075 0.946 SiO 3 16.638 17.038 19.239 20.997 DO 4.5 4.3 4.2 4.7 BOD 1.29 0.81 0.64 0.64 COD 14 .4 4.8 4.0 5.6 C l2 18 04 6.4 17 95 3.5 17 48 6.3 18 01 5.6 SO 4 1773.679 1769.200 1887.393 1887.182 Tab le 3: Sea son w ise W ater Nu trients of Pa mba n bac kw aters Seaso ns/Para meters NO2 NO3 NH4 TN Post monsoon 0.468 3.536 0.168 20.649 Summer 0.214 3.211 0.062 23.440 Pre monsoon 0.292 3.047 0.042 21.691 Monsoon 0.351 3.088 0.021 22.667 IP 0.592 0.633 0.699 0.433 TP 1.806 1.817 1.075 0.903 SiO 3 18.492 19.838 19.612 16.424 DO 4.3 4.2 4.4 4.9 BOD 1.61 0.64 0.64 0.16 COD 27 .2 3.2 6.4 4.8 C l2 18 04 5.6 17 49 4.5 18 05 0.5 17 95 6.4 SO 4 1716.514 1823.011 1742.755 1905.651 Table 4: Season wise Water Nutrients of Kurusadai Island Seaso ns/Para meters NO2 NO3 NH4 TN Post monsoon 0.409 1.943 0.073 21.321 Summer 0.242 3.027 0.031 19.640 Pre monsoon 0.409 2.127 0.036 20.413 Monsoon 0.466 2.896 0.065 21.146 IP 0.233 0.200 0.233 0.469 TP 0.741 1.032 0.903 1.963 SiO 3 19.304 19.211 18.905 18.215 DO 4.3 4.4 4.2 4.7 BOD 2.42 0.16 0.48 0.98 COD 14 .4 1.6 6.4 11 .2 C l2 17 89 9.4 17 54 8.1 17 35 9.8 18 04 6.3 SO 4 1974.094 1951.565 1741.692 1764.056 Tab le 5: Sea son w ise W ater Nu trients of R ama Seaso ns/Para meters NO2 NO3 Post monsoon 0.429 3.640 Summer 0.370 3.701 Pre monsoon 0.448 2.331 Monsoon 0.234 3.497 IP 0.200 0.433 0.366 0.233 TP 1.118 0.946 1.075 1.430 SiO 3 18.641 20.825 18.212 20.354 DO 4.4 4.2 4.4 4.7 BOD 0.81 1.29 1.29 0.32 COD 19 .2 1.6 1.6 8.0 C l2 18 04 5.6 17 95 5.6 18 04 6.9 17 55 9.6 SO 4 1606.282 1787.606 1948.341 1867.024 fe et back waters NH4 TN 0.052 21.052 0.031 19.875 0.062 20.077 0.057 20.750 Table 6: Season wise Sediment total organic carbon and total phosphorous Observed during the study Shingle Island Pam ban b ackw aters Kurusadai Island ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Seaso ns/Para meters T O C TP TOC TP TOC TP Post monsoon 1.190 1.656 4.564 2.014 1.656 3.450 Summer 0.870 1.725 3.899 2.106 2.595 3.795 Pre monsoon 2.707 3.381 4.215 2.169 1.517 0.621 Monsoon 1.113 2.867 4.066 2.020 1.668 1.006 Table 7: Season wise Confidence level for Mean (95%) of Benthic Macrofauna in various study locations 95% Confidence level for Mean PO ST-M SUMMER PR E-M Shingle Island Macrobenthos 2.066079539 2.313653899 1.906845686 Pamban Backwater Macrobenthos 2.273292583 1.882300139 2.045219502 Kurusadai Island Macrobenthos 1.432844395 2.177661668 1.683527005 Rama feet Backwater Macrobenthos 1.260822075 1.29478745 1.397972386 component of the benthic ecosystem. Benthic faunal structure was increased due to recent organic loads, and has been made to relating standing stocks with various environmental factors studied water nutrients such as NO 2 , NO 3 , NH3 , IP, TP, S iO 3 , TN, Cl2 , SO 4 , sediment TOC and T P were no rmally distributed (Table 2-6 ) in all the stations. The flux of organic matter from surface productivity to the sea floor has been proven to exert considerable control on benthic standing stocks (Soltw edel, 2000). The objective of this paper to provide current information focusing on the abundance of macrofauna was Polychaetes, bivalves, gastropods and the crustaceans. The results clearly showed that areas with increased organic matter, human disturbances such as recreational boating and waves hitting were the factors con trolling the distrib ution p attern a mon g the macrobenthos. The richer communities were generally found in areas with increased productivity and enhanced input of orga nic matter to the shore, (Hearld and Odum, 1970; Sunilkumar and Antony, 1994). The density and Ram a feet bac kw aters ------------------------------TOC TP 2.158 1.189 2.654 1.324 3.742 1.449 3.242 2.346 MONSOON 1.659696136 1.647940313 1.218430761 1.122456641 diversity of benthos were changed due to causes of pollution and physico-chemical parameters (Oomachan and Belsare, 1985). Meiofaunal resources are based on influence of the food mate rials and recycle of organic maters (Mc Intyre, 1964; Tenore et al., 1977 ). The ABC plot approaches (Fig. 3) sigma shaped curves representing all the sampling stations were free from pollution and also representing the healthier environm ent. The ABC approach is highly recommended by W arwick (19 86), w ho stated that in 22 cases of comparison between species biomass and number curves, only one case has given a false impression of the pollution status of the benthic community. Warwick et al. (1987) suggested that the abundance/ biomass comparison is a suitably abbreviated descriptor of the state of pollution and its effect on marine macrobenthos. The following descending order wise percentage distributions of macro benthos were notified in all the study areas. The actual season wise percentages of macrobenthos were seen in the Fig. 2a-d. 55 Curr. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 2(1): 53-58, 2010 (a) (b) (c) (d) Fig. 2: Showing percentage distribution of macrobenthos from Shingle Island, Pamban backwater, Kurusadai Island and Rameshwaram backwater Fig. 3: Showing the ABC Plot (k-dominance curve) for the Benthic Macrofauna sampled 56 Curr. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 2(1): 53-58, 2010 Tab le 8: Th e B ray-c urtis sim ilarity m easu re, Sp ecies dive rsity (H ’), Pielou’s Evenness (J) and species richness (d), S-number of species, N-the total num ber o f ind ividu als in a sam ple Sam ple S N d J' H'(log10) 1-Lambda' S1 17 45 4.203 0.9623 1.1840 0.9505 S2 17 51 4.069 0.9529 1.1730 0.9435 S3 15 55 3.494 0.9375 1.1030 0.9293 S4 15 52 3.543 0.9607 1.1300 0.9382 S5 12 60 2.687 0.9750 1.0520 0.9220 S6 14 45 3.415 0.9744 1.1170 0.9384 S7 13 46 3.134 0.9411 1.0480 0.9217 S8 13 52 3.037 0.9550 1.0640 0.9201 S9 15 55 3.494 0.9349 1.1000 0.9259 S10 13 53 3.022 0.9718 1.0820 0.9289 S11 14 58 3.202 0.9691 1.1110 0.9341 S12 11 49 2.569 0.9152 0.9531 0.8886 S13 11 42 2.675 0.9329 0.9715 0.9036 S14 11 53 2.519 0.9485 0.9878 0.9057 S15 19 61 4.379 0.9432 1.2060 0.9448 S16 15 60 3.419 0.9178 1.0790 0.9192 S17 12 64 2.645 0.8047 0.8685 0.8343 S18 15 69 3.306 0.9026 1.0620 0.9049 S19 17 78 3.672 0.8639 1.0630 0.8971 S20 14 68 3.081 0.8841 1.0130 0.8973 S21 12 60 2.687 0.9204 0.9933 0.9011 S22 19 55 4.492 0.9340 1.1940 0.9421 S23 16 60 3.664 0.9278 1.1170 0.9243 S24 13 61 2.919 0.9271 1.0330 0.9077 S25 16 75 3.474 0.8810 1.0610 0.9056 Shingle Island: Pam ban Bac kwater: Kurusad ai Island : Rameshwaram backw ater: B i v a l v es > P o l y c h ae t e s > Gastropo ds > Crustacea ns. G a s t ro p o d s > Bivalves > Crustacea ns > Polychae tes. P o l y c h a e te s > B i v a l v es > Gastropo ds > Crustacea ns. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author thanks to the UGC-University g rants commission for providing fund and the authorities of Annam alai University for necessary facilities. REFERENCES Polychaetes > Bivalves Gastropods > C rustaceans. > APHA, 1989. Standard Methods for Analysis of Water and W aste W ater. American P ublic H ealth Association, 17th Edn. Washington, D.C. Bray, J.R. and J.T. Curtis, 1957. An ordination of the upland forest communities of Southern Wisconsin. Ecol. Monogr., 27: 325-349. Day, J.H., 1969. A monograph on the Polychaeta of Southern Africa. Trustees of the BritishMuseum (Natural history) London, pp: 459-842. Dayton, P.K., 2003. The importance of the natural sciences to conservation. Am. Nat., 162: 1-13. Deepak, S.V. and J. Patterson, 2004. 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