Current Research journal of Biological Sciences 4(4): 372-380, 2012 ISSN: 2041-0778 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2012 Submitted: November 28, 2011 Accepted: December 27, 2011 Published: July 10, 2012 Response of Bread Wheat Genotypes to Immature Embryo Culture, Callus Induction and Drought Stress 1 Parvin Elyasi, 1Ezatollah Farshadfar and 2Mostafat Aghaee College of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran 2 Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Karaj, Iran 1 Abstract: In order to evaluate the response of twenty genotypes of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to callus induction and in vitro drought stress. The immature embryos of wheat were used in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with six replications for callus induction and a 20×2 factorial experiment based on CRD design with three replications was carried out for response of genotypes to in vitro drought stress at the Agricultural College of Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran during 2010-2011. Significant differences were observed among the genotypes for Callus Growth Rate (CGR), Relative Fresh Weight Growth (RFWG), Relative Growth Rate (RGR) and Percentage of Callus Induction (PCI) indicating the presence of genetic variability, different responses of bread wheat genotypes to callus induction and possible selection of callus induction at in vitro level using immature embryos. Mean comparison of the traits measured in callus induction showed that genotypes 1 and 6 had the highest PCI (100%). Analysis of variance for CGR, RFWG and RGR, Relative Water Content (RWC), Percent of Callus Chlorosis (PCC) and Proline Content (PC) exhibited significant differences among the genotypes for all the characters in the stress condition (15% PEG). Screening drought tolerant genotypes and in vitro indicators of drought tolerance using mean rank, standard deviation of ranks and biplot analysis, discriminated genotypes (6), (19) and (1) as the most drought tolerant. Keywords: Biplot analysis, embryo culture, in vitro indicators of drought tolerance, screening techniques better use of water through the development of crop varieties which need less water and are more tolerant to drought (Shao et al., 2006; El-Shafey et al., 2009; Mafakheri et al., 2010). Development of cultivars with high yield is the main goal in water limited environments but success has been modest due to the varying nature of drought and the complexity of genetic control of plant responses (Mirbahar et al., 2009). Since yield is a complex trait and is strongly influenced by the environment, severe losses can be caused by drought, a stress common in most arid and semi arid areas. Accordingly, drought tolerance is one of the main components of yield stability and its improvement is a major challenge to geneticists and breeders (Eid, 2009). These efforts have been focused mostly on exploiting high yield potential and genotype selection for morphological, physiological and agronomic traits indicative of drought tolerance in field conditions (Dhanda et al., 2004). Breeding for drought tolerance by selecting solely for grain yield is difficult because the heritability of yield under drought conditions is low, due to small genotypic variance or due to the large variances in the genotypeenvironment interaction (Ludlow and Muchow, 1990; Koszegi et al., 1996). Improvement of the wheat plant itself gives a long-term avenue for raising its yield in the INTRODUCTION Cereal crops belonging to Graminae family producing large edible grains which provide about onehalf of man,s food calories and a major portion of his nutrient requirements (Jain, 2001). High adaptation of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as well as its diverse consumption in the human nutrition lead to be presented as the most important cereal in the word, especially in the developing countries and it can provides 20% food resources of the world people (Farzi et al., 2010). Global warming and concomitant increase in drought effected areas limit plant production is also restricted by drought exposed areas and this loss lead to considerable economic and social problems because of its great importance on human nutrition (Ilker et al., 2011). Water deficit the main environmental constraint limiting cereal yield worldwide and particularly within the Mediterranean basin, a problem likely to become even worse in the future. Cereal plants respond to drought through morphological, physiological and metabolic modifications occurring in all organs and therefore traits associated with improved performance under water limited conditions or improved survival to extremely low water availability are diverse (Slafer et al., 2005). One possible way to ensure future food needs of an increasing world population involves the Corresponding Author: Ezatollah Farshadfar, College of Agriculture, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran 372 Curr. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 4(4): 372-380, 2012 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C field. Thus, under stressful environments, yield per se is not always the most suitable or easiest selection trait and an approach based on the evaluation and incorporation of physiological traits into a potentially high-yielding genotype may improve its adaptability and thus its response to environmental variability (Steven et al., 1990; Blum, 2005). Much attention is shifted towards crop improvement programs. On of such biotechnological techniques is the plant tissue culture. Tissue culture techniques are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative means of plant vegetative propagation, mass production of chemicals, and genetic engineering (Shah et al., 2009). Resent progress in genetic manipulation of plant cells has opened new possibilities in crop improvement. Callus culture are used as an in vitro technique for biochemical and physiological studies in response to stress at the cellular level (Liu et al., 2006). Many researchers have used the in vitro culture of cells on media supplemented with PEG to study the mechanisms of drought tolerance and to utilize the somaclonal variation, as a source of variability to improve the drought tolerance (El-Shafey et al., 2009). Various osmotic agents have been employed in appropriate nutrient media to screen germplasm in vitro for drought tolerance. Although specific in vitro methods vary with plant types being screened, researchers have been able to control the drought environmental more precisely using in vitro or artificial selection techniques (Maruyama et al., 2008; He et al., 2009; Srinivasan et al., 2010). Polyethylen Glycol (PEG) of high molecular weights, have long been used to stimulate water stress in plants (Ruf et al., 1967; Kaufmann and Eckard, 1971; Corchete and Guerra, 1986). PEG of high molecular weight is a non penetrating inert osmoticum lowering the water potential of nutrient solutions without being taken up or being phytotxic (Lawlor, 1970). Osmotic solutions of NaCl, mannitol/sorbitol and Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) have been used as in vitro stress factors for selecting salt- and drought-tolerant genotypes in screening procedures for seed germination of wheat (Almansouri et al., 2001), sunflower (Punia and Jain, 2002) and potato (Gopal and Iwama, 2007). The objectives of the present investigations were to: C C C WC - 5047 WC - 4530 WC - 4780 WC - 4566 WC - 47360 WC - 4640 WC - 47456 WC - 47628 WC - 47367 WC - 47399 WC - 47636 WC - 4584 WC - 46697 - 11 WC - 4823 Pishtaz WC- 47341 WC - 47379 WC - 4931 WC - 47381 WC - 5053 kindly provided from Seed and Plant Improvement Institute of Karaj, Iran to callus induction and in vitro drought stress. A Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with six replications was used for callus induction and a 20×2 factorial experiment based on CRD design with three replications was carried out for response of genotypes to in vitro drought stress at the Agricultural College of Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran during 2010-2011. The genotypes were exposed to different concentrations of PEG 6000 (Merck, Germany) (0 as control and 15%) for 14 days. The growing morphogenic calli derived from immature embryos were also exposed to Murashige and Skooge (1962) medium containing different concentrations of PEG (0 and 15%). Spikes were harvested from main tillers 14 days post-anthesis. Spikes rinsed twice with water then were surface-sterilized in 70% (v/v) ethanol for 1 min, rinsed twice with sterile distilled water, incubated further in commercial bleach (5% sodium hypochlorite) for 10 min and rinsed several times in sterile distilled water. All the operations and inoculation were performed under strict aseptic conditions in a laminar airflow cabinet. Immature embryos were aseptically dissected from the seeds and placed scutellum up on MS medium supplemented with 30 g/L sucrose and was adjusted to PH 5.7, solidified with 8g/L agar and 2.5 mg/L 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D)(Merck, Germany). The medium was autoclaved at 121ºC for 20 min and incubated at 25ºC for 28 days in growth chamber and in the darkness. Callus was maintained by subculturing every 21-28 days on the same MS medium. In drought stress conditions the cultures were kept in an incubator without any light. The following callus characteristics were measured under stress conditions: Screen bread wheat genotypes for drought tolerance under in vitro condition Evaluate the ability of genotypes to induce callus using immature embryo culture Screening in vitro indicators of drought tolerance MATERIALS AND METHODS In order to evaluate the response of twenty genotypes of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) namely: 373 Curr. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 4(4): 372-380, 2012 Percentage of Callus Induction (PCI): PCI was evaluated 4 weeks (suitable for sub-culturing) after embryo culture in Petri dishes as: (Arzani and Mirodjagh, 1999) (number of seeds producing callus)/(number of seeds plated in Petri dishes). where, W0 is the weight of callus before treatment and W1 the final weight of callus after two weeks of treatment. Callus growth index was calculated for two levels of PEG (0 and 15%) and the average of two levels was used for calculation. Relative Fresh Weight Growth (RFWG): RFWG = [(W2-W1)]/W1 (Chen et al., 2006) where W1 and W2 are the initial weight of callus before and after four weeks, respectively. Relative tolerance (Rt%): percentage of Rt% was calculated for each genotype using the following formula (Abdelsamad et al., 2007): Relative Growth Rate (RGR): RGR = [LnW2-LnW1]/GP (Birsin and Ozgen, 2004) where W1 and W2 are the initial and final weight of callus and GP is the growth period, respectively. The time interval between two consecutive measurements was 21 days. Rt % = [(value under stress)/ (value under nonstress)] × 100 Reduction percentage (R%): R% was calculated for the two stress (15%) and non-stress level (0) using the following formula (Abdelsamad et al., 2007): (value under 15% stress level n- value at 0% stress level). Callus Growth Rate (CGR): CGR (mm/day) of cultured embryos on MS medium were measured at 7, 14, 21 and 28 days, respectively after transferring calli to medium. CGR was calculated using the following formulas (Compton, 1994): Proline Content (PC): Extraction and estimation of free praline content were done according to the procedure described by Errabii et al. (2007). CGR1 = d7/7, CGR2 = d14 /7, CGR3 = d21/7, CGR4 = d28/7 CGR = (CGR1+ CGR2 + CGR3 + CGR4) / 4 Statistical analysis: Analysis of variance, mean comparison using Duncan,s Multiple Range Test (DMRT), correlation analysis between mean of the characters measured and principal component analysis (PCA), based on the rank correlation matrix were performed by MSTAT-C, SPSS ver. 16 and STATISTICA ver. 8. Standard Deviation of Ranks (SDR) was measured as: where d7, d14, d21, d28, respectively were diameter of callus in days 7, 14, 21 and 28, respectively. Diameter of callus was calculated as: Diameter of callus = DC =%length×width Percentage of Callus Chlorosis (PCC): PCN was determined visually as percentage of necrotic callus, 16 days after moving callus to the PEG containing medium. m (R S 2 i Relative Water Content (RWC): callus samples of known fresh weight were dried in an oven set at 700C for 24 h and RWC was calculated by following formula (Errabi et al., 2006): j 1 ij Ri . ) 2 l1 where, Rij is the rank of in vitro drought tolerance indicator and Ri. is the mean rank across all in vitro drought tolerance indicators for the ith genotypes and SDR = (S2i)0.5 (Arzani and Mirodjagh, 1999). RWC = [(FW-DW)/DW]×100 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION where, FW and DW are the callus fresh and dry weights, respectively. Callus induction: Highly significant differences (p<0.01) were observed among the genotypes for CGR, RFWG, RGR and PCI, respectively indicating the presence of genetic variability, different responses of genotypes to callus induction and possible selection of callus induction in bread wheat using immature embryos of wheat (Table 1). Immature embryo culture supplement with 2, 4-D gave good callus growth (Shan et al., 2000; El-Sherbeny et al., 2001). Immature embryos of 1.0-1.5 mm,14 d after anthesis were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 1.5 or 2.0 mg/L 2, 4-D and found that 90-100% of these embryos formed callus (Arun et al., In Vitro Tolerance (INTOL): INTOL was calculated according to the following formula (Al-Khayri and AlBahrany, 2004): INTOL = RGRtreatment / RGRcontrol where, RGR = relative growth rate and was measured by the formula of Birsin and Ozgen (2004). Callus Growth Index (CGI): or increasing value of callus fresh weight was calculated as: CGI = (W1-W0)/W0 (Abdelsamad et al., 2007): 374 Curr. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 4(4): 372-380, 2012 Table 1: Analysis of variance for callus induction traits in bread wheat MS --------------------------------------S.O.V df CGR RFWG RGR PCI Genotypes 19 0.003** 0.826** 0.009** 0.029** Error 100 0.001 0.058 0.001 0.002 CV% 3.11 14.60 12.11 2.59 **: Significant at 1% level of probability Table 2: Mean comparison for callus traits using DMRT* Genotype CGR RFWG RGR 1 0.1964abc 0.9124h 0.0309g 2 0.262abc 1.5021fgh 0.0395efg 3 0.2069abc 1.2092gh 0.0416defg 4 0.183ab 3.1033abc 0.0663ab 5 0.1998abc 3.1919abc 0.0687ab 6 0.2246abc 1.3232fgh 0.0386efg 7 0.2194abc 2.4822cde 0.0546bcde 8 0.2383abc 1.9224defg 0.0495bcdef 9 0.3084d 4.2225a 0.0763a 10 0.2023abc 2.065def 0.053bcde 11 0.2284abc 2.0867def 0.0523bcde 12 0.2198abc 0.9387efg 0.0469cdefg 13 0.2454bc 2.7803bcd 0.0627abc 14 0.2550c 3.898ab 0.0747a 15 0.1965abc 1.8204defg 0.0492bcdef 16 0.2447bc 2.4247cde 0.0582abcd 17 0.2489b c3.2705abc 0.0687ab 18 0.1754a 0.4671i 0.0179h 19 0.2422abc 0.9216h 0.0296g 20 0.2295abc 1.0268h 0.0332fg *: Common letters indicate no significant difference induction traits (Table 2) obviously revealed that culture response was greatly influenced by the wheat genotypes and also emphasized a profound effect of genotypes on callus induction capacity, which is in agreement with reports of callus induction in durum wheat (Ozgen et al., 1996; Bommineni and Jauhar, 1996) and in bread wheat (Hess and Carman, 1998). The importance of genotype in determining the in vitro response of wheat tissues has been recognized and the efficiency of callus induction, callus growth rate and plant regeneration frequency have all been reported to be genotype dependent (Yadav et al., 2000; Yadava and Chawla, 2001; Schween and Schwnkel, 2003). Birsin and Ozgen (2004) reported that the genotype effects on callusing ability from triticale mature embryo cultures. Shah et al. (2009) exhibited significant differences between and among wheat cultivars for callus induction response and the callus induction was found to be genotype-dependent. In general, callus induction used as on efficient character for assessment of culture responses from mature embryo in wheat genotypes. The callus fresh weight is provided a more concise quantitative character for the development rate of callus. PCI 100.00a 80.00bcde 83.33bcde 75.00de 76.60bcde 100.00a 50.00g 88.33ab 88.33ab 85.00bcd 80.00bcde 61.66e 76.66cde 78.33bcde 78.33bcde 81.66bcde 63.33f 83.33bcde 93.33a 86.60bc Effect of drought stress on the characters: Analysis of variance for Callus Growth Rate (CGR), Relative Fresh Weight Growth (RFWG), Relative Growth Rate (RGR), Relative Water Content (RWC), Percent of Callus Chlorosis (PCC) and Proline Content (PC) indicated highly significant differences (p<0.01) among the genotypes for all the characters in the stress condition (15%) (Table 3). The analysis of variance also showed significant differences among levels of (0, 15%) PEG concentration for traits CGR, RFWG, RGR, RWC, PCC and genotypeWdrought interaction for CGR, RGR, RWC and PCC, respectively. The result obtained from comparison of means revealed that the highest amount of CGR, RFWG, RGR, RWC and PC, respectively belonged to genotypes no.14, 6, 6, 6 and 19, respectively. While the lowest amount of CGR, RFWG, RGR, RWC and PC, respectively was attributed to genotypes no. 5, 7, 7, 7 and 12, respectively (Table 4). The highest PCC and the lowest PCC were related to genotypes 17 and 1, respectively. The results indicated that CGR, RFWG, RGR and RWC decreased in the stress condition (%15 PEG level) as compared with non-stress condition (0% 1994). Arzani et al. (1999) reported that there were significant differences among cultivars for potential of regeneration from immature embryo and the Fresh Weight Growth of callus (FWG) distinguished cultivars more than callus induction frequency did for callus induction evaluation. Solid MS medium was optimum for immature embryo culture (Al-khayri and Al-Bahrany, 2000; Delport et al., 2000; Mendoza and Kaeppler, 2002) of wheat supplement with different combinations of plant growth regulators. Mean comparison of traits in callus induction: Mean comparison of the traits measured in callus induction showed that genotypes, 1 and 6 had the highest PCI (100%). The highest amount of CGR, RFWG and RGR belonged to genotype no.9. While the lowest amount of CGR, RFWG and RGR was attributed to genotypes no.18, 1 and 18, respectively (Table 2). The results of callus Table 3: Analysis of variance for mature embryos callus characters under stress condition MS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S.O.V d.f CGR RFWG RGR RWC PCC PC Genotype(G) 19 0.011** 0.010** 0.001** 0.005** 0.115** 0.830** Drought(D) 1 0.012** 0.227** 0.016* 0.293** 2.095** 1.021 ns DWG 19 0.002** 0.007ns 0.0002** 0.005** 0.027** 0.483 ns Error 80 0.001 0.004 0.0002 0.002 0.005 0.329 CV% 3.18 6.86 5.42 2.07 5.15 2.32 Ns, *,**: Non-significant, significant at 0.05 and significant at 0.01 level of probability, respectively. 375 Curr. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 4(4): 372-380, 2012 Table 4: Mean comparison of the traits measured in stress condition (p<0.01)* Genotype CGR RFWG RGR 1 1.27bcd 0.3364a 0.0159abc 2 1.52a 0.2888a 0.0139abc 3 1.33abc 0.4986a 0.0217ab 4 1.13ef -0.0029abc -0.0015cde 5 1.08fg 0.1029abc 0.00175 bcde 6 1.55a 0.5000a 0.0237a 7 1.58abc -0.1278c -0.0117e 8 1.59a 0.1886a 0.0103abc 9 1.37abc 0.4384a 0.0212ab 10 1.45ab 0.3435a 0.0163abc 11 1.60a 0.1790a 0.0085abcd 12 1.34abc -0.0086abc -0.0022cde 13 1.48a 0.2375a 0.0095abcd 14 1.74abc 0.4706abc 0.0172abc 15 1.18de 0.2373a 0.0109abc 16 1.61a 0.2363ab 0.0096abcd 17 1.25cd -0.098bc -0.0093de 18 1.0g 0.1326a 0.0072abcd 19 1.73abc 0.4853a 0.0228a 20 1.22de 0.3046a 0.0150abc *: Common letters indicate no significant difference RWC 83.20d 80.98abc 82.89ab 82.09ab 85.95a 88.77a 71.34ab 86.22a 83.82a 82.91ab 84.15a 82.48ab 81.64abc 75.12cd 80.26abc 82.74ab 74.20bcd 83.51a 83.62a 83.39a PCC 16.14g 22.44f 21.30f 32.01cde 33.03bcd 21.71g 46.01a 21.69ef 19.99f 27.56bcd 31.88bc 40.86a 30.26bcd 32.61b 31.96bc 27.45bcd 48.00a 28.75bcd 21.72g 25.02de PC 5.02ab 3.80cd 4.55bcd 2.59cd 3.24cd 6.35a 2.06bcd 4.20bcd 4.11bcd 3.35bcd 3.29bcd 1.51abc 2.59cd 2.82cd 3.99cd 4.31bcd 1.80bcd 4.29bcd 7.54abc 3.07d Table 5: Mean comparison of in vitro indicators of drought tolerance under stress (15% PEG) and non-stress (0 % PEG) using immature embryo culture (p<0.01) Drought CGR RFWG RGR RWC PCC PC 0 1.46a 0.4577a 0.0220a 90.63a 19.76a 3.61a 15 1.35b 0.0166b -0.0019b 73.09b 36.82b 5.58b *: Common letters indicate no significant difference manitol concentration for callus survival and regeneration ability from immature embryos of wheat. Hamdy and Aref (2002) examined the immature embryo culture of maize for improving drought tolerance in January 25, cultivars and reported that analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences between the tested genotypes as well as between the different levels of drought (PEG concentration) for all studied characters. Early works of Singh et al. (1972) displayed a significant positive correlation between drough resistance and proline accumulation in barley. Since then, a number of workers have reported enhanced accumulation of proline content in different plants (Szegletes et al., 2000; Chandrasekar et al., 2000; Deora et al., 2001). Al-khayri and Al-Bahrany (2000) examined the response of palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) calli to water stress. Callus growth, water content and proline accumulation were assessed. They showed that increasing water stress caused a progressive reduction in growth as expressed in callus fresh mass, relative growth rate and index of tolerance. Abdulaziz and Al-Bahrany (2002) studied the callus to varing degree of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)-induced water stress.They studied callus growth, water content and prolin accumulation. Their results indicated that increasing water stress induced by increasing concentration of PEG caused a progressive reduction in callus fresh weight. Significant reduction in callus weight was recorded in response to 50g/L PEG. increasing with a progressive reduction in callus water content, which caused increase in proline accumulation reaching PEG. Level). PC and PCC were increased in %15 PEG level as compared with 0% PEG level (Table 5). In vitro indicators of drought tolerance: Callus Growth Index (CGI) displayed remarkable differences among the genotypes in the means of increasing value of selected calli. Genotype no.6 showed the highest callus increasing value (Table 6). The highest amount of relative tolerance (Rt%) in the induced drought stress condition was attributed to genotype no.6 (Table 6), while the lowest amount of reduction percentage (R%) from 0.0 to 15% PEG belonged to genotype no.6 and the highest amount of R% was shown by genotype no.14 (Table 6). The amount of callus growth was expressed as in vitro tolerance (INTOL) to eliminate inherent differences associated with the Relative Growth Rate (RGR) of the genotypes in response to induced drought stress by PEG. Based on INTOL genotype no. 6 exhibited the highest INTOL (Table 6). With regard to callus (resulted from immature embryos) increasing value, percentage of relative tolerance (Rt%), the amount of reduction percentage (R%) and INTOL genotype no. 6 was selected as the most drought tolerant at in vitro condition (Table 6). The increasing value of proline concentration during stress condition has been suggested as an osmoticum, a desiccation-protectant, a sink for nitrogen and reducing power during stress or a source of nitrogen and reducing power during recovery from stress (Steven et al., 1990). Abdel-Ghany et al. (2004) expressed that there were highly significant interactions between cultivars for 376 Curr. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 4(4): 372-380, 2012 Table 6: (I): Ranks (R), ranks mean ( R ) and standard deviation of ranks (SDR) of in vitro indicators of drought tolerance using immature embryo culture Genotype no CGR R RFWG R RGR R RWC R INTOL R PCC R 1 1.27 14 0.3364 7 0.01590 7 83.20 9 0.5665 3 16.14 1 2 1.52 8 0.2888 2 0.01390 9 80.98 16 0.0028 9 22.44 7 3 1.33 13 0.4986 9 0.02170 3 82.89 11 0.2840 6 21.30 3 4 1.13 18 -0.0029 17 -0.00150 17 82.09 14 -1.2800 18 32.01 15 5 1.08 19 0.1029 16 0.00175 16 85.95 3 -0.8394 17 33.03 17 6 1.55 7 0.5000 1 0.02370 1 88.77 1 0.8809 1 21.71 5 7 1.58 6 -0.1278 20 -0.01170 20 71.34 20 -6.8750 20 46.01 19 8 1.59 5 0.1886 13 0.01030 11 86.22 2 0.3464 4 21.69 4 9 1.37 11 0.4384 5 0.02120 4 83.82 5 0.3198 5 19.99 2 10 1.45 10 0.3435 6 0.01630 6 82.91 10 0.0900 8 27.56 10 11 1.60 4 0.1790 14 0.00850 14 84.15 4 -0.0502 11 31.88 13 12 1.34 12 -0.0086 18 -0.00220 18 82.48 13 -1.3700 19 40.86 18 13 1.48 9 0.2375 10 0.00950 13 81.64 15 -0.3003 15 30.26 12 14 1.74 1 0.4706 4 0.01720 5 75.12 18 -0.2013 14 32.61 16 15 1.18 17 0.2373 11 0.01090 10 80.26 17 -0.0641 12 31.96 14 16 1.61 3 0.2363 12 0.00960 12 82.74 12 -0.0252 10 27.45 9 17 1.25 15 -0.0980 19 -0.00930 19 74.20 19 -3.5600 16 48.00 20 18 1.01 20 0.1326 15 0.00720 15 83.51 7 -0.0649 13 28.75 11 19 1.73 2 0.4853 3 0.02280 2 83.62 6 0.6618 2 21.72 6 20 1.22 16 0.3046 8 0.01500 8 83.39 8 0.1278 7 2502 8 Table 6: continued Genotype no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PC 5.02 3.80 4.55 2.59 3.24 6.35 2.06 4.20 4.11 3.35 3.29 1.51 2.59 2.82 3.99 4.31 1.80 4.29 7.54 3.07 R 3 10 4 17 13 2 18 7 8 11 12 20 16 15 9 5 19 6 1 14 CGI 0.1857 0.0424 0.0459 -0.1926 -0.2904 0.5061 -0.3148 0.0401 0.1417 0.0423 0.0113 -0.2194 -0.0042 -0.0346 -0.0529 -0.1476 -0.3537 -0.2345 0.2613 0.0592 R 3 7 6 15 18 1 19 9 4 8 10 16 11 12 13 14 20 17 2 5 Rt% 90.92 66.03 59.77 67.69 51.84 98.70 64.00 81.83 68.46 65.73 74.09 64.29 54.55 47.37 64.62 70.69 58.48 59.64 83.51 66.93 R 2 10 15 8 19 1 14 4 7 11 5 13 18 20 12 6 17 16 3 9 significant increase over the control. Abdelsamad et al. (2007) declared that significant differences of genetic responses were observed for the four wheat genotypes at 10 and 20% PEG for callus induction, callus fresh weight, growth index, relative water content and relative tolerance percentage. El-Shafey et al. (2009) indicated that osmotic stress due to PEG application highly significantly decreased the fresh weight of the non irradiated rice calli as well as irradiated once in response to 10 and 15 % PEG, as compared with the control. R% 0.93 5.94 4.82 3.34 8.46 0.21 6.13 3.44 4.86 5.90 5.91 4.76 9.83 14.56 3.23 5.05 5.38 1.59 3.41 4..06 R 2 16 10 5 18 1 17 7 11 14 15 9 19 20 4 12 13 3 6 8 Sum 51.00 101.00 73.00 144.00 156.00 21.00 173.00 66.00 62.00 94.00 102.00 156.00 138.00 125.00 119.00 95.00 177.00 123.00 33.00 91.00 R 5.10 10.10 7.30 14.40 15.60 2.10 17.30 6.60 6.20 9.40 1.20 15.60 13.80 12.50 11.90 9.50 17.70 12.30 3.30 9.10 SDR 4.09 3.28 4.62 4.42 4.76 2.13 4.39 3.50 3.01 2.40 4.31 3.62 3.35 6.86 3.84 3.65 2.35 5.43 1.94 3.31 can be assigned to one group only (Khodadadi et al., 2011). The relationships among different indices are graphically displayed in a biplot of PCA1 and PCA2 (Fig. 1). The PCA1 and PCA2 axes which justify 77.74% of total variation, mainly distinguish the indices in different groups. One interesting interpretation of biplot is that the cosine of the angle between the vectors of two indices approximates the correlation coefficient between them. The cosine of the angles does not precisely translate into correlation coefficients, since the biplot does not explain all of the variation in a dataset. Nevertheless, the angles are informative enough to allow a whole picture about the interrelationships among the in vitro indices (Yan and Kang, 2003). Rt% and RWC we refer to group 1 = G1 indices which introduce genotype No. 6 as drought tolerant. The PCs axes separated PC, CGI and INTOL in a single group (G2) that identify genotypes No. 19, 6 and Screening in vitro indicators of drought tolerance: To better understand the relationships, similarities and dissimilarities among the in vitro indicators of drought tolerance, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), based on the rank correlation matrix was used. The main advantage of using PCA over cluster analysis is that each statistics 377 Curr. Res. J. Biol. Sci., 4(4): 372-380, 2012 they are recommended for crossing and genetic analysis of drought tolerance using diallel mating design or generation mean analysis and also for the QTLs (quantitative trait loci) mapping and marker assissted selection. Genotypes (15 = Pishtaz ), (10 = WC-47399), (9 = WC-47367) and (3 = WC-4780) , respectively were distinguished as semi-tolerant genotypes. The same procedures have been used for screening quantitative indicators of drought tolerance in wheat (Mohammadi et al., 2011b), in maize (Farshadfar and Sutka, 2002) and in rye (Farshadfar et al., 2003). 1.0 PCA 2 : 17.78% 0.5 0.0 -0.5 RT G 1 RCW PC CGI INTOL G 2 PGR PFWG G3 PCC G6 G4 CGR G5 P% ACKNOWLEDGMENT -1.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 PCA 1 : 59.96% 0.5 The authors express their appreciations to the Iran National Science Foundation for providing financial support for this research project (code number = 88002345). 1.0 Fig. 1: Biplot analysis of in vitro indicators of drought tolerance using immature embryo culture REFERENCES 6 as the most drought tolerant. RFWG and RGR in a single group (G3) that introduce genotype No. 6 as drought tolerant. CGR, R%, PCC were separated as groups 4 (G4), 5(G5), 6(G6), respectively that distinguished genotypes 14, 6 and 1, respectively as drought tolerant ones. 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