Equities (aka Undue Hardship to the Defendant)
Even if P can show irreparable injury a court may still deny an
injunction if hardship to D is too significant
Court asks whether:
The hardship on D of granting the injunction
disproportionately outweighs
hardship on P of not granting the injunction (aka
benefit to plaintiff of granting the injunction)
Balancing of Equities/Undue Hardship, cont’d
• This is a defense = must be raised by D or it’s waived.
• How do we give content to this test?
• What kinds of harm to P if injunction is not granted (or what
benefit to P if it is granted) does court weigh in the balance?
• What kinds of harm to D if injunction granted does court typically
weigh in the balance?
Balancing the Equities in Whitlock
• Does the burden on D (Hilander) if the injunction is granted
disproportionately outweigh burden on P (Whitlock) if injunction is
not granted (or benefit if granted)?
• What is harm to D if granted?
• What is harm to P if not granted?
• Why doesn’t appellate court uphold lower court’s REFUSAL to
grant injunction?
To what extent should D’s culpability factor into the court’s
balancing of equities?
• How should courts deal with D’s culpability during the
• Should it matter that D acted intentionally if D’s harm from
granting the injunction is disproportionate to P’s harm?
• What outcome in Whitlock if D didn’t know the addition was
over the property boundary but also didn’t bother to check?
To what extent does P’s culpability weigh in the balancing?
• If P does something to aggravate the situation, courts can weigh P’s
actions in the balance as well.
Example – if P refused to allow surveyors on land to find out where lot
lines between P & D’s land were
• To what extent is D arguing P (Whitlock) has acted in a manner so as
to be undeserving of relief?
P’s claim is barred by laches
The Doctrine of Laches: Equity aids the vigilant, not those who
sleep on their rights.
Courts deny relief if
P’s neglect to assert a right or claim
Together with the passage of time or other circumstances
Substantially prejudices D
Do P’s actions fit this definition?
Cooperative Insurance – Still More Reasons to Deny
 Once P has established irreparable injury as a result of D’s actions, a
court may still deny P’s request for an injunction for many reasons
OTHER than balancing of the equities (these are often described
simply as part of a court’s “equitable discretion”).
 What remedy does Co-op Ins. P seek?
 Why does the trial court refuse to grant P’s requested
Cooperative Insurance – Balancing the Equities (a
In whose favor do the equities balance? Who has the greater
burden if the injunction is or is not granted?
◦ P’s burden if not granted?
◦ D’s burden if granted? Disproportionate to P’s?
◦ Wasn’t D an intentional actor (i.e., didn’t breach
Why does that weigh differently than in Whitlock?
Cooperative Insurance – Enforcing Clause 4(19) &
Burden on the Court
Why is it so burdensome for the court to order D to “keep the
premises open for retail trade?”
What is likely to happen if the parties can’t agree as to the
meaning of the term or on how to interpret the court’s order?
Why is that a problem?
Willing v. Mazzocone – still more reasons for denying
• D demonstrated outside of P’s offices falsely accusing them of diverting
money she paid them for W to themselves.
• Pa. SCT looks at insolvency re irreparable injury – decides not
• Note – Willing is a minority approach. Most court’s factor insolvency into
their decision of irreparable injury
• Other situations where bankruptcy arises as a factor in the
decision to issue an injunction:
• D cut and took P’s trees. P seeks an injunction requiring D to plant
replacement trees. But D is bankrupt so injunction would require
spending $ on seeds, planting, etc. that D should be giving to other
creditors. Will P get the injunction?
• How is that situation different from Willing?
Irreparable injury & multiplicity of suits
 What is the nature of D’s action in Willing?
 How often are Ps going to have to go to court?
 How big are the actual damages from each libel?
 Are damages an adequate remedy?
Willing: More reasons to deny injunctions - equity
policy & injunctions against libel
Equity will not enjoin a libel.
How we originally viewed “property”
Libel is a fact-based inquiry
Injunctions against libel/speech – 1st amendment policy
reasons to deny injunctions
 SCT has strong presumption against injunctions barring
 This is true even if the speech is subject to subsequent
criminal punishment or civil lawsuits.
 Rationales supporting presumption
restricting speech (aka prior restraints)
Injunctions chill more speech than subsequent punishment/civil lawsuits.
Injunctions prohibiting speech tend to be ex ante determinations of harm.