CODE ENFORCEMENT INSPECTION’S TEAM SOP 10/6/2014 (Standard operating procedure) If you have an account with us you now have the ability to upload PDF documents to a permit for a field inspector to view. You can go to your contractor dashboard that will allow you to upload documents for inspectors in the field without having them posted on site and the field inspector can then review when an inspection request is made, this includes engineering letters; soil verification or stucco certification letters; life safety certifications such as alarm and sprinkler or any other additional information that is needed during the construction process. The format is PDF due to size limitations. The following steps walk you through the process of uploading a document to a permit. 1) Go to your account sign in screen at: 2) Login into the system for permit access using your User id and Password. 3) Once your signed into the your account you go to “VIEW PERMITS” as shown below: 4. Then select “MY PERMITS” to give a complete list of your permits. 5. When you open your list of permits find the permit in question you wish to load a document under and select that permit, you can also do the follow steps when you are online and requesting an inspections. 6. Scroll near the bottom of the next screen and you will see the are area titled “Permit Documentation”. Click on the Append and it will ask you to search for a file on your computer to upload. 7. After selecting “Append” the “Get File” Box will pop up and you can select this to search your system for a PDF document to upload. Only PDF documents are allowed so it may be necessary to convert to that format. 8. Pop up box allows you to search your system for an appropriate document to upload, PDF only! Once you located the document hit the upload button. 9. Once the document is uploaded (you can see to the far right that it has been pasted with the correct file name) then select document type which will give you a drop down list of typical documents uploaded to a permit for quick reference. 10. After selecting the document type you can add any additional comments you would like to make in the comments section. 11. Last step in order for the document to upload you still have to hit the “Submit” button found at the top and bottom of the page. 12. How to correct- After the document has been submitted and within the same day you can make corrections. Now you can “view” the document to make sure it is the correct one and if there is an error you will see the delete button that will allow you to remove and start over.