Consolidated School District 158 BUDGET REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2014 ENDING JUNE 30, 2015 Consolidated School District 158 650 Academic Drive Algonquin, Illinois 60102 (847) 659-6158 • Members of the Board of Education: Introduction We are pleased to present the Budget for Consolidated School District 158 (the District) for fiscal year 2015. The 2015 Proposed Operating Budget represents the financial blueprint of the educational, strategic and financial objectives set by the Consolidated School District 158’s Board of Education. Responsibility for both the accuracy of the data and the completeness of the presentation rests with the District. We believe the data, as presented, to be materially accurate; that it is presented in a manner designed to fairly set forth the financial position and the projected results of operations of the District. The FY15 Tentative Budget continues the strategic direction of the District. This Budget includes funds to cover the continued deployment of the District’s digital transformation (One to One), additional headcount as a result of increased enrollment and needs, ongoing maintenance projects in line with the District’s Deferred Maintenance Plan, technology infrastructure upgrades and replacement as well as the continued practice of setting aside funds for Reserve for Replacement. The District continues to forge ahead, improving curriculum and instruction with new and innovative approaches in education. However, as a result of the State’s budget uncertainty, primarily revolving around the future of the State’s income tax rate, State funding will continue to present a major financial challenge in fiscal year 2015 and in the years to come. As there is no guarantee that the State will make its payments, efforts to enhance revenue and reduce expenditures will be crucial to maintaining the fiscal stability of the District in 2015 and beyond. While the Budget itself is strong, it is no guarantee of success. Should the results begin to slip at any point, Administration must make the adjustments that are necessary to meet the plan. Budget Report Presentation The Budget Report is presented in three primary sections: Budget Summary, Budget Detail and the State Budget Forms. The Budget Summary provides a high level narrative summary of the projected operating results of the District by fund as well as depicting all fund budgets of the District. The Budget Summary also includes a summary of the 2015 budget, highlights by fund, and charts and graphs providing a visual perspective of the 2015 Operating Budget. The Budget Detail includes the 2015 budgeted expenditures by account versus the 2014 budgeted expenditures. The State Budget Forms are the forms required to be reviewed and signed by the members of the Board of Education and filed with the County Clerk within 30 days of adoption. Consolidated School District 158 FY15 PROPOSED FINAL BUDGET SUMMARY Consolidated School District 158 650 Academic Drive Algonquin, Illinois 60102 (847) 659-6158 To: Board of Education and Administration From: Mark Altmayer, Chief Financial Officer Date: September 18, 2014 Subject: FY15 Proposed Budget – Summary Memorandum Board of Education Meeting, September 18, 2014 • Administration is pleased to present the budget for fiscal year 2015. The FY15 Tentative Budget continues the strategic direction of the District. This Budget includes funds to cover the continued deployment of the District’s digital transformation (One to One), additional headcount as a result of increased enrollment and needs, ongoing maintenance projects in line with the District’s Deferred Maintenance Plan, technology infrastructure upgrades and replacement as well as the continued practice of setting aside funds for Reserve for Replacement. On August 21, 2014, the Tentative FY15 Display Budget for was presented. During the past few months, as more information has become available, several budget drafts have been presented. This, the final draft, contains several modifications from the last draft (the Display Draft) and continues to reflect a balanced budget with a small Operating Surplus. Please see the Modifications from the Display Draft in Section II below. This past spring, legislators passed a middle of the road budget, whereby education fared pretty well. With this middle of the road budget, education funding remained flat with FY14 funding, with additional funds set aside to keep General State Aid (GSA) proration at 89%. However, with the State income tax rate potentially dropping back to 3%, and the State’s shortfall of budgeted revenue, the current FY15 Budget continues to reflect an 85% proration of GSA. For your review, outlined below is a summary of the FY15 Budget as well as several attachments that will help guide you through the FY15 Budget. I. II. III. IV. V. Operating Results Summary Modifications From the Display Draft Summary & Highlights by Fund Conclusion & Action Steps Charts & Graphs Providing a Visual Perspective of the FY15 Proposed Operating Budget Consolidated School District 158 650 Academic Drive Algonquin, Illinois 60102 (847) 659-6158 • I. Operating Results Summary The FY15 Proposed Budget reflects an Operating Surplus of approximately $163k. A summary of the operating results follows. Please note that for comparative purposes, presented are the FY14 Budget as well as the last three FY15 Budget Drafts. FY14 FY15 Budget FY15 Tentative DISPLAY Budget Tentative Budget FY15 Final Proposed Budget Operating Revenues $ 83,783,566 $ 88,192,543 $ 88,598,742 $ 88,733,501 Operating Expenditures $ 83,778,799 $ 88,043,173 $ 88,486,293 $ 88,570,602 Operating Surplus (Deficit) $ 4,767 $ 149,370 $ 112,449 $ 162,899 Beginning Fund Balance $ 29,095,060 $ 29,099,827 $ 29,099,827 $ 29,099,827 Ending Fund Balance $ 29,099,827 $ 29,249,197 $ 29,212,276 $ 29,262,726 35% 33% 33% 33% The FY15 Operating Revenues are budgeted to increase approximately $4.9M driven primarily by an increase in levy dollars of $1.1M and an increase in General State Aid by $3.2M. As discussed with the presentation of the Five Year Plan, the increase in GSA is the result of the District’s declining Equalized Assessed Values (EAV). The reduction in EAV reduced the “Available Local Resources” part of the GSA calculation, resulting in an increase in GSA of $4.4M before proration. Operating Expenditures are budgeted to increase approximately $4.8M versus the FY14 Budget, primarily driven by the increase in Salaries and Benefits. Material increases (decreases) are as follows: Contractual salary increases for HEA, HESPA and Non-Union total $1.6M (HEA $1.3M, HESP/Non Union $300k). Health Insurance estimated to increase $368k or 5%. Due to increased enrollment and needs, salary expense for new hires increased by $1.7M. Purchased Services increased approximately $700k, primarily driven by material increases in Workers Comp $42k, Technology Software Maintenance / Licenses $75k, Step Grant for LIGHT Program $65k, Bus Leases $60k and O&M Projects & Repairs $198k. Supplies & Materials increased approximately $175k, primarily driven by increased Energy costs $231k offset by a decrease in the Title I Grant / Supplies ($55k). Consolidated School District 158 650 Academic Drive Algonquin, Illinois 60102 (847) 659-6158 • As a result, the FY15 Tentative Budget reflects a current Operating Surplus of $163k. The FY15 Tentative Budget reflects the following material assumptions: Revenue Assumptions CPI at 1.5% with New Construction estimated at $10M for the 2014 Levy. Foundation Level remains flat at $6,119, with GSA prorated at 85% (versus 89% in FY14). ADA has been adjusted to reflect the District’s final ADA for 2013-2014 school year at 8,853. Expenditure Assumptions HEA and HESPA salaries reflect contractual increases, 3.5% and 2%, respectively. All other non-union salaries increase in accordance with the HESPA Contract at 2%. Health Insurance budgeted to increase 5%, resulting in an increase to budget by approximately $350k. Workman’s Comp and Property & Liability Insurance budgeted to actual based on final premiums received. Please note, additional risks and challenges continue. Please see Conclusion & Action Steps below. See Summary & Highlights by Fund below. II. Modifications from the Display Draft As a result of more information being received from the State, the Tentative Draft for display presented at the August 21, 2014 Board of Education Meeting changed as follows: Material Modifications from the FY15 Display Budget - (Unfav)Fav Revenue $ (260,000) 235,000 55,000 18,000 (25,000) 55,000 11,000 Expenses $ 155,000 32,000 (13,500) (15,000) (27,000) (41,000) (44,500) (90,000) Decreased Registration Fees - anticipating decrease based on increase in fee waivers Increased Regular Tuition based on FY14 trended actuals Increased National School Lunch - based on increase in Free & Reduced / Fee Waivers Increased Breakfast Program - based on increase in Free & Reduced / Fee Waivers Reclassed Interest Revenue from Fund 10 to Fund 60 Increased Student Activity Fund Revenue - Offset is below Increased Gate Receipt Revenue MS based on FY14 trended actuals Reclassed Salaries & Benefits from Fund 10 to Fund 60 for the construction project Booked Title I expenses to actual Booked various State grant expenses to actual to agree with revenue Increased café Equipment Repairs based on projected needs Increased Summer Challenge Salaries covered by Student Activity Revenue - Offset above Increased Summer Camp Salaries covered by Student Activity Revenue - Offset above Bus/Van Purchases for Transportation Booked IDEA expense to actual - matching the revenue with expense Consolidated School District 158 650 Academic Drive Algonquin, Illinois 60102 (847) 659-6158 • III. Summary & Highlights by Fund Fund 10 – Educational Fund Revenues are budgeted at $71.4M, an increase of $5M from the FY14 Budget. Primary drivers of the increase include Tax Levy Revenue of $1M, General State Aid of $3.2M and Special Education Revenue of $485k, due to an increase in Private Facility reimbursements. Driven by increased salaries and additional headcount needs, the Educational Fund expenditures are projected to increase from the FY14 Budget by approximately $4.1M or 5.7% for FY15. Major factors contributing to the increase include: Salaries are expected to increase from the FY14 Budget by $3.1M or 6.13%, driven by the contractual increase in salaries and $1.7M in new hires to support the increasing needs as well the increasing enrollment at the High School. Benefits are budgeted to increase $388k primarily related to the increase in healthcare costs. Purchased Services increased by approximately $504k driven by material increases in Workers Comp, Technology Software Maintenance & Licenses and expenses associated with the Step Grant for the LIGHT Program. Supplies & Materials decreased by ($87k) from the FY14 Budget primarily due to a decrease in IDEA and Title I Instructional Supplies of ($141k), a decrease in the Special Education Project dollars of ($46k), offset by an increase in the Textbook Budget by $100k. Fund 20 – Operations and Maintenance Revenues are budgeted at $7.6M, a $4k or .05% increase over prior year. FY15 total expenditures for O&M are projected to increase by approximately $305k. The most significant budgetary fluctuations in Operations and Maintenance include: Salaries & Benefits increased by approximately $25k to account for salary increases and an increase in Health Insurance benefits. Additional new hires associated with security and the Construction Project have been coded to Fund 60. Purchased Services increased by approximately $99k primarily due to an increase in O&M Projects & Repairs of $198k offset by a decrease in the Grounds Contract of ($84k). Consolidated School District 158 650 Academic Drive Algonquin, Illinois 60102 (847) 659-6158 • Supplies & Materials increased approximately $261 based on estimated increases in Natural Gas and Electricity of $231k and Supplies Building & Grounds of $15k. Fund 40 – Transportation Driven by a decrease in the Regular Ed Transportation Claim, FY15 budgeted revenues for Transportation decreased ($162k) to 6.8M. FY15 total expenditures for the Transportation Fund are projected to increase by $276k or 4.88%. The most substantial changes in Transportation include: Salaries & Benefits increased approximately $102k or 2.7% due to salary increases in accordance with the HESPA contract as well as increases in healthcare costs. Purchased Services increased approximately $98k primarily related to an increase in the amount due/needed for Bus Leases of $58k, aging Mobile Phones and Radios of $19.5k and the increase in WC Insurance of $18k. Supplies & Materials remained flat versus the FY14 Budget. Capital Outlay increased $74k primarily due to the increase associated with the purchase of 2 passenger vans needed for transporting privately placed students. Capital Fund Highlights Fund 30 – Debt Service After prior year’s debt restructuring and before debt abatements, payments on bonded indebtedness for Debt Service are budgeted to increase $3.5% from FY14. As part of the debt restructuring, budgeted debt in Fund 30 decreased from $12.6M in FY14 to $8.7M in FY15. In prior year, in an effort to keep property taxes flat, before new construction, the Board of Education approved $4.569M of abatements on January 17, 2013. Thus, after abatements, the levied debt for the 2012 Levy approximated $8.0M Fund 60 – Capital Projects Consolidated School District 158 650 Academic Drive Algonquin, Illinois 60102 (847) 659-6158 • Capital Project revenue primarily consists of Impact Fee Revenue, budgeted at $667k. Expenditures budgeted in FY15 include salaries and benefits associated with positions needed as a result of the Huntley High School construction project of $155k, Capital Outlay of $23.4M for the anticipated progress payments for the high school construction project, $100k in Conley & Mackeben leak repairs as well as bond debt for Marlowe Middle School totaling $412k. IV. Conclusions & Action Steps With the uncertainty of state funding, the FY15 Proposed Budget is a challenging plan that will continue to push the District to improve its operational efficiency as well as prepare us for FY15 and beyond. Despite the overall strength of the Budget, some areas of risk remain: State Revenues – There is no guarantee that the State will be able to pay what has been budgeted in the District’s FY15 Proposed Budget. General Execution Risks – While the Budget itself is strong, it is no guarantee of success; i.e., because the District still has many deferred expenses, unplanned expenditures in the area of O&M and/or Technology are possibilities. In addition, there are risks associated with being self insured for health insurance. As such, the focus must be on executing the plan to deliver the right results. Ability to Modify Course – Should the results begin to slip at any point, Administration must make the adjustments that are necessary to meet the plan. Consolidated School District 158 650 Academic Drive Algonquin, Illinois 60102 (847) 659-6158 • V. Charts & Graphs providing a visual perspective of the FY15 Proposed Operating Budget Consolidated School District 158 650 Academic Drive Algonquin, Illinois 60102 (847) 659-6158 • Consolidated School District 158 650 Academic Drive Algonquin, Illinois 60102 (847) 659-6158 • Consolidated School District 158 650 Academic Drive Algonquin, Illinois 60102 (847) 659-6158 • Consolidated School District 158 650 Academic Drive Algonquin, Illinois 60102 (847) 659-6158 • Consolidated School District 158 650 Academic Drive Algonquin, Illinois 60102 (847) 659-6158 • If you have any questions, comments and/or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to me before the upcoming meeting. Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget Presented: September 18, 2014 Page 1 Table of Contents Description Page # Cover Sheet 1 Table of Contents 2 Revenue & Expenditure Assumptions - FY15 Final Budget 3 Inflationary Rates & Historical CPI 5 FY15 Final Budget - Operating Funds Snapshot (10, 20, 40, 50, 70) 6 FY15 Final Budget - All Funds Summary 7 FY15 Final Budget - Operating Funds Summary (10, 20, 40, 50, 70) 8 FY15 Final Budget - Capital Funds Summary (30, 60, 90) 9 FY15 Final Budget - Fund 10 Educational 10 FY15 Final Budget - Fund 20 Operations & Maintenance 11 FY15 Final Budget - Fund 30 Debt Service 12 FY15 Final Budget - Fund 40 Transportation 13 FY15 Final Budget - Fund 50 Municipal Retirement & Social Security 14 FY15 Final Budget - Fund 60 Capital Projects 15 FY15 Final Budget - Fund 70 Working Cash 16 FY15 Final Budget - Fund 90 Fire Prevention & Safety 17 FY15 Final Budget - Capital Expenditures 18 FY15 Final Budget - Long Term Debt 19 Page 2 Consolidated School District 158 Revenue & Expenditure Assumptions - FY15 Final Budget Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 FY 10 Actuals Description FY 11 Actuals FY 12 Actuals Recalc FY 13 Actuals FY 14 Budget FY 15 Plan Print Workbook Expenditures Consumer Price Index (Input in Rev Assump Page) 0.10% 2.70% 1.50% 3.00% 1.70% 1.50% Purchase Price Index (District Assumption) 0.10% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Enrollment 8,640 8,928 9,300 9,322 9,448 9,487 8,063 8,375 8,594 8,755 8,754 8,853 (Input in Rev Assump Page) Average Daily Attendance (Input in Rev Assump Page) Salaries HEA (Without TRS) Rate Increase HEA Salaries TRS Rate TRS Total Salaries HEA Rate Increase Total Salaries HEA Salaries HESPA Rate Increase Total Salaries HESPA Salaries All Other Rate Increase Total Salaries All Other Health Insurance 4.05% 2.80% 33,875,206 1.25% 5.30% 5.30% 2.00% 0.00% 5,458,875 3.10% 0.00% 5,502,833 $ 5,933,297 Input % Rate Increase 2.00% 3.00% 6,319,567 2.00% 7,969,700 8,140,438 2.00% 5,895,427 $ 3.50% 41,124,250 2.00% 6,478,486 $ 7,359,619 6,600,460 $ 10.00% 5.00% 5.00% 0.00% 5.00% 10.80% 1.00% 5.00% 0.00% CLIC Liability Insurance Rate Increase 10.50% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 304,376 328,618 293,811 335,244 352,414 352,126 45,000 - 45,000 - 1 45,000 720,000 6 45,000 - 2 45,000 87,750 Additional One Time Expenditures (Input Below) Additional new hires from prior years (prior yr budget reductions) 4.00% 380,000 Charts & Graphs 7,727,599 Workman's Comp Rate Increase Staffing Level Increase (FTE - Certified) Average New Hire Teacher Pay - Gross New Hire Cost A. B. 3.50% 3.00% 5,491,326 1,761,926 38,143,732 6,877,931 2.00% 5,174,206 $ 3.50% 6,612,759 2.50% 1,686,704 37,205,676 2.00% 6,448,140 5,404,937 4,981,363 0.00% 39,362,324 2.50% 1,706,046 35,609,353 3.50% 36,457,028 2.50% 1,529,807 35,090,919 3.50% 35,499,629 2.50% 1,483,356 34,595,014 3.50% 34,079,546 2.50% 719,808 $ 0.00% 33,607,563 Flash Report 0.00% FY15 Oper. Results 1,612,250 162,899 C. - - 380,000 - 1,612,250 Page 3 Consolidated School District 158 Recalc Revenue & Expenditure Assumptions - FY15 Final Budget Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Description Revenues FY 09 Actuals FY 10 Actuals FY 11 Actuals FY 12 Actuals FY 13 Actuals FY 14 Budget FY 15 Plan Consumer Price Index (CPI) 4.1% 0.10% 2.70% 1.50% 3.00% 1.70% 1.50% Purchase Price Index (District A 4.1% 0.10% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Existing EAV Growth Total New EAV Growth New Construction EAV Total Levy Foundation Level 3.0% 2.7% 28,460,365 29,569,739 57,926,224 6,119 -11.9% (171,326,396) 11,706,675 60,248,601 6,119 0.0% 509,055 7,781,895 60,884,526 6,119 -2.0% (128,402,878) 9,406,881 61,712,743 6,119 1.0% (58,613,262) 10,826,066 62,607,408 6,119 1.0% 10,768,608 10,000,000 63,997,526 6,119 Print Workbook Flash Report 34,046,311 5,959 Enrollment 8,326 8,640 8,928 9,300 9,322 9,448 9,487 Average Daily Attendance (AD Total GSA 7,917 8,063 10,639,151 8,375 12,600,375 8,594 12,471,280 8,755 53,464,057 8,754 13,946,630 8,853 17,147,826 Investment Rate of Return Total Interest Income Registration Fee Revenue % Total Registration Fees Proration Percentage MCATS Total MCAT Grants Proration Percentage GSA 1.40% 1.25% 57,619 NA 1,017,320 100.00% 6,710,505 100.00% 10,639,151 0.40% 91,115 0.00% 1,355,850 50.00% 5,962,299 100.00% 12,600,375 0.30% 83,848 0.00% 1,255,013 50.00% 6,134,517 95.00% 12,471,280 0.30% 141,303 0.00% 1,226,821 50.00% 6,532,836 89.00% 53,464,057 0.50% 140,316 0.00% 1,447,060 100.00% 6,548,643 89.00% 13,946,630 0.50% 131,380 0.00% 1,215,000 100.00% 6,775,347 85.00% 17,147,826 Charts & Graphs NA 100.00% 6,211,133 100.00% 9,248,499 Page 4 Consolidated School District 158 Historical Inflation & CPI Rates - FY15 Final Budget Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Illinois Dept. of Revenue History of CPI's Used for the PTELL Year 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 % Change From Previous December -6.1 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.7 2.5 3.3 1.7 1.6 2.7 3.4 1.6 2.4 1.9 3.3 3.4 2.5 4.08 0.1 2.7 1.5 3 1.7 5.0 (5% Max) 3.1 2.9 2.7 (5% for Cook) 2.7 2.5 3.3 1.7 1.6 2.7 3.4 1.6 2.4 1.9 3.3 3.4 2.5 4.1 0.1 2.7 1.5 3 1.7 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2013 1.5 1.5 2014 2015 % Use for PTELL Levy Year Year Taxes Paid Page 5 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Operating Funds Snapshot (10, 20, 40, 50, 70) Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Operating Revenues $ 76,785,399 $ 78,665,446 $ 82,906,963 $ 83,399,821 $ 83,783,566 $ 88,733,501 Operating Expenditures $ 73,118,444 $ 74,935,596 $ 81,020,766 $ 80,500,126 $ 83,778,798 $ 88,570,602 Operating Surplus (Deficit) $ 3,666,956 2,899,695 Beginning Fund Balance $ 16,313,933 $ 20,579,318 $ 24,309,168 $ Ending Fund Balance $ 19,980,889 $ 3,729,850 $ 24,309,168 26% $ 1,886,197 $ 26,195,365 31% $ $ 32% $ 162,899 26,195,365 $ 29,095,141 $ 29,100,075 29,095,060 $ 4,767 $ 29,100,075 35% $ 29,262,975 35% 33% Total Operating Levy (PTELL) $ 48,140,154 $ 49,766,387 $ 50,932,338 $ 52,852,829 $ 54,373,816 $ 55,512,230 Average Local Resources $ 36,632,764 $ 38,955,225 $ 39,837,142 $ 38,396,597 $ 38,372,188 $ 34,530,014 General State Aid $ 12,983,168 $ 12,600,375 $ 12,471,280 $ 13,996,468 $ 13,946,630 $ 17,147,826 State Categoricals $ 6,710,505 $ 5,962,299 $ 6,134,517 $ $ 5,080,082 $ 7,379,538 $ 18,063,250 $ 19,147,657 $ 19,850,818 $ Total State Revenues Increase in Salaries $ 888,078 $ (205,698) $ 6,532,836 $ 6,548,643 $ 6,775,347 60,442,263 $ 20,879,564 $ 24,391,618 2,162,471 $ 2,625,742 $ 3,205,127 Operating Expense Per Student $ 8,200 $ 8,226 $ 8,450 $ 8,635 $ 8,867 $ 9,336 Transportation Expense Per Student $ 628 $ 612 $ 582 $ 569 $ 570 $ 596 Debt Service Paid by Yr. $ 9,577,761 12,492,129 $ 12,606,577 $ 8,707,883 Debt Payments Outside of the DSF $ 839,130 $ 1,138,374 $ 555,115 $ 318,559 $ 605,681 $ 598,681 Operating Capital Expenditures $ 950,242 $ 526,501 $ 1,223,866 $ 1,153,279 $ 1,259,723 $ 1,231,745 (Fund 30 Only) $ 10,744,519 $ 11,916,022 $ Page 6 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - All Funds Summary Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 FY 11 Actuals 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4100 4200 4300 4400 4600 4700 4800 4900 7000 Revenues by Source Tax Levy CPPRT Tuition Transportation Fees Interest Income Sales to Pupils - Lunch Pupil Activities Textbooks/Registration Other Local Revenue Revenue from State Sources Special Education Vocational Education Bilingual Transportation Regular School Improvement Early Childhood State Library Grant CDB Bond Principal Title V Breakfast Start-Up Title I - Low Income Title IV Federal Special Ed Preschool VE-II voc Curriculum ARRA Funds Medicaid Bond Premiums/Proceeds/Transfers $ $ $ $ 60,248,601 495,560 83,641 65,058 91,115 2,351,190 229,067 1,355,850 856,167 12,600,375 3,636,082 44,069 146,807 2,314,185 5,915 296,168 6,375 97,681 769,447 71,108 1,172,693 6,940 1,519,272 797,373 6,687,840 72,464,088 19,147,657 4,336,832 95,948,578 Expenditures Salaries $ Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Transfers Tuition Total Expenditures by Object $ 47,247,661 9,370,307 7,987,741 6,395,730 526,501 14,297,403 347,993 86,173,336 Instruction Support Services Community Services Payments To Other Govt Units Debt Service Total Expenditures by Function Beginning Fund Balances Net Change* Includes Audit Adj for Other Fin Sources Ending Fund Balances 40,053,447 30,453,091 3,416,263 12,250,535 86,173,336 25,701,337 9,775,241 35,476,579 Total Local Total State Total Federal Total Revenues 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 $ $ $ $ $ FY 12 Actuals $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 60,884,526 455,880 49,226 69,719 83,848 2,518,365 341,460 1,255,013 1,978,908 12,471,280 3,464,919 37,807 202,302 2,656,132 246,840 6,593 764,945 792,558 71,888 1,106,328 7,641 17,176 689,069 4,412,210 72,049,155 19,850,818 2,684,660 94,584,633 47,041,962 9,829,269 9,582,100 7,681,371 1,223,866 15,415,393 2,696,411 93,470,373 40,392,005 34,338,306 11,674 3,014,557 15,713,830 93,470,373 35,476,579 1,114,261 36,590,839 FY 13 Actuals $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 61,712,743 465,793 109,760 77,422 141,303 2,456,514 351,939 1,226,821 1,629,474 53,464,057 3,660,021 27,708 142,792 2,865,569 226,994 13,674 41,447 817,317 254,388 1,510,505 34,321 532,352 1,345,628 69,517,398 60,442,263 3,148,883 133,108,544 49,204,434 10,650,080 7,753,037 7,940,448 1,153,279 16,664,844 280,486 93,646,608 41,551,922 34,992,941 8,191 2,937,238 14,156,315 93,646,608 36,590,839 39,461,936 76,052,776 FY 14 Budget $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 62,607,408 503,415 83,947 69,892 140,316 2,736,025 327,805 1,447,060 1,015,596 13,946,630 3,648,057 28,212 127,200 2,895,705 226,994 6,767 612,107 314,612 1,235,693 33,306 568,895 68,931,465 20,879,564 2,764,613 92,575,642 51,830,176 11,596,580 7,543,503 8,722,372 5,200,723 15,811,849 37,100 100,742,302 43,941,317 40,789,628 7,157 2,792,109 13,212,258 100,742,469 76,052,857 (8,166,660) 67,886,197 FY 15 Budget $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 63,997,526 510,966 321,917 70,181 131,380 2,747,319 406,338 1,215,000 1,301,509 17,147,826 4,133,731 33,071 138,979 2,636,661 226,994 6,882 67,474 695,000 238,298 1,290,316 33,091 577,536 70,702,137 24,391,618 2,834,241 97,927,996 55,175,303 12,124,559 8,345,823 8,897,279 24,613,649 12,139,398 31,471 121,327,483 44,664,189 64,301,244 3,344 3,052,141 9,306,564 121,327,483 67,886,197 (23,399,487) 44,486,711 Page 7 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Operating Funds Summary (10, 20, 40, 50, 70) Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 FY 11 Actuals 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4100 4200 4300 4400 4600 4700 4800 4900 7000 Revenues by Source Tax Levy CPPRT Tuition Transportation Fees Interest Income Sales to Pupils - Lunch Pupil Activities Textbooks/Registration Other Local Revenue Revenue from State Sources Special Education Vocational Education Bilingual Transportation Regular School Improvement Early Childhood State Library Grant CDB Bond Principal Title V Breakfast Start-Up Title I - Low Income Title IV Federal Special Ed Preschool VE-II voc Curriculum ARRA Funds Medicaid Bond Premiums/Proceeds/Transfers $ Total Local Total State Total Federal Total Revenues 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Expenditures Salaries Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Transfers Tuition $ $ $ $ $ 49,766,387 495,560 83,641 65,058 72,433 2,351,190 229,067 1,355,850 536,574 12,600,375 3,636,082 44,069 146,807 2,314,185 5,915 296,168 6,375 97,681 769,447 71,108 1,172,693 6,940 1,519,272 797,373 225,198 55,180,957 19,147,657 4,336,832 78,665,446 Total Expenditures by Object $ 47,247,661 9,370,307 7,987,741 6,395,730 526,501 3,359,779 47,877 74,935,596 Instruction $ Support Services Community Services Payments To Other Govt Units Debt Service Total Expenditures by Function $ Beginning Fund Balances $ Net Change* Includes Audit Adj for Other Fin Sources 40,053,447 30,453,091 3,416,263 1,012,795 74,935,596 20,579,318 3,729,850 Ending Fund Balances 24,309,168 $ FY 12 Actuals $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 50,932,338 455,880 49,226 69,719 61,840 2,518,365 341,460 1,255,013 968,659 12,471,280 3,464,919 37,807 202,302 2,656,132 246,840 6,593 764,945 792,558 71,888 1,106,328 7,641 17,176 689,069 3,718,984 60,371,484 19,850,818 2,684,660 82,906,963 47,041,962 9,829,269 9,582,100 7,681,371 1,223,866 3,416,612 2,245,585 81,020,766 40,392,005 34,338,306 11,674 3,014,557 3,264,223 81,020,766 24,309,168 1,886,197 26,195,365 FY 13 Actuals $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 52,852,829 465,793 109,760 77,422 55,711 2,456,514 351,939 1,226,821 1,629,474 14,046,468 3,660,021 27,708 142,792 2,865,569 226,994 13,674 41,447 817,317 254,388 1,510,505 34,321 532,352 59,226,265 21,024,674 3,148,883 83,399,821 49,204,434 10,650,080 7,493,663 7,940,448 1,153,279 3,777,737 280,486 80,500,126 41,551,922 34,733,567 8,191 2,937,238 1,269,208 80,500,126 26,195,365 2,899,695 29,095,060 FY 14 Budget $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 54,373,816 503,415 83,947 69,892 81,832 2,736,025 327,805 1,447,060 515,596 13,946,630 3,648,057 28,212 127,200 2,895,705 226,994 6,767 612,107 314,612 1,235,693 33,306 568,895 60,139,389 20,879,564 2,764,613 83,783,566 51,830,176 11,596,580 7,543,503 8,722,372 1,259,723 2,789,178 37,100 83,778,631 43,941,317 36,848,628 7,157 2,792,109 189,587 83,778,798 29,095,141 4,934 29,100,075 FY 15 Budget $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 55,512,230 510,966 321,917 70,181 89,330 2,747,319 406,338 1,215,000 634,361 17,147,826 4,133,731 33,071 138,979 2,636,661 226,994 6,882 67,474 695,000 238,298 1,290,316 33,091 577,536 61,507,642 24,391,618 2,834,241 88,733,501 55,035,303 12,109,559 8,245,823 8,897,279 1,231,745 3,019,421 31,471 88,570,602 44,664,189 40,664,340 3,344 3,052,141 186,587 88,570,602 29,100,075 162,899 29,262,975 Page 8 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Capital Funds Summary (30, 60, 90) Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 FY 11 Actuals 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4100 4200 4300 4400 4600 4700 4800 4900 7000 Revenues by Source Tax Levy CPPRT Tuition Transportation Fees Interest Income Sales to Pupils - Lunch Pupil Activities Textbooks/Registration Other Local Revenue Revenue from State Sources Special Education Vocational Education Bilingual Transportation Regular School Improvement Early Childhood State Library Grant CDB Bond Principal Title V Breakfast Start-Up Title I - Low Income Title IV Federal Special Ed Preschool VE-II voc Curriculum ARRA Funds Medicaid Bond Premiums/Proceeds/Transfers $ Total Local Total State Total Federal Total Revenues 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Expenditures Salaries Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Transfers Tuition $ $ $ $ $ Total Expenditures by Object $ 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Instruction Support Services Community Services Payments To Other Govt Units Debt Service Total Expenditures by Function Beginning Fund Balances Net Change* Includes Audit Adj for Other Fin Sources Ending Fund Balances $ $ $ $ 10,482,214 18,683 319,592 6,462,642 17,283,131 17,283,131 FY 12 Actuals $ $ $ $ $ 9,952,188 22,008 1,010,249 693,227 11,677,671 11,677,671 FY 13 Actuals $ $ $ $ $ 8,859,914 85,592 39,417,589 1,345,628 10,291,133 39,417,589 49,708,722 FY 14 Budget $ $ $ $ $ 8,233,593 58,484 500,000 8,792,077 8,792,077 FY 15 Budget $ $ $ $ $ 8,485,296 42,050 667,148 9,194,495 9,194,495 140,000 15,000 100,000 23,381,904 9,119,977 32,756,881 - $ 10,937,624 300,116 11,237,740 $ - $ 11,998,781 450,826 12,449,607 $ - $ 259,374 12,887,107 13,146,481 $ - $ 3,941,000 13,022,671 16,963,671 $ 11,237,740 11,237,740 5,122,020 6,045,391 11,167,411 12,449,607 12,449,607 11,167,411 (771,936) 10,395,475 259,374 12,887,107 13,146,481 10,395,475 36,562,241 46,957,716 3,941,000 13,022,671 16,963,671 46,957,716 (8,171,594) 38,786,122 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 23,636,904 9,119,977 32,756,881 38,786,122 (23,562,386) 15,223,736 Page 9 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Fund 10 Educational Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 FY 11 Actuals 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4100 4200 4300 4400 4600 4700 4800 4900 7000 Revenues by Source Tax Levy CPPRT Tuition Transportation Fees Interest Income Sales to Pupils - Lunch Pupil Activities Textbooks/Registration Other Local Revenue Revenue from State Sources Special Education Vocational Education Bilingual Transportation Regular School Improvement Early Childhood State Library Grant CDB Bond Principal Title V Breakfast Start-Up Title I - Low Income Title IV Federal Special Ed Preschool VE-II voc Curriculum ARRA Funds Medicaid Bond Premiums/Proceeds/Transfers $ Total Local Total State Total Federal Total Revenues 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Expenditures Salaries Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Transfers Tuition $ $ $ $ $ Total Expenditures by Object $ 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Instruction Support Services Community Services Payments To Other Govt Units Debt Service Total Expenditures by Function Beginning Fund Balances Net Change* Includes Audit Adj for Other Fin Sources Ending Fund Balances $ $ $ $ FY 12 Actuals 38,452,103 369,831 83,641 57,820 2,351,190 229,067 1,355,850 193,083 12,600,375 3,636,082 44,069 146,807 5,915 296,168 6,375 97,681 769,447 71,108 1,172,693 6,940 1,519,272 797,373 43,092,583 16,833,472 4,336,832 64,262,888 $ 43,788,200 6,635,589 3,469,619 3,821,339 13,135 2,406,990 47,877 60,182,747 $ 39,262,796 17,436,162 3,416,263 67,526 60,182,747 13,263,653 4,080,141 17,343,794 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 13 Actuals 39,309,911 346,317 49,226 48,542 2,518,365 341,460 1,255,013 527,648 12,471,280 3,464,919 37,807 202,302 246,840 6,593 51,225 792,558 71,888 1,106,328 7,641 17,176 689,069 44,396,483 16,480,965 2,684,660 63,562,108 $ 43,578,245 7,068,195 3,798,226 5,309,720 178,069 2,263,500 183,643 62,379,597 $ 39,592,875 19,683,608 11,674 3,014,557 76,882 62,379,597 17,343,794 1,182,511 18,526,305 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 14 Budget 40,321,457 347,690 109,760 40,757 2,456,514 351,939 1,226,821 384,975 13,246,468 3,660,021 27,708 142,792 226,994 13,674 41,447 817,317 254,388 1,510,505 34,321 532,352 45,239,915 17,359,105 3,148,883 65,747,902 $ 45,684,687 7,133,852 3,185,106 5,546,035 88,886 3,450,987 123,368 65,212,921 $ 40,637,734 20,832,836 8,191 2,937,238 796,922 65,212,921 18,526,305 534,981 19,061,287 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 15 Budget 41,065,008 390,066 83,947 51,175 2,736,025 327,805 1,447,060 262,196 13,196,630 3,648,057 28,212 127,200 226,994 6,767 612,107 314,612 1,235,693 33,306 568,895 46,363,282 17,233,860 2,764,613 66,361,755 $ 48,119,297 7,911,758 3,386,760 6,125,045 50,000 2,591,133 37,100 68,221,094 $ 43,056,449 22,365,546 7,157 2,792,109 68,221,261 19,061,368 (1,859,339) 17,202,029 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 42,043,587 395,917 321,917 58,073 2,747,319 406,338 1,215,000 376,653 16,397,826 4,133,731 33,071 138,979 226,994 6,882 67,474 695,000 238,298 1,290,316 33,091 577,536 47,564,803 21,004,957 2,834,241 71,404,001 51,263,090 8,299,680 3,891,075 6,037,990 22,080 2,824,341 31,471 72,369,728 43,748,351 25,565,892 3,344 3,052,141 72,369,728 17,202,029 (965,726) 16,236,303 Page 10 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Fund 20 Operations & Maintenance Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 FY 11 Actuals 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4100 4200 4300 4400 4600 4700 4800 4900 7000 Revenues by Source Tax Levy CPPRT Tuition Transportation Fees Interest Income Sales to Pupils - Lunch Pupil Activities Textbooks/Registration Other Local Revenue Revenue from State Sources Special Education Vocational Education Bilingual Transportation Regular School Improvement Early Childhood State Library Grant CDB Bond Principal Title V Breakfast Start-Up Title I - Low Income Title IV Federal Special Ed Preschool VE-II voc Curriculum ARRA Funds Medicaid Bond Premiums/Proceeds/Transfers $ Total Local Total State Total Federal Total Revenues 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Expenditures Salaries Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Transfers Tuition $ $ $ $ $ Total Expenditures by Object $ 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Instruction Support Services Community Services Payments To Other Govt Units Debt Service Total Expenditures by Function Beginning Fund Balances Net Change* Includes Audit Adj for Other Fin Sources Ending Fund Balances $ $ $ $ 6,037,669 3,764 343,492 6,384,924 6,384,924 FY 12 Actuals $ $ $ $ $ 6,180,144 1,853 441,011 713,720 3,594,784 10,217,791 713,720 10,931,512 FY 13 Actuals $ $ $ $ $ 6,410,755 1,745 1,244,499 800,000 7,656,999 800,000 8,456,999 FY 14 Budget $ $ $ $ $ 6,580,579 13,008 253,400 750,000 6,846,988 750,000 7,596,988 FY 15 Budget $ $ $ $ $ 6,580,081 13,312 257,708 750,000 6,851,102 750,000 7,601,102 922,702 $ 137,407 4,113,634 1,850,145 175,038 1,205 7,200,131 $ 982,403 $ 137,064 5,194,999 1,632,946 808,077 229,479 2,061,942 11,046,911 $ 980,328 $ 146,889 3,665,234 1,560,175 1,064,393 2,554 157,118 7,576,691 $ 1,090,934 $ 168,546 3,345,449 1,767,884 1,209,723 193,087 7,775,622 $ 1,105,486 176,737 3,445,446 2,028,900 1,134,840 190,101 8,081,510 7,200,131 7,200,131 1,471,775 (815,206) 656,569 8,778,451 2,268,460 11,046,911 656,569 (115,399) 541,170 7,422,963 153,727 7,576,691 541,170 880,308 1,421,478 7,586,035 189,587 7,775,622 1,421,478 (178,635) 1,242,843 7,894,923 186,587 8,081,510 1,242,843 (480,408) 762,435 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Page 11 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Fund 30 Debt Service Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 FY 11 Actuals 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4100 4200 4300 4400 4600 4700 4800 4900 7000 Revenues by Source Tax Levy CPPRT Tuition Transportation Fees Interest Income Sales to Pupils - Lunch Pupil Activities Textbooks/Registration Other Local Revenue Revenue from State Sources Special Education Vocational Education Bilingual Transportation Regular School Improvement Early Childhood State Library Grant CDB Bond Principal Title V Breakfast Start-Up Title I - Low Income Title IV Federal Special Ed Preschool VE-II voc Curriculum ARRA Funds Medicaid Bond Premiums/Proceeds/Transfers $ Total Local Total State Total Federal Total Revenues 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Expenditures Salaries Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Transfers Tuition $ $ $ $ $ Total Expenditures by Object $ 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Instruction Support Services Community Services Payments To Other Govt Units Debt Service Total Expenditures by Function Beginning Fund Balances Net Change* Includes Audit Adj for Other Fin Sources Ending Fund Balances $ $ $ $ 10,482,214 18,597 6,462,642 16,963,453 16,963,453 10,744,519 10,744,519 10,744,519 10,744,519 5,439,320 6,218,934 11,658,254 FY 12 Actuals $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,952,188 21,722 527,708 10,501,618 10,501,618 11,916,022 11,916,022 11,916,022 11,916,022 11,658,254 (1,414,404) 10,243,850 FY 13 Actuals $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8,859,914 16,600 1,345,628 10,222,141 10,222,141 12,492,129 12,492,129 12,492,129 12,492,129 10,243,850 (2,269,988) 7,973,862 FY 14 Budget $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8,233,593 16,184 8,249,777 8,249,777 12,606,577 12,606,577 12,606,577 12,606,577 7,973,862 (4,356,800) 3,617,062 FY 15 Budget $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 8,485,296 16,750 8,502,047 8,502,047 8,707,883 8,707,883 8,707,883 8,707,883 3,617,062 (205,836) 3,411,226 Page 12 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Fund 40 Transportation Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 FY 11 Actuals 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4100 4200 4300 4400 4600 4700 4800 4900 7000 Revenues by Source Tax Levy CPPRT Tuition Transportation Fees Interest Income Sales to Pupils - Lunch Pupil Activities Textbooks/Registration Other Local Revenue Revenue from State Sources Special Education Vocational Education Bilingual Transportation Regular School Improvement Early Childhood State Library Grant CDB Bond Principal Title V Breakfast Start-Up Title I - Low Income Title IV Federal Special Ed Preschool VE-II voc Curriculum ARRA Funds Medicaid Bond Premiums/Proceeds/Transfers $ Total Local Total State Total Federal Total Revenues 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Expenditures Salaries Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Transfers Tuition $ $ $ $ $ Total Expenditures by Object $ 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Instruction Support Services Community Services Payments To Other Govt Units Debt Service Total Expenditures by Function Beginning Fund Balances Net Change* Includes Audit Adj for Other Fin Sources Ending Fund Balances $ $ $ $ 2,837,192 65,058 6,351 2,314,185 225,198 3,133,799 2,314,185 5,447,984 FY 12 Actuals $ $ $ $ $ 2,905,202 69,719 6,216 2,656,132 124,200 3,105,337 2,656,132 5,761,469 FY 13 Actuals $ $ $ $ $ 3,489,158 77,422 7,788 2,865,569 3,574,368 2,865,569 6,439,937 FY 14 Budget $ $ $ $ $ 4,027,073 69,892 7,960 2,895,705 4,104,926 2,895,705 7,000,630 FY 15 Budget $ $ $ $ $ 4,123,038 70,181 8,147 2,636,661 4,201,366 2,636,661 6,838,027 2,536,759 $ 507,931 404,488 724,247 338,328 951,585 5,463,337 $ 2,481,315 $ 438,612 588,876 738,705 237,719 923,633 5,408,860 $ 2,539,418 $ 960,667 643,323 834,239 324,197 5,301,844 $ 2,619,945 $ 1,115,028 811,294 829,443 4,958 5,380,667 $ 2,666,727 1,170,596 909,303 830,390 74,825 4,978 5,656,818 4,518,068 945,269 5,463,337 4,148,046 (15,353) 4,132,692 4,489,979 918,881 5,408,860 4,132,692 352,609 4,485,301 4,983,285 318,559 5,301,844 4,485,301 1,138,093 5,623,395 5,380,667 5,380,667 5,623,395 1,619,963 7,243,358 5,656,818 5,656,818 7,243,358 1,181,209 8,424,567 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Page 13 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Fund 50 Municipal Retirement & Social Security Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 FY 11 Actuals 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4100 4200 4300 4400 4600 4700 4800 4900 7000 Revenues by Source Tax Levy CPPRT Tuition Transportation Fees Interest Income Sales to Pupils - Lunch Pupil Activities Textbooks/Registration Other Local Revenue Revenue from State Sources Special Education Vocational Education Bilingual Transportation Regular School Improvement Early Childhood State Library Grant CDB Bond Principal Title V Breakfast Start-Up Title I - Low Income Title IV Federal Special Ed Preschool VE-II voc Curriculum ARRA Funds Medicaid Bond Premiums/Proceeds/Transfers $ Total Local Total State Total Federal Total Revenues 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Expenditures Salaries Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Transfers Tuition $ $ $ $ $ Total Expenditures by Object $ 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Instruction Support Services Community Services Payments To Other Govt Units Debt Service Total Expenditures by Function Beginning Fund Balances Net Change* Includes Audit Adj for Other Fin Sources Ending Fund Balances $ $ $ $ 2,137,317 125,730 1,313 2,264,360 2,264,360 FY 12 Actuals $ $ $ $ $ 2,227,884 109,564 1,528 2,338,975 2,338,975 FY 13 Actuals $ $ $ $ $ 2,310,724 118,103 1,704 2,430,530 2,430,530 FY 14 Budget $ $ $ $ $ 2,371,911 113,349 4,689 2,489,948 2,489,948 FY 15 Budget $ $ $ $ $ 2,428,434 115,049 4,798 2,548,281 2,548,281 - $ 2,089,382 2,089,382 $ - $ 2,185,398 2,185,398 $ - $ 2,408,671 2,408,671 $ - $ 2,401,248 2,401,248 $ 2,462,546 2,462,546 790,651 1,298,731 2,089,382 584,075 174,978 759,053 799,130 1,386,268 2,185,398 759,053 153,577 912,631 914,188 1,494,483 2,408,671 912,631 21,859 934,490 884,868 1,516,380 2,401,248 934,490 88,700 1,023,190 915,839 1,546,707 2,462,546 1,023,190 85,735 1,108,925 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Page 14 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Fund 60 Capital Projects Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 FY 11 Actuals 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4100 4200 4300 4400 4600 4700 4800 4900 7000 Revenues by Source Tax Levy CPPRT Tuition Transportation Fees Interest Income Sales to Pupils - Lunch Pupil Activities Textbooks/Registration Other Local Revenue Revenue from State Sources Special Education Vocational Education Bilingual Transportation Regular School Improvement Early Childhood State Library Grant CDB Bond Principal Title V Breakfast Start-Up Title I - Low Income Title IV Federal Special Ed Preschool VE-II voc Curriculum ARRA Funds Medicaid Bond Premiums/Proceeds/Transfers $ Total Local Total State Total Federal Total Revenues 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Expenditures Salaries Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Transfers Tuition $ $ $ $ $ Total Expenditures by Object $ 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Instruction Support Services Community Services Payments To Other Govt Units Debt Service Total Expenditures by Function Beginning Fund Balances Net Change* Includes Audit Adj for Other Fin Sources Ending Fund Balances $ $ $ $ 10 319,592 319,602 319,602 FY 12 Actuals $ $ $ $ $ - $ 193,105 300,116 493,221 $ 493,221 493,221 (347,052) (173,619) (520,671) $ $ $ $ 215 1,010,249 165,519 1,175,982 1,175,982 FY 13 Actuals $ $ $ $ $ - $ 82,759 450,826 533,585 $ 533,585 533,585 (520,671) 642,397 121,726 $ $ $ $ 68,933 39,417,589 68,933 39,417,589 39,486,522 FY 14 Budget $ $ $ $ $ - $ 259,374 394,978 654,353 $ 259,374 394,978 654,353 121,726 38,832,169 38,953,895 $ $ $ $ 42,000 500,000 542,000 542,000 FY 15 Budget $ $ $ $ 25,000 667,148 692,148 692,148 - $ 3,941,000 416,094 4,357,094 $ 140,000 15,000 100,000 23,381,904 412,094 24,048,998 3,941,000 416,094 4,357,094 38,953,895 (3,815,094) 35,138,801 $ $ $ $ $ 23,636,904 412,094 24,048,998 35,138,801 (23,356,850) 11,781,952 Page 15 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Fund 70 Working Cash Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 FY 11 Actuals 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4100 4200 4300 4400 4600 4700 4800 4900 7000 Revenues by Source Tax Levy CPPRT Tuition Transportation Fees Interest Income Sales to Pupils - Lunch Pupil Activities Textbooks/Registration Other Local Revenue Revenue from State Sources Special Education Vocational Education Bilingual Transportation Regular School Improvement Early Childhood State Library Grant CDB Bond Principal Title V Breakfast Start-Up Title I - Low Income Title IV Federal Special Ed Preschool VE-II voc Curriculum ARRA Funds Medicaid Bond Premiums/Proceeds/Transfers $ Total Local Total State Total Federal Total Revenues 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Expenditures Salaries Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Transfers Tuition $ $ $ $ $ Total Expenditures by Object $ 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Instruction Support Services Community Services Payments To Other Govt Units Debt Service Total Expenditures by Function Beginning Fund Balances Net Change* Includes Audit Adj for Other Fin Sources Ending Fund Balances $ $ $ $ FY 12 Actuals 302,105 3,186 305,291 305,291 $ - $ 1,111,768 305,291 1,417,059 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 13 Actuals 309,197 3,701 312,898 312,898 $ - $ 1,417,059 312,898 1,729,957 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 14 Budget 320,736 3,717 324,453 324,453 $ - $ 1,729,957 324,453 2,054,410 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FY 15 Budget 329,245 5,000 334,245 334,245 $ - $ 2,054,410 334,245 2,388,655 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 337,091 5,000 342,091 342,091 2,388,655 342,091 2,730,746 Page 16 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Fund 90 Fire Prevention & Safety Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 FY 11 Actuals 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 3000 3100 3200 3300 3500 3600 3700 3800 3900 4100 4200 4300 4400 4600 4700 4800 4900 7000 Revenues by Source Tax Levy CPPRT Tuition Transportation Fees Interest Income Sales to Pupils - Lunch Pupil Activities Textbooks/Registration Other Local Revenue Revenue from State Sources Special Education Vocational Education Bilingual Transportation Regular School Improvement Early Childhood State Library Grant CDB Bond Principal Title V Breakfast Start-Up Title I - Low Income Title IV Federal Special Ed Preschool VE-II voc Curriculum ARRA Funds Medicaid Bond Premiums/Proceeds/Transfers $ Total Local Total State Total Federal Total Revenues 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Expenditures Salaries Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Transfers Tuition $ $ $ $ $ Total Expenditures by Object $ 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Instruction Support Services Community Services Payments To Other Govt Units Debt Service Total Expenditures by Function Beginning Fund Balances Net Change* Includes Audit Adj for Other Fin Sources Ending Fund Balances $ $ $ $ FY 12 Actuals 76 76 76 $ $ $ $ $ - $ 29,752 76 29,828 $ $ $ $ $ FY 13 Actuals 71 71 71 $ $ $ $ $ - $ 29,828 71 29,899 $ $ $ $ $ FY 14 Budget 60 60 60 $ $ $ $ $ - $ 29,899 60 29,959 $ $ $ $ $ FY 15 Budget 300 300 300 $ $ $ $ $ - $ 29,959 300 30,259 $ $ $ $ $ 300 300 300 30,259 300 30,559 Page 17 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Capital Expenditures Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account 20-2542-520-00-79 20-2543-530-00-79 40-2552-540-00-79 10-1700-540-21-71-300-13 10-2560-540-00-71-300-13 20-2542-540-00-79 Account_Description Building projects Improvements not Buildings Bus Purchases Driver Education Vehicle Cafe Equipment HS Reserve for Replacement 60-2530-520-00-71-305 60-2530-530-00-74-155 Construction HS Site Improvement Conley FY 10 46,240 169,262 665,882 25,435 FY 11 131,625 43,413 338,328 - FY12 487,376 290,738 237,719 - FY13 340,312 694,064 15,146 FY14 448,890 429,310 30,200 19,500 300,000 FY15 516,554 276,777 74,825 19,580 300,000 - - - - 3,641,000 300,000 23,381,904 - FY16 1,497,172.00 539,872.00 350,000.00 6,395,029 - FY17 2,467,749.00 190,073.00 350,001.00 FY18 2,467,749.00 190,073.00 350,001.00 - - Page 18 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Long Term Debt Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Bond Debt Subject to Levy From FY12-FY19 FY 2012 Series 2000 Series 2001 Series 2004 Series 2003A Series 2005 Series 2006B Series 2008 Series 2009 Series 2010 Series 2013 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 $ 4,200,000 5,170,000 327,750 658,035 668,525 165,519 276,536 $ 4,325,000 5,420,000 327,750 881,655 671,781 165,519 274,275 $ 4,625,000 4,910,000 327,750 1,765,915 683,637 165,519 274,275 $ $ 11,466,365 $ 12,065,980 $ 12,752,096 2011A Performance 2011B Marlowe 07 Certs $ 157,626 - $ 191,838 229,459 $ 189,587 250,575 TOTAL DEBT $ 11,623,991 $ 12,487,277 2009 2001/2004 2003(A) - CDA Grant $ 165,519 994,000 $ 165,519 2,353,615 Lvy Dbt Aftr Abatements $ FY 2016 $ $ 3,855,000 327,750 298,115 678,744 165,519 274,275 3,253,999 8,853,402 $ $ 186,587 246,575 FY 2017 $ $ 2,900,000 1,995,000 327,750 296,515 682,626 165,519 274,275 2,519,225 9,160,909 $ $ 182,837 242,575 FY 2018 $ $ 5,020,000 327,750 479,970 684,933 165,519 274,275 2,519,225 9,471,672 $ $ 178,337 238,075 FY 2019 $ $ 5,335,040 327,750 480,750 685,740 165,519 274,275 2,519,225 9,788,299 $ 6,350,000 327,750 485,750 165,519 274,275 2,519,225 10,122,519 $ $ 173,462 233,075 $ $ 168,212 242,575 Other Debt $ 13,192,258 $ 9,286,564 $ 9,586,321 $ 9,888,084 $ 10,194,836 $ 10,533,306 $ $ $ $ $ $ Abatements Fiscal Year 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 Total Debt 13,192,257.75 9,286,563.71 9,586,321.25 9,888,083.75 10,194,835.75 10,533,305.75 11,430,284.65 21,555,297.65 22,332,666.25 23,683,853.75 24,494,881.25 16,803,196.25 2,811,685.00 2,519,225.00 2,519,225.00 6,519,225.00 11,969,225.00 12,440,000.00 12,140,937.50 12,075,000.00 245,819,056.16 10,306,846 $ 9,546,846 $ 165,519 4,569,660 8,016,917 165,519 165,519 165,519 400,000 400,000 400,000 $ 8,287,883 $ 8,595,391 $ 8,906,153 165,519 400,000 $ 9,222,780 165,519 400,000 $ 9,557,000 Summary - Levy & Abatements FY 2012 Levied Debt Abatements Total Bond Debt $ $ $ 10,306,846 1,159,519 11,466,365 FY 2013 $ $ $ 9,546,846 2,519,134 12,065,980 FY 2014 $ $ $ 8,016,917 4,735,179 12,752,096 FY 2015 $ $ $ 8,287,883 565,519 8,853,402 FY 2016 $ $ $ 8,595,391 565,519 9,160,909 FY 2017 $ $ $ 8,906,153 565,519 9,471,672 FY 2018 $ $ $ 9,222,780 565,519 9,788,299 FY 2019 $ $ $ 9,557,000 565,519 10,122,519 Page 19 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 EXPENDITURE DETAIL BY ACCOUNT Presented: September 18, 2014 FY 2015 Budget Consolidated School District 158 Expenditure Detail By Account Presented: September 18, 2014 FY15 Final Budget Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1100-120-00-79-605-14 10-1100-130-00-79-600-14 10-1100-211-00-79-600-14 10-1100-211-00-79-605-14 10-1100-220-00-79-600-14 10-1100-382-00-79-600-14 10-1100-410-00-74-500-14 10-1100-410-81-74-500-14 10-1101-120-00-79-605-14 10-1101-121-00-79-605-14 10-1101-128-00-79-605-14 10-1101-211-00-79-605-14 10-1110-110-00-71-105-00 10-1110-110-00-71-105-01 10-1110-110-00-71-105-02 10-1110-110-00-71-105-03 10-1110-110-00-71-105-04 10-1110-110-00-71-105-05 10-1110-110-00-72-115-00 10-1110-110-00-72-115-01 10-1110-110-00-72-115-02 10-1110-110-00-72-125-03 10-1110-110-00-72-125-04 10-1110-110-00-72-125-05 10-1110-110-00-74-145-00 10-1110-110-00-74-145-01 10-1110-110-00-74-145-02 10-1110-110-00-74-155-03 10-1110-110-00-74-155-04 Account_Description Extra Duty National Board Certification TRS TRS Regular Programs Insurance Regular Education W/C Ins Supplies Curr & Inst ADA Block Curriculum materials Substitute Teacher Homebound Salary Substitute Teacher Aide Substitute TRS Kinderg Teacher Leggee 1st Grade Teacher Leggee 2nd Grade Teacher Leggee 3rd Grade Teacher Leggee 4th Grade Teacher Leggee 5th Grade Teacher Leggee Kinderg Teacher Chesak 1st Grade Teacher Chesak 2nd Grade Teacher Chesak 3rd Grade Teacher Martin 4th Grade Teacher Martin 5th Grade Teacher Martin Kinderg Teacher Mackeben 1st Grade Teacher Mackeben 2nd Grade Teacher Mackeben 3rd Grade Teacher Conley 4th Grade Teacher Conley Expense Type HEA HEA TRS TRS I WC A A R HSP HSP TRS HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA FO Desc SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES FY14 Budget 11,938 27,530 924,088 147 3,186,171 105,920 36,656 23,786 750,000 72,214 85,313 9,966 414,247 427,337 334,114 357,607 417,689 295,601 750,585 670,566 713,358 621,309 701,585 610,346 502,510 442,898 470,656 444,262 394,120 FY15 Budget 12,356 28,494 984,058 150 3,345,479 118,848 36,808 23,884 776,250 73,658 87,019 10,165 428,746 442,294 345,808 370,123 432,308 305,947 776,855 694,036 738,326 643,054 726,140 631,708 520,098 458,399 487,129 459,811 407,914 Page 21 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1110-110-00-74-155-05 10-1110-110-02-71-105-13 10-1110-110-02-72-115-13 10-1110-110-02-72-125-13 10-1110-110-02-74-145-13 10-1110-110-02-74-155-13 10-1110-110-05-71-105-13 10-1110-110-05-72-115-13 10-1110-110-05-72-125-13 10-1110-110-05-74-145-13 10-1110-110-05-74-155-13 10-1110-110-12-71-105-13 10-1110-110-12-72-115-13 10-1110-110-12-72-125-13 10-1110-110-12-74-145-13 10-1110-110-12-74-155-13 10-1110-110-50-71-105-13 10-1110-110-50-72-115-13 10-1110-110-50-72-125-13 10-1110-110-50-74-145-13 10-1110-110-50-74-155-13 10-1110-112-00-72-115-13 10-1110-211-00-71-105-00 10-1110-211-00-71-105-01 10-1110-211-00-71-105-02 10-1110-211-00-71-105-03 10-1110-211-00-71-105-04 10-1110-211-00-71-105-05 10-1110-211-00-72-115-00 Account_Description 5th Grade Teacher Conley Art Teacher Leggee Art Teacher Chesak Art Teacher Martin Art Teacher Mackeben Art Teacher Conley Reading Specialist Leggee Reading Specialist Chesak Reading Specialist Martin Reading Spec Mackeben Reading Specialist Conley Music Teacher Leggee Music Teacher Chesak Music Teacher Martin Music Teacher Mackeben Music Teacher Conley PE Teacher Leggee PE Teacher Chesak PE Teacher Martin PE Teacher Mackeben PE Teacher Conley Aide Salary Chesak Kinderg TRS Leggee 1st Grade Teacher Leggee 2nd Grade Teacher Leggee 3rd Grade Teacher Leggee 4th Grade Teacher Leggee 5th Grade Teacher Leggee Kinderg Teacher Chesak Expense Type HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HSP TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS FO Desc SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 477,538 83,920 60,467 75,798 40,105 53,943 160,412 145,218 217,410 115,878 158,705 146,655 121,733 173,672 109,063 60,971 216,391 225,226 276,668 130,593 177,063 32,132 5,215 5,171 5,078 4,202 3,970 3,335 10,888 FY15 Budget 494,252 86,857 62,584 78,451 41,509 55,831 166,027 150,301 225,019 119,934 164,260 151,787 125,993 179,751 112,880 63,105 223,965 233,109 286,351 135,164 183,260 32,774 5,319 5,274 5,179 4,286 4,050 3,401 11,106 Page 22 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1110-211-00-72-115-01 10-1110-211-00-72-115-02 10-1110-211-00-72-125-03 10-1110-211-00-72-125-04 10-1110-211-00-72-125-05 10-1110-211-00-74-145-00 10-1110-211-00-74-145-01 10-1110-211-00-74-145-02 10-1110-211-00-74-155-03 10-1110-211-00-74-155-04 10-1110-211-00-74-155-05 10-1110-211-02-71-105-13 10-1110-211-02-72-115-13 10-1110-211-02-72-125-13 10-1110-211-02-74-145-13 10-1110-211-02-74-155-13 10-1110-211-05-71-105-13 10-1110-211-05-72-115-13 10-1110-211-05-72-125-13 10-1110-211-05-74-145-13 10-1110-211-05-74-155-13 10-1110-211-12-71-105-13 10-1110-211-12-72-115-13 10-1110-211-12-72-125-13 10-1110-211-12-74-145-13 10-1110-211-12-74-155-13 10-1110-211-50-71-105-13 10-1110-211-50-72-115-13 10-1110-211-50-72-125-13 Account_Description 1st Grade Teacher Chesak 2nd Grade Teacher Chesak 3rd Grade Teacher Martin 4th Grade Teacher Martin 5th Grade Teacher Martin Kinderg Teacher Mackeben 1st Grade Teacher Mackeben 2nd Grade Teacher Mackeben 3rd Grade Teacher Conley 4th Grade Teacher Conley 5th Grade Teacher Conley Art Teacher Leggee Art Teacher Chesak Art Teacher Martin Art Teacher Mackeben Art Teacher Conley Reading Specialist Leggee Reading Specialist Chesak Reading Specialist Martin Reading Spec Mackeben Reading Specialist Conley Music Teacher Leggee Music Teacher Chesak Music Teacher Martin Music Teacher Mackeben Music Teacher Conley PE Teacher Leggee PE Teacher Chesak PE Teacher Martin Expense Type TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 10,349 9,265 8,512 9,385 8,307 7,267 7,444 6,274 5,550 6,019 5,525 1,004 1,279 1,463 738 786 1,867 3,130 2,542 2,148 2,039 1,663 2,016 2,432 1,379 974 2,687 3,211 4,249 FY15 Budget 10,556 9,451 8,682 9,573 8,473 7,412 7,592 6,400 5,661 6,139 5,636 1,024 1,304 1,493 752 802 1,904 3,192 2,593 2,191 2,080 1,696 2,056 2,481 1,407 993 2,741 3,275 4,334 Page 23 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1110-211-50-74-145-13 10-1110-211-50-74-155-13 10-1110-211-61-71-100-03 10-1110-211-61-72-120-03 10-1110-211-61-74-150-03 10-1110-323-00-72-120-13 10-1110-323-00-74-150-13 10-1110-332-00-71-100-13 10-1110-332-00-72-110-13 10-1110-332-00-72-120-13 10-1110-332-00-74-140-13 10-1110-332-00-74-150-13 10-1110-410-00-71-100-13 10-1110-410-00-72-110-13 10-1110-410-00-72-120-13 10-1110-410-00-74-140-13 10-1110-410-00-74-150-13 10-1110-410-02-71-100-13 10-1110-410-02-72-110-13 10-1110-410-02-72-120-13 10-1110-410-02-74-140-13 10-1110-410-02-74-150-13 10-1110-410-12-72-100-13 10-1110-410-12-72-120-13 10-1110-410-12-74-110-13 10-1110-410-12-74-140-13 10-1110-410-12-74-150-13 10-1110-410-50-72-110-13 10-1110-410-50-72-120-13 Account_Description PE Teacher Mackeben PE Teacher Conley Keyboarding TRS/THIS Leggee Keyboarding TRS/THIS Martin Keyboarding 3rd Grade Conley Repairs Martin Repairs Conley Teacher Travel Leggee Teacher Travel Chesak Teacher Travel Martin Teacher Travel Mackeben Teacher Travel Conley Inst Supplies Leggee Inst Supplies Chesak Inst Supplies Martin Inst Supplies Mackeben Inst Supplies Conley Art Supplies Leggee Art Supplies Chesak Art Supplies Martin Mackeben Art Supplies Art Supplies Conley Music Supplies Leggee Music SuppliesMartin Music Supplies Mackeben Music Supplies Conley Music Supplies PE Supplies Chesak PE Supplies Martin Expense Type TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS FY14 Budget 1,935 1,913 346 893 346 3,965 2,000 4,800 5,000 1,000 2,736 1,500 29,051 30,611 31,680 19,776 17,578 5,200 3,000 4,560 1,014 2,700 1,000 1,000 600 507 1,500 600 1,000 FY15 Budget 1,974 1,951 353 911 353 3,982 2,000 6,820 5,021 600 2,748 300 23,665 30,737 35,512 19,858 18,659 5,300 3,012 4,500 918 1,500 1,050 1,000 602 509 2,000 602 Page 24 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1110-410-50-74-100-14 10-1110-410-50-74-140-14 10-1110-410-50-74-150-13 10-1110-640-00-72-110-13 10-1110-640-00-74-140-13 10-1120-110-00-72-215-13 10-1120-110-00-72-225-13 10-1120-110-02-72-225-13 10-1120-110-02-74-215-13 10-1120-110-05-72-225-06 10-1120-110-05-72-225-07 10-1120-110-05-72-225-08 10-1120-110-05-74-215-06 10-1120-110-05-74-215-07 10-1120-110-05-74-215-08 10-1120-110-06-72-225-13 10-1120-110-06-74-215-13 10-1120-110-11-72-225-06 10-1120-110-11-72-225-07 10-1120-110-11-72-225-08 10-1120-110-11-74-215-06 10-1120-110-11-74-215-07 10-1120-110-11-74-215-08 10-1120-110-12-72-225-13 10-1120-110-12-74-215-13 10-1120-110-13-72-225-06 10-1120-110-13-72-225-07 10-1120-110-13-72-225-08 10-1120-110-13-74-215-06 Account_Description PE Supplies Leggee Mackeben PE Supplies Conley PE Supplies Teacher Dues & Fees Chesak Teacher Dues & Fees Mackeben Foods Teacher Heineman Foods Teacher Marlowe Art Teacher Marlowe Art Teacher Heineman English Teacher 6th Marlowe English Teacher 7th Marlowe English Teacher 8th Marlowe English Teacher 6th Heineman English Teacher 7th Heineman English Teacher 8th Heineman Foreign Lang Teacher Marlowe Foreign Lang Teacher Heineman Math Teacher 6th Marlowe Math Teacher 7th Marlowe Math Teacher 8th Marlowe Math Teacher 6th Heineman Math Teacher 7th Heineman Math Teacher 8th Heineman Music Teacher Marlowe Music Teacher Heineman Science 6th Marlowe Science 7th Marlowe Science 8th Marlowe Science 6th Heineman Expense Type A A A A A HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA FO Desc SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES FY14 Budget 1,000 304 1,000 200 507 56,858 41,004 95,906 43,135 379,627 334,857 363,156 323,421 321,950 232,070 77,430 65,445 141,106 208,915 221,957 124,299 35,607 145,750 181,016 132,960 226,393 161,599 96,939 137,562 FY15 Budget 1,050 605 1,200 201 509 58,848 42,439 99,263 44,645 392,914 346,577 375,866 334,741 333,218 240,192 80,140 67,736 146,045 216,227 229,726 128,649 36,853 150,851 187,351 137,613 234,316 167,255 100,332 142,377 Page 25 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1120-110-13-74-215-07 10-1120-110-13-74-215-08 10-1120-110-15-72-225-06 10-1120-110-15-72-225-07 10-1120-110-15-72-225-08 10-1120-110-15-74-215-06 10-1120-110-15-74-215-07 10-1120-110-15-74-215-08 10-1120-110-50-72-225-13 10-1120-110-50-74-215-13 10-1120-110-61-72-225-13 10-1120-110-61-74-215-13 10-1120-211-00-72-215-13 10-1120-211-00-72-225-13 10-1120-211-02-72-225-13 10-1120-211-02-74-215-13 10-1120-211-05-72-225-06 10-1120-211-05-72-225-07 10-1120-211-05-72-225-08 10-1120-211-05-74-215-06 10-1120-211-05-74-215-07 10-1120-211-05-74-215-08 10-1120-211-06-72-225-13 10-1120-211-06-74-215-13 10-1120-211-11-72-225-06 10-1120-211-11-72-225-07 10-1120-211-11-72-225-08 10-1120-211-11-74-215-06 10-1120-211-11-74-215-07 Account_Description Science 7th Heineman Science 8th Heineman Soc Stud 6th Marlowe Soc Stud 7th Marlowe Soc Stud 8th Marlowe Soc Studies 6th Heineman Soc Studies 7th Heineman Soc Studies 8th Heineman PE Teacher Marlowe PE Teacher Heineman Computer Teacher Marlowe Computer Teacher Heineman Foods Teacher Heineman Foods Teacher Marlowe Art Teacher Marlowe Art Teacher Heineman English Teacher 6th Marlowe English Teacher 7th Marlowe English Teacher 8th Marlowe English Teacher 6th Heineman English Teacher 7th Heineman English Teacher 8th Heineman Foreign Lang Teacher Marlowe Foreign Lang Teacher Heineman Math Teacher 6th Marlowe Math Teacher 7th Marlowe Math Teacher 8th Marlowe Math Teacher 6th Heineman Math Teacher 7th Heineman Expense Type HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS FO Desc SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 103,054 130,803 342,501 133,083 120,025 111,976 87,578 122,483 387,060 248,184 128,522 113,003 682 510 1,196 590 4,868 3,827 4,541 3,742 3,425 2,218 1,251 787 2,407 2,037 2,807 1,532 1,484 FY15 Budget 106,661 135,381 354,489 137,741 124,226 115,895 90,643 126,770 400,607 256,871 133,021 116,958 695 520 1,219 602 4,966 3,904 4,632 3,817 3,493 2,262 1,276 803 2,455 2,078 2,863 1,562 1,514 Page 26 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1120-211-11-74-215-08 10-1120-211-12-72-225-13 10-1120-211-12-74-215-13 10-1120-211-13-72-225-06 10-1120-211-13-72-225-07 10-1120-211-13-72-225-08 10-1120-211-13-74-215-06 10-1120-211-13-74-215-07 10-1120-211-13-74-215-08 10-1120-211-15-72-225-06 10-1120-211-15-72-225-07 10-1120-211-15-72-225-08 10-1120-211-15-74-215-06 10-1120-211-15-74-215-07 10-1120-211-15-74-215-08 10-1120-211-50-72-225-13 10-1120-211-50-74-215-13 10-1120-211-61-72-225-13 10-1120-211-61-74-215-13 10-1120-323-00-72-220-13 10-1120-332-00-72-220-13 10-1120-332-00-74-210-13 10-1120-360-00-72-220-13 10-1120-360-00-74-210-13 10-1120-410-00-72-220-13 10-1120-410-00-74-210-13 10-1120-410-02-72-220-13 10-1120-410-02-74-210-13 10-1120-410-06-72-220-13 Account_Description Math Teacher 8th Heineman Music Teacher Marlowe Music Teacher Heineman Science 6th Marlowe Science 7th Marlowe Science 8th Marlowe Science 6th Heineman Science 7th Heineman Science 8th Heineman Soc Stud 6th Marlowe Soc Stud 7th Marlowe Soc Stud 8th Marlowe Soc Studies 6th Heineman Soc Studies 7th Heineman Soc Studies 8th Heineman PE Teacher Marlowe PE Teacher Heineman Computer Teacher Marlowe Computer Teacher Heineman Repairs Marlowe Teacher Travel Marlowe Teacher Travel Heineman Printing Marlowe Printing Heineman Inst Supplies Marlowe Inst Supplies Heineman Art Supplies Marlowe Art Supplies Heineman Foreign Lang Supplies Marlowe Expense Type TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS A A A A A A A A A A FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS FY14 Budget 1,678 3,032 1,896 2,657 2,487 1,183 1,684 1,504 1,337 2,627 1,731 1,976 1,390 1,243 1,288 4,806 2,770 1,635 1,394 5,500 7,017 4,900 2,622 2,000 64,181 31,444 5,779 3,000 963 FY15 Budget 1,711 3,093 1,934 2,710 2,537 1,207 1,718 1,535 1,364 2,679 1,766 2,016 1,418 1,268 1,314 4,903 2,826 1,667 1,422 5,523 5,046 4,900 2,633 2,000 68,446 33,579 5,803 3,000 967 Page 27 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1120-410-06-74-210-13 10-1120-410-08-72-220-13 10-1120-410-08-74-210-13 10-1120-410-09-72-220-13 10-1120-410-09-74-210-13 10-1120-410-12-72-220-13 10-1120-410-12-74-210-13 10-1120-410-13-72-220-06 10-1120-410-13-72-220-07 10-1120-410-13-72-220-08 10-1120-410-13-74-210-06 10-1120-410-13-74-210-07 10-1120-410-13-74-210-08 10-1120-410-22-72-220-13 10-1120-410-22-74-210-13 10-1120-410-50-72-220-13 10-1120-410-50-74-210-13 10-1120-412-50-72-220-13 10-1120-412-50-74-210-13 10-1120-490-02-72-220-13 10-1120-490-02-74-210-13 10-1120-640-00-72-220-13 10-1125-110-00-79-600-14 10-1125-110-90-79-600-14 10-1125-110-97-79-600-14 10-1125-112-00-79-600-14 10-1125-112-97-79-600-14 10-1125-120-97-79-600-14 10-1125-211-00-79-600-14 Account_Description Foreign Lang Supplies Heineman Health Supplies Marlowe Health Supplies Heineman Home Ec Marlowe Home Ec Heineman Chorus/Band Supplies Marlowe Chorus/Band Supplies Heineman Marlowe Science Supplies 6 Marlowe Science Supplies 7 Marlowe Science Supplies 8 Heineman Science Supplies 6 Heineman Science Supplies 7 Heineman Science Supplies 8 Tech Lab Supplies Marlowe Tech Lab Supplies Heineman PE Supplies Marlowe PE Supplies Heineman PE Uniforms Marlowe PE Uniforms Heineman Marlowe Fine Arts Supplies Heineman Fine Arts Supplies Teacher Dues & Fees Marlowe Preschool Teacher Parent Tot Coordinator All Children Teacher Salaries Preschool Aide All Children Aide Salaries All Children Substitutes Preschool Teacher Expense Type A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A HEA ADM HEA HSP HSP HEA TRS FO Desc SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS OTHER OBJECTS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 250 482 250 4,816 5,000 482 100 4,334 4,334 4,334 2,200 2,200 2,200 6,742 6,000 963 1,000 12,657 11,343 2,360 2,000 2,102 585,977 18,902 149,050 324,673 41,104 6,815 FY15 Budget 75 3,484 125 4,836 5,000 484 100 3,352 3,352 3,352 2,000 2,000 2,000 3,770 4,500 967 1,000 12,709 11,390 2,369 2,000 2,111 606,486 19,280 149,050 331,167 41,104 5,070 6,952 Page 28 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1125-220-00-79-600-14 10-1125-332-00-72-120-13 10-1125-382-00-79-600-14 10-1125-390-90-79-600-14 10-1125-410-90-79-600-14 10-1125-410-97-79-600-14 10-1130-110-00-71-305-13 10-1130-110-02-71-305-13 10-1130-110-05-71-305-13 10-1130-110-05-71-305-23 10-1130-110-06-71-305-13 10-1130-110-11-71-305-13 10-1130-110-12-71-305-13 10-1130-110-13-71-305-13 10-1130-110-15-71-305-13 10-1130-110-50-71-305-13 10-1130-110-61-71-305-13 10-1130-112-00-71-305-13 10-1130-127-00-71-300-14 10-1130-211-00-71-305-13 10-1130-211-02-71-305-13 10-1130-211-05-71-305-13 10-1130-211-05-71-305-23 10-1130-211-06-71-305-13 10-1130-211-11-71-305-13 10-1130-211-12-71-305-13 10-1130-211-13-71-305-13 10-1130-211-15-71-305-13 10-1130-211-50-71-305-13 Account_Description Pre-K Programs Insurance Travel Preschool Pre-K Programs W/C Ins Purchased Serv Parent-Tot Supplies Parent-Tot All Children Supplies Team Leaders HS Art Teacher HS English/LA Teacher HS Reading Specialist HS Foreign Lang Teacher HS Math Teacher HS Music Teacher HS Science Teacher HS Soc Studies Teacher HS PE Teacher HS Computer Teacher HS Aide Salary HS HS Overloads Team Leaders HS Art Teacher HS English/LA Teacher HS TRS Foreign Lang Teacher HS Math Teacher HS Music Teacher HS Science Teacher HS Soc Studies Teacher HS PE Teacher HS Expense Type I A WC A A A HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HSP HEA TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 138,151 1,000 5,334 4,823 5,663 13,820 22,481 208,659 1,150,265 75,973 608,394 1,066,732 147,152 1,029,268 823,821 740,998 127,108 92,372 7,290 335 3,390 13,642 948 6,977 12,988 1,571 9,669 9,638 8,459 FY15 Budget 145,059 1,004 5,601 4,843 5,687 14,320 23,268 215,962 1,190,525 78,632 629,688 1,104,068 152,302 1,065,292 852,655 766,932 131,557 94,219 7,545 342 3,458 13,915 967 7,117 13,247 1,602 9,862 9,831 8,629 Page 29 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1130-211-61-71-305-13 10-1130-323-00-71-300-13 10-1130-332-00-71-300-13 10-1130-360-00-71-300-13 10-1130-410-00-71-300-13 10-1130-410-02-71-300-13 10-1130-410-05-71-300-13 10-1130-410-06-71-300-13 10-1130-410-08-71-300-13 10-1130-410-11-71-300-13 10-1130-410-12-71-300-13 10-1130-410-13-71-300-13 10-1130-410-15-71-300-13 10-1130-410-23-71-300-13 10-1130-410-50-71-300-13 10-1130-410-59-71-300-14 10-1130-410-61-71-300-13 10-1130-470-00-71-300-13 10-1130-490-00-71-300-13 10-1130-640-00-71-300-13 10-1200-110-00-79-505-14 10-1200-111-00-71-105-13 10-1200-111-00-71-305-13 10-1200-111-00-72-115-13 10-1200-111-00-72-125-13 10-1200-111-00-72-225-13 10-1200-111-00-74-145-13 10-1200-111-00-74-155-13 10-1200-111-00-74-215-13 Account_Description Computer Teacher HS Repairs HS Teacher Travel HS Printing & Binding HS Inst Supplies HS Art Supplies HS English Supplies HS Foreign Language Supplies HS Health Supplies HS Math Supplies HS Music Supplies HS Science Supplies HS Social Studies Supplies HS Consumer Ed PE Supplies HS HS Special Ed Supplies Computer Supplies HS Credit Recovery Software Invent Supplies HS Teacher Dues & Fees HS Director Special Services Sp Ed Teacher Leggee Sp Ed Teacher HS Sp Ed Teacher Chesak Sp Ed Teacher Martin Sp Ed Teacher Marlowe Sp Ed Teacher Mackeben Sp Ed Teacher Conley Sp Ed Teacher Heineman Expense Type TRS A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ADM HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS OTHER OBJECTS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES FY14 Budget 1,585 14,500 14,208 5,244 61,409 4,020 1,709 603 603 1,709 3,518 17,087 1,709 3,015 1,005 503 6,985 6,230 2,592 91,087 429,632 1,055,255 481,600 477,696 754,322 151,041 360,236 593,091 FY15 Budget 1,617 14,560 14,266 766 101,143 4,037 1,716 1,716 606 1,716 3,532 17,157 1,716 10,000 3,028 1,716 505 7,014 2,603 92,909 444,669 1,092,189 498,456 494,415 780,723 156,327 372,844 613,849 Page 30 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1200-111-00-79-605-14 10-1200-112-00-71-105-13 10-1200-112-00-71-305-13 10-1200-112-00-72-115-13 10-1200-112-00-72-125-13 10-1200-112-00-72-225-13 10-1200-112-00-74-145-13 10-1200-112-00-74-155-13 10-1200-112-00-74-215-13 10-1200-112-00-79-605-13 10-1200-113-00-79-505-14 10-1200-121-00-79-600-14 10-1200-140-00-79-505-14 10-1200-211-00-71-105-13 10-1200-211-00-71-305-13 10-1200-211-00-72-115-13 10-1200-211-00-72-125-13 10-1200-211-00-72-225-13 10-1200-211-00-74-145-13 10-1200-211-00-74-155-13 10-1200-211-00-74-215-13 10-1200-211-00-79-505-14 10-1200-211-00-79-600-14 10-1200-211-00-79-605-14 10-1200-220-00-79-600-14 10-1200-332-00-79-600-14 10-1200-382-00-79-600-14 10-1200-410-00-79-600-14 10-1200-410-92-79-600-14 Account_Description Asst Director Special Svcs Spec Ed Aide Leggee Spec Ed Aide HS Spec Ed Aide Chesak Spec Ed Aide Martin Sp Ed Aide Marlowe Sp Ed Aide Mackeben Sp Ed Aide Conley Sp Ed Aide Heineman Spec Ed Aide Off-Site Sp Ed Office Salary Sp Ed Salaries Extended Year Vacation-Sp Ed Office Sp Ed Teacher Leggee Sp Ed Teacher HS Sp Ed Teacher Chesak Sp Ed Teacher Martin Sp Ed Teacher Marlowe Sp Ed Teacher Mackeben Sp Ed Teacher Conley Sp Ed Teacher Heineman Director Special Ed Sp Ed Extra Duty Director Sp Ed TRS Special Education Programs Ins Travel Sp Ed Special Education W/C Ins Supplies Sp Ed IDEA Instructional Supplies Expense Type ADM HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP ADM HEA ADM TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS I A WC A A FO Desc SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS FY14 Budget 332,005 258,169 239,814 160,610 218,957 299,917 51,854 155,220 169,797 19,499 84,040 5,356 1,555 6,598 9,035 4,393 7,086 8,534 2,020 4,808 7,431 11,355 1,159 899 942,999 7,500 34,419 20,000 128,100 FY15 Budget 338,645 263,332 244,610 163,822 223,336 305,915 52,891 158,324 173,193 19,889 85,720 5,544 1,586 6,730 9,216 4,480 7,228 8,705 2,061 4,904 7,580 11,582 1,182 917 990,149 7,531 36,140 20,083 41,500 Page 31 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1200-420-92-79-600-14 10-1200-540-92-79-600-14 10-1225-410-95-79-600-14 10-1400-110-03-71-305-13 10-1400-110-09-71-305-13 10-1400-110-10-71-305-13 10-1400-211-03-71-305-13 10-1400-211-09-71-305-13 10-1400-211-10-71-305-13 10-1400-220-00-79-600-14 10-1400-310-00-74-305-13 10-1400-323-00-71-300-13 10-1400-332-00-71-300-13 10-1400-382-00-79-600-14 10-1400-410-01-71-300-13 10-1400-410-03-71-300-13 10-1400-410-09-71-300-13 10-1400-410-10-71-300-13 10-1400-410-62-71-300-13 10-1412-110-63-71-300-14 10-1500-110 10-1500-211 10-1500-220-00-79-600-14 10-1500-310-00-71-300-13 10-1500-319-00-71-300-13 10-1500-319-00-72-220-13 10-1500-319-00-74-210-13 10-1500-323-00-71-300-13 10-1500-332-00-71-300-13 Account_Description IDEA Textbooks IDEA Equipment ECE Instr Supplies Business Teacher HS Home Ec Teacher HS Industrial Arts Teacher HS Business Teacher HS Home Ec Teacher HS Industrial Arts Teacher HS CTE Programs Insurance Voc Ed Tuition Voc Ed Repairs HS Voc Ed Travel HS Career & Tech Ed W/C Ins Ag Supplies Business Supplies Home Economics Supplies Ind Arts Supplies Co-Op Supplies Career and Tech Ed Improvement Activity Salary Increases TRS Interscholastic Prog Insurance Supervision HS Sports Officials HS Sports Officials Marlowe Sports Officials Heineman Reconditioning Athletic Trips HS Expense Type A A A HEA HEA HEA TRS TRS TRS I A A A WC A A A A A HEA R TRS I A A A A A A FO Desc SUPPLIES & MATERIALS CAPITAL OUTLAY SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES FY14 Budget 10,000 3,217 143,371 129,903 137,814 1,737 1,276 1,260 53,669 75,000 1,154 1,500 2,033 2,513 1,508 5,000 4,020 603 26,417 8,376 763 15,583 2,200 37,500 6,602 6,600 10,000 6,000 FY15 Budget 64,000 2,500 2,428 148,389 134,450 142,637 1,771 1,302 1,285 56,352 75,310 1,158 2,135 2,523 1,514 5,021 4,037 1,750 27,890 8,669 778 16,362 2,209 37,500 6,629 6,600 10,041 6,025 Page 32 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1500-332-00-72-220-13 10-1500-332-00-74-210-13 10-1500-335-00-71-300-13 10-1500-335-00-72-220-13 10-1500-335-00-74-210-13 10-1500-382-00-79-600-14 10-1500-410-00-71-300-13 10-1500-410-00-72-220-13 10-1500-410-00-74-210-13 10-1500-411-00-71-300-13 10-1500-411-00-74-210-13 10-1500-412-00-71-300-13 10-1500-412-00-72-220-13 10-1500-412-00-74-210-13 10-1500-440-00-71-300-13 10-1500-640-00-71-300-13 10-1500-640-00-72-220-13 10-1500-640-00-74-210-13 10-1501-110-30-71-305-13 Account_Description Athletic Travel Marlowe Athletic Travel Heineman Conference Travel HS Conference Travel Marlowe Conference Travel Heineman Interscholastic Prog W/C Ins Training/Athletic Supplies HS Training Supplies Marlowe Training Supplies Heineman Awards HS Awards Heineman Uniforms HS Uniforms Marlowe Uniforms Heineman Athletic Periodicals Sports Dues & Fees HS Sports Dues & Fees Marlowe Sports Dues & Fees Heineman Academic Team Sponsor HS Expense Type A A A A A WC A A A A A A A A A A A A HEA FY14 Budget 1,691 3,000 25,000 2,098 2,000 4,796 54,000 4,334 3,900 10,000 900 20,500 1,000 6,300 21,000 1,571 1,259 1,200 3,559 FY15 Budget 1,698 3,600 30,000 2,106 2,000 5,035 54,223 4,352 3,500 10,041 900 20,585 1,004 6,300 21,087 1,577 1,264 1,200 3,684 10-1501-110-30-72-225-13 Academic Team Sponsor Marlowe HEA SALARIES 3,559 3,684 10-1501-110-30-74-215-13 10-1501-211-30-71-305-13 Academic Team Sponsor Heineman HEA Academic Team Sponsor HS TRS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 3,559 24 3,684 25 10-1501-211-30-72-225-13 Academic Team Sponsor Marlowe TRS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 45 46 10-1501-211-30-74-215-13 10-1502-110-30-71-305-13 Academic Team Sponsor Heineman TRS Art Team Sponsor HS HEA EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES 40 913 41 945 FO Desc PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS SALARIES Page 33 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1502-110-30-74-215-13 10-1502-211-30-74-215-13 10-1503-110-30-71-305-13 10-1503-110-30-72-225-13 10-1503-110-30-74-215-13 10-1503-211-30-71-305-13 10-1503-211-30-72-225-13 10-1503-211-30-74-215-13 10-1504-110-30-71-305-15 10-1504-211-30-71-305-15 10-1505-110-30-71-305-15 10-1505-110-30-71-305-16 10-1505-110-30-72-225-15 10-1505-110-30-72-225-16 10-1505-110-30-74-215-15 10-1505-110-30-74-215-16 10-1505-211-30-71-305-15 10-1505-211-30-71-305-16 10-1505-211-30-72-225-15 10-1505-211-30-72-225-16 10-1505-211-30-74-215-15 10-1505-211-30-74-215-16 10-1505-410-00-72-220-15 10-1505-410-00-72-220-16 10-1505-410-00-74-210-15 10-1505-410-00-74-210-16 10-1506-110-30-71-305-13 10-1506-110-30-72-225-13 10-1506-110-30-74-215-13 Account_Description Art Club Sponsor MS TRS Band Sponsor HS Band Sponsor Marlowe Band Sponsor Heineman Band Sponsor HS Band Sponsor Marlowe Band Sponsor Heineman Baseball Coach HS Baseball Coach HS Basketball Boys Coach HS Basketball Girls Coach HS Basketball Boys Coach Marlowe Basketball Girls Coach Marlowe Basketball Boys Coach Heineman Basketball Gls Coach Heineman Basketball Boys Coach HS Basketball Girls Coach HS Basketball Boys Coach Marlowe Basketball Girls Coach Marlowe Basketball Boys Coach Heineman Basketball Gls Coach Heineman Basketball Boys Supplies Marl Basketball Girls Supplies Marl Basketball Boys Supplies Heine Basketball Gls Supplies Heine Cheerleading Sponsor HS Cheer Sponsor Marlowe Cheer Sponsor Heineman Expense Type HEA TRS HEA HEA HEA TRS TRS TRS HEA TRS HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS A A A A HEA HEA HEA FO Desc SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES FY14 Budget 1,113 11 6,515 4,746 3,560 39 53 29 20,080 61 25,188 25,188 11,682 11,682 11,682 11,682 269 267 111 146 149 146 241 241 100 100 13,690 2,738 2,738 FY15 Budget 1,152 11 6,743 4,912 3,684 40 54 30 20,783 62 26,070 26,070 12,091 12,091 12,091 12,091 274 272 114 149 152 149 242 242 100 100 14,169 2,834 2,834 Page 34 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1506-211-30-71-305-13 10-1506-211-30-72-225-13 10-1506-211-30-74-215-13 10-1507-110-30-71-305-13 10-1507-110-30-72-225-13 10-1507-110-30-74-215-13 10-1507-211-30-71-305-13 10-1507-211-30-72-225-13 10-1507-211-30-74-215-13 10-1508-110-30-71-305-13 10-1508-211-30-71-305-13 10-1510-110-30-71-300-13 10-1510-211-30-71-300-13 10-1511-110-30-71-305-15 10-1511-110-30-71-305-16 10-1511-110-30-72-225-13 10-1511-110-30-74-215-13 10-1511-211-30-71-305-15 10-1511-211-30-71-305-16 10-1511-211-30-72-225-13 10-1511-211-30-74-215-13 10-1511-410-00-72-220-13 10-1511-410-00-74-210-13 10-1512-110-30-71-300-13 10-1512-211-30-71-300-13 10-1513-110-30-71-305-13 10-1513-211-30-71-305-13 10-1514-110-30-71-305-15 10-1514-211-30-71-305-15 Account_Description Cheerleading Sponsor HS Cheer Sponsor Marlowe Cheer Sponsor Heineman Chorus Sponsor HS Chorus Sponsor Marlowe Chorus Sponsor Heineman Chorus Sponsor HS Chorus Sponsor Marlowe Chorus Sponsor Heineman Color Guard Coach HS Color Guard Coach HS Community Service Club Community Service Club Cross Ctry Boys Coach HS Cross Ctry Girls Coach HS Cross Ctry Coach Marlowe Cross Ctry Coach Heineman TRS/THIS Cross Ctry Girls Coach HS TRS/THIS Cross Ctry Coach Heineman Cross Ctry Supplies Marlowe Cross Ctry Supplies Heineman Dance Club Dance Club FFA Sponsor HS FFA Sponsor THR Football Coach HS Football Coach HS Expense Type TRS TRS TRS HEA HEA HEA TRS TRS TRS HEA TRS HEA TRS HEA HEA HEA HEA TRS TRS TRS TRS A A HEA TRS HEA TRS HEA TRS FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 104 32 32 2,464 2,373 2,373 29 16 56 1,113 13 1,369 13 6,115 6,115 3,742 3,742 38 38 44 46 482 100 2,373 11 343 20 61,692 582 FY15 Budget 106 32 32 2,550 2,456 2,456 30 16 57 1,152 13 1,417 13 6,329 6,329 3,873 3,873 39 39 45 47 484 100 2,456 11 355 20 63,851 594 Page 35 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1514-410-00-71-300-15 10-1515-110-30-71-305-15 10-1515-110-30-71-305-16 10-1515-211-30-71-305-15 10-1516-110-30-71-105-13 10-1516-110-30-71-305-13 10-1516-110-30-72-115-13 10-1516-110-30-72-125-13 10-1516-110-30-72-225-13 10-1516-110-30-74-145-14 10-1516-110-30-74-155-13 10-1516-110-30-74-215-13 10-1516-211-30-71-105-13 10-1516-211-30-72-115-13 10-1516-211-30-72-125-13 10-1516-211-30-72-225-13 10-1516-211-30-74-145-14 10-1516-211-30-74-155-13 10-1516-211-30-74-215-13 10-1517-110-30-71-305-13 10-1517-211-30-71-305-13 10-1518-110-30-71-305-13 10-1518-211-30-71-305-13 10-1519-110-30-71-305-13 10-1519-211-30-71-305-13 10-1520-110-30-71-305-13 10-1520-110-30-72-225-13 10-1520-211-30-71-305-13 10-1521-110-30-71-305-13 Account_Description Football Boys Supplies HS Golf Boys Coach HS Golf Girls Coach HS Golf Boys Coach HS Literary Club Leggee Literary Club Sponsor HS Literary Club Chesak Literary Club Martin Literary Club Sponsor Marlowe Literary Club Mackeben Literary Club Conley Literary Club Sponsor Heineman Literary Club Leggee Literary Club Chesak Literary Club Martin Literary Club Sponsor Marlowe Literary Club Mackeben Literary Club Conley Literary Club Sponsor Heineman Math Team Sponsor HS Math Team Sponsor HS Multicultural Club Sponsor HS TRS NHS Coach HS TRS/THIS Newspaper Sponsor HS Newspaper Sponsor Marlowe Newspaper Sponsor HS Pom Pons Sponsor HS Expense Type A HEA HEA TRS HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS HEA TRS HEA TRS HEA TRS HEA HEA TRS HEA FO Desc SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES FY14 Budget 6,115 6,115 113 1,186 730 1,186 1,186 456 1,186 1,186 456 13 28 27 14 15 13 13 3,012 20 913 11 1,113 11 1,917 456 12 5,750 FY15 Budget 20,000 6,329 6,329 116 1,228 756 1,228 1,228 472 1,228 1,228 472 13 29 28 14 15 13 13 3,117 20 945 11 1,152 11 1,984 472 12 5,951 Page 36 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1521-211-30-71-305-13 10-1522-110-30-71-305-13 10-1522-110-30-72-225-13 10-1522-110-30-74-215-13 10-1522-211-30-72-225-13 10-1522-211-30-74-215-13 10-1523-110-30-71-305-13 10-1525-110-30-71-305-15 10-1525-110-30-71-305-16 10-1525-211-30-71-305-15 10-1525-211-30-71-305-16 10-1526-110-30-71-305-16 10-1526-211-30-71-305-16 10-1527-110-30-72-225-13 10-1527-110-30-74-215-13 10-1527-211-30-72-225-13 10-1527-211-30-74-215-13 10-1528-110-30-71-305-13 10-1528-211-30-71-305-13 10-1529-110-30-71-305-13 10-1529-110-30-72-225-13 10-1529-110-30-74-215-13 10-1529-211-30-71-305-13 10-1529-211-30-72-225-13 10-1529-211-30-74-215-13 10-1530-110-30-71-305-15 10-1530-110-30-71-305-16 10-1530-211-30-71-305-15 10-1530-211-30-71-305-16 Account_Description Pom Pons Sponsor HS Science Club Sponsor HS Science Club Sponsor Marlowe Science Club Sponsor Heineman Science Club Sponsor Marlowe Science Club Sponsor Heineman Ski Club Sponsor HS Soccer Boys Coach HS Soccer Girls Coach HS Soccer Boys Coach HS Soccer Girls Coach HS Softball Girls Coach HS Softball Girls Coach HS Spanish Club Sponsor Marlowe Spanish Club Sponsor Heineman Spanish Club Sponsor Marlowe Spanish Club Sponsor Heineman Speech Club Sponsor HS Speech Club Sponsor HS Student Council Sponsor HS Student Council Spons Marlowe Student Council Spons Heineman Student Council Sponsor HS Student Council Spons Marlowe Student Council Spons Heineman Tennis Boys Coach HS Tennis Girls Coach HS Tennis Boys Coach HS Tennis Girls Coach HS Expense Type TRS HEA HEA HEA TRS TRS HEA HEA HEA TRS TRS HEA TRS HEA HEA TRS TRS HEA TRS HEA HEA HEA TRS TRS TRS HEA HEA TRS TRS FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 63 3,559 1,186 1,186 14 15 1,113 13,141 13,141 100 102 18,255 142 456 456 4 4 9,511 78 3,833 2,921 2,921 16 26 29 6,206 6,206 70 70 FY15 Budget 64 3,684 1,228 1,228 14 15 1,152 13,601 13,601 102 104 18,893 145 472 472 4 4 9,844 79 3,967 3,023 3,023 16 27 30 6,423 6,423 72 72 Page 37 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1531-110-30-74-215-13 10-1531-211-30-74-215-13 10-1532-110-30-71-305-15 10-1532-110-30-71-305-16 10-1532-110-30-72-225-13 10-1532-110-30-74-215-13 10-1532-211-30-71-305-15 10-1532-211-30-71-305-16 10-1532-211-30-72-225-13 10-1532-211-30-74-215-13 10-1532-410-00-72-220-13 10-1532-410-00-74-210-13 10-1533-110-30-71-305-13 10-1533-211-30-71-305-13 10-1534-110-30-71-305-16 10-1534-110-30-72-225-16 10-1534-110-30-74-215-16 10-1534-211-30-71-305-16 10-1534-211-30-72-225-16 10-1534-211-30-74-215-13 10-1534-211-30-74-215-16 10-1534-410-00-72-220-16 10-1534-410-00-74-210-16 10-1535-110-30-71-305-15 10-1535-110-30-72-225-15 10-1535-110-30-74-215-15 10-1535-211-30-71-305-15 10-1535-211-30-72-225-15 10-1535-211-30-74-215-15 Account_Description Theater Club Sponsor Heineman Theater Club Sponsor Heineman Track Boys Coach HS Track Girls Coach HS Track Coach Marlowe Track Coach Heineman Track Boys Coach HS Track Girls Coach HS Track Coach Marlowe Track Coach Heineman Track Supplies Marlowe Track Supplies Heineman VICA Sponsor HS VICA Sponsor HS Volleyball Girls Coach HS Volleyball Coach Marlowe Volleyball Coach Heineman Volleyball Girls Coach HS TRS/THIS TRS/THIS Volleyball Coach Heineman Volleyball Supplies Marlowe Volleyball Supplies Heineman Wrestling Coach HS Wrestling Coach Marlowe Wrestling Coach Heineman Wrestling Coach HS Wrestling Coach Marlowe TRS/THIS Expense Type HEA TRS HEA HEA HEA HEA TRS TRS TRS TRS A A HEA TRS HEA HEA HEA TRS TRS TRS TRS A A HEA HEA HEA TRS TRS TRS FO Desc SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 2,580 30 16,429 16,429 15,882 15,882 190 142 66 90 963 400 1,113 13 18,800 9,310 9,310 214 113 84 34 241 100 19,895 8,305 8,305 122 104 101 FY15 Budget 2,670 31 17,004 17,004 16,438 16,438 194 145 68 92 967 400 1,152 13 19,458 9,636 9,636 219 116 86 34 242 100 20,591 8,596 8,596 124 106 103 Page 38 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1535-410-00-72-220-15 10-1535-410-00-74-210-15 10-1536-110-30-72-225-13 10-1536-110-30-74-215-13 10-1536-211-30-72-225-13 10-1536-211-30-74-215-13 10-1537-110-30-71-100-13 10-1537-110-30-71-305-13 10-1537-110-30-72-110-13 10-1537-110-30-72-120-13 10-1537-110-30-72-225-13 10-1537-110-30-74-140-13 10-1537-110-30-74-150-13 10-1537-110-30-74-215-13 10-1537-211-30-71-305-13 10-1537-211-30-72-225-13 10-1537-211-30-74-215-13 10-1540-110-30-71-305-13 10-1540-110-30-72-225-14 10-1540-110-30-74-215-14 10-1540-211-30-71-305-13 10-1540-211-30-72-225-14 10-1540-211-30-74-215-14 10-1541-110-30-72-225-13 10-1541-110-30-74-215-13 10-1541-211-30-72-225-13 10-1541-211-30-74-215-13 10-1542-110-30-71-305-14 10-1542-110-30-74-210-14 Account_Description Wrestling Supplies Marlowe Wrestling Supplies Heineman WYSE Marlowe WYSE Heineman WYSE Marlowe WYSE Heineman Leggee Yearbook Yearbook Sponsor HS Chesak Yearbook Martin Yearbook Yearbook Sponsor Marlowe Mackeben Yearbook Conley Yearbook Yearbook Sponsor Heineman Yearbook Sponsor HS TRS/THIS Yearbook Sponsor Heineman Class Sponsors HS Team Leaders Marlowe Team Leaders Heineman Class Sponsors HS Team Leaders Marlowe Team Leaders Heineman Beta Club Sponsor Marlowe Beta Club Sponsor Heineman Beta Club Sponsor Marlowe Beta Club Sponsor Heineman Head Play Director Play Director Heineman Expense Type A A HEA HEA TRS TRS HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA HEA TRS TRS TRS HEA HEA HEA TRS TRS TRS HEA HEA TRS TRS HEA HEA FO Desc SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES FY14 Budget 241 100 456 456 4 4 730 1,917 730 730 1,186 730 730 1,186 35 11 11 4,564 36,777 28,290 49 455 337 2,008 2,008 8 29 3,650 2,829 FY15 Budget 242 100 472 472 4 4 756 1,984 756 756 1,228 756 756 1,228 35 11 11 4,724 38,064 29,280 50 464 344 2,078 2,078 9 30 3,778 2,928 Page 39 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1542-211-30-71-305-14 10-1542-211-30-72-220-14 10-1542-211-30-74-210-14 10-1543-110-00-71-305-13 10-1543-113-00-71-305-13 10-1543-140-00-71-305-13 10-1543-211-00-71-305-13 10-1543-310-00-71-305-13 10-1543-332-00-71-305-13 10-1543-410-00-71-305-13 10-1543-640-00-71-305-13 10-1544-110-00-72-225-13 10-1544-110-00-74-215-13 10-1544-211-00-72-225-13 10-1544-211-00-74-215-13 10-1545-110-30-71-300-14 10-1545-110-30-72-220-14 10-1545-110-30-74-210-14 10-1545-211-30-71-300-14 10-1545-211-30-72-220-14 10-1545-211-30-74-210-14 10-1547-110-30-71-300-13 10-1547-110-30-74-215-13 10-1547-211-30-71-300-13 10-1547-211-30-74-215-13 10-1548-110-30-71-300-13 10-1549-110-30-71-100-13 10-1549-110-30-72-110-13 10-1549-110-30-72-120-13 Account_Description Head Play Director Play Director Marlowe TRS Athletic Director HS Athletic Office HS Salary Vacation-Activities Office Activities Dir Retire HS Activities Judges/Officials Activities Travel Activities Awards Activities Fees Homework Club Marlowe Homework Club Heineman Homework Club Marlowe THR Homework Club Heineman Musical Director High School Musical Director Marlowe Musical Director Heineman Musical Director HS TRS TRS Bowling-Girls Bowling-Girls Bowling-Girls Bowling-Girls Bowling-Boys Leggee Recycle Chesak Recycle Martin Recycle Expense Type TRS TRS TRS ADM ADM ADM TRS A A A A HEA HEA TRS TRS HEA HEA HEA TRS TRS TRS HEA HEA TRS TRS HEA HEA HEA HEA FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS OTHER OBJECTS SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES FY14 Budget 32 39 26 92,820 5,476 934 12,939 4,250 1,200 1,801 4,200 19,809 13,206 236 158 19,054 5,294 5,294 161 59 35 2,464 1,113 30 11 2,464 456 456 456 FY15 Budget 32 40 27 94,676 5,586 953 13,198 4,268 1,205 1,808 4,217 20,503 13,668 241 161 19,721 5,479 5,479 164 60 35 2,550 1,152 31 11 2,550 472 472 472 Page 40 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1549-110-30-74-140-13 10-1549-110-30-74-150-13 10-1550-110-30-71-305-13 10-1598-211-00-79-600-14 10-1599-129-00-79-600-14 10-1599-211-00-79-600-14 10-1600-110-00-79-605-14 10-1600-127-00-79-605-14 10-1600-211-00-79-605-14 Account_Description Mackeben Recycle Conley Recycle Fishing Club HS Atwood Salaries Summer Camp Salaries Summer Camp Salaries Summer School Salary Summer Challenge Salaries Summer School TRS Expense Type HEA HEA HEA TRS HEA TRS HEA HEA TRS 10-1600-410-00-79-600-14 10-1600-410-89-79-605-14 10-1610-410-00-79-600-14 10-1650-110-00-79-605-14 10-1650-211-00-79-605-14 10-1650-220-00-79-600-14 10-1650-310-00-79-600-14 10-1650-332-00-79-600-14 10-1650-382-00-79-600-14 10-1650-410-00-79-600-14 10-1650-640-00-79-600-14 10-1700-110-21-71-300-13 10-1700-211-21-71-300-13 10-1700-220-00-79-600-14 10-1700-323-21-71-300-13 10-1700-382-00-79-600-14 10-1700-410-21-71-300-13 10-1700-464-21-71-300-13 10-1700-540-21-71-300-13 Copier Paper & Toner Summer Sc Title I Supplies Supplies Summer School Gifted Salary Gifted TRS Gifted Programs Insurance Prof & Tech Gifted Travel Gifted Gifted Programs W/C Ins Supplies Gifted Dues & Fees Gifted Drivers Ed Teacher HS Drivers Ed Teacher HS Drivers Education Prog Ins Driver Ed Repair & Maintenance Drivers Education Prog W/C Driver Ed Supplies HS Driver Education Gasoline Driver Education Vehicle A A A HEA TRS I A A WC A A HEA TRS I A WC A A A FO Desc SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS OTHER OBJECTS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS CAPITAL OUTLAY FY14 Budget 456 456 913 228 72,450 603 90,145 15,774 2,674 FY15 Budget 472 472 945 233 116,000 615 136,345 43,000 2,727 7,872 62,012 3,304 57,712 1,473 27,520 7,341 2,622 1,506 2,098 2,098 57,685 1,144 7,485 2,832 621 603 11,327 30,200 7,905 7,260 3,317 59,732 1,502 28,896 7,372 2,633 1,581 2,106 2,106 59,704 1,167 7,859 2,843 652 606 11,373 Page 41 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1800-110-00-79-600-14 10-1800-110-00-79-605-14 10-1800-110-82-79-605-14 10-1800-211-00-79-600-14 10-1800-211-00-79-605-14 10-1800-220-00-79-600-14 10-1800-332-00-79-600-14 10-1800-382-00-79-600-14 10-1800-410-82-79-605-14 10-1800-410-84-79-605-14 10-2110-220-00-79-600-14 10-2110-382-00-79-600-14 10-2110-410-92-79-605-14 10-2113-110-00-79-605-14 10-2113-211-00-79-605-14 10-2114-113-00-79-505-14 10-2114-120-00-79-505-14 10-2114-140-00-79-505-14 10-2114-332-00-74-500-14 10-2114-390-00-74-500-14 10-2114-410-00-74-500-14 10-2114-640-00-74-500-14 10-2120-220-00-79-600-14 10-2120-382-00-79-600-14 10-2120-410-00-71-300-13 10-2120-410-00-72-220-13 10-2120-410-00-74-210-13 10-2121-110-00-71-305-13 10-2121-110-00-72-225-13 Account_Description ESL Team Leader ESL/TBE Salary T Bilingual Instr Salaries TRS ESL/TBE Salary Bilingual Programs Insurance Title III/Travel TPI Bilingual Programs W/C Ins TBE/TPI Instructional Supplies Title III LIPLEPS Supplies Attend & Social Work Serv Ins Attend & Social Work W/C Ins IDEA Socail Work Supplies Social Worker Salary Social Worker TRS Registration Salaries Registration Temp Salaries Vacation-Registration Office Travel Registration Purch Serv Registration Supplies Registration Dues & Fees Registration Guidance Services Insurance Guidance Services W/C Ins Supplies Guidance HS Supplies Guidance Marlowe Supplies Guidance Heineman Guidance HS Guidance Marlowe Expense Type HEA HEA HEA TRS TRS I A WC A A I WC A HEA TRS ADM ADM ADM A A A A I WC A A A HEA HEA FO Desc SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS OTHER OBJECTS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES SALARIES FY14 Budget 2,685 277,225 62,382 34 6,699 73,113 845 2,484 17,500 131,427 5,362 3,000 893,175 10,444 79,309 3,500 714 423 1,049 3,576 524 74,043 3,728 3,776 708 250 350,493 141,699 FY15 Budget 2,779 286,928 62,382 34 6,833 76,769 849 2,608 10,800 11,754 137,998 5,630 3,000 924,436 10,653 80,896 3,570 728 424 1,053 3,591 527 77,746 3,914 7,500 711 250 362,760 146,659 Page 42 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-2121-110-00-74-215-13 10-2121-211-00-71-305-13 10-2121-211-00-72-225-13 10-2121-211-00-74-215-13 10-2130-211-00-79-605-14 10-2130-220-00-79-600-14 10-2130-310-92-79-600-14 10-2130-321-00-79-600-14 10-2130-332-00-79-600-14 10-2130-342-79-79-605-14 10-2130-382-00-79-600-14 10-2130-390-00-79-600-14 10-2130-410-00-79-600-14 10-2130-410-92-79-605-14 10-2134-110-00-79-605-14 10-2134-211-00-79-605-14 10-2137-110-00-79-605-14 10-2138-110-00-79-605-14 10-2140-110-00-79-605-14 10-2140-211-00-79-605-14 10-2140-220-00-79-600-14 10-2140-310-92-79-600-14 10-2140-382-00-79-600-14 10-2140-410-92-79-605-14 10-2150-110-00-79-605-14 10-2150-211-00-79-605-14 10-2150-220-00-79-600-14 10-2150-310-92-79-600-14 10-2150-382-00-79-600-14 Account_Description Guidance Heineman Guidance HS Guidance Marlowe Guidance Heineman Director TRS Health Services Insurance IDEA Health Services Health Sharps Disposal Health Travel McHenry Co Health Pub Rel Health Services W/C Ins Purchased Services Health Supplies Health IDEA Health OTPT & Nurse Sup Health Salary Health TRS Physical Therapy Salary Occupational Therapy Salary Psychologist Salary Psychologist TRS Psychological Services Ins IDEA Psychological Services Psychological Services W/C Ins IDEA Psychological Supplies Speech Pathologist Salary Speech Pathologist TRS Speech Path & Audi Serv Ins IDEA Sp Path & Audiology Serv Speech Path & Audi Serv W/C Expense Type HEA TRS TRS TRS TRS I A A A A WC A A A HEA TRS HEA HEA HEA TRS I A WC A HEA TRS I A WC FO Desc SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES FY14 Budget 114,675 4,666 1,749 1,827 8,929 154,476 63,000 603 1,692 524 5,759 10,750 22,549 5,000 577,308 2,992 161,837 595,583 757,021 7,521 75,174 20,000 3,650 8,000 1,278,389 17,913 106,206 20,000 6,638 FY15 Budget 118,688 4,759 1,784 1,864 9,107 162,200 225,280 606 1,699 527 6,046 10,794 22,642 13,500 597,514 3,052 167,501 616,428 783,517 7,671 78,933 30,000 3,832 8,000 1,323,132 18,271 111,516 2,000 6,970 Page 43 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-2150-410-92-79-605-14 10-2190-110-00-79-605-14 10-2190-112-00-79-605-14 10-2190-127-00-79-605-14 10-2190-211-00-79-605-14 10-2190-382-00-79-600-14 10-2210-127-82-71-300-14 10-2210-220-00-79-600-14 10-2210-310-81-79-600-14 10-2210-314-92-79-605-14 10-2210-332-97-79-600-14 10-2210-382-00-79-600-14 10-2210-390-82-79-605-14 10-2210-410-00-79-600-14 10-2210-410-84-79-605-14 10-2210-410-92-79-600-14 10-2210-410-97-79-600-14 10-2210-415-92-79-605-14 10-2210-640-92-79-605-14 10-2212-110-00-79-505-14 10-2212-110-83-79-505-14 10-2212-119-00-72-225-14 10-2212-119-00-79-605-14 10-2212-127-00-79-605-14 10-2212-140-00-79-505-14 10-2212-211-00-79-505-14 10-2212-211-00-79-605-14 10-2212-314-83-79-505-14 10-2212-332-00-74-500-14 Account_Description IDEA Sp Path & Audiol Supplies Student Supervision Lunchroom Supervisor Spanish Interpreter Student Supervision TRS Other Support Serv-Pupils W/C T Bilingual Instr Stipends Improvement of Instr Serv Ins ADA Block Program Consult Fees IDEA Impr of Instr-Staff Dev All Children Travel Improvement of Instr W/C Ins T Bilingual Impr Inst Services Assignment Notebooks/Locks Title III ESL Materials IDEA Impr of Instruction Suppl All Children Supplies IDEA Food Supplies IDEA Dues and Fees Director of Curr & Inst Title II Salary FY15 New Hires Curriculum Duty Proctor Stipends Vacation-Director of C&I Director of Curr & Inst Proctor Stipends Title II Prof Development Travel Curr Coord Expense Type A HEA ADM ADM TRS WC HEA I A A A WC A A A A A A A ADM HEA HEA HEA HEA ADM TRS TRS A A FO Desc SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS OTHER OBJECTS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES FY14 Budget 4,000 177,089 264,642 2,679 3,443 2,502 1,800 53,268 17,000 45,297 4,000 1,570 370 35,000 7,000 2,720 1,500 321,893 23,500 40,577 13,390 1,846 26,088 123 17,544 40,980 FY15 Budget 7,000 183,287 269,934 2,733 3,512 2,627 1,796 55,931 17,070 53,568 2,530 1,648 370 35,144 850 6,000 2,000 2,000 328,330 1,545,000 41,997 13,859 1,883 26,610 125 39,609 41,150 Page 44 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-2212-410-00-74-500-14 10-2212-410-83-79-505-14 10-2212-421-00-74-500-14 10-2212-422-00-74-500-14 10-2212-423-00-74-500-14 10-2212-470-00-74-500-14 10-2213-410-00-79-600-14 10-2220-110-00-79-605-14 10-2220-112-00-79-605-14 10-2220-211-00-79-605-14 10-2220-220-00-79-600-14 10-2220-382-00-79-600-14 10-2220-430-00-71-100-13 10-2220-430-00-71-300-13 10-2220-430-00-72-110-13 10-2220-430-00-72-120-13 10-2220-430-00-72-220-13 10-2220-430-00-74-140-13 10-2220-430-00-74-150-13 10-2220-430-00-74-210-13 10-2220-430-00-79-600-14 10-2220-470-92-79-605-14 10-2220-490-00-71-100-13 10-2220-490-00-71-300-13 10-2220-490-00-72-110-13 10-2220-490-00-72-120-13 10-2220-490-00-72-220-13 10-2220-490-00-74-140-13 10-2220-490-00-74-150-13 Account_Description Associate Spt. Supplies Title II Supplies Textbooks K-5 Textbooks Grades 6-12 Textbook Adoption Software Curr Coord Staff Develop Supplies Media Specialist Salary Media Aide Wages Media Specialist Benefits Educational Media Services Ins Educational Media Services W/C Media Center Leggee Media Center HS Media Center Chesak Media Center Martin Media Center Marlowe Media Center Mackeben Media Center Conley Media Center Heineman Media Center Per Capita Grant IDEA Software Media Center AV Leggee Media Center AV HS Media Center AV Chesak Media Center AV Martin Media Center AV Marlowe Media Center AV Mackeben Media Center AV Conley Expense Type A A R R R A A HEA HSP TRS I WC A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A FO Desc SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS FY14 Budget 3,304 5,000 100,000 150,000 150,000 4,719 3,776 507,263 659,480 6,373 130,575 5,885 9,800 11,327 4,000 6,100 4,248 3,041 6,000 4,000 6,915 4,000 4,300 11,327 3,000 4,560 6,607 1,014 2,560 FY15 Budget 3,317 20,000 175,000 175,000 150,000 4,739 3,791 525,017 672,670 6,500 137,103 6,179 10,000 11,373 4,017 6,125 5,265 2,753 3,500 4,000 6,943 4,000 4,500 11,373 3,012 4,579 6,635 1,018 3,324 Page 45 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-2220-490-00-74-210-13 10-2223-110-00-79-605-14 10-2223-140-00-79-605-14 10-2223-323-00-79-600-14 10-2223-410-00-79-600-14 10-2223-490-00-79-600-14 10-2230-312-00-79-600-14 10-2310-230-00-74-500-14 10-2310-310-00-74-500-14 10-2310-311-81-79-600-14 10-2310-315-00-74-500-14 10-2310-317-00-74-500-14 10-2310-318-00-74-500-14 10-2310-332-00-74-500-14 10-2310-350-00-74-500-14 10-2310-381-00-74-500-14 10-2310-383-00-74-500-14 10-2310-390-00-74-500-14 10-2310-410-00-74-500-14 10-2310-640-00-74-500-14 10-2313-640-00-79-605-14 10-2320-110-82-74-505-14 10-2320-220-00-79-600-14 10-2320-382-00-79-600-14 10-2321-110-00-79-505-14 10-2321-113-00-79-505-14 10-2321-130-00-79-505-14 10-2321-140-00-79-505-14 10-2321-211-00-79-505-14 Account_Description Media Center AV Heineman PAC Director Salary Vacation-PAC Director PAC Repairs Supplies PAC PAC Invent Supplies Testing/Assessment Tuition Reimbursement Prof & Tech Board ADA Block Strategic Planning Food CPA Audit Legal Board Travel Board Advertising Board CLIC Liability Insurance Unemployment Insurance Purchased Service Board Supplies Board Dues & Fees Board Treasurers Bond ESL Supplement Salary Executive Admin Serv Insurance Executive Admin Serv W/C Ins Superintendent Salary Supt Office Salary Supt Office Overtime Vacation-Supt Office Superintendent Salary Expense Type A ADM ADM A A A R R A A A R R A A CLIC A A A A A HEA I WC ADM ADM ADM ADM TRS FO Desc SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES SALARIES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASED SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 4,000 38,500 412 4,195 6,083 7,551 280,000 125,000 199 5,756 330 32,640 175,000 6,000 10,488 218,593 125,853 12,061 2,832 18,989 14,158 7,500 71,737 3,028 198,315 119,955 5,100 2,796 19,074 FY15 Budget 4,000 39,270 420 4,212 8,000 7,582 250,000 130,000 200 5,779 3,500 33,293 175,000 9,025 10,531 218,276 125,000 52,111 2,843 19,067 14,217 7,500 75,324 3,179 202,281 122,354 5,202 2,852 19,455 Page 46 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-2321-332-00-74-500-14 10-2321-390-00-74-500-14 10-2321-410-00-74-500-14 10-2321-415-00-74-500-14 10-2321-440-00-74-500-14 10-2321-640-00-74-500-14 10-2323-110-00-79-505-14 10-2323-113-00-79-505-14 10-2323-140-00-79-505-14 10-2323-211-00-79-505-14 10-2323-332-00-74-500-14 10-2323-640-00-74-500-14 10-2324-490-00-74-500-14 10-2410-110-00-71-105-13 10-2410-110-00-71-305-13 10-2410-110-00-72-115-13 10-2410-110-00-72-125-13 10-2410-110-00-72-225-13 10-2410-110-00-74-145-13 10-2410-110-00-74-155-13 10-2410-110-00-74-215-13 10-2410-113-00-71-105-13 10-2410-113-00-71-305-13 10-2410-113-00-72-115-13 10-2410-113-00-72-125-13 10-2410-113-00-72-225-13 10-2410-113-00-74-145-13 10-2410-113-00-74-155-13 10-2410-113-00-74-215-13 Account_Description Travel Supt Purchased Service Supt Supplies Supt Supt. Food Supt Periodicals Dues & Fees Supt Assoc Supt Salary Curr & Inst Office Salary Vacation-Curr & Inst Office Assoc Supt TRS Travel Student Services Dues & Fees Curr & Inst Invent Supplies Admin Serv Principal Salary Leggee Principal Salary HS Principal Salary Chesak Principal Salary Martin Principal Salary Marlowe Principal Salary Mackeben Principal Salary Conley Principal Salary Heineman School Office Leggee School Office HS School Office Chesak School Office Martin School Office Marlowe School Office Mackeben School Office Conley School Office Heineman Expense Type A A A A A A ADM ADM ADM TRS A A A ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP FO Desc PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS OTHER OBJECTS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES OTHER OBJECTS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES FY14 Budget 10,000 1,049 944 500 274 3,305 140,093 83,823 1,719 17,813 423 6,293 4,908 96,224 125,000 100,566 160,000 96,500 85,202 104,038 103,754 80,200 189,166 74,387 101,976 78,846 56,391 58,158 72,397 FY15 Budget 10,041 1,053 948 502 275 3,319 142,894 85,500 1,753 18,170 424 6,319 4,929 98,149 127,500 102,578 163,200 98,430 86,906 106,119 105,829 81,804 192,950 75,875 104,015 80,423 57,519 59,321 73,845 Page 47 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-2410-140-00-71-105-13 10-2410-140-00-71-305-13 10-2410-140-00-72-115-13 10-2410-140-00-72-125-13 10-2410-140-00-72-225-13 10-2410-140-00-74-145-13 10-2410-140-00-74-155-13 10-2410-140-00-74-215-13 10-2410-211-00-71-105-13 10-2410-211-00-71-305-13 10-2410-211-00-72-115-13 10-2410-211-00-72-125-13 10-2410-211-00-72-225-13 10-2410-211-00-74-145-13 10-2410-211-00-74-155-13 10-2410-211-00-74-215-13 10-2410-220-00-79-600-14 10-2410-332-00-71-100-13 10-2410-332-00-71-300-13 10-2410-332-00-72-110-13 10-2410-332-00-72-220-13 10-2410-332-00-74-140-13 10-2410-332-00-74-210-13 10-2410-360-00-71-300-13 10-2410-382-00-79-600-14 10-2410-410-00-71-100-13 10-2410-410-00-71-100-14 10-2410-410-00-71-300-13 10-2410-410-00-71-300-14 Account_Description Vacation-School Office Leggee Vacation-School Office HS Vacation-School Office Chesak Vacation-School Office Martin Vacation-School Office Marlowe Vacation-School Office Mack Vacation-School Office Conley Vacation-School Office HMS Principal Retire Leggee Principal Retire HS Principal Retire Chesak Principal Retire Martin Principal Salary Marlowe Principal Salary Mackeben Principal Salary Conley Principal Salary Heineman Office of Principal Serv Ins Prin Travel Leggee Prin Travel HS Prin Travel Chesak Principal Travel Marlowe Principal Travel Mackeben Principal Travel Heineman Office Printing HS Office of Principal Serv W/C Office Supplies Leggee Copier Paper & Toner Leggee Office Supplies HS Copier Paper & Toner HS Expense Type HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS I A A A A A A A WC A A A A FO Desc SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS FY14 Budget 1,204 2,148 1,550 1,603 1,189 1,054 1,074 933 12,236 17,036 13,144 13,229 12,545 11,457 10,676 13,193 463,386 600 1,000 500 1,200 203 800 1,259 14,378 1,500 26,644 2,360 55,928 FY15 Budget 1,229 2,190 1,581 1,635 1,213 1,076 1,095 952 12,480 17,377 13,407 13,494 12,796 11,686 10,890 13,456 486,555 602 2,510 502 1,205 204 800 1,264 15,097 2,500 26,754 2,369 65,000 Page 48 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-2410-410-00-72-110-13 10-2410-410-00-72-110-14 10-2410-410-00-72-120-13 10-2410-410-00-72-120-14 10-2410-410-00-72-220-13 10-2410-410-00-72-220-14 10-2410-410-00-74-140-13 10-2410-410-00-74-140-14 10-2410-410-00-74-150-13 10-2410-410-00-74-150-14 10-2410-410-00-74-210-13 10-2410-410-00-74-210-14 10-2410-540-00-74-150-13 10-2410-640-00-71-100-13 10-2410-640-00-71-300-13 10-2410-640-00-72-110-13 10-2410-640-00-72-120-13 10-2410-640-00-74-140-13 10-2410-640-00-74-150-13 10-2410-640-00-74-210-13 10-2411-110-00-71-105-13 10-2411-110-00-71-305-13 10-2411-110-00-72-115-13 10-2411-110-00-72-125-13 10-2411-110-00-72-225-13 10-2411-110-00-74-145-13 10-2411-110-00-74-155-13 10-2411-110-00-74-215-13 10-2411-211-00-71-105-13 Account_Description Office Supplies Chesak Copier Paper & Toner Chesak Office Supplies Martin Copier Paper & Toner Martin Office Supplies Marlowe Copier Paper & Toner Marlowe Office Supplies Mackeben Copier Paper & Toner Mackeben Office Supplies Conley Copier Paper & Toner Conley Office Supplies Heineman Copier Paper & Toner Heineman Office Equipment Conley Principal Dues Leggee Office Dues & Fees HS Office Dues & Fees Chesak Office Dues & Fees Martin Office Dues & Fees Mackeben Office Dues & Fees Conley Office Dues & Fees Heineman Asst Prin Salary Leggee Asst Prin Salary HS Asst Prin Salary Chesak Asst Prin Salary Martin Asst Prin Salary Marlowe Asst Prin Salary Mackeben Asst Prin Salary Conley Asst Prin Salary Heineman Asst Prin TRS Leggee Expense Type A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM TRS FO Desc SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS CAPITAL OUTLAY OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 1,000 25,000 1,550 30,000 4,719 31,213 1,014 15,653 3,085 17,000 4,000 20,700 300 800 1,231 500 584 304 600 1,100 98,602 239,155 113,793 97,013 127,500 62,500 62,220 63,000 8,106 FY15 Budget 1,004 25,103 1,556 27,500 6,739 31,342 1,118 15,717 2,800 17,070 4,500 20,786 803 2,000 502 1,000 305 3,700 1,100 100,574 243,938 116,069 98,954 130,050 63,750 63,464 64,260 8,268 Page 49 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-2411-211-00-71-305-13 10-2411-211-00-72-115-13 10-2411-211-00-72-125-13 10-2411-211-00-72-225-13 10-2411-211-00-74-145-13 10-2411-211-00-74-155-13 10-2411-211-00-74-215-13 10-2412-110-00-71-305-13 10-2412-113-00-71-305-13 10-2412-211-00-71-305-13 10-2510-110-00-79-505-14 10-2510-140-00-79-505-14 10-2510-212-00-79-505-14 10-2510-220-00-79-600-14 10-2510-382-00-79-600-14 10-2520-110-00-79-505-14 10-2520-140-00-79-505-14 10-2520-220-00-79-600-14 10-2520-310-00-74-500-14 10-2520-332-00-74-500-14 10-2520-382-00-79-600-14 10-2520-390-00-74-500-14 10-2520-410-00-74-500-14 10-2520-640-00-74-500-14 10-2523-319-00-79-600-14 10-2525-110-00-79-505-14 10-2525-120-00-79-505-14 10-2525-140-00-79-505-14 10-2550-300-97-79-605-24 Account_Description Asst Prin TRS HS Asst Prin TRS Chesak Asst Prin TRS Martin Asst Prin Salary Marlowe Asst Prin Salary Mackeben Asst Prin Salary Conley Asst Prin Salary Heineman Dean - HS Dean Secretary - HS Director TRS CFO Salary Vacation-Fiscal Office Board Paid IMRF Direction of Business Serv Ins Direction of Business Serv W/C Director of Fiscal Service Sal Vacation-Dir of Fiscal Service Fiscal Services Insurance Prof & Tech Fiscal Travel Fiscal Fiscal Services W/C Ins Purch Serv Fiscal Supplies Fiscal Dues & Fees Fiscal Banking Fees Fiscal Office Salary Fiscal Temporary Salary Vacation-Fiscal Office All Children Bussing Expense Type TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS TRS ADM HSP TRS ADM ADM A I WC ADM ADM I A A WC A A A A ADM ADM ADM A FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS OTHER OBJECTS PURCHASED SERVICES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES PURCHASED SERVICES FY14 Budget 10,817 18,439 17,135 8,850 8,094 8,106 9,851 204,874 22,952 1,729 139,310 1,254 6,522 20,747 805 75,013 675 61,002 230,730 12,000 2,011 10,660 12,000 2,622 125,000 234,445 5,253 2,293 - FY15 Budget 11,033 18,808 17,478 9,027 8,256 8,268 10,048 208,971 23,411 1,763 142,096 1,279 6,549 21,784 846 76,513 689 64,052 231,682 12,050 2,112 10,704 12,050 2,633 125,516 239,134 5,358 2,339 2,720 Page 50 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-2560-110-00-71-105-13 10-2560-110-00-71-305-13 10-2560-110-00-72-115-13 10-2560-110-00-72-125-13 10-2560-110-00-72-225-13 10-2560-110-00-74-145-13 10-2560-110-00-74-155-13 10-2560-110-00-74-215-13 10-2560-113-00-79-605-14 10-2560-120-00-79-605-14 10-2560-140-00-79-605-14 10-2560-220-00-79-600-14 10-2560-310-00-71-100-13 10-2560-310-00-71-300-13 10-2560-310-00-72-110-13 10-2560-310-00-72-120-13 10-2560-310-00-72-220-13 10-2560-310-00-74-140-13 10-2560-310-00-74-150-13 10-2560-310-00-74-210-13 10-2560-313-00-71-100-13 10-2560-313-00-71-300-13 10-2560-313-00-72-110-13 10-2560-313-00-72-120-13 10-2560-313-00-72-220-13 10-2560-313-00-74-140-13 10-2560-313-00-74-150-13 10-2560-313-00-74-210-13 10-2560-323-00-71-100-13 Account_Description Food Service Sal Leggee Food Service Salary HS Food Service Sal Chesak Food Service Sal Martin Food Service Salary Marlowe Food Service Salary Mackeben Food Service Salary Conley Food Service Salary Heineman Admin Asst Food Service Food Service Substitute Salary Vacation-Food Service Office Food Services Insurance Cafe Prof & Tech Leggee Cafe Prof & Tech HS Cafe Prof & Tech Chesak Cafe Prof & Tech Martin Cafe Prof & Tech Marlowe Cafe Prof & Tech Mackeben Cafe Prof & Tech Conley Cafe Prof & Tech Heineman Cafe Commodity Ship Leggee Cafe Commodity Ship HS Cafe Commodity Ship Chesak Cafe Commodity Ship Martin Cafe Commodity Marlowe Cafe Commodity Mackeben Cafe Commodity Conley Cafe Commodity Heineman Cafe Repairs Leggee Expense Type HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP ADM HSP ADM I A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A FO Desc SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES FY14 Budget 70,204 170,816 64,951 48,388 95,326 39,069 42,534 81,909 37,616 32,148 339 153,333 865 865 865 865 865 865 865 865 1,112 1,405 1,122 1,384 1,133 1,049 1,154 1,133 4,090 FY15 Budget 71,608 174,233 66,250 49,355 97,233 39,850 43,384 83,547 38,368 32,791 345 161,000 869 869 869 869 869 869 869 869 1,116 1,411 1,127 1,390 1,137 1,053 1,158 1,137 4,107 Page 51 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-2560-323-00-71-300-13 10-2560-323-00-72-110-13 10-2560-323-00-72-120-13 10-2560-323-00-72-220-13 10-2560-323-00-74-140-13 10-2560-323-00-74-150-13 10-2560-323-00-74-210-13 10-2560-332-00-71-100-13 10-2560-332-00-71-300-13 10-2560-332-00-72-110-13 10-2560-332-00-72-120-13 10-2560-332-00-72-220-13 10-2560-332-00-74-140-13 10-2560-332-00-74-150-13 10-2560-332-00-74-210-13 10-2560-382-00-79-600-14 10-2560-410-00-71-100-13 10-2560-410-00-71-300-13 10-2560-410-00-72-110-13 10-2560-410-00-72-120-13 10-2560-410-00-72-220-13 10-2560-410-00-74-140-13 10-2560-410-00-74-150-13 10-2560-410-00-74-210-13 10-2560-415-00-71-100-13 10-2560-415-00-71-300-13 10-2560-415-00-72-110-13 10-2560-415-00-72-120-13 10-2560-415-00-72-220-13 Account_Description Cafe Repairs HS Cafe Repairs Chesak Cafe Repairs Martin Cafe Repairs Marlowe Cafe Repairs Mackeben Cafe Repairs Conley Cafe Repairs Heineman Cafe Travel Leggee Cafe Travel HS Cafe Travel Chesak Cafe Travel Martin Cafe Travel Marlowe Cafe Travel Mackeben Cafe Travel Conley Cafe Travel Heineman Food Services W/C Ins Cafe Supplies Leggee Cafe Supplies HS Cafe Supplies Chesak Cafe Supplies Martin Cafe Supplies Marlowe Cafe Supplies Mackeben Cafe Supplies Conley Cafe Supplies Heineman Cafe Food Leggee Cafe Food HS Cafe Food Chesak Cafe Food Martin Cafe Food Marlowe Expense Type A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A WC A A A A A A A A A A A A A FO Desc PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS FY14 Budget 7,604 3,702 5,391 2,192 3,251 1,689 3,576 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 16,045 6,922 37,268 5,324 6,793 14,683 4,688 5,765 10,858 131,933 515,580 132,927 142,860 238,447 FY15 Budget 12,000 3,717 5,413 7,500 3,265 1,695 7,500 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 16,847 6,950 37,422 5,346 6,821 14,743 4,707 5,789 10,903 132,477 517,709 133,476 143,450 239,432 Page 52 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-2560-415-00-74-140-13 10-2560-415-00-74-150-13 10-2560-415-00-74-210-13 10-2560-415-97-79-600-14 10-2560-490-00-71-100-13 10-2560-490-00-71-300-13 10-2560-490-00-72-110-13 10-2560-490-00-72-120-13 10-2560-490-00-72-220-13 10-2560-490-00-74-140-13 10-2560-490-00-74-150-13 10-2560-490-00-74-210-13 10-2560-540-00-71-300-13 10-2560-640-00-71-100-13 10-2560-640-00-71-300-13 10-2560-640-00-72-110-13 10-2560-640-00-72-120-13 10-2560-640-00-72-220-13 10-2560-640-00-74-140-13 10-2560-640-00-74-150-13 10-2560-640-00-74-210-13 10-2561-110-00-79-605-14 10-2561-140-00-79-605-14 10-2561-212-00-79-605-14 10-2561-332-00-79-605-14 10-2561-410-00-79-605-14 10-2561-640-00-79-600-14 10-2630-110-00-79-605-14 10-2630-220-00-79-600-14 Account_Description Cafe Food Mackeben Cafe Food Conley Cafe Food Heineman All Children Snacks Cafe Invent Supplies Leggee Cafe Invent Supplies HS Cafe Invent Supplies Chesak Cafe Invent Supplies Martin Cafe Invent Supplies Marlowe Cafe Invent Supplies Mackeben Cafe Invent Supplies Conley Cafe Invent Supplies Heineman Cafe Equipment HS Cafe Dues & Fees Leggee Cafe Dues & Fees HS Cafe Dues & Fees Chesak Cafe Dues & Fees Martin Cafe Dues & Fees Marlowe Cafe Dues & Fees Mackeben Cafe Dues & Fees Conley Cafe Dues & Fees Heineman Dir Food Service Salary Vacation-Dir Food Service Director IMRF Dir Food Service Travel Dir Food Service Supplies Dir Food Service Dues & Fees Volunteer Coord Salary Information Services Insurance Expense Type A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ADM ADM A A A A ADM I FO Desc SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS CAPITAL OUTLAY OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS OTHER OBJECTS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 88,103 88,949 175,399 10,000 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 19,500 467 660 467 467 467 467 467 467 74,884 632 3,292 1,692 944 157 33,133 10,725 FY15 Budget 88,467 89,317 176,123 9,500 546 546 546 546 546 546 546 546 19,580 469 662 469 469 469 469 469 469 76,382 645 3,305 1,699 948 158 33,796 11,261 Page 53 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-2630-332-00-74-500-14 10-2630-341-00-74-500-14 10-2630-382-00-79-600-14 10-2630-410-00-74-500-14 10-2633-360-00-74-500-14 10-2640-220-00-79-600-14 10-2640-382-00-79-600-14 10-2641-110-00-79-505-14 10-2641-140-00-79-505-14 10-2641-211-00-79-505-14 10-2642-110 10-2642-113-00-79-505-14 10-2642-140-00-79-505-14 10-2642-332-00-74-500-14 10-2642-350-00-74-500-14 10-2642-390-00-74-500-14 10-2642-410-00-74-500-14 10-2642-411-00-74-500-14 10-2642-640-00-74-500-14 10-2643-316-00-79-605-14 10-2660-110-00-79-605-14 10-2660-110-92-79-605-14 10-2660-120-00-79-605-14 10-2660-211-00-79-605-14 10-2660-220-00-79-600-14 10-2660-316-00-79-600-14 10-2660-319-00-79-600-14 10-2660-319-61-79-600-14 10-2660-319-81-79-600-14 Account_Description Travel Volunteer Coord Postage Central Office Information Services W/C Ins Supplies Volunteer Coord Newsletter Printing Staff Services Insurance Staff Services W/C Ins Director of HR Salary Vacation-Director of HR Director of HR Retirement Salaries HR Office Salary Vacation-HR Office Travel Human Res Advertising Human Res Purchased Service Human Res Supplies Human Res HR Employee Recognition Dues & Fees Human Res Sub Calling Software Dir. of Technology/Curriculum IDEA Data Processing Technology Summer Salaries Dir Technology/Curriculum TRS Data Processing Services Ins Student Information Hardware Maintenance Renewal Software Maintenance ADA Block Workshop Technology Expense Type A A WC A A I WC ADM ADM TRS HSP ADM ADM A A A A A A A ADM ADM ADM TRS I R R R A FO Desc PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASED SERVICES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS OTHER OBJECTS PURCHASED SERVICES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES FY14 Budget 472 78,658 185 755 18,878 59,760 1,370 113,465 871 12,305 811,063 183,389 1,320 1,000 3,500 1,041 5,873 4,500 500 8,200 278,855 19,824 5,364 899 74,637 94,000 43,000 263,000 5,756 FY15 Budget 474 78,983 195 758 18,956 62,748 1,438 115,734 889 12,551 839,451 187,057 1,347 1,500 3,100 8,800 10,000 4,519 1,000 8,234 284,432 19,824 5,471 917 78,369 102,000 75,000 338,000 5,779 Page 54 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-2660-323-00-79-600-14 10-2660-332-00-79-600-14 10-2660-382-00-79-600-14 10-2660-390-00-79-600-14 10-2660-410-00-79-600-14 10-2660-470-00-79-600-14 10-2660-490-00-79-600-14 10-2660-640-00-79-600-14 10-2664-110-00-79-605-14 10-2664-130-00-79-605-14 10-2664-140-00-79-605-14 10-2900-325-00-79-600-14 10-2900-390-00-79-600-14 10-2900-410-00-79-600-14 10-3600-390-82-79-605-14 10-3600-410-82-79-605-14 10-4120-325-00-79-600-14 10-4120-670-00-79-605-14 10-4121-314-00-79-600-17 10-4121-325-00-79-600-14 10-4121-670-00-79-600-14 10-4210-670-00-79-600-14 10-4220-670-00-79-600-14 10-4220-670-92-79-600-14 20-2540-110-00-79-600-14 20-2540-110-00-79-605-14 20-2540-113-00-79-605-14 20-2540-140-00-79-600-14 20-2540-140-00-79-605-14 Account_Description Repairs Technology Travel Technology Data Processing Services W/C Purchased Service Technology Supplies Tech Software Technology Inventoriable Equipment Tech Dues & Fees Technology Office of Technology Technology Overtime Vacation-Office of Technology Copier Leases Copier Maintenance Copier Paper & Toner DO T Bilingual Purchased Svcs T Bilingual Community Svrcs Sp Ed Rentals Sp Ed Room & Board SEDOM Contracted Rel Serv-Q SEDOM Room Rent SEDOM Student Tuition Reg Ed Out of District Sp Ed Private Tuition IDEA Tuition Assistant Director Salary Director O & M Salary Office O&M Salary Vacation-Assistant Director Vacation-Office O&M Expense Type A A WC R A R R A ADM ADM ADM A A A A A A R R A R R R A ADM ADM ADM ADM ADM FO Desc PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS OTHER OBJECTS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASED SERVICES OTHER OBJECTS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES FY14 Budget 5,244 11,000 3,050 20,000 20,000 50,000 2,199,850 1,500 613,579 10,000 3,608 38,578 15,203 10,488 957 400 6,377 490,000 260,000 8,925 150,000 16,707 1,850,000 10,100 86,585 109,998 38,168 779 1,341 FY15 Budget 5,266 11,045 3,203 34,000 20,083 20,000 2,155,584 1,506 625,851 3,000 3,680 38,738 15,266 10,531 1,000 400 6,403 435,000 275,000 8,962 160,000 16,776 2,150,000 88,317 112,197 38,931 795 1,367 Page 55 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 20-2540-212-00-79-605-14 20-2540-220-00-79-600-14 20-2540-310-00-79 20-2540-323-00-79 20-2540-332-00-79 20-2540-340-00-79 20-2540-341-00-79-605-14 20-2540-350-00-79 20-2540-370-00-79 20-2540-381-00-79-500-14 20-2540-382-00-79-600-14 20-2540-410-00-79 20-2540-464-00-79 20-2540-465-00-79 20-2540-466-00-79 20-2540-640-00-79 20-2542-110-00-79-605-14 20-2542-120-00-79-605-14 20-2542-122-00-79-605-14 20-2542-130-00-79-605-14 20-2542-140-00-79-605-14 20-2542-310-00-79 20-2542-320-00-79-605-14 20-2542-321-00-79 20-2542-322-00-79-605-14 20-2542-323-00-74 20-2542-323-00-79 20-2542-325-00-79 20-2542-341-00-79-605-14 Account_Description IMRF Employer Paid O&M of Plant Serv Insurance Professional & Technical Repairs and Maintenance Travel Telephone - Districtwide Postage Newspaper bids Water/Sewer Property Insurance Support Serv-O&M W/C Ins Office Supplies B & G Operations & Maint Gasoline Natural Gas Electric Dues & Fees Custodial Salaries On Call Wages Summer Custodial Custodial Overtime Vacation-Custodial Salaries Custodial Contract Service Contractual Overtime Sanitation/Exterminating Snow Removal Repairs/Maint Conley&Mackeben Repairs & Maint Buildings Rentals Building - Small Projects Expense Type A I R A A R A A R CLIC WC A A R R A HSP ADM HSP HSP HSP R A A R R R A R FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS OTHER OBJECTS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES FY14 Budget 5,150 163,396 70,000 10,488 4,000 222,200 507 507 108,267 90,529 52,576 1,216 10,135 272,688 1,100,277 3,500 313,337 7,936 53,253 22,775 3,209 1,288,000 45,977 39,037 240,000 75,000 465,355 1,000 67,893 FY15 Budget 5,171 171,566 75,000 10,531 4,017 222,200 509 509 118,752 90,550 56,924 1,500 10,177 285,462 1,319,188 3,514 319,604 8,094 54,318 23,230 3,274 1,307,320 46,167 36,395 252,000 500,000 1,004 234,192 Page 56 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 20-2542-360-00-79 20-2542-390-00-79 20-2542-410-00-79 20-2542-490-00-79 20-2542-520-00-79 20-2542-540-00-79 20-2543-320-00-79-600-14 20-2543-323-00-79 20-2543-390-00-79-605-14 20-2543-410-00-79 20-2543-490-00-79 20-2543-530-00-79 20-2543-540-00-79 20-2544-110-00-79-605-14 20-2544-130-00-79-605-14 20-2544-140-00-79-605-14 20-2545-323-00-79-600-14 20-2546-310-00-71-305 20-2552-550-00-79 30-5900-690 40-2550-110-00-79-405-14 40-2550-113-00-79-405-14 40-2550-140-00-79-405-14 40-2550-212-00-79-405-14 40-2550-220-00-79-600-14 40-2550-310-00-79 40-2550-323-00-79 40-2550-325-00-79 40-2550-340-00-79 Account_Description O&M Printing Other Purchased Service Supplies B & G Invent Supplies B & G Building projects Equipment Grounds Contract Repairs-Grounds Grounds Contractual Other Grounds Supplies Grounds Invent Supplies Improvements not Buildings Grounds Equipment Maintenance Salary Overtime-Maintenance Vacation-Maintenance Vehicle Repairs & Maintenance Resource Officer HS O&M Vehicles Bond Service Charge Director Transportation Trans Asst Director Vacation-Transportation Office IMRF Employer Paid Pupil Transportation Serv Ins Prof & Tech Service Trans Repairs and Maintenance Rental Trans Mobile Phones/Radios Expense Type A R R R CAP CAP R A A A A CAP CAP ADM ADM ADM A A CAP LTD ADM ADM ADM A I A A A A FO Desc PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS CAPITAL OUTLAY CAPITAL OUTLAY PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS CAPITAL OUTLAY CAPITAL OUTLAY SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY OTHER OBJECTS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES FY14 Budget 253 151,700 311,000 20,000 448,890 300,000 240,975 106,971 15,091 42,568 10,000 429,310 10,000 414,678 28,353 3,398 9,269 39,853 21,523 20,000 68,000 50,844 1,229 3,989 1,111,038 35,000 105,000 5,034 10,541 FY15 Budget 254 157,338 326,550 23,690 516,554 300,000 157,200 107,413 15,153 46,824 15,509 276,777 15,509 422,972 28,920 3,466 12,000 40,018 26,000 20,000 69,360 51,861 1,254 4,006 1,166,590 35,144 105,433 5,055 30,000 Page 57 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 40-2550-380-00-79 40-2550-382-00-79-600-14 40-2550-410-00-79 40-2552-110-00-79-405-14 40-2552-114-00-79-405-14 40-2552-115-00-79-405-14 40-2552-116-00-79-405-14 40-2552-117-00-79-405-14 40-2552-120-00-79-405-14 40-2552-121-00-79-405-14 40-2552-125-00-79-405-14 40-2552-323-00-79 40-2552-325-00-79 40-2552-331-00-79 40-2552-464-00-79 40-2552-490-00-79 40-2552-540-00-79 40-2552-640-00-79 40-2554-110-00-79-405-14 40-2554-140-00-79-405-14 40-2554-410-00-79 40-2559-110-00-79-605-14 50-1100-214-00-79-600-14 50-1100-214-00-79-605-14 50-1101-212-00-79-605-14 50-1101-213-00-79-605-14 50-1101-214-00-79-605-14 50-1110-212-00-72-115-13 50-1110-213-00-72-115-13 Account_Description Vehicle Insurance Support Serv-Trans W/C Ins Office Supplies Drivers Salary Field Trip Salary Athletic Trip Salary Park District Trip Salary Charter Trips On Call Substitute Salary Summer School Driver Salaries Training Bus Damage Repaires Bus Leases Contracted Transportation Diesel/Gasoline Inventoriable Supplies Bus Purchases Dues & Fees Bus Maintenance Salary Vacation-Bus Maintenance Fleet Supplies Bus Aides MEDI Extra Duty Retirement Incentive IMRF Retirement Incentive FICA Retirement Incentive Medicare Aide IMRF Chesak Aide FICA Chesak Expense Type CLIC WC A HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP HSP A R A R A CAP A HSP HSP A HSP FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA IMRF FICA FO Desc PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS CAPITAL OUTLAY OTHER OBJECTS SALARIES SALARIES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 43,292 227,830 6,293 1,970,854 45,900 71,400 1,072 5,358 10,200 80,371 4,501 7,601 139,412 225,000 600,000 5,244 4,958 101,650 923 217,906 202,137 400 176 246 159 11,921 3,173 2,042 FY15 Budget 43,300 246,671 6,319 2,010,271 46,818 72,828 1,093 5,465 10,404 81,978 4,591 7,633 197,500 225,929 600,000 5,266 74,825 4,978 103,683 941 218,806 206,180 414 182 255 164 12,338 3,284 2,113 Page 58 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 50-1110-214-00-71-105-00 50-1110-214-00-71-105-01 50-1110-214-00-71-105-02 50-1110-214-00-71-105-03 50-1110-214-00-71-105-04 50-1110-214-00-71-105-05 50-1110-214-00-72-115-00 50-1110-214-00-72-115-01 50-1110-214-00-72-115-02 50-1110-214-00-72-115-13 50-1110-214-00-72-125-03 50-1110-214-00-72-125-04 50-1110-214-00-72-125-05 50-1110-214-00-74-145-00 50-1110-214-00-74-145-01 50-1110-214-00-74-145-02 50-1110-214-00-74-155-03 50-1110-214-00-74-155-04 50-1110-214-00-74-155-05 50-1110-214-02-71-105-13 50-1110-214-02-72-115-13 50-1110-214-02-72-125-13 50-1110-214-02-74-145-13 50-1110-214-02-74-155-13 50-1110-214-05-71-105-13 50-1110-214-05-72-115-13 50-1110-214-05-72-125-13 50-1110-214-05-74-145-13 50-1110-214-05-74-155-13 Account_Description Kinderg Teacher Leggee 1st Grade Teacher Leggee 2nd Grade Teacher Leggee 3rd Grade Teacher Leggee 4th Grade Teacher Leggee 5th Grade Teacher Leggee Kinderg Teacher Chesak 1st Grade Teacher Chesak 2nd Grade Teacher Chesak Medicare Chesak 3rd Grade Teacher Martin 4th Grade Teacher Martin 5th Grade Teacher Martin Kndr Teach Mackeben Medicare 1st Grade Teacher Mackeben 2nd Grade Teacher Mackeben 3rd Gr Teach Conley Medicare 4th Grade Teacher Conley 5th Grade Teacher Conley Art Teacher Leggee Art Teacher Chesak Art Teacher Martin Art Teacher Mackeben Art Teacher Conley Reading Teacher Leggee Reading Teacher Chesak Reading Teacher Martin Reading Teacher Mackeben Reading Teacher Conley Expense Type FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 6,223 6,167 6,053 5,009 4,733 3,976 12,988 12,342 11,046 478 10,151 11,190 9,906 8,666 8,878 7,484 6,620 7,178 6,587 1,198 1,525 1,744 879 936 2,226 3,729 3,012 2,546 2,419 FY15 Budget 6,441 6,383 6,265 5,184 4,898 4,116 13,442 12,774 11,433 494 10,506 11,582 10,252 8,970 9,189 7,746 6,852 7,430 6,818 1,240 1,579 1,805 910 969 2,304 3,859 3,117 2,635 2,504 Page 59 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 50-1110-214-12-71-105-13 50-1110-214-12-72-115-13 50-1110-214-12-72-125-13 50-1110-214-12-74-145-13 50-1110-214-12-74-155-13 50-1110-214-50-71-105-13 50-1110-214-50-72-115-13 50-1110-214-50-72-125-13 50-1110-214-50-74-145-13 50-1110-214-50-74-155-13 50-1110-214-61-71-100-03 50-1110-214-61-72-120-03 50-1110-214-61-74-150-03 50-1120-214-00-72-215-13 50-1120-214-00-72-225-13 50-1120-214-02-72-225-13 50-1120-214-02-74-215-13 50-1120-214-05-72-225-06 50-1120-214-05-72-225-07 50-1120-214-05-72-225-08 50-1120-214-05-74-215-06 50-1120-214-05-74-215-07 50-1120-214-05-74-215-08 50-1120-214-06-72-225-13 50-1120-214-06-74-215-13 50-1120-214-11-72-225-06 50-1120-214-11-72-225-07 50-1120-214-11-72-225-08 50-1120-214-11-74-215-06 Account_Description Music Teacher Leggee Music Teacher Chesak Music Teacher Martin Music Teacher Mackeben Music Teacher Conley PE Teacher Leggee PE Teacher Chesak PE Teacher Martin PE Teacher Mackeben PE Teacher Conley Keyboarding Medicare Leggee Keyboarding Medicare Martin Keyboarding 3rd Grade Conley Foods Teacher Heineman Foods Teacher Marlowe Art Teacher Marlowe Art Teacher Heineman English Teacher 6th Marlowe English Teacher 7th Marlowe English Teacher 8th Marlowe English Teacher 6th Heineman English Teacher 7th Heineman English Teacher 8th Heineman Foreign Lang Teacher Marlowe Foreign Lang Teacher Heineman Math Teacher 6th Marlowe Math Teacher 7th Marlowe Math Teacher 8th Marlowe Math Teacher 6th Heineman Expense Type FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 1,984 2,405 2,901 1,646 1,162 3,204 3,827 5,066 2,306 2,280 412 1,065 412 813 607 1,427 705 5,806 4,566 5,414 4,463 4,082 2,647 1,492 938 2,870 2,428 3,350 1,826 FY15 Budget 2,053 2,489 3,002 1,704 1,203 3,316 3,961 5,243 2,387 2,359 427 1,102 427 842 629 1,477 730 6,009 4,725 5,603 4,619 4,225 2,740 1,544 971 2,970 2,513 3,467 1,890 Page 60 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 50-1120-214-11-74-215-07 50-1120-214-11-74-215-08 50-1120-214-12-72-225-13 50-1120-214-12-74-215-13 50-1120-214-13-72-225-06 50-1120-214-13-72-225-07 50-1120-214-13-72-225-08 50-1120-214-13-74-215-06 50-1120-214-13-74-215-07 50-1120-214-13-74-215-08 50-1120-214-15-72-225-06 50-1120-214-15-72-225-07 50-1120-214-15-72-225-08 50-1120-214-15-74-215-06 50-1120-214-15-74-215-07 50-1120-214-15-74-215-08 50-1120-214-50-72-225-13 50-1120-214-50-74-215-13 50-1120-214-61-72-225-13 50-1120-214-61-74-215-13 50-1125-212-00-79-600-14 50-1125-212-90-79-600-14 50-1125-213-00-79-600-14 50-1125-213-90-79-600-14 50-1125-214-00-79-600-14 50-1125-214-90-79-600-14 50-1130-212-00-71-305-13 50-1130-213-00-71-305-13 50-1130-214-00-71-305-13 Account_Description Math Teacher 7th Heineman Math Teacher 8th Heineman Music Teacher Marlowe Music Teacher Heineman Science Teacher 6th Marlowe Science Teacher 7th Marlowe Science Teacher 8th Marlowe Science 6th Heineman Science 7th Heineman Science 8th Heineman Soc Stud Teacher 6th Marlowe Soc Stud Teacher 7th Marlowe Soc Stud Teacher 8th Marlowe Soc Studies 6th Heineman Soc Studies 7th Heineman Soc Studies 8th Heineman PE Teacher Marlowe PE Teacher Heineman Computer Teacher Marlowe Computer Teacher Heineman Preschool Aide Parent Tot Coordinator Preschool Aide Parent Tot Coordinator Preschool Aide Parent Tot Coordinator Aide Salary HS Aide Salary HS Team Leaders HS Expense Type FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA IMRF IMRF FICA FICA FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 1,770 2,001 3,615 2,260 3,169 2,966 1,410 2,009 1,794 1,596 3,131 2,064 2,356 1,656 1,483 1,535 5,732 3,303 1,951 1,663 29,834 1,821 22,538 1,172 13,399 274 7,391 4,755 1,511 FY15 Budget 1,832 2,071 3,742 2,339 3,280 3,070 1,459 2,079 1,857 1,652 3,241 2,136 2,438 1,714 1,534 1,589 5,933 3,418 2,019 1,721 30,878 1,885 23,326 1,213 13,868 284 7,650 4,922 1,564 Page 61 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 50-1130-214-02-71-305-13 50-1130-214-05-71-305-13 50-1130-214-05-71-305-23 50-1130-214-06-71-305-13 50-1130-214-11-71-305-13 50-1130-214-12-71-305-13 50-1130-214-13-71-305-13 50-1130-214-15-71-305-13 50-1130-214-50-71-305-13 50-1130-214-61-71-305-13 50-1200-212-00-71-105-13 50-1200-212-00-71-305-13 50-1200-212-00-72-115-13 50-1200-212-00-72-125-13 50-1200-212-00-72-225-13 50-1200-212-00-74-145-13 50-1200-212-00-74-155-13 50-1200-212-00-74-215-13 50-1200-212-00-79-505-14 50-1200-213-00-71-105-13 50-1200-213-00-71-305-13 50-1200-213-00-72-115-13 50-1200-213-00-72-125-13 50-1200-213-00-72-225-13 50-1200-213-00-74-145-13 50-1200-213-00-74-155-13 50-1200-213-00-74-215-13 50-1200-213-00-79-505-14 50-1200-214-00-71-105-13 Account_Description Art Teacher HS English/LA Teacher HS Reading Specialist HS Foreign Lang Teacher HS Math Teacher HS Music Teacher HS Science Teacher HS Soc Studies Teacher HS PE Teacher HS Computer Teacher HS Spec Ed Aide Leggee Spec Ed Aide HS Spec Ed Aide Chesak Spec Ed Aide Martin Sp Ed Aide Marlowe Sp Ed Aide Mackeben Sp Ed Aide Conley Sp Ed Aide Heineman Sp Ed Office Salary Spec Ed Aide Leggee Spec Ed Aide HS Spec Ed Aide Chesak Spec Ed Aide Martin Sp Ed Aide Marlowe Sp Ed Aide Mackeben Sp Ed Aide Conley Sp Ed Aide Heineman Sp Ed Office Salary Sp Ed Teacher Leggee Expense Type FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA IMRF IMRF IMRF IMRF IMRF IMRF IMRF IMRF IMRF FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 4,042 16,263 1,130 8,317 15,483 1,874 11,529 11,492 10,086 1,891 40,419 18,406 23,451 28,455 13,015 9,281 16,727 21,412 7,861 25,994 11,837 15,081 18,298 8,368 5,969 10,756 13,770 5,055 13,949 FY15 Budget 4,183 16,833 1,170 8,608 16,025 1,939 11,932 11,894 10,439 1,957 41,834 19,050 24,272 29,451 13,471 9,606 17,313 22,161 8,136 26,904 12,251 15,609 18,938 8,661 6,178 11,133 14,251 5,232 14,438 Page 62 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 50-1200-214-00-71-305-13 50-1200-214-00-72-115-13 50-1200-214-00-72-125-13 50-1200-214-00-72-225-13 50-1200-214-00-74-145-13 50-1200-214-00-74-155-13 50-1200-214-00-74-215-13 50-1200-214-00-79-505-14 50-1200-214-00-79-600-14 50-1200-214-00-79-605-14 50-1400-214-03-71-305-13 50-1400-214-09-71-305-13 50-1400-214-10-71-305-13 50-1501-214-30-71-305-13 Account_Description Sp Ed Teacher HS Sp Ed Teacher Chesak Sp Ed Teacher Martin Sp Ed Teacher Marlowe Sp Ed Teacher Mackeben Sp Ed Teacher Conley Sp Ed Teacher Heineman Director Special Ed Sp Ed Extra Duty Sp Ed Aides Salary District Business Teacher HS Home Ec Teacher HS Industrial Arts Teacher HS Academis Team Sponsor HS Expense Type FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 13,540 8,766 12,726 12,136 3,804 8,248 12,079 2,502 1,381 1,072 2,072 1,522 1,502 30 FY15 Budget 14,014 9,073 13,172 12,561 3,937 8,537 12,502 2,590 1,429 1,110 2,144 1,575 1,554 31 50-1501-214-30-72-225-13 Academic Team Sponsor Marlowe FICA EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 55 57 50-1501-214-30-74-215-13 50-1502-214-30-74-215-13 50-1503-214-30-71-305-13 50-1503-214-30-72-225-13 50-1503-214-30-74-215-13 50-1504-214-30-71-305-15 50-1505-213-30-71-305-15 50-1505-213-30-71-305-16 50-1505-214-30-71-305-15 50-1505-214-30-71-305-16 50-1505-214-30-72-225-15 50-1505-214-30-72-225-16 Academic Team Sponsor Heineman Art Club Band Sponsor HS Band Sponsor Marlowe Band Sponsor Heineman Baseball Coach HS Basketball Boys Coach HS Basketball Girls Coach HS Basketball Boys Coach HS Basketball Girls Coach HS Basketball Boys Coach Marlowe Basketball Girls Coach Marlowe FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 50 12 48 65 36 75 478 266 326 324 136 177 52 12 50 68 38 78 494 275 337 335 141 183 Page 63 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 50-1505-214-30-74-215-15 50-1505-214-30-74-215-16 50-1506-214-30-71-305-13 50-1506-214-30-72-225-13 50-1506-214-30-74-215-13 50-1507-214-30-71-305-13 50-1507-214-30-72-225-13 50-1507-214-30-74-215-13 50-1508-214-30-71-305-13 50-1510-214-30-71-300-13 50-1511-214-30-71-305-15 50-1511-214-30-71-305-16 50-1511-214-30-72-225-13 50-1511-214-30-74-215-13 50-1512-214-30-71-300-13 50-1513-214-30-71-305-13 50-1514-213-30-71-305-15 50-1514-214-30-71-305-15 50-1515-214-30-71-305-15 50-1516-214-30-71-105-13 50-1516-214-30-72-115-13 50-1516-214-30-72-125-13 50-1516-214-30-72-225-13 50-1516-214-30-74-145-14 50-1516-214-30-74-155-13 50-1516-214-30-74-215-13 50-1517-214-30-71-305-13 50-1518-214-30-71-305-13 50-1519-214-30-71-305-13 Account_Description Basketball Boys Coach Heineman Basketball Gls Coach Heineman Cheerleading Sponsor HS Cheer Sponsor Marlowe Cheer Sponsor Heineman Chorus Sponsor HS Chorus Sponsor Marlowe Chorus Sponsor Heineman Color Guard Coach HS Community Service Club Cross Ctry Boys Coach HS Cross Ctry Girls Coach HS Cross Ctry Coach Marlowe Cross Ctry Coach Heineman Dance Club FFA Sponsor HS Football Coach HS Football Coach HS Golf Boys Coach HS Literary Club Leggee Literary Club Chesak Literary Club Martin Literary Club Sponsor Marlowe Literary Club Mackeben Literary Club Conley Literary Club Sponsor Heineman Math Team Sponsor HS Multicultural Club Sponsor HS NHS Coach HS Expense Type FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 180 177 127 39 40 36 18 69 15 16 47 47 54 56 12 25 517 706 138 16 35 34 17 18 16 16 25 12 12 FY15 Budget 186 183 132 40 41 38 19 71 16 17 49 49 55 58 12 26 536 731 143 17 37 35 18 19 17 17 26 12 12 Page 64 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 50-1520-214-30-71-305-13 50-1521-214-30-71-305-13 50-1522-214-30-72-225-13 50-1522-214-30-74-215-13 50-1525-214-30-71-305-15 50-1525-214-30-71-305-16 50-1526-214-30-71-305-16 50-1527-214-30-72-225-13 50-1527-214-30-74-215-13 50-1528-214-30-71-305-13 50-1529-214-30-71-305-13 50-1529-214-30-72-225-13 50-1529-214-30-74-215-13 50-1530-214-30-71-305-15 50-1530-214-30-71-305-16 50-1531-214-30-74-215-13 50-1532-214-30-71-305-15 50-1532-214-30-71-305-16 50-1532-214-30-72-225-13 50-1532-214-30-74-215-13 50-1533-214-30-71-305-13 50-1534-214-30-71-305-16 50-1534-214-30-72-225-16 50-1534-214-30-74-215-13 50-1534-214-30-74-215-16 50-1535-213-30-71-305-15 50-1535-214-30-71-305-15 50-1535-214-30-72-225-15 50-1535-214-30-74-215-15 Account_Description Newspaper Sponsor HS Pom Pons Sponsor HS Science Club Sponsor Marlowe Science Club Sponsor Heineman Soccer Boys Coach HS Soccer Girls Coach HS Softball Girls Coach HS Spanish Club Sponsor Marlowe Spanish Club Sponsor Heineman Speech Club Sponsor HS Student Council Sponsor HS Student Cncil Sponsor Marlowe Student Council Spons Heineman Tennis Boys Coach HS Tennis Girls Coach HS Theater Club Sponsor Heineman Track Boys Coach HS Track Girls Coach HS Track Coach Marlowe Track Coach Heineman VICA Sponsor HS Volleyball Girls Coach HS Volleyball Coach Marlowe Medicare Volleyball Coach Heineman Wrestling Coach HS Wrestling Boys Coach HS Wrestling Coach Marlowe Medicare Expense Type FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 14 77 16 18 122 124 175 6 5 97 19 33 36 87 87 39 232 175 79 111 16 259 137 101 41 531 148 125 122 FY15 Budget 14 80 17 19 126 129 181 7 6 101 20 34 38 90 90 40 241 181 82 115 17 268 142 104 42 550 153 130 126 Page 65 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 50-1536-214-30-72-225-13 50-1536-214-30-74-215-13 50-1537-214-30-71-305-13 50-1537-214-30-72-225-13 50-1537-214-30-74-215-13 50-1540-214-30-71-305-13 50-1540-214-30-72-225-14 50-1540-214-30-74-215-14 50-1541-214-30-72-225-13 50-1541-214-30-74-215-13 50-1542-214-30-71-305-14 50-1542-214-30-72-220-14 50-1542-214-30-74-210-14 50-1543-214-00-71-305-13 50-1544-214-00-72-225-13 50-1544-214-00-74-215-13 50-1545-213-30-71-300-14 50-1545-214-30-71-300-14 50-1545-214-30-72-220-14 50-1545-214-30-74-210-14 50-1547-214-30-71-300-13 50-1547-214-30-74-215-13 50-1598-214-00-79-600-14 50-1599-214-00-79-600-14 50-1600-214-00-79-605-14 50-1650-214-00-79-605-14 50-1700-214-21-71-300-13 50-1800-214-00-79-600-14 50-1800-214-00-79-605-14 Account_Description WYSE Marlowe WYSE Heineman Yearbook Sponsor HS Yearbook Sponsor Marlowe Yearbook Sponsor Heineman Class Sponsors HS Team Leaders Marlowe Team Leaders Heineman Beta Club Sponsor Marlowe Beta Club Sponsor Heineman Head Play Director Play Director Marlowe Plays Activities Director HS Homework Club Marlowe Homework Club Heineman Musical Director High School Musical Director High School Music Director Music Director Bowling-Girls Bowling-Girls Atwood Salaries Summer Camp Salaries Summer School Salary Gifted Salary Drivers Ed Teacher HS MEDI TPI Salary Expense Type FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 5 6 43 13 13 59 566 416 10 36 39 47 31 1,504 289 193 449 199 73 43 36 13 271 719 3,188 1,756 1,364 40 7,987 FY15 Budget 6 7 44 13 13 61 585 430 10 38 40 49 32 1,557 299 200 465 206 75 44 38 13 281 744 3,300 1,817 1,411 41 8,267 Page 66 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 50-2113-214-00-79-605-14 50-2114-212-00-79-505-14 50-2114-213-00-79-505-14 50-2114-214-00-79-505-14 50-2121-214-00-71-305-13 50-2121-214-00-72-225-13 50-2121-214-00-74-215-13 50-2130-214-00-79-605-14 50-2134-212-00-79-605-14 50-2134-213-00-79-605-14 50-2134-214-00-79-605-14 50-2137-212-00-79-605-14 50-2137-213-00-79-605-14 50-2137-214-00-79-605-14 50-2138-212-00-79-605-14 50-2138-213-00-79-605-14 50-2138-214-00-79-605-14 50-2140-214-00-79-605-14 50-2150-212-00-79-605-14 50-2150-213-00-79-605-14 50-2150-214-00-79-605-14 50-2190-212-00-79-605-14 50-2190-213-00-79-605-14 50-2190-214-00-79-605-14 50-2212-214-00-79-505-14 50-2212-214-00-79-605-14 50-2220-212-00-79-605-14 50-2220-213-00-79-605-14 50-2220-214-00-79-605-14 Account_Description Social Worker Salary Registration Salaries Registration Salaries Registration Salaries Guidance HS Guidance Marlowe Guidance Heineman Director of Health Health Salary Health Salary Health Salary Physical Therapy Salary Physical Therapy Salary Physical Therapy Medicare Occupational Therapy Salary Occupational Therapy Salary Occupational Therapy Medicare Psychologist Salary Speech Pathologist Salary Speech Pathologist Salary Speech Pathologist Salary Lunch Room/Bus Duty Lunch Room/Bus Duty Lunch Room/Bus Duty Title II Salary Inservice Hours Media/Library Salary Media/Library Salary Media/Library Salary Expense Type FICA IMRF FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 12,214 7,811 5,023 1,174 5,456 2,046 2,136 1,018 20,694 13,308 6,611 15,205 9,778 2,287 45,832 29,479 6,894 8,794 4,183 2,690 21,576 258 26,379 10,125 2,976 144 31,309 20,976 12,359 FY15 Budget 12,459 7,967 5,123 1,198 5,565 2,087 2,178 1,038 21,108 13,575 6,743 15,509 9,974 2,333 46,748 30,069 7,032 8,970 4,266 2,744 22,007 263 26,906 10,327 3,035 146 31,935 21,395 12,606 Page 67 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 50-2223-212-00-79-605-14 50-2223-213-00-79-605-14 50-2223-214-00-79-605-14 50-2321-212-00-79-505-14 50-2321-213-00-79-505-14 50-2321-214-00-79-505-14 50-2323-212-00-79-505-14 50-2323-213-00-79-505-14 50-2323-214-00-79-505-14 50-2410-212-00-71-105-13 50-2410-212-00-71-305-13 50-2410-212-00-72-115-13 50-2410-212-00-72-125-13 50-2410-212-00-72-225-13 50-2410-212-00-74-145-13 50-2410-212-00-74-155-13 50-2410-212-00-74-215-13 50-2410-213-00-71-105-13 50-2410-213-00-71-305-13 50-2410-213-00-72-115-13 50-2410-213-00-72-125-13 50-2410-213-00-72-225-13 50-2410-213-00-74-145-13 50-2410-213-00-74-155-13 50-2410-213-00-74-215-13 50-2410-214-00-71-105-13 50-2410-214-00-71-305-13 50-2410-214-00-72-115-13 50-2410-214-00-72-125-13 Account_Description PAC Director IMRF PAC Director FICA PAC Director Medicare Supt Office Salary Supt Office Salary Superintendent Salary Curr & Inst Office Salary Curr & Inst Office Salary Asst Supt Salary Curr & Inst School Office Leggee School Office HS School Office Chesak School Office Martin School Office Marlowe School Office Mackeben School Office Conley School Office Heineman School Office Leggee School Office HS School Office Chesak School Office Martin School Office Marlowe School Office Mackeben School Office Conley School Office Heineman Principal Salary Leggee Principal Salary HS Principal Salary Chesak Principal Salary Martin Expense Type IMRF FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA IMRF IMRF IMRF IMRF IMRF IMRF IMRF IMRF FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 4,404 2,833 662 11,564 7,436 4,505 8,081 5,196 3,247 9,812 16,807 10,525 11,572 7,620 7,116 7,800 7,114 6,310 10,810 6,769 7,442 4,900 4,577 5,017 4,575 2,871 4,471 3,082 3,250 FY15 Budget 4,492 2,890 676 11,795 7,585 4,595 8,243 5,300 3,312 10,008 17,143 10,736 11,804 7,773 7,258 7,956 7,257 6,436 11,027 6,905 7,591 4,998 4,668 5,118 4,666 2,928 4,560 3,144 3,315 Page 68 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 50-2410-214-00-72-225-13 50-2410-214-00-74-145-13 50-2410-214-00-74-155-13 50-2410-214-00-74-215-13 50-2411-214-00-71-105-13 50-2411-214-00-71-305-13 50-2411-214-00-72-115-13 50-2411-214-00-72-125-13 50-2411-214-00-72-225-13 50-2411-214-00-74-145-13 50-2411-214-00-74-155-13 50-2411-214-00-74-215-13 50-2412-212-00-71-305-13 50-2412-213-00-71-305-13 50-2412-214-00-71-305-13 50-2510-212-00-79-505-14 50-2510-213-00-79-505-14 50-2510-214-00-79-505-14 50-2520-212-00-79-505-14 50-2520-213-00-79-505-14 50-2520-214-00-79-505-14 50-2525-212-00-79-505-14 50-2525-213-00-79-505-14 50-2525-214-00-79-505-14 50-2540-212-00-79-600-14 50-2540-212-00-79-605-14 50-2540-213-00-79-600-14 50-2540-213-00-79-605-14 50-2540-214-00-79-600-14 Account_Description Principal Salary Marlowe Principal Salary Mackeben Principal Salary Conley Principal Salary Heineman Asst Prin Salary Leggee Asst Prin Salary HS Asst Prin Salary Chesak Asst Prin Salary Martin Asst Prin Salary Marlowe Asst Prin Salary Mackeben Asst Prin Salary Conley Asst Prin Salary Heineman Dean Secretary - HS Dean Secretary - HS Dean - HS Bus Office IMRF Bus Office FICA Asst Supt Salary Business Fiscal Office IMRF Fiscal Office Soc Sec Director of Fiscal Service Fiscal Office Salary Fiscal Office Salary Fiscal Office Salary Assistant Director Salary Director Build & Grounds Assistant Director Salary Director Build & Grounds O & M Medicare Expense Type FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA IMRF IMRF FICA FICA FICA FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 2,576 2,376 2,391 2,574 925 1,233 2,103 1,954 1,009 923 925 1,123 2,215 1,424 2,353 14,063 8,637 2,020 7,231 4,651 1,088 26,628 17,125 4,006 8,347 20,040 5,369 9,234 1,256 FY15 Budget 2,628 2,423 2,439 2,625 943 1,258 2,145 1,993 1,030 941 943 1,146 2,259 1,453 2,400 14,344 8,810 2,060 7,376 4,744 1,109 27,161 17,468 4,086 8,514 20,441 5,476 9,419 1,281 Page 69 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 50-2540-214-00-79-605-14 50-2542-212-00-79-605-14 50-2542-213-00-79-605-14 50-2542-214-00-79-605-14 50-2544-212-00-79-605-14 50-2544-213-00-79-605-14 50-2544-214-00-79-605-14 50-2550-212-00-79-405-14 50-2550-213-00-79-405-14 50-2550-214-00-79-405-14 50-2552-212-00-79-405-14 50-2552-213-00-79-405-14 50-2552-214-00-79-405-14 50-2554-212-00-79-405-14 50-2554-213-00-79-405-14 50-2554-214-00-79-405-14 50-2559-212-00-79-605-14 50-2559-213-00-79-605-14 50-2559-214-00-79-605-14 50-2560-212-00-71-105-13 50-2560-212-00-71-305-13 50-2560-212-00-72-115-13 50-2560-212-00-72-125-13 50-2560-212-00-72-225-13 50-2560-212-00-74-145-13 50-2560-212-00-74-155-13 50-2560-212-00-74-215-13 50-2560-212-00-79-605-14 50-2560-213-00-71-105-13 Account_Description Director O & M Medicare Custodial Salary Custodial Salary Custodial Medicare Maintenance Salary Maintenance Salary Maintenance Medicare Director of Transportation Director of Transportation Director Transp Medicare Drivers Salary IMRF Drivers Salary FICA Drivers Salary Medicare Bus Maintenance Salary Bus Maintenance Salary Bus Maintenance Medicare Bus Aides Bus Aides Bus Aides Medicare Food Service Sal Leggee Food Service Salary HS Food Service Sal Chesak Food Service Sal Martin Food Service Salary Marlowe Food Service Salary Mackeben Food Service Salary Conley Food Service Salary Heineman Director Food Service Food Service Sal Leggee Expense Type FICA IMRF FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA IMRF IMRF IMRF IMRF IMRF IMRF IMRF IMRF IMRF FICA FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 2,159 34,270 25,374 5,934 36,404 23,413 5,476 13,547 8,464 1,979 217,681 140,010 32,748 9,883 6,358 1,486 20,487 13,447 3,142 5,835 11,161 5,721 4,507 8,465 4,765 4,499 7,066 6,724 4,602 FY15 Budget 2,202 34,955 25,881 6,052 37,132 23,881 5,585 13,818 8,633 2,019 222,034 142,811 33,403 10,081 6,485 1,516 20,897 13,716 3,205 5,952 11,384 5,836 4,597 8,634 4,861 4,589 7,208 6,859 4,694 Page 70 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 50-2560-213-00-71-305-13 50-2560-213-00-72-115-13 50-2560-213-00-72-125-13 50-2560-213-00-72-225-13 50-2560-213-00-74-145-13 50-2560-213-00-74-155-13 50-2560-213-00-74-215-13 50-2560-213-00-79-605-14 50-2560-214-00-71-105-13 50-2560-214-00-71-305-13 50-2560-214-00-72-115-13 50-2560-214-00-72-125-13 50-2560-214-00-72-225-13 50-2560-214-00-74-145-13 50-2560-214-00-74-155-13 50-2560-214-00-74-215-13 50-2560-214-00-79-605-14 50-2561-212-00-79-605-14 50-2561-213-00-79-605-14 50-2561-214-00-79-605-14 50-2630-212-00-79-605-14 50-2630-213-00-79-605-14 50-2630-214-00-79-605-14 50-2641-214-00-79-505-14 50-2642-212-00-79-505-14 50-2642-213-00-79-505-14 50-2642-214-00-79-505-14 50-2660-212-00-79-605-14 50-2660-213-00-79-605-14 Account_Description Food Service Salary HS Food Service Sal Chesak Food Service Sal Martin Food Service Salary Marlowe Food Service Salary Mackeben Food Service Salary Conley Food Service Salary Heineman Director Food Service Food Service Sal Leggee Food Service HS Medicare Food Service Chesak Medicare Food Service Martin Medicare Food Service Marlowe Medicare Food Service Mackeben Medicare Food Service Conley Medicare Food Service Heineman Medicare Food Service Medicare Dir Food Service IMRF Dir Food Service FICA Dir Food Service Medicare Vol Coord Salary Vol Coord Salary Volunteer Coord Medicare Director of HR Salary HR Office Salary FICA Employer Paid HR Office Medicare Dir Technology/Curriculum IMRF Dir Technology/Curriculum FICA Expense Type FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA FICA IMRF FICA FICA IMRF FICA FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FY14 Budget 8,871 4,434 3,308 5,445 3,065 2,893 4,952 4,325 1,078 2,075 1,037 774 1,273 718 677 1,158 1,012 7,096 4,358 1,019 3,194 2,054 480 1,403 17,074 10,982 2,569 1,550 997 FY15 Budget 9,048 4,523 3,374 5,554 3,126 2,951 5,051 4,412 1,100 2,116 1,058 789 1,299 732 691 1,182 1,032 7,238 4,445 1,039 3,258 2,095 490 1,431 17,415 11,202 2,620 1,581 1,017 Page 71 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 50-2660-214-00-79-605-14 50-2664-212-00-79-605-14 50-2664-213-00-79-605-14 50-2664-214-00-79-605-14 60-2530-329-00-79-600-14 60-2530-490-00-72-115 60-2530-520-00-71-305 60-2530-530-00-74-155 60-5140-620 60-5200-610 10-1500-390-00-71-300-13 10-1502-110-30-72-225-13 10-1551-110-00-71-300-15 10-1551-110-00-71-300-16 10-1552-110-00-79-300-14 10-2210-312-89-79-605-14 10-2212-310-00-79-505-14 10-2212-319-00-74-500-14 10-2220-700-92-79-600-14 10-2550-339-89-79-605-14 10-2660-310-92-79-600-14 10-1110-710-00-71-100-13 10-1200-314-92-79-600-14 10-1200-319-92-79-600-14 10-1200-390-92-79-600-14 10-2210-110-84-79-605-14 10-2210-310-84-79-605-14 10-2210-410-56-79-605-14 10-2220-310-92-79-600-14 Account_Description Dir Technology/Curriculum MEDI Office of Technology Office of Technology Office of Technology Other Property Services Invent Supplies Chesak Construction HS Site Improvement Conley Interest on Bonds Principal on Bonds Student Drug Testing Art Club Sponsor-Marlowe Swimming-Boys Swimming-Girls Baking Club Title I Professional Developmt Curriclum Gen Pur Svc Instructional Tech Renewal IDEA Ed Media Non-Capital Eqpt Title I Transportation IDEA Data Processing Pur Svc Non-Cap Eqpt Leggee IDEA Homebound/Hosp Tutoring IDEA Software License Renewal IDEA Instruction Field Trips Title III LIPLEPS Imp of Instr Title III LIPLEPS Pur Svcs District Improvement Materials IDEA Ed Media Pur Svc Expense Type FICA IMRF FICA FICA A A CAP CAP LTD LTD A HEA HEA HEA HEA A A A A A A A A A A HEA A A A FO Desc EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS CAPITAL OUTLAY CAPITAL OUTLAY OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS PURCHASED SERVICES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES SALARIES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES TRANSFERS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES TRANSFERS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SALARIES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASED SERVICES FY14 Budget 1,286 41,797 26,680 6,239 3,641,000 300,000 416,094 20,000 1,113 4,837 4,837 913 50,000 94,389 4,615 7,000 5,641 37,500 2,000 5,000 27,200 4,000 500 2,100 37,705 6,800 FY15 Budget 1,312 42,633 27,214 6,364 100,000 155,000 23,381,904 212,094 200,000 20,083 1,152 5,006 5,006 945 112,250 94,779 4,634 15,500 744 43,000 4,008 6,000 12,000 600 1,500 2,800 37,861 11,700 Page 72 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-2220-410-92-79-600-14 10-2660-316-92-79-600-14 20-5260-620 20-5360-610 30-5220-620 30-5320-610 30-5340-610 40-2559-332-00-79 10-1200-490-58-79-600-14 10-2300-410-97-79-600-14 10-2664-212-00-79-605-14 10-1101-310-00-79-605-14 10-1125-390-97-79-600-14 10-1200-390-00-79-600-14 10-1400-490-64-71-305-13 10-1800-310-84-79-605-14 10-2190-390-00-71-300-12 10-2550-390-92-79-600-14 10-2560-415-92-79-605-14 10-3000-390-84-79-605-14 10-3900-410-89-79-605-14 10-1200-122-00-79-600-14 10-1542-110-30-72-220-14 10-1412-220-63-71-300-14 10-1110-323-00-71-100-13 10-1110-323-00-72-110-13 10-1110-323-00-74-140-13 10-1120-323-00-74-210-13 10-1120-390-00-72-220-13 Account_Description IDEA Ed Media Supplies IDEA Data Processing Services Bond Interest Bond Principal Interest on Bonds Principal on Bonds Principal on CABs Parent Transportation Reimb SpEd Proj-K-2Adjusted Learning All Children Gen Admin Sup IMRF Board Paid Substitute Teacher-Contracted All Children Purchased Service SpEd General Purch Svc Perkins Grant Supplies Title III LIPLEPS Pur Svc Graduation Event IDEA Field Trip Transportation IDEA Preschool Food Title III LIPLEPS Comm Svcs PS Title I Comm Rel Supplies SpEd Summer Staff Development Play Director Marlowe CTEI Health Ins Repairs & Maintenance Leggee Repairs & Maintenance Chesak Repairs & Maintenance Mackeben Repairs & Maintenance HMS Marlowe Purchased Service Expense Type A A LTD LTD LTD LTD LTD A R A A A A A A A A A A A A HEA HEA I A A A A A FO Desc SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASED SERVICES OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS OTHER OBJECTS PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SUPPLIES & MATERIALS EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS SALARIES SALARIES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES FY14 Budget 6,500 21,388 189,587 3,051,577 9,535,000 12,585 225,507 1,500 3,261 15,000 4,000 4,666 10,000 9,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 20,000 2,829 1,795 3,305 2,901 1,806 4,200 5,607 FY15 Budget 36,587 150,000 6,538,903 750,000 1,398,980 12,637 179,200 2,000 3,275 15,062 65,000 18,368 8,200 10,041 15,000 3,000 500 744 20,000 2,928 5,181 3,319 2,913 1,814 4,200 3,630 Page 73 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 Final Budget - Expenditure Detail By Account Presented to the Board of Education: September 18, 2014 Account_Number 10-1130-314-06-71-305-13 10-1200-332-92-79-600-14 10-1400-390-64-71-305-13 10-1500-320-00-71-300-13 10-1531-319-00-71-300-13 10-2660-325-00-79-600-14 10-3100-332-97-79-605-14 10-1130-410-31-71-300-13 10-1400-710-64-71-305-13 10-1600-111-00-79-605-14 Account_Description Confucious Contract IDEA Travel Perkins Grant Purch Svc HHS Athletics Grounds Svcs Theater Royalties Computer Leases All Children Community Travel Blended Learning Supplies Perkins Grant Non-Cap Eqpt Summer School SpEd Salary Expense Type A A A A A A A A A HEA FO Desc PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES PURCHASED SERVICES SUPPLIES & MATERIALS TRANSFERS SALARIES FY14 Budget 45,608 5,500 540 7,250 9,000 14,274 800 1,709 28,100 131,723 FY15 Budget 45,797 20,000 2,760 7,280 9,037 14,333 700 1,716 11,963 93,300 100,497,758 121,327,483 Page 74 Consolidated School District 158 FY15 STATE BUDGET FORM Consolidated School District 158 650 Academic Drive Algonquin, Illinois 60102 (847) 659-6158 To: Board of Education and Administration From: Mark Altmayer, Chief Financial Officer Date: September 18, 2014 Subject: FY15 Budget State Budget Form Board of Education Meeting, September 18, 2014 • As of the date of the delivery of the Board packet, the FY15 State Budget Form is not yet complete. Administration expects to have the FY15 State Budget Form for your review on September 18, 2014. If you have any questions and or comments, please feel free to reach out to me before the upcoming meeting. Officials Issuing Report Dr. John D. Burkey, Superintendent Mark Altmayer, Chief Financial Officer Consolidated School District 158 Should you have any questions about any information contained within this document, please do not hesitate to contact: Mark Altmayer, Chief Financial Officer 847-659-6111 ISBE 50-36 SB2015 Updated 5/1/14 Huntley School District #158 44-063-1580-22 P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form Page 2 A 1 B Begin entering data on EstRev 5-10 and EstExp 11-17 tabs. Acct # Description 2 3 ESTIMATED BEGINNING FUND BALANCE July 1, 2014 1 4 RECEIPTS/REVENUES 5 LOCAL SOURCES 1000 2000 FLOW-THROUGH RECEIPTS/REVENUES FROM ONE 6 DISTRICT TO ANOTHER DISTRICT 7 STATE SOURCES 8 FEDERAL SOURCES 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Total Direct Receipts/Revenues 3000 4000 8 Receipts/Revenues for "On Behalf" Payments 2 Total Receipts/Revenues DISBURSEMENTS/EXPENDITURES INSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES COMMUNITY SERVICES PAYMENTS TO OTHER DISTRICTS & GOVT UNITS DEBT SERVICES PROVISION FOR CONTINGENCIES Total Direct Disbursements/Expenditures 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 9 Disbursements/Expenditures for "On Behalf" Payments 2 4180 Total Disbursements/Expenditures Excess of Direct Receipts/Revenues Over (Under) Direct Disbursements/Expenditures 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Transfer of Excess Fire Prev & Safety Tax & Interest Proceeds to O&M Fund D E F (20) Operations & Maintenance (30) Debt Service (40) Transportation G H (50) (60) Capital Projects Municipal Retirement/ Social Security 1,126,910 32,401,301 19,025,896 1,505,402 4,818,335 7,542,902 47,564,804 6,851,101 8,502,046 4,201,366 2,548,281 0 21,004,957 2,834,240 0 750,000 0 0 0 0 2,636,661 0 71,404,001 7,601,101 8,502,046 71,404,001 7,601,101 43,798,030 25,516,713 2,844 3,052,141 0 0 I J K (70) Working Cash (80) Tort (90) Fire Prevention & Safety L 2,388,890 0 29,991 692,148 342,091 0 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,838,027 2,548,281 692,148 342,091 0 300 8,502,046 6,838,027 2,548,281 692,148 342,091 0 300 7,894,923 0 0 186,587 0 915,838 1,546,709 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,707,883 0 5,656,818 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 72,369,728 8,081,510 8,707,883 5,656,818 2,462,547 23,636,904 0 0 0 72,369,728 0 8,081,510 0 8,707,883 0 5,656,818 0 2,462,547 0 23,636,904 0 0 0 0 1,181,209 85,734 342,091 0 300 0 0 0 (965,727) (480,409) (205,837) 23,636,904 0 (22,944,756) 7110 7110 7120 7130 7140 7150 7160 3 Transfer of Excess Accumulated Fire Prev & Safety Bond and Int Proceeds to Debt Service Fund SALE OF BONDS (7200) 0 0 3a 4 7170 0 7210 Principal on Bonds Sold Premium on Bonds Sold Accrued Interest on Bonds Sold 5 Sale or Compensation for Fixed Assets Transfer to Debt Service to Pay Principal on Capital Leases Transfer to Debt Service Fund to Pay Interest on Capital Leases Transfer to Debt Service Fund to Pay Principal on Revenue Bonds Transfer to Debt Service Fund to Pay Interest on Revenue Bonds Transfer to Capital Projects Fund ISBE Loan Proceeds Other Sources Not Classified Elsewhere Total Other Sources of Funds C (10) Educational 3998 22 23 OTHER SOURCES/USES OF FUNDS 24 OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDS (7000) 25 PERMANENT TRANSFER FROM VARIOUS FUNDS 26 Abolishment the Working Cash Fund 16 27 Abatement of the Working Cash Fund 16 28 Transfer of Working Cash Fund Interest 29 Transfer Among Funds 30 Transfer of Interest 31 Transfer from Capital Projects Fund to O&M Fund 32 Page 2 BUDGET SUMMARY 7220 7230 7300 0 0 0 0 7400 7500 7600 7700 7800 7900 7990 8 P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 0 0 0 977,613 977,613 0 0 0 10/16/2014 Page 3 A 1 B Begin entering data on EstRev 5-10 and EstExp 11-17 tabs. Acct # Description 2 47 OTHER USES OF FUNDS (8000) 49 TRANSFER TO VARIOUS OTHER FUNDS (8100) 50 Abolishment or Abatement of the Working Cash Fund 16 51 Transfer of Working Cash Fund Interest 52 Transfer Among Funds 53 Transfer of Interest 6 54 Transfer from Capital Projects Fund to O&M Fund 55 Page 3 BUDGET SUMMARY Transfer of Excess Fire Prev & Safety Tax & Interest Proceeds to O&M Fund D E F (20) Operations & Maintenance (30) Debt Service (40) Transportation G H (50) (60) Capital Projects Municipal Retirement/ Social Security I J K (70) Working Cash (80) Tort (90) Fire Prevention & Safety 8110 L 0 0 8120 8130 8140 8150 8160 3 Transfer of Excess Accumulated Fire Prev & Safety Bond C (10) Educational 3a 56 and Int Proceeds to Debt Service Fund 57 Taxes Pledged to Pay Principal on Capital Leases 58 Grants/Reimbursements Pledged to Pay Principal on Capital Leases 59 Other Revenues Pledged to Pay Principal on Capital Leases 60 Fund Balance Transfers Pledged to Pay Principal on Capital Leases 61 Taxes Pledged to Pay Interest on Capital Leases 62 Grants/Reimbursements Pledged to Pay Interest on Capital Leases 63 Other Revenues Pledged to Pay Interest on Capital Leases 64 Fund Balance Transfers Pledged to Pay Interest on Capital Leases 65 Taxes Pledged to Pay Principal on Revenue Bonds 66 Grants/Reimbursements Pledged to Pay Principal on Revenue Bonds 67 Other Revenues Pledged to Pay Principal on Revenue Bonds 68 Fund Balance Transfers Pledged to Pay Principal on Revenue Bonds 69 Taxes Pledged to Pay Interest on Revenue Bonds 70 Grants/Reimbursements Pledged to Pay Interest on Revenue Bonds 71 Other Revenues Pledged to Pay Interest on Revenue Bonds 72 Fund Balance Transfers Pledged to Pay Interest on Revenue Bonds 73 Taxes Transferred to Pay for Capital Projects 74 Grants/Reimbursements Pledged to Pay for Capital Projects 75 Other Revenues Pledged to Pay for Capital Projects 76 Fund Balance Transfers Pledged to Pay for Capital Projects 77 Transfer to Debt Service Fund to Pay Principal on ISBE Loans 78 Other Uses Not Classified Elsewhere 9 79 Total Other Uses of Funds Total Other Sources/Uses of Fund 80 81 ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE June 30, 2015 8170 8410 8420 8430 8440 8510 8520 8530 8540 8610 8620 8630 8640 8710 8720 8730 8740 8810 8820 8830 8840 8910 977,613 8990 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,060,169 0 1,024,993 977,613 5,590,111 0 8,724,111 0 1,212,644 82 83 84 977,613 (977,613) 8,478,932 0 0 0 0 2,730,981 0 0 0 30,291 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES (by Major Object) Description 85 86 Object Name 87 Salaries 88 Employee Benefits 89 Purchased Services 90 Supplies & Materials 91 Capital Outlay 92 Other Objects 93 Non-Capitalized Equipment 94 Termination Benefits 95 Total Expenditures Acct # 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 (10) (20) (30) (40) Educational Operations & Maintenance Debt Service Transportation 51,269,267 8,276,178 3,868,353 6,049,912 22,080 2,841,667 42,271 0 72,369,728 P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 1,105,486 176,737 3,445,446 2,028,900 1,134,840 190,101 0 0 8,081,510 0 8,707,883 8,707,883 2,666,727 1,170,596 909,303 830,389 74,825 4,978 0 0 5,656,818 (50) (60) Municipal Capital Projects Retirement/ Social Security 2,462,547 0 2,462,547 (70) (80) (90) Working Cash Tort Fire Prevention & Safety Total By Object 55,181,480 12,101,058 8,323,102 8,909,201 24,613,649 11,744,629 42,271 0 120,915,390 140,000 15,000 100,000 0 23,381,904 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,636,904 0 0 10/16/2014 Page 4 A B 1 Acct # Description 2 3 BEGINNING CASH BALANCE ON HAND July 1, 2014 7 8 4 Total Direct Receipts & Other Sources 5 OTHER RECEIPTS Interfund Loans Payable (Loans from Other Funds) 6 Interfund Loans Receivable (Repayment of Loans) 7 Notes and Warrants Payable 8 Other Current Assets 9 10 Total Other Receipts 11 Total Direct Receipts, Other Sources, & Other Receipts 12 Total Amount Available 9 13 Total Direct Disbursements & Other Uses 14 OTHER DISBURSEMENTS 15 Interfund Loans Receivable (Loans to Other Funds) 10 16 Interfund Loans Payable (Repayment of Loans) 17 Notes and Warrants Payable 18 Other Current Liabilities 19 Total Other Disbursements 20 21 Page 4 SUMMARY OF CASH TRANSACTIONS P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 7 D E F G H I J K (20) Operations & Maintenance (30) Debt Service (40) Transportation (60) Capital Projects (70) Working Cash (80) Tort (90) Fire Prevention & Safety 25,970,120 2,129,564 4,335,593 7,707,445 (50) Municipal Retirement/ Social Security 1,237,354 33,894,700 2,384,269 0 29,991 71,404,001 7,601,101 9,479,659 6,838,027 2,548,281 692,148 342,091 0 300 0 71,404,001 97,374,121 0 7,601,101 9,730,665 0 9,479,659 13,815,252 0 6,838,027 14,545,472 0 2,548,281 3,785,635 0 692,148 34,586,848 0 342,091 2,726,360 0 0 0 0 300 30,291 72,369,728 8,081,510 8,707,883 5,656,818 2,462,547 24,614,517 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 72,369,728 8,081,510 8,707,883 5,656,818 2,462,547 24,614,517 0 0 0 25,004,393 1,649,155 5,107,369 8,888,654 1,323,088 9,972,331 2,726,360 0 30,291 411 141 433 199 141 411 433 499 Total Direct Disbursements, Other Uses, & Other Disbursements ENDING CASH BALANCE ON HAND June 30, 2015 C (10) Educational 10/16/2014 Page 5 A B 1 Acct # Description 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Page 5 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS/REVENUES C D E F (10) Educational (20) Operations & Maintenance (30) Debt Service (40) Transportation G H (50) (60) Municipal Capital Projects Retirement/ Social Security I J K (70) Working Cash (80) Tort (90) Fire Prevention & Safety RECEIPTS/REVENUES FROM LOCAL SOURCES AD VALOREM TAXES LEVIED BY LOCAL EDUCATION AGENCY Designated Purposes Levies 11 - 12 Leasing Purposes Levy Special Education Purposes Levy FICA and Medicare Only Levies Area Vocational Construction Purposes Levy Summer School Purposes Levy Other Tax Levies (Describe & Itemize) Total Ad Valorem Taxes Levied by District 1130 1140 1150 1160 1170 1190 41,818,587 6,580,081 8,485,296 4,123,038 2,428,434 6,580,081 8,485,296 4,123,038 2,428,434 337,091 225,000 42,043,587 0 337,091 0 0 0 0 0 0 PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF TAXES Mobile Home Privilege Tax Payments from Local Housing Authority 1210 1220 13 Corporate Personal Property Replacement Taxes Other Payments in Lieu of Taxes (Describe & Itemize) Total Payments in Lieu of Taxes 1230 1290 395,917 395,917 115,049 0 0 0 115,049 TUITION Regular Tuition from Pupils or Parents (In State) Regular Tuition from Other Districts (In State) Regular Tuition from Other Sources (In State) Regular Tuition from Other Sources (Out of State) 1311 1312 1313 1314 250,000 Summer School Tuition from Pupils or Parents (In State) 1321 68,805 Summer School Tuition from Other Districts (In State) Summer School Tuition from Other Sources (In State) Summer School Tuition from Other Sources (Out of State) CTE Tuition from Pupils or Parents (In State) CTE Tuition from Other Districts (In State) CTE Tuition from Other Sources (In State) CTE Tuition from Other Sources (Out of State) Special Education Tuition from Pupils or Parents (In State) Special Education Tuition from Other Districts (In State) Special Education Tuition from Other Sources (In State) Special Education Tuition from Other Sources (Out of State) Adult Tuition from Pupils or Parents (In State) Adult Tuition from Other Districts (In State) Adult Tuition from Other Sources (In State) Adult Tuition from Other Sources (Out of State) Total Tuition 1322 1323 1324 1331 1332 1333 1334 1341 1342 1343 1344 1351 1352 1353 1354 3,112 321,917 TRANSPORTATION FEES Regular Transportation Fees from Pupils or Parents (In State) Regular Transportation Fees from Other Districts (In State) Regular Transportation Fees from Other Sources (In State) Regular Transportation Fees from Co-curricular Activities (In State) Regular Transportation Fees from Other Sources (Out of State) Summer School Transportation Fees from Pupils or Parents (In State) Summer School Transportation Fees from Other Districts (In State) Summer School Transportation Fees from Other Sources (In State) Summer School Transportation Fees from Other Sources (Out of State) CTE Transportation Fees from Pupils or Parents (In State) CTE Transportation Fees from Other Districts (In State) CTE Transportation Fees from Other Sources (In State) CTE Transportation Fees from Other Sources (Out of State) Special Education Transportation Fees from Pupils or Parents (In State) P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 1411 1412 1413 1415 1416 1421 1422 1423 1424 68,124 2,057 1431 1432 1433 1434 1441 10/16/2014 Page 6 A B 1 Description 2 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Page 6 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS/REVENUES Special Education Transportation Fees from Other Districts (In State) Special Education Transportation Fees from Other Sources (In State) Special Education Transportation Fees from Other Sources (Out of State) Adult Transportation Fees from Pupils or Parents (In State) Adult Transportation Fees from Other Districts (In State) Adult Transportation Fees from Other Sources (In State) Adult Transportation Fees from Other Sources (Out of State) Total Transportation Fees Acct # C D E F (10) Educational (20) Operations & Maintenance (30) Debt Service (40) Transportation G H (50) (60) Municipal Capital Projects Retirement/ Social Security I J K (70) Working Cash (80) Tort (90) Fire Prevention & Safety 1442 1443 1444 1451 1452 1453 1454 70,181 EARNINGS ON INVESTMENTS Interest on Investments Gain or Loss on Sale of Investments Total Earnings on Investments 1510 1520 58,073 13,312 16,750 8,147 4,798 25,000 5,000 300 58,073 13,312 16,750 8,147 4,798 25,000 5,000 0 300 0 342,091 0 0 0 300 FOOD SERVICE Sales to Pupils - Lunch Sales to Pupils - Breakfast Sales to Pupils - A la Carte Sales to Pupils - Other (Describe & Itemize) Sales to Adults Other Food Service (Describe & Itemize) Total Food Service 1611 1612 1613 1614 1620 1690 2,621,593 1711 1719 1720 1730 1790 70,543 71,242 42,272 12,212 2,747,319 DISTRICT/SCHOOL ACTIVITY INCOME Admissions - Athletic Admissions - Other Fees Book Store Sales Other District/School Activity Revenue (Describe & Itemize) Total District/School Activity Income 335,795 406,338 0 TEXTBOOK Income Rentals - Regular Textbooks Rentals - Summer School Textbooks Rentals - Adult/Continuing Education Textbooks Rentals - Other (Describe) Sales - Regular Textbooks Sales - Summer School Textbooks Sales - Adult/Continuing Education Textbooks Sales - Other (Describe & Itemize) Other (Describe & Itemize) Total Textbooks 1811 1812 1813 1819 1821 1822 1823 1829 1890 1,215,000 1,215,000 OTHER REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCES Rentals Contributions and Donations from Private Sources Impact Fees from Municipal or County Governments Services Provided Other Districts Refund of Prior Years' Expenditures Payments of Surplus Moneys from TIF Districts Drivers' Education Fees Proceeds from Vendors' Contracts School Facility Occupation Tax Proceeds Payment from Other Districts Sale of Vocational Projects Other Local Fees (Describe & Itemize) Other Local Revenues (Describe & Itemize) Total Other Revenue from Local Sources Total Receipts/Revenues from Local Sources P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1983 1991 1992 1993 1999 1000 46,543 129,286 206,858 667,148 1,979 50,834 148,011 376,653 47,564,804 50,850 257,708 6,851,101 0 8,502,046 0 4,201,366 0 2,548,281 667,148 692,148 10/16/2014 Page 7 Page 7 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS/REVENUES A B 1 Description Acct # C D E F (10) Educational (20) Operations & Maintenance (30) Debt Service (40) Transportation G 2 H (50) (60) Municipal Capital Projects Retirement/ Social Security I J K (70) Working Cash (80) Tort (90) Fire Prevention & Safety FLOW-THROUGH RECEIPTS/REVENUES FROM ONE 110 DISTRICT TO ANOTHER DISTRICT 111 Flow-Through Revenue from State Sources 112 Flow-Through Revenue from Federal Sources 113 Other Flow-Through Revenue (Describe & Itemize) Total Flow-Through Receipts/Revenues From 114 One District to Another District 115 RECEIPTS/REVENUES FROM STATE SOURCES 116 UNRESTRICTED GRANTS-IN-AID 117 General State Aid (Section 18-8.05) 118 General State Aid Hold Harmless/Supplemental 119 Reorganization Incentives (Accounts 3005-3021) Other Unrestricted Grants-In-Aid From State Sources 120 (Describe & Itemize) 121 Total Unrestricted Grants-In-Aid 122 RESTRICTED GRANTS-IN-AID 123 SPECIAL EDUCATION 124 Special Education - Private Facility Tuition 125 Special Education - Funding for Children Requiring Sp Ed Services 126 Special Education - Personnel 127 Special Education - Orphanage - Individual 128 Special Education - Orphanage - Summer Individual 129 Special Education - Summer School 130 Special Education - Other (Describe & Itemize) 131 Total Special Education 132 CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) 133 CTE - Technical Education - Tech Prep 134 CTE - Secondary Program Improvement (CTEI) 135 CTE - WECEP 136 CTE - Agriculture Education 137 CTE - Instructor Practicum 138 CTE - Student Organizations 139 CTE - Other (Describe & Itemize) 140 Total Career and Technical Education 141 BILINGUAL EDUCATION 142 Bilingual Education - Downstate - TPI and TBE 143 Bilingual Education - Downstate - Transitional Bilingual Education 144 Total Bilingual Education 145 State Free Lunch & Breakfast 146 School Breakfast Initiative 147 Driver Education 148 Adult Education (from ICCB) 149 Adult Education - Other (Describe & Itemize) 150 TRANSPORTATION 151 Transportation - Regular and Vocational 152 Transportation - Special Education 153 Transportation - Other (Describe & Itemize) 154 Total Transportation 155 Learning Improvement - Change Grants 156 Scientific Literacy 157 Truant Alternative/Optional Education 158 Early Childhood - Block Grant 159 Reading Improvement Block Grant 160 Reading Improvement Block Grant - Reading Recovery 161 Continued Reading Improvement Block Grant 162 Continued Reading Improvement Block Grant (2% Set Aside) P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 2100 2200 2300 2000 0 0 3001 3002 3005 3099 16,397,826 750,000 16,397,826 750,000 3100 3105 3110 3120 3130 3145 3199 3360 3365 3370 3410 3499 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 84,284 84,284 4,955 0 49,740 1,547,528 1,089,133 3500 3510 3599 0 3610 3660 3695 3705 3715 3720 3725 3726 0 33,071 33,071 3305 3310 0 1,050,000 1,268,095 1,749,668 21,301 335 44,332 4,133,731 3200 3220 3225 3235 3240 3270 3299 0 0 0 2,636,661 0 226,994 10/16/2014 Page 8 Page 8 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS/REVENUES A B 1 Description 2 163 Chicago General Education Block Grant 164 Chicago Educational Services Block Grant 165 School Safety & Educational Improvement Block Grant 166 Technology - Technology for Success 167 State Charter Schools 168 Extended Learning Opportunities - Summer Bridges 169 Infrastructure Improvements - Planning/Construction 170 School Infrastructure - Maintenance Projects 171 Other Restricted Revenue from State Sources (Describe & Itemize) 172 Total Restricted Grants-In-Aid 173 Total Receipts/Revenues from State Sources 174 RECEIPTS/REVENUES FROM FEDERAL SOURCES Acct # 3766 3767 3775 3780 3815 3825 3920 3925 3999 3000 C D E F (10) Educational (20) Operations & Maintenance (30) Debt Service (40) Transportation G H (50) (60) Municipal Capital Projects Retirement/ Social Security I J K (70) Working Cash (80) Tort (90) Fire Prevention & Safety 74,356 4,607,131 21,004,957 0 750,000 0 0 2,636,661 2,636,661 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UNRESTRICTED GRANTS-IN-AID RECEIVED DIRECTLY 175 FROM FEDERAL GOVT. 176 Federal Impact Aid 177 178 Other Unrestricted Grants-In-Aid Received Directly from the Federal Govt. (Describe & Itemize) Total Unrestricted Grants-In-Aid Received Directly from Fed Govt 4001 4009 RESTRICTED GRANTS-IN-AID RECEIVED DIRECTLY FROM FEDERAL 179 GOVT 180 181 182 183 184 Head Start Construction (Impact Aid) MAGNET Other Restricted Grants-In-Aid Received Directly from Federal Govt. (Describe & Itemize) Total Restricted Grants-In-Aid Received Directly from Federal Govt. 4045 4050 4060 4090 0 RESTRICTED GRANTS-IN-AID RECEIVED FROM FEDERAL 185 GOVT. THRU THE STATE 186 TITLE VI 187 Title VI - Innovation and Flexibility Formula 188 Title VI - SEA Projects 189 Title VI - Rural Education Initiative (REI) 190 Title VI - Other (Describe & Itemize) 191 Total Title VI 192 FOOD SERVICE 193 Breakfast Start-Up Expansion 194 National School Lunch Program 195 Special Milk Program 196 School Breakfast Program 197 Summer Food Service Admin/Program 198 Child and Adult Care Food Program 199 Fresh Fruit and Vegetables 200 Food Service - Other (Describe & Itemize) 201 Total Food Service 202 TITLE I 203 Title I - Low Income 204 Title I - Low Income - Neglected, Private 205 Title I - Comprehensive School Reform 206 Title I - Reading First 207 Title I - Even Start 208 Title I - Reading First SEA Funds 209 Title I - Migrant Education 210 Title I - Other (Describe & Itemize) 211 Total Title I P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 4100 4105 4107 4199 4200 4210 4215 4220 4225 4226 4240 4299 675,000 20,000 695,000 4300 4305 4332 4334 4335 4337 4340 4399 0 238,298 238,298 0 0 0 10/16/2014 Page 9 Page 9 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS/REVENUES A B 1 Description 2 212 TITLE IV 213 Title IV - Safe & Drug Free Schools - Formula 214 Title IV - 21st Century Comm Learning Centers 215 Title IV - Other (Describe & Itemize) 216 Total Title IV 217 FEDERAL - SPECIAL EDUCATION 218 Federal Special Education - Preschool Flow-Through 219 Federal Special Education - Preschool Discretionary 220 Federal Special Education - IDEA Flow Through 221 Federal Special Education - IDEA Room & Board 222 Federal Special Education - IDEA Discretionary 223 Federal Special Education - IDEA - Other (Describe & Itemize) 224 Total Federal Special Education 225 CTE - PERKINS 226 CTE - Perkins-Title IIIE Tech Prep 227 CTE - Other (Describe & Itemize) 228 Total CTE - Perkins 229 Federal - Adult Education 230 ARRA - General State Aid - Education Stabilization 231 ARRA - Title I - Low Income 232 ARRA - Title I - Neglected, Private 233 ARRA - Title I - Delinquent, Private 234 ARRA - Title I - School Improvement (Part A) 235 ARRA - Title I - School Improvement (Section 1003g) 236 ARRA - IDEA - Part B - Preschool 237 ARRA - IDEA - Part B - Flow-Through 238 ARRA - Title IID - Technology - Formula 239 ARRA - Title IID - Technology - Competitive 240 ARRA - McKinney - Vento Homeless Education 241 ARRA - Child Nutrition Equipment Assistance 242 Impact Aid Formula Grants 243 Impact Aid Competitive Grants 244 Qualified Zone Academy Bond Tax Credits 245 Qualified School Construction Bond Credits 246 Build America Bond Tax Credits 247 Build America Bond Interest Reimbursement 248 ARRA - General State Aid - Other Government Services Stabilization 249 Other ARRA Funds - II 250 Other ARRA Funds - III 251 Other ARRA Funds - IV 252 Other ARRA Funds - V 253 ARRA - Early Childhood 254 Other ARRA Funds - VII 255 Other ARRA Funds - VIII 256 Other ARRA Funds - IX 257 Other ARRA Funds - X 258 Other ARRA Funds - Ed Job Fund Program 259 Total Stimulus Programs 260 Race to the Top Program 261 Advanced Placement Fee/International Baccalaureate 262 Title III - Immigrant Education Program (IEP) 263 Title III - Language Inst Program - Limited English (LIPLEP) 264 Learn & Serve America 265 McKinney Education for Homeless Children 266 Title II - Eisenhower - Professional Development Formula 267 Title II - Teacher Quality P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form Acct # C D E F (10) Educational (20) Operations & Maintenance (30) Debt Service (40) Transportation G H (50) (60) Municipal Capital Projects Retirement/ Social Security I J K (70) Working Cash (80) Tort (90) Fire Prevention & Safety 4400 4421 4499 0 4600 4605 4620 4625 4630 4699 0 0 0 0 0 1,209,800 80,516 1,290,316 4770 4799 0 33,091 33,091 0 0 0 0 4810 4850 4851 4852 4853 4854 4855 4856 4857 4860 4861 4862 4863 4864 4865 4866 4867 4868 4869 4870 4871 4872 4873 4874 4875 4876 4877 4878 4879 4880 4901 4904 4905 4909 4910 4920 4930 4932 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,604 39,609 10/16/2014 Page 10 A B 1 Description Acct # 2 268 269 270 Federal Charter Schools Medicaid Matching Funds - Administrative Outreach Medicaid Matching Funds - Fee-For-Service Program 4960 4991 4992 271 Other Restricted Grants Received from Federal Government through State (Describe & Itemize) 4999 272 273 274 Page 10 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS/REVENUES Total Restricted Grants-In-Aid Received from Federal Govt. Thru the State TOTAL RECEIPTS/REVENUES FROM FEDERAL SOURCES TOTAL DIRECT RECEIPTS/REVENUES P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 4000 C D E F (10) Educational (20) Operations & Maintenance (30) Debt Service (40) Transportation G H (50) (60) Municipal Capital Projects Retirement/ Social Security I J K (70) Working Cash (80) Tort (90) Fire Prevention & Safety 106,322 406,000 2,834,240 2,834,240 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71,404,001 7,601,101 8,502,046 6,838,027 2,548,281 692,148 342,091 0 300 10/16/2014 Page 11 A B 1 Description 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Page 11 ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS/EXPENDITURES Funct # C D E F G H I J K (100) (200) (300) (400) (500) (600) (700) (800) (900) Salaries Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Non-Capitalized Equipment Termination Benefits Total 10 - EDUCATIONAL FUND (ED) INSTRUCTION (ED) Regular Programs Tuition Payment to Charter Schools Pre-K Programs Special Education Programs (Functions 1200 - 1220) Special Education Programs Pre-K Remedial and Supplemental Programs K-12 Remedial and Supplemental Programs Pre-K Adult/Continuing Education Programs CTE Programs Interscholastic Programs Summer School Programs Gifted Programs Driver's Education Programs Bilingual Programs Truant Alternative & Optional Programs Pre-K Programs - Private Tuition Regular K-12 Programs Private Tuition Special Education Programs K-12 Private Tuition Special Education Programs Pre-K Tuition Remedial/Supplemental Programs K-12 Private Tuition Remedial/Supplemental Programs Pre-K Private Tuition Adult/Continuing Education Programs Private Tuition CTE Programs Private Tuition Interscholastic Programs Private Tuition Summer School Programs Private Tuition Gifted Programs Private Tuition Bilingual Programs Private Tuition Truants Alternative/Opt Ed Programs Private Tuition 14 Total Instruction SUPPORT SERVICES (ED) Support Services - Pupil Attendance & Social Work Services Guidance Services Health Services Psychological Services Speech Pathology & Audiology Services Other Support Services - Pupils (Describe & Itemize) Total Support Services - Pupil 1100 1115 1125 1200 1225 1250 1275 1300 1400 1500 1600 1650 1700 1800 1900 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 25,925,721 4,630,740 354,995 535,950 1,147,087 6,603,189 152,010 1,054,732 11,448 117,271 20,007 334,783 2,428 453,366 942,496 272,645 59,732 59,704 352,089 65,891 37,831 2,727 30,398 9,026 83,636 81,363 155,316 11,586 3,495 11,657 33,213 152,118 18,482 2,106 11,979 11,754 1000 35,816,029 6,066,991 747,131 1,122,820 2110 2120 2130 2140 2150 1,009,630 628,107 1,381,443 783,517 1,323,132 455,954 5,581,783 148,651 86,152 174,359 86,604 129,787 3,512 629,065 7,107 3,914 244,951 33,832 8,970 12,669 311,443 6,591 8,461 36,142 8,000 7,000 1,962,936 1,237,376 82,667 143,604 613,703 108,000 3,200,312 226,271 284,158 22,091 258,000 564,249 570,337 130,000 112,949 629,215 14,698 8,343 6,653 4,000 570,337 242,949 643,913 18,996 2,738,874 685,091 22,184 251,859 2190 2100 66,194 5,424 4,008 0 31,456,838 0 1,330,552 8,112,475 2,428 0 0 0 645,796 1,296,019 293,854 105,928 84,204 469,936 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43,798,030 0 1,172,506 726,634 1,836,895 911,953 1,468,889 472,135 6,589,012 0 2,945,464 1,526,571 258,000 4,730,035 2,500 11,963 8,258 2,106 10,800 2,500 15,788 26,771 527 0 527 0 Support Services - Instructional Staff Improvement of Instruction Services Educational Media Services Assessment & Testing Total Support Services - Instructional Staff 2210 2220 2230 2200 721,703 2,000 15,500 0 2,000 15,500 Support Services - General Administration Board of Education Services Executive Administration Services Special Area Administration Services Tort Immunity Services Total Support Services - General Administration 2310 2320 2330 2360 2370 2300 33,284 9,637 0 42,921 800,842 714,274 4,000 0 0 0 1,519,116 Support Services - School Administration Office of the Principal Services Other Support Services - School Administration (Describe & Itemize) P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 2410 2490 9,411 3,707,419 0 10/16/2014 Page 12 A B 1 Description 2 57 Page 12 ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS/EXPENDITURES Total Support Services - School Administration P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form Funct # 2400 C D E F G H I J K (100) (200) (300) (400) (500) (600) (700) (800) (900) Salaries Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Non-Capitalized Equipment Termination Benefits Total 2,738,874 685,091 22,184 251,859 0 9,411 0 0 3,707,419 10/16/2014 Page 13 A B 1 Description 2 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Page 13 ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS/EXPENDITURES Funct # C D E F G H I J K (100) (200) (300) (400) (500) (600) (700) (800) (900) Salaries Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Non-Capitalized Equipment Termination Benefits Total Support Services - Business Direction of Business Support Services Fiscal Services Operation & Maintenance of Plant Services Pupil Transportation Services Food Services Internal Services Total Support Services - Business 2510 2520 2540 2550 2560 2570 2500 143,375 324,033 28,333 64,052 846 382,063 12,050 773,992 164,305 15,744 80,907 2,720 1,630,951 19,580 4,105 1,241,400 256,690 479,560 1,645,721 19,580 6,738 2,633 0 0 172,554 784,831 0 18,464 2,673,840 0 3,649,689 Support Services - Central Direction of Central Support Services Planning, Research, Development & Evaluation Services Information Services Staff Services Data Processing Services 2610 2620 2630 2640 2660 3000 98,607 23,072 631,626 753,305 54,503 2,829,157 1,700 Payments for Regular Programs Payments for Special Education Programs Payments for Adult/Continuing Education Programs Payments for CTE Programs Payments for Community College Programs Other Payments to In-State Govt Units (Describe & Itemize) Total Payments to Districts and Other Govt Units (In-State) Payments for Regular Programs - Tuition 4110 4120 290,365 595,000 290,365 595,000 885,365 Payments for Special Education Programs - Tuition Payments for Adult/Continuing Education Programs - Tuition Payments for CTE Programs - Tuition Payments for Community College Programs - Tuition Payments for Other Programs - Tuition Other Payments to In-State Govt Units (Describe & Itemize) 4220 4230 4240 4270 4280 4290 4200 16,776 2,150,000 16,776 2,150,000 0 0 0 0 0 2,166,776 2,166,776 Total Support Services - Central Other Support Services (Describe & Itemize) Total Support Services COMMUNITY SERVICES (ED) 2600 33,796 1,144,477 942,259 2,120,532 11,261 75,299 82,561 169,121 15,453,238 2,209,187 2900 2000 758 14,519 2,195,667 2,210,944 10,531 4,925,948 1,144 0 0 144,422 1,258,367 3,853,619 5,256,408 65,034 25,516,713 2,844 0 1,000 1,506 2,506 0 0 19,580 64,103 15,500 0 PAYMENTS TO OTHER DISTRICTS & GOVT UNITS (ED) Payments to Other Govt Units (In-State) Total Payments to Other Dist & Govt Units - Tuition (In State) 4130 4140 4170 4190 4100 4210 Payments for Regular Programs - Transfers 4310 Payments for Special Education Programs - Transfers Payments for Adult/Continuing Ed Programs - Transfers Payments for CTE Programs - Transfers Payments for Community College Program - Transfers Payments for Other Programs - Transfers Other Payments to In-State Govt Units - Transfers (Describe & Itemiz 4320 4330 4340 4370 4380 4390 4300 Total Payments to Other District & Govt Units Transfers (In State) Payments to Other District & Govt Units (Out of State) Total Payments to Other District & Govt Units 0 885,365 0 0 0 0 4400 4000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 290,365 2,761,776 0 0 3,052,141 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE (ED) Debt Service - Interest on Short-Term Debt Tax Anticipation Warrants Tax Anticipation Notes Corporate Personal Property Repl Tax Anticipated Notes State Aid Anticipation Certificates Other Interest on Short-Term Debt (Describe & Itemize) Total Debt Service - Interest on Short-Term Debt P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 5110 5120 5130 5140 5150 5100 10/16/2014 Page 14 A B 1 Description 2 111 112 113 114 Page 14 ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS/EXPENDITURES Debt Service - Interest on Long-Term Debt Total Debt Service PROVISION FOR CONTINGENCIES (ED) Funct # D E F G H I J K (200) (300) (400) (500) (600) (700) (800) (900) Salaries Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Non-Capitalized Equipment Termination Benefits Total 5200 0 5000 6000 51,269,267 Total Direct Disbursements/Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Receipts/Revenues Over Disbursements/Expenditures 115 116 117 20 - OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE FUND (O&M) 118 SUPPORT SERVICES (O&M) Support Services - Pupil 119 120 Other Support Services - Pupils (Describe & Itemize) Support Services - Business 121 Direction of Business Support Services 122 Facilities Acquisition & Construction Services 123 Operation & Maintenance of Plant Services 124 Pupil Transportation Services 125 Food Services 126 127 Total Support Services - Business 128 Other Support Services (Describe & Itemize) 129 Total Support Services 130 COMMUNITY SERVICES (O&M) 131 PAYMENTS TO OTHER DISTRICTS & GOVT UNITS (O&M) Payments to Other Govt Units (In-State) 132 Payments for Special Education Programs 133 Payments for CTE Program 134 Other Payments to In-State Govt Units (Describe & Itemize) 135 136 Total Payments to Other Govt Units (In-State) 14 137 Payments to Other Govt Units (Out of State) 138 Total Payments to Other District and Govt Unit 139 DEBT SERVICE (O&M) Debt Service - Interest on Short-Term Debt 140 Tax Anticipation Warrants 141 Tax Anticipation Notes 142 Corporate Personal Prop Repl Tax Anticipated Notes 143 State Aid Anticipation Certificates 144 Other Interest on Short-Term Debt (Describe & Itemize) 145 146 Total Debt Service - Interest on Short-Term Debt 147 Debt Service - Interest on Long-Term Debt 148 Total Debt Service 149 PROVISION FOR CONTINGENCIES (O&M) 150 Total Direct Disbursements/Expenditures C (100) 8,276,178 3,868,353 6,049,912 22,080 2,841,667 42,271 0 0 0 0 72,369,728 (965,727) 2190 0 2510 2530 2540 2550 2560 2500 3000 0 0 7,868,923 26,000 0 7,894,923 0 7,894,923 0 4120 4140 4190 4100 1,105,486 176,737 3,445,446 2,028,900 1,108,840 26,000 3,514 1,105,486 176,737 3,445,446 2,028,900 1,134,840 3,514 0 0 1,105,486 176,737 3,445,446 2,028,900 1,134,840 3,514 0 0 2900 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4400 4000 5110 5120 5130 5140 5150 5100 0 186,587 186,587 5200 5000 6000 1,105,486 176,737 3,445,446 2,028,900 1,134,840 190,101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 186,587 186,587 0 8,081,510 Excess (Deficiency) of Receipts/Revenues Over Disbursements/Expenditures 151 152 153 30 - DEBT SERVICE FUND (DS) 154 PAYMENTS TO OTHER DISTRICTS & GOVT UNITS (DS) 155 DEBT SERVICE (DS) Debt Service - Interest on Short-Term Debt 156 Tax Anticipation Warrants 157 Tax Anticipation Notes 158 Corporate Personal Prop Repl Tax Anticipation Notes 159 State Aid Anticipation Certificates 160 Other Interest on Short-Term Debt (Describe & Itemize) 161 162 Total Debt Service - Interest On Short-Term Debt P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form (480,409) 4000 0 5110 5120 5130 5140 5150 5100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10/16/2014 Page 15 A B 1 Funct # Description 2 163 164 165 166 167 168 Debt Service - Interest on Long-Term Debt Debt Service - Payments of Principal on Long-Term Debt (Lease/Purchase Principal Retired) Debt Service Other (Describe & Itemize) 200 201 202 203 204 C D E F G H I J K (100) (200) (300) (400) (500) (600) (700) (800) (900) Salaries Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Non-Capitalized Equipment Termination Benefits Total 6,538,903 6,538,903 0 2,148,980 20,000 8,707,883 0 8,707,883 2,148,980 20,000 8,707,883 0 8,707,883 5200 15 5300 5400 5000 Total Debt Service PROVISION FOR CONTINGENCIES (DS) 6000 Total Direct Disbursements/Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Receipts/Revenues Over Disbursements/Expenditures 169 170 171 40 - TRANSPORTATION FUND (TR) 172 SUPPORT SERVICES (TR) 173 Support Services - Pupils 174 Other Support Services - Pupils (Describe & Itemize) 175 Support Services - Business 176 Pupil Transportation Services 177 Other Support Services (Describe & Itemize) 178 Total Support Services 179 COMMUNITY SERVICES (TR) 180 PAYMENTS TO OTHER DISTRICTS & GOVT UNITS (TR) Payments to Other Govt Units (In-State) 181 Payments for Regular Program 182 Payments for Special Education Programs 183 Payments for Adult/Continuing Education Programs 184 Payments for CTE Programs 185 Payments for Community College Programs 186 Other Payments to In-State Govt Units (Describe & Itemize) 187 188 Total Payments to Other Govt Units (In-State) 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 Page 15 ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS/EXPENDITURES Payments to Other Govt Units (Out-of-State) (Describe & Itemize) Total Payments to Other Districts & Govt Units (205,837) 0 2190 2550 2900 2000 2,666,727 1,170,596 909,303 830,389 74,825 4,978 2,666,727 1,170,596 909,303 830,389 74,825 4,978 0 0 3000 5,656,818 0 5,656,818 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4110 4120 4130 4140 4170 4190 4100 4400 4000 DEBT SERVICE (TR) Debt Service - Interest on Short-Term Debt Tax Anticipation Warrants Tax Anticipation Notes Corporate Personal Prop Repl Tax Anticipation Notes State Aid Anticipation Certificates Other Interest on Short-Term Debt (Describe and Itemize) Total Debt Service - Interest On Short-Term Debt 5110 5120 5130 5140 5150 5100 Debt Service - Interest on Long-Term Debt 5200 5300 Debt Service - Payments of Principal on Long-Term Debt (Lease/Purchase Principal Retired) Debt Service - Other (Describe and Itemize) 15 Total Debt Service PROVISION FOR CONTINGENCIES (TR) Total Direct Disbursements/Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Receipts/Revenues Over Disbursements/Expenditures 205 206 207 50 - MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT/SOC SEC FUND (MR/SS) 208 INSTRUCTION (MR/SS) Regular Program 209 Pre-K Programs 210 Special Education Programs (Functions 1200-1220) 211 Special Education Programs Pre-K 212 Remedial and Supplemental Programs K-12 213 Remedial and Supplemental Programs Pre-K 214 P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 0 0 0 0 5400 0 5000 6000 2,666,727 1,170,596 909,303 830,389 74,825 4,978 0 0 0 5,656,818 1,181,209 1100 1125 1200 1225 1250 1275 413,315 71,454 397,812 413,315 71,454 397,812 0 0 0 10/16/2014 Page 16 A B 1 Description 2 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 Page 16 ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS/EXPENDITURES Adult/Continuing Education Programs CTE Programs Interscholastic Programs Summer School Programs Gifted Programs Driver's Education Programs Bilingual Programs Truant Alternative & Optional Programs Total Instruction Funct # C D E F G H I J K (100) (200) (300) (400) (500) (600) (700) (800) (900) Salaries Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Non-Capitalized Equipment Termination Benefits Total 1300 1400 1500 1600 1650 1700 1800 1900 1000 915,838 0 5,274 13,148 3,299 1,817 1,411 8,308 0 915,838 2110 2120 2130 2140 2150 2190 2100 26,747 9,830 154,128 8,970 29,017 37,497 266,189 26,747 9,830 154,128 8,970 29,017 37,497 266,189 2210 2220 3,182 73,995 2230 2200 77,177 3,182 73,995 0 77,177 5,274 13,148 3,299 1,817 1,411 8,308 SUPPORT SERVICES (MR/SS) Support Services - Pupil Attendance & Social Work Services Guidance Services Health Services Psychological Services Speech Pathology & Audiology Services Other Support Services - Pupils (Describe & Itemize) Total Support Services - Pupil Support Services - Instructional Staff Improvement of Instruction Services Educational Media Services Assessment & Testing Total Support Services - Instructional Staff Support Services - General Administration Board of Education Services Executive Administration Services Special Area Administrative Services Claims Paid from Self Insurance Fund Workers' Compensation or Workers' Occupation Disease Acts Payments Unemployment Insurance Payments Insurance Payments (regular or self-insurance) Risk Management and Claims Services Payments Judgment and Settlements Educational, Inspectional, Supervisory Services Related to Loss Prevention or Reduction Reciprocal Insurance Payments Legal Service Total Support Services - General Administration 2310 2320 2330 2361 2362 0 40,830 0 0 40,830 0 0 0 0 0 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 40,830 0 0 0 40,830 2410 2490 171,916 171,916 2400 171,916 0 171,916 2510 2520 2530 2540 2550 2560 2570 2500 25,214 61,944 2368 2369 2300 Support Services - School Administration Office of the Principal Services Other Support Services - School Administration (Describe & Itemize) Total Support Services - School Administration Support Services - Business Direction of Business Support Services Fiscal Services Facilities Acquisition & Construction Services Operation & Maintenance of Plant Service Pupil Transportation Services Food Services Internal Services Total Support Services - Business P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 25,214 61,944 0 180,820 478,617 125,372 0 871,967 180,820 478,617 125,372 871,967 10/16/2014 Page 17 A B 1 Description 2 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 D E F G H I J K (200) (300) (400) (500) (600) (700) (800) (900) Salaries Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Non-Capitalized Equipment Termination Benefits Total Total Support Services 2000 COMMUNITY SERVICES (MR/SS) 3000 0 0 5,843 32,668 80,119 118,630 0 1,546,709 0 4120 4140 4000 0 0 0 0 2,462,547 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,462,547 Direction of Central Support Services Planning, Research, Development & Evaluation Services Information Services Staff Services Data Processing Services Total Support Services - Central Other Support Services (Describe & Itemize) 2610 2620 2630 5,843 32,668 80,119 118,630 2640 2660 2600 2900 1,546,709 PAYMENTS TO OTHER DISTRICTS & GOVT UNITS (MR/SS) Payments for Special Education Programs Payments for CTE Programs Total Payments to Other Districts & Govt Units DEBT SERVICE (MR/SS) Debt Service - Interest on Short-Term Debt Tax Anticipation Warrants Tax Anticipation Notes Corporate Personal Prop Repl Tax Anticipation Notes State Aid Anticipation Certificates Other (Describe & Itemize) Total Debt Service 5110 5120 5130 5140 5150 5000 PROVISION FOR CONTINGENCIES (MR/SS) Total Direct Disbursements/Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Receipts/Revenues Over Disbursements/Expenditures 6000 Other Payments to In-State Governmental Units (Describe & Itemize) Total Payments to Other Districts & Govt Units PROVISION FOR CONTINGENCIES (CP) Workers' Compensation or Workers' Occupational Disease Act Payments Unemployment Insurance Payments Insurance Payments (regular or self-insurance) Risk Management and Claims Services Payments Judgment and Settlements P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 0 0 85,734 2530 2900 2000 140,000 15,000 100,000 140,000 15,000 100,000 23,381,904 0 23,381,904 0 0 23,636,904 0 23,636,904 0 0 0 4100 4120 4140 4190 0 4000 0 0 0 6000 140,000 Total Direct Disbursements/Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Receipts/Revenues Over Disbursements/Expenditures 306 307 308 70 WORKING CASH FUND (WC) 309 310 80 - TORT FUND (TF) 311 SUPPORT SERVICES - GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Claims Paid from Self Insurance Fund 312 313 314 315 316 317 Funct # C (100) Support Services - Central 289 290 291 60 - CAPITAL PROJECTS (CP) 292 SUPPORT SERVICES (CP) Support Services - Business 293 294 Facilities Acquisition & Construction Services 295 Other Support Services (Describe & Itemize) 296 Total Support Services 297 PAYMENTS TO OTHER DISTRICTS & GOVT UNITS (CP) Payments to Other Govt Units (In-State) 298 Payments to Other Govt Units (In-State) 299 Payment for Special Education Programs 300 Payment for CTE Programs 301 302 303 304 305 Page 17 ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS/EXPENDITURES 15,000 100,000 0 23,381,904 0 0 0 23,636,904 (22,944,756) 2361 2362 0 0 0 0 0 0 2363 2364 2365 2366 10/16/2014 Page 18 A B 1 Funct # Description 2 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 Educational, Inspectional, Supervisory Services Related to Loss Prevention or Reduction Reciprocal Insurance Payments Legal Service Property Insurance (Building & Grounds) Vehicle Insurance (Transportation) Total Support Services - General Administration 355 C D E F G H I J K (100) (200) (300) (400) (500) (600) (700) (800) (900) Salaries Employee Benefits Purchased Services Supplies & Materials Capital Outlay Other Objects Non-Capitalized Equipment Termination Benefits Total 2367 0 0 0 0 0 0 2368 2369 2371 2372 2000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEBT SERVICE (TF) Debt Service - Interest on Short-Term Debt Tax Anticipation Warrants 5110 Corporate Personal Property Replacement Tax Anticipation Notes 5130 Other Interest or Short-Term Debt (Describe & Itemize) Total Debt Service 5150 5000 Total Debt Service PROVISIONS FOR CONTINGENCIES (FP&S) Total Direct Disbursements/Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Receipts/Revenues Over Disbursements/Expenditures P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Direct Disbursements/Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Receipts/Revenues Over Disbursements/Expenditures Debt Service - Payments of Principal on Long-Term Debt (Lease/Purchase Principal Retired) 0 6000 PROVISION FOR CONTINGENCIES (TF) 332 333 334 90 - FIRE PREVENTION & SAFETY FUND (FP&S) 335 SUPPORT SERVICES (FP&S) Support Services - Business 336 337 Facilities Acquisition & Construction Services 338 Operation & Maintenance of Plant Service 339 Total Support Services - Business 340 Other Support Services (Describe & Itemize) 341 Total Support Services 342 PAYMENTS TO OTHER DISTRICTS & GOVT UNITS (FP&S) Other Payments to In-State Govt Units (Describe & Itemize) 343 344 Total Payments to Other Districts & Govt Units (FPS) 345 DEBT SERVICE (FP&S) Debt Service - Interest on Short-Term Debt 346 Tax Anticipation Warrants 347 Other Interest on Short-Term Debt (Describe & Itemize) 348 349 Total Debt Service - Interest on Short-Term Debt Debt Service - Interest on Long-Term Debt 350 351 352 353 354 Page 18 ESTIMATED DISBURSEMENTS/EXPENDITURES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2530 2540 2500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2900 2000 4190 4000 5110 5150 5100 5200 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5300 0 0 0 0 0 5000 6000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 10/16/2014 Page 18 Page 18 This page is provided for detailed itemizations as requested within the body of the Report. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Fund 10 - Sales to Pupils (1614) - Milk sales to pupils Fund 10 - Other Food Services (1690) - Rebates Fund 10 - Other District/School Activity Revenue (1790) - Athletic fees, uniforms, parking, summer camps Fund 10 - Other Local Revenue (1999) - Miscellaneous revenue from other sources, device protection plan fees Fund 10 - Other Restricted Revenue from State Sources (3999) - Library grant, STEP grant Fund 20 - Other Local Revenue (1999) - Miscellaneous revenue from other sources Fund 10 - Other Support Services-Pupils (2190) - Student Supervisors and Lunchroom Supervisors Fund 10 - Other Support Services (2900) - Copier maintenance and supplies Fund 30 - Debt Service Other (5400) - Bond service charges Fund 50 - Other Support Services-Pupils (2190) - Student Supervisors and Lunchroom Supervisors P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 10/16/2014 Page 19 Page 19 A B C D E F TRANSPORTATION WORKING CASH TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Huntley School District #158 44-063-1580-22 DEFICIT BUDGET SUMMARY INFORMATION - Operating Funds Only EDUCATIONAL Direct Revenues Direct Expenditures Difference Estimated Fund Balance - June 30, 2015 OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE 71,404,001 72,369,728 (965,727) 7,601,101 8,081,510 (480,409) 6,838,027 5,656,818 1,181,209 342,091 342,091 86,185,220 86,108,056 77,164 18,060,169 1,024,993 8,724,111 2,730,981 30,540,254 Balanced budget, no deficit reduction plan is required. 9 10 11 12 13 14 A deficit reduction plan is required if the local board of education adopts (or amends) the 2014-15 school district budget in which the “operating funds” listed above result in direct revenues (line 9) being less than direct expenditures (line 19) by an amount equal to or greater than one-third (1/3) of the ending fund balance (line 81). Note: The balance is determined using only the four funds listed above. That is, if the estimated ending fund balance is less than three times the deficit spending, the district must adopt and file with ISBE a deficit reduction plan to balance the shortfall within three years. The School Code, Section 17-1 (105 ILCS 5/17-1) - If the 2013-2014 Annual Financial Report (AFR) reflects a deficit as defined above (page 36), then the school district shall adopt and submit a deficit reduction plan (found here on page 20-24) to ISBE within 30 days after acceptance of the AFR. The deficit reduction plan, if required, is developed using ISBE guidelines and format. 15 P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 10/16/2014 ILLINOIS STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICES DIVISION Page 20 A 1 2 Huntley School District #158 3 4 District Number 5 B C D Page 20 E F G Working Cash Fund Total DEFICIT REDUCTION PLAN ESTIMATED BUDGET FY2014-15 44-063-1580-22 Educational Fund 6 Operations & Maintenance Fund Transportation Fund ESTIMATED BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 7 (must equal prior Ending Fund Balance) RECEIPTS/REVENUES 8 9 LOCAL SOURCES FLOW-THROUGH RECEIPTS/REVENUES FROM ONE 10 DISTRICT TO ANOTHER DISTRICT 11 STATE SOURCES 12 FEDERAL SOURCES 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Acct No. 1000 2000 3000 4000 Total Receipts/Revenues DISBURSEMENTS/EXPENDITURES INSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES COMMUNITY SERVICES PAYMENTS TO OTHER DISTRICTS & GOVT. UNITS DEBT SERVICES PROVISION FOR CONTINGENCIES Total Disbursements/Expenditures Excess of Receipts/Revenue Over/(Under) Disbursements/Expenditures Funct No. 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 19,025,896 1,505,402 7,542,902 2,388,890 30,463,090 47,564,804 6,851,101 4,201,366 342,091 58,959,362 0 21,004,957 2,834,240 71,404,001 0 750,000 0 7,601,101 0 2,636,661 0 6,838,027 0 0 342,091 0 24,391,618 2,834,240 86,185,220 43,798,030 25,516,713 2,844 3,052,141 0 0 72,369,728 7,894,923 0 0 186,587 0 8,081,510 5,656,818 0 0 0 0 5,656,818 (965,727) (480,409) 43,798,030 39,068,454 2,844 3,052,141 186,587 0 86,108,056 1,181,209 342,091 77,164 0 0 0 0 0 0 OTHER SOURCES/USES OF FUNDS OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDS (7000) OTHER USES OF FUNDS (8000) TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/USES OF FUNDS ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18,060,169 1,024,993 8,724,111 2,730,981 30,540,254 10/16/2014 ILLINOIS STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICES DIVISION Page 21 A 1 2 Huntley School District #158 3 4 District Number 5 B H I Page 21 J K L Working Cash Fund Total ESTIMATED BUDGET FY2015-16 44-063-1580-22 Educational Fund 6 Operations & Maintenance Fund Transportation Fund ESTIMATED BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 7 (must equal prior Ending Fund Balance) RECEIPTS/REVENUES 8 9 LOCAL SOURCES FLOW-THROUGH RECEIPTS/REVENUES FROM ONE 10 DISTRICT TO ANOTHER DISTRICT 11 STATE SOURCES 12 FEDERAL SOURCES 13 18,060,169 8,724,111 30,540,254 0 3000 4000 0 0 0 0 Funct No. 1000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Total Disbursements/Expenditures 0 0 0 22 Excess of Receipts/Revenue Over/(Under) Disbursements/Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000 21 23 24 25 26 27 2,730,981 2000 Total Receipts/Revenues 14 DISBURSEMENTS/EXPENDITURES 15 INSTRUCTION 16 SUPPORT SERVICES 17 COMMUNITY SERVICES 18 PAYMENTS TO OTHER DISTRICTS & GOVT. UNITS 19 DEBT SERVICES 20 PROVISION FOR CONTINGENCIES 1,024,993 Acct No. 1000 0 0 OTHER SOURCES/USES OF FUNDS 0 0 OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDS (7000) OTHER USES OF FUNDS (8000) TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/USES OF FUNDS ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 0 0 0 0 0 18,060,169 1,024,993 8,724,111 2,730,981 30,540,254 10/16/2014 ILLINOIS STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICES DIVISION Page 22 A 1 2 Huntley School District #158 3 4 District Number 5 B M N Page 22 O P Q Working Cash Fund Total ESTIMATED BUDGET FY2016-17 44-063-1580-22 Educational Fund 6 Operations & Maintenance Fund Transportation Fund ESTIMATED BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 7 (must equal prior Ending Fund Balance) RECEIPTS/REVENUES 8 9 LOCAL SOURCES FLOW-THROUGH RECEIPTS/REVENUES FROM ONE 10 DISTRICT TO ANOTHER DISTRICT 11 STATE SOURCES 12 FEDERAL SOURCES 13 18,060,169 8,724,111 30,540,254 0 3000 4000 0 0 0 0 Funct No. 1000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Total Disbursements/Expenditures 0 0 0 22 Excess of Receipts/Revenue Over/(Under) Disbursements/Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000 21 23 24 25 26 27 2,730,981 2000 Total Receipts/Revenues 14 DISBURSEMENTS/EXPENDITURES 15 INSTRUCTION 16 SUPPORT SERVICES 17 COMMUNITY SERVICES 18 PAYMENTS TO OTHER DISTRICTS & GOVT. UNITS 19 DEBT SERVICES 20 PROVISION FOR CONTINGENCIES 1,024,993 Acct No. 1000 0 0 OTHER SOURCES/USES OF FUNDS 0 0 OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDS (7000) OTHER USES OF FUNDS (8000) TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/USES OF FUNDS ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 0 0 0 0 0 18,060,169 1,024,993 8,724,111 2,730,981 30,540,254 10/16/2014 ILLINOIS STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICES DIVISION Page 23 A 1 2 Huntley School District #158 3 4 District Number 5 B R S Page 23 T U V Working Cash Fund Total ESTIMATED BUDGET FY2017-18 44-063-1580-22 Educational Fund 6 Operations & Maintenance Fund Transportation Fund ESTIMATED BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 7 (must equal prior Ending Fund Balance) RECEIPTS/REVENUES 8 9 LOCAL SOURCES FLOW-THROUGH RECEIPTS/REVENUES FROM ONE 10 DISTRICT TO ANOTHER DISTRICT 11 STATE SOURCES 12 FEDERAL SOURCES 13 18,060,169 8,724,111 30,540,254 0 3000 4000 0 0 0 0 Funct No. 1000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Total Disbursements/Expenditures 0 0 0 22 Excess of Receipts/Revenue Over/(Under) Disbursements/Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000 21 23 24 25 26 27 2,730,981 2000 Total Receipts/Revenues 14 DISBURSEMENTS/EXPENDITURES 15 INSTRUCTION 16 SUPPORT SERVICES 17 COMMUNITY SERVICES 18 PAYMENTS TO OTHER DISTRICTS & GOVT. UNITS 19 DEBT SERVICES 20 PROVISION FOR CONTINGENCIES 1,024,993 Acct No. 1000 0 0 OTHER SOURCES/USES OF FUNDS 0 0 OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDS (7000) OTHER USES OF FUNDS (8000) TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/USES OF FUNDS ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 0 0 0 0 0 18,060,169 1,024,993 8,724,111 2,730,981 30,540,254 10/16/2014 ILLINOIS STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION SCHOOL BUSINESS SERVICES DIVISION Page 24 A 1 2 Huntley School District #158 3 4 District Number 5 B W X Page 24 Y Z SUMMARY BUDGET ADDENDUM - DEFICIT REDUCTION PLAN ESTIMATED BUDGET Date of Adoption: 44-063-1580-22 (Enter as MM/DD/YY) FY2014-15 FY2015-16 FY2016-17 FY2017-18 6 ESTIMATED BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 7 (must equal prior Ending Fund Balance) RECEIPTS/REVENUES 8 9 LOCAL SOURCES FLOW-THROUGH RECEIPTS/REVENUES FROM ONE 10 DISTRICT TO ANOTHER DISTRICT 11 STATE SOURCES 12 FEDERAL SOURCES 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Acct No. 1000 2000 3000 4000 Total Receipts/Revenues DISBURSEMENTS/EXPENDITURES INSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES COMMUNITY SERVICES PAYMENTS TO OTHER DISTRICTS & GOVT. UNITS DEBT SERVICES PROVISION FOR CONTINGENCIES Total Disbursements/Expenditures Excess of Receipts/Revenue Over/(Under) Disbursements/Expenditures Funct No. 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 30,463,090 30,540,254 30,540,254 30,540,254 58,959,362 0 0 0 0 24,391,618 2,834,240 86,185,220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 43,798,030 39,068,454 2,844 3,052,141 186,587 0 86,108,056 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77,164 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OTHER SOURCES/USES OF FUNDS OTHER SOURCES OF FUNDS (7000) OTHER USES OF FUNDS (8000) TOTAL OTHER SOURCES/USES OF FUNDS ESTIMATED ENDING FUND BALANCE P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 0 0 0 0 30,540,254 30,540,254 30,540,254 30,540,254 10/16/2014 Page 25 Page 25 Deficit Reduction Plan-Background/Assumptions Fiscal Year 2015 through Fiscal Year 2018 Huntley School District #158 44-063-1580-22 Please complete the following schedule and include a brief description to identify any areas of the budget that will be impacted from one year to the next. If the deficit reduction plan relies upon new local revenues, identify contingencies for further budget reductions which will be enacted in the event those new revenues are not available. For additional information, please see: 1. Background and Narrative of Budget Reductions: 2. Assumptions Used in the Deficit Reduction Plan: - Foundation Levels for General State Aid: - Equal Assessed Valuation and Tax Rates: - Employee Salaries and Benefits: P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 10/16/2014 Page 26 Page 26 - Short and Long Term Borrowing: - Educational Impact: - Other Assumptions: - Has the district considered shared services or outsourcing (Ex: Transportation, Insurance) If yes please explain: P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 10/16/2014 Page 27 Page 27 ESTIMATED LIMITATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS (For Local Use Only) This is an estimated Limitation of Administrative Costs Worksheet only and will not be accepted for Official Submission of the Limitation of Administrative Costs Worksheet . The worksheet is intended for use during the budgeting process to estimate the district's percent increase of FY2015 budgeted expenditures over FY2014 actual expenditures. Budget information is copied to this page. Insert the prior year estimated actual expenditures to compute the estimated percentage increase (decrease). The official Limitation of Administrative Costs Worksheet is attached to the end of the Annual Financial Report (ISBE Form 50-35) and may be submitted in conjunction with that report. An official Limitation of Administrative Costs Worksheet can also be found on the ISBE website at: Limitation of Administrative Costs ESTIMATED LIMITATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS WORKSHEET (Section 17-1.5 of the School Code) Huntley School District #158 School District Name: 44-063-1580-22 RCDT Number: Estimated Actual Expenditures, Fiscal Year 2014 (10) Description Funct. No. 1. Executive Administration Services 2320 2. Special Area Administration Services 3. Other Support Services - School Administration 4. Direction of Business Support Services 2330 2490 5. Internal Services 2570 2510 6. Direction of Central Support Services 2610 7. Deduct - Early Retirement or other pension obligations required by state law and include above 8. Totals 9. Estimated Percent Increase (Decrease) for FY2015 (Budgeted) over FY2014 (Actual) P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form (20) Operations & Maintenance Educational Budgeted Expenditures, Fiscal Year 2015 (10) Total (20) Operations & Maintenance Educational Total 688,347 2,440 688,347 2,440 714,274 4,000 714,274 4,000 0 0 0 0 166,295 0 0 172,554 0 0 166,295 0 0 0 0 172,554 0 0 0 857,082 0 857,082 0 890,828 0 890,828 4% 10/16/2014 Page 28 Page 28 REPORTING OF PUBLIC VENDOR CONTRACTS OF $1,000 OR MORE Huntley School District #158 44-063-1580-22 In accordance with the School Code, Section 10-20.21, all school districts are required to file a report listing ‘vendor contracts’ as an attachment to their budget. In this context, the term "vendor contracts" refers to "all contracts and agreements that pertain to goods and services that were intended to generate additional revenue and other remunerations for the school district in excess of $1,000, including without limitation vending machine contracts, sports and other attire, class rings, and photographic services. The report is to list information regarding such contracts for the fiscal year immediately preceding the fiscal year of the budget. All such contracts executed on or after July 1, 2007 must be approved by the school board. See: School Code, Section 10-20.21 - Contracts (Sheet is unprotected and can be re-formatted as needed, but must be used for submission) Name of Vendor Tastefully Simple Product or Service Provided Food Great American Opportunities Candy Scholastic Book Fair Chip Shopp Art to Remember Morkes Books Food products, gift items Personalized gift items Taffy Apples Great American Opportunities Food products, gift items Scholastic Book Fair Scholastic Book Fair Scholastic Book Fair Scholastic Book Fair Books Books Books Books Great American Opportunities Cookie dough Sam's Club, Walmart, Office Depot Amazon, Costco, Fox River Foods Scholastic Book Fair Scholastic Book Fair Rite Bite Fundraising Golden Rule Promotions Art to Remember Food items, misc. items Net Revenue Non-Monetary Remuneration 5,000 HHS-Cheerleading 6,000 HHS-Fine Arts Trip 2,000 Books 20,000 4,000 1,500 Conley Elementary Chesak/Martin Chesak/Martin Mackeben/Conley 10,000 Marlowe-Music 2,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 Books Books Books Books 3,500 10,000 Food Items 6,000 Books Books Butter braids Candy, gift items Personalized gift items 3,000 Books 3,000 Books 5,000 5,000 2,000 P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form Purpose of Proceeds Chesak-Reading Leggee-Reading Chesak-Reading Chesak-Reading Distribution Method and Recipient of Non-Monetary Remunerations Distributed Conley Learning Resource Center Chesak Learning Resource Center Leggee Learning Resource Center Chesak Learning Resource Center Chesak Learning Resource Center HHS-Fine Arts Trip HHS-School store FBLA fund HHS-Coffee Shop/News Media Martin-LRC Martin Learning Resource Center Martin-LRC Martin Learning Resource Center Heineman-Music Heineman-Music Mackeben 10/16/2014 Page 29 REFERENCE PAGE Page 29 Reference Description 1 Each fund balance should correspond to the fund balance reflected on the books as of June 30th - Balance Sheet Accounts #720 and #730 (audit figures, if available). 2 Accounting and Financial Reporting for Certain Grants and Other Financial Assistance. The "On-Behalf" Payments should only be reflected on this page (Budget Summary, Lines 10 and 20). 3 Requires the secretary of the school board to notify the county clerk (within 30 days of the transfer approval) to abate an equal amount of taxes to be next extended. See Sec. 10-22.14 & 17-2.11. 3a 4 Requires notification to the county clerk to abate an equal amount from taxes next extended. See section 10-22.14 Principal on Bonds Sold: (1) Funding Bonds are to be entered in the fund or funds in which the liability occurs. (2) Refunding Bonds can be entered in the Debt Services Fund only. (3) Building Bonds can be entered in the Capital Projects Fund only. (4) Fire Prevention and Safety Bonds can be entered in the Fire Prevention & Safety Fund only. 5 The proceeds from the sale of school sites, buildings, or other real estate shall be used first to pay the principal and interest on any outstanding bonds on the property being sold, and after all such bonds have been retired, the remaining proceeds from the sale next shall be used by the school board to meet any urgent district needs as determined under Sections 2-3.12 and 17-2.11 of the School Code. Once these issues have been addressed, any remaining proceeds may be used for any other authorized purpose and for deposit into any district fund. 6 The School Code, Section 10-22.44 prohibits the transfer of interest earned on the investment of "any funds for purposes of Illinois Municipal Retirement under the Pension Code." This prohibition does not include funds for Social Security and Medicare-only purposes. For additional requirements on interest earnings, see 23 Illinois Administrative Code, Part 100, Section 100.50. 7 Cash plus investments must be greater than or equal to zero. 8 For cash basis budgets, this total will equal the Budget Summary - Total Direct Receipts/Revenues (Line 9) plus Total Other Sources of Funds (Line 46). 9 For cash basis budgets, this total will equal the Budget Summary - Total Direct Disbursements/Expenditures (Line 19) plus Total Other Uses of Funds (Line 79). 10 Working Cash Fund loans may be made to any district fund for which taxes are levied (Section 20-5 of the School Code). 11 Include revenue accounts 1110 through 1115, 1117,1118 & 1120. 12 The School Code Section 17-2.2c. Tax for leasing educational facilities or computer technology or both, and for temporary relocation expense purposes. 13 Corporate personal property replacement tax revenue must be first applied to the Municipal Retirement/Social Security Fund to replace tax revenue lost due to the abolition of the corporate personal property tax (30 ILCS 115/12). This provision does not apply to taxes levied for Medicare-Only purposes. 14 Only tuition payments made to private facilities. See Functions 4200 or 4400 for estimated public facility disbursements/expenditures. 15 Payment towards the retirement of lease/purchase agreements or bonded/other indebtedness (principal only) otherwise reported within the fund - e.g.: alternate revenue bonds. (Describe & Itemize) 16 Only abolishment of Working Cash Fund must transfer its funds directly to the Educational Fund upon adoption of a resolution and at the close of the current school Year (see 105 ILCS 5/20-8 for further explanation) Only abatement of working cash fund can transfer its funds to any fund in most need of money (see 105 ILCS 5/20-10 for further explanation) P:\Fiscal\Budget\bud 2014-2015\FY15 budget state form 10/16/2014