Boundary Proposal Consolidated School District 158 Board of Education Meeting March 19, 2015 Guiding Principles • Alleviate the capacity issues at Leggee • Provide for equitable classroom use in all buildings (RTI rooms, special education rooms, music rooms, etc.), when possible • Find a solution that will serve us for several years, with the understanding that a return to explosive growth in our communities may force a reexamination in the future • Minimize the impact on children and families by phasing in changes over three years so that children near the exit grades of 2nd and 5th can stay at Leggee if they desire Guiding Principles • Continue to house preschool in one building • Permit families to accelerate the phase-in if they wish to keep all children at the same building • Enable students at Square Barn and Reed Road to attend the respective middle schools on those campuses • Minimize the overall number of families affected • Keep neighborhoods together • Minimize bus traffic across Route 47 where possible. Current Elementary School Boundaries 4 Current Middle School Boundaries Current Elementary Boundaries Recommended Elementary Boundaries Current Elementary Boundaries (Zoom) Recommended Elementary Boundaries (Zoom) Recommended Elementary Boundaries with Middle School Boundaries Recommended Middle School Boundaries Shaded Impact of Recommendation Total number of K-5 students moved by 2017: • Leggee to Chesak/Martin 281 K-5 students • Leggee to Mackeben/Conley 330 K-5 students Pros • Allows for three-year phasein while immediately freeing needed space at Leggee Elementary School • Creates a clean East-West dividing line along Route 47 • Less bus travel across Route 47 and railroad tracks Cons • Moves more total students than Scenario 2 12 Recommended Phase-in Elementary School Students • Require all students entering Kindergarten or 3rd grade in fall 2015 to enroll and attend elementary school based on their residence in the new elementary school boundaries. • This will allow 2015-2016 1st and 2nd grade students and 4th and 5th grade students to remain at their current elementary school through 3rd grade or 5th grade. Recommended Phase-in Middle School Students • Middle school boundary changes do not begin until fall 2018. • Middle school students will continue to attend their currently assigned middle school until the 2018 phase-in begins. • Require all 6th-grade students entering middle school in fall 2018, and subsequent years, to enroll and attend middle school based on their residence in the new middle school boundaries. Option to Accelerate Phase-in • Families that will have siblings attending different elementary campuses due to the boundary change, as space permits, will be permitted to request accelerating the phase-in. • These requests must be submitted by April 10, 2015. • Those approved to accelerate to the new elementary boundaries will receive transportation to the new school. However, there will be no transportation provided to the new middle school boundaries until the fall of 2018.