4th ITU Green Standards Week 徐 威 Xu Wei Committed to connecting the world International Telecommunication Union 4th ITU Green Standards Week 城市安全 食品安全 交通拥堵 环境污染 Committed to connecting the world 能源短缺 International Telecommunication Union 4th ITU Green Standards Week Smart City 全连接 Connection 多样化 Diversity 广覆盖 Coverage 移动性 Mobility 多媒体 Multimedia 一体化 Integration 服务更多 成本更低 More services 更智能 More intelligent TCO TCO 智慧城市 Lower costs 更广泛 More involved Committed to connecting the world 更高效 More efficient International Telecommunication Union 4th ITU Green Standards Week Citizen Smarter and more citizencentric services from Community “establishment” groups dellvery Retailcity marketplace channels Citizens Universities Wholesale marketplace Service management Business management Environmental services Housing Social services Health Transport Water Waste Education and training Technology and digital asset management Internally-driven innovation SMEs Start-ups Data Technology and infrastructure Business Charities Policing and emergency response Integrated city-wide governanc e City information marketplace Social entrepreneurs Energy Environmental services Social services Housing Health Transport Water Waste Technology and infrastructur e Energy Data Services Education and training Services Telecommunications Customer delivery Policing and emergency response Customer delivery Telecommunications Business Externally-driven innovation Citizen International Source: BSI PAS 181:2014 Smart city framework – Guide to establishing strategiesfor smart Telecommunication Committed to connecting the world cities and communities Union 4th ITU Green Standards Week 宽带无处不在 信息高度共享 业务敏捷灵动 Committed to connecting the world 安全固若金汤 安全固若金汤 International Telecommunication Union 4th ITU Green Standards Week Committed to connecting the world International Telecommunication Union 4th ITU Green Standards Week 工商 公安 城管 税务 Industry & commerce Public security City management Taxation 公安 城管 Public security City management And more 卫生 教育 税务 工商 Healthcare Education Taxation Industry and Commerce Committed to connecting the world International Telecommunication Union 4th ITU Green Standards Week 健康服务 Beijing Healthcare service 位置 Location 商务交流 Shenzhen Commercial communication 时间 Time 终端 Terminal 远程学习 New learning York Remote 应用 Application 身份 Identity 敏捷网络 资源随动,业务随行,时刻保证一致的用户体验! Agile networks Resource access anytime, anywhere Services with consistent experience International Committed to connecting the world Telecommunication Union 4th ITU Green Standards Week 中国西南第一个工业云平台 1st industrial cloud platform in South-West China 为企业提供IaaS、PaaS和SaaS服务,解决 企业的四大难题(融资、营销、管理、ICT) Provides IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS services to help enterprises address financing, marketing, management, and ICT challenges. 服务成都市21个工业园区的2,000家企 业,未来100,000 SME Services2,000 enterprises in 21 industrial campuses and 100,000 SMEs in the future. 华为+万国:可运维,易服务 Huawei + GDS: easy operation, maintenance, and services. Committed to connecting the world International Telecommunication Union 4th ITU Green Standards Week 80720坐席,德国最大,欧洲第五,全 球第九 80720 seats,biggest in German, fifth in Europe , ninth in world 解决覆盖24000用户同时在线 (30%),100ms快速漫游的技术难题 30% concurrency, 24000 users online. 100ms fast roaming Media & Press Centers Ticketing 丰富的业务开展 BORUSSEUM Deployment of rich Service Center services Fan Shops Stadium City of Dortmund Headquarter Side -Events Training Grounds Committed to connecting the world International Telecommunication Union 4th ITU Green Standards Week 增强城市整体指挥控制能力,效率提高 20% Improves the command and control efficiency by 20%. 构建城市视频感知体系,新建视频点 16,000个,整合2,800个 Develops a video surveillance system that consists of 16,000 new surveillance points and 2,800 existing ones. 1 市局+7 城区分局+39派出所视频云平台 ,30种公安应用,“一人采集、全局共享 ” Deploys a cloud platform to cover 1 bureau, 7 branches, and 39 stations. Offers 30 public security applications. Allows efficient information sharing. Committed to connecting the world International Telecommunication Union 4th ITU Green Standards Week 统一的区域教育云平台 Develops a unified regional education cloud. 覆盖2,200所学校 Covers 2,200 schools. 提供88,000个电子书包 Offers 88,000 e-Schoolbags. Committed to connecting the world International Telecommunication Union 4th ITU Green Standards Week 天地一体,融合监控 Enables convergent, ground-to-sky communication. 集群、监控、会议三位一体 Integrates trunking, surveillance, and conferencing services. 响应时间减少55% Reduces the response time by 55%. Committed to connecting the world International Telecommunication Union 4th ITU Green Standards Week 一网承载语音、数据和视频 Bears voice, data, and video services using 1 network 巨量接入20,000个终端 Supports a maximum of 20,000 terminals 4G技术,轻松演进,联结未来 Employs 4G technologies to future proof the network Committed to connecting the world International Telecommunication Union 4th ITU Green Standards Week 公共平台 无线 网络/安全 云数据中心 监控/协作/指挥 Committed to connecting the world 机房和能源 International Telecommunication Union 4th ITU Green Standards Week Thank you Committed to connecting the world International Telecommunication Union