Writing the Mediterranean Erasmus Intensive Programme, Malta, 24 March-5 April 2013 Programme Outline Students: - you will attend all the lectures (in the morning); - you must choose either seminar stream A or B. These take place in the afternoon (some will be held jointly). Colour coding should help you identify the sessions: peach background: plenary sessions for lectures and joint seminars, everyone attends; light purple: seminar A only (this will be coordinated and led by Dr Isobel Hurst, and will benefit from the contribution of other lecturers) light green: seminar B only (this will be coordinated and led by Prof. Lucia Boldrini, and will benefit from the contribution of other lecturers) Please communicate your choice of seminar stream to Prof. Stella Borg Barthet (stella.borg-barthet@um.edu.mt) and to Prof. Lucia Boldrini (l.boldrini@gold.ac.uk) by 1 February 2013. You will receive a full reading list of required and recommended reading for your seminar shortly thereafter. Sun 24/3 Mon 25/3 Tue 26/3 Wed 27/3 Arrival 19.00 Registration / Welcome & Presentation of the Programme 9.30-11.00 Lecture 1 Lucia Boldrini, Introductory lecture: ‘Representations of the Mediterranean’ 11.30-1.00 Lecture 2 Peter Vassallo, ‘British Writers and the Experience of Italy’ 2.30-4.30 Seminar A Images of Italy in the Romantic Period: Mme de Staël, Corinne; Percy Shelley, selection of poems 2.30-4.30 Seminar B From the ancient Mediterranean to the postcolonial: The Odyssey and Derek Walcott’s ‘The Schooner Flight’ 9.30-11.00 Lecture 3 Fernando Cioni, ‘Shakespeare and the Mediterranean’ 11.30-1.00 Lecture 4 Daniel Massa, ‘Marlowe and Machiavelli: The Jew of Malta and Tamburlaine’ 2.30-4.30 Seminar A Shakespeare’s Mediterranean: Othello 2.30-4.30 Seminar B Seductions of the South: Gide, The Immoralist 9.30-11.00 Lecture 5 Isobel Hurst, ‘The Victorians and Italy’ 11.30-1.00 Lecture 6 James Corby, ‘Forster’s A Room with a View’ Joint Seminar British Modernist constructions of Italy: EM Forster, A Room with a View Thu 28/3 Fri 29/3 Sat 30/3 Sun 31/3 Mon 1/4 Tue 2/4 Wed 3/4 Thu 4/4 Fri 5/4 9.30-11.00 Lecture 7 Stella Borg Barthet, ‘Writing Egypt: some contemporary examples’ 11.30-1.00 Lecture 8 Ivan Callus, ‘Growing Old in the Mediterranean: Some Considerations on a Short Text by J M Coetzee’ 2.30-4.30 Seminar A Shakespeare’s Mediterranean 2: Antony and Cleopatra 2.30-4.30 Seminar B Writing Egypt: Sonallah Ibrahim, Zaat Public Holiday (Good Friday) Optional Afternoon Excursion: Visit to significant churches and Good Friday procession 9.30-11.00 Lecture 9 Mauro Pala: ‘The Reluctant Island: Sardinia and the Mediterranean’ 11.30-1.00 Lecture 10 Norbert Bugeja, 'Mediterranean Blues? Orhan Pamuk's Istanbul: Memories of a City' 2.30-4.30 Joint Seminar Cities of the Mediterranean: Pamuk, Istanbul Public Holiday (Easter) Full Day Excursion to Megalithic temples and other important sites 9.30-11.00 Lecture 11 Jane Stabler, “Boccaccio's Lore”: Byron and the Shelleys on the Decameron’ 11.30-1.00 Lecture 12 Carole Sweeney ‘Fantasia: Writing, Violence, Desire’ 2.30-4.30 Seminar A Romantic Mediterranean 1: Byron 2.30-4.30 Seminar B History, violence and desire in Algeria: Assia Djebar, Fantasia 9.30-11.00 Lecture 13 Peter Dunwoodie 'Fictional Representations of the French presence in the Maghreb’ 11.30-1.00 Lecture 14 Maria Frendo, ‘Camus and The Outsider: The Rhetoric of the Mediterranean Text: Causality, Metaphor, and Irony’ 2.30-4.30 Seminar A The Victorian Mediterranean 2.30-4.30 Seminar B Growing up in Algeria: Camus, The First Man, ‘The Guest’ 9.30-11.00 Lecture 15 Nicholas Roe, ‘John Keats’s voyage to Italy and his journey from Naples to Rome’ 11.30-1.00 Lecture 16 Marijan Dović, ‘Nationalism and Literature in the European Mediterranean’ 2.30-4.30 Seminar A Romantic Mediterranean 2: Shelley, Keats, Clough, Barrett Browning 2.30-4.30 Seminar B Cyclopic Nationalisms: Homer’s and Joyce’s Cyclops 9.30-11.00 Lecture 17 Ana Gabriela Macedo, Visual Representations of the Mediterranean 11.30-13.00 Joint Seminar General discussion 2.30— Joint Screening of film(s) on / set in the Mediterranean Departure