Huntley Community School District 158 Page 1 of 6 8:20 F1 Revised 1/27/16 Application for Use of School Buildings or Grounds Fiscal Services Building Requested to be Used: - Select Name of Building - Entrance Number: Portion of Building or Grounds Requested: Day(s) of Week Requested: Sunday Start Date: Monday End Date: Tuesday Wednesday Thursday AM PM Start Time: Friday Saturday AM PM End Time: If Multiple Dates, Please Attach or List: Purpose of Use: Community Related Activity Politically Related Activity* * Is the purpose of your activity / meeting to promote any political organization, cause, agenda, purpose and/or issue, or candidate for elective office, or for or against any referendum question? Yes No Please indicate below (or attach) physical arrangement and number of chairs, tables, etc. needed: Site Amenities for Stadium Field at HHS: Scoreboard Lights Number of People Expected: Times for Lights ON: Will food or beverages be served? OFF: Yes No Name of Organization Making Request: Person(s) who agree(s) to be responsible for good order as representing the above organization: Name of On-Site Contact Person (please print) Name of Off-Site Contact Person (please print) Mobile Number for On-Site Contact Person Mobile Number for Off-Site Contact Person E-Mail Address for On-Site Contact Person E-Mail Address for Off-Site Contact Person Billing Address: If approved, your rental is subject to the guidelines contained within this application. You may be billed prior to use of building and advance payment is required. A charge may be assessed for custodial services for set-up and clean-up time or overtime. Please sign acknowledging that you have read this form. No reservations will be accepted without this acknowledgement. Upon completion, please forward application and all required information to: Lorie Woods, Director of PAC/TV Production and Building Rentals by mail to 13719 Harmony Road, Huntley, IL 60142, by email to, or by fax to (847)659-6623. Renter’s Name (please print) Signature of Renter or Initials if submitting by e-mail Date FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Estimated Rental Fee Rental Fee: $ Custodial Fee: $ Supervisor Fee: $ Stadium Lights: $ Stadium Scoreboard: $ Bulk Rental Discount: $ TOTAL Estimated Rental Fee: $ Dates Not Available: _______________________________________ Insurance Verification _______________________ _______________________________________ Schedule FM Contract # ______________________ Priority: ( ) 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 Schedule FM Request # ______________________ _________________________________________________ District Approval / Permit Issued Date Huntley Community School District 158 Page 2 of 6 8:20 F1 Revised 1/27/16 Application for Use of School Buildings or Grounds Fiscal Services Reservation Procedures During the school year, building reservations should be made at least two (2) weeks prior to the requested date of use. Building reservations for the next school year will be accepted after January 1 but will not be recorded until all Priority I activities (School, PTA/PTO, Boosters, Education Foundation) have been scheduled. Reservations will then be recorded in the following priority order: I. II. III. IV. School Activities, PTA/PTO, Boosters, Education Foundation School Related Not-For-Profit Groups (Park District, Scouts, Villages, Local Taxing Bodies, etc.) Community Groups (Churches, Chamber of Commerce, Lions Club, Kiwanis, Jaycees, Youth Athletic Leagues, etc.) Other Groups or Individuals (Organizations and Individuals residing within District 158 boundaries) All Priority I users should complete and submit the Application for Use of Buildings or Grounds Form, available on ICENet and the District website, to the appropriate Building Activity Coordinator at the school. All Priority II-IV users should complete and submit the Application for Use of Buildings or Grounds Form, available on the District website, to the District Building Rental Coordinator. Guidelines for Use of School Buildings or Grounds 1. A Certificate of Insurance must be provided prior to application approval and use of the building. 2. Groups will be permitted to enter the building five (5) minutes prior to their scheduled start time and must exit the building within ten (10) minutes of their scheduled ending time. 3. Access for the use of the gymnasiums at the high school or middle schools before 7:00 p.m. is limited. 4. Children are NOT allowed to set up or take down tables. This must be done by adults only. 5. In the event that the building fire alarm is activated, everyone MUST exit the building, re-entering only after being given clearance by the local Fire Department. 6. All activities are to be confined to the portion of the building or grounds as stated on the approved permit. 7. Groups must be properly supervised at all times by a person 21 years of age or over. 8. No alcoholic drinks or controlled substances shall be served, dispensed or consumed on school property. Smoking is NOT permitted on school property at any time. 9. Should there be a conflict with the use of facilities, the parties concerned are to seek the custodian, and if necessary, a call will be made to the building principal. 10. The user will be responsible for repair or replacement of all damaged District property/equipment resulting from use or misuse. In the event of breakage or damage to District property/equipment of any kind, the parties using the facility should report the breakage or damage to the custodian. An invoice for the repair or replacement of damaged property/equipment will be sent to the organization or responsible party. 11. Cancellations other than weather-related, must be called into the District Building Rental Coordinator a minimum of one week in advance of the reserved day in order to avoid being charged for the day. 12. All community groups whose purpose is to promote any political organization, cause, agenda, purpose and/or issue, or candidate for elective office, or for or against any referendum question will be charged the appropriate rental fee. 13. Use of District buildings or grounds that threatens the proper care of the facility or the safety of individuals present is prohibited. 14. All users of District buildings or grounds shall abide by Board Policy 8:30, “Visitors to and Conduct On School Property”. 15. The Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee may cancel this permit in the event the District property is used contrary to the purpose of which permission is granted. A permit is subject to cancellation should the Superintendent or the Superintendent’s designee determine the permit granted conflicts with any Priority I activities (School, PTA/PTO, Boosters, Education Foundation) which may arise subsequent to the issuance of the permit. Renter’s initials acknowledging compliance with terms and conditions as stated above: Huntley Community School District 158 Page 3 of 6 8:20 F1 Revised 1/27/16 Application for Use of School Buildings or Grounds Fiscal Services ALLOCATION OF USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES WILL BE MADE ON THE FOLLOWING PRIORITY BASIS: First Priority School / District Activities (PTA/PTO, Boosters, Education Foundation) No Room Rental Charge Damage Repair Charge (if required) Second Priority Student Related Not-For-Profit Group Activities (Scouts, Park District, Villages, Local Taxing Bodies, etc.) No Rental Charge Custodian Time Charge (weekends and for special set-up on week days) Damage Repair Charge (if required) Third Priority Community Groups* (Churches, Chamber of Commerce, Lions Club, Kiwanis, Jaycees, Youth Athletic Leagues, etc.) Rental Charge Custodian Time Charge Damage Repair Charge (if required) Fourth Priority Other Groups or Individuals (Organizations and Individuals residing within District 158 Boundaries) Rental Charge Custodian Time Charge Damage Repair Charge (if required) FACILITY USE AND LICENSING RATES (Excludes Performing Arts Center) Facilities Spectator Gym Gymnasium Auditorium (Middle Schools) Multi-Purpose Room Cafeteria Classroom or Equivalent Outdoor Athletics (Baseball/Softball Fields, Tennis Courts, Soccer Fields, Middle School Football Fields) Outdoor Common Areas Designated by District 158 Stadium at Huntley High School o Stadium Lights o Stadium Scoreboard Toilets at Concession First 2 Hours or Part Thereof $280.00 $166.00 $110.00 $68.00 $68.00 $34.00 Rate Per Hour After 2 Hours $140.00 $83.00 $55.00 $34.00 $34.00 $17.00 $56.00 $28.00 $28.00 per rental date $400.00 $50.00 per hour $25.00 per hour $200.00 $28.00 per rental date STADIUM AT HUNTLEY HIGH SCHOOL 1. NO food, soda, Gatorade, gum, sunflower seeds, glass, fireworks, pets, cigarettes, driving stakes or any sharp objects that will risk damage to the field and/or possibly injure players is allowed on the field. The field must also be kept free from debris. WATER IS THE ONLY BEVERAGE PERMITTED ON THE STADIUM FIELD. 2. Lights must be turned off by 9:00 p.m., Sunday through Thursday, and by 10:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. 3. The stadium concession stands are not available for rent. Rental groups may contact the Associate Principal for Student Activities at Huntley High School to see if any student groups are interested in selling concessions during the rental event. 4. The organization requesting rental or use of the stadium shall be held responsible and agrees to reimburse District 158 for any damage occurring during the use of the stadium facility. 5. District 158 reserves the right to cancel the rental of the stadium facilities at any time due to unforeseen circumstances, including but not limited to Athletic Department scheduling, unplayable field conditions, rain out, etc. 6. District 158 reserves the right to enter into a separate agreement notwithstanding the Application for Use of School Buildings and Grounds. 7. The number of service personnel needed for any given event shall be determined by District 158 and shall be charged to renter at the rate of $28.00 per man hour. Renter’s initials acknowledging compliance with terms and conditions as stated above: Huntley Community School District 158 Page 4 of 6 8:20 F1 Revised 1/27/16 CHARGE FOR CUSTODIAN TIME: All time devoted to the event by District 158 custodians must be paid by the user. This includes clean-up during or after the event to restore the facility to its original condition. The rate charged for custodian time will be determined at levels established to recover actual cost. An appropriate District employee MUST be in attendance during all activities. A two-hour minimum will be charged when the custodian is not already on duty. The charge applies only to the time devoted to the event. The number of service personnel needed for any given event shall be determined by District 158. Charge for Open Up, Set-Up, Clean-Up, Lock Down ....................................................................................................... $28.00 per hour SPECIAL NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. An extra $52.00 per occasion charge is required if the event is open to the general public. A security deposit and on-site police may also be required. All community groups whose purpose is to promote any political organization, cause, agenda, purpose and/or issue, or candidate for elective office, or for or against any referendum question will be charged the appropriate rental fee. All of the above includes use of associated facilities, such as rest rooms, locker rooms, and parking lots. Invoices to renters who have a minimum of five (5) repetitive uses of District 158 facilities in one contract will be billed at the first date of use rate for the full contract amount less a 10% discount with payment of invoice due in 30 days. The 10% discount may be forfeited if payment is not received within 30 days. For alternate billing options, please contact the District Rental Coordinator. Insurance Requirements for Prospective Renters of School Building Facilities or Grounds All priority 2, 3, and 4 renters are required to: 1. Provide a Certificate of Insurance that meets the following requirements as their use fits into the categories listed below, naming Huntley Community School District 158, 650 Academic Drive, Algonquin, IL 60102 as the designated Certificate Holder: a. INDIVIDUALS for such events as basketball leagues, shall provide evidence of “personal liability” coverage in force in a minimum amount of $100,000. This insurance shall take the form of a “Homeowners Policy, Condo or Tenants Policy,” where the liability coverage is included along with other coverages for the individual. A photocopy of the policy shall be submitted along with the Application for Use of Buildings or Grounds as evidence of coverage. b. NONPROFIT/CHARITABLE GROUPS (including civic groups such as Chamber of Commerce, Service Clubs, Churches and similar groups) shall provide: i. Evidence of General Liability Coverage with a minimum Limit of Liability of $500,000 per occurrence and/or aggregate for Personal Injury, Bodily Injury and Property Damage, including Products and Completed Operations and Contractual Liability. ii. School District 158 should be named as “Additional Insured”. It is understood and agreed that the following shall be Additional Insureds: Huntley Community School District 158 including all elected and appointed officials, all employees and volunteers, and all boards and their board members. This coverage shall be primary to the Additional Insureds, and not contributing with any other insurance or similar protection available to the Additional Insureds, whether said other available coverage be primary, contributing or excess. iii. Certificate of Insurance should be submitted along with the Application for Use of Buildings and Grounds. iv. The Certificates of Insurance provided shall include Workers’ Compensation with statutory limits. c. COMMERCIAL FOR-PROFIT GROUPS (including flea markets, craft shows, business displays, business seminars, parties and receptions) shall provide a Certificate of Insurance along with their Application for Use of Buildings and Grounds with evidence of: i. ii. Workers’ Compensation and Employers Liability General Liability (Occurrence Basis only) with the following coverage inclusions: 1. Limits of Liability shall not be less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 aggregate for Personal Injury, Bodily Injury and Property Damage. 2. Broad Form General Liability Endorsement, including Personal Injury or Equivalent, if not included in the policy proper. The Broad Form General Liability Endorsement shall upgrade the standard Comprehensive General Liability Form issued by the Insurance Service Office, a statistical and policy making organization subscribed to by most insurers. The Broad Form General Liability Endorsement shall provide: a. Blanket Contractual Liability b. Personal Injury and Advertising Liability (libel, slander, false arrest, wrongful eviction, etc.) c. Premises Medical Payments d. Host Liquor Liability e. Fire Legal Liability (Real Property) – damage to property in policyholder’s care, custody and control f. Broad Form Property Damage g. Incidental Medical Malpractice h. Non-owned Watercraft Coverage i. Limited Worldwide Coverage j. Additional Persons Insured k. Extended Bodily Injury (intentional acts to protect life or property) l. Automatic Coverage – New locations Huntley Community School District 158 Page 5 of 6 8:20 F1 Revised 1/27/16 2. Name Huntley Community School District 158, 650 Academic Drive, Algonquin, IL 60102 as “Additional Insured”. It is understood and agreed that the following shall be Additional Insureds: Huntley Community School District 158 including all elected and appointed officials, all employees, volunteers, and others working on behalf of School District 158, and all boards and their board members. This coverage shall be primary to the Additional Insureds, and not contributing with any other insurance or similar protection available to the Additional Insureds, whether said other available coverage be primary, contributing, or excessive. 3. Provide Huntley Community School District 158 with thirty (30) days advance written notice of cancellation of insurance coverage as provided with the Application for Use of Buildings and Grounds. It is understood and agreed that cancellation, reduction, and/or material change in coverage will be mailed to the District 158 Rental Coordinator, 650 Academic Drive, Algonquin, IL 60102. 4. Provide a “hold harmless clause beneficially to Huntley Community School District 158” with their insurance. By the individual’s or the organization’s representative signing and initialing the pages of the Application for Use of School Buildings or Grounds form, they agree and are responsible for remaining in compliance with the terms outlined here-in to follow: “To the fullest extent permitted by law, the organization and/or individual(s) using the School District 158 buildings and/or grounds agree to defend, pay on behalf of, and hold harmless School District 158, its elected and appointed officials, employees and volunteers and others working on behalf of School District 158 against any and all claims, demands, suits, loss, including all costs connected therewith, for any damages which may be asserted, claimed or recovered against or from School District 158, its elected and appointed officials, employees, volunteers and others working on behalf of School District 158, by reason of personal injury, including bodily injury and death, and/or property damage, including loss of use thereof, which arises out of or is in any way connected or associated with this contract.” Renter’s initials acknowledging compliance with terms and conditions as stated above: Huntley Community School District 158 Page 6 of 6 8:20 F1 Revised 1/27/16 Board Policy 8:30 -- Community Relations Visitors to and Conduct On School Property The following definitions apply to this policy: School property – District and school buildings, grounds, and parking areas; vehicles used for school purposes, and any location used for a Board of Education meeting, school athletic event, or other school-sponsored event. Visitor – Any person other than an enrolled student or District employee. Visitors are welcome on school property, provided their presence will not be disruptive. All visitors must initially report to the Building Principal’s office. Except as provided in the next paragraph, any person wishing to confer with a staff member should contact that staff member by telephone or email to make an appointment. Conferences with teachers are held, to the extent possible, outside school hours or during the teacher’s conference / preparation period. Requests to access a school building, facility, and/or educational program, or to interview personnel or a student for purposes of assessing the student’s special education needs, should be made at the appropriate building. Access shall be facilitated according to guidelines from the Superintendent or designee. The School District expects mutual respect, civility, and orderly conduct among all individuals on school property or at a school event. No person on school property or at a school event shall perform any of the following acts: 1. Injure, threaten, harass, or intimidate a staff member, a Board of Education member, sports official or coach, or any other person. 2. Behave in an unsportsmanlike manner, or use vulgar or obscene language. 3. Unless specifically permitted by State law, possess a weapon, any object that can reasonably be considered a weapon or looks like a weapon, or any dangerous device. 4. Damage or threaten to damage another’s property. 5. Damage or deface School District property. 6. Violate any Illinois law, or town or county ordinance. 7. Smoke or otherwise use tobacco products. 8. Distribute, consume, use, possess, or be under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or illegal drug; be present when the person’s alcohol or illegal drug consumption is detectible, regardless of when and/or where the use occurred. 9. Use or possess medical cannabis. 10. Impede, delay, disrupt, or otherwise interfere with any school activity or function, including using cellular phones in a disruptive manner. 11. Enter upon any portion of school premises at any time for purposes other than those that are lawful and authorized by the Board of Education. 12. Operate a motor vehicle (a) in a risky manner, or (b) in violation of an authorized District employee’s directive. 13. Engage in any risky behavior, including roller-blading, roller-skating, or skateboarding. 14. Violate other District policies or regulations, or an authorized District employee’s directive. 15. Engage in any conduct that interferes with, disrupts, or adversely affects the District or a School function. Convicted Child Sex Offender State law prohibits a child sex offender from being present on school property or loitering within 500 feet of school property when persons under the age of 18 are present, unless the offender is: (1) A parent/guardian of a student attending the school and has notified the Building Principal of his or her presence at the school for the purpose of: (i) attending a conference at the school with school personnel to discuss the progress of his or her child academically or socially, (ii) participating in child review conferences in which evaluation and placement decisions may be made with respect to his or her child regarding special education services, or (iii) attending conferences to discuss other student issues concerning his or her child such as retention and promotion; or (2) Has permission to be present from the Board, Superintendent or Superintendent’s designee. If permission is granted, the Superintendent or Board President shall provide the details of the offender’s upcoming visit to the Building Principal. In all cases, the Superintendent, or designee who is a certified employee, shall supervise a child sex offender whenever the offender is in the child’s vicinity. Exclusive Bargaining Representative Agent Authorized agents of an exclusive bargaining representative, upon notifying the Building Principal’s office, may meet with a school employee (or group of employees) in the school building during free-times of such employees. Enforcement Any staff member may request identification from any person on school grounds or in any school building; refusal to provide such information is a criminal act. The Building Principal or designee shall seek the immediate removal of any person who refuses to provide requested identification. Any person who engages in conduct prohibited by this policy may be ejected from school property. The person is also subject to being denied admission to school events or meetings for up to one calendar year. Procedures to Deny Future Admission to School Events or Meetings Before any person may be denied admission to school events or meetings as provided in this policy, the person has a right to a hearing before the Board. The Superintendent may refuse the person admission pending such hearing. The Superintendent or designee must provide the person with a hearing notice, delivered or sent by certified mail with return receipt requested, at least 10 days before the Board hearing date. The hearing note must contain: 1. The date, time, and place of the Board hearing; 2. A description of the prohibited conduct; 3. The proposed time period that admission to school events will be denied; and 4. Instructions on how to waive a hearing. LEGAL REF.: Nuding v. Cerro Gordo Community Unit School Dist., 730 N.E.2nd 96 (Ill.App.4, 2000) Pro-Children Act of 1994, 20 U.S.C. §7181 et seq. 105 ILCS 5/10-20.5b and 5/24-24 and 5/24-25. 410 ILCS 130/, Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program. 430 ILCS 66/, Firearm Concealed Carry Act. 720 ILCS 5/11-9.3. CROSS REF.: 4:170 (Safety); 5:50 (Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace; Tobacco Prohibition), 6:120 (Education of Children with Disabilities), 6:250 (Community Resource Persons and Volunteers), 7:190 (Student Discipline), 8:20 (Community Use of School Facilities). ADOPTED: May 17, 2001 REVISED: January 21, 2016 Renter’s initials acknowledging compliance with terms and conditions as stated above: