PROF. DOUGLAS E. ABRAMS University of Missouri School of Law Columbia, Missouri 65211 Office: (573) 882-0307 FAX: (573) 882-4984 PRESENT POSITION Since August 1989 University of Missouri School of Law - Associate Professor of Law (since 1990; tenure granted 1994) - Visiting Associate Professor of Law (1989-90) Courses: American Legal History I and II, Children and the Law, Constitutional Law, Family Law. PRIOR POSITIONS January 1982 June 1989 Fordham University School of Law - Associate Professor of Law August 1978 December 1981 Kaye, Scholer, Fierman, Hays & Handler (now Kaye Scholer) Park Avenue, New York, New York - Associate (Litigation and Corporate) August 1979 May 1981 New York Law School - Adjunct Instructor of Law (Course: Legal Research, Writing and Advocacy) August 1976 July 1978 May August 1975 Law Clerk to Judge Hugh R. Jones New York Court of Appeals Cummings & Lockwood (Stamford, Connecticut) - Summer Associate 1 EDUCATION Columbia University School of Law (New York, New York) J.D. 1976 Honors and Activities: (1) (2) Research Assistant to Professor Louis Lusky (1974-76) Teaching Fellow (Spring 1976 semester) Wesleyan University (Middletown, Connecticut) B.A. 1973 Major: History Honors and Activities: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Summa cum laude Phi Beta Kappa Scholar-Athlete Award (presented annually to the “senior scholarathlete who best exemplifies the spirit, accomplishments, and humility”) History Prize (presented annually for “highest excellence” in History) Varsity Ice Hockey PUBLICATIONS A. Books 1. EFFECTIVE LEGAL WRITING: A GUIDE FOR STUDENTS AND PRACTITIONERS (West Academic Spring 2016 forthcoming). 2. CHILDREN AND THE LAW: DOCTRINE, POLICY AND PRACTICE (West Academic casebook, with teacher’s manual) [co-author]. 1st ed. 2000; 2d ed. 2003; 3d ed. 2007; 4th ed. 2010; 5th ed. 2014. 3. CONTEMPORARY FAMILY LAW (West Academic casebook, with teacher’s manual) [co-author]. 1st ed. 2006; 2d ed. 2009; 3d ed. 2012, 4th ed. 2015. 2 4. CHILDREN AND THE LAW IN A NUTSHELL (West Academic) [co-author]. 1st ed. 2001; 2d ed. 2003; 3d ed. 2008; 4th ed. 2011; 5th ed. 2015. 5. A VERY SPECIAL PLACE IN LIFE: THE HISTORY OF JUVENILE JUSTICE IN MISSOURI (2003). 6. THE LAW OF CIVIL RICO (Treatise) (Aspen 1991), and annual Cumulative Supplements, 1992, 1994-2001. B. Articles 1. Missouri’s Long Road to Juvenile Justice, in MISSOURI LAW AND THE AMERICAN CONSCIENCE: HISTORICAL RIGHTS AND WRONGS (Univ. of Missouri Press, Kenneth Winn ed., forthcoming 2016) (peer reviewed). 2. Player Safety In Youth Sports: Sportsmanship and Respect As an InjuryPrevention Strategy, in THE ETHICS OF SPORT: ESSENTIAL READINGS (Oxford Univ. Press forthcoming 2016) (republishing Douglas E. Abrams, Player Safety in Youth Sports: Sportsmanship and Respect as an Injury-Prevention Strategy, 39 SETON HALL JOURNAL OF SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT LAW 1 (2012)). 3. References to Television Programming in Judicial Opinions and Lawyers’ Advocacy, 98 MARQUETTE LAW REVIEW __ (forthcoming June 2016). 4. Reforming High School American History Curricula: What Publicized Student Intolerance Can Teach Policymakers, 20 TEXAS JOURNAL ON CIVIL LIBERTIES AND CIVIL RIGHTS 1 (2015). 5. Concussion Safety In Children’s Sports: A Central Role for the “Power of the Permit,” 10 JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY LAW 1 (Univ. of Maryland School of Law, symposium issue 2015). 6. School Bullying Victimization As an Educational Disability, 22 TEMPLE POLITICAL & CIVIL RIGHTS LAW REVIEW 273 (symposium issue 2013). 7. The 12-Year-Old Girl’s Lawsuit that Changed America: NOW v. Little League Baseball at 40, 20 VIRGINIA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL POLICY AND THE LAW 241 (2013). 8. The Little League Champions Benched By Jim Crow in 1955: Resistance and 3 Reform After Brown v. Board of Education, 38 JOURNAL OF SUPREME COURT HISTORY 51 (2013) (peer reviewed). 9. Plagiarism in Lawyers’ Advocacy: Imposing Discipline for Conduct Prejudicial to the Administration of Justice, 47 WAKE FOREST LAW REVIEW 921 (2012). 10. Bullying as a Disability in Public Elementary and Secondary Education, 77 MISSOURI LAW REVIEW 781 (Symposium Issue 2012) 11. Confronting the Youth Sports Concussions Crisis: A Central Role for Responsible Local Enforcement of Playing Rules, 2 MISSISSIPPI SPORTS LAW REVIEW 75 (Symposium Issue 2013) 12. Edited, footnoted transcript of remarks at Symposium, “Cyberbullying from Classroom to Courtroom: Contemporary Approaches to Protecting Children in a Digital Age” – Albany Law School, Oct. 20, 2011; 22 ALBANY LAW JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 481 (2012). 13. Lochner v. New York (1905) and Kennedy v. Louisiana (2008): Judicial Reliance on Adversary Argument, 39 HASTINGS CONSTITUTIONAL LAW QUARTERLY 179 (2011). 14. Player Safety in Youth Sports: Sportsmanship and Respect as an InjuryPrevention Strategy, 39 SETON HALL JOURNAL OF SPORTS AND ENTERTAINMENT LAW 1 (2012). 15. Justice Jackson and the Second Flag-Salute Case: Reason and Passion in Opinion-Writing, 36 JOURNAL OF SUPREME COURT HISTORY 30 (2011) (peer reviewed). 16. Recognizing the Public Schools’ Authority to Discipline Student Cyberbullying Sent From Off-Campus, 37 NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL CONFINEMENT 181 (Symposium Issue 2011) 17. Judges and Their Editors, 3 ALBANY GOVERNMENT LAW REVIEW 392 (2010). 18. Sports In the Courts: The Role of Sports References in Judicial Opinions, 17 VILLANOVA SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL 1 (2010). 19. A Coordinated Public Response to School Bullying, in OUR PROMISE: ACHIEVING EDUCATIONAL EQUITY FOR AMERICA'S CHILDREN (Carolina 4 Academic Press 2009). 20. Reforming Juvenile Delinquency Treatment To Enhance Rehabilitation, Personal Accountability and Public Safety, 84 OREGON LAW REVIEW 1001 (Spring 2006). 21. Lessons From Juvenile Justice History in the United States, 4 JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES 8 (2004). 22. The Challenge Facing Parents and Coaches in Youth Sports: Assuring Children Fun and Equal Opportunity, 8 VILLANOVA SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT LAW JOURNAL 253 (2002). 23. Crime Legislation and the Public Interest: Lessons From Civil RICO, 50 SMU LAW REVIEW 33 (1996). Cited in two Supreme Court decisions – Anza v. Ideal Steel Supply Corp., 547 U.S. 451, 472 (2006) (Thomas, J., concurring in part and dissenting in part); Klehr v. A.O. Smith Corp., 521 U.S. 179, 197 (1997) (Scalia, J., concurring). 24. Arbitrability in Recent Federal Civil Rights Legislation: The Need for Amendment, 26 CONNECTICUT LAW REVIEW 521 (1994). 25. Integrating Legal Writing Into Civil Procedure, 24 CONNECTICUT LAW REVIEW 813 (1992). 26. The Scope of Liability Under Section 12 of the Securities Act of 1933: “Participation” and the Pertinent Legislative Materials, 15 FORDHAM URBAN LAW JOURNAL 877 (1987). Cited seven times in two Supreme Court decisions. Central Bank of Denver, N.A. v. First Interstate Bank of Denver, N.A., 511 U.S. 164, 184-85, 193 n.2 (1994) (majority and dissent). Cited five times in Pinter v. Dahl, 486 U.S. 622, 644, 647 n.23, 649 n.24, 650 n.26 (1988). In particular, the Court's footnote 26 cited thirteen pages of the article and adopted a major portion of the article's thesis. The footnote is taken almost verbatim from the summary of the thesis on page 926 of the article. 5 27. The Place of Procedural Control in Determining Who May Sue or Be Sued: Lessons in Statutory Interpretation From Civil RICO and Sedima, 38 VANDERBILT LAW REVIEW 1477 (1985). C. Shorter Book Chapters and Other Shorter Works 1. Teaching Legal History in the Age of Practical Legal Education, in TEACHING LEGAL HISTORY: AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE (Wildy, Simmonds & Hill; London 2014). 2. A Primer on Juvenile Protective Legislation, 65 JUVENILE AND FAMILY COURT JOURNAL 1 (No. 3-4 Summer/Fall 2014). 3. A Primer on Criminal Child Abuse and Neglect Law, 64 JUVENILE AND FAMILY COURT JOURNAL 1 (No. 3 Summer 2013). 4. Teaching Legal History in the Age of Practical Legal Education, 53 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF LEGAL HISTORY 482 (symposium issue 2013). 5. Abuse and Neglect, in MISSOURI JUVENILE LAW, ch. 6 (Missouri Bar Continuing Legal Education book). 2d ed. 1999; Supp. 2003; 3d ed. 2007; 4th ed. 2011. 6. Collateral Consequences in Missouri, in ABA COLLATERAL CONSEQUENCES OF JUVENILE CONVICTIONS PROJECT (American Bar Association 2011) [with others]. 7. Achieving Equal Opportunity In Youth Sports: The “Power of the Permit” and the “Child Impact Statement,” in LEARNING CULTURE THROUGH SPORTS: PERSPECTIVES ON SOCIETY AND ORGANIZED SPORTS, ch. 3 (Sandra Spickard Prettyman & Brian Lampman, eds.) (2010). 8. A Primer on Child Abuse and Neglect Law, 61 JUVENILE AND FAMILY COURT JOURNAL 1 (Winter 2010) [co-author]. 9. Rehabilitative Services For Youth, in THE CHILD: AN ENCYCLOPEDIC COMPANION 813 (Univ. of Chicago Press 2009). 10. Hugh Richard Jones, in THE JUDGES OF THE NEW YORK COURT OF APPEALS: A BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY 721 (2007). 6 11. A Primer on Adoption Law, 52 JUVENILE AND FAMILY COURT JOURNAL 23 (Summer 2001) [co-author]. 12. An Open Letter to Communities: What Community Leaders Can Do to Improve Youth Sports, in LEARNING CULTURE THROUGH SPORTS: EXPLORING THE ROLE OF SPORTS IN SOCIETY (Sandra Spickard Prettyman & Brian Lampman, eds.), ch. 2 (2006) [co-author]. 13. Writing It Right – Articles about lawyers’ writing in each issue of PRECEDENT, the Missouri Bar’s quarterly magazine. All are available at Several of these articles have been republished in various other state bar journals: The Right to a Reader (Winter 2006) The Writer’s Theater (Spring 2007) Those Pesky Footnotes – Part I (Summer 2007) Those Pesky Footnotes – Part II (Fall 2007) Plain English For the “Age of Statutes” (Winter 2007) “We Are the Products of Editing” (Spring 2008) America’s Founding Editors (Summer 2008) Trading In the Marketplace of Ideas: Letters-to-the Editor and Op-Ed Articles – Part I (Fall 2008) Trading In the Marketplace of Ideas: Letters-to-the Editor and Op-Ed Articles – Part II (Winter 2009) But “Will It Write?”(Spring 2009) How Not to Seek an Award of Attorney’s Fees (Summer 2009) Legal Writing: Sense and Nonsense (Fall 2009) Judges and Their Editors (Winter 2010) Sports In the Courts: How Sports References Strengthen Written Advocacy and Judicial Opinions – Part I (Spring 2010) Sports In the Courts: How Sports References Strengthen Written Advocacy and Judicial Opinions – Part II (Summer 2010) What Great Writers Can Teach Lawyers and Judges: Wisdom From Plato to Mark Twain to Stephen King – Part I (Fall 2010) What Great Writers Can Teach Lawyers and Judges: Wisdom From Plato to Mark Twain to Stephen King – Part II (Winter 2011) Effective Written Advocacy Before Generalist Judges: Advice From Recent Decisions (Spring 2011) Reason and Passion: Justice Jackson and the Second Flag-Salute Case -- Part I (Summer 2011) Reason and Passion: Justice Jackson and the Second Flag-Salute Case 7 -- Part II (Fall 2011) How Written Advocacy Shapes Doctrine (Part I): Did Bad Briefing Decide Lochner v. New York? (Winter 2012) How Written Advocacy Shapes Doctrine (Part II): The “Spectacle of Sound and Fury” From Kennedy v. Louisiana (2008) (Spring 2012) How Not to File a Complaint (Summer 2012) Acronyms (Fall 2012) Plagiarism in Lawyers’ Written Advocacy (Part I) (Spring 2013) Plagiarism in Lawyers’ Written Advocacy (Part II) (Summer 2013) George Orwell’s Classic Essay on Writing: The Best Style “Handbook” for Lawyers and Judges (Part I) (Fall 2013) George Orwell’s Classic Essay on Writing: The Best Style “Handbook” for Lawyers and Judges (Part II) (Winter 2013) One Judge’s “Ten Tips for Effective Brief Writing” (Part I) (Spring 2014) One Judge’s “Ten Tips for Effective Brief Writing” (Part II) (Summer 2014) Historian Barbara Tuchman on the “Art of Writing” (Part I) (Fall 2014) Historian Barbara Tuchman on the “Art of Writing” (Part II) (Winter 2015) Civility (Part I) (Spring 2015) Civility (Part II) (Summer 2015) 14. Picket Fences, in PRIME TIME LAW: FICTIONAL TELEVISION AS LEGAL NARRATIVE, ch. 10 (Carolina Academic Press 1998). 15. Fairness in Civil Rights Arbitration, THE WORLD AND I, Apr. 1996, p. 322. D. Newspaper Editorial-Page (Op-Ed) Articles 1. This Year’s Top 5 Youth Sports Stories: Young Athletes Make a Place For Children With Disabilities, ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, Dec. 27, 2013, at A17. 2. The Five Most Inspiring Youth Sports Stories of 2012, ST. LOUIS POSTDISPATCH, Dec. 28, 2012, at A19. 3. Lawyers Should Balk at Meritless Lawsuits, MISSOURI LAWYERS WEEKLY, July 9, 2012, p. 12. 8 4. Young Athletes’ Empathetic Acts are Noteworthy, COLUMBIA (MO.) TRIBUNE, Jan. 1, 2012, at 3D. Also published in Five Youth Sports Stories You Might Have Missed, TALLAHASSEE DEMOCRAT, Dec. 28, 2011; Top Stories of 2011 Reflect Empathy in Youth Sports, PADUCAH (KY.) SUN, Dec. 26, 2011; Stories of Empathy and Caring On the Field and Off, SPRINGFIELD (MO.) NEWS LEADER, Jan. 1, 2012. 5. It’s a Blessing Just to Play: Lessons For All of Us From Young Athletes of 2008, ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, Dec. 31, 2008, at B7. 6. Top 10 Stories You Probably Missed: Respect Brings Out the Best in Kids and Parents, ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, Nov. 14, 2007, at D9. 7. When Teaching Sports, Teach Citizenship As Well, BALTIMORE SUN, Dec. 24, 2006, at 13 A. 8. Muggings On the Court Demand Action In the Courts, ARKANSAS DEMOCRATGAZETTE, Dec. 24, 2006, at 2J. Also published in: Brawlers Should Be Prosecuted, DAILY OKLAHOMAN, Dec. 23, 2006, at 13A; Muggings On Court Demand Action, TALLAHASSEE DEMOCRAT, Dec. 23, 2006, at 5E; Sports Brawls Merit Legal Action, OMAHA WORLD-HERALD, Dec. 21, 2006, at 7B; League Not Above Law, SPOKANE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW, Dec. 21, 2006, at B6. 9. Kids In Sports Who Did Themselves Proud, ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, Nov, 14, 2006, p. D-9. 10. The Quiet Heroes of Youth Sports For 2005, ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, Jan. 1, 2006, p. B3. Also published in: Why Kids’ Sports Inspired Us, DAILY OKLAHOMAN, Dec. 30, 2005, p. 13 A; Inspiring Stories Offset the Bad News Bounty, SOUTH FLORIDA SUN-SENTINEL, Dec. 26, 2005, p. 31 A. 11. It’s a Gift Just To Be Playing, ALBANY (N.Y.) TIMES UNION, Mar. 28, 2004. 12. Get Professional Muggers Out of Sports, TOLEDO (OHIO) BLADE, Mar. 13, 2004, p. A7. 9 13. Youth Sports Programs Need Unbiased Adults, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, Aug. 15, 2003, p. 11. Also published in: DAILY OKLAHOMAN, Oct. 8, 2003; TACOMA (WA.) NEWS TRIBUNE, Aug. 18, 2003; ANCHORAGE DAILY NEWS, Aug. 15, 2003; SACRAMENTO BEE, Aug. 15, 2003; ROCHESTER (MINN.) POST BULLETIN, Aug. 15, 2003. 14. Foster Care: On the Eve of History . . . We Should Pledge Our Continued Commitment to Reforming the System, ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, Mar. 18, 2003, at B7. 15. All Kids Deserve Opportunity to Get Off the Bench and Play, WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL, Aug. 27, 2002, p. A8. Also published in: Keeping Teens Involved in Sports, DAILY OKLAHOMAN, Sept. 8, 2002, p. 7A. 16. An Opportunity To Save Unwanted Newborns, KANSAS CITY STAR, Apr. 3, 2002, at B10. 17. Lessons From the “Hockey Dad” Trial, SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE, Jan. 16, 2002, p. B11. Also published in: The “Hockey Dad” Trial Indicts Adults' Violence, PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Jan. 16, 2002, p. A13; Six to 10 Years For Killing, TORONTO STAR, Jan. 29, 2002, p. A20; Rink Rage Trial Is a Lesson For All Players’ Parents, ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, Jan. 17, 2002, p. B7; Lessons From Sports Rage Trial, BERGEN (N.J.) RECORD, Jan. 15, 2002, p. L-15; “Hockey Dad” Trial Presents Lessons, THUNDER BAY (ONTARIO) CHRONICLE-JOURNAL, Jan. 17, 2002; Adult Violence Hits Minor Sports; Hockey Dad's Imprisonment Is Wake-up Call, HAMILTON (ONTARIO) SPECTATOR, Jan. 30, 2002, p. A11; Lessons From the Tragic “Hockey Dad” Trial, PEORIA (ILL.) JOURNAL STAR, Feb. 3, 2002, at A7; Hockey Dad’s Trial Should Wake Up Parents, YORK (PA.) DAILY RECORD, Jan. 20, 2002, at C3. 18. Children Still Need Sports In Their Lives, KANSAS CITY STAR, October 4, 2001, p. B6. 19. What To Do When Parents Are Poor Sports? Arrest ‘Em, SAN FRANCISCO 10 CHRONICLE, July 20, 2000, p. A27. Also published in: An Adult Homicide In Youth Sports, ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE, July 16, 2000, p. J3; Sportsmanship: Must Parents Learn From Kids?, BERGEN (N.J.) RECORD, July 12, 2000, p. L7; Parents Let Down Young Athletes With Bad Behavior on Sidelines, ALLENTOWN (PA.) MORNING CALL, July 12, 2000, p. A23; Adult Hooliganism Hurts Youth Sports, KANSAS CITY STAR, August 12, 2000, p. B6. 20. Pro Athletes Create a Culture of Violence in Sports, ST. LOUIS POSTDISPATCH, Feb. 27, 2000, p. B3. 21. Adults Share Blame for Youth-Sports Violence, BUFFALO (N.Y.) NEWS, Dec. 26, 1999, p. H-5. Also published in: Adults Share Blame for Sports Violence, ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE, Dec. 19, 1999, p. J3; Violence Has No Place in Sports, AUSTIN (TEX.) AMERICAN-STATESMAN, Dec. 24, 1999, p. A11; Blame Troublemaker Adult Athletes for High Violence in Youth Sports, ALLENTOWN (PA.) MORNING CALL, Dec. 30, 1999, p. A19. 22. Sports Failed Columbine Killers, PALM BEACH (FLA.) POST, May 7, 1999, p. 14A. Also published in: Good Youth Sports Programs Can Influence Kids at Risk, DAILY OKLAHOMAN, May 29, 1999, at 6; How to Serve Children With Sports, ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE, May 9, 1999, p. 3J; When Adults Sabotage Sportsmanship, BERGEN (N.J.) RECORD, May 7, 1999, p. L-11. 23. A Child’s Game: Adult Intervention Has Hampered Child Participation in Youth Sports, COLUMBIA (MO.) MISSOURIAN, Apr. 12, 1998, “Ideas” magazine, p. 2. 24. Winning Isn’t Everything in Youth Leagues, WISCONSIN STATE JOURNAL, May 5, 1997, p.7A. Also published in: Keep Fun in Kids' Games, WICHITA (KAN.) EAGLE, May 10, 1997, p. 8A. 25. A Better Safety Belt Law Would Save Lives, ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, Mar. 11 3, 1997, p. 15B 26. A Helping Hand For Parents, ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, Sept. 15, 1996, p. 3B. 27. Public Recreation: Not Just Fun and Games, ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, Jan. 28, 1996, p. 3B. 28. Youth Sports Should Be Play, Not Work, ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, July 9, 1995, p. 3B. Also published in: Good Sports: The True Mission of Youth Sports Programs, WINSTON-SALEM (N.C.) JOURNAL, Aug. 19, 1995, p. A11; Some Guidelines for Healthy Youth Sports Competition, CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER, Aug. 2, 1995, p. 11B 29. Finding Heroes Off The Field, ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, Jan. 15, 1995, p. 3B. 30. Let's Become True Heroes in Our Own Villages, BLACK ISSUES EDUCATION, Nov. 3, 1994, p. 43. 31. No More Fun at the Ol' Brawl Park, CHICAGO TRIBUNE, May 20, 1994, § 1, p. 15. 32. Should Crime in the Suites Come Under Racketeering Law?: A Burden Congress Shouldn't Impose, WALL STREET JOURNAL, Feb. 4, 1986, p. 30. 33. Lack of Clarity in Writing Laws Leads to Confusion, Court Cases, NEWSDAY, Apr. 8, 1985, p. 50. 34. Making Racketeers Of Everyone, ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, Mar. 3, 1985, p. 3B. IN HIGHER Also published in: RICO: Congress Forces Courts to Legislate Again, CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER, Mar. 22, 1985, p. 11-B. E. Commission Reports 1. Missouri Law Enforcement Guideline Manual on Juvenile Issues (Missouri Juvenile Justice Association’s uniform guidelines on juvenile handling procedures for Missouri law enforcement agencies) [co-author] (Sept. 2001). 2. The Third Report of the Missouri Bar Commission on Children and the Law: 12 Pursuing the Initiative to Put “Justice First,” JUVENILE AND FAMILY COURT JOURNAL 37 (WINTER 2001) [with other authors; I wrote approximately half the report]. 3. 4. The Second Report of the Missouri Bar Commission on Children and the Law: Continuing an Initiative to Put “Justice First,” 49 JUVENILE AND FAMILY COURT JOURNAL 41 (Summer 1998) [with other authors; I wrote approximately half the report]. The Report of the Missouri Bar Commission on Children and the Law: An Initiative to Put “Justice First,” 48 JUVENILE AND FAMILY COURT JOURNAL 57 (Winter 1997) [with other authors; I wrote approximately three-quarters of the report]. F. Tributes and Dedications 1. Remembering Judge Hugh R. Jones, 65 ALBANY LAW REVIEW 9 (2001) [coauthor]. 2. Clerking With Judge Hugh R. Jones, 14 FORDHAM URBAN LAW JOURNAL 521 (1986). G. Continuing Legal Education Materials 1. Crossing the Line: Your Rights and Responsibilities – Curriculum Guide (for middle school and high school teachers) (with others Apr. 2004). 2. Children and the Law, 1995-1996, in SYMPOSIUM ON RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE LAW RELATING TO CHILDREN (Missouri Bar Continuing Legal Education book, Sept. 1996). 3. Children and the Law, 1995-1996, in ANNUAL SURVEY OF (Missouri Bar Continuing Legal Education book, Sept. 1996). 4. Missouri Statutes Relating to Children (Missouri Bar Continuing Legal Education materials, Nov. 1995). 5. Children and the Law: 1994-1995 Decisions and Legislation, in SYMPOSIUM ON CHILDREN AND THE LAW (Missouri Bar Continuing Legal Education book, Nov. 11, 1995). 6. Annual Survey of the Law, 1995: Juvenile Law, in ANNUAL SURVEY 13 THE LAW, 1996 OF THE LAW, 1995 (Missouri Bar Continuing Legal Education book, Sept. 1995). 7. Annual Survey of the Law, 1995: Civil Procedure Law, in ANNUAL SURVEY OF THE LAW, 1995 (Missouri Bar Continuing Legal Education book, Aug. 1995). H. 1. Sports Blogs “Youth Sports Hero of the Month” – regular monthly article that “salutes a youth sports parent, coach, player or team for inspiring us by doing something special . . . with values that set an example on and off the field.” (Nov. 2010) (Dec. 2011) (Jan. 2011) (Feb. 2011) (Mar. 2011) (Apr. 2011) (May 2011) (June 2011) (July 2011) (Aug. 2011) (Sept. 2011) 14 (Oct. 2011) (Nov. 2011) (Dec. 2011) (Jan. 2012) (Feb. 2012) (Mar. 2012) (Apr. 2012) (May 2012) (June 2012) (July 2012) (Aug. 2012) (Sept. 2012) (Oct. 2012) (Nov. 2012) 15 (Dec. 2012) (Feb. 2013) (Mar. 2013) (Apr. 2013) (May 2013) (June 2013) (July 2013) (Aug. 2013) (Sept. 2013) (Oct. 2013) (Nov. 2013) (Dec. 2013) (Jan. 2014) (Feb. 2014) 16 marotta-prince-george-british-columbia (Mar. 2014) (Apr. 2014) (May 2014) (June 2014) (July 2014) (Aug. 2014) (Sept. 2014) (Oct. 2014) (Nov. 2014) (Dec. 2014) (Jan. 2015) (Jan. 2015) 2. Weekly and bi-weekly columns on sports coaching and values: (since Mar. 2011) Why Statutes Criminalizing Assaults on Sports Officials Are a Bad Idea - 17 Would More Criminal Prosecutions Deter Assaults on Youth Sports Officials? -- When the Coach Throws a Game -- Recognizing What’s Really Important in Youth Sports - Teaching Leadership in Youth Sports - Selecting the Team’s Captains -- The Lifetime Coach-Player Bond -- Why Moving the Age of Legal Body Checking to Bantam Hockey is a Good Idea -- Why Sports Need More Theodore Roosevelts Today: Concussions and Leadership -- Should Youth Leaguers Receive Trophies for Participation? - Respect In Sports: What High School Coaches Should Say at Their Retirement Dinner -- How Adults’ Abuse of Officials Endangers Player Safety - The Lunacy Tax -- 18 Why a Teen Should Serve on the Youth League’s Board of Directors - Why Youth Leagues Should Encourage Older Players to Help Coach Younger Teams – and How to Do It -- What Youth League Coaches Do Not Know -- and What Coaches and Parents Can Do About It -- How Pressure to Win Can Tempt Youth Coaches to Create Benchwarmers – and How Coaches Can Resist the Temptation - Term Limits for Youth-League Coaches? - Mistakes -- Who Owns Youth Sports? (Part I) -- Who Owns Youth Sports? (Part II) -- Who Owns Youth Sports? (Part III): What Two Innovators Can Teach Parents and Coaches: How “Blind Drafts” Produce Balanced House Leagues, and Why Balance Is Important - What If Your Son or Daughter Doesn’t Want to Play Organized Sports Any More? - Achieving Equal Opportunity in Youth Sports (Part I): The “Power of the Permit - 19 Achieving Equal Opportunity in Youth Sports (Part II): The “Child Impact Statement” - Achieving Equal Opportunity in Youth Sports (Part III): Reform and Resistance - What Can Happen When Youth Coaches Use Pep Talks From the Movies - How Coaches Can Hold the Players’ Attention When Talking to the Team During Practice (Part I) -- How Coaches Can Hold the Players’ Attention When Talking to the Team During Practice (Part II)” -- Continuing Education for Youth League Coaches (Part I) - Continuing Education for Youth-League Coaches (Part II) – Issues that Youth Leagues Should Raise In the Pre-season Parents Meeting - Continuing Education for Youth-League Coaches (Part III) -- More Issues that Youth Leagues Should Raise in the Pre-Season Parents Meeting - Continuing Education for Youth-League Coaches (Part IV) -- Written Disciplinary Rules -- Winning, Losing and Learning -- 20 The Serious Social Costs of Closing the Door on Teen Athletes - Memorializing a Coach or Player -- The Five Most Inspiring Youth Sports Stories of 2011 – Equal Playing Time Before Middle School (Part I) - Equal Playing Time Before Middle School Part II) -- Why Youth League Coaches Should Think Years Ahead – Equal Playing Time Before Middle School (Part III) – Protecting Players’ Emotional Safety -- Why Youth League Coaching Staffs Should Include Adults Inexperienced in the Game (Part I) -- Why Youth League Coaching Staffs Should Include Adults Inexperienced in the Game (Part II) -- How Parents’ Visions of Colleges and The Pros Can Hurt Youth Leaguers - Why Teams Should Respect Custodians and Other Service Employees - What Youth Coaches Should Not Say to their Players - 21 Why Youth Sports Programs Should Seek Input from Pediatricians, and How They Can Do It -- Why Parks and Recreation Departments Deserve Public Funding - All Safety is Local (Part I) -- All Safety is Local (Part II) -- localpart-ii/ All Safety is Local (Part III) – localpart-iii/ The Law's Limited Role in Injury Prevention - How to Keep Your Players From Going Viral and Ruining Their Youth Sports Careers -- The Power of ‘Thank You” (Part I) -- Title IX and the “Level Playing Field” -- Why Civil Rights Were at Stake in the Pilaro Field Hockey Case - The Power of “Thank You” (Part 2) -- “The Inescapable Problem”: Remaining Active in Sports After the Last Game - Crucial Coaching Conversations -- 22 Being an Assistant Coach (Part I) -- assistant-coach/ Being an Assistant Coach (Part II): When Adults Sue an 11-Year-Old Little Leaguer For Thousands of Dollars - When Youth Coaches Taunt Opposing Players - Keep Them Hungry -- New Survey Challenges Adults’ Management of Youth Sports - Will You Still Love Me If I Don’t Win? - Insights Into British Youth Sports -- “We Are Not Alone”: The Globalization of Youth Sports - New Study Cites Team Sports as an Effective Weapon Against Childhood Obesity - Post-Game Handshakes – Writing the Youth Team’s Press Releases (Part I) - Writing the Youth Team’s Press Releases (Part II) - 23 The Team Manager: “The Glue that Holds the Team Together” - Australia’s “Ugly Parent Syndrome” -- A Stroll Down Memory Lane: How Pro Sports Has Changed Parents’ Views of Youth Sports -- Using Video of Ugly Incidents to Teach Sportsmanship - How Team Social Events Create Team Bonding in Youth Leagues - Why Criminal Prosecutions Help Control Parental Violence in Youth Sports (Part II), Why Criminal Prosecutions Help Control Parental Violence in Youth Sports (Part II), What Did Penn State’s Football Coach Say During Saturday’s Post-Game ESPN Interview? Lessons About “Slips of the Tongue” for Youth League Players, Coaches and Parents, Alerting Officials When One of Your Youth Leaguers Has a Disability: Game-Time Advice for Parents and Coaches, Writing About Youth Sports in Newspaper Letters-to-the-Editor (Part I), Writing About Youth Sports in Newspaper Letters-to-the-Editor (Part II), 24 Celebrating Diversity in Youth Sports - Storming and Dogpiling: The Perils of Uncontrolled Victory Celebrations In Youth Sports -- Financial Assistance for Families in Need: More Strategies for Achieving Diversity in Youth Sports - Equal Sports Opportunities for Children with Disabilities: The U.S. Department of Education’s New Directive -- Teaching Players During the Game -- What Coaches Should Tell Their Players About Opponents’ Trash Talking – Broccoli and Dessert: How Practice Sessions Can Maintain Youth Leaguers’ Enthusiasm During a Long Season -- “Competitive Friends”: How Two Longtime High School Hockey Rivals Jointly Honor Their Legendary Coaches Each Year – Pee Wee Hockey Coach Gets Jail Time For Tripping 13-Year-Old Opponent in PostGame Handshake Line -- Why Youth Sports Teams Should Respect Custodians and Other Service Employees: Valuable Lessons for Children from the 2012 Presidential Campaign - 25 The Steubenville Rape Case and the Value of Sex-Abuse Prevention Classes in the Schools -- Coaches Sharing With Coaches -- “Searching for Bobby Fischer”: A “Wonderful” Chess Movie for Youth Sports Parents and Coaches -- Players’ Attention Span During Practice Sessions - Accepting and Rejecting Youth League Sponsors - What Steubenville Tells Us About Coaches’ Legal Obligations to Report Rape and Other Child Abuse -- Why Statutes Criminalizing Assaults on Sports Officials Are Still a Bad Idea - More Thoughts About the Role of Criminal Prosecutions in Preventing Assaults on Youth Sports Officials – Lessons From Hong Kong About How Discrimination Hurts Youth Sports - When Verbal Abuse of a Teen Official Becomes Criminal Child Endangerment – 26 Turbans and Tolerance: What Canadian Soccer Just Taught the World About Resisting Prejudice in Youth Sports -- The Right Choice: Hockey Canada Joins USA Hockey To Remove Checking From Pee Wees -- Ten Rules for Healthy Youth Sports (Part I) - Ten Rules for Healthy Youth Sports (Part II) - New Zealand High School Rugby Match Ends in Vicious Brawls - The Coach’s “Dog Test” -- How Troublesome Parents Can Hurt Their Player’s Chances in College Sports - "Title IX’s Impact on Youth Sports: Remembrances on 'Women’s Equality Day'" - A Timely Reminder From Britain About How Equal Opportunity in Youth Sports Enhances Public Health – Why Keeping Teens Active In Sports Is So Important - Assault-Free Youth Coaching: The “Dog Test” Revisited - New Survey Confirms Adult Misconduct During Children’s Games -27 How Today’s Losses Let Adults Teach Children How to Win in Life - What Coaches and Parents Can Learn From Kentucky’s Directive About Post-Game Handshakes -- Disciplining Parental Misconduct in Youth Sports - Memo to Sports Parents: How To Hurt Bullied Schoolchildren - How Social Media Derailed Friday Night Football in Sanford, Maine - When A Coach’s Decision Clashes With Parents’ Values - Disciplining Youth Coaches for Cash Bounties and Verbal Abuse – A Few Words for Youth Coaches: How Not to Motivate Your Players – Donating to Youth This Year -- More Disturbing News About Adult Abuse of Teen Officials, New Ways to Elect a Youth Sports Association’s Board of Directors - 28 Are Casualties Mounting in the “Youth Sports Arms Race”?: Some New Polling Data - Locker Room Supervision -- Women As Youth League Coaches - Coaches Bully Their Players: The American Academy of Pediatrics Weighs In – “Don’t Know Much About History”: When History Classes Fail to Prepare Youth Athletes -- More Troubling News About Abuse of Referees - The Sounds of Silence – sportsinternational-power-silence-sports/#disqus_thread New Study Links High School Sports Aggression and Dating Violence - Disciplining Violent Youth Sports Parents - What to Tell Youth Leaguers When Pros Cheat - Using the “Power of the Permit” to Protect Youth Leaguers’ Safety - 29 White House Concussions Summit Urges Action - Another Survey Confirms That Too Many Adults Spurn Sportsmanship In Youth Sports -- How Adults’ Abuse of Referees Endangers Players’ Safety - When the State High School Athletic Association Spurns Academics - New Jersey Legislation Guarantees Equal Opportunity for Student-Athletes With Disabilities -- Mercy Rules -- California Limits Full-Contact Football Practice Sessions - Michigan Announces New Football Practice Session Policies - Women as Boys’ Youth League Coaches - Sensible New Jersey Law Permits Retired Coaches to Continue Coaching – Early-Morning Practices and Games Raise Safety Questions - “The Sounds of Silence”: Why Adults Should Listen to What Players Do Not Say - 30 New Poll Shows Continuing Parental Discontent About the “Youth Sports Arms Race” The Main Street Test -- Donating to Youth By Year’s End: The Potency of Private Giving - The Youth Coach’s “Theater” - Youth Coaching: “Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Rewards - Full Disclosure About Travel Team Playing-Time Policies - Declining Youth Sports Participation in Sweden: Lessons for Parents in the United States -- Storming and Dogpiling: Dangerous Uncontrolled Celebrations In Youth Sports -- What to Tell Children When Professional Athletes Stray - How Youth Coaches Can Lose Players’ Respect Quickly: Throw a Game - When a School Sports Team Protects a Bullied Classmate -31 Youth Leaguers Beware: Social Media Can Ruin Your Life - Sparing Youth Leaguers Punishment For Their Parents’ Misconduct - Georgia Announces New Football Concussion Rules - More About Australia’s Ugly Parent Syndrome: Post-Game “Debriefing” - New Medical Study Spotlights Football Concussion Rates During Practice Sessions – Sled Hockey: “For Love of the Game” - Is Playing Computer Games Exercise? New ‘Wake-up Calls’ About Overweight and Obesity -- Do Youth Leaguers’ Candy Sales Violate the Child Labor Laws?: Fundraising and Youth Leaguers’ Safety - A New Safety Study Sheds New Light on Heading the Ball in Youth Soccer - 32 Another State Reports a Shortage of Youth League Referees – Tournaments, Tanking Games, and Hating Yourself in the Morning - September Is Sportsmanship Month - When Intense Games Spiral Out of Control - How Narrowing the Gender Gap in Youth League Coaching Would Serve the Players - Another Story About a High School Athlete Who Has Overcome Physical Challenges – Why Youth Teams Should Bar Smartphones and Similar Mobile Devices In Locker Rooms -- How Adults’ “Referee Rage” Imperils Youth Leaguers’ Safety - UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI LAW SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY SERVICE 1. University service: Intercollegiate Athletics Committee (2008-14); Law School representative, Faculty Council on University Policy (elected for a two-year term by the law school faculty in 2006; elected to the Executive Committee by the Council in 2007). 2. Law school service: Chair, Judicial Clerkship Committee (1990-2013); 33 Admissions Committee (since 2005); Co-Chair and Co-Moderator, Missouri Law Review 2012 Symposium – Cyberbullying: Emerging Realities and Legal Challenges (Feb. 9-10, 2012); Standards Committee (2003-05); Chair, Career Services Committee (1994-2000); Faculty Advisor, ABA/ATLA Trial Advocacy Team (1989-95). PUBLIC AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE A. Directorships, Commissions and Committees 1. Member, Advisory Board, University of Missouri Children’s Hospital -composed of 12 civic and community leaders who support and promote community awareness of the hospital (since Sept. 2013). 2. Member, Missouri Bar Special Committee on Adoption Issues -- appointed to “identify issues related to the termination of parental rights and propose ideas and solutions that would address those issues” (2011). 3. Missouri Department of Social Services, Division of Youth Services (DYS) – Member, Advisory Board -- the bipartisan 15-member board created by state statute (since August 2010) Vice Chair (since May 2014) 4. Missouri Juvenile Justice Association (a statewide, not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to ensuring equal treatment, due process and enhanced opportunities for all abused, neglected and delinquent children within Missouri's juvenile justice system). Member, Board of Directors – since 2008 Member – Executive Committee – since 2010 Treasurer – since 2010 5. Member, Missouri Bar Special Committee on Keller First Amendment Issues (since 2007) – four-member committee appointed to advise the Board of Governors concerning the First Amendment rights of member lawyers who object to public positions taken by the Bar. 6. Member, Governor’s Internet Harassment Task Force (Dec. 2007-Jan. 2008) – appointed to help draft legislation that will combat cyberbullying and pass constitutional challenge. 34 7. Member, Juvenile Court Rules Work Group (2004 to date) – appointed by the Family Law Committee of the Missouri Supreme Court to review and revise the state rules of practice in the juvenile courts. 8. Member, Missouri Bar Commission on Children and the Law (1995-2003). Member, Legislative Drafting Committee (1998-2003) Member, Report Drafting Committee (1998-2003) Chair, Statute and Case Law Subcommittee (1995-2003) Co-Chair, Domestic Relations Subcommittee (1997) 9. Member, Board of Directors, Kindness Counts Foundation (2005-08). 10. Missouri Juvenile Justice Association, Law Enforcement Juvenile Custody Committee (May-Dec. 2001) (drafted Missouri Law Enforcement Guidelines on Juvenile Issues, uniform guidelines on juvenile handling procedures for Missouri law enforcement agencies). 11. Member, Federal Practice Committee, United States District Court for the Western District of Missouri (three year term, 1993-1996). 12. National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. Member, Learning Disabilities Committee and Rural Courts Committee (1992-96); Alcohol and Substance Abuse Committee (19962000); Publications Committee (1992 to date; Vice-Chair, 1995-97) B. 1. Editorial Boards JUVENILE AND FAMILY COURT JOURNAL (The Journal is the quarterly review of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. It publishes scholarly articles on the juvenile justice system, juvenile and family courts, and the treatment and control of juvenile delinquency.) Associate Editor (since 1992) Member, Editorial Review Board (since 1991) 2. Editorial Board, JOURNAL OF THE MISSOURI BAR (Member since 1993; Vicechair 1996-2000; Chair since 2000). 3. Member, Board of Editors, MISSOURI LAWYERS WEEKLY [Area of specialty: Juvenile Law] (1993-1999). 35 C. Other Service 1. Creator, Happiness For Health Program, University of Missouri Children’s Hospital (2001) – The program purchases toys, stuffed animals and games the sick and injured children can play with during their hospital stay and then take home with them; it also provides parties for children hospitalized on their birthdays and other special occasions. HFH is a permanent endowment funded with the royalties from my Children and the Law casebook, 2. Fellow, Missouri Bar Foundation (since 2011). 3. Fellow, University of Missouri Center for Family Policy and Research (since 2001). 4. Member, Team of Experts, MomsTeam (national organization that provides youth sports parents information about safety, nutrition, health, coaching and related issues (since 2010), 5. Youth-league ice hockey coach. Nassau County (N.Y.) youth hockey program (1968-1989) Jefferson City (Mo.) Youth Ice Hockey Program Founder and President (1989-2000) Coach (1989-2010) 6. Member, Mayor’s Community Recreation Center Committee (Columbia, Mo.) – citizens’ committee to develop plan for financing and constructing a community recreation center and to present the plan to the voters for approval (1998-2002). SELECTED LECTURES AND ADDRESSES 1. Panelist, “Traumatic Brain Injury: Lessons Learned from Our Nation’s Athletes and Military” – Symposium conducted by the University of Missouri School of Law Veterans Clinic, Nov. 11, 2015. 2. Panelist, “United States Supreme Court Highlights: The 2014-2015 Term” – continuing legal education (CLE) program conducted by the Missouri Bar, Aug. 20, 2015. 36 3. Speaker, Education Forum for Missouri High School Teachers – conducted by the Missouri Bar, June 22-23, 2015. 4. Speaker, The Power of the Permit” – Youth Sports Safety Summit, conducted by MomsTeam Institute, Boston, Mass., Sept. 15, 2014. 5. Panelist, “United States Supreme Court Highlights: The 2013-2014 Term” – continuing legal education (CLE) program conducted by the Missouri Bar, Aug. 15, 2014. 6. Speaker, Education Forum for Missouri High School Teachers – conducted by the Missouri Bar, June 26-27, 2014. 7. Speaker, Preventing and Reacting to School Bullying: Policy and Legal Considerations -- Workshop on Increasing Capacity for Reducing Bullying and Its Impact on the Lifecourse of Youth, conducted by the National Academies of Science, Institute of Medicine, Apr. 9-10, 2014. 8. Panelist, “Jackie Robinson’s Legacy to the Nation” – Town hall meeting for students and local residents, sponsored by the MU School of Law and the MU Athletics Department, Columbia, Mo., Mar. 12, 2014. 9. Keynote Address, “Law Professors’ ‘Extracurricular Writing’ in Non-Legal Forums” – Central States Law Schools Association 2013 Scholarship Conference, University of Arkansas School of Law, Fayetteville, Ark., Oct. 4, 2013. 10. Panelist, “Sports Concussions: Problems and Solutions” – Symposium conducted by the Institute of Sports Law and Ethics, Santa Clara (Calif.) University, Sept. 12, 2013. 11. Panelist, “United States Supreme Court Highlights: The 2012-2013 Term” – continuing legal education (CLE) program conducted by the Missouri Bar, Aug. 14, 2012. 12. Participant and speaker, Project Play, Aspen Institute, Aspen, Colo., Apr. 912, 2013 (beginning of two-year project to study and produce a report on the future of youth sports in the United States). 37 13. Speaker, “The Public School's Authority to Discipline Students’ Off-Campus Cyberbullying of Classmates” -- International Bullying Prevention Association’s Ninth Annual Conference, Nov. 6, 2012. 14. Speaker, “Juvenile Justice and Family Law Update: Cases and Legislation” -Fall Educational Conference, Missouri Juvenile Justice Association, Oct. 26, 2012. 15. Speaker, “Juvenile Justice and Family Law Update: Cases and Legislation” -- Fall Educational Conference, Missouri Juvenile Justice Association, Oct. 26, 2011. 16. Panelist, “United States Supreme Court Highlights: The 2011-2012 Term” – continuing legal education (CLE) program conducted by the Missouri Bar, Aug. 16, 2012. 17. Panelist, “Missouri’s Non-Partisan Court Plan” in The Courts—What You and Your Students Need to Know (Federal and Missouri Courts), Missouri Bar Summer Institute for High School Teachers (July 16-19, 2012). 18. Speaker, “Evolving Standards in Juvenile Justice: From Gault to Graham and Beyond,” 12th Annual Equal Justice Colloquium – Washington Univ. School of Law, Mar. 23, 2012. 19. Co-Chair and Moderator, “Cyberbullying: Emerging Realities and Legal Challenges” -- Missouri Law Review Annual Symposium, Feb. 9-10, 2012. 20. Speaker, “Juvenile Justice and Family Law Update: Cases and Legislation” and “Teens and Technology” -- Fall Educational Conference, Missouri Juvenile Justice Association, Oct. 26, 2011. 21. Panelist, “Cyberbullying from Classroom to Courtroom: Contemporary Approaches to Protecting Children in a Digital Age” – symposium at Albany Law School, Oct. 20, 2011. 22. Panelist, “United States Supreme Court Highlights: The 2010-2011 Term and Its Implications” – continuing legal education (CLE) program conducted by the Missouri Bar, Aug. 18, 2011. 23. Panelist, “Evaluating the Missouri and Federal Judicial Branches in the 21st Century” -- Missouri Bar Citizenship Education Program; Judicial Symposium for Educators, Nov. 9, 2010. 38 24. Speaker, “Juvenile Justice and Family Law Update: Cases and Legislation,” - Fall Educational Conference, Missouri Juvenile Justice Association, Oct. 27, 2010. 25. Panelist, “Playground to the Penitentiary: Criminalizing School Bullying and the Massachusetts Anti-Bullying Law” – symposium at the New England Law School, Boston, Mass., Oct. 1, 2010. 26. Panelist, “United States Supreme Court Highlights: The 2009-2010 Term and Its Implications” – continuing legal education (CLE) program conducted by the Missouri Bar, Aug. 18, 2010. 27. Speaker, “Player Safety In Youth Sports: Sportsmanship and Respect As An Injury-Prevention Strategy” – ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) International semi-annual meeting in St. Louis, May 19, 2010. 28. Speaker, “The Juvenile and Family Court System” – Learning in Retirement, continuing education program conducted by the Missouri Bar, Feb. 24, 2010. 29. Speaker, “Juvenile Justice and Family Law Update: Cases and Legislation, 2009) -- Fall Educational Conference, Missouri Juvenile Justice Association, Oct. 29, 2009. 30. Panelist, “Students and the Constitution: Issues of Juvenile Justice” – interactive national television show for middle school and high school students, conducted by the Missouri Bar, Sept. 17, 2009. 31. Panelist, “United States Supreme Court Highlights: The 2008-2009 Term and Its Implications” – continuing legal education (CLE) program conducted by the Missouri Bar, Aug. 20, 2009. 32. Speaker, “Judges and Their Editors” – address to the international meeting of the Association of Reporters of Judicial Decisions, Halifax, Nova Scotia, August 7, 2009. 33. Speaker, “Cyberbullying,” in Using Controversial Issues In the Classroom: A Professional Development Institute, Apr. 23, 2009 (conducted by The Missouri Bar and the Constitutional Rights Foundation). 34. Panelist, “Internet Safety and Cyberbullying” -- National High School Journalism Convention, November 15, 2008, conducted in St. Louis by the 39 Journalism Education Association and the National Scholastic Press Association. 35. Speaker, “Juvenile Justice and Family Law Update: Cases and Legislation, 2008" -- Fall Educational Conference, Missouri Juvenile Justice Association, Oct. 23, 2008. 36. Panelist, “United States Supreme Court Highlights: The 2007-2008 Term and Its Implications – continuing legal education program conducted by the Missouri Bar, Aug. 21, 2008. 37. Panelist, “Hot Topics and Legal Trends: Juvenile Justice” --Missouri Court of Appeals Eleventh Annual Appellate Forum, June 16, 2008. 38. Speaker, “Teaching Controversial Issues” – conference of public school teachers sponsored by The Missouri Bar Advisory Committee for Civic Education and the Constitutional Rights Foundation, May 1, 2008. 39. Introductory Address, “The Missouri Juvenile Justice Association at 30” -2007 Fall Educational Conference, Missouri Juvenile Justice Association, Oct. 24, 2007. 40. Panelist, “United States Supreme Court Highlights: The 2006-2007 Term and Its Implications” – continuing legal education program conducted by the Missouri Bar, Aug. 22, 2007). 41. Panelist, “How to Draft Bills that Make Sense and Will Not Be Overturned, Current Issues For Lawyers, Legislators and Lobbyists” – continuing legal education program sponsored by The Missouri Bar, Jan. 11, 2007. 42. Panelist, “Bill of Rights Day: Music, Freedom and the First Amendment” – interactive seminar sponsored by The Missouri Bar, Dec. 15, 2006. 43. Panelist, “A Year In Review: United States Supreme Court Highlights of the 2005-2006 Term” – continuing legal education program conducted by The Missouri Bar, Aug. 16, 2006. 44. Panelist, “The U.S. Constitution and a Changing Nation: Protecting Our Rights and Freedoms” – University of Missouri, Chancellor’s Series on Global Issues, Sept. 22, 2005. 45. Panelist, “A Year In Review: United States Supreme Court Highlights of the 40 2004-2005 Term” – continuing legal education program conducted by The Missouri Bar, Aug. 18, 2005. 46. Speaker, “Juvenile Delinquency Treatment in the Public Interest” -- Children and the Law Symposium, University of Montana School of Law, Sept. 23-24, 2004. 47. Panelist, “A Year In Review: United States Supreme Court Highlights of the 2003-2004 Term” – continuing legal education program conducted by The Missouri Bar, Aug. 12, 2004. 48. Speaker, “Lessons From Juvenile Justice History in America,” at Impacting Juvenile Justice: The Intersection of Approaches, Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg, Missouri, March 29-30, 2004. 49. Panelist, “A Year In Review: United States Supreme Court Highlights of the 2002-2003 Term” – continuing legal education program conducted by The Missouri Bar, Aug. 14, 2003. 50. Speaker, “Juvenile Law,” at Law School For Legislators program sponsored by The Missouri Bar, Jan. 27, 2004. 51. Speaker, “Lessons From the History of Juvenile Justice in Missouri” -Symposium on Juvenile Justice For Missouri Legislators, Feb. 3, 2003. 52. Panelist, “Recent Supreme Court Constitutional Law Developments” -continuing legal education program conducted by The Missouri Bar, Dec. 8, 2001. 53. Panelist, “A Blockbuster Term: Recent Supreme Court Constitutional Law Developments” – continuing legal education program conducted by The Missouri Bar, Dec. 6, 2000. 54. Panelist, “Mini-Workshop on Legal Writing Throughout the Law School Curriculum” – conducted by the Association of American Law Schools during its Annual Meeting, Jan. 3, 1991. AWARDS 1. USA Hockey (American hockey’s national governing body), Excellence in Safety Award (2013) -- for longtime outstanding contributions to making youth hockey a safer game. 41 2. Missouri Bar Distinguished Service Award (2011) – presented periodically to recognize individuals for “distinguished and meritorious service” to The Missouri Bar over a long period of years and in a wide range of capacities. 3. MU Law School Board of Advocates (BOA) Faculty Achievement Award (2009-2010) – recognizing “outstanding contributions” to the law school’s trial and appellate advocacy programs. 4. Missouri Bar Young Lawyers Section Chairperson’s Award – for “meritorious Service” (2004). 5. Spurgeon Smithson Award – presented by the Missouri Bar Foundation for outstanding service to the cause of justice (2000). 6. Columbia (Mo.) Board of Education Recognition Award – for my service recruiting and advising University of Missouri law students who volunteer as mentors to elementary school students (1999). 7. The Missouri Bar Leadership and Service Award – recognizing service on the Missouri Bar Commission on Children and the Law, particularly in drafting and testifying in favor of legislation recommended by the Commission (1998). 8. Missouri Park and Recreation Association Citation of Merit – recognizing my 30 years as a youth-league ice hockey coach (1998). 9. MU Law School Administration of Justice Award -- primarily recognizing my service on the Missouri Bar Commission on Children and the Law, particularly in drafting and testifying in favor of legislation recommended by the Commission (1996). 10. Professor-of-the-Year Award -- voted by the MU law student body (1994-95). 11. Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award (1994-95) – recognizing my teaching, scholarship and public service. 12. Meritorious Service to the Children of America Award -- presented by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges to recognize my public service (1994). 13. MU Law School Board of Advocates Faculty Recognition Award (1993-94) – recognizing my service as faculty advisor of the ABA/ATLA Trial Advocacy 42 Team. PERSONAL Bar Memberships: Missouri Bar (admitted 1991) New York Bar (admitted 1977) Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States (admitted 1980) Bar of the U.S. Court of Appeals, Eighth Circuit (admitted 1995) Bar of the U.S. District Court, S.D.N.Y. (admitted 1979) Bar of the U.S. District Court, E.D.N.Y. (admitted 1979) Bar Association Memberships: American Bar Association The Missouri Bar Boone County (Mo.) Bar Association December 20, 2015 43