Appendix G: Service Improvement Plan Template Services/programs affected by the service improvement plan Dates for which the plan is in effect The desired future state for the organization based on the citizen-centred service approach. VISION OF CITIZEN-CENTRED SERVICE A brief explanation that states the purpose of the organization. MISSION STATEMENT DIRECTION Brief summary of the background to the plan, in the citizen-centred approach, and any previous planning efforts. THE CONTEXT For the Period: Scope: SERVICE IMPROVEMENT PLAN FOR [ORGANIZATION] Service Improvement A. Increase availability of information across service channels Expand information available on the Internet Director of Communications August 2000 June 2000 June, 2000 2. 1. A. Action Objective #2 A. Action Objective #1 ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY Date finished Date finished TIMEFRAME PRIORITY 2: priority statement Definition/clarification of terms in priority statement, or elaboration on statement 2. Client Services Manager C. Review forms for clarity and plain language gaps related to client requests Director of Communications Manager B. Review information products for information information by telephone to identify gaps TARGETS Expansion of information available through the Internet service channel Increased satisfaction with information needed being available Increased satisfaction with forms being easy to understand and fill out information requests findings and information gaps Client satisfaction survey MEASUREMENT Number of paper information documents available electronically through the Internet Client satisfaction survey PRIORITY 1: Reduce the need for clients and citizens to contact the government office by exploring new approaches in client service delivery. ACTIONS RESPONSIBILITY TIMEFRAME RESULTS MEASUREMENT Reduce telephone calls for information 1. May, 2000 Summary report of Client Services Thorough review of A. Review of most frequent requests for PRIORITY AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT Priorities Template: Example #1 Service Improvement SATISFACTION IMPROVE STAFF IMPROVE SERVICE STAFF COURTESY IMPROVE SERVICE FAIRNESS KNOWLEDGE IMPROVE STAFF COMPETENCY / IMPROVE SERVICE TIMELINESS Action 2.1: Objective 2: In Person X X Electronic Mail SERVICE CHANNELS Phone Action 1.2: Review of “blues pages” X information in telephone directories Objective 1: Facilitate the identification of points of service Action 1.1: Installing new signage inside and outside buildings Which action(s) will be undertaken to address client priorities for service improvement? Based on client and citizen priorities, identify improvement priorities on which actions should be undertaken IMPROVE SERVICE ACCESS OBJECTIVES / ACTIONS PRIORITIES FOR IMPROVMENT Other Priorities Template: Example #2 Director of Communications Director of Administrative Services Who is (are) responsible parties for taking action? RESPONSIBILITY RESULTS U/F: September 2000 U: June 2000 F: October 2000 Increased client satisfaction with accessibility by telephone Increased client satisfaction with signage. When will this be What result(s) is undertaken (U) and (are) expected? finished (F)? TIMEFRAME Measured through the client satisfaction survey Measured through the client satisfaction survey How is progress and results measured? MEASUREMENT Service Improvement Identification of those accountable for the initiative, and to whom the reports are presented for further action. MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTABILITY Brief description on how the plan will be monitored, how frequently results will be reported, and how the results will be reported (i.e. reports). MONITORING AND REPORTING PROCESS ACTION PLAN AND FOLLOW-UP Service Improvement ACTION / ACTIVITY st 1 1 st 2001-02 QUARTER nd rd th 2 3 4 2000-01 QUARTER nd rd th 2 3 4 ACTION PLAN AND PROCESS IMPLEMENTATION st 1 QUARTER th nd rd 4 2 3 2002-2003 Service Improvement