Addendum #4 for Request for Proposals For Parking and Valet Services

Addendum #4
Request for Proposals
For Parking and Valet Services
Charlotte Douglas International Airport
for the
City of Charlotte, North Carolina
Dated January 23, 2014
A. Interview Date. After the initial meeting, if the selection committee determines they would
like to conduct interviews, they will be held on 7th. The specific time for each company will
be determined separately, however all interviews will start no earlier than 10 a.m. EST and
will end by 5 p.m..
B. Questions and Answers. Included below are all the clarifying questions submitted to CLT
and relevant answers. Please review this information for use as needed in your proposals.
Thank you for your participation in this process. We look forward to receiving your
proposals on January 29, 2014 by 3 p.m. by CLT’s clock.
1. In regards to Question 7: For those Respondents wishing to propose multiple
packages, should the proposal for each package be submitted entirely separately?
Meaning in separate binder, with a complete set of forms and response for each
package proposed addressing items 1 through 13 (listed on pages 14 – 15 of the RFP).
Or should Respondents submit in one binder, one set of forms (items 2, 3 and 5 -7)
with separate responses for each package (items 1, 2 and 8 – 13), clearly delineating
the response for each package – including separate compensation proposals?
i. Answer: Respondents may either submit completed separate binders with all
required forms in each package binder, or Respondents may submit all
package proposals in one binder. However, if including responses to multiple
packages in a binder please following the format outlined below:
a. Section 1:
1. Required Forms (Cover Letter, Company Information,
Addendum Acknowledgment, E-Verify Certification & NonDiscrimination)
2. Background & Experience (as relevant to all Packages
3. Professional References
4. Exceptions (if any) to RFP or Service Agreement
b. Following Sections: Each Package proposed should have a separate
section containing, at the least the following:
1. Compensation
2. ACDBE Information
3. Service Operational Plan
4. Promotions & Marketing Plan (Package B & C Only)
2. In regards to Question 13, Does the current incentive apply to Valet and Parking
Staffing services? Or only to the Valet contract? If only Valet, is there presently any
incentive for Parking Staffing services?
i. Answer: The incentive detailed in the answer to Question 13 is for the current
Valet Services. The Parking Staffing Services does not include an incentive
under the current contract.
3. In regards to Question 22, How many hours per week does CLT estimate will be
required to staff the two additional positions? For example, would CLT envision
staffing both staffed exits booths 24x7 or would one booth be staffed 24x7 and both
during peak periods?
i. Answer: The current toll plaza and the new toll plaza to have two positions 7
a.m. to 11 p.m. and one position 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., which is the way the
existing toll plaza is staffed today.
4. In regards to Question 39, Given that the successful proposer will be responsible for
any damage to CLT vehicles caused by its employees, the successful proposer will
have to insure for such potential damage. How many CLT owned vehicles will the
successful proposer operate?
i. Answer: CLT currently provides 4 vehicles for the Staffing Services and 1 van
for the valet runners. If a proposer believes they would need more or less
vehicles as part of the Staffing Services, please indicate this in your proposal.
5. In regards to Question 47, Please confirm that CLT intends that business arrangement
for Amenity service continue as described in the response to Question 47, with all
fees collected included in CLT’s gross revenues and the Operator’s cost of the
subcontracted services being reimbursed.
i. Answer: Yes, however, as long as the successful proposer will agree to this
arrangement if required, it may also suggest an alternative arrangement in
the proposal that would be subject to CLT’s approval.
6. In regards to Question 53 & 66, The response to Question 53 seems to indicate that
CLT will consider proposals to include auditor positions as part of the operator’s
reimbursable budget, but the response to Question 66 indicates that CLT will
continue to provide the required auditor functions. Please clarify whether CLT will
consider Auditor positions under the reimbursable budget.
i. Answer: CLT will provide a daily account and reconciliation of the funds
submitted by the successful proposer. However, if a proposer believes that
having an in-house auditor or individual to provide accounting and
reconciliation responsibilities would be prudent, please include that as part of
the proposal, including what specific functions the individual would provide.
7. Please provide gross revenues and number of transactions for on-site (car washing)
and off-site (tire, oil change, inspections, etc.) amenity services, by month for the past
twelve months.
i. Answer: CLT does not track the number of transactions. The total revenues
(not by service) are provided in pgs. 20 – 21 of Addendum #3 under Ancillary
8. For off-site Amenity Services, who shuttles the cars back and forth – the Valet
employees or Rocket Tire?
i. Answer: Currently the Valet operator’s employees transport the vehicles to
and from the off-site services.
9. What are CLT’s insurance requirements for the Amenity Service subcontractors? If
none, is it known what insurance the subcontractors are providing to the current Valet
i. Answer: CLT does not require specific insurance, however, CLT reserves the
right to review and approve of the insurance for any subcontractor utilized
under the Service Agreement.
10. In the attached Valet Revenues & Expense Summary, it list shuttle bus expenses but
does not list that expense in the Operating Expense Budget. Is the shuttle bus expense
amount listed a reimbursable expense to the current provider? Should this amount be
budgeted until the completion on the new deck in November?
i. Answer: The shuttle bus expense (which only relates to staffing the driver) is a
reimbursable expense under the current agreement. However, under the new
Service Agreement, the customer shuttle will be provided by CLT and thus is
not an expense the successful proposer will incur. In regards to the valet
runner vehicles, it is up to the proposer what cost, if any, would be proposed
to be a reimbursable expense.
11. For the current provider, what is allowed for the minimum valet runner staffing
before the fine amount of $500 is enforced?
i. Answer: CLT does not require a minimum, we request that based on your
understanding of our operations and our needs you propose a staffing level
and plan to meet our requirements. A fine will only be enforced where CLT is
required to divert its own personnel or hire extra personnel (separate and
apart from the Service Agreement) to cover the responsibilities and staffing
plan that the successful proposer committed to in their proposal as approved
and negotiated with CLT.
12. The valet revenue expense summary provided for fiscal years 2011, 2012 & 2013 all
show a line item for Monthly Expense (City). Are those expenses included in the
operating expense budget provided for fiscal year 2014 or are those just the current
vendors expenses? If they are just the current vendors, what expenses will be added at
the end of fiscal year 2014 on behalf of the city and do you have a guess as to how
much those will be?
i. Answer: They are not included in the operating budget for fiscal year 2014.
This budget represents the expenses budgeted and submitted for CLT’s
approval by the current vendor. The Monthly Expenses (City) are expenses
CLT incurs in relation to the operation of the Valet Services. They are not the
responsibility of the successful proposer and are only currently included as
part of the incentive calculation.
13. Given that the proposal start date for Parking Services is April 1st and for Valet is July
1st, how should the Year 1 proposed Reimbursable Expenses be presented for
Package C? By combining the first full year’s expenses for Valet and Parking
Services? Or, one year beginning April 1st, which would include the Valet for only
nine (9) months – July 2014 through March 2015? And should the same be used for
the Year 1 Management Fee?
i. Answer: The first year of the contract for Package A and Package B will
actually be a total of fifteen (15) months. The Staffing Services should have
Reimbursable Expenses and a Management Fee representative of fifteen (15)
months for Year 1 of the Service Agreement. Under Package C, please also
include fifteen (15) months of Reimbursable Expenses for the Staffing Services
and the Management Fee for Year 1 should be reflective of fifteen (15) months
of Staffing Services and twelve (12) months of Valet Services.
14. For the purpose of calculating the amount of the Performance Bond, the RFP
indicates that the Performance Bond will be 50% of the total contract value for
Package A, or 50% of the annual Management fee for Package B and C. Section 12.8
of the Service Agreement indicates the required Performance Bond will be 50% of
the annual Management Fee. Please clarify how the amount of the Performance Bond
for Package A will be determined. And if its 50% of the total contract value, please
confirm the total contract value will be the combined value of the annual
Management Fee and Reimbursable Expense budget.
i. Answer: The Performance Bond for all Packages should be 50% of the
proposed Year 1 Management Fee.