Request for Qualifications for Construction Management at Risk Services (CMR)

Request for Qualifications
Construction Management at Risk Services (CMR)
Concourse A North Expansion - Phase I
Project # TM15-019
Date: November 6, 2015
Project Description/Scope of Work ....................................................................... 3
Statement of Qualifications Submittal and Selection Process ............................... 5
CMR Selection Criteria and Statement of Qualifications Content ......................... 6
Representations, Conditions and Airport/City Requirements ............................... 10
Charlotte Business INClusion Program .................................................................. 13
Project Overview........................................................................................................
FORM A – STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS ................................................................
FORM C – CHARLOTTE BUSINESS INCLUSION FORMS...................................................
Project Description / Scope of Work
Public Notice
This Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is issued by the Charlotte Douglas International Airport
(“CLT” or “the Airport”) to acquire the services of a Construction Manager at Risk (“CMR” or
“Firm”) for the Concourse A North Expansion Phase I (the “Project”). The value of the
construction is estimated to be approximately $105,000,000. CLT is accepting Statements of
Qualifications (“SOQ”) from Firms (or multiple firms comprising a project team) whose
combination of experience and personnel will provide timely and effective professional services
to the Airport for this Project.
Information related to this RFQ, including any addenda, will be posted to the CLT website, which
can be found at and the “Business with CLT” tab, or at All inquiries and
submission of information regarding this RFQ shall be sent via email to:
CMR Facilitator ‐ Email:
Questions that are not submitted to the CMR Facilitator at the email address above will not
receive a response.
Project Description
The Project is a new terminal concourse, generally described as:
A new three level Concourse for nine aircraft parking positions located directly north of the
existing A Concourse. The concourse will contain airline support, building support, and
building system spaces on the ramp level. The boarding level will contain holdrooms
adjacent to the nine aircraft parking positions, restrooms, food and beverage and retail
store concession spaces, vertical circulation, and support space. The upper level mezzanine
will house some concession space, office space, restrooms, and other support functions.
Connecting the new concourse to the existing A Concourse connector will be a new
connector that is approximately 750 feet in length. The ramp level of the connector will
include open space, a baggage sortation conveyor, the feed belts from the terminal to the
conveyors, hot and chilled water supply and return piping tied to the central equipment
room, and vertical circulation. The boarding level will be the passenger circulation level
containing two pair of moving sidewalks, and potentially some concession and support
space directly above the bag sortation area. There may be an upper level mezzanine area
over the boarding level support space for office, club, and other support space.
This first A North expansion will be designed for an addition to the north for a connector to
two additional concourse piers containing as much as eighteen more aircraft parking
positions and a terminal building containing ticketing, baggage, checkpoint, concession, and
support space.
CMR Services
Through this RFQ, CLT intends to enter into a contract with the selected CMR that will initially
consist of pre‐construction services only, with provision for adding Construction Services
through later acceptance of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) by a second contract.
The CMR shall contract directly with the City for all construction; shall publicly advertise as
prescribed in NCGS 143‐129; and shall prequalify and accept all bids from first‐tier subcontractors
for all construction work under this section. The CMR shall use the prequalification process
determined by the City in accordance with NCGS 143‐135.8, provided that the City and the CMR
shall jointly develop the assessment tool and criteria for the Project, which must include the
prequalification scoring and minimum required score for prequalification on the Project. The City
shall require the CMR to submit its plan for compliance with NCGS 143‐128.2 for approval by the
Airport prior to soliciting bids for the Project’s first‐tier subcontractors.
CLT’s basis for using the CMR delivery method on this Project is:
Provide optimum coordination of subcontractors under the operational constraints of
constructing in an active airfield and public terminal environment;
Cost control during the Concept, Schematic, Design Development and Construction
Document phases;
Prequalification of subcontractors for each first‐tier scope of work;
Provide a team approach between the Owner and Construction Manager in controlling
risks, costs, and schedule; and
Transparency of costs.
Scope of Work Overview
(a) Pre‐construction Phase Services – Pre‐construction Phase Services shall include, but are not
limited to the following:
Constructability review of the project construction documents and specifications as they
are developed by the Project architect;
Developing a project schedule;
Developing detailed cost estimates at each stage of the design;
Collaboration with CLT and the Project architect to develop the optimum approach to phasing
and subcontracting the construction; and
Developing a Minority and Small Business Participation Plan.
(b) Construction Phase Services ‐ Upon execution of a GMP Contract, Construction Phase
Services shall generally include, but are not limited to:
• Division of the work scope into bid packages;
• Prequalification of potential first‐tier subcontract bidders;
• Management of subcontract bidding;
• Management of a minority and small business participation plan;
• Coordination and management of all aspects of the construction;
• Coordination with other consultants engaged by the Airport for the Project; and
• Conduct and document regular meetings with CLT staff.
Statement of Qualifications Submittal and Selection Process
Schedule of events
Provided below is the anticipated schedule for the RFQ. CLT reserves the right to adjust the
schedule and add or remove specific events to meet the unique needs of this Project. Any such
changes to the RFQ schedule will be explained in an addendum posted to the CLT website.
Advertisement of RFQ:
Friday, November 6, 2015
Deadline for Questions:
Friday, November 20, 2015
Friday, December 4, 2015 at 4:00 PM
Optional Interviews with Shortlisted Firms
January 4 ‐ 9, 2016 (tentative)
Contract Negotiations and Award
January/February 2016
Statement of Qualifications Submission
The SOQ shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope or package, addressed to the Airport. The
name and address of the submitting Firm and “CMR Concourse A North Expansion Phase I ”
shall be placed on the outside of the package. All items required for a responsive SOQ shall be
included. It is the responsibility of the Firm to ensure that the SOQ package is complete and
received by the designated date and time. SOQ that are incomplete or received after the due
date and time will not be considered. SOQ submitted by facsimile or other electronic means
will not be accepted.
Submit/Deliver to:
James Schumacher c/o Monique Scott
Charlotte Douglas International Airport ‐ CLT Center
5601 Wilkinson Boulevard
Charlotte, North Carolina 28208
The Airport Selection Team may conduct interviews with shortlisted Firms. If so, the Selection
Team will use the interviews to clarify any questions from their review of the SOQ and confirm or
modify their evaluation of the SOQ. The individuals who lead the Firm’s team and will have day‐
to‐day responsibility for the Project will be expected to participate in the interview.
Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) Format
Submitting Firms must submit nine (9) original SOQ, including all required forms
and one (1) thumb drive containing a digital copy of the complete SOQ package in PDF format.
The SOQ is limited to a maximum of 12 sheets of paper, printed on two sides (24 numbered
pages), excluding resumes, references and required forms. The SOQ should be printed on
8‐1/2” x 11” paper; however pages with organizational charts, matrices, or diagrams may be
printed on larger sheets. Type size should be no smaller than 11 points for narrative
sections, but may be reduced for captions, footnotes, etc. while maintaining legibility.
Non‐conforming submissions may be removed from consideration.
CMR Selection Criteria and Statement of Qualifications Content
The section below outlines the Selection Criteria the Airport will use to evaluate Proposals and
the required organization of the SOQ. The intent of the RFQ is to encourage responses that
clearly communicate the Firm’s understanding of the Airport’s goals and requirements. Only
that information which is essential to an understanding and evaluation of the SOQ should be
submitted. Items not specifically and explicitly related to the RFQ and SOQ, e.g. brochures,
marketing material, etc., will not be considered in the evaluation.
All SOQ shall address the following criteria with headings numbered and labeled as shown.
Criteria 1 – Firm demonstrates a history of providing CMR or similar services (where the firm held
the construction contract with the Owner) on at least 5 major projects in the last 10 years, and
provides satisfactory references addressing the Firm’s performance on those projects.
Provide a brief description of the Firm’s company size and corporate organizational structure.
Include a discussion of the Firm’s financial stability, capacity, resources and bonding
capabilities. Include this information for any separate firms included in the proposed project
Describe at least 5 major projects in the last 10 years where the firm has provided CMR or
similar services and provide references addressing the firm’s performance. All provided
references should include current contact information (telephone and/or email) for the
reference. Also provide the GMP of each project and the total final cost to the Owner.
Criteria 2 – Firm demonstrates a history in the last 10 years of performing aviation/airfield projects as
Construction Manager or General Contractor and provides satisfactory references addressing the Firm’s
performance on those projects.
Describe at least 5 major projects in the last 10 years where the Firm and key members of the
proposed team have performed as Construction Manager or General Contractor on
aviation/airfield projects and references for those projects. All provided references should
include current contact information (telephone and/or email) for the reference.
Criteria 3 – Key individuals in the proposed team, such as Project Executive, Project Engineer and/or Lead
Project Manager, demonstrate experience providing CMR or similar services on aviation/airfield projects, and
provide satisfactory references related to that experience.
Describe the experience of key project team members that illustrates successful experience
providing CMR or similar services on aviation/airfield projects.
Criteria 4 – Firm demonstrates success in meeting established schedules and budgets, and provides
satisfactory references related to that success.
Describe the Firm and key individuals’ past success in meeting established schedules and
budgets for major projects as Construction Manager, providing project examples with the GMP
and final cost, and initial schedule and actual completion. Describe the methods, procedures
and policies used to maintain schedules and budgets.
Criteria 5 – Firm demonstrates an understanding of the constraints that apply to the Project
and the implications of constructing a project within an active and busy airfield and terminal,
and outlines ideas and an approach that can result in a successful project under those
The Airport has defined the following constraints and parameters for construction of the
Start to finish schedule logic of some tasks to be developed with and approved by CLT,
such as the upgrade and addition of vertical transportation, in order to insure sufficient
maintenance of terminal operations;
Type of crane(s) utilized to be approved by CLT, along with method of storage during the
hours of 0500 ‐ 2300;
Deliveries must be between 2300‐0500 unless an alternate access point is provided in
lieu of Rental Car Road;
No impacts to an existing airline gate;
No interruption to traffic on Rental Car Road;
Access to the Terminal Loading Dock must be maintained at all times;
Shall coordinate successfully with other Airport contractors and tenants within the
project limits;
Any Airport operational impacts must be permitted by Airport staff; and
CLT reserves the right to alter or establish additional conditions and parameters for the
construction during Project planning with the CMR awarded the contract.
Describe the Firm’s proposed Construction Manager at Risk methodology and approach, with
emphasis on how the above constraints can be addressed and deliver the Project in an effective,
timely, economical and professional manner. Provide a description that illustrates the Firm
understands the Airport’s objectives and work requirements and the Firm’s ability to satisfy
those objectives and requirements.
Include a project organization chart of key team members, including any subcontractors, to be
assigned specifically to this project. Identify the Project Manager who will be empowered to
make decisions for and act on behalf of the firm. If subcontractors are utilized, indicate if a
subcontractor is certified by the Charlotte Business INClusion program.
Firms may provide a resume for each proposed key team member. Resumes will not be counted
towards the page limit.
Criteria 6 ‐ Firm demonstrates a history in the last 10 years of managing public bidding
procedures, managing bidding and subcontract awards to meet minority and small business firm
participation goals, and has included minority and small business participation in the Pre‐
construction phase of the Project.
Describe the Firm’s experience with projects that required bidding of work under public bidding
statutes. Describe the Firm’s experience and examples of managing sub‐contract awards to
meet minority and small business firm participation goals, with examples of goals and the
participation actually achieved for target groups. Describe the minority and small business
participation proposed for the Project (see Section 5 of this RFQ for more information), and
identify project team members who will ensure compliance with the City’s participation
Criteria 7 ‐ Firm and key individuals’ litigation history over the last 10 years does not include
any instances of proven negligence, fraud, or intentional misrepresentation. Firm
demonstrates a proactive safety program and has an insurance Experience Modification
Rating of 1.00 or less for the last 3 years.
Describe any cases of litigation in the last 10 years for the Firm, a related Entity, or key
individuals on the proposed team, where negligence, fraud, or intentional
misrepresentation were alleged, or any judgments were assessed. Describe any unresolved
claims or disputes with any department or agency of the City of Charlotte. For purposes of
this information, the term “Related Entity” means any parent, subsidiary, affiliate or
guarantor of the Firm.
State whether there are any cases pending against the Firm, a Related Entity, or officer of either,
that, if adversely resolved, would pose a material risk of insolvency to either the Firm or
Guarantor, or materially affect the Firm’s or Guarantor’s ability to perform their obligations.
The respondent may choose not to include matters that were resolved prior to the time that a
subsidiary or affiliate became associated with the parent company, as long as that subsidiary or
affiliate will not be involved in the provision of Services to the Airport. The Airport reserves the
right to request additional information to explain any of the above litigation matters.
Describe the Firm’s safety program as it would be applied to this Project and provide evidence of
the Firm’s EMR (or each Firm’s EMR in the case of a joint venture proposal).
Criteria 8 ‐ Firm’s submitted Statement of Qualifications package met all requirements of the
Request for Qualifications and was presented in an orderly and succinct form.
The following forms shall be provided with this RFQ and shall be completed, signed when
necessary, and submitted with each SOQ.
Form A ‐ SOQ Submission – Cover sheet
Form B ‐ Commercial Non‐Discrimination Certification
Form C ‐ CBI Forms
Required Forms do not count in page limits.
Evaluation Criteria & Process
CLT reserves the sole right to select the most qualified firm(s) deemed to be in the best
interests of C L T . Evaluations will focus on relative strengths, weaknesses, deficiencies and
risks associated with the SOQ. CLT reserves the right to obtain clarification or additional
information from any of the submitting firms. Firms who submit SOQ will be notified of the
selection results. The final recommendation of any selected firm is subject to the approval of
the Charlotte City Council via the award of the contract.
Failure to Comply with Instructions
The Airport may choose to exercise the following options for SOQ packages that fail to comply
with any requirement of this RFQ: a) assign a low rating; or b) deem the SOQ nonresponsive and
remove the SOQ from further consideration.
Due Date for SOQ
SOQ must be received no later than 4 :00 PM Local Time on December 4, 2015 at the place
designated for delivery in Section 2.2.
Modification or Withdrawal of SOQ
Firms may change or withdraw their SOQ at any time prior to the due date by providing written
notice to the CMR Facilitator at the address provided in Section 1.1 above. Withdrawal of a
SOQ will not preclude a Firm from subsequently submitting a new SOQ, so long as that new
SOQ is properly submitted and received by the Airport prior to the SOQ Due Date.
Negotiations and Modification of Contract Documents
The Airport may, at its option, conduct negotiations with the Firm regarding any issues
pertaining to details of contract performance, methods of construction, timing, assignment of
risk in specified areas, Pre‐construction Costs, the proposed CMR Fee, and other matters that
may affect cost or quality, provided that the general Work scope remains the same and that the
field of competition does not change as a result of material changes to the requirements stated
in the RFQ. The Airport will make such modifications to the Contract Documents as it may
determine, in the exercise of its sole discretion, to be necessary to fully incorporate the terms of
the Firm’s Statement of Qualification, to correct any inconsistencies, ambiguities, or errors that
may exist in the Contract Documents, and to clarify Contract terms, including technical
requirements and Specifications, if any. If, in the Airport’s sole discretion, it determines that
the highest ranked Firm is not responsive to the negotiation process, or that the parties will
be unable to reach a mutually‐ acceptable Contract, the Airport may terminate negotiations
with the Firm. The Airport will then initiate negotiation with the next highest‐ranked Firm until
the Airport either successfully negotiates a Contract or cancels the procurement.
Upon the Airport’s completion of successful negotiations with a Firm, the Airport will issue
a Notice of Intent to Award and will schedule the Contract for review by the Charlotte City Council.
If the apparent highest ranked Firm is not able to execute the CMR Contract within 10
Calendar Days of receipt of the Contract, or such later date as the Airport may authorize, the
Airport may enter into negotiations with the next highest ranking Firm. The Contract is not binding
on either party until the Contract is awarded by the Charlotte City Council and executed by both
Representations, Conditions, and Airport/ City Requirements
All communication of any nature with respect to this RFQ shall be addressed to the CMR
Facilitator identified in Section 1.1 of this RFQ. Other than communications through the CMR
Facilitator, firms and their representatives are prohibited from communicating with elected City
officials, City staff and any Selection Team member regarding this RFQ or SOQ from the time
the RFQ is released until the selection results are publicly announced. These restrictions include
“thank you” letters, phone calls, emails, and any contact that results in the direct or indirect
discussion of this RFQ and/or the SOQ submitted by the firm/team. Violation of this provision
may lead to the removal of the Firm’s SOQ from consideration.
Duties and Obligations of Firms in the RFQ Process
Interested firms are expected to fully inform themselves as to all conditions, requirements and
specifications of this RFQ before submitting a SOQ. Firms must perform their own evaluation
and due diligence verification of all information and data provided by the Airport. The Airport
makes no representations or warranties regarding any information or data provided. Firms are
expected to promptly notify the CMR Facilitator in writing to report any ambiguity,
inconsistency or error in this RFQ. Failure to notify will constitute a waiver of claim of ambiguity,
inconsistency or error.
Addenda and Questions & Answers
In order to clarify or modify any part of this RFQ, addenda may be issued and posted at the
Airport’s official website listed in Section 1.1. Firms must submit questions or requests for
clarification or information in writing to the CMR Facilitator by the “Due Date for Questions”
stated in Section 2.1 – RFQ Schedule. Questions and Answers not addressed through an
addendum are solely for informational purposes and do not change any elements or aspects of
the RFQ document.
No Collusion, Bribery or Conflict of Interest
By responding to this RFQ, the Firm shall be deemed to have represented and warranted
that its SOQ submittal is not made in connection with any competing firm submitting a separate
response to this RFQ, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. Furthermore, the
Firm certifies that neither it, any of its affiliates or sub‐consultants, nor any employees of any of
the foregoing, has bribed, or attempted to bribe, an officer or employee of the City of
Charlotte, or other government official at the state or federal level, in connection with this RFQ.
Public Records
Upon receipt by the City, each SOQ becomes the property of the City and is considered a public
record except for material that qualifies as “Trade Secret” information under North Carolina
General Statute 66‐152 et seq. SOQs will be reviewed by the Airport’s Selection Team, as well as
other City staff and members of the general public who submit public record requests after a
selection result has been announced to the public. To properly designate material as a trade
secret under these circumstances, each firm must take the following precautions: (a) any trade
secrets submitted by the firm should be submitted in a separate, sealed envelope marked “Trade
Secret – Confidential and Proprietary Information – Do Not Disclose Except for the Purpose of
Evaluating this Qualification package,” and (b) the same trade secret/confidentiality designation
should be stamped on each page of the trade secret materials contained in the envelope.
In providing a SOQ, each Firm agrees that the Airport may reveal any trade secret materials
contained in such response to all City staff and City officials involved in the evaluation process
and to any outside firm or other third parties who serve on the Selection Team or who are
hired by the Airport to assist in the selection process. Furthermore, each Firm agrees to
indemnify and hold harmless the City of Charlotte and each of its officers, employees and agents
from all costs, damages and expenses incurred in connection with refusing to disclose any
material that the firm has designated as a trade secret. Any firm that designates its entire
SOQ as a trade secret may be removed from consideration.
Cost of SOQ Preparation
CLT accepts no liability for the costs and expenses incurred by Firms responding to this
RFQ, in preparing responses for clarification, in attending interviews, participating in contract
development sessions, or in attending meetings and presentations required for the contract
approval process. Each Firm that enters into the procurement process shall prepare the
required materials and submittals at its own expense and with the express understanding that
the Firm cannot make any claims whatsoever for reimbursement from the Airport for the costs
and expenses associated with the procurement process. The RFQ does not commit the Airport
to pay any costs incurred by the Firm prior to the execution of a final contract.
Airport’s Reserved Rights and Options
The Airport reserves the following rights, which may be exercised at the Airport’s sole discretion:
To supplement, amend, substitute, withdraw or otherwise modify this RFQ at any time;
To request substitutions of any key team member of the selected Firm(s), including staff
and sub‐consultants;
To contact any firm if deemed desirable by the Airport to obtain additional information,
including but not limited to experience, qualifications, abilities, equipment, facilities, and
financial standing;
To conduct investigations with respect to the qualifications and experience of each Firm;
To waive any defect or irregularity in any SOQ received, or any technicalities or
To share the SOQ with City employees other than the Selection Team and other third
parties engaged by CLT to participate in the selection process;
To award all, none, or any part of the scope of work set forth in this RFQ that CLT
determines to be in the best interests of the Airport with or without re‐solicitation;
To discuss and negotiate with the selected Firm any terms and conditions in the SOQ,
including but not limited to financial terms;
To enter into any agreement deemed by CLT to be in the best interests of the Airport;
To reject any or all SOQ submitted; and
To re‐advertise for Qualifications using this RFQ or a different RFQ or solicitation.
This RFQ does not constitute an offer by the Airport or City of Charlotte. A response to this RFQ
shall not be construed as a contract, nor indicate a commitment of any kind. No binding
contract, obligation to negotiate, or any other obligation shall be created on the part of the
Airport unless the Airport and the Firm execute a contract. The Airport may select the Firm to
engage in further discussions. The commencement of such discussions, however, does not signify
a commitment by the Airport to execute a contract or to continue discussions. The Airport can
terminate discussions at any time and for any reason. No recommendations or conclusions
from this RFQ process concerning the Firm shall constitute a right (property or otherwise) under
the Constitution of the United States or under the Constitution, case law, or statutory law of
North Carolina.
Vendor Registration with City of Charlotte
All successful firms and their first‐tier sub‐consultants and suppliers must be registered in the
City of Charlotte’s Vendor Registration System in order to receive payment for services and/or
supplies provided under any City contract.
Financial Capacity; Insurance Requirements
Successful firms must have the financial capacity to undertake the work and assume associated
liability. The successful firm will be required to furnish proof of insurance coverage in the
minimum amounts specified below:
• Professional liability insurance coverage in the minimum amount of $5,000,000;
• Automobile liability in the minimum amount of $5,000,000;
• Commercial general liability in the minimum amount of $5,000,000; and
• Workers’ compensation insurance as required by North Carolina statutes.
The Firm will be required to provide a payment and performance bond for the full amount of the
Registration with Secretary of State for North Carolina
Any firm wishing to be considered for the Services must be properly registered with the Office of
the Secretary of State at the time of submission of the SOQ, and hold a North Carolina General
Construction license. The firm(s) selected under this RFQ will be responsible for providing all
professional, technical, managerial, and administrative staff with the appropriate skills and
qualifications to perform the required Services.
Ownership of Work Products
The City of Charlotte shall have exclusive ownership of all intellectual property rights in all
designs, plans and specifications, documents and other work product prepared by, for, or
under the direction of the Firm pursuant to any contract under this RFQ, including without
limitation, the right to copy, use, disclose, distribute, and make derivations of the Work for any
purpose or to assign such rights to any third party. The Work shall be prepared in the City’s
name and shall be the sole and exclusive property of the City, whether or not the work
contemplated therein is performed. The City will grant the Firm a royalty‐free, non‐exclusive
license to use and copy the Work to the extent necessary to perform the contract.
No Lobbying
The Firm certifies that it has not and will not pay any person or organization to influence or
attempt to influence an officer or employee of the City or the State of North Carolina in
connection with obtaining a contract under this RFQ.
Compliance with Anti‐Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Laws and Regulations Firms
must comply with all applicable anti‐discrimination and equal opportunity statutes,
regulations, and Executive Orders.
Charlotte Business INClusion Program
In 2013, Charlotte City Council adopted the Charlotte Business INClusion (CBI) Policy to promote
diversity, inclusion, and local business opportunities in the City’s contracting and procurement
process for Minority and Small Business Enterprises headquartered in the Charlotte Combined
Statistical Area (CSA). The CBI Policy is posted at
A Construction Managment at Risk project is subject to Part G of the CBI Policy. Minority and small
business participation is required for the Pre‐construction Phase as well as the Construction Phase.
Firms are required to include a statement describing all efforts taken to secure MBE and SBE
participation for the Pre‐construction phase. This includes, but is not limited to the following
Identify outreach efforts that the Firm has employed before the submittal to maximize
inclusion in this project;
Identify specific scopes of work to be performed by the MSBEs during the
Pre‐Construction Phase; and
Identify MBE and SBE vendors proposed to be utilized during the Pre‐construction Phase
using CBI Form 3 (found under Form C in this RFQ.
Firms are highly encouraged to consider any and all possibilities for MBE and SBE participation.
A complete list of City certified MBEs and SBEs is available at
The City will negotiate CBI participation goals with the selected firm. The goal for the Pre‐
construction Phase and Construction Phase will be negotiated separately. Prior to award of the
Construction Phase contract, the Firm and the City will develop and agree on a Participation Plan
that defines subcontracting goals, including the outreach and other efforts the Firm will undertake
to meet the subcontracting goals.
The CBI participation goal may, at the City’s determination, be an MBE goal, an SBE goal, or a
hybrid MBE/SBE goal requiring participation of both MBEs and SBEs at specified percentages.
Please note, an established SBE goal can only be met with City of Charlotte certified SBEs. An
MBE goal can only be met with City of Charlotte registered MBEs that have been certified as
Historically Underutilized Businesses by the State of North Carolina, who have an ethnic
designation of African American (for the Pre‐Construction phase) or African American, Hispanic,
or Native American (for the Construction phase).
Entities Certified In Multiple Categories. In measuring Project Goal attainment, a firm that is
certified as both an SBE and MBE shall be counted in both the SBE category and the applicable
MBE category. For example, work committed to an SBE that is also an MBE shall count toward
both the SBE and MBE Project Goals. For this reason, Project Goals will be established and
tracked separately for each type.
The Charlotte CSA consists of the following 13 counties: In North Carolina: Anson, Cabarrus,
Cleveland, Gaston, Iredell, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Union, and Stanly. In South Carolina:
Chester, Lancaster, and York.
The negotiated CBI participation goal, the CBI Policy, and the Participation Plan will be made part
of the selected firm’s agreement with the City.
Construction Manager at Risk Services
Charlotte Douglas International Airport
Concourse A North Expansion Phase I l
Company Full Legal Name:
Contact Person for RFQ Process:
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
NC Contractor License
Number and Expiration Date:
The person executing the SOQ, on behalf of the Company, being duly sworn, solemnly swears (or affirms) that neither
he/she, nor any official, agent or employee of the Company has entered into any agreement, participated in any
collusion, or otherwise taken any action which is in restraint of full and open competition in connection with any SOQ or
contract, that the Company has not been convicted of violating North Carolina General Statute 133‐24 within the last
three years, and that the Company intends to do the work with its own bona fide employees or subcontractors and is not
proposing for the benefit of another company.
Submission of a response to this RFQ constitutes certification that the Company and all proposed team members are not
currently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation
in this Project by any State or Federal department or City. Submission is also agreement that the City will be notified of
any change in this status.
NC General Statute 133‐32 and City Policy prohibit any gift from anyone with a contract with the City, or from any person
seeking to do business with the City. By execution of this SOQ, you attest, for your entire organization and its employees
or agents, that you are not aware that any such gift has been offered, accepted, or promised by any employees of your
The information contained in this qualification package, including its forms and other documents, delivered or to be
delivered to the City, is true, accurate, and complete. This qualification package includes all information necessary to
ensure that the statements therein do not in whole or in part mislead the City as to any material facts.
Represented and Warranted By
Printed Name and Title:
Date Signed:
Project Number:
Construction Manager at Risk Services for Concourse A North Expansion Phase I
The undersigned Proposer hereby certifies and agrees that the following information is correct:
1. In preparing its qualification package, the Firm has considered all SOQs submitted from qualified,
potential sub‐consultants and suppliers and has not engaged in discrimination as defined in Section 2
2. For purposes of this section, discrimination means discrimination in the solicitation, selection, or
treatment of any sub‐consultant, vendor, supplier or commercial customer on the basis of race,
ethnicity, gender, age, religion, national origin, disability or other unlawful form of discrimination.
Without limiting the foregoing, discrimination also includes retaliating against any person or other
entity for reporting any incident of discrimination.
3. Without limiting any other remedies that the City may have for a false certification, it is understood
and agreed that, if this certification is false, such false certification will constitute grounds for the City
to reject the qualification package submitted with this certification and terminate any contract
awarded based on such qualification package. It shall also constitute a violation of the City’s
Commercial Non‐Discrimination Ordinance and shall subject the Proposer to any remedies allowed
thereunder, including possible disqualification from participating in City contracts for up to two
4. As a condition of contracting with the City, the Firm agrees to promptly provide to the City all
information and documentation that may be requested by the City from time to time regarding the
solicitation and selection of sub‐consultants and suppliers. Failure to maintain or failure to provide
such information shall constitute grounds for the City to reject the qualification package and to
terminate any contract awarded on such qualification package. It shall also constitute a violation of
the City’s Commercial Non‐Discrimination Ordinance and shall subject the Firm to any remedies that
are allowed thereunder.
5. As part of its qualification package, the Firm shall provide to the City a list of all instances within the
past ten years where a complaint was filed or pending against the Firm in a legal or administrative
proceeding alleging that the Firm discriminated against its sub‐consultants, vendors, suppliers, or
commercial customers, and a description of the status or resolution of that complaint, including
any remedial action taken.
6. As a condition of submitting a qualification package to the City, the Firm agrees to comply with the
City’s Commercial Non‐Discrimination Policy as described in Section 2, Article V of the Charlotte City
Code, and consents to be bound by the award of any arbitration conducted thereunder.
Signature of Authorized Official
CBI FORM 3: Subcontractor / Supplier Utilization Commitment (page 1 of 2)
This form MUST be submitted at the time of Proposal Submission Date. Copy this Form as needed.
This form (CBI Form 3), captures information regarding the M\SBEs and other subcontractors and
suppliers that the Proposer intends to use on the Contract FOR ALL TIERS.
Firm Name:
Contract Name:
Concourse A North Expansion Phase I
Project Nº:
Established MSBE Goal:
To Be Negotiated
List below all MSBEs that you intend to use for the Pre-Construction Phase.
MSBE Vendor Name
(Specify Certification
type for each firm)
Description of work
Vendor #
Total Projected
Utilization ($)
List below all non-MSBEs (subconsultants and suppliers) that you intend to use for the Preconstruction Phase
Firm Name
Description of work
Vendor #
(if known)($)
CBI FORM 3: Subcontractor / Supplier Utilization Commitment (page 2 of 2)
Letters of Intent submitted upon notice from the City
Within three (3) Business Days after receiving a request from the City (or within such longer time as
may be communicated by the City in writing), Proposers must submit a separate Letter of Intent (CBI
Form 4) for each MSBE it commits to use to meet the Contract goal. Each Letter of Intent must be
executed by both the MSBE and the Proposer. The City shall not count proposed MSBE utilization for
which it has not received a Letter of Intent by this deadline.
Adding subcontractors or suppliers after submitting this form
Nothing in this certification shall be deemed to preclude you from entering into subcontracting
arrangements after submission of this form. However, per Part D of the CBI Policy, you must comply
with the following:
You must maintain the level of MSBE participation committed throughout the duration of the
Contract, except as specifically allowed in Part D.
If you need to terminate or replace an MSBE, you must comply with Part D, Section 5.
If the scope of work on the Contract increases, or if you elect to subcontract any portion of
work not identified on this form as being subcontracted, then you must comply with Part D,
Section 6.
A Letter of Intent (CBI Form 4) must also be submitted for each MSBE you add subsequent to
contract award.
All Subcontractors and Suppliers must be registered with the City of Charlotte.
Pursuant to the City’s Vendor Registration Policy, each subcontractor or supplier (non-MSBE and
MSBEs) that you use on this contract must be registered in the City’s vendor database. You will need
to provide the vendor number for each subcontractor or supplier used on this contract as a condition for
receiving payment on this Contract.
Per Part C, Section 3.3, a Regular Dealer as defined in the CBI Policy shall only count 60% of all
expenditures towards the MSBE Goal. In addition, a Hauler, Broker, or Packager shall only count fees
or commissions charged by the MSBE toward the MSBE Goal. The Bidder is still obligated to pay the
MWSBE the full amount listed on the Contract with the MSBE regardless of what percentage is actually
counted towards the MSBE Goal.
Your signature below indicates that the undersigned firm certifies and agrees that:
(a) It has complied with all provisions of the CBI Policy; and,
(b) Failure to properly document such compliance in the manner and within the time periods established by the
CBI Policy shall constitute grounds for rejection of your proposal.
Signature of Authorized
Printed Name
Submittal Date
CBI FORM 4: Letter of Intent
Submit this form within (3) Business Days after receiving a request from the City (or within such longer time as may be
communicated by the City in writing), Proposers must submit a separate Letter of Intent for each MSBE it commits to use to
meet the Contract goal.
Project Name:
Concourse A North Expansion Phase I
Project Number:
To be completed by the Prime
Name of Prime:
Vendor #:
Contact Person:
If the Proposer has entered into a Quick Pay Commitment with the undersigned MSBE, please attach a copy of the said executed
agreement. Identify the scope of work to be performed or item(s) to be supplied by the MSBE:_____________________
Cost of work to be performed by MSBE:
To be completed by MSBE
Name of MSBE:
Vendor #:
Firm Certification Type:
(Check all that apply)
Contact Person:
Upon execution of a Contract with the City for the above referenced project, the Proposer certifies that it intends to utilize
the MSBE listed above, and that the description, cost and percentage of work to be performed by the MSBE as described
above is accurate. The MSBE Firm certifies that it has agreed to provide such work/supplies for the amount stated above.
Complete each applicable tier to capture the appropriate utilization of the above named MSBE.
Signature and Title
MSBE Firm:
Signature and Title