LL.M. in Dispute Resolution Courses for 2016-2017 revised 05/04/2016- subject to change Fall 2016 Monday Morning Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 8-10:40 Dispute System Design Strong/112 10-11:40 Legal Research & Writing - LLM only Maguffee/109 12-12:50 * (Tu & Th) Mediation Clinic Levin/107 Afternoon 2-4:40 Non-Binding Methods of DR Conklin/107 Friday 3-5:30 (Tu) Org. Dyn. & Leadership** TBD/ 309 Mdlbh 12-12:50 * (Tu & Th) Mediation Clinic Levin/107 3-4:15 (Tu & W) Emotional Intelligence in the Law Reuben/107 3-5:30 (W) Cross-Cultural Dispute Resolution Lee/332A Suggested Electives (12 credits): 3-4:40 Overview of the U.S. Legal System Ladehoff/4 Evening Spring 2017 Monday Morning Afternoon 2-4:40 LLM Arbitration Seminar Lee/208 Evening 5-9 Org. Dyn. & Ldrship** Duncan/Jeff City -Mar 13 - May 19 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 11-11:50 * (T & Th) Mediation Clinic Levin/107 10-12:40 Dispute Resolution in the Digital Age Schmitz/112 11-11:50 * (T & Th) Mediation Clinic Levin/107 4-5:15 (Tu & Th) Conflict/ Conflict Mgmt Wells/332A 4-5:15 (Tu & Th) Conflict/ Conflict Mgmt Wells/332A Required courses (12 credits): Highlighted in GREEN. 6905-LL.M. Arbitration Sem. (3) spring 6930-LL.M. Major Research Project (3) spring [Class mtgs arranged.] 6935-Dispute System Design (3) fall 6945-Non-Binding Methods of Dispute Resolution (3) fall Friday LL.M.: 6920-LL.M. Externship (1-3) fall/spring/summer 6925-LL.M. Independent Study (1-3) fall/spring/summer 6950-Practicum on DR Training & Ed. (1-2) fall/spring/summer Law: 5080-Legal Research & Writing LLM section (2) fall 5450-Conflict/Conflict Mgmt. (3) spring 5485-Cross-Cultural Dispute Resolution (3) fall 5537-Emotional Intelligence in the Law (3) fall 5917-Dispute Resolution in the Digital Age (3) spring 6955-Overview of the U.S. Legal System (2) fall 6970-Mediation Clinic (1-2) fall/spring Public Affairs: PA 8160-Org. Dynamics & Leadership (3) fall/spring/online PA 8610-Group Dynamics & Conflict Resolution (3) online only fall PA 8620-Org. Analysis & Change (3) online only summer PA 8630-Org. Change in a Community & Global Context * Class day and time subject to change. Note: Students in the Clinic are expected to attend Small Claims Court with Prof. Levin on one Tuesday during the semester. Also, mediations are scheduled throughout the week, not during class meeting times. Limited seats for LLM students available in each semester. ** Class offerings in the Truman School of Public Affairs may have limited enrollments, with first priority going to students in that program of study. NOTES: • Some courses (other than LLM required courses) may have limited enrollments, consult with Karen Neylon before making a final decision. • For additional JD course options, see law.missouri.edu/students/schedules.html. • Up to 6 credits can be taken outside of the Law School - this includes classes taken in another MU department (such as Public Affairs) and classes taken at another university for transfer credit. Please see the LLM Handbook for policies regarding transfer credit.