Fall 2007 Vol. 31 No. 2 U N I V E R S I T Y O F M I S S O U R I – C O L U M B I A Branching Out Alumni Take the Law Along N e w s f o r A l u m n i a n d F r i e n d s o f t h e Un i v e rs i t y o f Mi s s o u r i– C o l u m b i a S c h o o l o f L aw Law School Foundation Board of Trustees President Ann K. Covington, ’77 First Vice President Robert L. Langdon, ’72 Second Vice President Walter H. Bley Jr., ’80 Secretary/Treasurer Kenneth D. Dean, ’76 Jack L. Campbell, ’70 Morry S. Cole, ’97 Rebecca M. Cook, ’75 William M. Corrigan Jr., ’85 Cathy J. Dean, ’82 Dale C. Doerhoff, ’71 Roger C. Geary, ’83 Nancy E. Kenner, ’83 Gustav J. Lehr, ’59 Rodney E. Loomer, ’74 Mary E. Nelson, ’81 Nancy L. Shelledy, ’83 Dean and Ex-Officio Trustee R. Lawrence Dessem For All We Call Mizzou Campaign Steering Committee William L. Allinder, ’79 George E. Ashley, ’48 Jean Paul Bradshaw, ’81 Newton C. Brill, ’64 Jeffrey A. Burns, ’83 Eugene C. Bushmann, ’60 Edward D. Chapin, ’72 Ann K. Covington, ’77 Dale C. Doerhoff, ’71 James D. Ellis, ’68 Anne W. Elsberry, ’75 Chair Maurice B. Graham, ’62 Eric C. Harris, ’76 Robert L. Hawkins Jr., ’48 Honorary Member John K. Hulston, ’41 Mark T. Kempton, ’76 Robert L. Langdon, ’72 Linda S. Legg Rodney E. Loomer, ’74 University Campaign Co-Chair Larry L. McMullen, ’59 Walter D. McQuie Jr., ’53 John R. Musgrave, ’68 Ronald A. Norwood, ’86 William S. Ohlemeyer, ’84 Thomas L. Patten, ’69 Richard G. Steele, ’68 Gayle G. Stratmann, ’87 Kenneth H. Suelthaus, ’69 Michael A. Williams, ’98 Law Alumni Relations Committee Matthew A. Clement, ’95 Ashley T. Dean, ’00 Keith F. Fuller, ’91 Heather S. Heidelbaugh, ’84 Daniel B. Johnson, ’94 Aaron D. Jones, ’98 James C. Morrow, ’83 Ray E. Williams, ’95 Quick Reference TR ANSCRIPT Admissions and Scholarships Fall 2007 • Vol. 31 No. 2 Michelle Heck 573-882-6643 heckm@missouri.edu Features Donna Pavlick 573-884-2949 pavlickd@missouri.edu Alumni Events and Publications Casey Baker 573-884-7833 bakercd@missouri.edu 3 5 7 8 Mary Beck: Phil Peters: Five New Faces: Branching Out: Living Greatly in the Law Fine Legal Scholarship The School of Law Welcomes New Faculty and Staff Alumni Take The Law Along 16 CLEO 18 Inn of Court 20 Faculty in the News 21 Fellowship Program Recognizes Crahan 22 Developments 23 The Law Society 24 Office of Admissions and Student Services Honor Roll 2006-2007 25 Office of Career Development 31 Class Contributors 36 Leadership Gifts 37 Organizations LLM Program 38 Matching Organizations 27 South Africa Program 38 Faculty and Staff 28 Freyermuth Receives Prestigious Kemper Fellowship Alumni 29 Staff Notes 39 Alumni Notes 30 Symposium Celebrates Whitman’s Career 44 Alumni Memoriam 25 Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution 26 Andrea Mazza Follett 573-882-6444 folletta@missouri.edu Tamra Wilson Setser 573-882-9679 wilsonsetsert@missouri.edu Departments News Alumni and Student Career Services Change of Address Katie Carollo 573-882-4374 carollok@missouri.edu Continuing Legal Education Paul Ladehoff 573-884-7813 ladehoffp@missouri.edu Dean’s Office Judy Tayloe 573-882-3247 tayloej@missouri.edu Donating to the School of Law Janie Ausburn Harmon 573-882-3052 harmonj@missouri.edu Mark Langworthy 573-884-3083 langworthym@missouri.edu Tr anscript is published twice yearly by the MU School of Law. Its main purposes are to inform alumni and friends about activities and events at the School of Law and to publish news about alumni. In this way, Tr anscript seeks to provide a link between the school and its alumni. Opinions expressed and positions advocated herein are those of the authors and do not represent the policies of the school. All rights to reproduction of any material printed inTr anscript are reserved for the magazine. Permission for the adaptation of the content for any other publication must be granted in writing by the editor. This publication will be made available in accessible formats upon request. For assistance, please call 573-884-7833. Editor: Casey Baker 205 Hulston Hall Columbia, MO 65211 573-884-7833 law.missouri.edu Please forward change of address to: Tr anscript 205 Hulston Hall Columbia, MO 65211 573-882-4374 » law.missouri.edu/alumni/update-form Law Library Reference Desk 573-884-6362 Official Copies of Your Law Transcript University Registrar 573-882-8252 registrar.missouri.edu University Athletic Tickets Athletic Ticket Office 800-CAT-PAWS Or 573-884-7297 Don’t see the number you need? Contact us! 573-882-4374 mulawevents@missouri.edu » law.missouri.edu MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN I t seems hard to believe that we already are well into the fall semester as I write this note to you, our alumni and friends. Our students are working hard in their classes, on our three legal journals, in our clinics and in various extracurricular activities. The objective credentials of this year’s entering class are the best that we have seen at the Law School, with our 146 new first-year students having achieved a median undergraduate grade point average of 3.56 and LSAT scores that place them in the top 22 percent of students in the nation. The Law School’s reputation continues to grow. We were one of only 20 law schools in the nation that this fall experienced an increase of 10 percent or more in applications for our JD program. Another wonderful group of students have joined our LLM program, coming to us from Missouri, the nation and, increasingly, from around the world to study in our internationally recognized alternative dispute program. Our most recent graduates were quite successful on the July Missouri Bar Examination, with 96.5 percent of MU graduates passing the exam on their first attempt. For the last four years, the first-time pass rates for our graduates on the July exam have been: 88.3 percent (2004); 89.5 percent (2005); 91.2 percent (2006) and 96.5 percent (2007). This fall we welcomed some wonderful new faculty and staff to the Law School. Not only will you meet them in this issue of Tr anscript, but you’ll also read about two faculty members who have served their students and the Law School for many years —Professors Mary Beck and Phil Peters — and learn how their careers touch not only law students but the legal profession and the world beyond Mizzou. We also were thrilled that for the second year in a row a Law School professor was one of only five MU recipients of the William T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence. Professor Wilson Freyermuth was surprised in the classroom this spring by Chancellor Brady Deaton, who presented him with this award in front of his students. Last year Professor Steve Easton was a Kemper recipient, following Professors Michelle Cecil, Bob Pushaw, Jim Westbrook, Nanette Laughrey and Bill Henning as Law School recipients of this prestigious award. I thank all of you who have contributed to the Law School’s For All We Call Mizzou campaign, which has raised $15.9 of its $17 million goal. These private investments allow us to provide the excellent education for today’s students that alumni experienced when they were at the Law School. Missouri ranks 47th in the nation in per capita spending on higher education, spending only 1.2 percent of its total state revenues on higher education. As a result, today’s average student graduates from the Law School with about $60,000 in law school debt, making private support essential to all that we do. This issue of Tr anscript spotlights alumni who have used their legal educations in nontraditional ways, but these lawyers share with all our alumni a true commitment to service. It therefore has been great to have one of our alumni, Ron Baird, ’74, serve as president of The Missouri Bar this past year and to have another, Skip Walther, ’79, elected as bar vice-president. Alumni also should be proud that another Law School graduate, Judge Patricia Breckenridge, ’78, recently was appointed to the Supreme Court of Missouri. We were privileged to have Congressman Ike Skelton Jr., ’56, at the Law School just a few days after he presided over the congressional hearings concerning Iraq in the second week of September. Our students got the rare opportunity not only to hear from Congressman Skelton, but to ask him questions. The first student questioner introduced himself by saying that he had served for six years in the Air Force, including a tour of duty in Iraq. In his response to our student, Congressman Skelton said, “I thank you for your service.” Similarly, I thank each and every one of you for your own service — to your clients, to your communities, to the legal profession and to the Law School. May such service always remain a hallmark of Mizzou lawyers and judges. Very truly yours, Faculty Feature Mary M. Beck: Living Greatly in the Law “Her work, and the work of her students, extends well beyond the law school and has made the world a better place for her clients and us all.” —Dean Dessem M ary M. Beck has been a presence at the School of Law since 1993 as director of the Family Violence Clinic. Her passion for assisting victims of domestic violence started when she was a family nurse practitioner, assigned to examining children who had been abused or raped. After she graduated from the School of Law in 1988, the clinic directorship became available and she applied — a good fit, she says, because helping an abused child is like helping an abused adult. Now Beck helps seek clemency for battered women, works to expedite permanency for children while protecting the parental rights of unwed fathers and the safety of relinquishing mothers, and teaches clinic students the application of the law. Argument at the Supreme Court Nearly a decade ago, Beck became interested in representing women who were convicted of killing their abusive husbands at a time when evidence of domestic abuse was not admitted at trial. Their sentences were harsh. The legislature changed the laws for battered women in the late 1980s — too late for the women who were already convicted and serving lengthy prison sentences. Through the Missouri Battered Women’s Coalition, a partnership between Project Hope, the Missouri Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Missouri’s four law schools, Beck obtained the applications of women who had been so sentenced and selected her first clients, including Lynda Branch, who had been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole in 1986. Branch says she suffered years of abuse at the hands of her husband, including being beaten, burned, raped and shot at. Beck, with then-students Amy J. Lorenz Moser, ’00, and Amy L. (Patton) Young, ’00, filed a petition for clemency to Gov. Mel Carnahan, ’59, asking that Branch’s sentence law.missouri.edu be commuted. But Carnahan died suddenly, before reviewing the petition. His successor, Roger B. Wilson, took no action on the petition. Missouri’s next governor, Bob Holden, reviewed videotapes of interviews of the women and subsequently granted clemency to Branch, as well as to Shirley Lute, who was represented by the Washington University School of Law. After a year and a half, Branch had not been released. Beck and then-students Jaime R. Hoog, ’07, and Kelly L. King, ’07, filed an extraordinary writ, asking for her immediate release. As the writ wound its way through the judicial system, Beck guided her students through the process — through the trial court, appellate court and finally the Supreme Court of Missouri. Then-student Richard L. Kroeger, ’07, volunteered to join Beck in arguing to the Supreme Court, the first law student ever to do so. The courtroom was overflowing with members of the domestic violence community, students and faculty of the School of Law. The court ruled that the state parole board should conduct a new parole hearing on the release of Branch and Lute, honoring Gov. Holden’s intent. The women were promptly released. Branch now works in a hotel as a desk clerk. Beck, who had worked on Branch’s release for nearly nine years, was thrilled at the outcome and impressed by the students’ dedication and hard work. “I loved watching the students throw themselves into work for those less fortunate,” she says. “They worked tirelessly, sometimes staying up all night or calling in over the summer break.” Another satisfying outcome of Beck’s work on this case is that she testified before the Missouri Senate Judiciary Committee on a bill written by the coalition that would provide relief for imprisoned battered women. The law was passed and Beck will use it to help other battered women seek release from prison. Putative Father Registry After Beck graduated from the School of Law, physician friends called her for help with adoptions involving unmarried young women. She saw one main impediment to completing such adoptions — resolving the rights of the birth father. This prompted her thinking about putative father registries to give earnest birth fathers the opportunity to preserve the rights to their child, while expediting stable placements for children in adoption and protecting the safety of relinquishing mothers. Putative father registries allow unmarried fathers to claim paternity for an outof-wedlock child. In Missouri, fathers have the length of pregnancy plus 15 days after the birth of their child to file a readily available, pre-printed postcard assuring them of notice of adoption or dependency actions for a child. Putative father registries are currently housed only in state governments. They exist in some 30 states and are proposed in others, as well as at the federal level by Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana. Beck was instrumental in drafting bills for Virginia, Louisiana, Kentucky, Texas and Missouri, and is currently drafting bills with her students for North Dakota and Alaska. Widely regarded as an expert on putative father registries, Beck wrote an article for the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy and is finishing another for the law review at Capital University, which houses the National Center for Adoption Law and Policy. Family Violence Clinic Beck juggles her work with battered women’s clemency and putative father registries with the School of Law’s Family Violence Clinic. The clinic pursues civil and criminal work on behalf of family violence victims in 24 Missouri counties. She supervises eight stu- Fall 2007 | Tr a nscr ipt 3 Faculty Feature Mary M. Beck: Living Great in the Law FACULT Y NOTE Rodney J. Uphoff presented “Inside the Oklahoma City Bombing Case: The Real Story Behind the Headlines” to federal public defenders. He was the keynote speaker and panelist at the Teaching Effective Trial Advocacy seminar at Ritsumeikan University School of Law in Kyoto, Japan. While in Japan, he also presented “Defense Activities in the Death Penalty Case in the United States” to the Japan Federation of Bar Associations in Tokyo; and “Convicting the Innocent: Aberration or Systemic Problem” and “The Role of Lawyers and Legal Ethics Education” to the Hitotsubashi University School of Law in Tokyo. Uphoff served as a speaker on “Convicting the Innocent: Why It Isn’t Just an Isolated Occurrence” at the Miscarriages of Justice: Current Perspectives Academic Conference. dents per semester as well as a family violence fellow who is housed in the clinic. Broadening the clinic’s impact, Beck paired with the MU School of Journalism and School of Medicine to study the justice system responses to domestic violence in every county in Missouri. Clinic students collected the data, while medical students analyzed it and ranked the counties based on their levels of response. Journalism students traveled to the counties with either excessively good or poor response rates to domestic violence and turned these trips into investigative television reports. The results of the project, funded for three years by the Missouri Department of Public Safety’s STOP Violence Against Women Act, was summarized in a recent issue of the Journal of the Missouri Bar and has been presented to Missouri judges and members of law enforcement. National Recognition Beck’s work has not gone unnoticed. In 2007, she received the Law School Foundation’s Sustained Outstanding Achievement Award. In 2006, she was honored with a Mizzou Alumni Association Faculty-Alumni Award, which was created in 1968 to recognize the achievements of faculty and alumni at the University. Previous awards included the Tribute to MU Women: MU Chancellor’s Committee of the Status of Women Award (2004), Loyd E. Roberts Memorial Prize in the Administration of Justice (1999), Gold Chalk Award from the MU Graduate Professional Council (1996) and the Carey Mae Carrol Achievement Award from the Women’s Law Association for outstanding commitment to women (1995 and 2007). “Mary Beck not only teaches her students how to effectively advocate on behalf of their clients, but her career inspires us all to — in the words of Oliver Wendell Holmes — seek to ‘live greatly in the law,’” Dean Larry Dessem says. “Her work, and the work of her students, extends well beyond the law school and has made the world a better place for her clients and us all.” Are you interested in talking to students about the area of law, the geographic location or the environment in which you practice? If so, please sign up for our Diversity Alumni Network at » law.missouri.edu/diversity and start reconnecting with MU and our promising future lawyers. If you’d like more information, please contact JR Swanegan, coordinator of student diversity programs, at 573-882-0940 or swanegana@missouri.edu. Witness Testimony ✽ Thanks to Mr. Hines for letting us share his memory of law school. To share a law school story for publication in a future issue of Tr anscript, mail your tale to: Tr anscript 205 Hulston Hall Columbia, MO 65211 or bakercd@missouri.edu Stories will be reprinted as space allows. 4 Tr a nscr ipt | Fall 2007 “I started law school in February 1957. My class schedule was out of sync. This resulted in my first contact with William Pittman, ‘The Fox,’ being in the summer session class of domestic relations. The Fox and I had several discussions during that class. The following fall, I was enrolled in contracts. The Fox entered the large classroom (we all stood in those days), and as he passed me, standing at my aisle seat, we exchanged eye contact. As he sat down at the desk, he said, ‘Mr. Hines, tell us about X vs. Y.’ He was looking down the aisle directly at me, as I remained silent. The other ‘Mr. Hines’ in the class rose and began reciting. The Fox hadn’t realized that another Hines was in the large class. I think I detected a look of amusement on The Fox’s face. The Fox had been ‘foxed.’” —Roger D. Hines, ’59 law.missouri.edu Facult y Feature Philip G. Peters Jr.: Fine Legal Scholarship “Phil Peters writes on issues of great national importance and his research has attracted wide attention within legal education, the legal and medical professions, and — through the national media — in society more generally.”—Dean Dessem P hilip G. Peters Jr. joined the faculty at the School of Law in 1986 and is now the Ruth L. Hulston Professor of Law. Before arriving in Columbia, he had served as a trial attorney in the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice and in private practice, specializing in medical malpractice and product liability defense. Since coming to MU, he has become a leading expert on wide range of topics in health law, ranging from reproductive technology to medical malpractice. His most recent research has synthesized three decades of empirical studies casting light on how well the civil justice system performs in its resolution of medical malpractice claims. That project has led to the recent publication of two widely noted articles summarizing what we know about the fairness (or not) of both jury verdicts and negotiated settlements. Malpractice Crises Peters started teaching at Mizzou in 1986. That was right in the middle of the second of the three modern malpractice crises. The first occurred in the mid-1970s and led to the enactment of malpractice reform legislation in many states, including Missouri. When he arrived at MU, the second medical malpractice crisis was at its peak and a second round of Missouri malpractice reform legislation was enacted. Aware of this history, he was not surprised when the cycle repeated itself in 2001 and years immediately thereafter. Once again, malpractice insurance premiums climbed sharply and doctors complained loudly. In 2005, a third round of reform legislation made its way through the legislative chambers in Jefferson City. With each successive crisis, Peters felt that the spin of the lobbyists on both sides of the debate had become less and less connected to facts. Instead, folklore and myths were becoming an accepted substitute, taking on an air of credibility simply from years of repetition. Frustrated by the absence of law.missouri.edu rigorous factual inquiry to prove or disprove the claims being made about malpractice litigation, Peters decided to do it himself. up what he has learned about unwarranted claims. For the moment, he is busy preparing for the first presentation of his jury data to an audience of practicing medical doctors. A Facts and Myths Lecture As a long-time teacher of health law, Peters knew that the system had flaws, but he also knew that the some of the most important shortcomings were not the ones receiving most attention from the press. At the same time, many of the complaints routinely repeated by the media did not seem to be substantiated by the facts. To help his students sort this out, he created a facts and myths lecture for his health law students. Then Peters took the lecture across town to the Boone County Bar Association, the School of Journalism, and the School of Medicine. Each audience had a different reason to be interested. Each raised questions and made suggestions that improved the presentation. And each reinforced his sense that a definitive study of the empirical data would justify the time needed to do it. For the next two years, he read everything he could on the subject. He found that doctors and social scientists had been studying the disposition of medical malpractice cases since the very first malpractice crisis in the 1970s. He read three decades of medical and social science research. For Peters, the task was like exciting detective work. “I enjoy searching for the answers to important policy questions,” he says. He divides the data on medical malpractice adjudication into three subsets, each reflecting an important stage in the litigation process — jury verdicts, the outcomes of settlements and the incidence and outcome of “frivolous” claims. Two of the three parts have now been published. His conclusions about the fairness of jury verdicts appeared in the Michigan Law Review in May. His analysis of settlement fairness was published in the Iowa Law Review and the journal Regulation this fall. Next summer, he will write The Jury Has Reached a Verdict The results of Peters’ research on malpractice jury verdicts surprised him. The studies repeatedly find that juries side with doctors far more often than predicted. Patients who sued their doctors won jury verdicts in only half of the cases that researchers thought they should win, while physicians won nearly all of the cases that the researchers thought they should win. Doctors also won two-thirds of the cases rated as toss-ups. Overall, these findings reveal a much more consistent bias in favor of defendants than Peters had expected to find. He offers several possible explanations for the success that physicians have in front of juries. Studies have shown that members of the jury pool are skeptical of litigants who sue their physicians and are determined not to be manipulated by the plaintiffs’ lawyers they have heard so much about. In addition, malpractice defendants usually have both more financial resources to use in preparation for trial and wider access to top expert witnesses. Finally, jurors may simply take the burden of proof very seriously. When credible experts testify for both sides, juries believe they cannot award a plaintiff ’s verdict. Doctors in the Legal System “Doctors are deeply frightened by the prospect of being forced into the legal system,” Peters says. Given the reassuring data on the outcomes of the civil justice system, Peters believes this fear and anger is disproportionate to the danger actually posed of unfair outcomes. Simple unwillingness to accept the fairness of the relatively rare plaintiff ’s verdict seems unlikely to explain it all. As a Fall 2007 | Tr a nscr ipt 5 Facult y Feature FACULT Y NOTE Philip G. Peters Jr.: Fine Legal Scholarship John Lande published “Principles for Policymaking about Collaborative Law and Other ADR Processes,” in 22 Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution619 (2007). He also co-wrote (with Rachel Wohl) “Listening to Experienced Users: Improving Quality and Use of Commercial Mediation,” in 13 Dispute Resolution Magazine18 (Spring 2007). This article is based on his service as the reporter for the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution Task Force on Improving Mediation Quality. At the annual conference of the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution, he was on three panels — A Cry for Help by Mediation Program Administrators: Grappling with Problems When Developing Quality Mediation Programs; You Want WHAT?: Changing Expectations in the Commercial Market for Mediators; and Summit on the Future of Court ADR. Earlier in the year, Lande gave a presentation at the Quinnipiac-Yale Dispute Resolution Workshop titled “Principles for Policymaking about Collaborative Law and ADR Generally.” He was the keynote speaker at the semiannual institute of the Department of Conflict Analysis and Resolution in Nova Southeastern University’s School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Lande was re-elected to the council of the ABA Section of Dispute Resolution. He is also an official observer of the Uniform Collaborative Law Act Drafting Committee of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws. result, he believes that their deep dread of malpractice litigation has a number of additional causes. Unlike product liability claims or even slip and fall actions against retail stores, the target defendants in malpractice actions are typically individuals. For an individual, a 1-in-7 chance of being sued each year is horrific. Aggravating that pain is the fact that the status of being a physician is a crucial part of the personal identify and self-esteem of most doctors. Each malpractice claim is seen as a direct assault on that core identity and self-worth. Each must be reported to regulators, insurers and hospitals for the rest of their professional lives. As a result, being charged with negligence is a painful event. So, too, is enduring the process of exoneration. From this perspective, being drawn into the process constitutes a punishment. As nearly half of all malpractice claims turn out to be without merit, this is the place where innovative, evenhanded improvements are badly needed. National Recognition Peters’ research on jury verdicts has generated a national buzz. Media outlets from Chicago to Baltimore to Washington, D.C., called attention to his findings. For Peters himself, the most important benefit of this publicity has been the dissemination of his findings in several medical association journals. He hopes the reassuring findings will allay some of the doubts that physicians feel about the rationality and fairness of the judicial process. “Phil Peters writes on issues of great national importance and his research has attracted wide attention within legal education, the legal and medical professions, and – through the national media – in society more generally,” Dean Larry Dessem says. “His research in the area of medical malpractice has caused other professors at both law and medical schools and policymakers to look at these issues in a different light, which is what we expect from the very finest legal scholarship.” Teaching and Research Peters’ research is not limited to the malpractice puzzle. He is an expert on reproductive technology and spoke at a variety of forums in Missouri during the run up to the 2006 state referendum on 6 Tr a nscr ipt | Fall 2007 stem cell research. His book and articles on reproductive technology are read around the word. The most recent evidence of this came in a request from a university press in Hyderabad, India, to include an article by Peters on the scientific, ethical and legal ambiguities surrounding the idea of human conception. In his 20 years of teaching, Peters has found that health law is constantly changing. Scientific advances have forced the evolution of laws governing the beginning and end of life. Economic and organization changes have driven the changes in laws governing medical malpractice responsibility and organization staff affiliations. As a result, one of his primary goals in the classroom is to prepare his students for still further change. He wants his students to learn not merely the law as it is today, but the path on which the law has been traveling and the likely direction of future change. Peters is changing, too. Prompted by eroding public support for affirmative action programs in higher education, he is returning to the area of law in which his career began. Early in his career he thought that affirmative action was a temporary remedy for educational inequalities that would soon be cured. That cure never came. The racial test score gap is nearly as wide today as it was then. His new research focuses on ways to shrink the gap, with a special emphasis on very early education. “Until those strategies are put in place, reliance on ‘color-blind’ test scores will produce law schools that are lily-white,” he says. Peters argues that law schools and higher education need to lead the campaign to eliminate the difference in test scores and to educate the public about the direct connection between poor educational opportunity when children are young and affirmative action programs when they become young adults. Changing the latter requires fixing the former. To explore the many legal issues raised by proposal like this (and by the Supreme Court’s ongoing tightening of these rules), he will be teaching a new course on the past and present law governing race-conscious government decision-making. As in his health law work, an emphasis will be placed on the dynamics of legal change and the social forces that drive those currents. law.missouri.edu Feature Five New Faces Crouch Sokol Faculty Dennis D. Crouch is an associate professor at the School of Law. Before joining the faculty, he was a patent attorney at McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP in Chicago and taught at Boston University School of Law. He has worked on cases involving various technologies including computer memory and hardware, circuit design, software, networking, mobile and internet telephony, automotive technologies, lens design, bearings, HVAC systems and business methods. He is also the editor of the popular patent law blog, Patently-O (www.patentlyo.com). Crouch received his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering cum laude from Princeton University, where he also earned a certificate in engineering management systems. He then earned his law degree cum laude from the University of Chicago Law School. While at the University of Chicago, he was a Microsoft, Merck, & Pfizer scholar and a member of the Olin program in law and economics. Before attending law school, Crouch worked as a technical consultant for manufacturing firms in New England, a research fellow at NASA’s Glenn Research Center, a software developer at the Mayo Clinic’s biomedical imaging department and a Peace Corps volunteer in Ghana, West Africa. He grew up on a farm near Pittsburg, Kan. D. Daniel Sokol is a visiting associate professor at the School of Law. Before his arriving in Missouri, he served as a William H. Hastie Fellow at the University of Wisconsin Law School. His research interests focus on antitrust, commercial law, corporate law, and law.missouri.edu Strong Bassett Cook nia; a law degree from Duke University School of Law; a doctorate in law from the University of Cambridge; and a doctorate from the University of Oxford. While at Duke, she served as editor in chief of the Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law. She is admitted to practice in state and federal courts in both Stacie I. Strong is an associate professor New York and Illinois, as well as the U.S. Supreme Court, and as a solicitor in the at the School of Law, having previously taught jurisprudence and British constitu- Supreme Court of England and Wales. Strong serves on the board of Chicago tional, contract and tort law at the UniverTap Theatre, one of the country’s most sity of Cambridge and the University of exciting and innovative tap dance ensemOxford in the United Kingdom. Strong’s bles, and is herself an avid student of the primary teaching assignments at MU are international commercial arbitration, law- art form. She has written several articles on tap dance for leading magazines and yering and wills and trusts. Her research has edited a book titled Top Tap Tips. lies in the areas of international dispute resolution, English law, comparative constitutional law and jurisprudence. Her Staff scholarly work has received recognition Cynthia W. Bassett joined the School of in both the United States and the United Law in July as electronic resources librarKingdom, with her doctoral dissertation winning the prestigious Yorke Prize from ian. She previously served as a librarian in the Missouri State Library’s Reference the University of Cambridge in 2003. Services Division and at the St. Louis In addition to her work as a legal acaCounty Library, where she was branch demic, Strong has extensive experience supervisor. She has a master’s degree in as a practicing lawyer qualified in New library and information science from MU York and Illinois and as a solicitor in and a bachelor’s degree in English educaEngland and Wales. Before joining the tion from Louisiana Tech University. faculty at MU, she was a litigator in the New York and London offices of Weil, Jeremy A. Cook joined the School of Gotshal & Manges LLP and counsel speLaw in July as a user support analyst in the cializing in international commercial school’s information technology office. litigation and arbitration in the Chicago Previously, Cook was a coordinator supoffice of Baker & McKenzie LLP. Strong port for training and programming in also acted as the executive director of the the University’s information technolNational Association of Women Lawyers ogy division. He is close to completand spent several years as a book editor. ing a bachelor’s degree in computer sciStrong received a bachelor’s degree in ence with a minor in English at MU. English literature from the University of California, Davis; a master’s degree from the University of Southern Califorcomparative and international business regulation. Before academia, Sokol was in private practice in Washington and Miami. He holds a law degree from the University of Chicago, a master’s degree from University of Oxford and a bachelor’s degree from Amherst College. Fall 2007 | Tr a nscr ipt 7 Branching Out Alumni Take the Law Along by Miranda Fleschert and Casey Baker While most School of Law alumni enter practice after graduation, some choose nontraditional careers. Although they aren’t in the courtroom every day, they use the skills they learned in law school to pursue successful careers outside the law. Here you’ll meet an author and stay-at-home father, a minister of a 1,400-member church, a human resources expert, a real estate developer and a country music manager. Enjoy their stories. 8 Tr a nscr ipt | Fall 2007 Litigator then Author Michael W. Atchison, ’93 “when you have a piece of relatively complex litigation and you’re writing briefs, you’re trying to tell a story. you find information and compile it into a story just like a book.” M ichael W. Atchison, ’93, of Parkville, Mo., has a fairly traditional beginning to a story that ends with a twist. He went to MU for his undergraduate degree and liked it so much he stayed for law school. He knew he wanted to do something professional and he had an affinity for the law, but he had no particular area of practice in mind and had no direct experience with lawyers. He enjoyed law school, finding it intellectually stimulating and interesting, taking advantage of the mentoring of faculty members like Bob Bailey, Bill Henning and Grant Nelson. During his second summer break from law school, Atchison worked for the firm now known as Stinson Morrison Hecker in Kansas City, Mo. He became involved in the pro bono case of a developmentally disabled young man who had been wrongfully convicted of murder and imprisoned for life. Atchison knew he wanted to follow the case through after law school and took a position at the firm, feeling that it was a good fit. His decision was reinforced when the man was pardoned in 1995 by the late Gov. Mel Carnahan, ’59, providing Atchison with what he felt was “a great To Kill a Mockingbird moment.” Atchison enjoyed his time at Stinson. During his seven years with the firm, he liked his work and made good friends. But he was coming up on partnership time, with a decided lack of enthusiasm. “There is something inherent in the nature of litigation that is not consistent with my personality,” he says. Armed with the sense that this was not what he wanted to do for the rest of his life, he left the firm. It wasn’t long before his path became clear. Atchison’s wife, Sherri, and a partner had started a consumer research business. When it became apparent that the company was growing faster than anticipated and that the pressure was off of him to provide the family’s primary income, he began working in the business, reviewing contracts and helping with support work. At the same time, he was trying to figure out what his photo courtesy of MU Publications next step would be. The couple soon learned that they were expecting their first child. Then Atchison had what he calls a “lightening bolt moment” about writing a book about the history of the MU basketball program. He had been a fan of the program for a long time and knew that he, and others, would enjoy a solid history going back to its inception. He had never known anyone who knew about the old teams whose banners dotted the Hearnes Center. “The deliberative process was three to five seconds,” he says. “I wanted to read the book. It didn’t exist. I decided to write it.” As his wife’s business took off, Atchison turned his attention to the book, using his legal background as the foundation for his work. “Law school education and the practice of law was a great education on how to write a nonfiction book,” he notes. “When you have a piece of relatively complex litigation and you’re writing briefs, you’re trying to tell a story. You find information and compile it into a story just like a book.” That served as his primary training. In the fall of 2000, he began writing while raising a young family. He worked on the book as he could and True Sons, A Century of Missouri Tigers Basketball was released in fall 2006. He spent time with general historical references, basketball histories and university histories. He searched for a publisher. He completed the detail-oriented research before his second child was born. After the baby was born, he juggled two children while he completed the book, writing in his head even while he was busy caring for them. “Books are written on scraps of paper and in the kitchen and in the car and all over the place,” he says. Now Atchison has his next book in his mind, ready to research and write as he cares for Grace, 6, and Evan, 3. He’s also active in the Kansas City United Way campaign, grant writing for the parent-teacher association at his daughter’s school and serving on the board of directors of ArtsTech, a local nonprofit organization. He is still available to lend a hand in his wife’s business, but says that the business now has a staff of about 10 people and his involvement is infrequent. Fall 2007 “sometimes I feel like my life has chosen me as much as I’ve chosen it,” Atchison says. “i’ve been lucky in that I’ve been free to embrace opportunities that have interested me, and that has been immensely satisfying.” | Tr a nscr ipt 9 Lawyer and Minister Donald R ay McNeal , ’86 “a pastor seeks to absolve you of guilt, relieve the burden of your guilt and save you from the pollution of sin. but an attorney is a different science.” D McNeal with his wife Deborah onald Ray McNeal, ’86, is the pastor of the 1,400 member Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church of Saint Louis. He couples this with a legal practice in Texas, usually representing Christians. He does not actively exclude other clients, but, just like any group, there are plenty of Christians who find themselves in need of criminal defense. In fact, McNeal has never needed to advertise his services. Originally from Texas, McNeal represents pastors and congregants in the Houston/Harris County and Texarkana/Bowie County areas in criminal and discrimination cases, including police misconduct and racial and mental health discrimination. He won two major discrimination and police misconduct cases against the U.S. Army and The City of Texarkana. McNeal’s successful trials range from aggravated sexual assault (his first trial as a lawyer in 1988) to murder. As a trial lawyer in 1994, McNeal was victorious under the police misconduct statute, where a police officer shot and killed a woman during a routine traffic stop in Texarkana. And when McNeal represented a young woman who shot her abusive lover, it was the first time in Harris County a jury sentenced a convicted murderer to probation. “Humans do not do truthful things in sequential order,” explains 10 Tr a nscr ipt | Fall 2007 McNeal. “In her panic, she went and got a gun.” Throughout his 34 years of ministry service, McNeal has served in eight pastorates in three regions of the country. But how does he reconcile the defense of purported criminals with his ministry? McNeal says both professions are about helping, teaching and doing what is right. But the parallels stop there. “A pastor seeks to absolve you of guilt, relieve the burden of your guilt and save you from the pollution of sin. But an attorney is a different science.” As a pastor, McNeal is primarily concerned about counseling his congregants, and that usually involves full disclosure. But, as an attorney, “you can never ask them to disclose their guilt and purport to the court their status as not guilty, it is unethical.” As an attorney, McNeal says he has a duty to make sure the state doesn’t become a vigilante in trying to solve crime, a phenomenon he sees as particularly pervasive in the African-American community. “The state has a burden to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. Even if you do a crime, you have rights.” McNeal has been concerned about ensuring civil rights since his early high school years. While working for Don Yarborough’s Texas gubernatorial campaign as a teen, McNeal’s typing skills and quick wit garnered attention from the famous civil rights attorney W.J. Durham. Durham soon became McNeal’s mentor and encouraged him to go to law school. Despite Durham’s support, McNeal put off law school when he graduated with a BA from The University of Texas at Austin, opting instead to answer the call to the ministry he says he’s felt since age four. After earning his MA in New Testament theology at Eden Theological Seminary in Saint Louis in 1983, McNeal accepted the call of Second Missionary Baptist Church of Columbia, Mo. McNeal says he became a lawyer by default. He wanted to pursue a doctorate degree in ministry, but there was no seminary in Columbia. The wishes of his mentor W.J. Durham (who had since passed away) were foremost in his mind when McNeal spoke with Dean Bob Bailey about pursuing a law degree at MU instead. “He talked me into it,” McNeal says of Bailey. “He’s a great guy, a wonderful judge. I love him greatly.” Though he starts his day with prayer and scripture, McNeal says his favorite part of each morning is the private moment he shares with his wife over coffee. In 1973 McNeal married Deborah Jackson, and together the couple has three daughters: Syreeta LaShawn McNeal, ’07, Janel McNeal Lewis and Dion McNeal Lucas. The couple will celebrate their 34th anniversary this year. Today, McNeal says that he only needs four hours of sleep each night. He doesn’t have time for much more. In addition to his regular pastoral duties, which include preaching, Bible study, counseling and conducting funerals, McNeal teaches a weekly rabbi class for those clergy in ministry at Hopewell. During his 34-year pastorate, McNeal has licensed 171 clergy, including 161 males and 10 females, of which many are ordained. In 2007, McNeal joined the faculty of Eden Theological Seminary as an adjunct professor of congregational studies. His teaching and scholarship focus on biblical interpretation, “engaging a theological, canonical, sociological and historical approach to empowerment.” McNeal continues to seek social justice with advocacy through the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and is currently the secretary for the St. Louis City branch, as well as the state education chair for state conference of branches. In 2002, McNeal worked on the national NAACP office in Baltimore, Md., as Missouri’s voter empowerment program director. He is also busy pursuing the doctor of ministry degree he wanted since before attending law school. Currently, McNeal is a doctoral candidate at Virginia Union University’s Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology in Richmond, Va., with an expected graduation of May 2008. With all he has going on in his life, McNeal admits he struggles to maintain the “right sense of balance.” Still, he says seeing God working through both his law practice and his ministry on a daily basis makes it all worthwhile. He advises today’s law students to simply “be who you are, keep a good balance of yourself and what you are meant to be.” Fall 2007 “be who you are, keep a good balance of yourself and what you are meant to be.” | Tr a nscr ipt 11 Theater, Human Resources & Law Lisa A. Nyrop, ’04 “a law degree is an enhancement in human resources. there is more and more work in employment law and it makes you more marketable.” A of a foreign service officer, Lise A. Nyrop, ’04, knows a lot about diplomacy in dealing with diverse constituencies. Born in Kiel, Germany, Nyrop attended an international school in Indonesia, a Department of Defense School in Oslo, Norway, and spent 11th and 12th grades with the children of many celebrities at the famous English boarding school Millfield. Now the human resources manager for the Office of State Courts Administrator in Missouri, Nyrop provides human resources support to 210 employees in five divisions. She is responsible for writing OSCA personnel policies, conducting training, researching salary compensation and handling employee relations. Nyrop says her job is about ‘finding a workable solution and making it as positive and forward-moving as can be. It’s all about problem-solving, not ‘problem-listening.’” When she graduated from The College of William and Mary in 1982, Nyrop had no plans for law school. Instead, she pursued a career in theater as a stage manager and production manager, following in the footsteps of six generations of theater professionals on her father’s side. Her work to date includes management for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, the New Mexico Repertory Theatre, the New Jersey Shakespeare Festival, The Whole Theatre, the Dorset Theatre Festival, the Virginia Stage Company and the National Theatre of the Deaf. After marrying and moving to Missouri for her thenhusband to attend veterinary school, Nyrop took a position with MU’s Human Resource Services. All her life, Nyrop says people always told her she should go to law school because she is argumentative and verbal. While walking on campus one day, she passed the law school and decided to apply because she “felt like doing something different.” When she found out that MU would pick up 75 percent of her tuition because she was a university employee, the idea made even more sense. Nyrop attended law school as a part-time “L aw school is like life. You just can’t take it too seriously. Not to say you shouldn’t try hard, but the more you can relate to other people, the more effective you will be as an attorney.” 12 Tr a nscr ipt s the daughter | Fall 2007 student, which isn’t often encouraged. Nyrop, 47, was not a regular student. “I was older than some of my professors, so I had different kinds of conversations with them than I think other students did,” she says. Nyrop’s mentor was Tim Heinsz, though she says Bob Bailey, Ilhyung Lee, Rod Uphoff and Wilson Freyermuth influenced her as well, making law school a positive experience. “I really enjoyed the process. I’m one of those sick weird people,” she jokes. Because of her familiarity with union work from her theater career, human resources law is a perfect fit for Nyrop. “A law degree is an enhancement in human resources. There is more and more work in employment law and it makes you more marketable,” she says. Part of that marketability comes from the strong problem-solving and analytical abilities Nyrop developed while in law school. “The skills that you learn are applicable, no matter what you’re dealing with,” she says. “There is a lot to be done with the degree, and it’s instant credentialing.” Nyrop believes that being a well-rounded person with the ability to find commonalities among people is crucial to success. “Be open to all of life’s possibilities,” she advises current law students and new lawyers. As Nyrop points out, a person needs interests outside of the practice of law. She has several. People know Nyrop as “the lady with all the cattle.” She owns a 40-acre farm north of Columbia and recently had 50 head of Texas longhorn cattle on her land. She also has horses, dogs and cats. Because she craves intellectual stimulation, Nyrop recently applied and was accepted to the LLM program at MU. But she has deferred a year in order to focus on training 15 hours a week for the June 2008 Coeur D’Alene Ironman triathlon, where she will compete in a 2.4 mile swim, a 26.2 mile marathon and 112 mile bike race. Though it took her six years to finish the law school curriculum, Nyrop ranked three classes and graduated near the top third of her class, all while working full time and managing her farm. While she didn’t take the traditional path through law school, Nyrop’s experiences have created in her the well-roundedness she so values. It’s what makes her such a strong problem-solver. Law and Family James G. Sansone , ’87 “if you can show your purpose (for going to law school) is to gain a better understanding of law and its application in the workplace, and to be comfortable when those issues, the laws and regulations, arise, the education will help you advance in the business world. it’s of great value in all industry.” J ames Sansone’s father , Anthony San- sone Sr., encourages all of the members of their family-owned real estate development firm to have a different professional degree. It helps provide clients with the broadest range of expertise possible. The Sansone Group in St. Louis boasts MBAs, CPMs, a host of finance and real estate degrees and even some engineers. But James G. Sansone, ’87, has a particular fondness for law degrees. He says a company can’t have too many attorneys. In property development, a law degree is a tremendous advantage. “With all the various laws and regulations, it is great benefit. The analytical skills learned in law school are applied daily.” Founded in 1957, the firm provides service in the fields of property management, leasing, brokerage, tenant representation, development and market research. Jim Sansone is responsible for all zoning, rezoning, entitlement and permitting activities in addition to all corporate general counsel duties. He currently manages more than 20 million square feet of property worth in excess of $2 billion. As the father of 10 children — seven boys and three girls who range in ages from 2 to 19 — Sansone and his wife Kathryn, also have their hands full at home. He stresses the importance that family and faith have in shaping every aspect of his life. Sansone recently was named to the Order of St. Louis King, the highest honor that a layperson can receive in the Catholic Church. The award is particularly meaningful because his father received it 10 years earlier. Sansone admires the kind of man his father is and wanted to follow him in business because he respects how he conducts himself, but he also says his mother is a wonderful example who strongly encouraged him to become an attorney. The grandmother of 40 recently went back to school to earn her college degree. Sansone didn’t start out wanting to go to law school. When he graduated with a bachelor’s degree from St. Louis University in 1983, he couldn’t wait to begin his career in business and began working for a large company right away. While it was a good experience, Sansone quickly realized that Fall 2007 “in my discussions with neighborhood groups and government officials, or while negotiating on real estate contracts or leases, the ability to think beyond what is right in front of me has been an advantage in my career.” | Tr a nscr ipt 13 a professional degree could provide even greater opportunities. After attending a major real estate convention with his parents and meeting several nonpracticing attorneys in the business, Sansone knew law school was the right choice for him. Sansone chose MU because of its statewide network of professionals and strong reputation. “From a business standpoint, it’s one of best decisions I’ve ever made,” he says. Sansone is looking forward to his 20-year law school reunion this November. He still keeps in touch with Dean Bob Bailey, whom he says is a “great mentor and personal friend.” Bailey taught him that “everything is not black and white,” and forced him to recognize a whole new way of thinking. With all that’s on his plate, Sansone says the unique thought process he learned in law school helps him on a daily basis. “In my discussions with neighborhood groups and government officials, or while negotiating on real estate contracts or leases, the ability to think beyond what is right in front of me has been an advantage in my career.” Sansone wants current law students to know that if they decide a law firm job is not for them, it is not something they should feel the need to explain or justify. “If you can show your purpose (for going to law school) is to gain a better understanding of law and its application in the workplace, and to be comfortable when those issues, the laws and regulations, arise, the education will help you advance in the business world. It’s of great value in all industry.” Even if students don’t plan to practice law, Sansone advises them to go ahead and become licensed. “It establishes credibility in a way that nothing else can,” he says. With the oldest two of his 10 children now in college, Sansone is encouraging all of his kids to pursue law degrees. “It’s one degree that can be applied to all areas of commerce, finance, medicine…it’s universally beneficial. Whether you practice law or not you utilize the skills learned in law school.” Sansone hopes to pass this wisdom on to his children in much the same way his own father and mother did for him. Sansone and his wife reside in St. Louis with their 10 children. She has been featured on Oprah as a role model for motherhood and a poster woman of fitness. She is the author of Woman First, Family Always. Artists Need Lawyers Too Scott F. Siman, ’79 “not a day goes by that i don’t draw on my legal background.” T here’s no argument that Scott F. Siman, ’79, has a cool job. He regularly sees famous faces, attends awards shows the rest of us can only watch on television and travels around the world with a well-known country music multimedia superstar. All in a day’s work. After completing his undergraduate degree at Vanderbilt University, Siman entered law school at MU with a desire to work in the entertainment industry. Inspired by his father, Si Siman, 14 Tr a nscr ipt | Fall 2007 who founded and produced the first country music network television show originating from his hometown of Springfield, Mo., he moved to Nashville and began 14 years of work as an entertainment lawyer, representing artists like Alan Jackson, Brooks & Dunn, Charlie Daniels, Little Texas, John Berry and Deanna Carter. At the invitation of a record producer client, he then moved to Sony Music Entertainment, where he served as senior vice president for Sony’s Nashville record division. His responsibilities included signing acts (including the Dixie Chicks), press and Siman, on right, celebrated graduation with what have become lifelong friends – Daniel E. Hamann, ’79, Gary A. Powell, ’79, and Walter B. McCormick Jr., ’79. public relations, and managing finances – in general, the opportunity to be involved in all phases of label operations. Three years later, he was looking to move to another label when an opportunity arose to leave Sony to manage the career of popular country singer Tim McGraw, and he took it. Siman says he never intended to move into artist management, but was inspired to meet the challenge because McGraw was at a crossroads in his career. He was newly married to country singer Faith Hill and they were expecting their first child. McGraw’s second album had sold 6 million copies, but his third, although still a major success, was hovering around 2 million in sales. Siman liked the idea of looking forward with McGraw, whose focus and talent he respected. All of the proverbial eggs were in one basket, but Siman had heard the music that would become McGraw’s album everywhere and thought it was amazing. “In the music industry,” he says,” you have to rely on your ears and trust your instincts.” Siman’s instincts were right – everywhere sold more than 4 million copies, won the Country Music Awards’ prestigious album of the year title and spawned back-to-back records of the year with “It’s Your Love” and “Just to See You Smile.” Now Siman is the co-owner and president of rpm management — in a partnership with industry mogul Irving Azoff, manager of the Eagles — and rpm music group, his music publishing operation. The management side of the business oversees four musicians, including McGraw, while the publishing division represents 10 to 12 songwriters. Siman resides primarily on the management side. His job is to oversee the day-to-day operations of every aspect of McGraw’s career. He handles the strategic planning and marketing of his career, from album marketing to support for McGraw’s new acting career. He’s also involved with McGraw’s newly formed record label, StyleSonic Records. “It’s like being the CEO of a major industry,” he says. It’s obvious that Siman is enthusiastic about his career. That he finds meeting famous folks exciting is no surprise, but the enjoyment of his job runs deeper than that. He finds it rewarding to put a marketing plan together and watch it happen the way the artist envisioned it. To him, this is a measure of professional success in the music industry. He also enjoys the unique challenges and opportunities that his position offers, such as traveling with McGraw and Hill on their Soul2Soul II tour, the largest grossing tour in the history of country music, and helping them accomplish what they want from a creative perspective. Despite the thrills of meeting President Bill Clinton, watching McGraw perform a duet of the Hank Williams Sr. song “Cold, Cold Heart” with Tony Bennett in Madison Square Garden and having lunch with Emeril Lagasse while in New Orleans assisting with a charity concert for Hurricane Katrina relief, Siman has not forgotten his roots in the law. “Not a day goes by that I don’t draw on my legal background,” Siman notes. He points to the School of Law as the foundation for his lawyering skills. He chose MU for law school because of its reputation for developing the students’ basic skills as lawyers and for its consistently strong bar passage rate. His fondest memories at the School of Law involve participation in Moot Court with Daniel E. Hamman, ’79, and Walter B. McCormick, ’79, and the creation of the student chapter of the Order of Barristers. He also notes that he was the first to graduate in 1979 – because he completed his exams first and greeted the other students while sitting on the steps of Tate Hall sipping a drink with a parasol in it. “Scott brings a great musical and business background to our team,” said McGraw. “It’s critical in this business for artists to have experienced management who can help bring to life your vision as an artist — and his law degree is a huge asset,” McGraw says. Fall 2007 | siman notes he was the first to graduate in 1979—because he completed his exams first and greeted the other students while sitting on the steps of tate hall sipping a drink with a parasol in it. Tr a nscr ipt 15 News CLEO Students Have Taste of Law School FACULT Y NOTE Richard C. Reuben published two law review articles recently. One built on his expertise in the confidentiality of dispute resolution processes and focused on the question of whether arbitration communications can be discovered and admitted in later legal proceedings. This article, “Confidentiality in Arbitration: Beyond the Myth,” appeared in 54 Kansas Law Review 1255 (2007). The second article introduced a Journal of Dispute Resolutionsymposium he organized last year on the impact of news coverage on conflict. “News Reporting and Its Impact on Conflict” appeared in 2007 Journal of Dispute Resolution143. Reuben serves as principal investigator of a National Science Foundation grant to develop a tool to assess the news media’s impact on conflict. This grant, which is expected to be submitted in February 2008, has co-principals from the Missouri School of Journalism, the MU School of Medicine and the University of the Western Cape in South Africa. During the summer, Reuben taught arbitration at Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria, and the social psychology of conflict at Pepperdine University School of Law in California. Reuben’s recent presentations include serving as a panelist on the Roundtable on Teaching of Negotiation for the Southeastern Association of Law Schools Annual Meeting and the ADR in the New Workplace: Raising the Bar on Employment Dispute Resolution session for the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution’s spring meeting; as keynote speaker for the International Ombuds Association with his paper “Democracy and Dispute Resolution;” and as presenter on corporate governance disputes for the World Bank Group, International Finance Corp., and at a symposium at UNLV Boyd School of Law’s Saltman Center for Conflict Resolution with his paper “The Supreme Court’s Federal Arbitration Act Jurisprudence: A Legal Process Disaster.” 16 Tr a nscr ipt | Fall 2007 After years of hard work , writing personal statements and studying for the LSAT, the dream of getting into law school can be one of the most competitive tasks a new graduate can undertake. With help from the Council on Legal Education Opportunity (CLEO) and the School of Law, 39 minority and disadvantaged students are one step closer to pursuing their dreams. CLEO, a nonprofit project to enhance diversity within American law schools and the legal profession, and the School of Law collaborated to provide a six-week pre-law summer institute. Designed to evaluate the students’ capacity for learning and acclimate them to the law school process, the curriculum was taught by faculty members and simulates the rigors of the first year of law school. “For those students who may not have been admitted to law school because of their academic indicators, their GPA and LSAT test scores, the program will evaluate them and hopefully show that numbers are not always an accurate predictor of students’ ability,” said Donna Pavlick, assistant dean for admissions and student services. Students from around the county were selected based on a personal statement and application process. During their time at MU, the participants attended pre-law classes, guest lectures and community Students in the CLEO program learned the importance of community service to the legal profession by volunteering to line the Parade of Athletes route for the Missouri Special Olympics (joined by Elvis!). service projects and received faculty feedback. Over the program’s 39-year history, more then 90 percent of the students who attend the institute enter law school. “I’m confident that this program will prepare me for law school due to the dedication of the faculty and the dean,” CLEO participant Shameka Simmons said. “Everyone has extended themselves beyond compare and has been a great deal of help.” Pavlick is hopeful that the students will not only leave ready for the tough coursework of law school, but also will get something out of the program they had not intended. “My main goal is to prepare these students academically and help get them into law school, but I also hope they will leave as ‘goodwill’ ambassadors to Missouri and MU,” Pavlick said. “Many of these students come from very urban areas; hopefully coming here will get them out of their comfort zones and experience something different.” Article courtesy of the MU News Bureau law.missouri.edu News Our oldest alumni tradition FACULT Y NOTE A ND Cl ass R eunions Sept. 12–13, 2008 Make your plans now to celebrate in 2008! David M. English has been appointed by Bill Neukom, president of the American Bar Association (ABA), to serve as a member of the ABA’s Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law. English has also been appointed by Laurel Bellows, the chair of the ABA House of Delegates, to serve on that body’s Committee on Emerging Issues for the Profession. The Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act, for which English served as reporter and principal drafter, was approved by the Uniform Law Commission at its 2007 annual meeting. Over the past several months, English has spoken to numerous national professional organizations on a variety of uniform law topics, including the National Guardianship Association, the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel, the ABA’s Section on Real Property, Trust and Estate Law and Section on Torts and Insurance Practice, American Law Institute-American Bar Association (ALI-ABA) and the National College of Probate Judges. The Uniform Trust Code, for which English was the reporter and principal drafter, was enacted in North Dakota in 2007, bringing the total number of enactments to 20. Reunion weekend will feature the classes of ’48, ’53, ’58, ’63, ’68, ’73, ’78, ’83, ’88, ’93, ’98, and ’03. Contact your classmates to make party plans! Volunteer to be on your class reunion planning committee by calling 573-884-7833. WEEKEND EVENTS • Distinguished Alumni Luncheon • Complimentary CLE • The Dean’s All-Class Reunion Reception • Individual Class Reunions for Featured Classes • Law Day Breakfast • Law Day Awards Ceremony • Law Day Picnic • Mizzou Football Game law.missouri.edu For more information about these or other School of Law alumni events, contact the School of Law Office of Development at 573-884-7833 or » mulawevents@missouri.edu, or visit our Web site at » law.missouri.edu. Fall 2007 | Tr a nscr ipt 17 News Elwood L. Thomas Inn of Court Holds Inaugural Demonstration By Miranda Fleschert A group of experienced attorneys , judges and law school professors formed the new Elwood L. Thomas Inn of Court this spring in Boone and Cole counties, with the goal of promoting professionalism, ethics and the development of litigation skills among younger attorneys and law students. The first program for the new Inn was a fictional historic trial based upon actual events. The trial of U.S. v. Meriwether Lewis and Silas Goodrich, complete with period costumes and a real life-size replica canoe in the courtroom, took place roughly 200 years after the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Actual journal entries from the expedition and historical documents revealed that Lewis and crewmember Goodrich stole a canoe from the Clatsop Indian tribe in Oregon. Though they were never prosecuted, the historic trial proceeded as if this were the case. The defense argued that necessity and emergency circumstances left Goodrich and Lewis no choice but to steal the canoe. Without it, they would have starved because they couldn’t make the journey back up the coast. However, the prosecution asserted that they could have traded a rifle or asked the Clatsop tribe for help. Witnesses included Thomas Jefferson, Sacagawea, Captain William Clark and Chief Comowoll. Ultimately, the jury deliberated on the question of whether or not the circumstances were so dire that they justified conduct which would otherwise be a crime. The trial ended in a hung jury. Professor Stephen D. Easton, who organized and conceived the idea for the historic trial, said the lack of a verdict showed how well both sides presented their arguments. Students, professors and alumni worked together in an equal partnership as members of the prosecution and defense teams, as well as witnesses. “The one thing I heard over and over again was how impressed people were at how well the students did going up against professors and experienced attorneys,” said Easton. Professors, graduates, and even some Missouri Supreme Court justices attended the trial. Some students participated by purchasing seats on the jury at the Women’s Law Association auction. Easton hopes the Inn of Court historic trial will become a regular event on the law school calendar each spring, since it provides students with an opportunity that is different from traditional mock trials. “What I like about the idea of a historical trial is there’s an element of reality that we don’t always get when the stuff is purely fictional,” he said. For this coming year, he’s thinking of trying Thomas T. Crittenden, the then-governor of Missouri, for soliciting the 1882 murder of Jesse James when he posted “Wanted: Dead or Alive” notices. 18 Tr a nscr ipt | Fall 2007 law.missouri.edu News Spring 2007 Commencement In keeping with tradition, graduates could elect to have their MU Law alumni and faculty parents hood them at graduation. (l-r)Craig S. Biesterfeld, ’78, with his daughter, Lindsay V. Biesterfeld, ’07; Associate Dean and Professor James R. Devine with his son, Joshua C. Devine, ’07; and Deputy Chancellor and ProfessorMichael A. Middleton, ’71, with his son, Marc N. Middleton, ’07. At May commencement, the featured speaker was Michael A. Middleton, ’71, who serves as deputy chancellor and professor of law at MU. Donald R. McNeal, ’87 hooded his daughter, Syreeta L. McNeal, ’07. Photos courtesy of Chappell Graduation Images law.missouri.edu Fall 2007 | Tr a nscr ipt 19 News M E D I A Faculty in the News MU School of Law faculty are regularly called upon by news outlets around the state and the country to provide expert opinion on a variety of topics. Here is a sample: Douglas E. Abrams “Do You Like Interesting Debates? Try Ranking Sports Movies” Chicago Daily Herald “Judicial Activists? There’s No Sign” St. Louis Post-Dispatch “Little League Goes to Pitch Limits to Save Young Arms” San Jose, (Calif.) Mercury News S. David Mitchell Re: restoration of rights to ex-felons KJTX Radio (Jefferson, Texas), KMOX Radio (St. Louis) Amy B. Monahan Robert G. Bailey “Black Seat? White’s Retirement Prompts Questions about Replacement” Missouri Lawyers Weekly “Infighting Revealed in Landis Doping Case” Los Angeles Times Mary M. Beck “Mo. to Free 2 Who Killed Abusive Mates” and “2 Women Who Killed Abusive Mates Win Parole” Alabama News Leader, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Black Hills (S.D.) Pioneer, Boston Globe, Boston Herald, Bradenton (Fla.) Herald, Daily Sentinel (Nacogdoches, Texas), Dayton (Ohio) Daily News, Grand Junction (Colo.) Daily Sentinel, Greenville (N.C.) Daily Reflector , Houston Chronicle, Las Vegas Sun, Metro Philadelphia, Metro New York, Monterey (Calif.) County Herald, Oregonian, Rocky Mount (N.C.) Telegram, San Francisco Chronicle, Sioux Falls (N.D.) Argus Leader, Tri-County Herald (Columbia, Wash.), The Waterbury (Conn.) Republic American, Wichita Falls (Texas) Times Record News, Wilmington Star News (N.C.), Forbes, (cnn.com, foxnews.com, msnbc.com, Yahoo! News), AM New York, [WCIV-TV (Charleston, S.C.), WJXX-TV (Jacksonville, Fla.), WRAL-TV (Raleigh, N.C.)] Frank O. Bowman III “The American Prison Nightmare” New York Review of Books “Double Standard: Bush’s Leniency for Libby Doesn’t Jibe with Administration’s Push to Enforce Mandatory Minimum Sentences” San Francisco Chronicle “Evaluating Senator’s Plan to Alter His Plea” The New York Times “He’s Impeachable, You Know” The New York Times (op-ed) “The Icing is Iglesias” slate.com (op-ed) Re: disparities in legal standards, the restoration of the death penalty in Missouri and federal sentencing guidelines “Justice for All” radio program on KMOX Radio (St. Louis) Re: publishing informants’ names on Web sites The Today Show on NBC Re: Scooter Libby pardon WHYY Radio (Philadelphia) Re: U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales KPFK Radio (Los Angeles), WBUR Radio (Boston), Ian Masters Background Briefing Radio Program “Scooter Libby’s Fate Hinges upon Several Factors” U.S. News & World Report “Senator Craig’s Legal Options” The New York Times “Web Sites Listing Informants Concern Justice Dept.” The New York Times Dennis D. Crouch “How a Patent Ruling is Changing Court Cases” The Wall Street Journal “The Journal Report: Technology Recommended Reading” The Wall Street Journal “Appeals Panel Rules Employers Need Not Pay for Contraceptives” St. Louis Post-Dispatch Rigel C. Oliveri “Justice Dept. Reshapes its Civil Rights Mission” The New York Times “Valley Park Needs to Shut Down its War on Immigrants” St. Louis Post-Dispatch (op-ed) Philip G. Peters Jr. “Diagnosis: Impartial” National Center for State Courts’ Jur-E Bulletin “Fla. Below National Average in Amount of Paid Medical Malpractice Claims” Naples (Fla.) News “Juries More Likely to Favor Defendants in Malpractice Lawsuits, Study Finds” The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation’s kaisernetwork.org “Juries More Often Sympathize with Doctors” United Press International “Juries Overwhelmingly Side with Doctors in Malpractice Cases” livescience.com “Juries Tend to Favor Physicians in Liability Litigation” American Academy of Family Physicians’ AAFP News Now “Juries Usually Side with Doctors in Trial” The Baltimore Sun “Legal Analysis Finds Patients Fare Poorly in Court” Bradenton (Fla.) Herald “Malpractice Juries Tend to Side More with Doctors, Researcher Finds” The National Law Journal “Malpractice Juries Usually Side with Physicians” Reuters Health “Malpractice Study — Juries Sympathize More with Doctors” medicalnewstoday.com Re: malpractice study WCBS Radio (New York), KMOX Radio (St. Louis), Physician’s News Digest, news-medical.net (Australia), cybermed.it (Italy), personalinjuryfocus.com, medscape.com, marylandinjurylawyerblog. com, atlantainjurylawyerblog.com, newyorkpersonalinjuryattorneyblog.com, orlandoinjurylawyerblog.com, kentuckyinjurylawyerblog. com, massachusettspersonalinjuryblog.com, jurylaw.com “The Real Winner in Malpractice Cases” Chicago Tribune, The Wichita Eagle “Study: Malpractice Juries Back Doctors More Often” usatoday.com “That Malpractice ‘Epidemic’? Legal Analysis Finds That Patients Fare Poorly in Court” The Washington Post “Tort System Treats Doctors Better Than Most People Think” tortdeform.com Carl H. Esbeck “Court OKs Help for Faith Groups” Springfield News-Leader 20 Tr a nscr ipt | Fall 2007 law.missouri.edu News H O N O R S & A W A R D S FACULT Y NOTE Fellowship Program Recognizes Crahan The Judge Lawrence G. Crahan Memorial Judicial Fellowship gave two deserving MU law students the opportunity to work as judicial clerks. The fellowship provides awards for MU law students who have completed the first year of law school to serve as clerks for a judge of the Missouri Court of Appeals, Eastern District. The 2007 Crahan Fellows, 2L Matthew Feldhaus and 2L Zachary C. Howenstine, served under the direction of Judge Glenn A. Norton, ’85. This fellowship honors the late Judge Lawrence G. Crahan, ’77, who served on the Court of Appeals with distinction until his death in 2005. Attorneys across Missouri recognized Crahan as a man of great intellect and respect for the rule of law, and the law school community knew him for his love of learning and his desire to instill the same love in students. This fellowship was made possible by the generosity of Crahan’s widow, Linda S. Legg, senior vice president, general counsel and secretary of AT&T Yellow Pages, and member of the School of Law’s For All We Call Mizzou campaign committee. This summer, law.missouri.edu On June 21, participants in the Crahan Fellowship program met with Judge Glenn Norton, Linda Legg and Dean Larry Dessem in the judge’s chambers. (l-r) Zachary Howenstine, Glenn Norton, Linda Legg, Larry Dessem and Matthew Feldhaus. Douglas E. Abrams has written three new works on juvenile justice and child advocacy. “A Coordinated Public Response to School Bullying” will appear as a chapter in Our Promise: Achieving Educational Equity for America’s Children (Carolina Academic Press, forthcoming 2008). “Rehabilitative Services For Youth” will appear in The Chicago Companion to the Child (University of Chicago Press, forthcoming 2008). “Child Abuse and Neglect Law” appears as chapter 6 in Missouri Juvenile Law (3d ed.), The Missouri Bar’s reference book for courts and lawyers. Abrams also continues to publish his regular column about legal writing in Precedent, The Missouri Bar’s quarterly magazine. In his spring column, titled “The Writer’s Theater,” he says that lawyers “appear on stage whenever we pick up a pen or turn on the computer to write something we hope other people will read…. The theater is virtual because we sit in our offices, but the audience — the readers who digest our written words — remains as central to the performance as an audience that hears spoken words from the orchestra or balcony.” Abrams’ summer and autumn columns, titled “Those Pesky Footnotes — Parts I and II,” explore the use and misuse of footnotes in briefs, judicial opinions, law review articles and books. With former Missouri Supreme Court Judge Ann K. Covington, ’77, and Missouri Bar President C. Ronald Baird, ’74, Abrams spoke at a press conference conducted by the bar to support the Missouri Non-Partisan Court Plan. Abrams was also a panelist at a Missouri Bar continuing legal education program, “United States Supreme Court Highlights: The 2007 Term and Its Implications.” He was renamed chair of the editorial board of the Journal of the Missouri Bar, a position he has held since 2000. Abrams serves as the law school’s representative on the MU Faculty Council on University Policy. The council recently elected him to the executive committee. Abrams serves on the expert panel of the Center For Sports Parenting, which is administered by the Institute For International Sport at the University of Rhode Island. He is interviewed regularly on radio programs concerning sportsmanship and youth sports issues. This winter will be his 40th season as a youth-league ice hockey coach. Fall 2007 | Tr a nscr ipt 21 News P R I V A T E S U P P O R T FACULT Y NOTE Developments: It’s All In The Numbers by Janie Ausburn Harmon senior director of development Rigel C. Oliveri published an editorial in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch titled “Valley Park Needs to Shut Down its War on Immigrants” on April 2. In the editorial, she argued that Valley Park’s recently-enacted anti-immigrant ordinances, which would penalize landlords for renting to undocumented immigrants, conflict with federal fair housing laws and will likely result in increased discrimination against ethnic minorities who are American citizens or otherwise legally present in the United States. On April 7, Oliveri presented a paper, “Is Acquisition Everything? Protecting the Rights of Occupants Under the Fair Housing Act” at the School of Law’s symposium in honor of Professor Dale Whitman. She previously presented the paper as part of faculty colloquia at Villanova School of Law and Washington University School of Law. On July 9, Oliveri gave a presentation for the NAACP continuing legal education conference, which was held as part of the NAACP’s 98th Annual Convention in Detroit. She spoke on the topic of “Unconscious Bias in Employment Discrimination Litigation.” visited the School of Law to thank faculty, staff and retirees for their financial support of MU and the School of Law. He presented Dean Larry Dessem with an award commemorating a 58 percent giving participation rate, the highest rate among all schools, colleges and non-academic units for the second year in a row and since calculations began. The award represents a strong community and belief in higher education by faculty, staff and retirees. The overall For All We Call Mizzou campaign total giving rate for law faculty, staff and retirees is 85 percent, which is an outstanding accomplishment and salute to the law school. When calculating giving rates, members of the School of Law Campaign Committee recently requested alumni giving participation rates. A report shows that 12.6 percent of MU Law alumni gave to the Law School last fiscal year. This compares to 17 percent of MU alumni across campus who gave to the University. Please note names of alumni and friends who gave last year listed from pages 31 to 38. The classes of 1940, 1942, 1947, 1951, 1952, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1969, 1970, 1975 and 2006 achieved a rate of 20 percent or better. Thank you to each one of you who support the School of Law. Please contact me if you wish to make a gift or make a comment. Recently Chancellor Brady Deaton ✽ Making A Gift to the School of Law Cash gifts may be mailed to: Office of Development MU School of Law 205 Hulston Hall Columbia, MO 65211 Checks should be made payable to the MU School of Law or the Law School Foundation. Credit card gifts or other gifts may be made by calling our office at 573-882-4374. Online gifts may be made at donatetomu.missouri.edu. Thanksgiving Contact us! Stephen D. Easton organized the new Elwood L. Thomas Inn of Court’s trial of Meriwether Lewis and prosecuted the case with Elizabeth E. Ahsmuhs, ’07. He spoke to a conference of Kentucky appellate judges about evidence, to groups of attorneys in Minnesota, Georgia and Virginia about trial practice, and to Mizzou’s Teaching Renewal Conference about creating video case files for classroom use. 22 Tr a nscr ipt | Fall 2007 If you would like more information about including the School of Law in your estate plan or about making a gift or pledge, please contact us at 205 Hulston Hall, Columbia, MO 65211, or as shown below: Janie Ausburn Harmon 573-882-3052 harmonj@missouri.edu Mark A. Langworthy 573-884-3083 langworthym@missouri.edu For All We Call Mizzou campaign fundraising for the Law School has strength in numbers – we’ve reached 93 percent of our goal – and also carries real faces representing real private support. Already students who benefited from early campaign funds have graduated and joined the legal profession. Already faculty have published outstanding articles and completed research due to private support. Already the Law Library has purchased new books, subscriptions and study furniture. When you visit Hulston Hall, you may meet one or more recipients of private support without knowing it. This is indeed a time of Thanksgiving and we want to share it with you. law.missouri.edu News The Law Society the School of Law celebrated The Law Society and its members with a dinner in Eckles Hall on the MU campus. During the 23rd annual event, guests enjoyed a meal conceived, prepared and served by students in the Hotel and Restaurant Management Program, which is housed in Eckles Hall and is part of the MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. This year’s program highlighted two third-year law students, Andrew W. Funk, ’07, and Jessica R. Gunder, ’07, both of whom received privatelyfunded scholarships at the School of Law. The program also celebrated The Law Society’s newest members, shown below with their areas of support. Membership in The Law Society is extended to donors who make gifts of $25,000 or more, payable over five years. Elevated members were also recognized at The Law Society Dinner. On April 20, At the annual celebration of The Law Society, new members receive commemorative personalized medallions in honor of their commitment to the School of Law. (l-r) Stephen L. Hill Jr., ’86, representing the late Carolyn M. Hill; Susan Heinsz and Rod Loomer. Not pictured: E. Sidney Douglas and Gayle Stratmann Sam F. Hamra, ’59, was honored for gifts befitting the Dean’s Circle, while Charles R. Wall, ’70, became a Law Society Advocate. Members of the Dean’s Circle have made gifts of $100,000 or more in their lifetimes. Members of Law Society Advocates have made gifts of $250,000 or more in their lifetimes. We thank all of these alumni and friends for their generous support of the School of Law. Next year’s Law Society event will be held on April 17 at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, a move made in response to member suggestions. N ew M embers of the L aw S ociety E. Sidney Douglas III, ’83 T.H. and Elvin S. Douglas Family Scholarship Carolyn M. Hill Judge Stephen Hill Scholarship Susan F. Heinsz Timothy J. Heinsz Memorial Scholarship Rodney E. Loomer, ’74 Funds honoring three favorite professors Gayle Grissum Stratmann, ’87 Edward H. Hunvald Jr. Scholarship law.missouri.edu FACULT Y NOTE Frank O. Bowman III’s recent publications include “‘The Question Is Which Is to Be Master — That’s All’: Cunningham, Claiborne, Rita, and the Sixth Amendment Muddle,” in 19 Federal Sentencing Reporter 155 (2007) and “A Tribute to Roger Groot” in 64 Washington & Lee Law Review 3 (2007). Bowman has served as a speaker for numerous seminars. In May, he presented “Sentencing Post Blakely/Booker/Fanfan: New Trends, Issues and Strategies” at the CJA Panel Attorney Seminar for the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri. In April, he presented “Recent Developments Including the U.S. Supreme Court Cases of Cunningham v. California; Claiborne v. U.S.; Rita v. U.S.; and Burton v. Waddington,” at the Federal Criminal Practice Institute at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law. In March, he served as a panelist for PostBooker Sentencing in the Fourth Circuit, at the Workshop for Judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. In February, he presented “Sentencing in the Post-Booker World,” at the Phase II Orientation for Newly Appointed Federal District Judges. Amy B. Monahan was named chair-elect of the American Association of Law Schools Section on Employee Benefits. In February, she presented her article, “Federalism, Federal Regulation, or Free Market? An Examination of Mandated Health Benefit Reform,” at the University of St. Thomas School of Law in Minneapolis. The article will be published later this year in the University of Illinois Law Review. In addition, she published “The Case for Federalizing Mandated Health Benefits” in Administrative & Regulatory Law News. Fall 2007 | Tr a nscr ipt 23 News R E P O R T S FACULT Y NOTE Office of Admissions and Student Services Donna L. Pavlick Assistant Dean Melody Richardson Daily, with Professor Greg Scott and former MU Law Professor John Mollenkamp, presented “Doing What We Teach: Demonstrating Trial Argument Techniques,” at the Rocky Mountain Regional Legal Writing Conference in March. During the summer, Daily taught torts to the 39 students selected to participate in the Council on Legal Education Opportunity (CLEO) pre-law summer institute, hosted by the School of Law. Christina E. Wells presented her paper, “Funeral Protests,” at the University of Georgia School of Law Faculty Colloquium Series in February. She also published two articles — “CIA v. Sims: Mosaic Theory & Government Attitude,” in 58 Administrative Law Review 845 (2006), which was recently cited in Wright & Miller’s Federal Practice and Procedure, and “Katrina & the Rhetoric of Federalism,” in 26 Mississippi College Law Review 127 (2006). Both articles were published as part of larger symposia at which Wells presented her work. Michelle L. Heck Admissions Representative sity, Missouri State University, Northwestern University, Notre Dame University, VanderWith a total of 980 applications this past bilt University, Washington University in St. year, School of Law applications diverged Louis and the U.S. Air Force Academy. The from the national trend. While the national backgrounds of a few of our entering students applicant pool has declined for the third year include an Army Spanish linguist, a boxer, in a row, MU was one of only 20 law schools an intern for the Eritrean Supreme Court, in the nation that experienced an increase a Peace Corps volunteer, Iraq veterans, an of 10 percent or more in applications. The Olympic swimmer, a governor’s pastry chef, students in our applicant pool were fantastic, journalists, teachers, financial analysts and as evidenced by the fact that on the first day a congressional staffer. We are very excited of orientation, 86 students participated in about this year’s 1L class! a community service project at the Central Attracting and enrolling such a talented Missouri Food Bank and repacked 14,283 group of students required a consolidated efpounds of food! fort by the admissions staff, faculty, current The entering class is geographically and students and alumni. Alumni support of our ethnically diverse, reports a rich mixture of recruiting efforts is crucial, while alumni backgrounds and experiences, and has the contributions allow us to offer bright stuhighest academic credentials to date. Our dents scholarships to secure their places at the Missouri residents represent the entire state School of Law. and include one student who immigrated The Admissions Office staff sincerely from Romania, and our out-of-state students thanks the many alumni who have helped hail from 13 states. to make this another successful year. We are Academically, these looking forward to working students include majors Snapshot of the Class of 2010 with you again as we recruit from 50 different fields Total applications 980 the class of 2011. of study, with 36 stuTotal enrolled 146 We send a special thanks to dents double majoring Median LSAT (78th percentile) 159 Thompson Coburn (St. Louis) and 11 holding master’s Median GPA 3.56 and Shughart, Thomson, & degrees. Fifty-six public Total women 37% Kilroy (Springfield) for hostand private colleges and Total minorities 10% ing our winter 2007 accepteduniversities are repreState residents 81% student receptions. sented, including MU, Statistics are current as of Oct. 1, 2007. Truman State UniverMeet the Class of 2010 Nearly half the incoming 1L class participated in the service project for the Central Missouri Food Bank held during orientation, coordinated by the Office of Admissions and Student Services. According to 1L Shameka Simmons, shown at front, “The Food Bank volunteer project was just an introduction of what my law school career would be at Mizzou. It was a great way to begin orientation week, setting the tone that volunteer/pro bono work is important in all areas of professionalism — especially law.” 24 Tr a nscr ipt | Fall 2007 law.missouri.edu News FACULT Y NOTE Office of Career and Professional Development MU Law Legal Connections Network Network was recently created as a means to offer a system of support and guidance to current law students. This network consists of Mizzou alumni and other lawyers who interact with law students by telephone or e-mail, and discuss their practice areas, geographic locations and experiences as attorneys. Its focus is not job placement, but rather professional development for new attorneys and attorneys-to-be. You may join the network regardless of your firm’s or agency’s hiring needs. Please call the Office of Career and Professional Development at 573-882-7386 to volunteer. The MU Law Legal Connections 2nd Annual Small Firm and Public Interest Expo In March, the Office of Career Professional Development hosted the 2nd Annual Small Firm and Public Interest Expo, an event designed to expose law students to attorneys who practice in firms of less than 25 lawyers; practice with state, local, or federal government; or work with non-profit agencies. The event started with a complimentary CLE presentation on negotiation tips and ethics by Paul Ladehoff of the Center of the Study for Dispute Resolu- tion, followed by a reception at which attorneys and students mingled. Both attorneys and students reported that they enjoyed meeting a variety of people and learning about the variety Tamra Wilson Setser of work that lawyers do. Tamra Wilson Setser, assistant dean for career development, and Andrea Mazza Follett, coordinator of professional development, were pleased that approximately 100 people Andrea Mazza Follett attended the event. The 3rd Annual Small Firm and Public Interest Expo is scheduled for March 8, 2008, in Hulston Hall. A complimentary afternoon CLE will be offered, followed by a networking reception with fellow attorneys and law students. The expo allows judges and judicial clerks, government and public interest attorneys and attorneys practicing in firms of 25 or fewer lawyers a great chance to interact with each other and talk to law students seeking similar career paths. Formal announcements will be mailed in January, but please mark your calendars now for this popular event. Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution In addition to regular Basic Civil Mediation trainings, the School of Law’s Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution (CSDR) provided advanced mediation training for federal Paul Ladehoff agriculture mediators in Oklahoma and Illinois, mediation and arbitration training for The Missouri Bar’s Fee Dispute Resolution program, a workshop on public policy facilitation at the Heartland Mediators Conference and workshops on negotiation at various locations across the state for the Missouri Department of Health and Farmers Insurance. CSDR Training Coordinator Paul Ladehoff was given the Seven Seals Award law.missouri.edu by the Missouri Committee of the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) for his work in support of the ESGR ombudsman program. Ombudsmen mediate between returning service members and their civilian employers when conflict arises under the Uniformed Service Members Employment and Reemployment Rights Act. Ladehoff also served as one of the leaders and trainers for the Difficult Dialogues project, which seeks to stimulate rigorous intellectual inquiry and to empower students to engage in dialogue about opposing views on challenging topics — such as stem cell research — respectfully and in the spirit of open-mindedness, and to develop communication skills essential to democratic citizenship in an increasingly diverse society. Larry Dessem spoke in May at the annual meeting of the Law School Admissions Council on “Ten Thoughts Concerning Transfer Students.” In July he spoke at the annual meeting of the Southeastern Association of Law Schools on “The Best Accreditation System in the Country.” Last winter Dessem testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House General Laws Committee of the Missouri General Assembly in support of the Missouri Non-Partisan Court Plan. D. Daniel Sokol presented “Why is This Chapter Different from All the Others? An Examination of Why Countries Enter into Non-Enforceable Competition Policy Chapters in Free Trade Agreements” to the Conference on Latin American Law and Development, hosted by the Chicago Kent College of Law, in April. In March, he presented “Technical Assistance for Law & Economics: An Empirical Analysis in Antitrust/Competition Policy” to the World Bank and to the Inter-American Development Bank/OECD Mini-Conference on Competition Policy. He published “Monopolists Without Borders: The Institutional Challenge of International Antitrust in a Global Gilded Age,” in 4 Berkeley Business Law Journal 37 (2007). Fall 2007 | Tr a nscr ipt 25 NEWS P R O G R A M S FACULT Y NOTE LLM Program Patricia Brumfield Fry wrote “Coming to a Screen Near You — ‘eMortgages’ — Starring Good Laws and Prudent Standards — Rated ‘XML,’” with Newell and Gordon, in 62 Business Law 295 (2006); “Learning from a Life in Academe,” in 15 Perspectives, no. 4, pg. 3 (2007); and “Report of the Study Committee on Revision of the Law on Notarial Acts” (2007), available at www.nccusl.org/update/committees. Fry made several presentations recently, including “Electronic Recording: Statutory Solutions” at the eRecording Stakeholders’ Meeting and to the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association’s Commercial Law Section, Florida Association of County Clerks and Oregon Association of County Clerks; and “Revision of the Law on Notaries Public” to the National Association of Secretaries of State and the International Association of Clerks, Recorders, Election Officials and Treasurers. Fry also chaired the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws’ (NCCUSL) stakeholders’ meeting regarding the revision of the Law on Notarial Acts. She attended the spring meeting of the American Bar Association’s Business Law Section, the American Law Institute’s annual meeting and the NCCUSL annual meeting. The LLM in Dispute Resolution degree program has 22 students this year, including 13 new students and nine continuing students. This is another very experienced, talented, exciting and diverse group. Again we have students from around the world, including new students from Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka and Taiwan. Biographies of this year’s class are posted at law. missouri.edu/llm/current-students/. Pictured above, front row from left: Jacqueline D. Shipma, ’88; Zain Satardien; Ho Yoon Hwang; Kemi Gefu and Szu-Liang “Caillou” Chen. Back row, from left: Hank Schwetye; Susan Rouse; Robert Thompson; Ivan Rugema; Richard D. Moore III, ’69; Brian Pappas and Govinda Jayasinghe. Not pictured: John Blankenship; Roger Brown; Angel Dimov; Martha Halvordson; Barbara Johnson; Aaron D. Jones, ’98; Jiaqi Liang; Peggy McNeive; Karrén M. Prasifka, ’85; and Stephanie Sloggett-O’Dell. Tell Us What You Want to Read! If you have an idea for a regular feature you believe should be included or an alum you’d like to see recognized, let us know! Send suggestions to the editor: Casey Baker Director of External Relations MU School of Law 205 Hulston Hall Columbia, MO 65211 Tel.: 573-884-7833 Fax: 573-882-4984 E-mail: bakercd@missouri.edu 26 Tr a nscr ipt | Fall 2007 NEWS FACULT Y NOTE South Africa Summer Study Abroad Program joined by 10 students from other American law schools, journeyed to Cape Town, South Africa, this summer as participants in the law school’s Summer Study Abroad Program. The sixweek program allows students to take three two-credit comparative law classes in dispute resolution, constitutional law and criminal law at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). As part of the program, students attended a session of Parliament, watched preliminary criminal hearings at the Municipal Court in the Khyalisha Township and toured the Goodwood Prison. Professor Jim Levin directed the program and taught the dispute resolution course and Professor Kandice Johnson taught the criminal law course. Three UWC professors and 20 South African law students also participated in the program. The South Africa Summer Study Abroad Program began in 2004 as a component of MU’s 21-year relationship with UWC. The law school also has developed a scholarship fund that allows one or two UWC students to come to Columbia each year to participate in the LLM in Dispute Resolution program. Fourteen MU Law students, Students from across the country participate in the School of Law’s South Africa Program. At the Cape of Good Hope, MU Law students Grant J. Ankrom, 2L (in back); Melissa E. Denton, 2L (second from left); and Jonathan W. Bertz, 2L (third from left), join students from the University of Denver and the University of Buffalo. Carl H. Esbeck has an article forthcoming this fall in the Journal of Law and Religion titled “The 60th Anniversary of the Everson Decision and America’s Church-State Proposition.” In April Esbeck presented a paper at the West Virginia College of Law at the Religion Clauses in the 21st Century symposium. His forthcoming article in the West Virginia Law Review is titled “When Accommodations for Religion Violate the Establishment Clause: Regularizing the Supreme Court’s Analysis.” The Adventist Lawyer Web site (www. adventistlawyer.com) has reprinted Esbeck’s article “‘Play in the Joints Between The Religion Clauses’ and Other Supreme Court Catachreses,” which first appeared in 34 Hofstra Law Review 1331 (2006). On May 30 Esbeck was interviewed on radio station KBIA concerning the “Evangelical Declaration Against Torture” and his role on the drafting committee. The statement has been the subject of stories in The New York Times and Washington Post. In June, Esbeck attended the board of directors meeting of the Christian Legal Society in St. Louis. He presented a report on the work of the Center for Law & Religious Freedom, the public interest law firm that litigates on behalf of the society. Earlier that month, Esbeck was asked to chair the search committee to fill the James E. Campbell Missouri Endowed Professorship at the School of Law. Also on the committee are Professors John Lande and Amy Monahan. » For more information about the South Africa Summer Study Abroad Program, please visit law.missouri.edu/jd/study-abroad/africa/ law.missouri.edu Fall 2007 | Tr a nscr ipt 27 NEWS H O N O R S & A W A R D S FACULT Y NOTE Freyermuth Receives Prestigious Kemper Fellowship John D. Lawson Professor of Law, was honored with a William T. Kemper Fellowship for Teaching Excellence in April during a surprise visit to his classroom by MU Chancellor Brady Deaton and Chairman Jim Schatz of Commerce Bank. Freyermuth joined the law faculty in 1992 and teaches in the areas of property, real estate, secured transactions and local government. He currently serves as the executive director of the Joint Editorial Board for Uniform Real Property Acts, and served as the Reporter for the Uniform Assignment of Rents Act and the Uniform Residential Mortgage Satisfaction Act. He has co-written widely used texts in both property and secured transactions. Freyermuth clerked for the late Judge John D. Butzner Jr. of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, and also worked with the North Carolina firm of Womble, Carlyle, R. Wilson Freyermuth, Wilson Freyermuth, with former MU Law Professor Grant Nelson, hosted the 2007 Missouri Law Review Symposium, A Festschrift in Honor of Dale A. Whitman, where he delivered a presentation titled “Why Mortgagors Can’t Get No Satisfaction.” In this paper, Freyermuth, who was the Reporter for the 2004 Uniform Residential Mortgage Satisfaction Act, addressed the disconnect between 19th century state mortgage satisfaction laws and modern residential mortgage transactions, as well as the structural obstacles to legislative efforts to reform mortgage satisfaction laws. In April, Freyermuth was one of four law professors on a panel that addressed recent notable property cases as part of the program at the American Bar Association Real Property, Probate and Trust Law Section’s semi-annual meeting. During the fall, Freyermuth prepared a paper for, and is serving as a faculty member for, the Tribal Judicial Institute, a conference to provide training for tribal judges regarding the provisions of the Model Tribal Secured Transactions Act, a variation of UCC Article 9, adapted for the purpose of governing secured transactions taking place within the jurisdiction of Indian tribes. Sandridge and Rice in its commercial real estate and bankruptcy practice areas. He served as the managing editor of the Duke Law Journal and was elected to the Order of the Coif. He has served as a visiting professor at Duke University School of Law, the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill School of Law, Washington University School of Law in St. Louis, and the University of Denver Sturm College of Law. “Wilson Freyermuth is someone who cares deeply about his teaching and his students,” Dean Larry Dessem says. “Whether it is in the classroom, when counseling students in his office or advising former students on career choices, Professor Freyermuth is always there for his students.” Fellowships are awarded to only five professors at MU each year and come with a $10,000 award. They were established by William T. Kemper, a 1926 graduate of MU and civic leader in Kansas City, Mo. Go to a new job? Move to a new home? Change your mailing address? Dale A. Whitman retired at the end of the summer. He is teaching property and real estate transactions at Washington University in St. Louis this fall. His latest article, “Deconstructing Lingle: Implications for Takings Doctrine,” appeared in the winter 2007 issue of the John Marshall Law Review. 28 Tr a nscr ipt | Fall 2007 Contact our office and we’ll help you stay in touch with your law school. Call 573-882-4374 or e-mail » mulawevents@missouri.edu to submit changes of address or indicate where you prefer to receive your mailings from the School of Law. Or fill out the form on our Web site at » law.missouri.edu/alumni/update-form. law.missouri.edu NEWS S T A F F N O T E S FACULT Y NOTE Kathy Smith Celebrates 20 Years at the School of Law Kathy Smith celebrated her 20th anniversary at the School of Law and her 25th anniversary at MU this year. In 1982, she started at MU in the Division of Rheumatology/ Immunology in the Department of Medicine. Five years later, she transferred to the Law Library. Currently she works for the director of the Law Library and is the building coordinator for Hulston Hall. “Working here at the Law Library is very challenging and never dull,” Smith says. “ I manage a vast array of administrative details for the Law Library, but find it very rewarding. I have very much enjoyed being a part of the law school family for the past 20 years.” Smith and her husband live in a log home on a 14-acre ranch in New Bloomfield, Mo. One of her many hobbies is playing bluegrass music with her husband and friends in Hartsburg, Mo., on the banks of the Missouri River, and in their barn, which is set up as a music studio. She also enjoys sewing, counted crossstitch, golfing and camping at her favorite bluegrass festival. Staff Recognition Each month, staff at the School of Law are recognized for their contributions to the school. Awardees are selected based on their nominations from other law school staff or faculty. The Law Library staff recognition program honors staff who demonstrate exemplary performance of high quality work that is organized, accurate and timely; have an excellent knowledge base and continuous skills development; offer outstanding service to external and internal customers and colleagues; or demonstrate innovation, creativity and leadership in furthering the library’s mission. The School of Law staff recognition program honors staff who demonstrate a high quality performance that goes above and beyond the call of duty, including, but not limited to, providing excellent service to internal and external customers, identifying and sharing new ideas and ways to support the mission of the School of Law and demonstrating cooperation and communication with colleagues to further the goals of the school. law.missouri.edu Recent Law Library Awardees Diane Collins, interlibrary loan specialist Tamara Guilford Davis, circulation specialist Jessica Longaker, bibliographic specialist Kathy Smith, administrative associate Scott Weiser, multimedia support specialist Alan Whitman, internet administrator Recent Law School Awardees Casey Baker, director of external relations, Office of Development Michelle Heck, admissions representative, Office of Admissions and Student Services Heather Kalb, office support staff, administrative office Elaine Litwiller, administrative associate, fiscal office Joy Naeger, administrative associate, fiscal office Robin Nichols, administrative assistant, Office of the Dean Lesley Nilges, administrative assistant, Office of Career and Professional Development Monique Prince, administrative assistant, Clinical Programs Alisha Rychnovsky, manager of business and fiscal operations, fiscal office Philip J. Harter participated in the International Forum on Mediation in Administrative Litigation, held at Suzhou University in China in April. In June, he taught an intensive course in environmental dispute resolution at Vermont Law School, as he has done for the past 18 years. At the American Bar Association’s Section of Dispute Resolution annual meeting, he participated on a panel titled Whither Public Policy Mediation, which reviewed the current use of mediation by federal agencies and made recommendations for improvement. Harter continues his participation in a joint effort by the Federal Interagency Working Group on ADR and the Sections of Administrative Law and Dispute Resolution that explores the differences between collaborative processes that are designed to provide advice to an agency and those in which the goal is a consensus. He lectured on public participation in the regulatory process on behalf of American University’s Center for the Study of Rulemaking, focusing on developing the rules that will govern appeals from Medicare decisions. Harter proposed a committee for the Section of Administrative Law of the American Bar Association to focus on collaborative governance and was appointed its founding chair. The committee addresses non-traditional regulatory schemes, such as collaboration between the government and private players, agreements between agencies and regulated entities, harmonization of international requirements and private sector actions that are taken in lieu of binding arbitration. Fall 2007 | Tr a nscr ipt 29 NEWS C E L E B R A T I O N FACULT Y NOTE Symposium Celebrates Whitman’s Career as a scholar, teacher, colleague, dean, president of the Association of American Law Schools and reporter for the Restatement of Property (Third) — Mortgages, Dale A. Whitman has made immeasurable contributions to law teaching, the legal professor and law reform. In April, the School of Law hosted a symposium to celebrate Whitman’s career, bringing together property scholars and experts from around the country. “Dale Whitman has made lasting and significant contributions not only to our own law school, but to American legal education and the field of property law,” Dean Larry Dessem says. “It was wonderful to see Dale and his scholarship celebrated in this fashion — by both leading scholars from across the country and our own faculty.” The presentations made at the symposium will be available in the fall 2007 edition of the Missouri Law Review. In his long and distinguished career Robert G. Bailey was elected to the board of governors of the National Academy of Arbitrators at its annual meeting in San Francisco. He also serves on the academy’s Audit Committee. Bailey participated as a panelist in an advocates training session during the meeting. Bailey attended the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniformed State Laws (NCCUSL) annual meeting in July. He is a member of the Uniformed Volunteer Emergency Health Care Drafting Committee. The conference approved the text of the Emergency Health Care Act drafted by the committee. Bailey also serves on the Collaborative Law Drafting Committee. He is on the NCAA Accreditation Team for the Pennsylvania State University athletic department accreditation review. On campus, Bailey has been reappointed to the University’s Conflict of Interest Committee. He is teaching the Freshman Interest Group (FIG) on law and society. T h e P re s e n ter s BERMAN BURKHART Professor Andrew R. Berman New York Law School “The Hazards of Mezzanine Loans and Preferred Equity Investments: What Your Lawyer Is Not Telling You” Professor Ann M. Burkhart University of Minnesota Law School “The Twenty-First Century Real Estate Lawyer” Professor Richard A. Epstein Earl F. Nelson Lecturer University of Chicago Law School “How to Solve (or Avoid) the Exactions Problem” Royce deR. Barondes published “Fiduciary Duties in Distressed Corporations: Second-Generation Issues,” in the Journal of Business & Technology Law. He also co-wrote a second article, “Underwriters’ Counsel as Gatekeeper or Turnstile: An Empirical Analysis of Law Firm Prestige and Performance in IPOs,” in the Capital Markets Law Journal. Professor Julie Forrester Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law “Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: The Benefits to Homeowners” LOVETT 30 Tr a nscr ipt | Fall 2007 NELSON EPSTEIN FORRESTER Professor Paula A. Franzese Seton Hall University School of Law “Communitarian and Contractarian Solutions to the Dilemma of Common Interest Communities” Professor R. Wilson Freyermuth MU School of Law “Why Mortgagors Can’t Get No Satisfaction” Professor John A. Lovett Loyola University New Orleans College of Law “Doctrines of Waste in a Landscape of Waste” Professor Grant S. Nelson UCLA School of Law “Foreclosure Purchase by the Holder of the Equity of Redemption or Other Junior Interests: When Should Principles of Fairness and Morality Trump Normal Priority Rules?” OLIVERI PHILLIPS FRANZESE FREYERMUTH Professor Rigel C. Oliveri MU School of Law “The Erosion of PostAcquisition Discrimination and Harassment Claims Under the Fair Housing Act” Professor Georgette Chapman Phillips University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business and School of Law “Boundaries of Exclusion” Professor Gregory M. Stein University of Tennessee College of Law “Mortgage Law in China: Comparing Theory and Practice” Professor Dale A. Whitman MU School of Law “The Legal Education Committee’s Property Curriculum Study” STEIN WHITMAN law.missouri.edu HONOR ROLL ✽ Contributors 2006–2007 The School of Law recognizes the following individuals who provided financial support during the 2007 fiscal year, which began July 1, 2006, and ended June 30, 2007. Gifts and pledges for the fiscal year totaled $2.6 million. Class of 1940 Dollars....................... $1,700 Participation................. 30% John R. Bailey Thomas E. Deacy Jr. Leo J. Rozier Class of 1941 Participation................. 17% Estate of John K. Hulston Class of 1942 Participation................. 50% Cecil C. Orear Jr. James F. Menefee Jerome W. Seigfreid Welzie W. Webb Bernard C. Rice Stewart W. Smith Jr. John Rogers Whitmore Floyd E. Lawson Jr. James H. McLarney Brick P. Storts III Class of 1952 Class of 1959 Class of 1963 Dollars....................... $2,450 Participation................. 21% Lane D. Bauer Erwin M. Blant William H. Leedy Austin F. Shute Richard H. Spencer Montgomery L. Wilson Dollars.................... $116,040 Participation................. 30% Charles E. Brown Bob F. Griffin Stanley A. Grimm Arthur Z. Guller Sam F. Hamra Gustav J. Lehr Jr. Albert C. Lowes Robert W. Maupin Lowell R. McCuskey Larry L. McMullen James Wm. Roberts William E. Rulon Herbert C. Willbrand Dollars....................... $1,325 Participation................. 10% James T. Buckley Roger J. Modersbach Don K. Pettus Leo W. Schrader Class of 1953 Participation................. 20% Ninian M. Edwards Jr. Estate of Eugene M. Sackin Dollars......................$13,650 Participation................. 13% Walter D. McQuie Jr. James R. Reinhard Walter L. Walker Class of 1948 Class of 1954 Participation...................7% Charles E. Dapron Robert L. Hawkins Jr. Participation...................8% Don Chapman Jr. Class of 1947 Class of 1949 Dollars.......................$6,800 Participation................. 15% David M. Beckerman Frank D. Connett Jr. Thaddeus C. McCanse Nedwyn R. Nelkin Wade D. Rubick Robert C. Smith Class of 1950 Dollars....................... $3,600 Participation................. 10% W. Thomas Coghill Jr. Robert E. Crist George A. Henry Class of 1951 Dollars....................... $3,300 Participation................. 29% J. David Collins Henry C. Copeland Bruce K. Denebeim Donal D. Guffey Roger T. Hurwitz Stephen N. Limbaugh Sr. Class of 1955 Dollars..........................$435 Participation................. 14% H. Murray Claycomb Robert F. Devoy Bruce Normile Class of 1956 Dollars....................... $1,325 Participation................. 19% Bill D. Burlison Frank Conley William E. Farris Class of 1957 Participation...................7% Theodore Beckett Ronald M. Bushman Class of 1958 Dollars....................... $5,225 Participation................. 24% David Perry Anderson William Andy Dalton Lynden N. Goodwin Fred L. Hall Jr. Keith E. Mattern Class of 1960 Dollars......................$15,750 Participation................. 25% Eugene G. Bushmann Donald E. Chaney Ralph Edwards Charles B. Faulkner Bernard N. Frank Carl D. Gum Jr. Franklin D. Holder John D. Rahoy James E. Spain Julius F. Wall Class of 1961 Dollars....................... $7,200 Participation................. 20% John Fox Arnold Alex Bartlett Richard J. Blanck Thomas J. Conway Darwin A. Hindman Jr. Frank M. Masters B. Kent Snapp Richard K. Wilson Stanford A. Zeldin Class of 1962 Dollars......................$10,650 Participation................. 14% James T. Ausmus Maurice B. Graham Class of 1964 Dollars....................... $1,610 Participation................. 14% Francis Cullen Cline Jr. Wade Hampton Ford Jr. Alfred C. Sikes II Leon L. Stelling Marvin E. Wright William E. Zleit Class of 1965 Dollars....................... $6,350 Participation................. 13% Lewis M. Blanton Robert M. Clayton II William L. Davis John M. Gibson Harold L. Lowenstein Lawrence H. Pelofsky John K. Pruellage H. Dee Wampler III Class of 1966 Dollars................... $4,765.03 Participation................. 11% Earl E. Boyd Glen F. Hackmann Stephen F. Hanlon Robert L. Jackson Jr. Maynard R. Johnson Philip K. Marblestone Edwin Scott Orr N. William Phillips Class of 1967 Dollars....................... $5,325 Participation................. 14% Thomas F. Fisher Gene Hamilton David K. Hardy Daniel H. LeGear Jr. 31 Contributors James A. McDowell H. Fred Northcraft David E. Rosenbaum E. Richard Webber Class of 1968 HONOR ROLL John B. Renick Charles J. Schmelzer III Thomas N. Sterchi Craig A. Van Matre Charles R. Wall Class of 1971 Dollars......................$71,250 Participation................. 18% Terrence Ahern James M. Beck James D. Ellis David A. Fischer James V. Glascock Harvey L. Kaplan Paul T. Lyon David L. McCoid C. Patrick McLarney John R. Musgrave Robert E. Northrip Joyce M. Otten J. Richard Owensby George Lane Roberts Jr. Wallace J. Turnage Jr. J. David Wharton Dollars......................$17,540 Participation................. 17% Daniel K. Atwill A. Howard Chamberlin Thomas R. Corbett K. Preston Dean II Dale C. Doerhoff Nick Dunagan Glen A. Glass Gregory F. Hoffmann Stephen D. Hoyne Michael A. Middleton John R. Phillips William J. Roberts Michael J. Thompson John L. Walker Jr. Paul L. Wickens Class of 1969 Class of 1972 Dollars......................$37,506 Participation................. 21% Clifford H. Ahrens Alan L. Atterbury Bob L. Bruer Paul E. Kovacs Richard N. Nixon David D. Noce Gerry D. Osterland Thomas L. Patten Claude H. Potts III Edward H. Sheppard III John R. Sims James Madison Smart Jr. B. Jill Steps Kenneth H. Suelthaus J. Edward Sweeney Dollars......................$34,950 Participation................. 17% Ted D. Ayres Robert T. Beezley Donald G. Cheever David C. Christian Rachel R. Eidelman Thomas J. Frawley Douglas N. Ghertner Douglas S. Lang Robert L. Langdon Louis N. Lee III John B. Lewis John P. Lichtenegger William G. Mays II Bruce McCurry Warren L. McElwain John L. McMullin III Meredith L. Ratcliff Robert S. Rosenthal Edwin J. Spiegel III Stephen L. Taylor Class of 1970 Dollars.................... $167,815 Participation................. 22% Nolen W. Berry Irwin E. Blond Howard M. Bushman Jack L. Campbell John W. Cowden Thomas E. Cummings Albert W Dieffenbach Jr. Robert H. Grant John C. Holstein John C. Monica Morris J. Nunn Dennis D. Palmer 32 Class of 1973 Dollars......................$47,100 Participation................. 15% Robert E. Almirall David W. Ansley William F. Arnet Sanborn N. Ball Allan D. Barton L. Clay Barton James R. Bickel ✽ 2006–2007 Robert J. Blackwell Mark I. Bronson James E. Crowe Jr. Webb R. Gilmore Paul W. King John B. Montgomery Terrence J. O’Toole Gary Oxenhandler W. Patrick Resen Patrick K. Roberts Jack L. Simmons R James Stilley Jr. Rhonda C. Thomas W.H. Thomas Jr. Class of 1974 Dollars......................$21,785 Participation...................7% C. Ronald Baird Edward C. Bruntrager John M. Carnahan III Frank M. Evans III David L. Forbes Allan M. Goodloe Jr. Rodney E. Loomer Abe R. Paul Charles R. Stamp Jr. Class of 1975 Dollars..................... $38,050 Participation................. 21% Bruce E. Anderson Joseph A. Cambiano John L. Cook W. Mitchell Elliott Anne W. Elsberry Buford L. Farrington Michael E. Godar William F. Koenigsdorf Elizabeth Lang-Miers Nanette K. Laughrey Edward M. Manring William T. Marks W. Dudley McCarter Gene C. Napier Steven C. Parrish Lyndel H. Porterfield Bill L. Thompson J. Michael Vaughan John R. Weisenfels Patricia L. Wilson Richard D. Woods Class of 1976 Dollars......................$16,945 Participation................. 17% Roger M. Baron Thomas B. Becker Bruce H. Beckett Kenneth D. Dean James W. Erwin Steven E. Faber Eric C. Harris Robert Michael Heller Robert D. Higginbotham Amy Rehm Hinderer H. William Hinderer H. Martin Jayne Thomas R. Jayne Michael E. Kaemmerer Gary R. Long Peggy Stevens McGraw Jeffrey O. Parshall W. Gregory Plumb R. J. Robertson Jr. Terrence T. Schoeninger Jerry W. Venters Robert E. Young Class of 1977 Dollars....................... $5,925 Participation................. 18% Robert S. Bogard Richard Patrick Bumb Linda M. Castleman Ann K. Covington J. David Croessmann Michael A. Dallmeyer Deborah Daniels William W. Francis Jr. Diane M. Garber Charles Walter German William L. Hall Randall Louis Head Paul V. Herbers Timothy Kevin Kellett Lenzie L. Leftridge Jr. Terence G. Lord J. Kent Lowry Gregory Luzecky Teresa H. Martin Terry Daley Schwartze Class of 1978 Dollars..................... $20,566 Participation................. 18% Jane L. Adam Dan H. Ball Merritt M. Beck III Craig S. Biesterfeld Allen W. Blair Michael W. Bradley Kevin P. Buchanan C. K. Casteel Jr. Edward A. Chod Michael K. Cully William J. Daily Steven Logan Finerty HONOR ROLL Michael W. Hanna Kandice K. Johnson Andrew B. Leonard Sherrill L. Rosen Mark Z. Schraier Andrew B. See Karen M. See Craig A. Smith Stephen D. Smith Brian C. Underwood David Taylor Welch Dennis P. Wilson Class of 1979 Dollars....................... $8,905 Participation................. 11% William L. Allinder Robert G. Bailey L. James Bandy Jr. H. Riley Bock Kristin K. Bryant Edward L. Campbell Susan Gum Crigler Stephen E. Cupples Douglas Y. Curran Mark P. Mantovani Walter B. McCormick Jr. Charles F. Miller Class of 1980 Dollars....................... $8,896 Participation................. 17% Michael Roy Baker Eric Kendall Banks Robert E. Childress Clark H. Cole Daniel T. Engle Milton B. Garber David H. Gibbons William K. Haas JoAnne Spears Jackson Stephen G. Newman Randall B. Palmer Michael J. Patton Robert E. Pinnell Edward M. Pultz Johnny K. Richardson Mark R. Rudoff Paul J. Seele Jane A. Smith Joseph L. Stokely H. Morley Swingle David L. Wieland Michael L. Yates Class of 1981 Dollars....................... $6,605 Participation................. 11% Jerome S. Antel III Suzanne Modlin Flanegin Edward J. Grewach Susan Pinion Holliday Kristi Lynne Kenney Brent J. Mayberry Mary E. Nelson Phillip S. Page R. David Ray Kevin C. Roberts Stephen H. Snead H. Scott Summers Alexander D. Tomaszczuk Kenneth D. Whiteside Tamra L. Wilson Setser Class of 1982 Dollars......................$17,545 Participation................. 14% Gena Jo Awerkamp Jeffrey J. Brinker Cathy J. Dean Don M. Downing George T. Floros Robin Van Winkle Foster Mary E. W. Harris Paul M. Macon John R. Mencl Robert M. N. Palmer David W. Ransin Randa Rawlins Carl E. Schaeperkoetter Daniel W. Shinn Deirdre O’Meara Smith Mary-Michael Sterchi Kevin R. Sweeney John Warshawsky Class of 1983 Dollars......................$18,050 Participation................. 15% Robert R. Barton David E. Bell Mark V. Berndtson Jeffrey A. Burns Deanna Apperson Burns James A. Burt Jeffrey J. Comotto E. Sidney Douglas III Dennis Carl Eckold Lisa Moen Eckold Dean L. Franklin Jr. Roger C. Geary J. Brian Griffith Philip M. Hess John R. LePage James C. Morrow Donna I. Raney Mary L. Rhodes Russell Nancy L. Shelledy ✽ Contributors 2006–2007 Mareta J. Smith Randee S. Stemmons Edwin L. Walker Class of 1984 Dollars..................... $86,270 Participation................. 15% Philip W. Bledsoe Frank C. Brown Nancy L. Hatley Browne Sharon M. Busch Anthony G. Bush Teresa L. Clark Maurice D. Early Cynthia G. Edwards Heather S. Heidelbaugh Steven W. Lambson James M. McClellan Michael E. Melton John Jackson Miller Gretchen H. Myers William S. Ohlemeyer Larry M. Schumaker Gary W. Tappana Janet M. Thompson Robert W. Wheeler Lois M. Zerrer Class of 1985 Dollars......................$11,550 Participation................. 14% Lynn Newsum Bock Jane Bridgewater Byers Keith Alan Cary William M. Corrigan Jr. John Alan Cowherd Glen Ray Ehrhardt Karl Frederick Findorff Lorna Louise Frahm Kendall R. Garten Daniel R.E. Jordan LLM ‘01 William Charles Love Jr. Kathy L. Mead Kimberly J. Norwood Robert J. Selsor Andrew M. Solomon Class of 1986 Dollars......................$19,584 Participation...................8% Melody Richardson Daily Carole Lewis Iles Rhona S. Lyons Ronald A. Norwood W. Edward Reeves James F. Ritzen Diane L. Rubenstein David A. Stratmann Sarah E. Terrace Kimberly Shell Zellmer Class of 1987 Dollars..................... $21,828 Participation................. 13% Robert T. Adams Mary Butts Bruntrager Robert T. Ebert Jr. Richard W. Engel Jr. Mark D. Grimm Elizabeth Healey Sara E. Kotthoff Christopher J. Molzen Philip J. Morgan Michael David Regan Brian Rosenthal Joshua L. Schonfeld Gayle Grissum Stratmann Scott L. Templeton Elizabeth Ann Urbance T. John Wise Daniel Roy Young Class of 1988 Dollars....................... $5,442 Participation................. 12% Brett D. Anders Lewis D. Barr Mike W. Bartolacci Bruce H. Bates Mary M. Beck Lisa Capshaw Cushing Kurt F. James Daniel F. Kellogg Pamela S. Lucken Laura Thielmeier Roy Gregory J. Scott Shannon A. Shy Price A. Sloan Ann E. Thompson Lee J. Viorel III Chris N. Weiss Class of 1989 Dollars......................$11,250 Participation................... 5% J. Ronald Carrier Herbert E. Hardwick Thomas M Harrison Mark S. Samila Richard L. Saville Jr. James H. Young Class of 1990 Dollars....................... $7,526 Participation................. 10% Eva M. Auman Alana M. Barragan-Scott Paul I. J. Fleischut Rebecca Millan Glenn 33 Contributors John P. Hoel Mark A. Jess Joseph M. Krutzsch Mark A. Langworthy Gregory J. Minana Michael L. Murray Louis W. Riggs Robert M. Thompson Mary Doerhoff Winter Gary D. Witt Class of 1991 Dollars....................... $1,511 Participation...................6% Philip J. Boeckman Shari Weinman Crespy J. Bradley Funk Jennifer K. Huckfeldt Dianna Coy Long James D. Maher Jeanne Morrison Hann James A. Rodenberg Neal Michael Tasch Class of 1992 Dollars....................... $4,950 Participation...................9% Scott E. Blair Jennifer Clifton Ferguson April Ann Fredlund Daryanani Jacob Y. Garrett Cara L. Harris Sherry A. Mariea Kevin P. McDowell Daniel C. Nelson Mark Everett Parrish Mark D. Pfeiffer Elizabeth A. Phillips Stuart K. Shaw Class of 1993 Dollars......................$14,069 Participation................. 10% Michael W. Atchison James Mitchell Crabtree Jay M. Dade David Allen Dick Brian S. Franciskato Art Hinshaw David M. Israelite Shana Jerene Long James Michael Niemann Harold B. Oakley Victoria Lee Smith Steven D. Soden Anthony Michael Totta 34 HONOR ROLL ✽ 2006–2007 Class of 1994 Class of 1998 Class of 2002 Dollars....................... $8,133 Participation...................6% James Edward Berger Michael Anthony Bickhaus Eric A. Farris Michael K. Hamra Daniel B. Johnson Lisa Lee Jordan John Daniel Moore Chris P. Sweeny Dollars....................... $3,042 Participation................. 10% Jennifer L. Atterbury Elizabeth Tenorio Davis Daniel Patrick Devers Joseph L. Hensley Aaron D. Jones Brian Timothy McCartney Lea Catherine St. John-Ritzen Edward S. Stevens Matthew Duff Turner Michael A. Williams Scott Andrew Wilson Jennifer Lea Woods Dollars....................... $4,748 Participation................... 7% Cynthia Jane Alkon Ashley C. Baine Jamica Dowell Brett Ashley Emison Matthew J. Landwehr James Kyle McCurry William F. Northrip Angel J. Pagan Cordero Tonya D. Page Blake J. Pryor Marc W. Vander Tuig Class of 1995 Dollars....................... $3,103 Participation...................7% Robert S. Bruer Michael Nelson Chandler Daniel W. Follett Thomas G. Glick Christopher M. Hohn Timothy M. Huskey Christopher W. Jensen Richard Monroe Paul III Stephen Gerard Strauss Thomas Christopher Watkins Raymond E. Williams Class of 1996 Dollars....................... $3,935 Participation...................9% Eric Michael Anielak Todd Henry Bartels Susan Jennings Bell Kim K. Gibbens Terry M. Jarrett Erick John Roeder Stephanie Elizabeth Russell Paula Rene Hicks Schaefer Mark Lamar Stoneman Robyn R. Strange Maureen Mannion Vogel Erin A. Webber Class of 1997 Dollars........................$7,961 Participation................. 10% Thomas C. Albus Reachel A. Beichley Jason Lee Bush Catherine Baker Chatman Matthew Scott Darrough Shelly C. Buff Dreyer John Lawrence Ellis Douglas Blair Harris Angela K. Hatley Garms Dylan L. Murray Michelle Boehm O’Neal Megan E. Phillips Beth S. Riggert Class of 1999 Dollars..........................$325 Participation...................3% Randy L. Canis Sean Patrick Clancy Andrea Mazza Follett Mondi Lee Ghasedi Michael Richard Leamer Class of 2000 Dollars....................... $3,558 Participation...................7% Ann Ahrens Beck Jesse J. Camacho Tyson H. Ketchum Fredrick J. Ludwig Donna L. Pavlick LLM Mary Ellen Reimund Michael Joseph Schmid Elena Maria Vega Jeffrey Brent Williams Brett Andrew Williams Kimberly A. Yates Class of 2001 Dollars........................$1,414 Participation...................9% Carolyn M. Allen Nicholas M. Burkemper Lindsay E. Cohen Omar D. Davis Jean M. Dickman Daphne Rae Halderman Douglas R. Lawlyes Bradford B. Lear James E. Meadows Margaret P. Murphy Natalie Holden Riley Mark Milam Stevenson Todd C. Werts Class of 2003 Dollars....................... $2,073 Participation...................9% Mitchell Dean Berry Raymond P. Bozarth Melissa Ann Faurot Natalya Yakovlevna Johnson Bryan Michael Kaemmerer Jeffrey John Koch Joe Richard Kuhl Jason B. Moore Kelly Renee Moyich Mary Hoemann Newell Kara Deonne Paulding Monty C. Platz Jason Caturia Rahoy Dustin Cole Read Brian Daniel Rogers Julia C. Walker Class of 2004 Dollars....................... $1,592 Participation................. 11% Thomas L. Azar Alyson M. Carrel Jennifer Ann Chierek J. Chandler Gregg Jason C. Grill G. Nicole Hininger Royetta M. Jones Martin Anthony Miller Christopher Lee Neudecker Lise A. Nyrop Robert Lee Ortbals Jr. Joshua Michael Raaz Bridget Birkby Romero Nevada M. Smith JR Swanegan Jennifer L. Thompson Jennifer Ann Visintine Ryan Jacob Wartick Allen Todd Zugelter HONOR ROLL Class of 2005 Dollars....................... $1,512 Participation................. 13% Walter L. Barnes II Lorraine C. Buck John Frederick Crawford Jennifer Anita Foster Jeffrey Lee Hilbrenner J. Andrew Hirth James Robert Howard Frank Custer Koranda Michael Stephen Kruse Caroline A. LaVallee Betsy K. Loomer Jason Robert Mudd Clare Noel Murphy Jason Elwyn Newton Christopher Richard Pieper Ryan Edward Shaw Marissa Lynn Todd Adam Lee Warren Jayne Tiana Woods Class of 2006 Dollars....................... $5,173 Participation................. 27% Leslie Faye Ashbrook John C. Ayres Sarah E. Baron Houy Kathleen M. Birkhofer Eric Edmund Bohl Natalie L. Brinkley Kristen Lea Ellis Alison L. Esbeck James Patrick Faul Rex Patrick Fennessey John Robert Griffith Mary Jane Groff Christopher Michael Harper Jay D. Hastings Crystal Hermann Fieber Jacob Gordon Jackson Jon W. Jordan Michael James Judy Daniel R. Kocab Jacki J. Langum Fredrick Albert Lutz Joshua Lee Mareschal Kristin R. Morin Kameron Wade Murphy Natalie Jeanne Nichols Kathryn Nichole Nolen Abigail Justine Woodward Sapp Jason D. Sapp Marty Wayne Seaton Timothy Daniel Steffens Scott Timothy Summers Jason Kenneth Turk Colin D. Uhrick R. Adam Vickery Tamara Ann Wallace Stephanie L. Wan Jesse E. Weisshaar Katherine Ashley Welch Bryan Turner White Jennifer Dawn Wilson ✽ 2006–2007 Contributors 2007 Class Fund Drive Supports Law School Projects During the May commencement ceremony, Dean Larry Dessem announced the total amount raised by the graduating law students during the 2007 Class Fund drive — $11,800. In keeping with tradition, the members of the Class Fund Steering Committee asked each of their classmates to make a gift or pledge to the School of Law. Classmates could choose any area of support, with gift designations including scholarships, faculty research and student organizations. Since 1989, third-year students have raised more than $156,000 during their last semester of law school to support a variety of initiatives at the School of Law. The following 2007 graduates have made gifts or pledges to the campaign. Names with asterisks indicate those who served on the 2007 Class Fund Steering Committee, led by Joshua C. Devine and Jessica R. Gunder. Erin C. Bartley *Natalee M. Binkholder *Kathryn A. Busch Alicia M. Cornish Amber L. Davis *Joshua C. Devine *Christina K. Eberhard *Thomas R.B. Ellis Evan F.F. Fitts *Andrew W. Funk *Jessica R. Gunder Benjamin C. Hassebrock *Erik G. Holland *Jason A. Kempf *Mitchell E. Kempker Kelly L. King *Fibbens A. Koranteng Caroline S. Kornelis Richard L. Koreger *Alfred J. Ludwig Jocelynne P. McAdory *Marc N. Middleton Theodore A. Norwood Daniel P. O’Hearn Megan B. Pittman Dianna R. Reed Antwaun L. Smith *Brad K. Thoenen Margaret E. Thompson Stephanie D. White Thorn *Marcus C. Wilbers 35 Leadership Gifts $100,000 or more Estate of Herbert Henley Blair Sam F. Hamra Charles R. Wall $50,000 to $99,999 Estate of Marcia R. Shortridge Hulston Family Foundation John Sublett Logan Foundation Microsoft Corporation Estate of Earl F. Nelson William S. Ohlemeyer $25,000 to $49,999 AT&T James D. Ellis Webb R. Gilmore Estate of Carolyn M. Hill Estate of Helen Louise Kassebaum Robert L. Langdon Kenneth H. Suelthaus $10,000 to $24,999 William M. Corrigan Jr. John W. Cowden Maurice B. Graham KWAME Foundation Linda S. Legg Walter D. McQuie Jr. Steven C. Parrish Shook Hardy & Bacon Shughart Thomson & Kilroy Gayle Grissum Stratmann David A. Stratmann Student Bar Association Van Matre, Harrison & Volkert, PC $5000 to $9999 William L. Allinder John Fox Arnold James M. Beck David M. Beckerman Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin LLP Frank C. Brown John M. Carnahan III Grant Davis Larry & Beth Dessem E. Sidney Douglas III Anne W. Elsberry Buford L. Farrington David L. Forbes Glen A. Glass Susan F. Heinsz John P. Hoel Daniel B. Johnson 36 HONOR ROLL Robert M. Lande Gustav J. Lehr Jr. Gary R. Long Rodney E. Loomer C. Patrick McLarney Robert E. Northrip Thomas L. Patten Polsinelli Shalton Flanigan Suelthaus John K. Pruellage Marjorie Sackin Katherine A. Sharp Sonnenschein Scholars Foundation St. Louis Bar Foundation Brian C. Underwood $1000 to $4999 A.T. Still University of Health Sciences, Inc. Accurso Law Firm Jane L. Adam Robert T. Adams Robert E. Almirall Bruce E. Anderson William F. Arnet Michael William Atchison Alan L. Atterbury Bartimus Frickleton Robertson & Gorny, PC Mike W. Bartolacci L. Clay Barton Bruce H. Beckett Michael Anthony Bickhaus Craig S. Biesterfeld Black Law Students Association Philip W. Bledsoe Deanna Apperson Burns Jeffrey A. Burns Eugene G. Bushmann Estate of James E. Campbell Jack L. Campbell W. Thomas Coghill Jr. Frank Conley Thomas R. Corbett Robert E. Crist Jay M. Dade Melody Richardson Daily William J. Daily Hendrine K. Daniels Charles E. Dapron Peter N. Davis Thomas E. Deacy Jr. Cathy J. Dean K. Preston Dean II Albert W Dieffenbach Jr. Dale C. Doerhoff Don M. Downing Richard W. Engel Jr. Daniel T. Engle ✽ 2006–2007 James W. Erwin Jennifer Clifton Ferguson William B. Fisch David A. Fischer William W. Francis Jr. Roger C. Geary General Federation of Women’s Clubs of Missouri, Inc. Allan M. Goodloe Jr. Fred L. Hall Jr. Stephen F. Hanlon Herbert E. Hardwick David K. Hardy Douglas Blair Harris Robert L. Hawkins Jr. Elizabeth Healey Robert Michael Heller Susan Pinion Holliday Estate of John K. Hulston Edward H. Hunvald Jr. Roger T. Hurwitz Carole Lewis Iles Robert L. Jackson Jr. Harvey L. Kaplan Kempton and Russell, P.C. Paul W. King Sara E. Kotthoff Paul E. Kovacs John M. Lande Langdon & Emison, Attorneys at Law Nanette K. Laughrey Law Offices of Tim Dollar, LC M. Jeanne Lewis Shana Jerene Long Henry T. Lowe Paul M. Macon Philip K. Marblestone Keith E. Mattern Robert Wade Maupin William G. Mays II W. Dudley McCarter David L. McCoid Larry L. McMullen James F. Menefee James C. Morrow Estate of Ann Mullen Dylan L. Murray John R. Musgrave Grant S. Nelson James Michael Niemann William F. Northrip O’Brien Law Firm Dennis D. Palmer Palmer Oliver, PC Mark Everett Parrish Don K. Pettus John R. Phillips William H. Pittman Randa Rawlins James R. Reinhard Bernard C. Rice Robert & Edith Young Family Foundation Kevin C. Roberts Estate of Dorothy Anne Roberts R. J. Robertson Jr. Robert A. Ryan Jr. Larry M. Schumaker Andrew B. See Senniger Powers Shelter Insurance Companies Edward H. Sheppard III Daniel W. Shinn Shannon A. Shy Alfred C. Sikes II Victoria Lee Smith Stewart W. Smith Jr. Stephen D. Smith Mareta J. Smith Steven D. Soden Richard H. Spencer Charles R. Stamp Jr. B. Jill Steps Thomas N. Sterchi Mary-Michael Sterchi E. Thomas Sullivan Kevin R. Sweeney Sarah E. Terrace Bill L. Thompson Jerry W. Venters Craig W. Virden Julius F. Wall E. Richard Webber John R. Weisenfels Dale A. Whitman Jeffrey Brent Williams Richard K. Wilson T. John Wise Women’s Law Association John Wright $500 to $999 Jennifer Lee Atterbury Gena Jo Awerkamp C. Ronald Baird Eric Kendall Banks Roger M. Baron Robert R. Barton Bruce H. Bates Carl M. Bender II Benson Law Firm, LLC James Edward Berger John G. Boyle Marcia J. Brackman Jeffrey J. Brinker Mark I. Bronson Frederick W. Bryant Ronald M. Bushman Edward L. Campbell HONOR ROLL C. K. Casteel Jr. Michael Nelson Chandler Don Chapman Jr. Class of 1959 Cook, Vetter, Doerhoff & Landwehr Henry C. Copeland James Mitchell Crabtree Thomas E. Cummings Stephen E. Cupples Matthew Scott Darrough Defoe Law Firm, PC Dempsey & Kingsland James R. Devine Dobson, Goldberg, Moreland & Berns Carl H. Esbeck Frank M. Evans III Evans & Kuhlman, LLC Steven E. Faber Steven Logan Finerty Thomas F. Fisher April Ann Fredlund Daryanani Steve Garner Charles Walter German Kim K. Gibbens John M. Gibson Mark D. Grimm Arthur Z. Guller Glen F. Hackmann Patrick J. Hagerty William L. Hall Michael W. Hanna Janie Ausburn Harmon Eric C. Harris Henry, Henry, Engelbrecht & Williams, PC Amy Rehm Hinderer H. William Hinderer Christopher M. Hohn John C. Holstein H. Martin Jayne Mark A. Jess Maynard R. Johnson Lisa Lee Jordan Daniel F. Kellogg Larsen, Feist & Hess, PC William H. Leedy Lowenbaum Partnership, LLC J. Kent Lowry Teresa H. Martin McDonald Hosmer King & Royce Stephen F. Meyerkord Missouri Chapter American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Ronald A. Norwood Randall B. Palmer Jeffrey O. Parshall Michael J. Patton Walter Ray Phillips Randy W. James & Associates, PC R. David Ray W. Edward Reeves Johnny K. Richardson Beth S. Riggert Leonard L. Riskin George Lane Roberts Jr. James A. Rodenberg Erick John Roeder Leo J. Rozier Wade D. Rubick William E. Rulon Carl E. Schaeperkoetter Schlueter, Mandel & Mandel Charles J. Schmelzer III Paul J. Seele Jack L. Simmons Simon Passanante, PC Jane A. Smith Robert C. Smith Stephen H. Snead Steelman, Gaunt & Horsefield Hugh E. Stephenson Jr. Edward Scott Stevens Chris P. Sweeny Tatlow, Gump & Faiella, LLC W.H. Thomas Jr. Janet M. Thompson Michael J. Thompson Alexander D. Tomaszczuk J. Michael Vaughan Dorrie Virden James E. Westbrook J. David Wharton White, Allinder, Graham & Buckley, LLC Paul L. Wickens Herbert C. Willbrand Raymond E. Williams Scott Andrew Wilson Gary D. Witt Philip B. Wright Roger P. Wright Yonke & Pottenger, LLC Zevan, Davidson, Farris, Stewart, LLC Organizations A.T. Still University of Health Sciences, Inc. Accurso Law Firm Backer Law Firm, LLC Bartimus Frickleton Robertson & Gorny, PC Black Law Students Association ✽ 2006–2007 Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin LLP Boyd & Kenter, PC Brown & Crouppen, PC Bruer & Wooddell, PC Chaney & McCurry LLP Class of 1959 Cook, Vetter, Doerhoff & Landwehr Curran Law Firm Dempsey & Kingsland Dobson, Goldberg, Moreland & Berns Dowd & Dowd, PC Edgar Law Firm, LLC Estate of Ann P. Mullen Estate of Marcia R. Shortridge Evans & Kuhlman, LLC Fogel & Bronnnenkant Fox, Goldblatt & Singer, PC Fox, Heller, Gallagher & Finley, LLP Frank, Dolan & Mueller, LLC General Federation of Women’s Clubs of Missouri, Inc. Henning Law Firm, PC Henry, Henry, Engelbrecht & Williams, PC Hershewe Law Firm, PC Holtsclaw & Kendall, LC Hulston Family Foundation James R. Shetlar Law Offices, PA John Sublett Logan Foundation Kahn, Dees, Donovan & Kahn, LLP Kempton and Russell, P.C. Kennedy, Kennedy & Robbins, LC Kenner & Kavanaugh, P.C. Kirksey Law Firm, LLC KWAME Foundation Langdon & Emison, Attorneys at Law Larsen, Feist & Hess, PC Lathrop & Gage Law Offices of Tim Dollar, LC Lolli Bros. Livestock Market, Inc. Lowenbaum Partnership, LLC McCallister Law Firm, PC McDonald Hosmer King & Royce McElligot, Ewan, Hall & Kimminau, PC Meyerkord, Rineberg & Graham, LLC Meyers Law Firm, LC Microsoft Corporation Contributors Missouri Chapter American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Monsees, Miller, Mayer, Presley & Amick Morrow, Willnauer & Klosterman, LLC Nash & Franciskato, LLC O’Brien Law Firm Onder, Shelton, O’Leary & Peterson, LLC Padberg & Corrigan Law Firm Palmer Oliver, PC Paul Law Firm, PC Placzek & Francis Polsinelli Shalton Flanigan Suelthaus Ramsdell Law Firm, LLC Randy W. James & Associates, PC Robert & Edith Young Family Foundation Schlichter Bogard & Denton Schlueter, Mandel & Mandel Senniger Powers Shook Hardy & Bacon Shughart Thomson & Kilroy Simon Passanante, PC Siro & Moyer Sly James Firm Sonnenschein Scholars Foundation Spooner & Spooner, PC St. Charles County Chapter, Mizzou Alumni Assoication St. Louis Bar Foundation Steelman, Gaunt & Horsefield Steve Sanders, LC, Law Offices of Student Bar Association Stueve Siegel Hanson Woody, LLP Tatlow, Gump & Faiella, LLC The Benson Law Firm, LLC The Defeo Law Firm, PC The Law Firm of O’Reilly & Jensen, LLC The Redfearn Law Firm Thompson Law Office, LLC Van Matre, Harrison, & Volkert, PC Walters Law Firm White, Allinder, Graham & Buckley, LLC Women’s Law Association Yonke & Pottenger, LLC Zevan, Davidson, Farris, Stewart, LLC 37 Contributors HONOR ROLL ✽ 2006–2007 Matching Organizations Friends Altria Group, Inc. Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. AT&T Foundation Freddie Mac Foundation General Electric Foundation IBM Corp. KPMG Peat Marwick Main Foundation Monsanto Fund Northern Trust Company Charitable Trust Pricewaterhouse Coopers Foundation SBC Foundation Shelter Insurance Companies Foundation Shook Hardy & Bacon Shughart Thomson & Kilroy Thomson West Whirlpool Foundation Theresa A. Appelbaum Charles Atwell Randall O. Barnes W. H. Bert Bates Jeff & Alison Bauer James D Beck Carl M. Bender II Scott S. Bethune Stephen R. Bough John G. Boyle Marcia J. Brackman Brad Bradshaw J.T. & Ramona Browning Frederick W. Bryant Randall W. Cain John R. Campbell Jr. Gregory Cecil Christina Jo Chanter Leonard P. Cervantes Randy & Shirley Crosby Hendrine K. Daniels Helen E. Davidson Grant Davis Beth Dessem Eric L. Dirks Christopher J. Doskocil Gaberella Dunn Leslie & Jean Eggerman Maria Evans David E. Everson Beverly L. Faber Galen & Sondra Gabriel William & Joanne Gaines Steve Garner Richard A. Gartner Daniel J Gralike Margaret E. Graves Steven L. Groves Elbert Haenssler Patrick J. Hagerty Robert S. Halas Steven D. Harrell Jane F. Hazell Susan F. Heinsz Estate of Carolyn M. Hill Eric D. Holland Michael D. Holzknecht Matthew L. Hood Craig & Joann Hosmer Joe & Ruth Hughes David & Doris James Robert H. Jerry II Dick Jones Thomas C. Jones Helen Louise Kassebaum Shirley P. Kemper Mary M. Kempf Elizabeth A. Kienker Ed Knowles Faculty and Staff As part of the For All We Call Mizzou campaign, faculty, staff and retirees from across campus are asked to contribute to the university priorities of their choice. School of Law faculty, staff and retirees boast the highest giving percentage rate of any school or college at MU. Proudly, we lead campus with an 85 percent participation rate since the inception of the campaign. Robert G. Bailey Casey D. Baker Royce D. Barondes Mary M. Beck Michelle Arnopol Cecil Melody Richardson Daily Peter N. Davis Kenneth D. Dean Larry Dessem James R. Devine Randy J. Diamond Stephen D. Easton Carl H. Esbeck William B. Fisch David A. Fischer Andrea Mazza Follett R. Wilson Freyermuth Janie Ausburn Harmon Edward H. Hunvald Jr. Needra L. Jackson Kandice K. Johnson Paul H. Ladehoff Steven W. Lambson John M. Lande 38 Mark A. Langworthy James H. Levin Elaine D. Litwiller Henry T. Lowe Michael A. Middleton Grant S. Nelson Karen Neylon Donna L. Pavlick Philip G. Peters Jr. Walter Ray Phillips Cheryl R. Poelling Richard C. Reuben Leonard L. Riskin Alisha Rychnovsky Gregory J. Scott Tamra Wilson Setser JR Swanegan Rodney J. Uphoff James E. Westbrook Dale A. Whitman William A. Knox Dorothy Kruel Robert M. Lande Linda S. Legg M. Jeanne Lewis Stephen Nathaniel Limbaugh Jr. Sidney Lindley Joan Lockwood Philip & Sheila Long F. James Marston Lou Matteson Mary E. Mechlin Stephen F. Meyerkord Martin Meyers Gerald & Camilla Miner Allen Moore III Ann Mullen James B. Nutter Sr. Stephen J. Owens Bess W. Paris William H. Pittman Larry J. Pitts Robert T. Ritter Patrick Robb Estate of Dorothy Anne Roberts Glee Knight Rollins Robert A. Ryan Jr. Stephen G. Sanders Mrs. Kenneth Sanford Gene A. Schillie Sara J. Schuett Katherine A. Sharp Estate of Marcia Shortridge Charles E. Spencer Hugh E. Stephenson Jr. Joseph B. Stulberg E. Thomas Sullivan Robert C. Sullivan Esther Tabor Jean & Warren Taylor Tommy W. Taylor Robert M. Thompson Craig W. Virden Dorrie Virden Kenneth K. Vuylsteke Richard Wallace William Scott Ward Carolyn C. Whittington Brian Winget Sue Ann Wood Poor John Wooddell Janella Worland John Wright Philip B. Wright Roger P. Wright Shannon O. Wright James R. Wyrsch David A. Zeeck Alumni Notes 1940s 1970s Karl W. Blanchard Sr., ’40, received the Ben Nick Dunagan, ’71, retired as chancellor of James S. Haines Jr., ’75 , retired as CEO and director of Westar Energy Inc., the largest electric utility in Kansas. Ely Jr. Defense Lawyer Award from the Missouri Organization of Defense Lawyers. The award is presented to a member who has been in the active practice of law for at least 10 years and has an honorable record of service to the defense bar. The recipient must also demonstrate unusual proficiency in the art of civil defense trial and appellate advocacy. Blanchard is a partner with Blanchard, Robertson, Mitchell & Carter in Joplin, Mo. (Editor’s Note: To read Mr. Blanchard’s obituary, please see page 44). the University of Tennessee-Martin in June. Robert Wm. Bosslet Jr., ’76 , was selected as Michael G. Goldstein, ’71, was featured on a 2007 Illinois Super Lawyer. He practices with the Law Offices of Bosslet & O’Leary in Granite City, Ill. Douglas S. Lang, ’72 , received the 1960s Darwin A. Hindman Jr., ’61, was awarded the Columbia Metro Rotary Club Public Sector Service Award, which recognizes a person from the public sector who adheres to the highest ethical standards in his or her work and uses his or her talents for the problems and needs of society. Hindman serves as mayor of Columbia. Maurice B. Graham, ’62 , was elected chair of the Sheldon Arts Foundation, which provides funding for musical concerts, gallery exhibits and educational proMaurice B. Graham, ’62 grams conducted at the non profit Shelton Concert Hall and Art Galleries, as well as the preservation of the Sheldon facilities. He was also listed in the 2008 edition of Best Lawyers in America in the areas of commercial litigation, medial malpractice, personal injury and bet-the-company recognition. Graham is president of Gray, Ritter & Graham in St. Louis. Phillip R. Garrison, ’66 , retired from the Missouri Court of Appeals, Southern District, after nearly 15 years of judicial service. He was appointed to the court in December 1992 and was retained twice by voters for 12-year terms. Following his retirement, Garrison became a partner in Shughart Thomson & Kilroy, practicing civil litigation in the firm’s Springfield, Mo., office. Joe T. Buerkle, ’68 , is a shareholder in The Limbaugh Firm, Attorneys at Law, in Cape Girardeau, Mo. Harvey L. Kaplan, ’68 , was named in Who’s Who Legal as an outstanding product liability lawyer. He is a partner with Shook, Hardy & Bacon in Kansas City, Mo. law.missouri.edu the cover of the August issue of Employee Benefit Adviser magazine. In the article, he shares The Newport Group’s view on why the need for non qualified plans will continue to grow as participants “are going to need more than just a 401(k) and Social Security.” Goldstein is senior vice president and counsel of The Newport Group in Newport Beach, Calif. Lola Wright Foundation Award from the Texas Bar Foundation. The award is presented in recognition for outstanding public serDouglas S. Lang, ’72 vice in advancing and enhancing legal ethics in Texas. Lang is a justice on the Fifth District of the Texas Court of Appeals. James C. Morton Jr., ’72 , retired on April 1 from Nissan North America. He continues to serve the company as senior advisor for government affairs on a contract basis. Previously Morton served as senior vice president of administration and finance. John S. Sandberg, ’72 , was John S. Sandberg, ’72 named one of the best trial attorneys in the country by Best Lawyers in America for 2008 in the area of personal injury litigation. Gary R. Long, ’76 , was named in Who’s Who Legal as an outstanding product liability lawyer. He is a partner with Shook, Hardy & Bacon in Kansas City, Mo. Edwin H. Smith, ’77, retired from the Missouri Court of Appeals, Western District, effective July 6. He was appointed to the court in 1995 and served as its chief judge from July 1, 2004, to June 30, 2006. Following his retirement, Smith became a partner at Shughart Thomson & Kilroy in St. Joseph, Mo., where he practices corporate law. Law Alumna Named to Supreme Court On Sept. 7, Gov. Matt Blunt named Judge Patricia A. Breckenridge, ’78, Judge to the Supreme Patricia A. Breckenridge, ’78 Court of Missouri. Previously she served as a judge of the Western District of the Missouri Court of Appeals. Breckenridge began her judicial career in 1982 as an associate circuit judge in Vernon County, Mo. Lawrence J. Gordon, ’78 , is senior vice president and regional counsel for Vesta Strategies, a national Section 1031 tax deferred exchange company based in San Jose, Calif. Carol J. Miller, ’78 , received the 2007 Karl W. Blanchard Jr., ’73 , was elected to serve as president of the Missouri Organization of Defense Lawyers. He practices with Blanchard, Robertson, Mitchell & Carter in Joplin, Mo. Richard C. Bresnahan, ’73 , was re-elected to a two-year term on the board of governors of The Missouri Bar. Ellen S. Roper, ’73 , founded Civil Media- tion Services to provide mediation in nondomestic civil cases. She is a former Boone County, Mo., circuit court judge. Kenton G. Askren, ’74 , announces the opening of his new office, specializing in civil, domestic and probate mediation and private trial services. His office is located at 14801 Chelcy Lane, Boonville, MO 65233. Previously he served as a trial judge for 32 years. national Excellence in Research Award from the Academy of Legal Studies in Business. She was recognized for “Law-Based Degree Programs in Business and Their Departments (A Comprehensive Study of Undergraduate Law-Based Degree Programs in AACSB-Accredited Universities),” an article she co-wrote that appeared in the Journal of Legal Studies Education. Miller serves as a distinguished professor of business at Missouri State University in Springfield, Mo. Duane E. Schreimann, ’78 , joined the National Arbitration Forum’s national panel of independent and neutral arbitrators and mediators. He practices with Schreimann, Rackers, Francka & Blunt in Jefferson City, Mo. James P. Valbracht, ’78 , is an associate pro- bate judge in Livingston County, Mo. He was elected to the 43rd Circuit in November 2006 and assumed office Jan. 1. Fall 2007 | Tr a nscr ipt 39 Alumni Notes Jeffrey A. Brimer, ’79, was named a 2007 Legal Eagle by Franchise Times magazine. He practices with Snell & Wilmer in Denver. LuAnn (Vollenweider) Madsen, ’79, received the President’s Award from the Missouri Association of Trial Attorneys (MATA). She was honored for “going LuAnn (Vollenweider) above and beyond Madsen, ’79 the call of duty to assist MATA and its members.” She has lobbied for MATA in the capital for more than two decades. Madsen is a principal in the lobbying firm of Madsen & Wright Inc. in Jefferson City, Mo. Harold A. “ Skip” Walther, ’79, was elected vice-president of the board of governors of The Missouri Bar. 1980s Eric Kendall Banks, ’80 , received the Rever- end Arnold and Mildred Bringewatt Social Justice Award from Lutheran and Family Children’s Services of Missouri. This award honors individuals who have made a significant commitment to social justice. Jane A. Smith, ’80, LLM ’02 , was elected to the Jefferson City (Mo.) City Council. She practices with Blitz, Bardgett and Deutsch in Jefferson City. Richard C. Miller, ’81, received the Congenial Counselor Award posthumously from the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association at the 34th Annual Bench-Bar & Boardroom Conference in May. Don M. Downing, ’82 , was listed in the Don M. Downing, ’82 Southwest Super Lawyer for 2007. He practices with Stinson Morrison Hecker in Phoenix. James Robert “ Bob” Penninger Jr., ’82 , is counsel in the Tax & Estate Planning Practice Group of Husch & Eppenberger in St. Louis. Kevin R. Sweeney, ’82 , is chair of the multi- disciplinary Life Science Group and a senior 40 Dean L. Franklin Jr., ’83 , received a Bur- ton Award for Legal Achievement from the Burton Foundation in association with the Library of Congress. His award-winning Dean L. Franklin Jr., ’83 article, co-written with colleague Tim Krieger, is titled “Liability of Computer Maintenance Providers Under Copyright Law: Storage Tech. Corp v. Custom Hardware Eng’g & Consulting, Inc.” The Burton Awards honor attorneys “who use plain, clear and concise language and avoid archaic, stilted legalese.” Franklin is a partner at Thompson Coburn in St. Louis. Heather S. Heidelbaugh, ’84 , was named as a fellow of Litigation Counsel of America, a trial lawyer honor society that includes fellowship for less than half of 1 perHeather S. cent of American Heidelbaugh, ’84 lawyers. She was also named a 2007 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer, a distinction only 5 percent of Pennsylvania lawyers achieve. Heidelbaugh is a shareholder at the Pittsburgh law firm of Babst, Calland, Clements and Zomnir, where she focuses her practice on complex litigation, products liability, intellectual property and election law. Erik A. Bergmanis, ’85 , was re-elected to a two-year term on the board of governors of The Missouri Bar. 2008 edition of Best Lawyers in America in the area of commercial litigation practice. He practices with Gray, Ritter & Graham in St. Louis. Michael L. Parrish, ’82 , was selected as a Tr a nscr ipt | Fall 2007 department, where he focuses on health care. Pursell joined Blackwell Sanders after 18 years at Shughart Thomson & Kilroy. member of the Corporate Finance Group of Polsinelli Shalton Flanigan Suelthaus in Kansas City, Mo. Dennis M. Alt, ’86 Dennis M. Alt, ’86 , rejoined Bryan Cave in Kansas City, Mo., as of counsel. Previously he served as general counsel with E3 Biofuels, a company specializing in renewable fuel and agriculture. Denise E. Powell, ’88 , is a PhD candidate in MU’s Human Development and Family Studies program. She hopes to develop a more in-depth Focus on Kids program that will better educate parents going through divorce or custody proceedings in Missouri. David B. Pursell, ’88 , is a partner with Black- well Sanders Peper Martin in Kansas City, Mo. He practices in the firm’s corporate David B. Pursell, ’88 Eric J. Wulff, ’89, was re-elected to a two- year term on the board of governors of The Missouri Bar. 1990s Scott M. Mann, ’90 , was selected as a fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Attorneys and elected as president-elect of the Family Law Section of the Kansas Bar Association for 2007-2008. He practices with Evans & Mullinix in Shawnee, Kan. Cynthia Dillard Parres, ’90 , is general counsel of Houlihan’s Restaurants Inc. Curtis O. Poore, ’90 , is a managing partner and general counsel for RiverWest Partners, a real estate development and investment company in Cape Girardeau, Mo. Timothy W. Burns, ’91, is a shareholder in the Madison, Wis., office of Heller Ehrman, where he practices in the firm’s Insurance Recovery Practice Group. Previously he practiced at the Chicago firm of Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg, where, as a partner, he developed a nationally prominent directors’ and officers’ insurance practice. Kennard L. Jones, ’91, is a regulatory law judge with the Missouri Public Service Commission in Jefferson City, Mo. He and his wife, Bonita, have two daughters, Isla Mari and Eden Loren. Gregory W. Osterloth, ’92 , is a partner of Holland & Hart in Denver. He specializes in patent and other intellectual property matters. Jay M. Dade, ’93 , was named a member of the University of Missouri Presidential Search Advisory Committee and a member of the board of directors of MIZZOU PAC Inc., which is affiliated with the Mizzou Flagship Council. Dade practices with Shughart Thomson & Kilroy in Springfield, Mo. Rosario Iglesias, ’93 , is a hearings officer in Texas. Charles J. “Chuck” McPheeters, ’93 , was elected to serve as treasurer of the Missouri Organization of Defense Lawyers. He practices with Carson & Coil in Jefferson City, Mo. Thomas G. Glick, ’95 , is principal of Danna McKitrick in Clayton, Mo. He serves clients law.missouri.edu Alumni Notes Thomas G. Glick, ’95 in all aspects of probate and trust litigation and is skilled in handling estate administration, guardianships and conservatorships, estate planning, mental health matters and real estate transaction needs. Ian S. Topf, ’95 , announces the opening of the Law Offices of Ian S. Topf in San Diego, representing clients in the areas of family law, estate planning, general civil litigation and criminal defense. Steven C. Fenner, ’96 , was mobilized to active duty with the U.S. Navy on June 18. He serves as a crewman on a convoy security team. He is enlisted as a legalman 1st class in the Navy Reserve. Brian D. Waller, ’96 , is a claims litigation manager at Shelter Insurance Co. in Columbia. Morry S. Cole, ’97 Morry S. Cole, ’97, was listed in the 2008 edition of Best Lawyers in America in the area of personal injury litigation. He practices with Gray, Ritter & Graham in St. Louis. Daniel C. Mizell, ’97, announces the opening of Deputy and Mizell, located at 120 E. Second St., Lebanon, Mo. The firm’s telephone number is 877-532-2191. Mizell’s practice continues to focus on personal injury, workers’ compensation and family law. of The Law Office of Hensley & Nicholas. Offices are located at 122 W. Fourth St. in Carthage, Mo., and at 610 S. Pearl, Suite A, in Joplin, Mo. Hensley continues his practice in the areas of civil litigation, appeals and trial practice, with an emphasis in construction law and family law including adoptions, divorce and custody matters. R. Travis Jacobs, ’98 , was elected to another term on the Young Lawyers’ Section Council of The Missouri Bar. Aaron D. Jones, ’98 , was elected to another term on the Young Lawyers’ Section Council of The Missouri Bar. Michael A. Williams, ’98 , received the Young Lawyer of the Year award from the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association at the 34th Annual Bench-Bar & Boardroom Conference in May. He was also elected to another term on the Young Lawyers’ Section Council of The Missouri Bar. Williams practices with Lathrop & Gage in Kansas City, Mo. Scott E. Nutter, ’99, and his wife, Susie, of Kansas City, Mo., announce the birth of twins, Lilliana Kirby and Lukas Morton, on Nov. 18, 2006. Nutter practices with Shamberg, Johnson & Bergman in Kansas City. Matthew W. Potter, ’99, is deputy demo- cratic director for the City of St. Louis board of election commissioners. He was also appointed by Gov. Matt Blunt to the board of governors of his undergraduate alma mater, Truman State University in Kirksville, Mo. Jayme Salinardi, ’99, has been assistant chief counsel for the Department of Homeland Security/Immigration and Customs Enforcement since February 2003. In November 2006, he was transferred from San Francisco to Kansas City, Mo. ence in amputations, assaults/violent acts, fractures, head injury, infectious disease, neck injury, back injury, permanent disability and appeals. Susan L. Brown, ’00 Courtney E. Goddard, ’00 , is assistant general counsel at Park University in Parkville, Mo. Previously she served as a senior associate at Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin in Kansas City, Mo. Michele Thorburg Hammond, ’00 , supervises the St. Charles County, Mo., office of Cordell & Cordell. Harold E. Stearley, ’00 , is a regulatory law judge at the Missouri Public Service Commission. Michael J. Sudekum, ’00 , is a new member of the Young Lawyers’ Section Council of The Missouri Bar. Kimberly Cook, ’01, married Rob- ert W. Davis Jr., on April 21 in Runaway Bay, Jamaica. She is general counsel for Clayco Inc. in St. Louis, and her husband is a general Kimberly Cook Davis, ’01 manager for Cintas in the development management division in St. Louis. Amanda Pennington Ketchum, ’01, was elected to another term on the Young Lawyers’ Section Council of The Missouri Bar. Todd C. Stanton, ’99, was named by Missouri Lawyers Weekly as one of the Up and Coming Lawyers in Missouri for 2007. Michael G. Munsell, ’97, is a partner at Armstrong Teasdale in St. Louis. He practices in the firm’s intellectual property group. Jason W. Phelps, ’01, is an associate in the Transactions Client Service Group of Bryan Cave in Kansas City, Mo. Todd C. Stanton, ’99 Michael G. Munsell, ’97 Jason W. Phelps, ’01 Patricia K. Susi, ’99, practices with the Clay- ton, Mo., firm of Zerman and Mogerman. David R. Vandeginste, ’97, is a member of the Commercial Litigation Client Service Group of Bryan Cave in Kansas City, Mo. John W. Westmoreland, ’97, is a member of the Business Transactions Practice Group of Husch & Eppenberger in St. Louis. Previously he served as the legislative director to Congressman Donald A. Manzullo of the 16th Congressional District of Illinois. Joe Hensley, ’98 , announces the formation law.missouri.edu 2000s Lauren Perkins Allen, ’00 , was elected to another term on the Young Lawyers’ Section Council of The Missouri Bar. Susan L. Brown, ’00 , is an associate in the civil defense practice group of Evans & Dixon in St. Louis. She has case experi- Matthew C. Price, ’01, was elected to another term on the Young Lawyers’ Section Council of The Missouri Bar. Charles R. Wooten, ’01, is a partner in the firm of Breeze, Roberts, Ponder-Bates and Zimmer in St. Louis. Bryan R. Berry, ’02 , joined Lathrop & Gage in Springfield, Mo., as an associate in the business disputes practice area. He focuses his practice on various business disputes including breach of contract matters, loan Fall 2007 | Tr a nscr ipt 41 Alumni Notes Bryan R. Berry, ’02 enforcement actions, construction matters, insurance disputes, regulatory matters, business torts and professional liability matters. Befpre joining the firm, he served for three years as an assistant prosecuting attorney in Greene County, Mo. Nicholas A. Kriegel, ’02 , is associate counsel for Safety National Casualty Corporation in St. Louis. He and his wife, Sally Schoeninger Kriegel, ’02 , announce the birth of their son, Henry Terrence Kriegel, on Aug. 8, 2006. J.D. Luhning, ’02 , joined the products liabil- ity group of Rabbitt, Pitzer & Snodgrass in St. Louis. He focuses his practice in the areas of general litigation defense and personal injury defense. Michele L. Mekel, ’02 , is a visiting assistant professor of law at Drake Law School in Des Moines, Iowa, where she teaches introduction to health law, administrative law and bioethics. Sarah Coleman Nichols, ’02 , is a senior tax attorney for Emerson Electric Co. in St. Louis. Matthew C. Wilson, ’02 , opened a solo practice in Columbia focusing on consumer fraud. Hollie R. Birkholz, ’03 , is an associate at Gal- lop, Johnson & Neuman in St. Louis. Nathaniel D. Dally, ’03 , was appointed city attorney for the City of Carthage, Mo., on January 1. On the same day, he opened a private civil law practice with Justin Baucom, a University of Oklahoma College of Law graduate. Dally continues to serve as an assistant prosecutor for Jasper County, Mo., and has served as an adjunct professor for Missouri Southern State University and Crowder College. Whitney E. Deacon, ’03 , is a new member of the Young Lawyers’ Section Council of The Missouri Bar. two years at Credit Suisse in the real estate finance and securitization group. Emily (Huitsing) Laird, ’03 , and her husband, Joe, announce the birth of their son, Elijah Joseph, on June 4. At the time of his birth, he weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces Elijah Joseph, son of and was 18.5 inches Emily (Huitsing) Laird, ’03 long. Laird practices in the Washington, D.C., office of Shook, Hardy & Bacon. Jason A. Paulsmeyer, ’03 , and his wife, Kristen (Gore) Paulsmeyer, ’04 , announce the birth of their daughter, Regan ElizaRegan Elizabeth, daughter beth, on Jan. 25. of Jason A. Paulsmeyer, Jason is an associ’03, and Kristen (Gore) ate with Andereck, Paulsmeyer, ’04. Evans, Milne, Widger & Johnson in Jefferson City, Mo., and is a new member of the Young Lawyers’ Section Council of The Missouri Bar. Kristen is an attorney in the Labor Division of the Missouri Attorney General’s Office in Jefferson City, Mo. Mark G. Boyko, ’04 , published “Who Knew? Admissibility of Subsequent Remedial Measures When Defendants are Without Knowledge of the Injuries” in 38 McGeorge Law Mark G. Boyko, ’04 Review 653 (2007), written with Ryan G. Vacca, ’04. A study he co-wrote with his two brothers, “Referee Bias Contributes to Home Advantage in English Premiership Football,” will be published in an upcoming edition of the Journal of Sports Sciences. Boyko is an associate at Schlichter, Bogard & Denton in St. Louis, where he practices Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) class actions. Timothy A. Garrison, ’03 , concluded his active duty service with the U.S. Marine Corps. His tour included service at Camp Pendleton, Calif., and Al Anbar Province, Iraq. Garrison, his wife, Traci, and their two sons have returned to the Springfield, Mo., area, where he serves as a federal prosecutor with the United States Attorney for the Western District of Missouri. He continues his affiliation with the Marine Corps as a reservist. Adam J. Hamilton, ’04 , is an associate in the Litigation Practice Group of Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale in St. Louis. Brian G. Hulla, ’03 , joined JPMorgan Chase James D. Hughes, ’04 , is an associate at Bryan Real Estate in New York where he is an associate in the large loan structuring group. Before working at JPMorgan, Hulla spent 42 Tr a nscr ipt | Fall 2007 Talmage E. Newton IV, ’04 , joined the civil defense practice group of Evans & Dixon as an associate. He has experience in assaults, violent attacks and falls. He is also experiTalmage E. enced in contract litNewton IV, ’04 igation and commercial disputes, employment discrimination litigation, appeals and criminal defense. Robert L. Ortbals Jr., ’04 , was one of 10 Missouri lawyers selected for the 2007-2008 Missouri Bar Leadership Academy, which trains young lawyers to become Missouri Bar leaders. Ortbals is an attorney in the Employment Litigation & Policy Group at Shook, Hardy & Bacon, where he represents corporate employers in employment-related litigation exclusively. Karlla S. Philpot, ’04 , is an associate at Brown & James in St. Louis. Lara M. Underwood, ’04 , is an associate at Walker Crow Halcomb in Jefferson City, Mo. Her practice focuses on family law, collections and criminal defense. Ryan G. Vacca, ’04 , published “Expanding Preferential Treatment Under the Record Rental Amendment Beyond the Music Industry,” in 11 Lewis & Clark Law Review Ryan G. Vacca, ’04 605 (2007); “Who Knew? Admissibility of Subsequent Remedial Measures When Defendants are Without Knowledge of the Injuries,” in 38 McGeorge Law Review 653 (2007), written with Mark G. Boyko, ’04 ; and “Design Patents: An Alternative Option When the Low Standards of Copyright are Too High?” in 31 Southern Illinois University Law Journal 325 (2007). He is pursuing his LLM at New York University School of Law. Previously he practiced with Stinson Morrison Hecker in St. Louis. Shomari L. Benton, ’05 , is an Michael E. Gardner, ’04 , is a member of Osburn, Hine, Kuntze, Yates & Murphy in Cape Girardeau, Mo. He previously served as an associate at the firm. Shomari L. Benton, ’05 associate in the Litigation Department of Blackwell Sanders in Kansas City, Mo. He practices in the area of environment, natural resources and water. Cave in Kansas City, Mo. law.missouri.edu Alumni Notes Lori C. Buck, ’05 Lori C. Buck, ’05 , is Cynthia Alkon, LLM ’02 , published “Women an associate in the corporate department of Blackwell Sanders in Kansas City, Mo. She and her husband, Layne, celebrated the birth of their first child, Avery Grace, in March. Labor Arbitrators: Women Members of the National Academy of Arbitrators Speak about the Barriers of Entry into the Field,” in 6 Appalachian Journal of Law 195 (2007). The article explores the barriers that women face in entering the labor arbitration field. She presented another paper, “Plea Bargaining: Are We Importing a Bad Idea to Troubled Criminal Justice Systems,” at the Law and Society Conference in Berlin, Germany. Cecily L. Daller, ’05 , is a Boone County, Mo., assistant prosecuting attorney. Jessica J. Hulting, ’05 , is an associate at Gal- lop, Johnson & Neuman in St. Louis. John C. Ayres, ’06 , and his wife, Sara, announce the birth of their first child, Gabrielle Lauren Ayres, on May 26. At the time of her birth, Gabrielle weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces and was 21 ¼ inches long. Ayres practices with Latham & Watkins in Chicago. Amy M. Byrne, ’06 , works in the chief counsel’s office at the Missouri Department of Transportation. Nathan J. Forck, ’06 , is an associate at the Yungwirth Law Firm in Columbia. His practice focuses on elder law, including estate planning and Medicaid disputes. Jonelda L. Fortney, ’06 , is a partner at Deveny, Brown & Fortney in Edina, Mo., where she concentrates her practice on family law and real estate law. Fortney also serves as Knox County (Mo.) assistant prosecuting attorney. Jacob G. Jackson, ’06 , is a founding member of the law firm of Jackson Pummill LLC, located in Lenexa, Kan. He is currently licensed in both Missouri and Kansas. Daniel R. Kocab, ’06 , and Jennifer K. Leon, ’06 , were married on March 10 in St. Louis. They reside in Stafford, Va., while Kocab completes infantry training at The Basic School for the U.S. Marine Corps. Once his training is complete, he will report to Navy Judge Advocate School in Newport, R.I. Jane A. Smith, ’80, LLM ’02 , was elected to the Jefferson City (Mo.) City Council. She practices with Blitz, Bardgett and Deutsch in Jefferson City. Christine Harris Taylor, LLM ’03 , opened a private practice dedicated to fulltime mediation and arbitration in Glendale, Wisc. She is the only attorney in Wisconsin to hold an Christine Harris Taylor, advanced law degree LLM ’03 in dispute resolution and also holds appointments at Marquette University as assistant director in the Center for Dispute Resolution Education and assistant adjunct professor in the LLM program. Paula M. Young, LLM ’03 , published “The Where of Mediation: Choosing the Right Location for a Facilitated Negotiation” on mediate.com. She was invited by the Office of Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia to join the ethics committee of the Division of Dispute Resolution Services for the purpose of revising the standards of conduct that apply to all certified mediators in Virginia. She also presented two programs at the 16th Annual Conference for Mediators and Arbitrators hosted by the Florida Dispute Resolution Center — “So Grieve It, Just Grieve It: What Florida Mediators Should Know about the Disciplinary Process” and “Party Self-Determination: Protecting It Procedurally and Substantively.” Clayton J. Pummill, ’06 , is a founding member of the law firm of Jackson Pummill LLC, located in Lenexa, Kan. Amy Glaser, LLM ’04 , is the chair of the alternative dispute resolution committee for the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association. She teaches negotiation as an adjunct professor at Washburn University School of Law in Topeka, Kan. LLM Jeffrey H. Goldfien, LLM ’05 , published Brian Jarrett, LLM ’01, accepted a tenure- track teaching position in the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) program at Salisbury University in Salisbury, Md. He continues his research integrating ADR with major theoretical developments in social science and assists in the development of the ADR graduate program at Salisbury University. law.missouri.edu “What If the Lawyers Have Their Way? An Empirical Assessment of Conflict Strategies and Attitudes Toward Mediation Styles,” in 22 Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution 277 (2007) with Jennifer K. Robbennolt, a senior fellow of the Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution. The article is based on a survey of law students and finds that facilitative and evaluative (or elicitive and directive) styles of mediation are conceptually distinct and potentially compatible sets of behaviors rather than opposite poles on a continuum. Daxton R. “ Chip” Stewart, LLM ’07, was named editor in chief of Dispute Resolution Magazine, the quarterly publication of the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution. He presented a paper, “Harry Potter and the Exploitative Jackals: How do J.K. Rowling’s Books About the Boy Wizard Impact the Salience of Media Credibility Attributes in Young Audiences?” at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication in August. The paper tied for second place in the student paper competition in the Mass Communication and Society Division. Have Some News? Let Us Know! If you have professional or personal news you’d like published in the next issue of Tr anscript, let us know! Alumni notes and photos may be submitted to: Alumni Notes Tr anscript 205 Hulston Hall Columbia, MO 65211 FAX: 573-882-4984 E-mail: bakercd@missouri.edu Online: law.missouri.edu/alumni/update-form Fall 2007 | Tr a nscr ipt 43 Alumni Memoriam Walter L. Mulvania, ’31, of Rock Port, Mo., died July 24, at age 101. He practiced law in Rock Port from 1931 until his 2005 retirement at the age of 100, and served in the Army from 1943 to 1945 during World War II with the 91st Regiment Infantry. He served as the Rock Port attorney for many years, the Atchison County prosecuting attorney and as the Rock Port Telephone Co. attorney. He also served three terms with the Missouri board of governors, was an active member of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel and the Community Hospital Board in Fairfax, Mo. Mulvania was instrumental in establishing the legal aspects of the Missouri Beef Packers at Rock Port. He was a member of the Rock Port Rotary Club since 1946, the Ralph Greer American Legion Post No. 49 and the Rock Port Baptist Church. Robert I. Meagher, ’35, of Fredericktown, Mo., died April 24, at age 96. At 17 years old, he started teaching grade school while taking college and correspondence courses during the summer. In 1931, he sold his 1928 Model A Ford to pay tuition at the School of Law. He retired from the practice of law at age 80. In addition to his private practice, he served nine years as Fredericktown city attorney, three terms as prosecuting attorney and 31 years as Black River Electric Cooperative counsel. He was active in civic, community and church affairs, including president of the Fredericktown Chamber of Commerce, teaching Sunday school and president of Rotary Club. John Hopkins Foard Sr., ’37, of Kansas City, Mo., died June 15, at age 94. After graduating from law school, he moved to Kansas City where he practiced law with the firms of Borders, Borders & Warrick and Warrick, Koontz & Hazard. In 1941, he volunteered for the U.S. Army, received his basic training at Camp Koehler, Calif., and attended Officer Candidate School at Fort Monmouth, N.J. He was honorably discharged in 1946 at the rank of captain. After the war, he practiced with the Kansas City law firm of Watson, Ess, Marshall, Barnett & Whittaker. In 1950, he opened his own downtown office and continued in private practice until his retirement in 1998. He was a member of The Missouri Bar, the American Bar Association, the Lawyers Association of Kansas City and the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association and was active in many Kansas City religious and civic organizations. Earl E. Wasserman, ’38, of Highland Park, Ill., died March 9, at age 91. He was co-owner of Sax Arts and Crafts in Milwaukee, Wis., and served on the board of directors of Music for Youth in Milwaukee. Karl W. Blanchard Sr., ’40, of Joplin, Mo., died July 10, at age 91. Following the creation of Seiler, Blanchard and Van Fleet in 1942, he was called to serve as an operations officer of the 2nd Engineer Special Brigade in the south- 44 Tr a nscr ipt | Fall 2007 west Pacific during World War II, and later as the brigade executive officer in the occupation force. In 1945, Blanchard returned to Joplin as a trial lawyer. At the time of his death, he was the senior partner at his firm. His awards included induction as a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers (ACTL), a Lifetime Achievement Award from ACTL and the Ben Ely Jr. Award from the Missouri Organization of Defense Lawyers. He was the father of Karl W. Blanchard Jr., ’73 . Charles J. McMullin, ’41, of Ballwin, Mo., died March 24. Alfred J. Hoffman, ’42, of Prairie Village, Kan., died March 27, at age 89. He was a naval aviator in World War II and received the Navy’s Commendation Award. He was a founder of Jones & Babson Inc., a mutual fund management company and was its president and CEO until he retired in 1985. Before his service with Jones & Babson, Hoffman was an attorney for the Prudential Insurance Co. and the Kansas City Fire & Marine Insurance Co. He served the Boy Scouts of America as a cub master and a scout master and was the recipient of the Silver Beaver Award. An avid golfer, Hoffman founded the Kansas City Golf Foundation, now known as the Junior Golf Foundation of Greater Kansas City. He was a former United States Golf Association committeeman and rules official, director emeritus of the Western Golf Association, member emeritus of Mission Hills Country Club, and former member of Pauma Valley Country Club in Pauma Valley, Calif., and Fox Acres Country Club in Red Lakes, Colo. Andrew H. McColloch, ’50, of St. Charles, Mo., died April 11, 2005, at age 82. J. David Collins, ’51, of Macon, Mo., died June 24, at age 81. He declined a basketball scholarship to MU to enlist in the Army. He was selected for the Army Specialized Training Program and was sent to the University of Kansas to study engineering. The program was disbanded in anticipation of D-Day and all its members were enlisted in the infantry. Collins was wounded during the Battle of the Bulge and was awarded the Purple Heart. While at MU, he was a member and president of Phi Delta Theta social fraternity, was president of QEBH and was a member of the Mystical Seven. Following graduation from law school, he moved to Macon to practice. During his career, Collins was awarded the Lon O. Hocker Memorial Trial Lawyer Award, was a member of the American College of Trial Lawyers, was president and a lifetime fellow of the Missouri Bar Foundation, was nominated to the Supreme Court of Missouri twice, was nominated to the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri and argued before the United States Supreme Court. At MU, he served on the Board of Curators for the university system from 1992 to 1996. Col- lins’ family suggests memorial contributions to the Law School Foundation, 205 Hulston Hall, Columbia, MO 65211, for a fund in his name. Dorman L. Steelman, ’52, of Salem, Mo., died March 1, at age 81. He served in active duty during World War II as a member of the United States Navy, Gunner’s Mate, from 1944 until the end of the war. From 1956 to 1957 he served as Salem city attorney. In 1957, he was elected as a state representative from Dent County, Mo. He was re-elected three times and served until 1964, acting as minority floor leader from 1960 to 1964. Steelman was state chair of the Missouri Republican Party from 1966 to 1968. In 1976, he was appointed by Missouri Gov. Christopher “Kit” Bond as circuit judge for Missouri Judicial Circuit 42, where he was re-elected three times and served until 1994. Harry D. Pener, ’60, of Prairie Village, Kan., died April 2, at age 71. He was former legal counsel in the court administrator’s office of the Circuit Court of Jackson County and was co-author and legal editor of four supplements of Closely Held Corporations in Business and Estate Planning (Little, Brown 1982). Steven L. Rhodes, ’68, of Liberty, Mo., died April 23, at age 62. Following graduation from law school, he practiced corporate law until purchasing Kearney Truck Plaza in Kearney, Mo., in 1983. He operated the business until January 2007. He was a member of Delta Upsilon fraternity and was a Friend of the Jesse James Farm. Alan D. Teitelbaum, ’72, of St. Louis, Mo., died March 16, 2005, at age 61. He practiced law for more than 30 years in the St. Louis area. Blythe H. Crist, ’78, of Springfield, Mo., died June 16, 2005, at age 59. David G. Edwards, ’83, of California, Mo., died March 26, at age 54. He practiced law throughout central Missouri over the past 22 years and had served as assistant attorney general for the state of Missouri. A veteran of the U.S. Navy, he had attained the rank of lieutenant commander while serving as a frogman performing underwater demolition and salvage. Friends Helen L. Kassebaum, of Sarasota, Fla., died Sept. 12, 2006. She was the wife of the late Vernon B. Kassebaum, ’29. Elizabeth “Betty” Parrigin, of Columbia, died July 16, at age 75. She graduated from Agnes Scott College in Georgia, received her law degree from the University of Virginia and received her library degree from the University of Texas. She was an associate professor and librarian at the School of Law before opening her law practice in Columbia. law.missouri.edu Administrative Officers Gordon H. Lamb, BME, MM, PhD, Interim President, University of Missouri System Brady J. Deaton, BS, MA, PhD, Chancellor, University of MissouriColumbia Brian L. Foster, BA, AM, PhD, Provost, University of MissouriColumbia R. Lawrence Dessem, BA, JD, Dean and Professor of Law James R. Devine, BA, JD, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and David Ross Hardy Professor of Law and Trial Practice Thomas A. Lambert, BA, JD, Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development and Associate Professor of Law Robert G. Bailey, BA, JD, Director of the Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution and Assistant Dean Donna L. Pavlick, BS, MA, JD, LLM, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs and Admissions and Lecturer in Law Tamra Wilson Setser, BS, JD, Assistant Dean for Career Development and Lecturer in Law Randy J. Diamond, BA, JD, MLS, Director of Library and Technology Resources and Associate Professor of Legal Research Janie Ausburn Harmon, BA, Senior Director of Development The Faculty D. Daniel Sokol, BA, MSt, JD, Visiting Associate Professor of Law The Adjunct Faculty Alana M. Barragan-Scott, BA, JD, Adjunct Associate Professor of Law Randy J. Diamond, BA, JD, MLS, Director of Library and Technology Resources and Associate Professor of Legal Research Rodney J. Uphoff, BA, MS, JD, Elwood L. Thomas Missouri Endowed Professor of Law and Director of the University of Missouri South Africa Educational Program Martha Dragich, BA, MA, JD, James S. Rollins Professor of Law Christina E. Wells, BA, JD, Enoch H. Crowder Professor of Law Stephen D. Easton, AA, BA, JD, C.A. Leedy Professor of Law The Emeritus Faculty James R. Devine, BA, JD, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and David Ross Hardy Professor of Law and Trial Practice David M. English, BA, JD, William Franklin Fratcher Missouri Endowed Professor of Law Carl H. Esbeck, BS, JD, Isabelle Wade & Paul C. Lyda Professor of Law and R.B. Price Professor of Law R. Wilson Freyermuth, BS, JD, John D. Lawson Professor of Law Philip J. Harter, AB, MA, JD, Earl F. Nelson Professor of Law Kandice Johnson, BS, JD, Director of Clinical Programs, Director of the Criminal Prosecution Clinic and Clinical Professor of Law Thomas A. Lambert, BA, JD, Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Development and Associate Professor of Law John Lande, AB, JD, MS, PhD, Director of LLM in Dispute Resolution and Associate Professor of Law Ilhyung Lee, BA, MA, JD, Edward W. Hinton Professor of Law James Levin, BA, JD, Associate Director of the Center for the Study of Dispute Resolution and Adjunct Professor of Law Douglas E. Abrams, BA, JD, Associate Professor of Law Paul J. Litton, BA, JD, PhD, Associate Professor of Law Royce de R. Barondes, SB, SM, JD, Associate Professor of Law Margaret E. McGuinness, BA, JD, Associate Professor of Law Mary M. Beck, BSN, MSN, JD, Director of the Domestic Violence Clinic and Clinical Professor of Law Michael A. Middleton, BA, JD, Deputy Chancellor and Professor of Law Frank O. Bowman III, BA, JD, Floyd R. Gibson Missouri Endowed Professor of Law S. David Mitchell, BA, MA, JD, Associate Professor of Law Michelle Arnopol Cecil, BA, JD, William H. Pittman Professor of Law Melody Richardson Daily, BA, MA, JD, Director of Legal Research and Writing and Clinical Professor of Law Kenneth D. Dean, BA, MA, JD, Deputy Provost, Director of Professional Programs and Associate Professor of Law R. Lawrence Dessem, BA, JD, Dean and Professor of Law Amy B. Monahan, BA, JD, Associate Professor of Law Rigel C. Oliveri, BA, JD, Associate Professor of Law Philip G. Peters Jr., BA, JD, Ruth L. Hulston Professor of Law Richard C. Reuben, BA, BA, JD, JSM, JSD, James Lewis Parks Professor of Law Gregory Scott, BA, JD, Associate Professor of Legal Research and Writing Pamela Smith, BS, MBA, JD, Associate Professor of Law Frederick Davis, AB, LLB, LLM, Edward W. Hinton Professor Emeritus of Law Peter N. Davis, BA, LLB, SJD, Isidor Loeb Professor Emeritus of Law William B. Fisch, AB, LLB, MCL, Dr Jur, Isidor Loeb Professor Emeritus of Law Hon. Duane Benton, BA, JD, MA, LLM, CPA, Adjunct Professor of Law Deborah Daniels, AB, BS, JD, Adjunct Professor of Law Sandra Davidson, BS, MAD, JD, PhD, Professor of Journalism and Adjunct Professor of Law Deborah J. Doxsee, BSN, JD, MA, PhD, Adjunct Associate Professor of Law Erika S. Fadel, BA, MA, JD, Adjunct Associate Professor of Law Andrea Mazza Follett, BA, JD, Lecturer in Law Bruce Harry, AB, MD, Adjunct Associate Professor of Law David A. Fischer, BA, JD, James Lewis Parks and Isidor Loeb Professor Emeritus of Law Missouri Solicitor General Jim Layton, BS, JD, Adjunct Professor of Law Patricia Brumfield Fry, JD, MA, Edward W. Hinton Professor Emerita of Law Lori J. Levine, BS, JD, Adjunct Associate Professor of Law William H. Henning, BA, JD, LLM, R.B. Price Professor Emeritus of Law Edward H. Hunvald Jr., AB, JD, Earl F. Nelson and John D. Lawson Professor Emeritus of Law Henry T. Lowe, AB, JD, C.A. Leedy and Earl F. Nelson Professor Emeritus of Law Alfred S. Neely IV, AB, LLB, Edward W. Hinton Professor Emeritus of Law Grant S. Nelson, BA, JD, Earl F. Nelson and Enoch H. Crowder Professor Emeritus of Law Leonard L. Riskin, BS, JD, LLM, C.A. Leedy and Isidor Loeb Professor Emeritus of Law James E. Westbrook, BA, JD, LLM, Earl F. Nelson and James S. Rollins Professor Emeritus of Law Dale A. Whitman, BES, LLB, Dean Emeritus and James E. Campbell Missouri Endowed Professor Emeritus of Law Walter Ray Phillips, BA, JD, LLM, Adjunct Professor of Law Leslie A. Schneider, BA, JD, Adjunct Associate Professor of Law Ronald E. Smull, BA, JD, Adjunct Professor of Law JR Swanegan, BA, JD, Lecturer in Law Bill Thompson, BS, JD, Adjunct Professor of Law Jayne T. Woods, BS, JD, Adjunct Associate Professor of Law Upcoming Events MU School of Law January 9–11, 2008 Mediation Training for Civil Cases John K. Hulston Hall 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 21.7 MCLE hours, including 1.2 hours of ethics For more information, please call 573-884-7813 February 15–16, 2008 Law Review Symposium Beyond Missouri v. Holland: Explorations at the Intersection of Federalism and International Law John K. Hulston Hall For more information, please call 573-882-6381 March 6, 2008 Small Firm and Public Interest Expo John K. Hulston Hall 4:30 – 6 p.m. For more information, please call 573-882-6444 March 17, 2008 Dean’s Tour Reception in Washington, D.C. The Hay-Adams Sixteenth & H Streets NW 5 – 7 p.m. For more information, please call 573-882-4374 April 17, 2008 Annual Celebration of The Law Society Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art 4525 Oak Street, Kansas City 5 p.m. Registration 5:30 p.m. Reception 6:30 p.m. Dinner For more information, please call 573-882-4374 April 19, 2008 May 18, 2008 May Commencement Speaker: Judge Patricia A. Breckenridge, ’78 1:30 p.m. Jesse Hall Auditorium For more information, please contact 573-884-2276 June 4–6, 2008 Mediation Training for Civil Cases John K. Hulston Hall 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 21.7 MCLE hours, including 1.2 hours of ethics. For more information, please call 573-884-7813 September 12–13, 2008 Law Day and Class Reunions Times and Locations TBA Fourth Annual Tim Heinsz Memorial 5K Run/Walk John K. Hulston Hall 9 a.m. For more information, please visit law.missouri.edu/sba/5k For the most current listing of events, visit our online calendar at » law.missouri.edu/calendar. For information about CLE programming or registration, visit our Web site at » law.missouri.edu/cle/general/upcoming or call 573-884-7813. School of Law University of Missouri–Columbia John K. Hulston Hall Columbia, MO 65211