FY16 Assistant County Manager Work and Performance Plan

FY16 Assistant County
Manager Work and
Performance Plan
Rating Criteria:
Exemplary (E): Almost always demonstrates these behaviors
Successful (S): Frequently demonstrates these behaviors
Needs Improvement (NI): Infrequently demonstrates these behaviors
Upgrade Financial Reporting and Forecasting
Refine monthly financial reporting and annual forecasts and implement an integrated, long-range planning
• Provide the Executive Team, BOCC, and County management with decision-making reports and
• Create a long-range planning system to dovetail with the County’s FY16 strategic planning process and
to address Rating Agency analytical requirements
• Improve accuracy of revenue, expenditure, capital planning projections
• Evaluate opportunities to accelerate County investments
Completion Date:
• Monthly financial reports to ET, BOCC, and Department Directors
• Quarterly financial update reports to BOCC
• Long-Range Planning System – Specifications (October 2015); Completion (March 2016)
Updates/Project Milestones:
• Successful completion of monthly, quarterly reports
• Procurement and implementation of a Long-Range Planning System (3Q completion)
• Continuous support for addressing pending Legislative revenue contingencies
Successful completion of reporting milestones
• Q1 – Agreement on Long-Range planning system specifications (IT / Finance)
• Q2 – Procurement of Long-Range planning software (begin programming)
• Q3 –Completion of Long-Range planning system
End of year reporting ONLY
• Brief statement on if the project addressed the issue it was intended to address. If so, how.
• Statement on if project was completed at or below budget (update at end of fiscal year). If not, why?
• Statement on whether or not performance metric goals were met.
Performance Rating:
Executive Team Comments:
[add rating here]
Effective Deployment of Critical IT System Implementations & Upgrades
• Make needed changes to the IT organization and structure to improve project delivery and service
• Effectively deploy critical IT solutions with a focus on fixing the IT foundation and system stability
• Utilize a quarterly executive governance and project steering committee to communicate progress and
to ensure alignment with operating strategies, system performance, and data security risks
Develop an IT organization and project delivery structure capable of maintaining the County’s core IT
systems, successfully deploy the FY16 IT reserve projects, and provide the framework for the future IT
Completion Date:
Per project milestones
Updates/Project Milestones:
• Quarterly - Leverage IT Executive Steering Committee Governance processes to provide status on
project portfolio delivery
• FY16 Q1 - Grants Management System – September 2015
• FY16 Q2- Advantage Upgrade (October 2015)
• FY16 Q2 – AT&T Legacy Circuit Migration - (system security / data security and stability)
• FY16 Q2 - Data Loss Prevention (November 2015) (system security / data security and stability)
• FY16 Q3 – Library Network Infrastructure Upgrade (system security / data security and stability)
• FY16 Q3 – County Data Network Core Upgrade (system security / data security and stability)
• FY16 Q3 – Long-Range Financial Planning System
• FY16 Q3 – DNS Domain Name System Upgrade (system security / data security and stability)
• FY16 Q2 – Advantage / BuySpeed Integration (October 2015)
• FY16 Q3 - PeopleSoft - Upgrade to PeopleTools release 8.54 during FY16 Q1-Q3.
• FY17 Q1 - PeopleSoft - Implement the 9.2 upgrade starting Q1 of FY17 and roll out critical
updates and new business capabilities.
o FY17 forward - Utilize PeopleSoft Upgrade Manager (PUM) to position the County for a
quarterly release strategy for PeopleSoft
Completion of milestone deliveries
Customer satisfaction
End of year reporting ONLY
• Brief statement on if the project addressed the issue it was intended to address. If so, how.
• Statement on if project was completed at or below budget (update at end of fiscal year). If not, why?
• Statement on whether or not performance metric goals were met.
Performance Rating:
[add rating here]
Executive Team Comments:
Overall Section 1:
Key Initiatives Rating
[add rating here]
Procurement Services Implementation Completion
Complete implementation of the Procurement Services function to serve County Departments
• Improve procurement process and compliance
• Eliminate reliance on City procurement function
• Establish framework and protocol to leverage the County’s purchasing power
Completion Date:
December 2015
Updates/Project Milestones:
• Phase 2: Department catalogue look-up capability in BuySpeed – July 2015
• Phase 3: Fully integrated BuySpeed / Advantage System Go-Live – December 2015
• Revision to City / County Interlocal Agreement (requires 90 day notice) – March 2016
• Revised policies and procedures – December 2015
• Successful BuySpeed system integration
• Increased utilization of procurement services
• Elimination of FY17 City procurement budget ($800k)
• Savings on County spend (1% actionable spend goal to start)
End of year reporting ONLY
• Brief statement on if the project addressed the issue it was intended to address. If so, how.
• Statement on if project was completed at or below budget (update at end of fiscal year). If not, why?
• Statement on whether or not performance metric goals were met.
Performance Rating:
Executive Team Comments:
[add rating here]
Gross Receipts Tax System Replacement
Description: The legacy gross receipts tax system was approved for replacement, an RFP process was
completed, and a vendor contract is signed. The implementation of a new gross receipts tax system is included
in the FY16 IT plan and is projected for go-live by Q4, FY 2017
Rationale: The old legacy system is 12 years old. Over $100 million of taxes were collected through this
system in FY15. Anticipated collections for FY16 will decrease by approximately $18 million due to the
repeal of the Privilege License Tax. However, anticipated growth in other gross receipts taxes will fill this gap
over the next few years. The current system is unstable and does not interface well with the County’s tax and
finance systems. The new system will remedy these shortcomings.
Completion Date:
System specifications and requirements delivery – FY17; System implementation – FY 17
Updates/Project Milestones:
Q1 – Completion of Project Kickoff
Q1 – Fit Analysis Report Delivery
Q4 – Requirements Delivery
Q1 FY17 – Vendor Implementation Commencement
Successful completion of project milestones
Collaboration with the City / Town stakeholders
End of year reporting ONLY
• Brief statement on if the project addressed the issue it was intended to address. If so, how.
• Statement on if project was completed at or below budget (update at end of fiscal year). If not, why?
• Statement on whether or not performance metric goals were met.
Performance Rating:
[add rating here]
Executive Team Comments:
Overall Section 1:
Key Initiatives Rating
[add rating here]
Upgrade Organizational Capability
Description: Use the strategic planning process, organizational assessment, and succession planning to
improve performance and align workforce capabilities with Customer and County Needs
Rationale: In FY15, the IT Department began a transformation process to address performance gaps and to
better serve its customers. The Finance Department commenced a succession planning exercise; identifying
key position competencies and potential successors. Both of those initiatives will continue in FY16 as well as
an expansion of succession planning for IT and targeted, career development training in all ACM Finance
Completion Date: Continuous progress through June 30, 2016
Updates/Project Milestones:
Q1 thru Q4 – Implement organizational changes enabling and supporting the new IT Operating Model
starting with the Q1 hire of a new Director, Quality/Testing. The FY16 workforce plan calls for 13
replacement / strategic position hires and a realignment of the organization structure.
Q1 thru Q4 – Identify, analyze and report critical IT performance indicators
Q2 – Complete Phase I of the Finance Department Succession Planning Process including the
agreement on a succession plan for the Director of Financial Services (“DFS”) and career development
plans for the identified potential successors for the Deputy Director positions and the DFS
Q3 – Complete review of competencies for all fiscal positions
Q1 – Hire Fiscal Management Analyst to implement long-range financial planning and analysis
Q4 – Commence succession planning in IT
Successful completion of strategic, IT hires and organization changes
Completion of project milestones
Performance Rating:
[add rating here]
Executive Team Comments:
Overall Section 1:
Key Initiatives Rating
[add rating here]
Enterprise Risk Management
Description: Expand the continuum of the County’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program into
strategic planning and implement risk management at the operational level.
Rationale: In FY15 the County’s ERM process was evaluated and benchmarked. The analysis highlighted the
importance of ERM and the need to integrate it into business planning and increase the County’s ERM
awareness and capability. In addition, the County’s Compliance Program and Business Continuity were
incorporated into ERM.
Completion Date: Continuous progress through June 2016.
Updates/Project Milestones:
Integrate ERM into the County’s Strategic Business Plan – January 2016
Expand ERM awareness and reporting:
Quarterly: ERM consultation with Department Directors (strategy / contingency planning)
Quarterly: Safety Performance Metric reports (ET / ERMC / Cabinet)
Annual: Risk Assessment Communication (Board / ET / ERMC / Cabinet)
Business Continuity:
• Develop alternative facility plans (Q1 specific to pending trial; Q4 broader AFP & disaster recovery
• Complete testing of COOPs and address identified gaps – Q2 testing; Q4 COOP build-outs
• Develop catalogue of top departmental regulations – Q2
• Develop a department policy database and identify / address enterprise policy inconsistencies – Q4
Successful completion of milestones
Performance Rating:
[add rating here]
Executive Team Comments:
Overall Section 1:
Key Initiatives Rating
[add rating here]
Department Strategic Business Plan (FY17-FY19)
Description: Create a 3-Year department strategic business plan that incorporates department initiatives
(including those aligned to Mecklenburg Livable Communities Plan), identifies upcoming business
imperatives and links initiatives to the budget process.
Rationale: Department strategic business planning is essential to outlining departmental goals, strategies and
measures that will serve as the guiding document for budgeting from FY17-FY19.
Completion Date: January 2016
Updates/Project Milestones:
August 2015: “Train-the-Facilitator” training
September 10, 2015: County Manger’s Strategic Planning Retreat
September – January 2016: Departments Draft Strategic Business plans
Successful completion of a 3-Year Strategic Business Plan for FY17-FY19
Performance Rating:
[add rating here]
Executive Team Comments:
Overall Section 1:
Key Initiatives Rating
[add rating here]
(This section does not need to be completed prior to June 1. In early June, OMB will provide
instructions for submitting modified or proposed FY16 Key Performance Indicators.)
Key Performance Indicators
Overall Section 2:
Key Performance Indicators Rating
Executive Team Comments:
(E, S, NI)
[add rating here]
ACM Comments
(Complete at the end of FY16.)
Strategic Thinking
Formulating vision into actions
Builds, communicates, and promotes a
shared, long-term vision
Formulates strategies, objectives and
priorities, and implements plans consistent
with the vision
Identifies key issues based on logical
assumptions, facts and data
Capitalizes on opportunities and manages
Understands the interdependency of the
working, structure and culture of the
organization as well as the social and
economic issues/trends affecting the
Executive Excellence
Optimizing talent management and
financial health
Attracts, develops, engages, and retains
Creates a learning culture that encourages
accountability by providing ongoing
feedback and opportunities for continual
learning for self, employees and teams
Assesses short-term and long-term fiscal
condition; uses cost-benefit thinking to set
and balance short-term and long-term
Determines cost-effectiveness of programs
and compares alternative strategies
Optimizes good financial management
(E, S, NI)
ACM Comments
Change & Innovation
Innovating through change and creativity
Identifies, communicates and drives
changes needed to adapt strategically to
shifting demands, business conditions,
technology, and internal initiatives
Questions conventional approaches;
develops creative and innovative solutions
to situations
Creates a shared responsibility among
team members/staff and encourages others
to seek different ideas/approaches to
address organizational problems and
opportunities and then embraces them
Rapidly adapts to changing conditions and
communicates frequently and candidly
during times of change
Designs, communicates and gains the
acceptance of and leads the
implementation of optimal, new or cutting
edge ideas/processes to manage problems
and opportunities
Collaborative Relationships
Collaborating through alliances and
Identifies opportunities for, initiates, and
maintains strategic relationships and
networks in and out of the organization
Promotes openness and trust and builds
confidence in one's intentions to achieve
Fosters an inclusive workplace by working
effectively with individuals and groups of
diverse cultures.
Utilizes the capabilities, insights, and ideas
of individuals and groups to ensure the
accomplishment of common business
goals/improve results
Values & Integrity
Serving with integrity and respect
Models high standards, acting in
accordance with moral, ethical, and
professional standards, policies and
regulations consistent with the County’s
Values and Guiding Principles; leads by
Demonstrates honesty, fairness, openness
and being forthright, consistently, in words
and actions, treating people with courtesy
and respect
Respects the confidentiality of information
and concerns shared by others
Takes responsibility for and learns from
own mistakes; does not misrepresent self
Overall Section 3:
Leadership Competencies Rating
Executive Team Comments:
[add rating here]
(Exemplary, Successful, Needs Improvement)
Section 1: Key Initiatives
Section 2: Key Performance Indicators
Section 3: Leadership Competencies
Overall Performance Rating:
Performance Increase
Current Salary
% Increase: % of market rate of $ applied to current salary
New Salary
Cash Merit (if applicable)
Supervisor Comments:
Development Goal #1
Planned Actions/Resources:
Assistant County Manager Comments
End of year reporting ONLY
Executive Team Comments
End of year reporting ONLY
Development Goal #2
Planned Actions/Resources:
Assistant County Manager Comments
End of year reporting ONLY
Executive Team Comments
End of year reporting ONLY
Rating Criteria
Section 1: Key Initiatives
Exemplary (E) – Employee contributes beyond expectations for departmental key initiatives
Successful (S) – Employee meets the expectations for departmental key initiatives
Needs Improvement (NI) – Employee does not meet expectations for the departmental key initiatives
Section 2: Key Performance Indicators
Exemplary (E) – KPI result falls above the range for successful
Successful (S) – KPI result falls within the range for successful
Needs Improvement (NI) – KPI result falls below the range for successful
Section 3: Leadership Competencies
Exemplary (E): Almost always demonstrates these behaviors
Successful (S): Frequently demonstrates these behaviors
Needs Improvement (NI): Infrequently demonstrates these behaviors
Overall Performance
Exemplary (E) – Employee consistently contributes beyond job expectations and in accomplishing extraordinary results for the
Successful (S) – Employee meets the expectations for and contributes to the achievement of the results for the department
Needs Improvement (NI) – Employee performance does not fully meet established requirements for the department