Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 6(21): 3946-3952, 2013 ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2013 Submitted: December 20, 2012 Accepted: January 25, 2013 Published: November 20, 2013 Nonlinear Responses of a Two Dimensional Vehicle-pavement System Shaohua Li and Haoyu Li Mechanical Engineering School, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang 050043, China Abstract: The vehicle and pavement are usually investigated separately in vehicle dynamics and pavement dynamics. In this work, a new research scheme is proposed to link the vehicle and pavement model by tire loads and compute the nonlinear dynamic responses by analytical methods. A two-DOF nonlinear vehicle and a BernoulliEuler beam on a nonlinear elastic foundation with two simply supported ends compose the nonlinear vehiclepavement system. The nonlinear tire loads are analytically gained using the averaging method. Then the nonlinear vibration equation of the pavement is obtained using Galerkin method and solved using the multiple scales method. The theoretical solutions are verified by numerical results and the effects of system parameters on pavement vibration are also studied. It is found that the pavement responses excited by tire loads attenuate quickly and small pavement mass, large foundation damping or foundation stiffness may decrease the pavement vibration. Keywords: Beam on nonlinear elastic foundation, method of multiple scales, nonlinear dynamic, tire loads, vehiclepavement system INTRODUCTION In vehicle dynamics, the responses of vehicles with nonlinear suspensions were widely studied. Stensson et al. (1994) analyzed nonlinear phenomena in a vehicle suspension, including multi-solutions, sub-resonance and the system’s sensitivity in numerical integral. Li et al. (2004) investigated chaos in a hysteretic nonlinear vehicle suspension both by Melnikov method and many numerical methods. Georgios et al. (2008) studied the semi-active control based on a nonlinear vehicle with MRF damper. Raghavendra and Pravin (2009) researched the chaotic motion of a one degree of freedom quarter-car model with nonsymmetric potential. However, these researches didn’t consider responses of pavement induced by the tire load of a nonlinear vehicle. In pavement dynamics, responses of a beam or a plate on a nonlinear elastic foundation under moving load was attracted much attention. The moving load is often a constant load or a harmonic load with a fixed frequency. Kargarnovin et al. (2005) obtained response of infinite beams supported by nonlinear visco-elastic foundations subjected to harmonic moving loads using a perturbation method and investigated influences of the load speed and frequency on the beam responses. Santee investigated the stability of a beam on nonlinear elastic foundation and obtained the critical boundary of system instability with the method of Melnikov (Santee and Gonalves, 2006). Yang et al. (2006) studied nonlinear vibration and singularities of a rectangular thin plate on nonlinear elastic foundation. Xiao et al. (2008) investigated bifurcation and chaos of rectangular moderately thick cracked plates on an elastic foundation subjected to periodic load. However the tire load acting on pavement is consist of several frequencies and depends on vehicle suspension vibration. The tire load obtained from vehicle dynamic responses are seldom considered in present studies on pavement dynamics. In this study, a nonlinear vehicle-pavement system is modeled by a two-DOF nonlinear vehicle and a Bernoulli-Euler beam on the nonlinear elastic foundation. The analytical solutions of wheel and vehicle body displacement are obtained by the averaging method. Then the tire loads of the nonlinear vehicle are gained. Subjected to this tire load, a nonlinear ordinary differential equation of the pavement is obtained using Galerkin method. Then the analytical pavement displacement is gained using the multiple scales method. Effects of system parameters on pavement vibration are also studied, including pavement elastic module, foundation damping, linear foundation stiffness and nonlinear foundation stiffness. MATHEMATIC MODEL A nonlinear vehicle-pavement system is modeled by a two-DOF nonlinear vehicle and a Bernoulli-Euler beam on a nonlinear elastic foundation with two simply supported ends, as shown in Fig. 1. It is assumed that the vehicle runs at a constant speed from the midpoint of the beam to right direction. Corresponding Author: Shaohua Li, Mechanical Engineering School, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang 050043, China, Tel/Fax: 0086-311-87935554 3946 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(21): 3946-3952, 2013 v y2 Fc y1 m2 K2 m1 K1 C yr 1 C Fig. 1: The nonlinear vehicle-pavement model Tire load of the nonlinear vehicle: Letting dimensionless displacement x1 = y1/B0 , x2 = y2/B0 and dimensionless time τ = Ωt, one gets the dimensionless vehicle system: The vehicle’s equations of motion are expressed by: m1 y1 " K2 ( y1 y2 ) Fc K1 ( y1 y0 ) C1 ( y1 ' y0 ') 0 (1) m2 y2 " K2 ( y2 y1 ) Fc 0 where, m1, m2 are the masses of vehicle body and wheel respectively; y2, y1 are the body and wheel’s vertical displacements respectively; K1, K2 are stiffness of tire and suspension, respectively; C1 is tire’s damping coefficient. The harmonic road roughness y0 is expressed by: y0 B0 sin t (2) where, B0 is the amplitude of road surface roughness, Ω = 2 πv/ L0, v and L0 are the vehicle running speed and the wavelength of road roughness relatively. Fc is the nonlinear skyhook damping control force of vehicle suspension. A revised Bingham model is applied here (Yang and Li, 2005): Fc C2 y2 ' Fy sgn( y2 ' V0 ) EI yr y y K3 yr K 4 yr3 C r m 2r F ( x L / 2 vt ) x 4 t t 2 (4b) dx , d K2 , K B12 2 1 , B13 C1 , 2 m1 m1 m1 K C F F C B15 2 , B16 y , B21 2 2 , B22 2 , B23 y , m2 m1 m2 m2 m1 V x0 0 . B0 where, x B11 Since the coefficients B23 are much smaller than other coefficients, the system (4) is weak nonlinear and may be investigated by the averaging method. Letting: xi ai cos i x i ai sin i (3) Here C2 is the viscous damping coefficient, Fy is controlling force and V0 is the velocity when MRF damping force is zero. The vertical vibration equation of the pavement under the moving vehicle loads can be obtained as follows: 4 x1 B11 ( x1 x2 ) B12 x1 B13 x1 B15 x2 B16 sgn( x2 x20 ) B12 sin B13 cos x2 B21 ( x2 x1 ) B22 x2 B23 sgn( x2 x20 ) 0 where, φi = τ – θi, i = 1, 2. The averaging equations can be derived as follows: a1 P1 a11 R1 a 2 P2 a R 2 2 2 (4a) where E, I, x, yr, K3, K4, C, L are the modulus of elasticity, cross-sectional moment of inertia, vehicle’s position in running direction, beam’s vertical displacement, linear foundation stiffness, nonlinear foundation stiffness, foundation damping and the beam’s length respectively. (5) (6) where, 1 2 f1 sin 1d1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 B11a2 sin(1 2 ) B13 sin 1 B12 cos 1 B13a1 B15 a2 cos(1 2 ) 2 2 2 2 2 P1 3947 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(21): 3946-3952, 2013 f 2 ( B21 1)a2 cos 2 B21a1 cos 1 B22 a2 sin 2 B23 sgn(a2 sin 2 x20 ) S1 In order to obtain the second term of P2 and R2, the following techniques are applied. Letting S 1 a 2 sin 2 x 20 , S 2 a 2 sin 2 x 20 , 2 0 2π-α π+α S 3 B 23 sgn( a 2 sin 2 x 20 ) . Functions S1, S2 and S3 are shown in Fig. 2. According to – α2 sin φ2 + ݔሶ 20 = 0, α is gained: arcsin(x 20 / a 2 ) (a) S1 The value of φ2 is 0, α, π – α, π + α, and 2π - α at point 1~5 respectively. The four angles divide a period of 0~2π into five parts. Thus the second term of P2 and R2 can be derived: S2 2 0 α (7) 2 1 2 π-α B 23 sgn( a 2 sin 2 x 20 ) sin 2 d 2 0 B 23 ( sin 2 d 2 ( sin 2 ) d 2 ( sin 2 ) d 2 2 0 (b) S2 2 sin 2 d 2 2 sin 2 d 2 ) 2 2 B 23 cos 2 B 23 2 a 22 x 20 a 2 (8a) S3 1 2 1 B23 2 x 2 0 1 2 f 2 sin 2 d 2 2 0 1 1 1 B22 a 2 B21a1 sin(1 2 ) 2 2 2 cos 2 d 2 2 cos 2 d 2 ) 2 B 23 sin 2 B 23 x 20 a 2 (8b) (9a) B11a2 cos(1 2 ) B13 cos1 B12 sin1 (1 B11 B12 )a1 B15a2 sin(1 2 ) 0 (9b) 2 0 B23 sgn(a2 sin 2 x 20 ) sin 2 d 2 1 2 f 2 cos 2 d 2 2 0 1 1 1 2 (1 B 21 ) a 2 B 21 a1 cos( 1 2 ) B 23 sgn( a 2 sin 2 x 20 ) cos 2 d 2 2 2 2 0 R2 f1 cos 1d1 1 1 1 1 1 B11a2 cos(1 2 ) B13 cos 1 B12 sin 1 (1 B11 B12 )a1 B15 a2 sin(1 2 ) 2 2 2 2 2 P2 2 B11a2 sin(1 2 ) B13 sin 1 B12 cos1 B13a1 B15a2 cos(1 2 ) 0 Fig. 2: Function S1, S2 and S3 2 2 Letting ߙሶ 1 = ߙሶ 2 = ߠሶ1 = ߠሶ2 = 0 , the stable solution equation of system (6) is obtained: (c) S3 1 2 0 4 3 R1 B 23 sgn( a 2 sin 2 x 20 ) cos 2 d 2 B 23 ( cos 2 d 2 ( cos 2 ) d 2 ( cos 2 ) d 2 2 0 5 x 20 2 f1 B11a2 cos 2 ( B11 B12 )a1 cos 1 B13a1 sin 1 B12 sin B13 cos B15 a2 sin 2 B16 sgn(a2 sin 2 x20 ) 4B23 a22 x202 0 B22a2 B21a1 sin(1 2 ) a2 4B23 x20 0 (1 B21 )a2 B21a1 cos(1 2 ) a2 (9c, 9d) Eliminating θ1 – θ2 from Eq. (9c) and (9d) yields: ( B22 a 2 4 B23 2 a 22 x 20 a 22 2 2 2 2 ) 2 a 22 (a 22 B21a 22 4 x 20 B23 ) 2 B21 a1 a 2 (10) From Eq. (9c) and Eq. (9d) one has: 3948 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(21): 3946-3952, 2013 sin( ) ( B a 2 4 B a 2 x 2 ) / ( B a a ) (11) 1 2 22 2 23 2 20 21 1 2 2 cos(1 2 ) [( B21 1) a2 4 B23 x20 ] / ( B21 a1a2 ) Moving the terms including sin θ1 or cosθ1 from the left hand of Eq. (9a) and (9b) to the right hand, eliminating θ1-θ2 from the two equations and considering Eq. (11), one get: (B112 B152 )a22 (1 B112 B122 B132 2B11B12 2B11 2B12 )a12 (2B11 2B112 2B11B12 2B13 B15 ) B21 Due to the weak nonlinearity of system (16), the responses can be gained by the multiple scale method. Since the excitation frequency is much smaller than the inherence frequency of system (16), only the nonresonance condition is considered. One may express the solution in terms of different time scales as: xr (t ) xr 0 (T0 , T1 ) xr1 (T0 , T1 ) (17) ( a22 B21 a22 4x20 B23 ) (12) where, T0 = τ, T1 = ετ. Substituting Eq. (17) into Eq. (16) and equating coefficients of like powers of ε leads to: From Eq. (10) and Eq. (12) one may get a1 and a2. Substituting a1 and a2 into Eq. (10) leads to θ1 and θ2. Thus the analytical displacements of wheel and vehicle body are ascertained: D0 2 xr 0 r2 xr 0 cos( 1T0 1 ) cos( 2T0 1 ) cos( T0 ) 2 2 3 D0 xr1 r xr1 2D0 D1 xr 0 D0 xr 0 3 xr 0 (2B11B13 2B15 2B11B15 2B12 B15 ) (B22 a22 4B23 a22 x202 ) B122 B132 B21 x1 a1 cos( 1 ), x 2 a 2 cos( 2 ) (13) The analytical tire load acting on pavement can be expressed as: F K1( y1 y0 ) C1( y1 y0 ) (m2 m1)g F1 sin(t 1 ) F2 sin(t ) (m1 m2 )g (14) (18) The solution for the first line of Eq.(18) is given the form: xr 0 (T0 , T1 ) A(T1 )e jrT0 B1e jr1T0 B2e jr2T0 B3e jrT0 cc (19) F1 ( K1B0 a1 ) 2 (C1B0 a1) 2 , F2 ( K1B0 ) 2 (C1B0) 2 , tan 1 (C1 / K1 ) where, cc denotes the complex conjugate of the preceding terms and A ae j / 2 , B1 e j / (r 2 12 ), B2 e j / ( r 2 22 ), B3 / ( r 2 2 ) . Responses of the nonlinear pavement: Letting yr = U(t) sin πx / L, a nonlinear ordinary equation can be gained as follows: Substituting Eq. (19) into the second line of Eq. (18) leads to the condition for eliminating the secular term: EI 4 K3 L4 ( L / 2 vt ) C 3K U(t ) U (t ) U (t ) 4 U (t )3 F sin 4M M ML4 L 3 3 A 2 A 2 j r D1 A j r A 6 3 AB1 B1 6 3 AB2 B2 6 3 AB3 B3 0 where, 1 (15) 2 (20) Substituting the tire load Eq. (14) into Eq. (3), letting dimensionless displacement xr = U/ B0 and dimensionless time τ = Ωt, one get the dimensionless system: Separating the real and imaginary parts of Eq. (20), one obtains: 1 D1a 2 a D1 3 3 (a 2 2 B12 2 B22 2 B32 ) 8r xr x xr x cos( 1 1 ) cos( 2 1 ) 6 cos 2 r r 3 3 r (16) where, r ( EI 4 KL4 ) / (2 ML4 ) C / ( M ) 3 3K 2 B02 / (4 M 2 ) From Eq. (21), one can get the first order approximate solution of the dimensionless system (16): xr (t)= α cos (ωr τ + β) + B1 cos (γ1τ + θ1) + B2 cos (γ2 τ + θ1) + B3 cos (γτ) (22) / 2, 2 4 (21) 2 5 1 tan 1 ( 5 / 4 / 2), where, 6 (m1 m2 ) g / ( B02 M 2 ) 1 1 L0 / (2L), 2 1 L0 / (2L) L0 / (2L) a c1e T1 /2 , 3 3 (c12 e T1 2 B12T1 2 B22T1 2 B32T1 ) / 8r c2 Here Thus the analytical pavement displacement under the moving vehicle loads is gained: 4 (F1 cos( ) F2 cos ) / (B0 M 2 ) 5 (F1 sin( ) F2 sin)/ (B0M2 ) yr B0 xr (t )sin x / L 3949 (23) Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(21): 3946-3952, 2013 5 x 10 -0.995 -1 F/N -1.005 -1.01 -1.015 -1.02 -1.025 10 15 20 t/s 25 30 Fig. 3: Numerical verification of the analytical tire load yr/m t/s Fig. 4: The theoretical solution and numerical solution of pavement displacement With the rise of pavement length or pavement mass, the amplitude of pavement displacement increases. Large elastic modulus, foundation damping or foundation stiffness will reduce pavement vibration. a r/m Numerical simulation: Parameters of the nonlinear vehicle-pavement system (Wang et al., 2005; Deng, 2000) are m2 = 10109 kg, m1 = 190 kg, K1 = 2060000 N/m, C1 = 900 Ns2/m, K2 = 75000 N/m, C2 = 9000 Ns2/m, C3 = 1000 Ns2/m, v0 = 0.1, Fy = 1000 N, B0 = 0.5 m, Ω = 2Hz, L0 = 20 m, E = 1.6×109 N/m2, I = 5×104 4 m , K3 = 48×106 N/m2, K4 = -4.8×106 N/m2, C = 0.3×105 Ns/m2, M = 1500 Kg, L = 120 m. To verify the analytical tire load from averaging method, the numerical tire load is obtained by the Rugga-Kutta method according to Eq. (1), as shown in the dashed line in Fig. 3. The solid line is the analytical tire load calculated by Eq. (14). From Fig. 3 it can be seen that the analytical tire load is very near to the numerical one. Thus the analytical tire load can be used to investigate the pavement response. The solid line in Fig. 4 shows the analytical solution of the pavement displacement obtained by Eq. (23). The dashed line From Fig. 4 in Fig. 4 is the numerical pavement displacement obtained by integrating Eq. (16) numerically. It can be found that the pavement response excited by vehicle loads attenuates quickly and the analytical pavement displacement is very near to the numerical one. Thus the verification of the analytical pavement response Eq. (23) is tested. Varying the road excitation frequency Ω from 0.5 rad/s to 22 rad/s, the amplitude frequency response curve of pavement displacement is gained from Eq. (23), as shown in Fig. 5. It can be seen from Fig. 5 that with the rise of the road excitation frequency, two peaks occur in the pavement response which is associate with the inherence frequency of the vehicle body and the tire. Letting L0 = 10 m, these two peak will occur at the running speed 14km/h and 100 km/h. Thus it can be concluded that as the running speed increases, the increase in road vibration is not monotonous. In other words, the heavy vehicle running at low speed may lead to more severe road vibration than that running at high speed. Figure 6 shows the effects of six system parameters on pavement vibration, including pavement length, pavement mass, elastic modulus, foundation damping, linear foundation stiffness and nonlinear foundation stiffness. It can be seen that Ω/Hz Fig. 5: The amplitude frequency response curve of pavement displacement 3950 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(21): 3946-3952, 2013 -3.6 -3.8876 -3.65 -3.8876 -3.7 -3.8876 -3.75 y r /mm y r/mm -3.8876 -3.8876 -3.8 -3.8876 -3.85 -3.8876 -3.9 -3.8876 -3.95 -3.8876 50 100 150 -4 500 200 L/m 1000 1500 2000 M/kg/m (a) The effect of pavement length 2500 3000 (b) The effect of pavement mass -2.4 -3.7142 -2.6 -3.7142 -2.8 -3.7142 -3 y r /mm y /mm -3.7142 r -3.7142 -3.7142 -3.2 -3.4 -3.6 -3.7142 -3.8 -3.7142 -4 -3.7142 0 2 4 6 8 E/N/m 10 12 14 2 -4.2 16 1 1.5 2 2.5 C/Ns/m2 3 5 x 10 (d) The effect of foundation damping, -3.7142 -2 -3.7142 -2.5 -3.7142 -3 -3.7142 -3.5 -3.7142 y r/mm -1.5 r y /mm 0.5 x 10 (c) The effect of elastic modulus -3.7142 -4 -4.5 -3.7142 -5 -3.7142 -5.5 0 10 -3.7142 3 4 5 6 7 K3/N/m2 8 9 10 7 x 10 (e) The effect of foundation stiffness 0 1 2 3 K4/N/m4 4 5 6 7 (f) The effect of nonlinear foundation stiffness Fig. 6: The effect of system parameters on pavement vibration 3951 7 x 10 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(21): 3946-3952, 2013 The effect of pavement mass, foundation damping and foundation stiffness is greater than that of the other three parameters. CONCLUSION Nonlinear dynamics of a vehicle-pavement system is investigated with the method of averaging, Galerkin and multiple scales. Some numerical results are presented as well. It can be concluded from this work that: The analytical solutions of nonlinear vehicle using averaging method can be used to compute the tire load acting on pavement with enough accuracy. The pavement response excited by vehicle loads attenuate quickly and the heavy vehicle running at low speed may lead to more severe vibration than that running at high speed. Small pavement mass, large foundation damping or foundation stiffness may decrease the amplitude of pavement vibration. 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