Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 6(19):... ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467

Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 6(19): 3527-3535, 2013
ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467
© Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2013
Submitted: October 17, 2012
Accepted: December 28, 2012
Published: October 20, 2013
Exact Solutions to Some Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Mathematical
Physics Via the (G´/G) -Expansion Method
1, 2
M. Ali Akbar and 1Norhashidah Hj. Mohd. Ali
School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh
Abstract: The (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺)-expansion method is a powerful tool for the direct analysis of contender nonlinear equations.
In this study, we search new exact traveling wave solutions to some nonlinear partial differential equations, such as,
the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, the Kawahara equation and the Carleman equations by means of the (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺)expansion method which are very significant in mathematical physics. The solutions are presented in terms of the
hyperbolic and the trigonometric functions involving free parameters. It is shown that the novel (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺)-expansion
method is a competent and influential tool in solving nonlinear partial differential equations in mathematical
Keywords: Homogeneous balance method, nonlinear partial differential equations, the (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺)-expansion method,
traveling wave solution
Nonlinear processes are one of the biggest
challenges and not easy to control because the nonlinear
characteristic of the system abruptly changes due to
some small changes of valid parameters including time.
Thus the issue becomes more complicated and hence
needs ultimate solution. Therefore, the studies of exact
solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
(NLPDEs) play a crucial role to understand the physical
mechanism of nonlinear phenomena. Advance
nonlinear techniques are significant to solve inherent
nonlinear problems, particularly those are involving
dynamical systems and related areas. In recent years,
significant improvements have been made for searching
exact solutions of NLPDEs. Many effective and
powerful methods have been established to handle the
NLPDEs, such as, the Backlund transformation method
(Rogers and Shadwick, 1982), the inverse scattering
method (Ablowitz and Clarkson, 1991), the Fexpansion method (Zhou et al., 2003; Wang and Zhou,
2003), the Darboux transformation method (Rogers and
Schief, 2003), the variational iteration method (He,
1997; Mohiud-Din et al., 2010), the homogeneous
balance method (Wang, 1995; Wang et al., 1996), the
tanh-function method (Parkes and Duffy, 1996), the
extended tanh-function method (Fan, 2000), the Jacobi
elliptic function expansion method (Liu et al., 2001),
the auxiliary equation method (Sirendaoreji, 2004), the
Exp-function method (He and Wu, 2006; Akbar and
Ali, 2011; Naher et al., 2011a; Naher et al., 2012), the
homotopy perturbation method (Jafari and Aminataei,
2010; Yildirim et al., 2011), Adomian decomposition
method (Adomian, 1994) and so on.
Very lately, Wang et al. (2008) developed a new
method called the (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺) -expansion method to look for
travelling wave solutions of nonlinear evolution
equations. The (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺) -expansion method is based on
the assumptions that the travelling wave solutions can
be expressed by a polynomial in (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺) where G
satisfies the second order linear Ordinary Differential
Equation (ODE), 𝐺𝐺′′ + λ𝐺𝐺" + μ G = 0, λ and μ are
arbitrary constants. The degree of the polynomial can
be determined by balancing the highest order derivative
and nonlinear terms appearing in the given nonlinear
equations. The coefficients of the polynomial can be
obtained by solving a set of algebraic equations resulted
from the process of using the method. By using the
(𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺)-expansion method, Wang et al. (2008)
successfully obtained travelling wave solutions of four
nonlinear partial differential equations.
Later, works have been done on the application of
the (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺)-expansion method to various nonlinear
partial differential equations. For example, Xiong and
Xia (2010) employed this method for searching exact
solutions to the (2+1)-dimensional Boiti-LeonPempinelle equation. Naher et al. (2011b) found some
new exact solutions to the Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon
equation by using this method. Feng and Zheng (2010a)
sought the travelling wave solution of the fifth order
Sawada-Kotera equation and Feng (2010) sought the
solution of the seventh order Sawada-Kotera equation
Corresponding Author: M. Ali Akbar, School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(19): 3527-3535, 2013
by using the (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺) -expansion method. Feng and
Zheng (2010b) also investigated the exact solutions of
Kodomtsev-Petviashvili-Benjamin-BonaMahony (KP-BBM) equation and (3+1)-dimensional
Yu-Toda-Sasa-Fukuyama (YTSF) equation via this
method. By means of the same method, Zayed and
Khaled (2009) constructed solutions of the Broer-Kaup
equation, breaking soliton equation, the NizhnikNokikov-Vesselov equation and the BoussinesqKodomtsev-Petviashvili (BKP) equations. Sousaraie
and Bagheri (2010) applied the (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺) -expansion
method to the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation while
Neyrame et al. (2010) used this method to seek
solutions of the Boussinesq equation and the BenjaminOno equations. Using the (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺)-expansion method,
Zheng (2011) obtained the travelling wave solutions of
equation. Feng et al. (2011) also used this method to
solve the Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov equation.
Zhou et al. (2009) solved the osmosis K (2, 2) equation.
Gomez and Salas (2010) investigated solutions of the
generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony with variable
coefficients. Akbar et al. (2012a) obtained abundant
traveling wave solutions of the Generalized Bretherton
equation by employing the (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺)-expansion method.
Akbar et al. (2012b) also obtained more new exact
solutions of some NLPDEs by a generalized and
improved (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺) -expansion method. Still, substantial
work has to be done in order for the (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺)-expansion
method to be well established, since every nonlinear
equation has its own physically significant rich
Our aim in this study is to present an application of
the (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺)-expansion method to some nonlinear PDEs
in mathematical physics namely, the KuramotoSivashinsky equation, the Kawahara equation and the
Carleman equations.
Let us consider the nonlinear partial differential
equation of the form:
P(u , u x , ut , u xx , u xt , ut t ...) = 0
where u = u(x, t) is an unknown function, P is a
polynomial in u = u(x, t) and its partial derivatives,
wherein the highest order derivatives and the nonlinear
terms are involved. The main steps of the (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺)expansion method are as follows:
Step 1: Introducing a new complex variable ξ in
terms of the independent variable x and t, we
suppose that
u ( x, t ) = u (ξ ) , ξ= x − V t .
V is the speed of the traveling wave
The traveling wave variable (2), allows us to
transform the nonlinear partial differential equation (1)
into an ODE for u(πœ‰πœ‰):
Q(u , − Vu ′, u ′, V 2 u ′′, − V u ′′, u ′′, ) = 0
Step 2: Suppose the solution of the ODE (3) can be
expressed by a polynomial in (𝐺𝐺 ′ /𝐺𝐺 ′ ) as
u (ξ ) = ∑ α n (G′ / G ) n α m ≠ 0
n =0
where, G = G(πœ‰πœ‰) satisfies the second order linear ODE:
G′′ + λ G′ + µ G =
where α n , (n = 0, 1, 2,…, m), λ and μ are constants to
be determined later.
Step 3: The value of m can be determined by
considering the homogeneous balance between
the highest order derivatives and the nonlinear
terms of the highest order appearing in Eq. (3).
More clearly, if the degree of u (πœ‰πœ‰) is
D[u(πœ‰πœ‰)]=n, then the degree of the other
expressions are as follows:
d p u (ξ )
d q u (ξ ) s
) ]=
n + p, D[u p (
np + s (n + q )
dξ q
Step 4: Substituting Eq. (4), together with Eq. (5) into
Eq. (3) and collecting all terms of the same
power of (𝐺𝐺 ′ /𝐺𝐺 ′ ), the left hand side of Eq. (3)
transforms to another polynomial in (𝐺𝐺 ′ /𝐺𝐺 ′ ).
Equating each coefficient to this polynomial to
zero, yields a set of algebraic equations for α n ,
(n = 0, 1, 2, …, m), V, λ and μ.
Step 5: Suppose that the constants α n , V, λ and μ can
be found by solving the algebraic equations
obtained in step 4. Substituting the solutions of
Eq. (5) and the values of α n , V, λ and μ into
Eq. (4), we obtain the traveling wave solutions
of the nonlinear evolution Eq. (1).
In this section, we will bring to bear the (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺)expansion method to some nonlinear evolution
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(19): 3527-3535, 2013
The kuramoto-sivashinsky equation: We begin with the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation:
u t = −u u x − u x x − u x x x x
This equation has applications in water waves and one-dimensional evolution of small amplitude long waves in
several problems arising in fluid dynamics.
The traveling wave transformation (2), transforms the Eq. (6) into an ODE in u (πœ‰πœ‰):
u (4) + u′′ + u u′ − Vu′ =
Integrating Eq. (7) with respect to πœ‰πœ‰, yields:
u ′′′ + u ′ + (1/ 2) u 2 − Vu + C =
C is an integral constant to be determined later
The solution of Eq. (8) can be expressed by a polynomial in (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺) as follows:
u (ξ ) = α 0 + α1 (
G′ ,
) + α 2 ( )2 +  + α m ( )m α m
where, α n , (n = 0, 1, 2,…, m) are constants to be determined and G = G(πœ‰πœ‰) satisfies the Eq. (5). Now balancing the
highest order linear tem 𝑒𝑒‴ with the highest order nonlinear term 𝑒𝑒2 , we obtain, m = 3.
Therefore, Eq. (9) takes the form:
u (ξ ) =
α 0 + α1 (
) + α 2 ( ) 2 + α 3 ( )3 , α 3 ≠ 0
Substituting Eq. (10) into Eq. (8) along with Eq. (5) and then collecting all terms with the same power of
(𝐺𝐺 ′ /𝐺𝐺 ′ ) , the left hand side of Eq. (8) is converted into another polynomial in(𝐺𝐺 ′ /𝐺𝐺 ′ ) . Setting each coefficient of
this polynomial to zero, we obtain a set of simultaneous algebraic equations for α0 , α1 , α2 , α3 , C V, λ and μ as
(1/ 2)α 32 − 60 α 3 =
0 , α 2 α 3 − 144 α 3 λ − 24 α 2 =
(1/ 2)α 22 + α1 α 3 − 54 α 2 λ − 114α 3 µ − 111α 3λ 2 − 6 α1 − 3α 3 =
α1 α 2 + α 0 α 3 − V α 3 − 12 α1 λ − 40 α 2 µ − 38α 2 λ 2 − 27α 3λ 3 − 168α 3 λ µ − 2 α 2 − 3α 3λ =
(1 / 2)α12 + α 0 α 2 − V α 2 − 7 α1 λ 2 − 8 α1 µ − 8 α 2 λ 3 − 60α 3 µ 2 − 52 α 2 λ µ − 57 α 3λ 2 µ − α1
−2 α 2 λ − 3α 3 µ =
α 0 α1 − V α1 − α1 λ 3 − 16 α 2 µ 2 − 8α1 λ µ − 14α 2 λ 2 µ − 36 α 3 λ µ 2 − α1λ − 2 α 2 µ =
−α1λ 2 µ − 6 α 2 λ µ 2 − 2 α1 µ 2 − 6 α 3 µ 3 − α1 µ + (1 / 2)α 02 + C − V α 0 =
Solving the set of algebraic equations given in Eq. (11), yields:
Case 1: α 3 = 120, α 2 = 0, α1 = (−270 /19), α 0 = α 0 , V = α 0 , λ = 0, µ = =
(−11/ 76), C (4950 / 6859) + (1 / 2)α 02 (12)
Case 2: α 3 = 120, α 2 = 0, α1 = (90 /19), α 0 = α 0 , V = α 0 , λ = 0, µ ==
(1/ 76), C (450 / 6859) + (1/ 2)α 02
α0 is an arbitrary constant
Since in case 1, λ = 0 and μ =
travelling wave solution:
< 0, therefore, substituting Eq. (12) into Eq. (10), we obtain the following
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(19): 3527-3535, 2013
u ( x, t=
) α0 −
270 11  C1 sinh( 11/ 76 ξ ) + C2 cosh( 11/ 76 ξ ) ο£Ά
19 76  C1 cosh( 11/ 76 ξ ) + C2 sinh( 11/ 76 ξ ) ο£·ο£Έ
330 11  C1 sinh( 11/ 76 ξ ) + C2 cosh( 11/ 76 ξ ) ο£Ά
19 76  C1 cosh( 11/ 76 ξ ) + C2 sinh( 11/ 76 ξ ) ο£·ο£Έ
where, πœ‰πœ‰ = x − α0 t, α0 , 𝐢𝐢1 , 𝐢𝐢2 are arbitrary constants. If 𝐢𝐢1 and 𝐢𝐢2 take particular values many known solutions in
the literature are revealed and some new solutions are constructed. Suppose 𝐢𝐢1 ≠ 0 but 𝐢𝐢2 = 0, then solution (14)
transforms to the soliton solution:
270 11
330 11
u ( x, t ) =
tanh( 11/ 76 ξ ) +
tanh 3 ( 11/ 76 ξ )
α0 −
19 76
19 76
On the other hand, if 𝐢𝐢1 ≠0 and 𝐢𝐢12 >𝐢𝐢22 , solution (14) reduces to the soliton solution:
u ( x , t ) =α 0 −
270 11
330 11
tanh( 11/ 76 ξ + ξ 0 ) +
tanh 3 ( 11/ 76 ξ + ξ 0 )
19 76
19 76
where, πœ‰πœ‰0 = tanh−1 (𝐢𝐢2 /𝐢𝐢1 ).
Again for case 2, λ = 0 and μ= >0, substituting Eq. (13) into Eq. (10), we obtain the following
travelling wave solution:
u ( x, t=
) α0 +
90 1  −C1 sin( 1/ 76 ξ ) + C2 cos( 1/ 76 ξ ) ο£Ά
19 76  C1 cos( 1/ 76 ξ ) + C2 sin( 1/ 76 ξ ) ο£·ο£Έ
30 1  −C1 sin( 1/ 76 ξ ) + C2 cos( 1/ 76 ξ ) ο£Ά
19 76  C1 cos( 1/ 76 ξ ) + C2 sin( 1/ 76 ξ ) ο£·ο£Έ
where, πœ‰πœ‰ = π‘₯π‘₯ − α0 t; α0 , 𝐢𝐢1 and 𝐢𝐢2 are arbitrary constants. If 𝐢𝐢1 and 𝐢𝐢2 are taken particular values, many known
solutions in the literature can be revealed. In particular, if 𝐢𝐢1 = 0 but 𝐢𝐢2 ≠0, solution (17) reduces to the solitary
wave solution:
90 1
30 1
u ( x, t ) =
cot( 1/ 76 ξ ) +
cot 3 ( 1/ 76 ξ )
α0 +
19 76
19 76
If 𝐢𝐢2 ≠0 and 𝐢𝐢22 >𝐢𝐢12 , then solution (17) reduces to the soliton solution:
u ( x , t ) =α 0 +
90 1
30 1
cot( 1/ 76 ξ + ξ 0 ) +
cot 3 ( 1/ 76 ξ + ξ 0 )
19 76
19 76
where ξ 0 = tan−1 (𝐢𝐢1 /𝐢𝐢2 ).
Remark 1: To the best of our consciousness the above solutions (14)-(19) have not been reported in the previous
The kawahara equation: Now we will consider the Kawahara equation:
ut + u xxx + η u(5 x ) + u u x =
η is a real parameter
The Kawahara equation occurs in the theory of magneto-acoustic waves in plasma and in the theory of shallow
water waves with surface tension.
The traveling wave transformation (2) transforms the Eq. (20) into the following ODE:
−Vu ′ + u ′′′ + η u (5) + u u ′ =
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(19): 3527-3535, 2013
where, u(5) and primes denote the derivative with respect to ξ. Eq. (21) is integrable, therefore, integrating with
respect toξ, yields:
C − V u + u ′′ + η u (4) + (1/ 2)u 2 =
C is an integral constant. Balancing the order of u(4) and u2 in Eq. (22), we obtain: m = 4. Therefore, the
solution of the Kawahara Eq. (20) takes the form:
u (ξ ) =
α 0 + α1 (
) + α 2 ( ) 2 + α 3 ( )3 + α 4 ( ) 4 , α 4 ≠ 0
Substituting Eq. (23) into Eq. (22), using Eq. (5) and then collecting all terms with the same power of (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺),
the left hand side of Eq. (22) is converted into a polynomial in (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺). Setting each coefficient of this polynomial to
zero, we obtain the following set of algebraic equations for α0 , α1 , α2 , α3 , α4 C V, λ and μ:
840η α4 +(1/2)𝛼𝛼42 = 0,
2640η α 4 λ + 360η α 3 + α 3α 4 =
3020ηα 4 λ 2 + α 2 α 4 + 1080η α 3 λ + 2080η α 4 µ + 20 α 4 + (1/ 2)α 32 + 120ηα 2 =
24η α1 + α 2 α 3 + 1476ηα 4 λ 3 + α1 α 4 + 12 α 3 + 1164η α 3 λ 2 + 816η α 3 µ + 336η α 2 λ
+4608η α 4 λ µ + 360 α 4 λ =
60η α1 λ + α1 α 3 − V α 4 + 525η α 3 λ 3 + 256ηα 4 λ 4 + 1680η α 3 λ µ + 330η α 2 λ 2
+240η α 2 µ + (1/ 2) α 22 + 1696η α 4 µ 2 + 6 α 2 + 3232η α 4 λ 2 µ + 21α 3 λ + α 0 α 4
+32 α 4 µ + 16η α 4 λ 2 =
1062η α 3 λ 2 µ + 10 α 2 λ + 130η α 2 λ 3 + 40η α1µ + 28α 4 λ µ + α1 α 2 + 576ηα 3 µ 3
+50η α1 λ 2 + 81η α 3λ 4 + 700η α 4 λ 3 µ + 18α 3 µ + 2 α1 + α 0 α 3 − V α 3
+440η α 3 λ µ + 2240η α 4 λ µ 2 + 9α 3 λ 2 =
12 α 4 µ + 8 α 2 µ + 16η α 2 λ + 480η α 4 µ + 136η α 2 µ 2 + 232η α 2 λ 2 µ
+15 α 3 λ µ + (1/ 2) α12 + 4 α 2 λ 2 + 60ηα1 λ µ + 660η α 4 λ 2 µ 2 + 15η α1λ 3
+3 α1 λ + 696η α 3 λ µ 2 + 195η α 3 λ 3 µ − V α 2 + α 0α 2 =
16η α1 µ 2 + α1 λ 2 + α 0 α1 + 2 α1 µ + 6 α 2 λ µ +η α1λ 4 + 150η α 3 λ 2 µ 2 + 120η α 3 µ 3
+22ηα1 λ 2 µ + 30η α 2 λ 3 µ + 440η α 4 λ µ 3 − V α1 + 6 α 3 µ 2 + 120η α 2λ µ 2 =
C + α1 λ µ + 2 α 2 µ 2 + 16η α 2 µ 3 + η µ α1 λ 3 + (1/ 2) α 02 − V α 0 + 36η α 3 λ µ 3
+8η α1λ µ 2 + 24η α 4 µ 4 + 14η α 2 λ 2 µ 2 =
Solving the set of algebraic equations given in Eq. (24) for α0 , α1 , α2 , α3 , α4 , C V, λ and μ, yields:
α 4 = −1680η , α 3 = 0, α 2 = −(840 / 13), α1 = 0 , α 0 = α 0 , =
V (69 + 169 α 0 η ) / (169η ), λ = 0, µ = (1/ 52η ),
2 2
(3465 + 28561 a0η + 23322 a0η ) / (57122η )
α0 is an arbitrary constant.
Now, if η>0 then μ>0. In this case substituting Eq. (25) into Eq. (23), we obtain the following travelling wave
 −C sin( 1/ 52η ξ ) + C2 cos( 1/ 52η ξ ) ο£Ά
) α 0 − (210 / 169η )  1
u ( x, t=
 C cos( 1/ 52η ξ ) + C sin( 1/ 52η ξ ) ο£·ο£·
ο£­ 1
 −C sin( 1/ 52η ξ ) + C2 cos( 1/ 52η ξ ) ο£Ά
−(105 / 169η )  1
 C cos( 1/ 52η ξ ) + C sin( 1/ 52η ξ ) ο£·ο£·
ο£­ 1
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(19): 3527-3535, 2013
where, ξ= x-{(69+169𝛼𝛼0 πœ‚πœ‚)/(169η)}t, α0 , 𝐢𝐢1 and 𝐢𝐢2 are arbitrary constants.
Again if η<0 then μ<0, therefore, substituting Eq. (25) into Eq. (23), we obtain the following soliton solution:
 C sinh( 1/ 52 δ ξ ) + C2 cosh( 1/ 52 δ ξ ) ο£Ά
u α 0 + (210 /169 δ )  1
 C cosh( 1/ 52 δ ξ ) + C sinh( 1/ 52 δ ξ ) ο£·ο£·
ο£­ 1
 C sinh( 1/ 52 δ ξ ) + C2 cosh( 1/ 52 δ ξ ) ο£Ά
+(105 /169 δ )  1
 C cosh( 1/ 52 δ ξ ) + C sinh( 1/ 52 δ ξ ) ο£·ο£·
ο£­ 1
where, ξ = x-{(69+169𝛼𝛼0 πœ‚πœ‚)/(169η)}t, η = - δ, δ>0 and α0 , 𝐢𝐢1 and 𝐢𝐢2 are arbitrary constants. When 𝐢𝐢1 and 𝐢𝐢2 are
taken special values many known solutions are obtained from solutions (26) and (27):
In particular, if 𝐢𝐢2 ≠0 and 𝐢𝐢12 >𝐢𝐢22 , solutions (26) and (27) respectively reduce to:
u =α 0 − (210 /169η )cot 2 ( 1/ 52η ξ + ξ0 ) − (105 /169η )cot 4 ( 1/ 52η ξ + ξ0 )
u = α 0 + (210 /169 δ )coth 2 ( 1/ 52 δ ξ + ξ1 ) + (105 /169 δ )coth 4 ( 1/ 52 δ ξ + ξ1 )
where, ξ 0 = tan-1 ( 1 ) and ξ 1 = tanh-1 ( 1 ) .
Remark 2: To our knowledge the above solutions (26-29) have not been found in the preceding study.
The carleman equation: Lastly, we consider the Carleman equation:
ut + u x = v 2 − u 2
vt − vx = u 2 − v 2
The Carleman equation has applications in the field nonlinear dynamical systems.
The wave transformation (2), transforms the Eq. (30) and (31) into the following ODE:
(1 − V ) u ′ =
v2 − u 2
−(1 + V ) v′ = u 2 − v 2
According to the (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺)-expansion method, the solutions of the Eq. (32) and (33) are of the form:
u (ξ ) = α 0 + α1 (G′ / G ) + α 2 (G′ / G ) 2 +  + α m (G′ / G ) m , α m ≠ 0
v(ξ ) = β 0 + β1 (G ′ / G ) + β 2 (G ′ / G ) 2 +  + β n (G ′ / G ) n ,
βn ≠ 0
where, the values of m and n have to be determined. Balancing the order of 𝑒𝑒′ and 𝑒𝑒2 in Eq. (32), we obtain m = 1
and balancing the order of 𝑣𝑣 ′ and 𝑣𝑣 2 in Eq. (33), we obtain n=1.
Therefore, Eq. (34) and (35) take the form:
u (ξ=
) α 0 + α1 (
G′ ,
α1 ≠ 0
) β 0 + β1 (
G′ , β ≠ 0
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(19): 3527-3535, 2013
Substituting Eq. (36) and (37) into Eq. (32) and (33), using Eq. (5) and then collecting all terms with the same
power of (𝐺𝐺 ′ /𝐺𝐺 ′ ), the left hand side of Eq. (32) and (33) transform into polynomials in (𝐺𝐺 ′ /𝐺𝐺 ′ ). Setting each
coefficient of this polynomial to zero, we obtain the following set of algebraic equations for α0 , α1 , β0 , β1 , V, λ and
α12 + V α1 − α1 − β12 =
0 , V a1 λ − a1 λ − 2 b0 b1 + 2 a0 a1 =
− a1 µ − b02 + a02 + V a1 µ =
0 , a12 − b1 V − b1 − b12 =
−V b1 λ − b1 λ − 2 b0 b1 + 2 a0 a1 =
0 , −b1 µ − b + a + V b1 µ =
Solving the set of algebraic equations given in Eq. (38), yields:
α1 =
(−2 α 0 β 02 ) / (α 03 + α 02 β 0 − α 0 β 02 − β 03 ), β1 =
(−2 α 02 β 0 ) / (α 03 + α 02 β 0 − α 0 β 02 − β 03 ), λ = 0,
−(α 06 + 2 α 05 β0 − α 04 β02 − 4 α 03 β03 − α 02 β 04 + 2 α 0 β05 + β06 ) / (4 α 02 β02 ) , V =
−(α 0 − β 0 ) / ( α 0 + β 0 ),
where, 𝛼𝛼0 and 𝛽𝛽0 are arbitrary constants.
It is noted that, for all values of 𝛼𝛼0 and 𝛽𝛽0 , μ is negative. Suppose μ = - δ therefore, δ>0. Now substituting Eq.
(39) into Eq. (36) and (37), we obtain the following travelling wave solutions
α 0 − {(2 α 0 β 02 ) / (α 03 + α 02 β 0 − α 0 β 02 − β 03 )} δ
C1 sinh( δ ξ ) + C2 cosh( δ ξ )
C1 cosh( δ ξ ) + C2 sinh( δ ξ )
β0 − {(2 α 02 β0 ) / (α 03 + α 02 β0 − α 0 β02 − β03 )} δ
C1 sinh( δ ξ ) + C2 cosh( δ ξ )
C1 cosh( δ ξ ) + C2 sinh( δ ξ )
where, ξ = x +{(𝛼𝛼0 -𝛽𝛽0 )/( 𝛼𝛼0 + 𝛽𝛽0 )}t,
δ = (𝛼𝛼06 +2𝛼𝛼05 𝛽𝛽0 −𝛼𝛼04 𝛽𝛽02 -4𝛼𝛼03 𝛽𝛽03 − 𝛼𝛼02 𝛽𝛽04 + 2𝛼𝛼0 𝛽𝛽05 + 𝛽𝛽06 )/(4 𝛼𝛼02 𝛽𝛽02 )
and 𝛼𝛼0 , 𝛽𝛽0 , 𝐢𝐢1 and 𝐢𝐢2 are arbitrary constants.
In particular, if 𝐢𝐢2 ≠0 and 𝐢𝐢12 >𝐢𝐢22 , solutions (40) and (41) reduce to respectively:
α 0 − {(2 α 0 β02 ) / (α 03 + α 02 β0 − α 0 β02 − β03 )} δ coth( δ ξ + ξ0 )
β0 − {(2 α 02 β0 ) / (α 03 + α 02 β0 − α 0 β02 − β03 )} δ coth( δ ξ + ξ0 )
where, ξ 0 = tanh-1 ( 1 )
Remark 3: To the best of our awareness the solutions (40)-(43) have not been found in the past literature.
In this study, by means of the (𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺)-expansion method some new exact solitary wave solutions of the
Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation, the Kawahara equation and the Carleman equation are successfully achieved. The
solutions include the hyperbolic and the trigonometric functions. These types of solutions have many potential
applications in water waves, fluid dynamics, plasma physics and nonlinear dynamics. It is important to note that the
(𝐺𝐺′/𝐺𝐺)-expansion method is direct, concise, elementary and comparing to other methods such as tanh-coth method,
Jacobi elliptic function method, Exp-function method etc., it is easier, effective and powerful. We have verified all
solutions by putting them back into the original equations and found correct. The method can be further applied to
other nonlinear equations to establish new reliable solutions.
Conduction of research: The research was conducted at the School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains
Malaysia (USM), during October 2012 to November 2012.
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