Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 4(21): 4484-4487, 2012 ISSN: 2040-7467 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2012 Submitted: May 04, 2012 Accepted: June 08, 2012 Published: November 01, 2012 Riemann Boundary Value Problems for Koch Curve 1 Zhengshun Ruan and 2Aihua Luo School of Science, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan, China, 4300732 2 School of Mathematics and Statistics, South-Central University for Nationalities, HuBei Wuhan 430073 1 Abstract: In this study, when L is substituted for Koch curve, Riemann boundary value problems was defined, but generally speaking, Cauchy-type integral is meaningless on Koch curve. When some analytic conditions are attached to functions G (z) and g (z), through the limit function of a sequence of Cauchytype integrals, the homogeneous and non-homogeneous Riemann boundary problems on Koch curve are introduced, some similar results was attained like the classical boundary value problems for analytic functions. Keywords: Holder condition, index, koch curve, riemann boundary value problem INTRODUCTION In the classical boundary value problems, let Lbe an arc-wise smooth and have no sharp points in the complex plane, G (z), g (z) satisfy Holder condition of order a (0‹a‹1) and G (t) ≠ 0 (t L), a detailed discussion of the Riemann boundary problems Ф+ (t) = G (t) Ф- (t) + g (t) (t L) was presented, a complete result was attained. But when L is substituted for Koch curve, the problems and results will change corresponding. Let K0 be the curve of a equilateral triangle whose vertices are zk – e 2/3kлi (k – 0, 1, 2), choosing the onethird of each side as the base, three equilateral triangles are attained from the outside of K0, getting rid of these bases (the end point is keeped), a polygonal curve K1 is obtained. These steps are repeated all the time, the polygonal curve Kn is obtained which consist of lines In,j, j-1, 2, ..3×4n bumper to bumper, length of each line √3 is |Inj | = . The Koch Curve K is obtained when n 3 approaches infinity and the Hausdorff dimension of K is S = log3 4. Falconer (1990) have a research of the fractal geometry: mathematics foundings and applications. Ruan and Ai-hua (2011) study a class of boundary value problem for analytic functions bounded by the koch curve. Muskhelishvili (1953) study the singular integral equations. Jian-ke (1993) have a research of the boundary value problems for analytic functions. Wang and Gong (2001) study the stability about intergral curves of singular intergrals with Cauchy Kernel. Wang and Gong (1999) analyze the stability about intergral curves of singular intergrals and cauchy-type integrals. Qu and Su (2000) have a research of the estimation of the hausdorff himension of koch curve and sierpinski mat. For K and each Kn, oriented positively is (or counterclockwise, denoted by E+(orE-)and )the interior zone and exterior zone of K and each Kn, then (n N). 1 , En+1 + || | δ}, Kδ+ is Let δ 0, Kδ = defined the δ-neighborhood from the left (closed region). From the construction of K, each 1 consist of closed region of 3×4n equilateral triangles √3 non-intersecting to each other with side length 1. The 3 boundaries of these triangular areas are denoted by ∆n,j(j = 1, 2, …, 3×4n), ∆n,j+ is the interior zone. When , such that -EN0+ = δ 0 is fixed, there exists N0 3 4n ∆ , and each ∆n,j (j = 1, 2, …, 3×4n) lies 0 in the interior of Kδ+. In the following, N0 is fixed and δ 0and small sufficiently such that 0 Kδ+. Definition: Assume 0 1,If φ satisfy Holder condition of order a (0 1), which is | φ (z1)- φ (z2)| |z1-z2|a, ( z1, z2 Kδ+) for M 0 and φ (z) is an (Kδ+). analyitc function in interior of Kδ+, then φ Lemma 1: t0 K if and only if there exists N (t0) such that t0 n N t0 Kn . Lemma 2: Assume: s −1 < α < 1, s = log3 4, ϕ ∈ AH α ( Kδ+ ), Then, Corresponding Author: Aihua Luo, School of Mathematics and Statistics, South-Central University for Nationalities, HuBei Wuhan 430073 4484 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(21): 4484-4487, 2012 Φ ( z ) = lim Φ n ( z ) = lim n→ ∞ n→∞ 1 2π i ∫ ϕ (t ) Kn t−z dt when solved in 1 ; when m 0, it has the general solution (6), when m 2, it has the unique solution (5) if and only if m-2 conditions of solvability in (7) are fulfilled. (1) Ф z and For any t0 K, Ф+ (t0) = Ф z Both exist, satisfied: Ф (t0) = + 0 − (2) Φ ( z ) = li m n→ ∞ From the proof of Lemma 2, we can see that: and Φ ( z ) = lim ± Φ (t0 ) = Φ n (t0 ) , (n ≥ N (t0 )) n→ ∞ (4) Now the Riemann boundary value problems for Koch Curve is considered, the analyitic function Ф (z) defined in E+ and E-, satisfying the condition of Riemann boundary value: Φ + (t ) = G (t )Φ − (t ) + g (t ) (t ∈ K ) where, G, g ) and Ф (z 0 1 2π i ∫ K n g (t ) dt t − z (5 ) is the unique solution of jump problem (*)1. By the extended Liouville theorem, the general solution of (*)1 in Rm (m 0) is: Φ ( z ) = Φ n ( z ) , (n ≥ N (t0 ) , z ∈ E N+(t0 ) U E − ) (3) ± : Proof: From (1)、(2)、(3)when solved in Φ (t 0 ) − Φ (t 0 ) = ϕ ( t 0 ) + (*) , 1 1 G (z) ≠ 0 (that is Ф (∞) is finite). In this study, when L is substituted for Koch curve, we define the Riemann boundary value problem. Cauchy-type integral is meaningless on Koch curve. Moreover, when some analytic conditions are attached to functions G (z) and g (z), through the limit function of a sequence of Cauchy-type integrals, the homogeneous and non-homogeneous Riemann boundary problems on Koch curve are introduced, some similar results was attained like the classical boundary value problems for analytic functions. RIEMANN BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS AND THEIR SOLUTIONS The simplest Riemann boundary value problem is the jump problem: G (t) = 1 in (*), i.e., Ф+(t)- Ф-(t) = g (t) (t K) (*)i If Ф (z) is required to have a pole of order m 1 at most at infinity, then the problem is denoted by , if Ф (z) is required to eaual to 0 of order m 1 Ф . , the problem is denoted by Ф Theorem 1: The solution of the jump problem (*)1 is given in following: its unique solution is given by (5) 1 2π i ∫ Kn g (t ) dt + Pm ( z ) t−z (6) where, Pm (z) is an arbitrary polynomial of degree m. From (3), for any t0 , allowing for: Φ( z ) = Φ n ( z ) = 1 g (t ) dt , 2π i ∫ Kn t − z (n ≥ N(t0), z∈EN+(t0) UE−) 1 it has Ф (z) = ∑ ∞0 g tk dt z-(k+1), (n 2л for the reigon G whose satisfied the (t0), z neighbourhood of z = ∞ and . So if and only if: lim ∫ g (t )t k dt = 0 (k = 0,1,L , m − 2) n →∞ (7) Kn Ф (z) defined by (5) has a zero point at infinity of order m 2. If g (t) = 0 in (*), then it is called a homogeneous Riemann boundary value problem, that is: Φ + (t ) = G (t ) Φ − (t ) ( * )2 (t ∈ K ) Theorem 2: For the homogeneous Riemann boundary value problem (*)2, if the solutions are in R0, it has only the trivial solution when its index K 0 and its solution is Ф (z) = X (z) Pk (z) when K 0, where Pm (z) is an arbitrary polynomial of degree m. a Kδ ) and taking value of no Proof: Because G zero, there exists a integer K, such that: 1 2л log G z k= 1 2л logG z KN = K (n called K is the index of (*)2 or (*). Assume G0 (z) = z-k G (z), then G0 (z) ≠ 0 (z Kδ , by introducing a new function ψ (z): 4485 0) a Kδ ), G0 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(21): 4484-4487, 2012 + ⎪⎧Φ ( z ) , z ∈ E Ψ( z) = ⎨ κ − ⎪⎩ z Φ ( z ) , z ∈ E , therefore Γ (z)= Γn (z) = log G0 (t ) 1 dt , ( z ∉ Kn , n ≥ N0 ) ∫ K n→∞ 2π i n t−z Γn ( z) = lim + Γ( z ) ⎪⎧Χ0 ( z) = e , Χ( z) = ⎨ −κ −κ Γ ( z ) ⎪⎩ z Χ0 ( z) = z e , z∈E+ + ⎧Χ ⎪ ( z ), Χ ( z) = ⎨ ⎪⎩ Χ ( z ), + - Γ (z) = ∞ Γn (z) is analystic in E E , which satisfied Γ+ (t)- Γ- (t) = log G0 (t) (t ) and Γ (∞) , then Χ 0 ( z ) = 0. Introducing X0 (z) = eΓ(z) (z + is analystic in E and X0 (∞) = 1,X0 (z) and X± (t) (t ) have no zero points, also: (t) = G0 (t) 0 (t) = G (t) t-k 0 (t) (t ). If we 0 set: then g z X z t z dt z ∈ K I Kn ; z ∈ En+且z ∉ K (12) holds the condition of theorem 1, we have Theorem 3: For the non-homogeneous Riemann boundary value problem (*), if the solutions are in R0, its general solution is: (8) z∈E− logG0 t , N(t0)). By the Privalov theorem, Γn (z) and Γ (t) are , analystic and satisfy Holder condition of order a in since X (z) = eΓ (z) = eΓn (z) , (z) and are (z 0 ,X . analystic and satisfy Holder condition of order a in Introducing n N0: (z then (*)2 becomes a Riemann boundary value problem for ψ (z) ψ+ (t) =G0 (t) ψ- (t) (t ) with index 0. Since Ф . If we set: 0 , its solution ψ 1 2л Χ( z) g (t ) dt + Χ ( z ) Pκ ( z ) ∫ K n Χ + (t ) t − z n →∞ 2π i Φ ( z ) = lim and call it canonical function of (*)2 or (*), then: • • • X (z) satisfy X (z) is analystic in E+ Χ( z ) ≠ 0 ( z ∈ E + U E − ) ) exists and X± (t) ≠ 0 (t ) X± (t) (t X (z) has finite order -K at z = ∞ and when, k 0, where Pm (z) is an arbitrary polynomial of degree m.. its unique solution is: Φ( z ) = lim n →∞ Χ + (t ) = G (t ) Χ − (t ) (t ∈ K ) lim ∫ n →∞ − Φ (t ) Φ (t ) − =0 Χ + (t ) Χ − (t ) ( 10) (t ∈ K ) Let us consider the non-homogeneous Riemann boundary value problem (*), from the index, the canonical function X (z) of its corresponding homogeneous problem in (8), Considering (9), (*) becomes a jump problem: solving Ф t in Rk. Since g not a function in g t X t . For any t0 , but g t X t Corollary: For the non-homogeneous Riemann boundary value problem (*), if the solutions are in 1 , crossponding problem (11) is solved in Rk-1, when K 1, its general solution is: Χ( z) g (t ) dt + Χ ( z ) Pκ −1 ( z ) 2π i ∫ K n Χ + (t ) t − z its unique solution is (13) when κ = 0 ; its unique Φ ( z ) = lim n →∞ solution is (13) if and only if: ( 11) (t ∈ K ) lim ∫ n →∞ is may , log G0 Kn g (t )t k dt = 0 (k = 0,1,L, −κ − 2) Χ + (t ) is satisfied when K -2. From the process in jump problem, the results are Ф t attained from solving in Rk. Φ + (t ) Φ − (t ) g (t ) − = + Χ + (t ) Χ − (t ) Χ (t ) (13) when, K = -1, its unique solution is (13) if and only if: (9) Considering (9), (*)2 becomes a jump problem: + Χ( z ) g (t ) dt ∫ K n 2π i Χ + (t ) t − z Kn g (t )t k dt = 0 (k = 0,1,L, −κ − 1) Χ + (t ) is satisfied when K -1. 4486 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. 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