Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 4(14): 2024-2029, 2012 ISSN: 2040-7467 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2012 Submitted: October 15, 2011 Accepted: November 25, 2011 Published: July 15, 2012 Optimal Penalty Functions Based on MCMC for Testing Homogeneity of Mixture Models 1 Rahman Farnoosh, 2Morteza Ebrahimi and 3Arezoo Hajirajabi Department of Mathematics, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran 2 Department of Mathematics, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran 3 School of Mathematics, Iran University of Science and Technology, Narmak, Tehran 16846, Iran 1 Abstract: This study is intended to provide an estimation of penalty function for testing homogeneity of mixture models based on Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation. The penalty function is considered as a parametric function and parameter of determinative shape of the penalty function in conjunction with parameters of mixture models are estimated by a Bayesian approach. Different mixture of uniform distribution are used as prior. Some simulation examples are perform to confirm the efficiency of the present work in comparison with the previous approaches. Key words: Bayesian analysis, expectation-maximizationtest, markov chain monte carlo simulation, mixture distributions, modified likelihood ratio test INTRODUCTION There have been numerous applications of finite mixture models in various branches of science and engineering such as medicine, biology and astronomy. They have been used when the statistical population is heterogeneous and contains several subpopulation. The main problem in application of finite mixture models is estimation of parameters. To date various methods have been proposed for estimating the parameters of finite mixture models. Some of the most importantones are Bayesian method, maximum likelihood method, minimum-distance method and method of moments (Lindsay and Basak, 1993; Diebolt and Robert, 1994; Lavine and West, 1992). After estimating the parameters of finite mixture models a particular statistical problem of interest is whether the data are from a mixture of two distribution or a single distribution. The problem is called testing of homogeneity in these models. At the beginig for testing homogeneity may be the Likelihood Ratio Test (LRT) that is the most extensively used method for hypothesis testing problem, is employed. The LRT has a chi-squared null limiting distribution under the standard regularity condition. Since the mixture models don’t have regularity conditions therefore limiting distribution of LRT isvery complex (Liu and Shao, 2003). For overcome the above mentioned weakness of LRT method the Modified Likelihood Ratio Test (MLRT) has been introduced by Chen (1998), Chen and Chen (2001) and Chen et al. (2004). In MLRT a penalty is added to the Log-likelihood function and as a result a simple and smoot manner is established to the problem. But dependence on establishment of several regularity conditions and chosen penalty function are the mainlimitation of MLRT. Li et al. (2008) has been proposed Expectation-Maximization (EM) test based on another form of penalty function that suggested previously by Chen et al. (2004). This test is independent of some necessary conditions for MLRT. But both of the MLRT and EM tests are based on penalized likelihood function. Therefore the efficiency of these tests is influenced by the shape of the chosen penalty function. Hence none of the these tests is generally optimal. To remove the above mentioned disadvantage, in the present study we consider the penalty function as a parametric function and employ Metropolis-Hastings sampling as a MCMC method for estimation parameters of mixture models and parameter of determinative shape of the penalty function. To our best knowledge the parametric penalty function has not been studied before. Furthermore, according to latest information from the research works it is believed that the MCMC estimation of penalty function based on different priors to testing homogeneity of mixture model has been investigated for the first time in the present study. METHODOLOGY The finite mixture models: A mixture distribution is a convex combination of standard distributions fj : ∑ kj =1 p j f j ( y), ∑ kj =1 p j = 1 (1) Corresponding Author: Rahman Farnoosh, Department of Mathematics, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran 2024 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(14): 2024-2029, 2012 In most cases, the fj s are from a parametric family, with unknown parameter 2 j leading to the parametric mixture model: ∑ kj = 1 p j f ( y θ j ), (2) ∑ kj = 1 p j = 1 where, 2 j , 1 and 1 is compact subset of real line. When a sample y = (y1,...,yn) of mixture distribution is observed, since it is not known tahteach observation is belongto the what subpopulation, so obtained observations are called incomplete data. In this case likelihood function and loglikelihood function of incomplete data is as follows, respectively: ( ) ∏in= 1∑ kj = 1 p j f j ( yi θ j ) l(θ , P y ) = ∑ in= 1 log(∑ kj = 1 p j f j ( yi θ j )) L θ, P y = where, θ = (θ1 ,...,θ k ) and p = (p1,...,pk). Incomplete data can be converted to complete data by considering a set of indicator variables z = (z1,…, zn) and zi = (zi1,…, zik) Therefor it is determinedthat what subpopulation includewhich observations: yi*zij = 1:f(yi*2j), i = 1, ..., n, j = 1, ... k l n ( p,θ1 ,θ2 ) = ( ( ) ) ( { The LRT and the MLRT: Suppose Y1,…, Yn is a random sample of mixture distribution: ( ) (4) where 2 j , 1, j = 1, 2 and 1 is compact subset of real line. We wish to test: H0: p(1-p)(21!22) = 0 H1: p(1-p)(21!22) … 0 ( ) ( Rn = 2 log ln p$ ,θ$1,θ$2 − log l n p$ ,θ$0 ,θ$0 )} Large value of this statistic leads to rejecting of null hypothesis. Chen and Chen (2001) showed that two sources of non-regularity are exist which complicate the asymptotic null distribution of the LRT. One of these sources is that the hypothesis lies on the boundary of parameter space p = 0 or p = 1 and other is the mixture model that is not identifiable under null model therefore p = 0 or p = 1 and 21 = 22 are equivalent.For overcoming the boundary problem and non-identifiability, Chen and Chen (2001) proposed a penalty function in terms of p as T(p) add to LRT statistic such that: lim p→ 0 or 1 T ( p) = −∞ ,arg max T ( p) = 0.5 (6) p∈ [ 0, 1] Tl n ( p,θ1,θ2 ) = l n ( p,θ1 ,θ2 ) + T ( p) Use of this penalty function lead to the fitted value of p under the modified likelihood that is bounded away from 0 or 1. Chen and Chen (2001) showed if some regularity conditions hold on density kernel then asymptotic null distribution of MLRT statistic is the mixture of the χ12 andχ 02 with the same weights, i.e., Zij ) ∑ in=1∑ kj =1 zij ⎧⎨⎩ log p j + log⎛⎜⎝ f j ( yi θ j )⎞⎟⎠ ⎫⎬⎭ ( ) ) In this case penalized Log-likelihood function is as follows: (3) lc θ , P y , z = pf Y y θ1 (1 − P) f Y y θ 2 ( p$ ,θ$1 ,θ$2 If θ$0 and are maximization of the likelihood function under null and alternative hypothesis, respectively, then the statistic that obtained from LRT is as follow: The likelihood function and Log-likelihood function of complete data which is usually more useful for doing inference is as follows, respectively: ⎛ ⎞ Lc θ , P y , z = ∏ in= 1 ∏ kj = 1 ⎜⎝ p j f j yi θ j ⎟⎠ ∑ in=1 log{ pf ( y θ1) + (1 − p) f ( y θ2 )} 0.5χ12 + 0.5χ 02 where, χ 02 is a degenerate distribution with all its mass at 0. Parameters estimation based on EM algorithm: EM algorithmis the most popular method for finding the estimations of likelihood maximum. This algorithm is consist of two steps E and M. In E-step conditional expectation of complete data provide observational data and unknown parameters, i.e., where, null hypothesis means homogeneity of population and alternative hypothesis means consisting population from two heterogeneous subpopulation as (1). Loglikelihood function can be written as follow: ( ) substitute f (yθ ) pj f j yθ j (5) ∑ k j =1 p j j j in zij and in M-step the value of parameters which maximize log-likelihood function of complete data is compute. Then E and M steps repeat until a stop condition and reaching to convergence. 2025 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(14): 2024-2029, 2012 SupposeY1,…,Yn is a random sample of mixture distribution (4), then log-likelihood function of complete data is as follows: ∑ in=1[zi{log( p) + log( f ( yi θ1))} + (1 − zi ){log(1 − p) + log( f ( yi θ2 ))}⎤⎥ ⎦ ∑ p(t ) lcn (θ , p) = (7) In E-step, mathematical expectation is computed as follow: zi(1t ) = E ⎜⎛ zi yi;θ ( t −1) p ( t −1) ⎟⎞ ⎝ ⎠ = ( ) + − 1 p f ( yi θ ) ( p ( t − 1) f yi θ1 ( t −1) ( p ( t − 1) f yi θ1 ( t −1) ( t − 1) 1 ( t − 1) ) , i = 1, 2,..., n (8) ∑ in=1 ∑ in=1{ zi(1t ) log f ( yi θ1) )} θ2( t ) = arg max ∑ in=1{(1 − zi(1t ) ) log( f ( yi θ2 ))} θ1 ∈Θ and θ 2 ∈Θ Now MLE is obtained by iteration of steps until convergence of algorithm. Estimation of p depends on choosing penalty function. Chen and Chen (2001)proposed a penalty function as follows: T ( p) = C log(4 p(1 − p)) ( ) and n (t ) ∑ i =1 zi1 + c 2C + n ∑ ( ) 2 ) = log(4 p(1 − p)) Optimal proposed penalty function: In the present study the following penalty function that is able to overcome the disadvantages of the penalty functions (9) and (10) is proposed: ( ) g (h, p) = C log 1 − 1 − 2 p h , 0 < h ≤ 2 (10) These test function, (9) and (10), hold in condition (6). It is simply shown that by using penalty functions (9) and (10), the value of p in M-step from (t+1)-th iteration of EM algorithm is obtained as follow respectively: p(t ) = ( log 1 − 1 − 2 p ≤ log 1 − 1 − 2 p (9) where, C is a positive constant. Li et al. (2008) also used a penalty function as the following form: T ( p) = C * log 1 − 1 − 2 p ∑ For p = 0.5 the above mentioned inequality convert to equality (1 − 1 − 2 p ) ≈ − 1 − 2 p . . So penalty functions (9) and (10) are almost equivalent for values of p that are close to 0.5, but for values of p that are close to 0 or 1, a considerable difference exist between these two penalty function. The penalty function that suggested by Li et al. (2008) has advantages and increase the efficiency of LRT, but there is no reason that it can remove the problem of optimality of these penalty functions. zi(1t ) n θ1( t ) = arg max ∑ The choice of penalty function: However the limiting distribution of the MLRT does not depend on the specific form of T(p), but the precision of the approximation and its power do. A modified test can obtained from the penalty function (9) and solve the problem of LRT. Since the penalty function (9) puts too much penalty on the mixing proportion when it is close to 0 or 1thenin spite of clear observation of mixture distribution, MLRT statistic can't reject null hypothesis. Hence a more reasonable penalty function need such that power of MLRT increases even mixing proportion is close to 0 or 1. Therefore the penalty function (10) has been proposed that is holds in the following relation: In M-step, by putting th value of (8) in log-likelihood function of complete data and maximizing this function with respect to model parameters, we have: p( t ) = ∑ (t ) (t ) n n ⎧ i = 1 zi1 + C * i = 1 zi1 ⎪ min{ < 0.5 , 0.5} ⎪ n+ C* n =⎨ (t ) (t ) (t ) n n n ⎪ i = 1 zi1 i = 1 zi1 i = 1 zi1 > 0.5 0.5, max{ , 0.5 ⎪ 0.5 n n+ C* n ⎩ (11) It is clear that the penalty functions (9) and (10) are special case of penalty function (11) and they are obtained from (11) by substituting h = 1 and h = 2, respectively. How to choose the value of h effects on the shape of penalty function and consequently on the obtained inferences. In classical approaches the choice of another value for h leads to complexity of penalty function (11), that it also would lead to difficulty of maximization in Mstep of EM algorithm. Due to difficulty of classical approach in determining parameters of model and penalty function, these parameters will be estimated in paradigm of Bayesian approach. Therefore at the bigining suitable prior distributions are considered for given parameters and then the estimation of these parameters will be computed as posterior. Range of parameter h in penalty function (11) is interval (0, 2] but because the values of h 2026 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(14): 2024-2029, 2012 Fig. 1: Comparison of four penalty functions Table 1: Mixture models that a data set is simulated from them Model p µ2 µ1 1 2 3 4 0.05 0.10 0.25 0.5 -2.179 -1.500 -0.866 -0.500 MCMC algorithm: Suppose (Y1,…Yn) is a random sample from a mixture pN (:1,1)+(1-p) (:2, 1) with an unknown mixing proportion P = (p1 = p, p2 = 1-p), p therefore for the penalized likelihood function we can write: 0.115 0.167 0.289 0.500 ∏i =1∏ j =1⎛⎜⎝ p j f ( yi µ j )⎞⎟⎠ 2 2 h n ∝ pn1(1 − p) 2 ∏ ∏ e − 0.5( yi − µ j ) (1 − 1 − 2 p ) j =1 i , zij = 1 Lc ( µ , Ρ , h z , y ) = Table 2: Mean square error of bayesian and classic estimators by using U(0, 1) as prior distribution for h Parameters of model ------------------------------------------------Model Estimator h$ p$ µ$ µ$ 1 1 2 3 n − n1 n2 ( y1 − µ1 )2 − 2 ( y2 − µ 2 )2 2 e θ$ML 2.5230 0.0680 0.0570 - θ$ B 0.2430 0.0045 0.0044 0.0094 θ$ ML 0.1505 0.0210 0.01670 - θ$ 0.0031 0.0002 0.0025 0.1943 ML 0.3212 0.0021 0.0610 - B 0.0081 0.0006 0.0022 0.0290 ML 0.00021 0.0380 0 - π ( µ , Ρ , h) ∝ e B 0.0004 0.0260 0.0009 0.0165 π µ , Ρ , h y , z = L µ , Ρ , h z , y π ( µ , Ρ , h) B θ$ θ$ 4 = pn1 (1 − p) 2 e 2 θ$ θ$ zij 2 n (1 − 1 − 2 p ) h where, : = (:1, :2) and nj (for j = 1 and 2) are the number of observations associated to the j components. Now, by considering the normal prior distribution N (a, 1/b), a , Randb > 0, for both :1 and :2, prior distribution (a1, a2) for p and finally by considering prior distribution U (0, 1) and aU (0, 0.5)+(1 – a)U(0.5, 1) for h,we obtain: ( in interval (0, 1) may further improve the power of MLRT in this study the uniform distribution has been used as prior distribution for p, in order to holding impartiality between null and alternative hypothesis. The Uniform and mixture of two uniform distributions have been considered as prior distribution for h. In the next section we are going to demonstrate MCMC algorithm that is used in the present study for estimation of penalty function. ) ∝e− e− − b ( µ1 − a ) 2 c ( ×e − b ( µ 2 − a ) a1 −1 2 p ) (1 − p)a2 −1(1 − 1 − 2 p h) n1 b n ( y − µ )2 e − ( µ1 − a ) 2 e − 2 ( y2 − µ2 ) 2 2 1 1 2 2 b h ( µ2 − a ) 2 pn1+ α 1− 1 (1 − p) n2 + α 2 −1 (1 − 1 − 2 p ) 2 Bayesian analysis of mixture models has many difficulties because of its natural complexity (Diebolt and Robert, 1994). In this case posterior distribution dosn't has a closed form hence for doing inference, MCMC algorithm facilitates sampling of posterior distribution. 2027 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(14): 2024-2029, 2012 Table 3: Values and Mean square error for bayesian and classic estimators by using 0.25U (0,0.5)+0.75U (0.5,1) as prior distribution for h Parameters of model -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Model Estimator h$ p$ µ$ 2 µ$ 1 1 -1.1262(1.1104) 0.3013(0.0348) 0.2194(0.0289) θ$ ML 2 θ$B 1.9087(0.0763) 0.1003(0.0002) 0.0372(0.0058) θ$ ML θ$ 0.5419(0.9290) 0.3861(0.0488) 0.4885(0.1518) - 1.3100(0.0362) 0.0778(0.0095) 0.0896(0.0031) 0.6002(0.1005) B 3 4 0.5445(0.0126) θ$ ML 0.3870(0.2299) 0.5022(0.0456) 0.4976(0.0614) - θ$B 0.7564(0.0122) 0.3153(0.0007) 0.2497(0.0013) 0.7373(0.0185) θ$ ML 0.2310(0.0725) 0.2444(0.0655) 0.5(0) - θ$B 0.3671(0.0175) 0.3908(0.0119) 0.4961(0.0007) 0.5555(0.0111) Table 4: Values and Mean square error for bayesian and classic estimators by using 0.75U(0,0.5)+0.25U(0.5,1) as prior distribution for h Parameters of model -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Model Estimator h$ p$ µ$ 2 µ$ 1 $ 1 -1.6041(0.3314) 0.1871(0.0053) 0.2010(0.0230) θ ML θ$B -2.2611(0.0082) 0.0970(0.0002) 0.0584(0.0052) 0.4302(0.0034) 2 θ$ ML θ$ -1.9715(0.0984) 0.2922(0.0162) 0.1881(0.0086) - -1.6471(0.0226) 0.2157(0.0023) 0.0979(0.0032) 0.3919(0.0039) 3 θ$ ML -0.3041(0.3164) 0.6712(0.0332) 0.4978(0.0615) - θ$B -0.7539(0.0127) 0.3521(0.0040) 0.2371(0.0017) 0.7787(0.0597) B 4 θ$ ML -0.3205(0.0341) 0.4122(0.0079) 0.4253(0.0063) - θ$B -0.4044(0.0092) 0.5178(0.0003) 0.4631(0.0026) 0.2117(0.0168) distribution.Typical use of MCMC sampling can only approximate the target distribution. Two generation mechanism for production such Markov chains are Gibbs and Metropolis-Hastings. Since the Gibbs sampler may fail to escape the attraction of the local mode (Marin et al., 2005) a standard alternative i.e., MetropolisHastings is used for sampling from posterior distribution. This algorithm uses a proposal density which depends on the current state. In the following the general MetropolisHastings sampling is introduced: Initialization: Choose P(0) and 2(0), h(0) Stept: For t = 1, 2, .... ( ( t − 1) ( t − 1) ( t − 1) ~ ~ ~ ,Ρ ,h C Generate (θ , Ρ , h ) from q θ , Ρ , h θ C Compute r= ( )( ~ ~ ~ ~ π θ ,~ p , h y q θ ( t − 1) , P( t − 1) , h( t − 1) θ , ~ p, h ⎛ ⎝ π ⎜ θ ( t −1) , P( t −1) , h ( t − 1) ⎞ ⎛ ~ ~ ~ ( t − 1) ( t − 1) ( t − 1) ⎞ ⎟ y⎟ q ⎜⎝ θ , p , h θ ,P , h ⎠ ⎠ C Generateu: u-U[0, 1] if r < u then (2(t), p(t), h(t)) = ) ) where q is proposal distribution that often is considered as the random walk Metropolis-Hastings (Marin et al., 2005). SIMULATION STUDY AND DISCUSSION Figure 1 exhibits the graph of two penalty functions (9) and (10) for c* =1 and penalty function with Bayesian estimation for h = 0.7373 and h = 0.3913. It is seen that penalty function (9) in the point p = 0.5 is almost smooth and puts no penalty while penalty function (10) and penalty function with h = 0.7373 and h = 0.3913 put more less penalty for values that are close to 0 or 1. In fact the purpose of this section is to compare estimation of parameters using the penalty function of (10) and penalty function that obtained from Bayesian estimation. The simulation experiment was conducted under normal kernel with a known variance 1. The mean value for the null distribution and alternative distributions is 0 and the variance for the alternative models is set to be 1.25 times greater than the variance under null model. Therefore we can consider: EHo(y) = 0, VarH0(y) = 1 (θ~, ~p , h~) EH1 (Y) = p:1+(1!p):2 Else (2(t), p(t), h(t)) = (2(t!1), p(t!1), h(t!1)) 2028 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(14): 2024-2029, 2012 and REFERENCES VarH1(y) = EH1(y2)!E2H1(y) = p(1!p)(:1!:2)2+1 Table 1 present four alternative models under these conditions. The sample size n = 200 is simulated from these models. Table 2, 3 and 4 present comparison between classical and bayesian estimation of mixture model parameters. The distributions U(0,1), 0.75U(0,0.5)+0.25U(0.5,1) and 0.25U(0,0.5)+ 0.75U(0.5,1) are used as the prior distribution for h in Table 2, 3 and 4, respectively. The simulation result show that when p is close to 0 or 1 the Mean Square Error (MSE) of bayesian estimator is less than one in classical estimator that obtained via EM algorithm. 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