Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 4(13): 1875-1882, 2012 ISSN: 2040-7467 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2012 Submitted: January 08, 2012 Accepted: February 17, 2012 Published: July 01, 2012 Ternary Three Point Non-Stationary Subdivision Scheme Shahid S. Siddiqi and Muhammad Younis Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Lahore 54590, Pakistan Abstract: A ternary three-point approximating non-stationary subdivision scheme is presented that generates the family of C2 limiting curve. The proposed scheme can be considered as the non-stationary counterpart of the ternary three-point approximating stationary scheme. The comparison of the proposed scheme has been demonstrated using different examples with the existing ternary three-point stationary scheme, which shows that the limit curves of the proposed scheme behave more pleasantly and are very close to generate the conic section. Key words: Approximation, convergence, mask, non-stationary, subdivision scheme, ternary INTRODUCTION Subdivision techniques are being widely used to create smooth curves and surfaces in many fields such as in computer graphics, medical image processing and geometric modeling etc. The importance of subdivision techniques cannot be denied due to efficiency, simplicity and suitability. A subdivision technique defines a curve from initial control polygon or a surface from an initial control mesh by subdividing them according to some refining rules, recursively. The subdivision techniques (schemes) can be classified into two main branches, the one that the mask of the scheme retains the original form as a subset of the points of the next refinement called stationary scheme and the other that does not retain the original mask (depends on the subdivision steps) in the next refinement called non-stationary scheme. In the following, some research study, in the area of nonstationary subdivision schemes, is discussed. The first non-stationary scheme was introduced by (Jena et al., 2003). They introduced A 4-point binary interpolatory non-stationary C1 subdivision scheme which was the generalization of four point subdivision scheme (Dyn et al., 1987). A non-stationary (Beccari et al., 2007a) C1 continuous interpolating 4-point uniform scheme was presented, using tension controlled parameter, that reproduce conics. They also developed a 4-point ternary interpolating non-stationary subdivision scheme, in the same year, that can generate C2 continuous limit curves showing considerable variation of shapes with a tension parameter. (Daniel and Shunmugaraj, 2009a) developed an interpolating 6-point non-stationary scheme that generates C2 limiting curve. They also introduced a non-stationary 2-points approximating scheme that generates C1 limiting curve and two 3-points binary schemes that generate C2 and C3 limiting curves. The masks of these schemes are defined in terms of trigonometric B-spline basis functions. (Conti and Romani, 2010) presented a new family of 6-point interpolatory non-stationary subdivision scheme using cubic exponential B-spline symbol generating functions that can reproduce conic sections. (Chen et al., 2004) introduced a novel non-stationary subdivision scheme based on the subdivision generation analysis of B-spline curves and surfaces. (Conti and Romani, 2011) investigated the algebraic conditions on non-stationary subdivision symbols for exponential polynomial reproduction. In the following, a three-point ternary nonstationary subdivision scheme is presented. As approximating subdivision schemes do not retain the points of stage k as the subset of the points of stage k+1, so a ternary three-point non-stationary approximating scheme in general form, can be written as: p3ki1 a 0k pik1 a1k pik a 2k pik1 p3ki11 b0k pik1 b1k pik b2k pik1 p3ki12 a 2k pik1 a1k pip a 0k pik1 (1) In this study, a ternary three-point non-stationary approximating scheme is presented that generates C2 limiting curve. The proposed scheme can be considered as the non-stationary counterpart of the stationary scheme (Siddiqi and Rehan, 2010a). The multipliers of the proposed scheme are calculated using the B-spline basis function in trigonometric form. Moreover, the limit curves of proposed scheme behave more pleasantly and also can reproduce conic sections as demonstrated by different examples. For example, if the initial control polygon is regular hexagon then the produced limit curves of proposed scheme are very close to the unit circle as compared with stationary three-point scheme (Fig. 1). Corresponding Author: Shahid S. Siddiqi, Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Lahore 54590, Pakistan 1875 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(13): 1875-1882, 2012 Definition 1: (Dyn and Levin, 2002) The mask of nonstationary scheme{ S a k } at kth level is a k, then the set i Z a k i is called the support of the mask a k. 0 The notation of convergence for ternary subdivision Cm scheme, similar to that given by (Dyn and Levin, 1995) for a binary scheme. Definition 2: A ternary subdivision scheme { S a k } is said to be convergent if for every initial data P0, l4 there exists a limit function f , Cm (R) such that: 1im sup Pi k f 3 k i 0 k i Z (a) and f is not identically zero for some initial data P0. Definition 3: Two ternary subdivision schemes { Sa k } and { Sb k } are said to be asymptotically equivalent if k 1 S a k Sb k where Sa k (b) Fig. 1: Broken line represents limit curves of unit circle. Continuous line in (a) represents limit curve of scheme (4) and in (b) Limit curve of scheme (5) with three subdivision steps max a3ki , a3ki 1 , a3ki 2 i Z i Z i Z Theorem 1: The non-stationary scheme{ S a k } and stationary scheme {Sa} are said to be asymptotically equivalent subdivision scheme having finite masks of the same support. If stationary scheme {Sa} is Cm and: 3k S k Sa a PRELIMINARIES k 0 In subdivision scheme, the set of control points P { pik R i Z m} (where, m = 1 in the curve case and m = 2 in the surface case) of polygon at kth level is mapped to a refined polygon to generate the new set of control points P k 1 { pik R i Z m } at the (k+1)th level by applying the following subdivision rule: k Pi k 1 S a k P k aik 3 j p kj i Z then non-stationary scheme {Sak} is Cm. Definition 4: (Koch et al., 1995) Let m > n > 0 and 0 n , then Uniform Trigonometric B-splines T n j x; mj 1 of order n associated with the knot seqence : {t i i: i 0, 1, 2, ..., m n} with the mesh size " are defined by the recurrence relation: (2) j Z where, the set aik :i Z m , aik 0 is finite for every k0Z+. If the masks of the scheme are independent of k, then the scheme is called stationary{Sa}, otherwise it is called nonstationary{ S a k }. The Eq. (2) is called the compact form 1, x [0, ) T01 x; 0, otherwise for 1<r#n, of subdivision scheme (1) in single equation. 1876 T0r ( x; ) 1 sin( x)T0r 1 ( x; ) sin (tr x)T0r 1 ( x ; ) sin((r 1) ) (3) Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(13): 1875-1882, 2012 and Tjr ( x; ) T0r ( x j ; ), for j = 1, 2..., m. The trigonometric B-spline T ( x; ) is supported on [tj, tj+n] and it is the interior of its support. Moreover, Tjn mj 1 are linearly independent set on the interval [tn!1,tm+1]. Hence, on[tn-1, tm+1], any uniform trigonometric spline S(x) has a n j unique representation of the form S ( x) m pT j 0 j n j ( x; ) , Moreover, the proposed scheme is considered as the non-stationary counterpart of the ternary 3-point stationary scheme (Siddiqi and Rehan, 2010a). The subdivision rules to refine the control polygon are defined as: 7225 pik1 3623 2 pik 721 pik1 p3ki11 81 pik1 43 2 pik 81 pik1 23 25 p3ki1 721 pik1 36 2 pik 72 pik1 p3ki1 pj , R, as it is also defined (Daniel and Shunmugaraj, 2009a). THE APPROXIMATING SCHEME In this section, a three-point ternary approximating non-stationary subdivision scheme is presented and masks ik ( ) ik , i 0, 1, 2 and ik ( ) ik , i 0, 1, 2 As the weights of the mask of the proposed scheme (4) bounded by the coefficient of the mask of the scheme (5) setting : = 0. So, we can write: of the proposed ternary scheme can be calculated, for any value of k, using the relation: ik ( ) T03 (2 i ) 3k ; i 0, 1, 2 2 3 k 1 3k 0k 25 k 23 k 1 1 , , , k 2k 72 1 36 2 72 0 8 and 1k 3 4 The holder regularity of the stationary scheme (5) which is 2.26 is not calculated elsewhere so it is calculated in Theorem (5). The proof of and from ik ( ) T03 (2 i ) k ; 3 2 3k 3 k (5) i 0, 1, 2 k 1 the (Lemma 23 k 25 k 1 , , 2k 36 2 72 0 8 1) and and 0k the 25 72 follows proofs 3 can 4 of be obtained k 1 similarly. where, k 3 ik ( ) T03 x; 3k and ik ( ) T03 x; 3k with mesh size , is a quadratic trigonometric B-spline basis function and can be calculated from (3). The proposed nonstationary scheme is defined, for some value of 0, 3 as: p3ki1 0k pik1 1k pik 2k pik1 p3ki11 0k p ik1 1k pik 2k pik1 p3ki12 2k pik1 1k pik 0k pik1 Convergence analysis: The theory of asymptotic equivalence (Dyn and Levin, 1995) is used to investigate the convergence and smoothness of the scheme. Some estimations of ik , i 0, 1, 2 and ik , i 0, 1, 2 are used in order to prove the convergence of the proposed scheme, are given in the following lemmas. To prove the lemmas, the following three inequalities are used: sin a a for 0 a b sin b b (4) csc t csc t for 0 t where, 0k 5 7 11 5 sin sin sin sin 2 3k 1 2 3k 1 2 3k 1 2 3k 1 2 3k 1 , k 1 2 2 sin k sin k sin k sin k 3 3 3 3 sin 2 2k sin2 2 sin 23k sin 223k sin 3k sin 23k 2 and cos x sin x for 0 x 2 x Lemma 1: For k $ 0 and 25 (i) 72 and sin2 2 3k 1 , k k 2 3k 0 2 2 2 sin k sin k sin k sin k 3 3 3 3 1k 2 k 0 1877 3 23 (ii) 36 25 1 72 cos2 23k 1 (iii) 72 2k 0 1 1 72 cos2 23k k 1 (iv) 81 k 0 23 1 36 cos2 23k 1 1 8 cos2 23k Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(13): 1875-1882, 2012 3 (v) 4 1k 1 z z2 k b1k ( z) b ( z) 3 3 1 4 cos2 23k Proof: To prove the inequality (i), we can write: 0k where, 5 5 sin 2 2 3k 1 2 3k 1 25 2 2 72 sin k sin k k k 3 3 3 3 b k ( z ) 3 2k z 4 ( 0k 2k ) z 3 ( 0k 0k ) z 2 ( 1k 2k 0k ) z 1 ( 0k 0k ) ( 0k 2k ) z 2k z 2 Proof: Since: and b1k ( z ) 2k z 4 0k z 3 0k z 2 1k z 1 1k 1k z 0k z 2 2k z 3 2k z 4 25 2 2 csc k csc k 3 3 4 32 k 2 k 0 Therefore using 1 z z2 k 1, b ( z) b ( z) 3 25 4 2 2 csc2 k 3 4 32 k 2 k 0 (iii) k 2 25 1 72 cos2 23k (v) 1k b( z ) 23 1 (ii) 1k 36 C1 2 k 3 1 1 C2 2 k 72 3 (iv) 0k d ( z) 1 1 C3 2 k 8 3 1 4 z 8z 3 16z 2 22z 1 16 8z z 2 24 3b( z) (1 z z 2 ) 1 1 6z z 2 8 max d 3ki , d 3ki 1 , d 3ki 2 i Z i Z i Z 6 1 1 max , , 1 8 8 8 2 3 25 25 1 cos 3k 72 72 cos2 So in view (Dyn and Levin, 2002), the stationary scheme is C1. 25 sin2 23 72 cos2 Theorem 2: The ternary non-stationary scheme defined by (4) is C2. 25 2 1 18 cos2 32 k The proofs of (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) can be obtained similarly. Lemma 3: The Laurent polynomial b1k(z) of the scheme { Sb } at the kth level can be written as: k can be proved. Since the norm of the subdivision scheme {Sd} is: 3 1 C4 2 k 4 3 Proof: The inequality (i) can proved using Lemma (1): 0k and Proof: To prove that the subdivision scheme {Sb} corresponding to the symbol b(z) is C1. We have: Sd (i) k 1 where, 25 1 C0 2 k 72 3 k 2 1 z z2 b1 ( z) b( z ) 3 Lemma 2: For some constants C0, C1, C2, C3 and C4 independent of k , we have: k 0 k 1 Lemma 4: The Laurent polynomial b1(z) of the scheme {Sb} at the kth level can be written as: 25 4 1 2 32 k 2 2 2 2 k cos2 k 3 3 The proofs of (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) can be obtained similarly. (i) 0k 1k 2k 1 Proof: To prove the proposed scheme to be C2, it is sufficient to show that the scheme corresponding to bk(z) is C1 (Theorem (8) given by Dyn and Levin, 2002) for binary scheme. Since {Sb} is C1 (by Lemma 4). In view of Theorem 1, it is sufficient to show for the convergence of ternary non-stationary scheme { Sb k } that: 1878 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(13): 1875-1882, 2012 0k ( ) 1k ( ) 2k ( ) 3 Sb k Sb k k 0 sin 2 53k 1 sin 2 53k 1 sin 2 73k 1 sin 2 3k 1 sin 2 3k 1 sin 2 113k 1 sin 3k 2 3k sin where, Sb k Sb 2 max b k i 3 j bi 3 j :i 0, 1, 2 j Z sin 2 53k 1 cos 2 3k 1 sin 2 3k 1 cos 2 53k 1 sin 3k sin 23k 1 cos 3k and similarly, it may be noted that: From Lemmas (3) and (4), it can be written as: b b3 j 30k 2k k 3j j Z 0k ( ) 1k ( ) 2k ( ) 16 8 3 0k 0k 72 72 1 cos 3k Moreover, the normalized scheme reproduces the k 3 j 1 j Z b3 j 1 k 3 j 2 j Z b3 j 2 3 0k 25 46 1 3 1k 9 2k 72 72 72 From (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) of Lemma (2), it can be written: 3 k k 0 0k and 3 k k 0 as 3k k 0 25 72 k 1 3 4 Sb k S b k 0 k 0 , 3k 1k 3623 , 3 k . i0 i0 Convergence analysis of normalized scheme: Following (Dyn and Levin, 1995; Daniel and Shunmugaraj, 2009) the theory of asymptotic equivalence is used to investigate the convergence and smoothness of the normalized scheme. Suppose { S c k } represents the normalized and similarly, it may be noted that: b 2 following the convergence analysis of normalized nonstationary subdivision scheme is presented. b 2 function f(x) = 1, since ik ( ) 1 and ik ( ) 1 . In the 25 1 1 3 0k 3 2k 6 0k 72 72 8 Hence, it 2k 1 72 , 3k 0k 81 can scheme while {Sc} represents the stationary scheme (5). The symbols ck(z) and c(z) corresponding to the mask of normalized scheme (5.1) and stationary scheme (3.2) can be written as, respectively: c k ( z) 2k z 4 0k z 3 0k z 2 1k k 0 be 1k z 1k z written . Thus { Sb } is C1, so the proposed k 0k z 2 2k z 3 1 2k z 4 and 2 scheme (4) is C . 1 4 1 3 25 2 46 1 z z z z 72 8 72 72 3 46 25 2 1 3 1 4 z z z z 4 72 72 8 72 c( z ) NORMALIZED SCHEME In this section a normalized scheme is presented, for some value of 0, 2 , as: p3ki1 0k pik1 1k pik 2k pik1 p3ki11 0k pik1 1k pik 2k pik1 p3ki12 2k pik1 1k p1k 0k pik1 Theorem 3: The normalized non-stationary scheme defined by (6) is C2. Proof: In order to prove the normalized non-stationary scheme to be C2. Following Theorem (1), it is enough to show that the scheme S c k corresponding to the symbol (6) and masks of normalized scheme can be calculated, for any value of k, using the relations and ik ( ) cos 3 ik ( ), i 0,1,2 . ck(z) and Sc corresponding to symbol c(z) are asymptotically equivalent. So, it can be written as: 25 1 25 cos k 0k 72 cos2 2k 72 3 k It may be noted that: 3 and also 1879 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(13): 1875-1882, 2012 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 2: Limit curves of the basis function of ternary three-point approximating schemes with three subdivision steps: Limit curves in (a) the scheme (4), (b) the scheme (6), and (c) the scheme (5) 0k 25 25 1 72 72 cos2 2 3k C0' 25 2 9 cos2 (2 ) of normalized non-stationary scheme (6) in Fig. 2b taking (" = B/180 and " = B/2), while the limit curves of scheme (5) has depicted in Fig. 2c taking (: = -1/16 and : = 13/216). Using Theorem 2, it follows that its basis limit function belongs to C2(R). In the following theorem the symmetry of basis function has discussed. is independent of k. Similarly, it can prove that: 23 1k 26 C1' 31 , 2k 1 72 2k 3 4 3k 4 2 1 25 1 cos 3k C0' 2 k 2 2 72 cos 3k 3 where 1k cos C4' 1 32 k and 2k ' 1 C2' 312 k , 0k 1 8 C5' ' 2 ' 3 3 k Proof: Let F denote the basis limit function and define Dn : 3i ; i Z such that restriction of F to Dn satisfies ' 4 ' 5 and C independent of 3 k 25 72 2k , k 1 k 0 1 72 23 36 3 , k k 0 0k 1 8 , 3 k k 0 1k 3 4 n p for all i0Z. The symmetry of basis limit function is proved using induction on n. It can be observed that F (i ) F i i Z , thus F F i Z and n = 0. Assume that F F i Z and then pin pni i Z . It may be observed that: F n i i 3n i 3n k 0 k 0 k 0 C3' 312 k , 1 32 k for some constants C , C , C , C k. Therefore, it follows that: 1 8 Theorem 4: (Beccari et al., 2007b) The basis limit function F is symmetric about the Y-axis. i 3n i 3n i 3n 3i F n 1 p3ni1 3 and 3k 2k 81 k 0 0n pin1 1n pin 2n pin1 Hence, the required result: 2n pni 1 1n pni 0n pni 1 3 k k 0 Sc k Sc Basis limit function: The basis limit function of the proposed scheme is the limit function for the data: 3i pn3i1 F n 1 3 similarly 3i 1 3i 1 F n 1 p3ni11 pn3i11 F n 1 3 3 1, i 0 pi0 0, i 0 The basis limit function is symmetric about Y-axis. Moreover, the support of the proposed non-stationary approximating scheme is same as its stationary scheme and it has much larger support, comparing to classical 4point binary scheme (Dubuc, 1987). The limit curves of basis limit function of the proposed ternary scheme (4) has shown in Fig. 2a taking (" = B/180 and " = B/4) and and 3i 2 3i 2 F n 1 p3ni12 pn3i1 2 F n 1 3 3 Hence, F F i Z and n = Z+, thus from the continuity of F, F(x) = F(-x) holds for all x0R, which completes the required result. 1880 i 3n i 3n Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(13): 1875-1882, 2012 Theorem 5: The Holder continuity of the ternary scheme (5) is 2.26: Proof: Since 1 z z2 c( z ) e( z ) 3 where e( z ) 3 8 94 z 1 83 z 2 is the symbol c(z) of the scheme (5). So the non-zero coefficients e0 , e1 and e2 can be written from c(z) that are 3 3 9 8 , 4 and 8 , respectively. Consider two matrices E0 and E1 of order 2×2 taking elements ( E0 )ij e2 i 2 j and ( E1 ) ij e2 i 2 j 1 for i, j = 1, 2. The matrices take the form: (a) 94 0 E0 3 3 8 8 (b) Fig. 3: Broken line represents limit curves of ellipse. Continuous line in (a) represents limit curve of scheme (4) and in (b) Limit curve of scheme (5) with three subdivision steps Moreover, the holder continuity of the scheme (5) is calculated, in the following, using the method followed by Horman and Sabin (2008). 83 and E1 0 3 8 9 4 The largest eigen value of the matrices E0, E1 and is 94 . Hence, the Holder continuity is 2.26. E0 , E1 Examples: The comparison of the proposed scheme has shown with the 3-point stationary ternary approximating schemes (Siddiqi and Rehan, 2010a) that generates the families of C1 and C2 limiting curves for the certain range of parameter. The scheme (5) is the modified form of approximating scheme (Siddiqi and Rehan, 2010b). The continuous line represents the limit curves of proposed scheme (4), in Fig. 1a and 3a by taking 6 . The limit curves of scheme (Siddiqi and Rehan, 2010a) are represented in Fig. 1b and 3b by continuous line taking 749 . The broken lines represent the limit curves of the unit circle and ellipse by considering six different points on the unit circle and the ellipse in Fig. 1 and 3 respectively. (a) (b) (c) Fig. 4: Limit curves of the proposed scheme (4): (a) taking " = B/180, (b) taking " = B/6 and (c) taking " = B/4 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 5: Limit curves of the scheme (5): (a) taking, : = -1/16 (b) taking : = 0 and (c) taking : = 13/216 1881 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 4(13): 1875-1882, 2012 (a) (b) (c) Fig. 6: Limit curves of the scheme (6): (a) taking, " = B/180 (b) taking " = B/3 and (c) taking " = 4B/9 Table 1: Comparison of three-point approximating subdivision schemes Exact value Proposed Ternary of unit circle scheme (4) scheme (5) (-1.0000, 0.0000) (-1.0000, 0.0000) (-0.9962, 0.0000) (0.0000, 1.0000) (0.0194, 0.9998) (0.0361, 0.9708) (1.0000, 0.0000) (1.0000, 0.0000) (0.9962, 0.0000) (0.0000, -1.0000) (-0.0194, -0.9998) (-0.0361, -0.9708) In Fig. 4, 5 and 6, the comparison of the limit curves of schemes (4), (5) and (6) are depicted, respectively, to produce 2D spirals, and broken lines represent the control polygon. In Table 1, the numerical values taken from the limit curves of unit circle, from proposed non-stationary scheme (4) and of the scheme (5). That shows, the limit curves of proposed non-stationary scheme are very close to reproduce the unit circle as compared to the 3-point stationary scheme (5). CONCLUSION A ternary three-point approximating non-stationary subdivision scheme is presented using quadratic trigonometric B-spline basis function that generates the family of C2 limiting curve for 0 3 . Its limiting function has support on [-4, 3] which is similar to the corresponding stationary scheme (Siddiqi and Rehan, 2010 a, b). The comparison of the proposed scheme has been depicted in different figures. The proposed ternary subdivision scheme gives better approximation and behaves more pleasantly. The limit curves of the proposed scheme are much closer to reproduce and generate the conic sections (i.e., unit circle and ellipse) as compared to ternary three-point stationary approximating scheme. A normalized three-point approximating non-stationary scheme has also been presented with C2 limiting curves. REFERENCES Beccari, C., G. Casciola and L. Romani, 2007a. A nonstationary uniform tension controlled interpolating 4point scheme reproducing conics. Comput. Aided Geom. 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