Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 1(2): 54-58, 2009 ISSN: 2040-7467 © M axwell Scientific Organization, 2009 Submit Date: June 18, 2009 Accepted Date: July 21, 2009 Published Date: August 31, 2009 Measurement of Natural Radioactivity In Beach Sediments From North East Coast of Tamilnadu, India 1 V. R amasam y, 1 S. Senthil, 2 V. Meenakshisundaram and 2 V. Gajendran 1 Departm ent of Physics, Annam alai University, Tamilnadu, Ind ia 2 HA SD , IGC AR , Kalpakkam , Tam ilnadu, Ind ia Abstract: The distribution of natural gamma emitting 2 3 8 U, 2 3 2 Th and 4 0 K radionu clides in beach sediments along north east coast of Tamilnad u, India has be en carried out using a NaI(Tl) gamm a ray spectrom etric technique. The m ean activity con centrations of m easured rad ionuclides w ere compared with other literature values. The absorbed dose rate, annual effective dose equivalent, external hazard index and representative level index were calculated and comp ared w ith interna tionally recom men ded values. Key w ords: Radionuclides, absorbed dose rate, hazard indices, representative level index INTRODUCTION The naturally occurring radion uclides are relatively and uniformly distributed in the seas and the oceans. Human activities like mining and milling of mineral ores, ore processing and enrichment, nuclear fuel fabrication and handling of the fuel cycle tail end products cause release of additional amou nts of natural radionu clides into the environment. Also, the discharge into the sea of low level waste from nuclear industry has become a source of contamination in the marine coastal environment of countries possessing nuclear power plants and nuclear reprocessing plants (A kram , et al., 2007). Most of the radioa ctivity deposited on surface sediments is washed by rains and drained through rivers to the oceans. Part of the ground deposited activity is absorbed in the soils and percolates with the underground waters to the oceans. Radionuclides reaching the ocean become part of the marine ecosystem (water, sediments, and biota) and may transfer through seawater-sedim ent-bio ta interfac e to human beings (Akram , et al., 2006). Accumulation of such substances in the marine costal environment raises many problems conc erning safety o f biotic life, food chain and ultimately humans. To address these problems, assessment of radioactivity concentration in the marine environment is essential. It is necessary to quantify the distribution of radionuclides in the main marine constituents (sea water, sea sediments and marine organisms) and to assess radiological impacts of the detected radionuc lides on hum an he alth. Beach sediments are mineral deposits formed through weathering and erosion of either igneo us or m etamorphic rocks. Among the rock constituent minerals are some natural radion uclides that co ntribute to ionizing radiation exposure on Earth. Natural radioactivity in soils comes from U and Th series and natural K. The study of the distribution of primordial radionuclides allows the understanding of the radiological implication of these elements due to the gamma-ray exposure of the body and irradiation of lung tissue from inhalation of radon and its daughters (Uosif, et al., 2008). During the last few decades, the coastal environment of North east coast of Tamilnadu in In dia has experienced intense developme nts in ind ustry, tou rism, tran sport, urbanization and aquaculture. This paper reports the activity concentrations of natural radionuclides 2 3 5 U, 2 3 2 Th and 4 0 K, for beach sediments of North east coast of Tamilnadu, India. The objective of this paper is to evalu ate the radiological hazards due to natural radioa ctivity associated with beach sediments by calculating the absorbed dose rate, annual effective dose rate, representative level index and external hazard index. MATERIALS AND METHODS This study took place in North east coast of Tamilnadu in India is bordered on the east by the Bay of Bengal (figure 1). The total study area spread over from Port novo (Lat: 11º 30 ’ 953”N; Long 79º 46’279”E) to Marina beach of Chennai (Lat: 13º 03’ 974”N; Long 80º 17’362 ”E), which covers an area about 200km. The tidal range is 1.2-1.5m for spring tides and 0.3-0.6m for neap tides. Some famo us beache s (M arina, K ovalam, A rovil and Silver), historical place (Mahabalipuram) and Industries (SIPCOT) are located in this coastal area. Sam ple collection and preparation: Beach sediment samples were collected during April 2008. The total study area covers about 200km, from which at the distance of 56km interval, 35 sampling locations [S1 -S 3 5 ] are selected. The exact position of each sampling site was recorded using Hand held GARMIN GPS (Global Positioning System, Mo del no 12).The samples were collected from 10-20m away from the high tide, when it makes towards the road side. Five sa mples w ere collected from each site covering an area of one meter square, at a depth of 5cm and pack ed in plastic pouches. Corresponding Author: V. Ramasamy, Department of Physics, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu, India 54 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 1(2): 54-58, 2009 Fig 1: Geographic location of North east coast of Tamilnadu in India where the beach sediment samples were collected The collected samples were dried in an oven at 100-110 ºC for about 24h and sieved through a 2-mm mesh-size sieve to remove stone, pebbles and other macro-impurities. The homogenized sample was placed in a 500g airtight PVC container. The inner lid was place d in and closed tightly with outer cap. The container was sealed hermetically and extern ally using cellophane tape and kept aside for about a month to ensure eq uilibrium betw een R a and its daughter products before being taken for gamma ray spectrome tric analysis (R ama samy, et al., 2004). Gamma spectroscopic an alysis: To estimate the activity levels of the 2 3 8 U, 2 3 2 Th and 4 0 K in the samples, a gamma ray spectrometer in the laboratory of Health and Safety 55 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 1(2): 54-58, 2009 presented in table 1. Activity is reported in Bqkg - 1 on the basis of the sedime nt’s dry weight. Th e measured activity concentrations range from BD L to 30.42±7.90 BqkgG 1 for 238 U, BDL to 218.64±8.02 BqkgG 1 for 2 3 2 Th and 212.6±24.68 BqkgG 1 to 423.43±26.52 BqkgG 1 for 4 0 K. The maxim um activity concentration of 2 3 8 U (30.42±7.90 BqkgG 1 ) and 2 3 2 Th (218.64±8.02 BqkgG 1 ) were observed in Mahabalipuram (S-22), which is one of the famous historical and tourism place. The highest activity concen tration of 4 0 K (423.43±26.52 BqkgG 1 ) was found in Kovalam beach (S-29) nearer to Chennai metro city. The lowest concentration of all radionuclides was found at Pudhucherry beach (S-10) (table 1), which may be due to high comp osition of Si (M arija Jankovic, et al., 2008). Table 3 presents the absorbed dose rate, annual effective dose equiv alent, external hazard index and representative level index values. The calculated absorbed gamma dose rate varied from 156.73 nGy hG 1 (S-22, Mahabalipuram beach) to 15.63 nGy hG 1 (S- 10, Pudhucherry beach) with a mean of 30.15 nGy hG 1 . The mean absorbed dose rate is found to be 0.59 times the world average value (51 nGy hG 1 : UNSCEAR, 2000). The calculated values of annual effective dose rate ranging from 0.08 to 0.77mSv, with a mean value of 0.15mSv, which is lower than the world average value of 0.48mSv (UNSCEAR, 2000). The calculated value of external hazard index range s from 0.08 to 0.98.The representative level index value being 0.24 to 2.56, with the average of 0.48, lower than the world average (0.66 Bq kgG 1 :Harb, 2008). Div ision, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam was used in the present investigations. NaI (Tl) crystal detector of size 3” X 3” along with a 8K multi channel analyzer was used to record the gamma spectra. Standard sources of natural Uranium (1997.56Bq), natural Thorium (1237.28 Bq) and KCl (5181.59 Bq) with a standard 250ml container from International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) were used for calibrating the gamma ray spectrometer. These standards were obtained from environmental survey laboratory, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Kalpakkam. With the counting time of 10,000 seconds for each sample, the below detectable limit (BDL) limits were 21.2BqkgG 1 for 40 K, 5.5 BqkgG 1 for 2 3 8 U and 2 3 2 Th. Calculation of radiological effects: Dose rate calculation: The absorbed dose rate was calculated from the measured activities of 2 3 8 U, 2 3 2 Th and 40 K in the surface sediment samples using the below formula (Pa paefth ymio u, et al., 2008) D (nGy hG 1 ) = 0.462 CU +0.604C T h +0.042C K (1) W here D is the absorbed dose rate (nGy hG 1 ). C U , C T h and C K are the activity concentrations (BqkgG 1 ) of 2 3 8 U, 232 Th and 4 0 K respectively. To estimate the annual effective dose rates, the conversion coefficient from absorbed dose to effective dose, 0.7 SvGyG 1 and outdoor occupancy factor of 0.2 proposed by UNSCEAR, 2000 were used. The effective dose rate in units of m Sv yG 1 was calculated by the follow ing form ula Effective dose rate (m Sv yG 1 ) = D (nGy hG 1 ) x 8760 h x 0.2 x 0.7 SvGyG 1 x 10G 6 (2) DISCUSSION Large variation among the radioactivity concentration for different sites has been observed . It may be du e to geological condition and drainage pattern of the study area since four river estuaries were located. According to Harb (2008), large variation of radionuclides in beach sedim ents may be du e to the continuous wa ve action, as the waves reaches up to about 10m from the waterline during high tide and results in the fresh deposition of heavy minerals along the seashore. The high v alues could be explained as due to the presence of black sands, which are enriched in the mineral monazite containing a significant amou nt of 2 3 2 Th. The enrichment occurs because of the specific gravity of monazite allows its concentration along bea ches w here lighter materials are swept aw ay (U osif, et al., 2008). The mean activity concen trations of 2 3 8 U, 2 3 2 Th and 40 K is 0.33, 0.98 and 0.74 times the world average values and 0.29, 0.98 and 0.38 times the Indian average values respectively (UNSCEAR, 2000). Table 2 shows the comparison of observed activity concentration of 2 3 8 U, 232 Th and 4 0 K in the present samples with literature values of different beaches. Calculation of hazard indexes: The external hazard index , H e x , is defined as (Marija Jankovic et al., 2008) H ex = (C U /370 + C T h /259 + C K /4810) # 1 (3) An additional hazard index so called representative level index is calculated by using the formula (Harb, 2008), I(r = (C U /150 + C T h /100 + C K /1500) (4) W here C U ,C T h and C K are the specific activities (BqkgG 1 ) of 2 3 8 U, 2 3 2 Th and 4 0 K, respectively. The value of these index es must be less than unity in order to keep the radiation haz ard insignificant. RESUL TS The results of analysis of activity concentration of U, 2 3 2 Th and 4 0 K radionuclides in beach sediment samples for different locations of the study area are 238 56 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 1(2): 54-58, 2009 Tab le 1: Geog raphical location and activity concentration of India S l.N o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Na me o f the S ite Port novo Samiyarpettai Periyakkupam Rajapettai Sonankuppam Devanamp attainam Moo rthy Kuppam Pannithittau Veeramam Pattinam Pud huch erry Na duth ittu Periyakalapattau Koonimedu K uppam Chitti kuppam Mandavai (pudhukkuppam) Anum andhai Kadappkam Panaiyur kuppam Paramankeni kuppam Thenpattinam Kadaluar gramam Mahabalipuram Kolliyur Dev neri Pattipulam Th enn eme li Va dan eme li Thiruvedanthai Kovalam Karikattukuppam Panniyur Eanchapakkam Palavakkam Thiruvanmyur Marina 238 U , 2 3 2 Th and Latitude 11/30’.953 11º32’.991 11º36’.233 11º41’.017 11º43’.279 11º44’.317 11º47’.356 11º49’.612 11º53’.614 11º55’391 11º57’.442 12º01’.660 12º04’.543 12º06’.697 12º09’.735 12º11’.901 12º16’.269 12º17’.962 12º20’.965 12º23’.976 12º16’.734 12º35’.657 12º37’.208 12º38’.746 12º41’.244 12º42’.292 12º43’.778 12º45’.332 12º47’.451 12º49’.899 12º53’.068 12º55’.138 12º57’.617 12º59’.918 13º03’.974 40 K in the beach sediment samples of the North east of Tamilnadu, Longitude 79º 46’.279 79º45’.595 79º45’.505 79º46’.378 79º46’.952 79º47’.221 79º47’.799 79º48’.312 79º49’.659 79º50’.043 79º50’.452 79º52’.030 79º53’.565 79º’54’.931 79º56’.894 79º58’.358 80º 00’.980 80º01’.915 80º04’.104 80º06’.652 80º08’.566 80º11.359 80º11’.905 80º12’.385 80º13’.307 80º13’.654 80º14’.220 80º14’.707 80º15’.111 80º14’.851 80º15’.112 80º15’.425 80º15’.839 80º16’.742 80º17’.362 Average Maximum Minimum Activity concentration (Bq/ kg) ----------------------------------------------------------238 40 U 232 K Th 7.94±5.58 12.33±4.33 243.74±25.54 7.28±4.38 10.58±4.63 224.48±24.62 6.46±4.62 11.24±4.74 214.36±24.86 6.31±4.42 9.46±4.34 236.68±24.71 15 .16 ±5 .4 96 .42 ±6 .6 242.27±24.76 26.99±7.23 185.46±7.68 238.32±34.21 11.42±5.62 10.69±4.64 224.46±24.38 6.37±4.47 7.8±4.05 23 8.3 3± 24 .5 6.24±4.46 6.72±4.08 216.51±24.64 BDL BDL 212.6±24.68 6.33±4.39 8.34±4.28 239.44±24.72 6.5 1± 4.3 65±4.06 226.67±24.74 6.6 8± 4.4 5.98±4.08 234.91±24.74 6.34±4.52 7.36±4.62 222.62±25.64 6.4 2± 4.4 6.98±4.48 232.47±25.04 6.54±4.57 7.04±4.56 218.72±24.34 6.44±4.56 6.84±4.24 213.36±24.18 7.0 2± 4.6 7.94±4.84 226.74±25.43 6.98±4.84 7.26±4.26 24 6.4 ±2 6.4 6.51±4.72 7.42±4.17 241.59±24.36 8.96±5.26 10.94±4.92 246.54±25.06 30 .42 ±7 .9 218.64±8.02 254.62±26.08 7.36±5.02 19.79±4.48 335.29±26.58 6.89±4.51 16.63±4.62 324.65±24.67 6.36±4.48 12.61±4.48 294.65±25.12 6.49±4.57 9.45±4.69 304.72±24.69 5.21±4.48 16.28±4.76 326.24±24.96 6.06±4.42 18.73±4.62 348.61±24.89 8.78±5.06 24.33±4.75 423.43±26.52 7.84±5.02 17.68±4.64 376.45±27.96 7.04±5.51 13 .92 ±4 .4 353.49±26.86 6.38±4.61 14.67±4.31 340.44±25.49 BDL 15.48±4.24 34 8.0 3± 25 .8 6.34±4.49 12 .37 ±4 .8 364.82±25.68 BDL 8.56±4.94 423.43±26 8.39±4.87 24.52±4.73 274.87±25.58 30.42±7.90 218.64±8.02 423.43±26.52 BDL BDL 212.6±24.68 Tab le 2: Com parison of activity concentrations of 2 3 8 U , 2 3 2 Th and 4 0 K in beach sediment samples of North east coast of Tamilnadu, India and other studies in different beaches of the world. Location Mean activity concentration(Bq/ kg) Reference --------------------------------------------------238 232 40 U Th K 1 W orld 25 25 370 UNSC EAR2000 2 Ind ia 28.67 63.83 32 7.6 UNSC EAR2000 3 Beach sand Egypt -177 815 Uosif et al (2008) 4 Beach sand Read sea coast Egypt 23 .1 7.2 338 Harb (2008) 5 Hu ngary 28.67 27.96 30 2.4 UNSC EAR2000 6 Ku wa it 36 6 227 Saad and Al-Azmi (2002) 7 Nig eria 16 24 35 Arogunjo et al (2004) 8 Ka lpak kam in T amiln adu Ind ia 112 14 55 .8 351 Kannan et al (2002) 9 Ulla l in K arna taka , India 374 158 158 Radhakrishna et al (1993) 10 No rth ea st coa st of T amiln adu , India 7.82 24.52 274.87 Present study concluded that no harmful radiation effects are pose to the public and tourists going to the beaches for recreation or to the sailors and fisherm en inv olved in their activities in the area as a results of the activity of beach sediments. CONCLUSION The mean activity concen trations of 2 3 8 U, 2 3 2 Th and K in beach sediments and other calculated hazard indices are lower than the world and Indian average values. How ever, the activity concentration of 2 3 8 U, 2 3 2 Th and 4 0 K values are higher in S-6 an d S-22. On the basis of lower levels of natural radioactivity, beaches of the north east coast of Tamilnadu in India can be considered as a less natural back g round radiation area. It is 40 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors are thankful to the Director, IGCAR and Head, HASD, IGCAR, Kalpakkam, Tamilnadu, for permission to use the facilities. 57 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 1(2): 54-58, 2009 Table 3: The Absorbed d ose rate, Annual effective dose rate and Hazard indices of all sites Site number Ab sorbe d do se rate Annual effective dose rate | (nGy h G 1) (m Sv yG 1) 1 21.28 0.1 2 19.11 0.09 3 18.71 0.09 4 18.5 0.09 5 75.34 0.37 6 134.43 0.66 7 21.09 0.1 8 17.59 0.08 9 15.97 0.08 10 15.63 0.08 11 17.95 0.09 12 16.48 0.08 13 16.49 0.08 14 16.66 0.08 15 16.88 0.08 16 16.14 0.08 17 16 0.08 18 17.49 0.08 19 17.88 0.09 20 17.56 0.08 21 21.03 0.1 22 156.73 0.77 23 29.34 0.14 24 26.77 0.13 25 22.84 0.11 26 21.41 0.1 27 25.84 0.13 28 28.65 0.14 29 34.76 0.17 30 30 0.15 31 26.4 0.13 32 26 0.13 33 26.75 0.13 34 25.61 0.12 35 25.97 0.13 Average 30.15 0.15 Maximum 156.73 0.77 Minimum 15.63 0.08 Hazard indices H ex 0.12 0.11 0.1 0.1 0.46 0.84 0.12 0.1 0.09 0.08 0.1 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.1 0.1 0.09 0.12 0.98 0.16 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.2 0.17 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.17 0.98 0.08 I(r 0.33 0.3 0.29 0.29 1.22 2.19 0.33 0.28 0.25 0.24 0.28 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.25 0.25 0.27 0.28 0.27 0.33 2.56 0.47 0.42 0.36 0.34 0.42 0.46 0.55 0.48 0.42 0.41 0.42 0.41 0.41 0.48 2.56 0.24 Papaefthymiou, H. and M. 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