Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 4(11): 962-981, 2012 ISSN: 2041-0492 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2012 Submitted: August 15, 2012 Accepted: September 13, 2012 Published: November 20, 2012 Well Test Analysis in Dual-Porosity Aquifers with Stress-Dependent Conductivity 1 H. Jabbari, 1Z. Zeng, 1S.F. Korom and 2M. Khavanin Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, 2 Department of Mathematics, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202, USA 1 Abstract: A new model for analyzing the hydraulic head in the vicinity of a vertical well in fractured, confined aquifers is presented. This study shows that flow dynamics within the fractured aquifers are more complex than previously believed and the fluid flow behavior can be related to rock deformation through hydraulic conductivity change with fluid withdrawal/injection. This fluid-solid interaction is particularly significant in stress-sensitive, fissured rocks where the rate of withdrawal/injection is high. The model is derived for cubic geometry under hydrostatic confining pressure. The solution, however, can be extended to handle other geometries. Considering the conductivity changes during the life of an aquifer in this study, several findings are drawn: (1) a fully coupled geo mechanics and fluid-flow model is developed to interpret well test data from confined aquifers with linear elastic behavior, (2) for characterizing a fissured, confined aquifer knowing three major parameters may be sufficient, which can be obtained by proper analysis of recovery data, (3) the concept of stress-dependent skin around the wells is discussed and (4) even though the coupled effect may not significantly influence the drawdown/recovery data from a normal (stress-insensitive) aquifer, such a coupled model provides an iterative algorithm to estimate the main fracture parameters, namely fracture porosity, fracture transmissivity, fracture storage capacity ratio and the elasticity parameter. In general, the fluid-solid coupling effects cannot be ignored when analyzing stress-sensitive aquifers unless otherwise it is shown to be negligible. Keywords: Confined aquifer, dual porosity, recovery data, stress-dependent conductivity • INTRODUCTION Groundwater flow in fractured aquifers behaves differently from that in homogeneous ones. In homogeneous, single porosity aquifers there is one single flow regime, whereas in fractured aquifers there are two: fractures and matrix. Characterizing such a heterogeneous formation with two distinct media, namely matrix and fractures, requires more caution and a more sophisticated model, such as a dual-porosity solution. As a matter of fact, quantifying the fluid flow in fissured rock masses requires the combination of theoretical, laboratory and field studies. In the theoretical part for fissured aquifers, which are heterogeneous and anisotropic formations, cogent mathematical models are imperative (Lods and Gouze, 2008; Murdoch and Germanovich, 2006; Neuman, 2005). These solutions can be obtained based on certain idealizations (Warren and Root, 1963; Snow, 1969; Kazemi, 1969; Moench, 1984; Hsieh, 1983). In fact, three different approaches may be employed for the analysis of groundwater flow in a fractured rock mass: • • The continuum approach that treats the porous medium and the fractures as two separate but overlapping continua (Peters and Klavetter, 1988; Rodriguez et al., 2006; Bear and Cheng, 2010) The Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) approach in which the unknown heads at the intersections of fracture network are calculated based on the laws for flow through individual fractures (Bacca et al., 1984; Karim-Fard and Firoozabadi, 2003) The Dual-Porosity (DP) model which assumes that the medium consists of two continua, one associated with the fracture system and the other with the matrix (Barenblatt et al., 1960; Warren and Root, 1963; Kazemi, 1969) There have been several studies to implement the dual-porosity models for characterizing fractured systems. The main goal in dual-porosity modeling is to simulate the effects of a fractured system on drawdown or buildup (recovery) data. This concept was first introduced by Barenblatt et al. (1960). It was later applied by Warren and Root (1963) for the case of pseudo-steady state interporosity flow model and by Corresponding Author: H. Jabbari, Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, North Dakota 58202, USA 962 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(11): 962-981, 2012 Kazemi (1969) for a transient flow model in naturally fractured oil reservoirs. It took the groundwater industry some time to adopt the proposed methods and develop new models and primitive research on fractured aquifers appears in the 1970s and 80s (Streltsova, 1976; Boulton, 1977; Neuzil, 1981; Moench, 1984). Of course, there had been some previous research on homogeneous (single-porosity) aquifers in the decades prior (Theis, 1935, 1938; Jacob, 1940; Cooper and Jacob, 1946; Domenico and Mifflin, 1965; Bear, 1972). The dual-porosity concept is widely used to analyze hydraulic heads at any point around the vertical wells in the fractured media (Gerke and Genuchten, 1993). However, the limitation of the dual-porosity models is that they are mainly applicable when the fractured media is represented by regularly-shaped objects, such as sugar cubes, slabs, or spheres. The sugar-cube representation is an efficient configuration method, but it cannot be applied when the fractures are not connected (Karim-Frad and Firoozabadi, 2003; Farayola et al., 2011). Several approaches have been proposed to implement the geomechanical effects into both oil reservoir characterization (Min et al., 2004; Dautriat et al., 2007; Tao et al., 2009) and groundwater flow modeling (Cey, 2006; Cappa et al., 2008). However, most proposed models are based on numerical analysis and exact analytical solutions for nonlinear geomechanics, fluid-flow problems are limited. It is the objective of this study to develop a three-parameter dual-porosity model for investigating the unsteady-state groundwater flow in naturally fractured aquifers, with the inclusion of the changes in effective-stress of formations. This study is founded mainly on the model of Warren and Root (1963) for dual-porosity systems which was extended by Jabbari and Zeng (2011) to incorporate the effect of rock deformation into fractured media modeling. It, in fact, couples the geomechanical and fluid-flow aspects for characterizing a stresssensitive fractured formation, where the elasticity parameter (ε) is relatively significant (ε>0.01). Before presenting the proposed model, some points are clarified so that the mathematical model is more easily understood. First, by “fluid-solid interaction” we imply that the change in the fracture hydraulic head (especially in the vicinity of the wellbore) can cause change in the fracture aperture and, thus, fracture hydraulic conductivity. This change in hydraulic conductivity comes from two sources: • Fig. 1: Idealization of the heterogeneous porous aquifer (Warren and Root, 1963) • Pore volume compressibility of the fracture (Jabbari et al., 2011b) In this study, we demonstrate the effects of change in fracture conductivity on the overall behavior of a fissured, confined aquifer. Another goal of this research is to investigate whether or not the geo mechanical behavior of the formation affects the transient test data from a fissured aquifer in a dual-porosity framework. MATHEMATICAL MODEL Problem statement: The general configuration of a dual-porosity model for a fissured aquifer is depicted in Fig. 1. The concept of dual-porosity model was originally developed by Warren and Root (1963) in order to quantify the fluid flow in fractured rocks. According to their model a fractured medium is assumed to consist of two interacting, overlapping media: a medium of low-permeability and high-storage (matrix) and a medium of high-permeability and lowstorage (fracture). The origin of the coordinate system is at the wellbore and the equations are derived on the horizontal plane (x, y). The developed model should reflect the response of a real fractured aquifer. However, certain assumptions and idealizations are inevitable (Warren and Root, 1963): • • Volumetric change of matrix blocks (the pore pressure effect in the matrix is ignored) 963 The material containing the primary porosity is homogeneous and isotropic and is contained within a systematic array of identical, rectangular parallelepipeds (matrix). All of the secondary porosity is contained within an orthogonal system of continuous, uniform fractures which are oriented so that each fracture is parallel to one of the principal axes of hydraulic conductivity (fractures). Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(11): 962-981, 2012 • ∂ 2 h ∂ 2 h 1 S ∂h ∂p1 ∂x 2 + ∂= 2 γ b − α n2 ∂t + γ n2 ( β 2 + c f ) ∂t y K 2 ∂ p p S − α n2 1 =Csh K1 h − 1 γ b γ ∂t (3) The complex of primary and secondary porosities (matrix plus fractures) is homogeneous. Flow to the wellbore can only occur from the fracture network; hence, flow through the primary-porosity (from matrix to wellbore) cannot occur. Note, also, that the effect of poroelasticity in the matrix has been ignored in this study since we have assumed that the matrix conductivity is negligible compared to the fracture conductivity. Additional assumptions will be made at appropriate points in the mathematical treatment. The governing equation of hydraulic head for a single phase flow of a slightly compressible liquid in the vicinity of a point sink/source within a uniform aquifer that is horizontal, homogeneous and anisotropic, is partially described by applying Green’s theorem to the Volume (V) to obtain the applicable form of the continuity equation (Appendix A): 1 ∂h S ∂p ∇.( ρ K 2 ∇h)= − α n2 1 + γ n2 ( β 2 + c f ) ∂ ∂t b t ρ γ p1 h = hi τ 0) = I .C. : (= γ ∂h Q = 2π T B.C. : (τ 〉 0) ∂ ln r r = rw Q ( re , t ) = 0 All the variables are defined in the section of notations. Here, the x-axis and the y-axis coincide with the principle axes of the conductivity field. In fact, three different types of flow mechanics can be distinguished: • • • (1) Because water in the matrix cannot flow directly to wellbore (dual-porosity assumption), the hydraulic head notation does not apply to the matrix, hence, we used pressure notation for the primary porosity. In addition to Eq. (1), continuity on a local basis is necessary. The matrix-fracture interaction is described by a pseudo-steady state pressure relation (Appendix A): p1 S ∂ p1 γ b − α n2 ∂ t =C sh K1 h − γ (4) Transient behavior in a bounded system Steady-state with outer boundary head Pseudosteady-state denoting a no-flow boundary condition. Henceforth, the transient behavior of a finite aquifer (bounded system) is employed in this study Eq. (4) On the other hand, if we also consider the changes in fracture conductivity due to water withdrawal or fluid injection, the preceding differential system is changed such that it reflects the effect of head and, thus, conductivity changes over the aquifer. Because in fissured formations it is the fracture network that constitute the main conduits for the flow and the fracture aperture variations are stress-dependent, the study of the coupled effective-stress and fracture conductivity has attracted significant attention in the recent years (Bai and Elsworth, 1994; Zhu et al., 1995; Takashi et al., 1995; Suri et al., 1997; Chin et al., 2000; Gutierrez et al., 2001; Dautriat et al., 2007; Meza et al., 2010). Notice that in Eq. (6) we defined a new term with ε that represents this phenomenon. Therefore, the principle differential system Eq. (3) turns out to be as follows (Appendix B): (2) where, Csh , shape factor, reflects the geometry of the matrix elements and controls the flow between matrix and fractures. In the existing models for fractured formations, from both petroleum and hydrology points of view, it is assumed that the hydraulic conductivity of a fracture network is always constant and it does not vary with hydraulic head change (Warren and Root, 1963; Kazemi, 1969; Streltsova, 1976; Boulton, 1977; Neuzil, 1981; Moench, 1984). For such an aquifer that is confined top and bottom and is bounded at the outer boundary with a uniform initial head that is to be produced at a constant discharge rate Eq. (4), the differential system which represents both the flow from fractures to wellbore and the flow from matrix to fracture network can be written as follows: 2 2 ∂2h ∂2h 3(1 − 2ν ) ∂h ∂h n 2 + 2 + γ β 2 + 3 1 + 2 c f + + = En2 ∂x ∂y 9 ∂x ∂y 1 S ∂h ∂p1 = − α n2 ∂t + ( 2n2 β 2γ ) ∂t K 2 γ b S − α n2 ∂p1 =Csh K1 h − p1 ∂t γ b γ 964 (5) Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(11): 962-981, 2012 −λ x −λ x − Ei 1−ω ω (1 − ω ) The transformed equations in polar coordinates (ξ, θ), the initial condition and boundary conditions can be rewritten as follows (Jabbari and Zeng, 2011): 2 ∂ 2 h 1 ∂h ∂h ∂hD ∂ψ + (1 − ω ) 2D + D − ε D = ω ∂ξ ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ ∂τ ∂τ ∂ψ (1 − ω ) ∂τ =λ ( hD −ψ ) I .C : (= τ 0) B.Cs : (τ 〉 0) Φ ( x= ) ln(η x ) + Ei 2 3 −λ x λ η x λx −λ x ln − E1 1 − ω − Ei ω 1 − ω 256(1 − ω ) −λ x (1 − ω )η x λx λ x + E1 ln − E1 ω ω (1 − ω ) ω ω (1 − ω ) + exp Ei And E1 are “Exponential Integral” functions, defined as: (6) ∞ 0 hDi = ψ= i ∂hD ξ =1 ∂ξ ∂ξ Ei ( − x ) = −∫ x = −1 ∂hD • (7) ∂hD ∂ξ ξ =1 hwD= hD − S γ 2 η = 4 exp (9) where S' (stress-dependent skin factor) is given by: 24 9γ τ 2 32 + ∫ 0 + Φ ( x) 4x dx u du ( x〉 0) (13) (14) where, 𝛾𝛾� = �0.57721 is the Euler-Mascheroni constant (also called Euler’s constant). Among the three major dimensionless groups (ω, λ, ε) two of them, ω and λ, are important; they are the groups by which we can describe the deviation of the behavior of an aquifer with dual-porosity from that of a homogenous one (Warren and Root, 1963). The fracture storage capacity (ω) is a measure of the fluid stored in fractures as compared with the total water present in the aquifer and it has a value between zero and unity. A value close to 1 indicates that most of the water is stored in the fractures, whereas a value of zero indicates that no water is stored in the fractures. A value of 0.5 indicates that the water is stored equally in matrix and fractures. The inter-porosity flow coefficient (λ) is a measure of the heterogeneity scale of the system and quantifies the water transfer capacity from matrix to fracture network. A value of unity for λ indicates the absence of fractures or, ideally, that fractures behave like the matrix such that there is physically no difference in petro physical properties; in other words, the formation is homogeneous. Low values of λ, on the other hand, indicate slow water transfer between matrix and fractures. However, the actual range of λ in oil reservoirs could be 10-9, which indicates poor fluid transfer, to 10-3, which indicates a very high fluid transfer between fractures and matrix (Warren and Root, 1963). (8) = S (1 + 0.75γε ) S d + ε S ′ eu − 1 and the constant η is: Therefore, the total skin is obtained as (Jabbari and Zeng, 2011): − (12) = Ei ( x ) − π i The skin effect condition is defined by Da Prat (1981): π2 (x〉 0) du 0 The mechanical skin due to near-wellbore damage (S d ) The stress-dependent skin which accounts for the effective-stress change in the near wellbore region and its impact on the hydraulic conductivity of the fracture network (S’) S′ = u E1( x ) = γ + ln( x) + ∫ =0 where, the dimensionless groups are defined in Table 1. The effect of the change in fracture hydraulic conductivity around the wellbore can be quantified by introducing a new skin factor which is called stresssensitive skin. Therefore, the total skin factor is composed of two elements: • e −u x ξ =ξ D (11) + exp (10) where, τ : The time during drawdown Φ(x) : The elasticity function defined as: 965 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(11): 962-981, 2012 Table 1: Dimensionless parameters 2π T hD= (ξ , θ , τ ) 2 i Q x +y ξ= (h − h (ξ , θ , τ ) ) hi − Q −1 y θ = tan x 2 rw τ = ω= γ Csh K1 rw λ= rw ( S + ( β 2 + c f − α )γ bn2 ) 2 K2 n2 ( β 2 + c f ) γb p1 (ξ , θ , τ ) 2 Tt S 2π T ψ= (ξ , θ , τ ) = ε + ( β 2 + c f − α ) n2 γQ 3(1 − 2ν ) n2 β 2 + 3 1 + 9 c f + En 2 2π T Moreover, the third parameter (ε) reflects the impact of effective-stress change (due to head change) on the conductivity of fractures and on the behavior of the aquifer. This parameter depends on rate of withdrawal/injection (Q), geo mechanical properties (E, v), water compressibility (β 2 ), fracture porosity (n 2 ) and Transmissivity (T) (Table 1). General solutions in the Laplace domain: The differential system in Eq. (6) is nonlinear and is solved by using regular perturbation theory (He, 1999, 2000) and the Laplace transformation method. The solution to this nonlinear system with the prescribed boundary conditions in Eq. (7) is obtained in the Laplace space as follows: hD ( ξ , s ) = ) ) ( ) ( s sf ( s ) I ( ξ sf ( s ) ) .K ( sf ( s ) ) − I ( sf ( s ) ) .K ( ξ sf ( s ) ) c I ( ξ sf ( s ) ) .K ( sf ( s ) ) + I ( sf ( s ) ) .K ( ξ sf ( s ) ) ) ( ( I o ξ sf ( s ) .K1 ξ D sf ( s ) + I1 ξ D sf ( s ) .K 0 ξ sf ( s ) 1 −ε − I o (ξ D 1 o 1 1 o 1 ξ sf ( s ) sf ( s ) ) ∫ D 1 ( χ K 0 ( χ ).ℑ( χ ) d χ + K o ξ sf ( s ) ) ξ sf ( s ) sf ( s ) ∫ χ I 0 ( χ ).ℑ( χ )d χ sf ( s ) (15) where, = 𝑙𝑙[ℎ𝐷𝐷 (𝜉𝜉, 𝜏𝜏)] S : The Laplace transformation variable, ℎ𝐷𝐷 (𝜉𝜉, 𝑠𝑠) � I n (x) & K n (x) : Modified Bessel functions of the first and second kind of the nth order, respectively and the constant c along with the function 𝑠𝑠̃ (𝑥𝑥) are defined as: ξD ( ) ∫ I ( ξ sf ( s ) ) .K ( I1 ξ D sf ( s ) sf ( s ) c= 1 1 D ∂hD 0 2 ∂ξ ξ = ℑ( χ ) = ξD ( ) ∫ sf ( s ) ) − I ( sf ( s ) ) .K ( ξ sf ( s ) χ K 0 ( χ ).ℑ( χ ) d χ + K1 ξ D sf ( s ) sf ( s ) χ I 0 ( χ ).ℑ( χ ) d χ sf ( s ) 1 1 D sf ( s ) ) (16) χ sf ( s ) sf ( s ) (17) where h D0 is the solution for the case without considering the effect of elasticity (the inversion of the first fraction term on the RHS of Eq. (15). The general solution for the case of an infinite acting system can also be obtained by allowing the aquifer size grow to infinity, ξ D →∞. This gives us the following: 966 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(11): 962-981, 2012 Table 2: Different types of interporosity flow models Block geometry Sugar-cube model (Warren and Root, 1963) Model f (s) = ω Slab-shaped matrix (Deruyck et al., 1982) + (1 − ω ) λ (1 − ω ) s + λ λ (1 − ω ) f ( s= ) ω+ 3s Spherically-shaped matrix (Deruyck et al., 1982) hD ( ξ , s ) = f (s) ( K 0 ξ sf ( s ) s sf ( s ) K1 ( ) sf ( s ) =ω+ 5s λ 3(1 − ω ) s λ 15(1 − ω ) s λ 15(1 − ω ) s λ coth − 1 ) ∞ K0 (χ ) d χ I o ξ sf ( s ) .K1 sf ( s ) + I1 sf ( s ) .K o ξ sf ( s ) ∫ sf ( s ) χ ε sf ( s ) K 1 − s ξ sf ( s ) ξ sf ( s ) K0 (χ ) I0 (χ ) + ξ sf ( s ) d χ ξ sf ( s ) − I K ( ) ( ) ∫ χ ∫ χ dχ o o sf ( s ) sf ( s ) ( tanh ( ) ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (18) In Eq. (18) it is clear that as we move away from the wellbore, the effect of geomechanics will become vanishingly small since the coefficient of ε (the terms in the brackets) becomes smaller. The function f(s) depends on the assumed matrix-fracture flow model. The different inter porosity flow models, which can be used for different characteristic shapes of matrix blocks, are shown in Table 2. The solution at the inner boundary (wellbore), i.e., ζ = 1, with the consideration of the total skin around the wellbore Eq. (9) and for different flow periods, namely the early-, intermediate- and late-time periods; are obtained for both finite and infinite confined, fractured aquifers. Solutions for closed outer boundary aquifers: The dual-porosity solution for the case of a finite, confined aquifer with sugar-cube geometry is obtained for the three time periods. At early time t→0, so s→∞, giving f(s)→ω (Sageev et al., 1985). The inverse transform of Eq. (15) for this case can then be obtained by using the Heaviside expansion theorem: 2(ξ D − 1) τ 1 − 62 ) + hwD (1, τ= 3 ω (ξ D − 1) π ∞ ∑ n =1 − n 2π 2τ 2 2 2 ω (ξ D − 1) + (1 + 0.75γε ) S + ε π − 9γ d 24 32 n2 exp (19) At intermediate time λ controls the flow and f(s) →λ/s (Sageev et al., 1985). These yields: hwD (1, τ ) ( λ ) .K (ξ λ ) + I (ξ λ ) .K ( λ ) + (1 + 0.75γε )S λ I (ξ λ ) .K ( λ ) − I ( λ ) .K (ξ λ ) Io 1 1 1 D 1 D 0 D 1 1 π 2 9γ 2 1 λ γ 2 − + ln + 24 32 2 2 4 +ε ξ λ 1 I1 ξ D λ ∫ χ K 0 ( χ ).Θ( χ )d χ + K1 ξ D λ − λ λ λ ( ) D d D ( where, 967 ) ξ λ ( ). ( ) χ I χ χ d χ Θ ∫ 0 λ D (20) Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(11): 962-981, 2012 Θ( χ ) = ( ) ( ) I 1 ξ D λ . K1 ( χ ) − I 1 ( χ ) . K1 ξ D λ ( ) ( λ ) − I ( λ ) .K ( ξ I 1 ξ D λ . K1 1 1 D 2 ) λ 3 (21) At late time, t⟶ ∞, so s⟶ 0 (Sageev et al., 1985), then Eq. (15) for a finite naturally fractured, confined aquifer reduces to: (1 − ω ) 2 −λτ τ + λ 1 − exp ω (1 − ω ) 2 hwD (1, τ ) + (1 + 0.75γε ) S d 2 2 ξD − 1 ξD − λτ −λτ ln τ + 0.80908 + Ei + − Ei 4 1 − ω ω (1 − ω ) 1 π 2 9γ 2 τ Φ ( x ) × 2 24 − 32 + ∫ 4 x dx − 1 0 1 − ξ2 D ξ sf ( s ) sf ( s ) ξ +ε K0 (χ ) I0 (χ ) I1 ξ D sf ( s ) ∫ χ d χ + K1 ξ D sf ( s ) ∫ χ d χ sf ( s ) sf ( s ) × −1 s sf ( s ) I1 ξ D sf ( s ) K1 sf ( s ) − I1 sf ( s ) K1 ξ D sf ( s ) + ( ) ( D ( D ) ( ) ( ) ( 2 ) ) (22) 2 τ 〉100ωξ D , if λ 〈 〈1 , or , τ 〉100ξ D − 1 / λ , if ω 〈 〈1 The Laplace inversion term in Eq. (22) can be executed numerically since an analytical solution is either unavailable or complex. The algorithms for numerical Laplace inversion are available in the engineering mathematics literature (Stehfest, 1970; Bellman et al., 1976; Crump, 1976; Talbot, 1979; Ilk et al., 2005; Iseger, 2006; Al-Ajmi et al., 2008). Solutions for extremely large aquifers: The solutions for the case of an infinite-acting system, namely an extremely large aquifer in the radial direction, are obtained as follows: At early time: π2 τ hwD= (1, τ ) 2 πω + (1 + 0.75γε ) S d + ε 24 − 9γ 2 (23) 32 At intermediate time: ( λ ) + (1 + 0.75γε )S λK ( λ ) Ko hwD (1, τ ) = d (24) 1 π2 +ε 24 − 9γ 2 32 + 1 λ ln 2 2 2 γ 1 + − 3 4 λ λ K 1 ∞ ( λ) ∫ χK 0 ( χ ).K12 ( χ ) d χ λ And at late time: 1 + 0.75γε ln τ + 0.80908 + Ei −λτ − Ei −λτ + 2 S h= wD (1, τ ) d 2 1−ω ω (1 − ω ) 968 (25) Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(11): 962-981, 2012 For high values of shut-in time Eq. (26) turns into: hws = hi − Q (1 + 0.75γε ) 4π T t p + ∆t ∆t (28) ln where τ p , the dimensionless producing time, in practical field units is: τp = T tp 2 w 1440r ( S + ρ bn (β 2 (29) + c f − α ) /144 ) 2 where, heads : In ft Q : In ft3/day T : In ft2/day : In ft rw ρ : In lb m /ft3 b : In ft β 2 , c f & α: In psi-1 : In minutes tp Fig. 2: Interpretation of buildup data RECOVERY DATA INTERPRETATION Also, the fracture Transmissivity (T) can be determined from combining the slope of the straight lines Eq. (26) with the elasticity parameter ( ε in Table 1). This, in field units, gives us: In hydrology, one way to get information about the fracture properties and the behavior of a fissured aquifer is by interpreting recovery data. Analyzing a drawdown test is limited by the flow rate fluctuations n 3(1 − 2ν ) (30) 0.0915Q = T 1 + 1 + 0.01ρ m β + 3 1 + c f + inherent to pumping. The zero flow rate that En 9 m corresponds to buildup (recovery) does not have this problem. By superimposing the drawdown equation for where m defined as: an infinite-acting system Eq. (25) for the case of an infinite-acting system, the behavior of a shut-in well 0.183Q (1 + 0.75γε ) following a constant pumping rate is considered. If the (31) m= duration of pumping, t p , is fairly long and if certain T 3 conditions hold τp≻ 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 ∆𝜏𝜏 ≻ 100𝜔𝜔 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝜆𝜆 ≪ 1, 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜, 𝜆𝜆 is the slope of the semi-log straight line, in ft/cycle, to 1 ∆𝜏𝜏 ≻ 100 − 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝜔𝜔 ≪ 1 (Warren and Root, 1963), then be obtained from the buildup data (Fig. 2). Substituting 𝜆𝜆 the calculated transmissivity Eq. (30) along with the the buildup head may be obtained by Eq. (26), which given slope (m) into Eq. (31), we can obtain ε . uses Horner method and is depicted in Fig. 2. The fracture storage capacity, ω, can also be obtained by combining Eq. (27) and (28) to yield: −λ ∆ τ Q 1 + 0.75γε t + ∆ t Φ( x) −λ ∆ τ = hws hi − dx ln − ε ∫ − Ei + Ei 2π T 2 4x ∆t 1−ω ω (1 − ω ) 2 2 2 τ p +∆ τ p ∆τ (26) where, h ws = Shut-in head ∆𝑡𝑡 = The time since pumping stopped (shut-in time) ∆𝜏𝜏 = The dimensionless shut-in time ω =10 hws hi − 2π T 2 m τp ε 1.151 (1+ 0.75γε ) ∫+ 0 Φ( x) dx 4x (32) where δ is the vertical displacement between the early and late semi-log straight lines for a buildup curve (Fig. 2) Also, the mechanical skin factor due to near wellbore damage, S d , can be obtained from the superposition concept as follows: For relatively small times the early straight line in the semi-log coordinates acts as though the aquifer is homogeneous. This behavior is described by the following relationship: Q 1 + 0.75γε − δ + hws (1min) − hwf (t p ) S d = 1.151 τ p (27) Φ( x) t p + ∆t dx ln −ε ∫ ω∆t 0 4 x m − log ( T rw S + ρ bn2 ( β 2 + c f − α ) / 144 2 ) + 1.024 (33) 969 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(11): 962-981, 2012 An iterative calculation technique has been introduced in this study for reaching satisfactory results from pumping test analysis. The flowchart in Fig. 3 demonstrates the steps of this trial-and-error algorithm. The method is to try out various values of the secondary porosity until the resulting error is sufficiently reduced or eliminated. This process can use the value obtained from well logging, if available, as the first guess. Using well test data through an iterative procedure, we can achieve much more accurate fracture porosity. This fracture porosity can be considered as an average value for the part of the aquifer involved in the cone of depression (radius of investigation) (Jabbari and Zeng, 2011). On the other hand, the procedure to answer a nonlinear problem, such as that in Eq. (6), by means of the iterative algorithm shown in Fig. 3 might run into a convergence problem. The iterative solution is to make an initial guess for the desired variable, here fracture porosity. Then, the procedure calculates the fracture porosity and cycle begins again. This continues ESTIMATING THE FRACTURE PROPERTIES Since fracture porosity is a scale-dependent parameter, any method to estimate it is prone to error. It can be obtained from well logging or well testing. However, the porosity computed from well logs and well tests may differ from one another and they are different most of the time. Also, the radius of investigation in well logging is limited to a few feet around the wellbore. Therefore, the value obtained from well logs does not represent an average value for the reservoir sector under study, in spite of use of sophisticated computation methods. Note, also, that the value of the secondary porosity has a significant impact on the properties of a fractured aquifer Eq. (29) to (33). The value of n 2 can be any number at any scale over the aquifer, but the average value for the whole aquifer is generally less than 1% (Garcia, 2005). According to Nelson (2001) fracture porosity is always less than 2%; in most formations it is less than 1%, with a general value of less than 0.5%. Fig. 3: Algorithm to determine the average values of the properties of a fractured aquifer 970 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(11): 962-981, 2012 Also, we assume that λ is not as sensitive as fracture properties to matrix-fracture elasticity and fracture porosity and it can be obtained from the proper analysis of conventional type-curve matching developed by Onur et al. (1993). until the fracture porosity settles to a value which is within a specific tolerance limit. This limit, however, can be altered using various option parameters in the algorithm, such as error in the algorithm shown in Fig. 3. If the fracture porosity does not converge within a certain number of iterations, the loop will not cease. If the fracture porosity does not converge, the values of input data, such as Young’s modulus (E), Poisson’s ratio (v), the slope of the semi-log straight line (m) and interporosity flow coefficient (λ) should be reviewed to ensure their values are appropriate. If the procedure fails to converge, the first guess for the fracture porosity may be changed. Nevertheless, convergence problem from the fracture porosity would result if its first guess is too low or too high. Almost always, 1% fracture porosity would be a reasonable first guess for the calculations. However, when a convergence problem is encountered, it is better to start with relatively lower fracture porosity, say 0.5% (Nelson, 2001) and proceed with the subsequent suggestions until convergence is achieved. The sequence of the suggestions is structured so that they can be incrementally added to the program. All in all, the proposed algorithm in Fig. 3 seems not to have convergence problems if the required data are input as described above. As stated earlier, we can use the above rule of thumb (n 2 = 0.5 and 1%) for the first guess to input to the iterative algorithm if another estimate is not available. DISCUSSION As discussed earlier, for stress-sensitive fissured aquifers, effective-stress changes induce changes in fracture hydraulic conductivity around the wellbore. This, in turn, depending upon the value of elasticity parameter (ε), would affect the buildup/drawdown responses from a stress-sensitive aquifer. In this section, we investigate the effect of on the response of drawdown curves from both finite and infinite-acting aquifers namely ω , λ , and ε. Head variations vs. time plots (both dimensionless) shown in Fig. 4 and 5 clearly show the effect of elasticity parameter on the transient test curves. The results presented in these figures indicate that drawdown tests, through the elasticity parameter (ε), can identify whether a fissured aquifer is stresssensitive or stress-insensitive. The elasticity parameter, however, can vary from aquifer to aquifer which is dependent on the solid-fluid parameters (Table 1). The range of variation of the elasticity parameter will be discussed later in this study. Fig. 4: Behavior of closed-boundary, naturally fractured aquifers (ω = 0.01, λ = 5×10ᅳ5) 971 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(11): 962-981, 2012 Fig. 5: Behavior of infinite-acting, naturally fractured aquifers (ω = 0.01) Fig. 6: Asymptotic solutions for a finite, naturally fractured aquifer (ε = 0) interaction between ω and λ, which is the communication between primary porosity and secondary porosity. At late times, the curves show the behavior of both matrix and fractures together. Also, Fig. 6 and 7 present suites of the solutions in real space (time domain) for the cases of both finite (with ξ D = 500) and infinite-acting aquifers Eq. (22) and (25) and for various values of λ and ω. The elasticity of Figure 4 and 5 shows that the influence of the formation elasticity on the drawdown curves may not be significant, whereas one advantage of considering such a parameter in modeling is that it provides the estimation of the average fracture porosity via the iterative algorithm in Fig. 3. In Fig. 4 and 5, all the curves are nearly identical at early times, representing well discharge from storage in the fissures, followed, at intermediate time, by the transitional curves that connect the two linear portions, representing the 972 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(11): 962-981, 2012 Fig. 7: Asymptotic solutions for an infinite-acting, naturally fractured aquifer (ε = 0) the formation is ignored in these schematics. Note, also, that Eq. (22) (used in Fig. 6) is appropriate when certain conditions hold (τ>100ω 𝜉𝜉𝐷𝐷2 , 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝜆𝜆 ≪ 1, 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜, 𝜏𝜏 > 100𝜉𝜉𝐷𝐷2 − 1 , 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝜔𝜔 <). Hence, for the case where, ξ D = 100, with 𝜆𝜆 ω = 0.001, 0.1, or 0.1, the asymptotic solutions are valid when τ>25×103, τ>25×104, or τ>25×105, respectively. Likewise, Eq. (25) (used in Fig. 7) is appropriate for all values of ω and λ when τ>100. However, for small values of ω and λ, τ>100ω, if λ<<1, or, τ>1001/λ, if ω<<1. Hence, for the case of an infinite-acting aquifer with ω = 0.001, 0.01 , or 0.1 , the asymptotic solutions are valid when τ>0.1, τ>1, or τ>10, respectively. The dual-porosity model of Warren and Root (1963) for a fractured medium is valid if we assume that there is no change in fracture conductivity with respect to change in hydraulic head. However, changes in hydraulic head (pressure) due to water withdrawal or fluid injection (e.g., in disposal wells), theoretically, would affect the aquifer effective-stress and this, in turn, would influence the fracture hydraulic conductivity. Hence, this change in hydraulic conductivity may influence the behavior of an aquifer at the near wellbore region, which can cause changes in total skin around the wellbore Eq. (9). Table 3: Recovery data from an oil well (Najurieta, 1980) ∆t, min (t p +∆t)/∆t 1 516668 2 258335 4 129168 8 64584 16 32283 32 16147 64 8073 128 4037 256 2019 512 1010 1024 505.6 2048 253.3 ∆h s , ft 325.1 315.6 307.3 299.5 283.3 272.1 264.9 245.8 230.3 204.4 187.5 172.1 a naturally fractured, oil reservoir, discussed in the study by Najurieta (1980). Table 3 shows the observed head data and Fig. 8 shows the corresponding Horner plot. Basic data include: Q = 14, 318 ft3/day, r w = 0.375 ft, α 6.9×10-5, psi-1, n 1 = 0.2, β 1 = β 2 = 3.2×10-6 psi-1, b = 18 ft, from which we can obtain S = 4.2×10-3. The drawdown at the end of the flowing test, h vf (t p ), is 960 ft and the producing time is t p = 516, 667 min. Also, we assume n 2 = 1% as the first guess. As is clear in Fig. 8, the test has not distinctly shown the early straight line. Hence, this line is obtained from an extrapolation. From the buildup plot the slope of the semi-log straight line, m and δ are obtained as 71.2 ft/cycle and 250 ft, respectively. Using the conventional type-curve match presented in the literature (Onur et al., 1993), the following results are obtained: ω = 0.0004, λ = 2×10-6 and S d = 4.8. Since there is no information available regarding the geomechanical parameters of the CASE STUDY The mathematical model presented in this study is tested by analyzing a recovery (buildup) test taken from 973 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(11): 962-981, 2012 Fig. 8: Recovery data interpretation Table 4: Final results from recovery data interpretation using the iterative algorithm in Fig. 3 Geomechanical 2 Runs parameters n 2 , (%) T, (ft /d) ω ε ♠E 1 = 4.5E6 1 ν 1 = 0.26 36.88 0.38 0.00035 0.0068 2 ν 2 = 0.30 36.86 0.39 0.00036 0.0055 3 ν 3 = 0.35 36.84 0.41 0.00038 0.0041 E 2 = 7.5E6 4 ν 1 = 0.26 36.84 0.41 0.00038 0.0039 5 ν 2 = 0.30 36.83 0.42 0.00039 0.0033 6 ν 3 = 0.35 36.82 0.43 0.00040 0.0025 E 3 = 9.5E6 7 ν 1 = 0.26 36.82 0.42 0.00039 0.0031 8 ν 2 = 0.30 36.82 0.43 0.00040 0.0026 9 ν 3 = 0.35 36.81 0.43 0.00040 0.0020 ♠ (psi) 𝑠𝑠̅ 5.63 5.61 5.58 12 10 9 5.58 5.57 5.56 10 8 7 5.57 5.56 5.55 6 6 6 Table 5: Sensitivity analyses on the different parameters affecting ε Base case: n 2 = 0.3%, Q = 33690 (ft3/day), E = 7.5×106 (psi), v = 0.26, c f = 10-5 (psi-1), and T = 36.8 (ft2/day) n 2 (%) Q (ft3/day) 0.3 0.6 1 5615 33690 0.0142 0.0082 0.0057 0.0024 0.0142 ε E (psi) v (dimensionless) 0.26 0.3 4.5×106 7.5×106 9.5×106 0.0223 0.0142 0.0117 0.0142 0.0122 ε 2 C f (psi-1) T (ft /day) 30 36.8 5×10-6 1×10-6 5×10-5 0.0133 0.0142 0.0218 0.0174 0.0142 ε formation from which the test is taken, namely E and v, we executed the iterative algorithm (Fig. 3) for 9 different cases with different combinations of E and v. This helps us determine the effect of these parameters on the resulting fracture parameters (Table 4). The results obtained from the iterative algorithm, with a relative error of 10-8, are shown in Table 4. The effect of the change in fracture hydraulic conductivity on the recovery data is studied using 9 simulation runs (runs 1 through 9 in Table 4). The Iteration No. Until convergence 56150 0.0237 0.35 0.0097 60 0.0087 simulation conditions for all 9 cases are identical except for the matrix geomechanical parameters, namely Young’s modulus (E) and Poisson’s ratio (v). As is clear in Table 4, the matrix-fracture elasticity interaction (different geo mechanical parameters) may affect the behavior of buildup curves from fissured aquifers. Although the elasticity parameter seems not to affect the buildup curve in this specific case since the transmissivity shows little change, using the introduced iterative algorithm in this study (Fig. 3), provides a 974 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(11): 962-981, 2012 practical method to estimate the values of average secondary porosity (n 2 ) and fracture storage capacity (ω), which both of the results are in accordance with what was claimed earlier in the context. In terms of the estimated fracture porosity, generally speaking, the iterative algorithm works well in practice since the estimated secondary porosities is near the value stated by Nelson (2001), namely 0.5%. Moreover, the approximated values of the fracture storage capacity are well in line with the result obtained by Najurieta (1980) which is 0.0004. The estimated elasticity parameter (ε) values for different combinations of geo mechanical parameters show that the fractured medium in this example is stress-insensitive. This is because the estimated elasticity parameter values are very small (ε<<0.01)). Also, relatively higher values of skin factor in Table 4, compared with that obtained from conventional typecurves, which is 4.8, are due to the inclusion of elasticity concept in the calculations, namely the stressdependent skin defined in Eq. (9). To better understand the concept of elasticity parameter and determine its contribution to the head traces in drawdown and buildup tests, arbitrary ranges of variation of each parameter were chosen and their corresponding elasticity parameters were calculated. The results are shown in Table 5. The base-case data are identical for all 12 cases except for the parameter for which the sensitivity analysis was run (Table 5). The results in Table 5 indicate that the effect of matrix block elasticity becomes insignificant as the secondary porosity (n 2 ) increases. This seems logical since in such a case where fracture compressibility is the dominating parameter as for the elasticity of the combined matrix and fracture system. The rate of withdrawal/injection (Q) is the main controlling parameter that is linearly related to ε. The larger the Q, the larger the elasticity parameter (ε) and the more significant the effect of elasticity on the aquifer characterization calculations. As shown in Table 5, for the case with a higher pumping rate (56150 ft3/day or equivalently 10000 BBL/day), a higher elasticity parameter of 0.0237 is obtained which seems to be fairly influential in the calculations (values of ε in Table 5). As for the effect of geo mechanical parameters, one would deduce that the elasticity parameter is lower in cases of higher values of E and v. This, in fact, makes sense because for a stiffer matrix block with a higher bulk modulus (K) (due to high E and v), the external head (pressure) change needed to change the unit block volume is higher. Hence, for a specific state of stress, the impact of elasticity parameter becomes weaker with higher module. Also, the higher fracture Compressibility (C f ) leads to a higher elasticity parameter and, therefore, a higher relative volume change when associated with a change in fracture hydraulic head. Last but not the least, when the fracture transmissivity is high, the elasticity parameter becomes vanishingly small since the relative change in a high fracture hydraulic conductivity would be insignificant when hydraulic head changes. Conversely, it would be significant when the fracture transmissivity is small. CONCLUSION In this study a mathematical model, founded on the original model of Warren and Root (1963), is developed for coupling the fluid-flow and rock deformation interactions in aquifers with dual-porosity behavior. The model is to study the effect of stressdependent fracture hydraulic conductivity on the hydraulic head transient data from a fissured, confined aquifer. The following conclusions are drawn from this study: • • • • • 975 A general mathematical model for hydraulic head trends in finite and infinite-acting, confined, fissured aquifers with the consideration of fracture hydraulic conductivity changes is developed. The model is successfully employed as a tool to analyze the well test problems in heterogeneous aquifers. Effective-stress change in the system usually does not affect the shape of the head trends, since the elasticity parameter (ε) is in the order of 10-2 (Table 5). Therefore, this parameter will not significantly influence the fracture transmissivity and Storativity (S). However, it provides us a promising method, through the iterative algorithm (Fig. 3), to quantify the fracture parameters, such as fracture porosity, fracture storage capacity, elasticity parameter and stress-dependent skin around the wellbore. All other parameters being constant, flow rate (Q) and fracture Compressibility (C f ) variations have the largest impact on the elasticity parameters-due to the linear relationship among them (Table 5). The other parameters, affect the elasticity parameter but to a less extent. For a weakly fissured aquifer with a stressdependent, fracture conductivity, the recovery trace may show differences from that with constant conductivity. Specific combinations of the main parameters, namely fracture conductivity level, flow rate, fracture compressibility and matrix geo mechanical parameters, may reduce the effect of elasticity on the resulting fracture parameters from the well test interpretations (small ε , Table 5). Long producing times intensify the severity of the aquifer stress sensitivity which is evident on the resulting total skin factors, through the stressdependent skin Eq. (9). Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(11): 962-981, 2012 If we define the Storativity (S) of a confined aquifer as the product of the Specific Storage (S s ) and the aquifer thickness (b) (Fetter, 2001), we have: APPENDIX A Considering the continuity equation with isotropy in fracture conductivity (Warren and Root, 1963), namely K 2x = K 2y = K 2z , we have: ∂ ( ρ n )1 ∂ ( ρ n ) 2 ∇.( ρ K 2 ∇= h) + ∂t ∂t S = γ b( n1 β 1 + α ) ⇒ n1 β1 + α (1 − n2 ) = ⇒ ∂Vs ∂t = Vb − ∂ ( ρ n )1 S ∂p = ρ − α n2 1 ∂t γb ∂t 1 . ∂n1 − n1 (1 − n2 ) 2 . Vs Vt ⇒ ∂n2 ∂t ∂n2 n1 ∂Vb = 0 + 1 − ∂t 1 − n2 ∂t ∂ ( ρ n) 2 ∂t ∂Vb Vb ∂n1 ∂n = − 1 ⇒ = ∂t ∂t 1 − n2 ∂t ∂t 1 − n2 ∂Vb ∂σ e ∂p1 ∂σ t ∂p1 × =−(1 − n2 )α − =(1 − n2 )α V ∂ σ ∂ t ∂ t ∂ t ∂t b e (A4) Assuming that the fractures are fully filled with water, one would say β2 = � C f . This gives us: where, V s = Volume of solid phase V b = Bulk volume of a matrix block n m = Matrix porosity σ e = Effective stress α = The compressibility of matrix skeleton which is defined as: − 1 ∂ Vb Vb ∂ σ e ∂ ( ρ n) 2 ∂t (A5) ∂h ∂t (A13) p1 S ∂ p1 γ b − α n2 ∂ t =C sh K1 h − γ (A14) Finally, the differential system for a naturally fractured aquifer results in the following: (A6) 1 ρ ∇.( ρ K 2 ∇ h)= S − α n ∂ p1 2 ∂t γb This yield: ∂ ( ρ n )1 ∂p ∂ρ ∂n ∂p = n1 1 . + ρ 1 = ρ [ n1 β1 + α (1 − n2 ) ] 1 ∂t ∂ t ∂ p1 ∂t ∂t = 2 ργβ 2 n2 If we also consider pseudo-steady state condition, the following equation holds for the interaction between matrix and fractures (Warren and Root (1963)): and from the definition of water compressibility, we have: ∂ p1 ∂ρ ∂h ργβ 2 = ρβ = 1 ∂t ∂t ∂t ∂ p2 ∂ ρ ∂n ∂p . + ρ 2 = ρ n2 ( β 2 + c f ) 2 (A11) ∂ t ∂ p2 ∂t ∂t ∂h S ∂p ∇.( ρ K 2∇ = h) ρ − α n2 1 + γ n2 ( β 2 + c f ) (A12) ∂ ∂t b t γ = α= = n2 (A10) Hence, A1 becomes: (A3) ∂n1 (A9) 1 ∂ n2 1 ∂ n2 1 ∂n cf = − = =2 n2 ∂ σ e n2 ∂ p 2 γ n2 ∂ h (A2) n1 + n2 = 1− (A8) To determine the rate of change of mass in fracture network, we have: 1 − n2 1 − n2 ∂t − α n2 Therefore, = const n1 γb (A1) where, the subscripts 1 and 2 denote primary and secondary porosity, respectively. To determine the rate of change of mass in matrix we start with (Bear, 1972): Vs = Vb (1 − nm ) = Vb 1 − S (A7) ∂h S ∂ p1 γ b − α n2 ∂ t + ( 2 n2 β 2γ ) ∂ t =C sh K1 h − (A15) p1 γ APPENDIX B Equation (A1) gives the following form, upon taking the derivatives: ∂ ( ρ n )1 ∂ ( ρ n ) 2 ∇.( ρ K 2 ∇ h= + ) ρ K 2 ∇ 2 h + K 2 ∇ ρ .∇ h + ρ ∇ K 2 .∇ h= ∂t ∂t (B1) To determine the gradient terms we consider planar variation of functions for which we obtain: ∂ρ ∂h ∂ρ ∂h ∂h 2 2 ∂x ∂x ∂h × ∂x ∂x ∂ρ ∂h ∂h . K 2 . K 2 K 2 ∇ ρ .∇ h K 2 = = = + ∂h ∂x ∂y ∂ρ ∂h ∂ρ ∂h ∂h ∂y ∂y ∂h × ∂y ∂y 976 (B2) Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(11): 962-981, 2012 And ∂K 2 ∂h ∂K 2 ∂h ∂h 2 2 ∂x ∂x ∂h × ∂x ∂x ∂K ∂h ∂h . ρ . ρ 2 + ρ ∇ K 2 .∇ h ρ = = = ∂ h ∂ x ∂ y ∂K 2 ∂h ∂K 2 × ∂h ∂h ∂y ∂y ∂h ∂y ∂y (B3) Substituting the change in density from Eq. (A6) into (B2) and (B3) yields: ∂h 2 ∂h = K 2∇ ρ .∇ h K 2 β 2γρ + ∂x ∂y ∂K = ρ ∇ K 2 .∇ h ρ 2 ∂h 2 (B4) ∂h 2 ∂h 2 + ∂x ∂y Hence, 2 1 1 ∂K 2 ∂h ∂h ∇.( ρ K 2∇ h)= K 2 ∇ 2 h + β 2γ + + ρ K 2 ∂h ∂x ∂y 2 (B5) Combining Eq. (A12) and (B5), we obtain the following: 1 ∂K 2 ∇ 2 h + γβ 2 + K 2 ∂h 2 2 ∂h ∂h 1 S ∂h ∂ p1 + = − α n2 ∂ t + ( 2 n2 β 2γ ) ∂ t ∂ x ∂ y K 2 γ b (B6) Hence, the following non-linear system is obtained: 2 2 ∂2h ∂2h 1 ∂K 2 ∂h ∂h 1 S ∂h ∂p1 2 + 2 + β 2γ + + = γ b − α n2 ∂t + ( 2n2 β 2γ ) ∂t x y K h x y K ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ ∂ 2 2 p1 S ∂p1 γ b − α n2 ∂t =Csh K1 h − γ (B7) Plugging Eq. (C2) (Appendix C) into Eq. (B7) gives us: 2 2 ∂2h ∂2h 3(1 − 2ν ) ∂h ∂h n 2 + 2 + γ β2 + 3 1 + 2 c f + + = En2 ∂x ∂y 9 ∂y ∂x ∂h 1 S ∂p1 = − α n2 ∂t + ( 2n2 β 2γ ) ∂t K 2 γ b ∂ p p S − α n2 1 =Csh K1 h − 1 γ b γ ∂t (B8) To transform the equations above to act in polar coordinate we use the dimensionless groups presented in Table 1. The following partial differential terms can be obtained by transformation of variables in polar coordinates (ξ, θ): ∂h sin θ ∂hD Γ . = − cos θ . D − ξ ∂x ∂ξ ∂θ rw ∂h (B9) ∂h cos θ ∂hD Γ . = − sin θ . D + ξ ∂y ∂ξ ∂θ rw ∂h ∂ 2 hD sin 2 θ ∂ 2 hD sin 2θ ∂ 2 hD sin 2θ ∂hD sin 2 θ ∂hD Γ . . . . = − 2 cos 2 θ . + − + + ξ 2 ∂θ 2 ξ ξ2 ξ ∂x ∂ξ 2 ∂ξ∂θ ∂θ ∂ξ rw ∂2h 2 ∂ 2 hD cos 2 θ ∂ 2 hD sin 2θ ∂ 2 hD sin 2θ ∂hD cos 2 θ ∂hD Γ . . . . = − 2 sin 2 θ . + + − + ξ2 ξ ξ2 ξ ∂y ∂ξ 2 ∂θ 2 ∂ξ∂θ ∂θ ∂ξ rw ∂2h 2 977 (B10) Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(11): 962-981, 2012 Γ ∂hD . ∂t Θ ∂τ ∂p1 γ Γ ∂ψ = − . ∂t Θ ∂τ ∂h = − where, Г and Γ= = Θ Θ (B11) Q 2π T (B12) Substituting the terms above into Eq. (B8) and considering symmetry in angular direction, we obtain a simpler nonlinear differential system in polar coordinates Eq. (6): 2 ∂2h 1 ∂h ∂h ∂h ∂ψ D ω D + (1 − ω ) + D − ε D= 2 ∂ξ ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ ∂τ ∂τ ∂ψ (1 − ω ) =λ ( hD −ψ ) ∂τ (B13) APPENDIX C The change in intrinsic permeability of fractures, in petroleum engineering notations, is obtained as (Jabbari et al., 2011): 1 dk f k f dp2 φf =+ 3 1 9 3 (1 − 2ν ) c f + Eφ f (C1) where, k f = Fracture intrinsic permeability P 2 = Fracture pressure Ф f = Secondary porosity C f = Fracture compressibility which can be considered equal to β 2 (Appendix A) v = Poisson’s ratio E = Young’s modulus. : : : : : : : h ws K1 K2 n1 n2 p1 : : : : : : : : The authors would like to thank the following sponsors for their financial support: US DOE through contract of DE-FC26-08NT0005643 (Bakken Geomechanics), North Dakota Industry Commision together with five industrial sponsors (Denbury Resources Inc., Hess Corporation, Marathon Oil Company, St. Mary Land and Exploration Company and Whiting Petroleum Corporation) under contract NDIC-G015-031 and North Dakota Department of Commerce through UND’s Petroleum Research, Education and Entrepreneurship Center of Excellence (PREEC). (C2) NOTATIONS b cf C sh E H hD h wD S Pumping rate, L3/T Radius, L Wellbore radius, L Storativity, dimensionless ACKNOWLEDGMENT Using hydrology notations, we derived the following: 1 dK 2 3(1 − 2ν ) n 3γ 1 + 2 β 2 + = 9 K 2 dh En2 : : : : Total skin factor, dimensionless Sd Mechanical skin due to near wellbore damage, dimensionless S ′ : Stress-dependent skin, dimensionless t : Time, T T : Transmissivity, L2/T α : Compressibility of aquifer skeleton, LT2/M β 1 : Water compressibility in primary porosity, LT2/M β 2 : Water compressibility in secondary porosity, LT2/M : ≅ 0.57721, Euler’s constant γ γ : Specific weight, M/L2T2 λ : Inter porosity flow coefficient, dimensionless ω : Fracture storage capacity ratio, dimensionless ε : Elasticity parameter, dimensionless Φ(x) : Elasticity function, dimensionless ν : Poisson’s ratio, dimensionless ξ : Radial coordinate, dimensionless ξ D : Aquifer size in the radial direction, dimensionless ρ : Fluid density, M/L3 Ψ : Pressure decline in primary porosity, dimensionless τ : Time, dimensionless are defined as: rw2 S + ( β 2 + c f − α )γ n2 K2 b Q r rw S Aquifer thickness, L Fracture compressibility, LT2/M Shape factor, 1/L2 Young’s modulus of elasticity, M/LT2 Hydraulic head in the fractures, L Hydraulic head in fracture, dimensionless Hydraulic head in fracture (at the wellbore), dimensionless Hydraulic head in fracture (shut-in), L Matrix hydraulic conductivity, L2 Fracture hydraulic conductivity, L2 Primary porosity, fraction Secondary porosity, fraction Matrix pressure, M/LT2 REFERENCES Al-Ajmi, N., M. 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