Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 4(10): 912-916, 2012 ISSN: 2041-0492 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2012 Submitted: September 15, 2012 Accepted: October 15, 2012 Published: October 20, 2012 Recycling of Automotive Lubricating Waste Oil and Its Quality Assessment for Environment-Friendly Use 1 Naveed Anwar, 1Syed Shahid Ali, 2Zubair Anwar, 2Jabar Zaman Khan Khattak, 3Abdul Jabbar, 3 Tariq M. Ansari and 4Syed Sibtain Raza Naqvi 1 Department of Environmental Sciences, 2 Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan 3 Department of Chemistry, G.C. University, Faisalabad, Pakistan 4 HDIP Petroleum Testing Centre, Multan, Pakistan Abstract: Lubricating oils, which are formulated with a number of chemicals blended base oils provide products that last longer, keep machinery cleaner and allow the machinery to work better under severe operating conditions. However, the used oil-waste generated by the automobiles and other allied industries poses an environmental hazard. The motivation of the present research study was to study the merits and demerits of commonly applicable technique acid/clay for reclamation of waste oil. This process has been employed for many years as the premier type of re-refining in which concentrated sulfuric acid is introduced to dehydrate waste lubricating oil. An acidic sludge is produced which is treated with clay. In this study, the conventional process of reclamation of waste oil, which is acid/clay, has been reviewed in the light of recovered product quality and hazardous effects on the environment and human health. Forty samples, in which, waste oil (10), reclaimed oil (30) were collected from different blending and reclamation plants located in different areas of the Punjab Province and were compared with two stroke blended oil (10 samples). The samples were tested for kinematic viscosity at 40 and 100ºC, Viscosity Index, Flash point, Sulfated Ash content, Copper Corrosion, Water content, Sediments and Color by following the standard ASTM Methods D-445, D-2270, D-92, D-482, D-130, D-95, D-473 and D-1500 (ASTM, 2002), respectively. According to the results, blended reclaimed (two stroke) oil samples were found up to the recommended standard test limits. On the other hand, waste oil and reclaimed oil samples were found above the maximum test limits of acid number and copper corrosion and were found below in flash point test limit. Waste oil samples were highly contaminated and adulterated with mud and water. Although no such standard criteria or parameters are available for comparison but analysis results showed a bad reflection and due to which only few tests like copper strip corrosion, water content, sediments and flash point were performed to understand the characteristics of the market available waste oil product. These results showed that product is not environment friendly and the processing method needs to be improved. More research is needed to find out atmospheric pollution due to burning or use of reclaimed and waste oil on human health especially from occupation health and safety perspective. Keywords: Environmental pollution, health hazard, occupational safety, reclaimed oil, waste oil different viscosity-based oils with suitable proportion of additives. Base oils are either derived from crude oil or are synthetic material manufactured by chemical processes (Jha, 2005). Lubricants possess a combination of intrinsic properties, such as viscosity, volatilities, thermal and oxidative stability, load carrying ability, solubility and other physical, mechanical and chemical properties; and additive properties which are imparted to the lubricants by the incorporation of special additives such as rust preventives, corrosion inhibitors, detergents and dispersants, extreme pressure agents, oxidation inhibitors and most of other additives. The selection of a lubricant is not solely based upon its stability to INTRODUCTION Lubricating oils from petroleum consists of complex mixtures of hydrocarbon molecules, mostly composed of isoalkanes having slightly longer branches and the monocycloalkanes and monoaromatics having several short branches on the ring (Cotton, 1982). Lubricating oils are fluids such as engine oils, gear, hydraulic oils, turbine oils, etc., used to reduce friction between moving surfaces. They also serve to remove heat from working parts in machinery, remove wear debris, created by moving surfaces and provide a protective layer on the metal surfaces to avoid corrosion. Lubricating oils are prepared by blending Corresponding Author: Syed Shahid Ali, Department of Environmental Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan 912 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(10): 912-916, 2012 reduce wear and friction but on possessing an optimum combination of intrinsic and additive properties which best meet the overall requirements, important in the application (Kinghorn, 1983). It became serious concerns for to environmentalists, governments, industries and research scientists how to handle and what to do with the used lubricating oils. These wastes are difficult and costly to dispose of in an environmentally acceptable manner. The common disposal technique of used lubricating oils is burning for generation of energy. Burning and all other routes of disposal of used lubricating oils are uneconomical and result in wastage of resources. Extensive research study is underway worldwide on degradation of fuels, lubricants, their analysis and recycling. The recycling of waste lubricating oils may be a suitable and economical alternative to burning and incineration. Used lubricating oil disposal techniques of the past such as land filling, road oiling, indiscriminate dumping, burning for energy generation etc., have created serious environmental hazards. Many of these disposal techniques were severely restricted by current state and federal environmental regulations (Pyziak and Brinkman, 1993). Hence, recycling of waste lubricating oils can be an appropriate and economical substitute to burning and incineration (Bhaskar et al., 2004). The classical acid-clay treatment process uses concentrated sulfuric acid to eliminate asphaltenic compounds, yielding highly poisonous acid materials. In the reclamation process using acid-free clays, waste oils are initially treated with natural polymers to remove carbonic materials and, afterward, are subjected to vacuum distillation and clay treatment in the appropriate amount to obtain the right end product coloration. Besides the high costs due to the required quantity of clay, reclaimed oils obtained by this method still have relatively high metal percentages (Hamad et al., 2005). In Pakistan, there are 5 million vehicles are on the roads and require lubricating oil change every other month or after a certain mileage, however, disposal of waste or its reuse has not been evaluated (Shakirullah et al., 2006). The objectives of current research study were: to study the merits and demerits of commonly applicable technique i.e., acid/clay for reclamation of waste oil & to evaluate the waste oil for its physical and chemical properties viz-a-viz, its persistence, possible recycling or re-use. MATERIALS AND METHODS Material: Fifty samples, in which, 10 waste oil, 30 reclaimed oil and 10 samples of 2-stroke oil were collected from different blending and reclamation Table 1: Samples of lubricating oils and their source (manufacturers) Sample no Sample code 1 Waste oil (manufacturer-A) 2 Waste oil (manufacturer-B) 3 Waste oil (manufacturer-C) 4 Reclaimed oil (manufacturer-A) 5 Reclaimed oil (manufacturer-B) 6 Reclaimed oil (manufacturer-C) 7 Blended oil (manufacturer-A) 8 Blended oil (manufacturer-B 9 Blended oil (manufacturer-C) Table 2: Typical analysis specifications of waste lube oil (Pakistan Standard Institution, 1990; Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources, Government of Pakistan, No. PL-L (870)/99 (Spec)) Standard test Test description method Range Water contents (% in ASTM D-95 5 to 10% emulsion w/w) Flash point (ºC) ASTM D-92 100 to 190ºC Viscosity at 40ºC (cSt) ASTM D-445 70 to 110 Sulphated Ash (% w/w) ASTM D-482 1.5 to 3.0% Total acid no. (mg KOH/gm) ASTM D-664 1 Pentane insoluble (% w/w) ASTM D-893 1% Specific gravity ASTM D-1298 0.850 to 0.900 Table 3: Pakistani standard test limits for lubricating oils (Pakistan Standard Institution, 1990; Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources, Government of Pakistan, No. PL-L (870)/99 (Spec)) Test description Grade-I Grade-II Grade-III Test method ASTM color 3.5 6.5 8.0 ASTM D-1500 (Max.) Flash point °C 218 218 204 ASTM D-92 (Min.) Viscosity index 95 75 65 ASTM D-2270 (Min.) Pour point °C 10 15 20 ASTM D-97 (Max.) Copper strip Corr. 1 1 1 ASTM D-130 Ash wt % (Max.) 0.05 0.05 0.1 ASTM D-462 Conradson Carbon nr nr nr ASTM D-189 wt % Specific gravity at nr nr nr ASTM D-1298 60/60°F Total acid No. (mg 0.05 0.05 0.05 ASTM D-664 of KOH/gm) Pentane insoluble 0.01 0.05 0.10 ASTM D-893 (Max.) Sponification No. 0.2 0.2 0.5 ASTM D-94 (Max.) plants located in different areas of Punjab Province. A list of samples is given in the Table 1. Chemicals and equipments: Analytical Grade Reagents supplied by Merck were used throughout this study. Measurements were made using Viscometer Bath (VHC-220-DIOV, GALLENKAMP and England), Viscometer (POULTEN SELF and LEE, LTD. WICKFORD, England), Copper Corrosion Tester (KOEHLER, USA) and Cleveland Open Cup (C.O.C) Flash Point Tester (Semi-Automotive Cleveland DIN51376, LAUDA and Germany). DEAN AND STARK Apparatus (KOEHLER, USA), Sediments Unit (SETA, 913 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(10): 912-916, 2012 Table 4: Guidelines for international quality standards of re-refined base oil (Pakistan Standard Institution, 1990) Grade --------------------------------------------------------------Test description (Max.) 150 G-1 G-2 G-3 500 Viscosity at 100ºC 5.0±0.2 11.0±0.4 (cSt) Viscosity index 90-110 95 75 65 90-110 Flash point PMC (ºC) 210 218 218 204 230 Pour point (ºC) -9 10 15 20 -9 ASTM color (Max.) 3 3.5 6.5 8.0 4.5 Copper corrosion 1 1 1 1 1 Chlorine (ppm) Max. 10 10 Water (ppm) Max. 50 50 PAHs (%) Max. “IP3 3 246” PAHs (ppm) Max. 250 250 Individual metals 10 10 (ppm) Max. Sulphated ash (%) 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.1 0. 01 Max. Noack volatility (% 18.0 6.0 loss) Max. Ring analysis CA 0.1 0. 1 (%) Max. Dialysis residue (%) 0.1 0. 1 Max. Total acid number 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.01 (TAN) mg (KOH/g) Max. Table 5: Pakistani standard test limits for two stroke oils (Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources, Government of Pakistan, No. PL-L (870)/99 (Spec)) Two stroke oil --------------I II Test description Test method Flash point ºC (Min.) 177 140 ASTM D-92 Kinematic viscosity @ 100ºC 9.0 8.5 cSt (Min.) (Max.) 12.5 12.5 ASTM D-445 Viscosity index (Min.) 85 85 ASTM D-2270 Sulfated Ash wt % (Min.) ASTM D-874 Copper strip corrosion 3 h. @ 1 1 ASTM D-130 100ºC (Max.) Pour point ºC (Max.) ASTM D-97 England), Muffle Furnace (FSE-621 Series, GALLENKAMP, England), Electrical Balance (S2000, BUSCH COMPANY, England) Color meter (SETA, England), Potentiometer (960-Autochemistry, ORION, Japan) etc. Methods Physical parameters: Physical properties of oil, i.e., kinematic viscosity at 40 and 100°C, Viscosity Index, Flash point, Sulfated Ash content, Copper Corrosion, Water content, Sediments and ASTM Color, were determined by following ASTM Standard Methods D445, D-2270, D-92, D-482, D-130, D-95, D-473, D1500, respectively (ASTM standards, 1999), respectively (Table 2 to 4). Pakistani standard test limits for two stroke oils are given in Table 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Physical parameters: Results have been presented in for waste oils (Table 6), reclaimed oils and blended oils (Table 7). The results were compared with Pakistan Standard (Pakistan Standard Institution, 1990) and the International Standards (Table 2 to 5), respectively. Three samples of reclaimed oil each with three replications were compared with standard individual physical parameters. Results have been presented in for waste oils (Table 6), reclaimed oils and blended oils (Table 7). Kinematic viscosity: The Kinematic Viscosity at 100 and 40ºC parameter in Pakistan Standard (PSI) for all three grades of reclaimed oil was not available, where as International Standard were categorized reclaimed oil into two grades and assigned number 150 and 500 (Table 4). For these grades the minimum kinematic viscosity is reported 5.0 and 11.0 cSt respectively. When compared the samples analysis results in respect of kinematic viscosity at 100oC with international standard, two samples met the minimum limit in grade 500 that is 11.0 (minimum) of reclaimed oil. Kinematic viscosity at 40°C was not reported in the literature and neither in the standard tests limits, this is because mostly in oil industry, lubricating base oil grades are based on viscosity index parameter (Table 7). Viscosity index: Viscosity Index is used in practice as a single number indicating temperature dependence of kinematic viscosity. This parameter in PSI for reclaimed oil is limited for G-1, G-2 and G-3 in the minimum range of 95, 75 and 65 respectively. Whereas International standard limits are 90 to 110 for both grades. This behavior purport that all samples of reclaimed oil met the PSI limit of grade-1 and grade-2. One sample showed above 100 while other two showed index of 89. Flash point: None of the reclaimed oil sample met the minimum requirement of flash point in both categories of PSI as well as international standard limit. PSI restricted the minimum requirement 218°C for G-1, G- Table 6: Physical parameters of waste oil samples determined by ASTM procedures Water contents dean and Sediments (Wt %) Sample No. stark (mL %) ASTM D-95 ASTM D-473 1. 3.4 1.28 2. 3.9 1.29 3. 6.8 5.18 914 Flash points (COC) (°C) ASTM D-92 216 207 225 Copper strip corrosion at 100°C for 3 h ASTM D-130 4a 3b 3b Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(10): 912-916, 2012 Table 7: Physical parameters of reclaimed & blended oil determined by ASTM procedures Kinemat. Kinemat. viscosity Viscosity @ Viscosity Flash point ASTM Sample Code @100°C (cSt) 40°C (cSt) index (COC) (°C) color Rec. oil 11.92 117.25 89 180 L 4.5 (Man-A) Rec. oil 11.75 114.48 89 162 L 4.5 (Man-B) Rec. oil 10.52 85.770 106 189 L 3.0 (Man-C) Blnd oil 11.27 78.950 133 240 L 2.5 (Man-A) Blnd oil 11.00 93.120 103 222 L 3.5 (Man-B) Blnd oil 10.88 81.740 119 222 L 2.0 (Man-C) 2 and 204°C for G-3, whereas 210 and 230°C for 150 and 500 grade in international standard. This trend the vacuum was increased from 12 to 26 kPa (kilo Pascal) /mmHg (millimeters of mercury) in deodorizer, where the maximum lighter ends were extracted. Due to this, the quality of the finished reclaimed oil would increase but quantity of the product decrease. To avoid this product quantity decrease, the blender knowing avoid this technique (Table 7). Neutralization number is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of oil. The number is mass in milligrams of the amount of acid (HCl) or base (KOH) required neutralizing one gram of oil. PSI restricted the maximum limit of 0.05 mg for G-1, G-2 and 0.1 mg (KOH)/g for G-3 grade and the international standard restricted 0.01 mg (KOH)/g for both grades; 150 & 500. Two analyzed reclaimed oil samples were above the minimum range of 0.05 and one met the international standard limit 0.01. Statistically we can say that samples are not environment friendly products as they are exceeding the maximum limit 0.05 (Table 7). Copper strip corrosion test method: Copper Corrosion test method covers the detection of the corrosiveness of copper of aviation gasoline, aviation turbine fuel, automotive gasoline, natural gasoline or other hydrocarbons having a Reid vapor pressure no longer than 18 psi (124 kPa), cleaners (Stoddard) solvent, kerosene, diesel fuel, distillate fuel oil, lubricating oil and certain other petroleum products. In the case of reclaimed oil samples, two samples were in the range of slight tarnish and fall in category of 1b and one sample was up to standard limit and met the category of 1a. It is noted that the samples having viscosity index above than 100 met the standard test limit and the sample having viscosity index below 90 were in the category of slight tarnish (Table 7). Therefore, slight tarnish category is harmful if the product is used without any blending with virgin base oil. Here it is a common practice that the blender can sell the reclaimed oil in the market without blending or any treatment to neutralize the acidity. Ash Cont. (Wt %) 0.036 Copper strip corrosion @ 100oC 1b Acid No. (mg KOH/g) 0.09 0.046 1b 0.08 0.027 1a 0.01 0.005 1a - 0.006 1a - 0.004 1a - showed lack competency or slackness. In the study it was observed that the flash point could be increased if Ash contents: Ash Contents denote the metallic deposits formed in the combustion chamber and other parts of the engine during high temperature operation. The ash content of oil, determined by charring the oil, treating the residue with sulfuric acid, an evaporating to dryness and expressed as percentage by mass. All reclaimed oil samples met the standard test limit, which is 0.05 according to PSI but none of the sample met the standard test limit of 0.01 (maximum) ranges according to International Standards (Table 7). Similarly three blended reclaimed oil samples with a repetition of three were analyzed following the same test techniques and procedure for each physical parameter (Table 7). Two-Stroke Oil category, in developed countries is superseded fifty years back because of ash content and carbon residue and development in the engine design and performances. However, in Asia and particularly in third world, this product is used for slow machineries and other two stroke engines. In Pakistan three grades, Ordinary Oil, Two Stroke Oil-1 and Two Stroke Oil-2 are available and recognized by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Resources and approved the standard test limits (Table 5). Three samples of two stroke blended lubricating oil each with three repetitions, which were collected from blending and reclamation plants were analyzed (Table 7). These samples were especially blended with the virgin base oil and reclaimed oil, which were already collected and tested during this research study. The analysis results were then compared with the available approved standard test limits of two stroke lubricating oil as well as with the tested reclaimed oil for comparison purposes. None of the sample met the standard test limit of ordinary oil in major physical parameters like viscosity and sulphated ash content. All samples met the two stroke grade-1 category, with slight higher viscosity and flash point with improved in 915 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(10): 912-916, 2012 ASTM color and ash content but did not meet the ordinary oil grade. It was, further noted that due to the blending with virgin base oil; all physical characteristics were improved and stabilized formation. When compared with the analyzed reclaimed oil characteristics. It is very interesting to point out that blended two stroke oil showed improvements in different important physical parameters. ASTM Color was stabilized and consistency in the range of 2.0 to 3.5, which is acceptable in the market. Similarly ash content decreases and remains in the acceptable and environmental friendly range of 0.001 to 0.005% Wt. Copper Corrosion was also stable and remains within the range of standard test limit, which is 1a. This parameter is very important especially for engine wear and tear. Overall quality of marketed product: Three waste oil samples with three replications were analyzed to understand the quality of the available market product (Table 4). Water and sediments in all samples were on higher side. Flash point is above 200°C and maximum 225°C. This higher flash point is initially due to contaminants and second samples were tested after water dryness means evaporation initially at 100°C. This is because to protect the instrument sensitivity and damage. Both water and sediments in the waste oil were on higher side and a risk to tests these types of samples before some treatment such as removal of water and sediments. After that treatment the analysis results may not be authentic. However, the samples were tested and presented the results for general understanding regarding the quality of the product. It is also necessary to mention here that all the samples of waste oil were heavily contaminated, which was confirmed by following the test of copper strip corrosion test. All samples were fall in a category of dark and high corrosive limit. These types of waste oils, on one hand, are very dangerous for the environment, because when treated with sulfuric acid needed high dosage of acid and second recovery of reclaimed oil will also decrease (Preston and Trocki, 2000; Whisman et al., 1974). However, the acidic sludge and oil clay disposal is a matter of greater environmental concern. CONCLUSION Lubricating oils, which are formulated with a number of chemicals named “Additives” blended with base oils (virgin oil) to provide required products that last longer keep machinery cleaner and allow the machinery to work better under severe operating conditions. Acidic material is then neutralized with hydrated sodium silicate (fuller earth). According to this study, Waste oil samples were found highly contaminated and adulterated with mud and water. Although no such standard criteria or parameters are available for comparison but analysis results showed a bad reflection and due to which only few tests like copper strip corrosion, water content, sediments and flash point were performed to understand the characteristics of the market available waste oil product. The reclaimed oil samples were at maximum test limits in acid number and copper corrosion and below in flash point test limit. This trend showed that recovered product is not environment friendly and need to improve the processes technique. REFERENCES ASTM Standards, 1999. Petroleum Products Lubricants and Fossil Fuels, Section-5, V 05.01 and 05.02. Publication Code No, (PCN): 01-050289-12-1999, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, USA. Bhaskar, T., M.A. Uddin, A. 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CONCAWE Report No.2000/53. Pyziak, T. and D.W. Brinkman, 1993. Recycling and re-refining used lubricating oils. Lubr. Eng., 49(5): 339-346. Shakirullah, M., A. Imtiaz, M. Saeed, K. Arsala, H. Rehman, M. Ishaq and A.S. Amjad, 2006. Environmentally friendly recovery and characterization of oil from used engine lubricants. Chinese Chem. Soc., 53(2): 335-342. Whisman, M.L., I.W. Geotzinger and F.O. Cotton, 1974. An Investigation of Several Re-Refining Methods. Bureau of Mines, Bartlesville Energy Research Center, Washington DC, pp: 352. 916