Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 4(7): 688-696, 2012 ISSN: 2041 0492 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2012 Submitted: April 29, 2012 Accepted: June 08, 2012 Published: July 25, 2012 Characterization of Erodibility Using Soil Strength and Stress-Strain Indices for Soils in Some Selected Sites in Imo State C.C. Egwuonwu and N.A.A. Okereke Department of Agricultural Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria Abstract: In this study, initial soil strength indices (qu) and stress-strain characteristics namely failure strain (εf); area under the stress-strain curve up to failure (Is) and stress-strain modulus between no load and failure (Es) were investigated as potential indicators for characterizing the erosion resistance of two compacted soils namely Sandy Clay Loam (SCL) and Clay Loam (CL) in some selected sites in Imo State, Nigeria. The unconfined compressive strength (used in obtaining strength indices) and stress-strain measurements were obtained as a function of moisture content in percentage (mc %) and dry density (γd). Test were conducted over a range of 8 to 30% moisture content and 1.0 to 2.0 g/cm3 dry density at applied loads of 20, 40, 80, 160 and 320 kPa. Based on the results, it was found out that initial soil strength alone was not a good indicator of erosion resistance. For instance in the comparison of exponents of mc % and γd for jet index or erosion resistance index (Ji) and the strength measurements, qu and Es (Table 1) agree in signs for mc %, but are opposite in signs for γd. Therefore there is an inconsistency in exponents making it difficult to develop a relationship between the strength parameters and Ji for this data set. In contrast, the exponents of mc % and γd for Ji and εf and Is are opposite in signs (Table 1), there is potential for an inverse relationship. The measured stress-strain characteristics however, appeared to have potential in providing useful information on erosion resistance. The models developed for the prediction of the extent or the susceptibility of soils to erosion and subjected to sensitivity test on some selected sites as shown in Table 2 achieved over 90% efficiency in their functions. Keywords: Characterization, erodibility, Imo state, indices, Nigeria, selected sites, soil strength, soils, stress-strain and land management:. In many of these engineering projects not only is the erodibility of the soil at the surface of interest, but also the erodibility with depth (Hanson, 1996). Earth spillways are an example in which erosion exposes different materials with depth and the erodibility of these materials is important in the performance of the spillways under concentrated flow conditions (Hanson, 1996). Measuring erodibility directly is often difficult. Therefore development of measurable soil parameters that indicate erodibility is attractive (Elliot et al., 1990). Soil strength indices have been a common soil parameter investigated for characterization of soil erodibility. Strength indices are commonly used because they can be easily and rapidly obtained, measured incrementally with depth and related to other soil parameters that affect soil erodibility such as dry density (γd) and water content (mc %). Soil strength indices are also appealing because soil erosion is a function of the forces applied by the flow and resistance to erosion is offered by bonding forces between soil particles and other materials in the soil matrix (Hanson, 1996). Since the state of bonding is manifested in the soil strength, resistance to erosion should be INTRODUCTION Soil erosion is one of the most important physical and socio-economic problems affecting our development in this part of the world today. Apart from the fact that it constitutes a menace to the environment and despite its destruction of our infrastructure, highways etc and soil erosion creates a major problem on our agricultural land thereby interfering seriously with mass food production hence the need for predicting the susceptibility of soils to erosion. An accurate estimate of soil erodibility (the susceptibility or vulnerability of soil to erosion) is important to engineers involved in the design of water management projects. Defining soil erodibility, however, is a difficult task. This is because soil detachment is a complex function of both soil and eroding fluid properties (Egwuonwu and Uzoije, 2009; Akintola, 2001). Predicting the susceptibility of a soil to erosion prior to a concentrated flow event is an important problem in many engineering projects such as irrigation, channels, levees, highways, railways, spillways, construction sites, mining area reclamation Corresponding Author: C.C. Egwuonwu, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria 688 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(7): 688-696, 2012 Soil testing: Test was conducted on the compacted samples. Strength and stress-strain values were measured with the unconfined compression test. The unconfined compressive tests were conducted in accordance with ASTM D2166. In addition to the unconfined compressive strength (qu), stress-strain characteristics namely failure strain (εf), area under the stress-strain curve up to failure (Is) and stress-strain modulus between no load and failure (Es) were determined for the unconfined compressive test. Unconfined compressive tests were continued until the load values decreased with increasing strain or until 20% strain was reached. The samples of soil (Sandy Clay Loam (SCL) and Clay Loam (CL)) were tested for resistance to erodibility using a submerged jet testing device. Water was fed under a constant head of 0.91 m, through a circular nozzle, 13 mm in diameter, at a set height of 0.22 m above a level bed of prepared soil. The rate of scour was monitored with time. The erosion resistance of the samples was based on a jet index (Ji). The lower the Ji values the less erosion occurred and the more resistant the material (Hanson, 1991). characterized by the measurement of soil strength. Although soil strength indices have been used to characterize erodibility of soils, their success have been limited (Elliot et al., 1990; Parker et al., 1995) hence the need for the use of more quantifiable parameters of soil such as strength and stress-strain characteristics. Unconfined compressive strength, triaxial shear test, vane shear strength, pocket penetrometer as well as other tests have been used to characterize soil strength (Nearing and West, 1988). The objectives of the study are: To measure and observe the relationship between soil strength indices, stress-strain characteristics and changes in moisture content and dry density for the selected sites and to develop models for predicting the susceptibility or extent of soils to erosion in the selected sites. MATERIALS AND METHODS Study area: Characterization of erodibility using soil strength and stress-strain indices was studied for some selected towns in Imo State Nigeria namely: Ideato, Mbaise and Okigwe. These towns lie between latitude 5.3 to 6.5oN and longitude 6.8 to 8.1oE and are within the tropical rainforest zone. The study was carried out in February 2011. Data analysis: A comparison of nonlinear power curve regression fits or power equation or models for jet index (Ji), failure strain (εf), area under the stress-strain curve up to failure (Is), unconfined compressive strength (qu) and stress-strain modulus between no load and failure (Es) versus the variables mc % and γd was developed. The non linear power curve function served as potential for functional relationships. Multiple Linear Regressions in conjunction with Naïve-Gauss Elimination Method and Gauss-Jordan Matrix Inverses were used to obtain the models. The coefficient of determination (r2) was computed for each developed model to ascertain the level of accuracy or exactness of each model. Soil materials: The soils used in this study were a Sandy Clay Loam (SCL) and a Clay Loam (CL) obtained from three (3) sites in Imo State, Nigeria namely Imo: • • • Okigwe; Imo Mbaise; Imo Ideato The influence of compaction (mc % and γd) on resistance to erosion of these soils was reported in Hanson and Robinson (1993) and Hanson (1992, 1993). RESULTS Soil preparation: Soil samples were prepared by static load compaction. Thirty test samples of each soil were compacted using a device similar to a fixed ring consolidometer. Static pressure was applied to the soil by pneumatic bellows. Loads of 20, 40, 80, 160 and 320 kPa were applied to the samples. The size of prepared soil sample was 445 mm in diameter and the final height varied from 100 to 200 mm depending on the load applied and the mc %. Samples were compacted at various mc % ranging from 8 to 30% for each load. The soils were wet by spraying to various mc % mixed thoroughly and stored in polyethylene bags for 24 h to allow the water to permeate through the soil. The strength test and stress-strain results as well as the jet index result for SCL and CL soils are shown in Table 3-8 for the sites selected in Imo State. The comparison of nonlinear power curve regression fits for Ji, εf, Is, qu and Es versus the variables mc % and γd is shown in Table 1. The prediction of the extent or the susceptibility of soils to erosion on some selected sites using the Ji models developed is illustrated in Table 2. The predicted Ji versus qu and Ji versus εf for SCL and CL soils (Imo) in Fig. 1 to 4 and Fig. 5 to 8, respectively. 689 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(7): 688-696, 2012 SCL SOIL IMO (1) 0.20 0.18 0.16 Predicted Ji 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 εf Fig. 1: Predicted Ji Vs εF for scl soil, Imo (1) CL SOIL IMO (2) 0.14 0.12 Predicted Ji 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0.02 0 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 εf Fig. 2: Predicted Ji VS εF for cl soil, Imo (2) SCL SOIL IMO (3) 0.25 Predicted Ji 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 εf Fig. 3: Predicted Ji Vs εF for scl soil, Imo (3) 690 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(7): 688-696, 2012 0.25 SCL SOIL IMO (1) CL SOIL IMO (2) SCL SOIL IMO (3) Predicted Ji 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.02 0 0.04 0.06 εf 0.08 0.10 0.12 Fig. 4: Combined data for Scl and Cl soils for predicted Ji Vs εF, Imo state (3) SCL SOIL IMO (1) 45 40 Predicted Ji 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 q u(KPa) Fig. 5: Predicted Ji VS qu for scl soil, Imo (1) CL SOIL IMO (2) 120 100 Predicted Ji 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 q u(KPa) Fig. 6: Predicted Ji Vs Qu for cl soil, Imo (2) 691 0.08 0.10 0.12 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(7): 688-696, 2012 CL SOIL IMO (3) 60 50 Predicted Ji 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.07 q u(KPa) Fig. 7: Predicted Ji Vs Qu for scl soil, Imo (3) 120 SCL SOIL IMO (1) CL SOIL IMO (2) SCL SOIL IMO (3) Predicted Ji 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 q u(KPa) 0.08 0.10 0.12 Fig. 8: Combined data for scl and cl soil for predicted Ji Vs Qu, Imo state Table 1: Power curve functions of parameters Ji, qu, εf, Is and Es for SCL and CL soils Imo state Imo (1) SCL soil Ji = 3.60* 103 (mc)-4.30 (γd)-3.07 r2 = 0.98 εf = 9.68* 10-6 (mc)2.67 (γd)3.10 r2 = 0.95 Is = 2.0 * 10-2 (mc)0.28 (γd)8.23 r2 = 0.93 qu = 27.18 (mc)-1.96 (γd)8.58 r2 = 0.94 Es = 1.26 * 105 (mc)-2.44 (γd)2.55 r2 = 0.88 Imo (2) CL soil Ji = 39.24 (cm) -2.48 (γd)-4.11 r2 = 0.96 εf = 1.21 * 10-4 (mc)1.50 (γd)4.23 r2 = 0.95 Is = 8.83 * 10-3 (mc)0.55 (γd)9.27 r2 = 0.91 qu = 5.66* 102 (mc) -1.94 (γd) 7.63 r2 = 0.92 Es = 4.06 * 105 (mc) -2.76 (γd)-4.99 r2 = 0.85 Imo (3) SCL soil Ji = 22.94 (mc) -2.57 (γd) -1.85 r2 = 0.93 εf = 5.36 * 10-6 (mc)2.95 (γd)2.95 r2 = 0.96 Is = 3.35 * 10-4 (mc)1.69 (γd)8.53 r2 = 0.93 qu = 13.26 (mc) -1.08 (γd) 7.87 r2 = 0.96 Es = 1.84 * 105 (mc) -2.80 (γd)3.65 r2 = 0.81 Table 2: Prediction of the extent or the susceptibility of soils to erosion on some selected sites using the Ji model developed for Imo state Location Average mc % Average (γd) Ji model Imo (1) – A 13.90 1.25 0.022 Imo (1) – B 15.30 1.87 0.004 Imo (2) – A 14.40 1.30 0.018 Imo (2) – B 18.40 1.73 0.003 Imo (3) – A 11.10 1.60 0.020 Imo (3) – B 14.50 1.51 0.011 DISCUSSION The strength indices (qu) for the SCL and CL soils for the sites selected followed similar trends (Table 3 to 5). Strength indices increased as the γd increased for a given mc and as the mc decreased for a given γd (the asterixed values * and ** in Table 3 to 5). It was observed that qu, εf, Is and Es increased as γd increased. 692 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(7): 688-696, 2012 The values of qu and Es decreased as mc % increased for a constant γd, whereas εf and Is tended to increase (the asterixed values * and ** in Table 3 to 5). . At low mc %, the soil tended to fail by brittle fracture. At high mc %, the soil failed plastically. The relationship of εf, Is and Es to γd and mc % for the same set of samples shown in the tables listed for strength indices are shown in Table 3 to 5. The Es values were observed to have similar relationship as the strength indices (qu) had to γd (Table 3 to 5). Soil strength indices decreased with increases in mc% (the asterixed values * and ** in Table 3 to 5), whereas the resistance to erosion increased with increases in mc % within the same range ((the asterixed values ** and *** in Table 6 to 8). The conclusion is that the soil strength indices alone, although affected by mc % and γd, would make poor erosion characterization indicators. The stress-strain characteristics εf and Is, tended to increase with increases in γd and mc % (Table 3 to 5) and these concur with that of the erosion resistance index (Ji) (Table 6 to 8). Whereas Es tended to increase with γd and decrease with mc %. Based on these test results, Es has the same potential problems as strength indices, qu. However, εf and Is have potential for indicating erosion resistance of a soil. Table 4: Strength and stress-strain indices for CL soil as a function of mc % and γd for Imo state (2) mc(%) γd (g/cm3) qu (kPa) εf Is (kPa) Es (kPa) 14.5 1.09 10 0.010 0.10 500 15.6 1.10 9 0.015 0.10 500 17.5** 1.14 10 0.018 0.20 600 20.0 1.26 12 0.038 0.40 500 20.9 1.28 10 0.040 0.60 400 21.6 1.30 7 0.041 0.40 300 10.8 1.10 10 0.006 0.08 500 13.5 1.18 15 0.008 0.18 750 15.4 1.20 15 0.010 0.20 700 17.6** 1.24 18 0.020 0.32 800 20.7 1.37 18 0.060 1.00 500 21.4 1.53 35 0.100 4.00 400 9.5 1.17 15 0.007 0.14 750 11.8 1.21 18 0.010 0.20 1000 14.2 1.26 20 0.012 0.28 1300 16.3 1.33 25 0.020 0.38 1300 17.5** 1.40 38 0.032 0.80 1500 20.0 1.55 45 0.080 4.00 800 21.9 1.60* 40 0.140 6.00 300 9.0 1.33 30 0.010 0.28 1900 10.8 1.35 40 0.018 0.32 2000 11.8 1.38 30 0.026 0.40 1800 16.5 1.50 70 0.034 1.20 2200 19.4 1.60* 70 0.080 4.00 1000 20.4 1.65 80 0.120 8.00 500 0.014 0.70 3000 11.8 1.47 70 0.038 3.00 3000 15.2 1.61* 100 0.060 4.00 2200 17.6** 1.64 100 0.080 6.00 2000 18.0 1.67 110 0.100 8.00 1800 18.5 1.72 120 Table 3: Strength and stress-strain indices for of mc % and γd for Imo state (1) γd (g/cm3) qu (kPa) εf mc (%) 8.0** 1.17 02 0.007 12.6 1.26 07 0.010 13.7 1.27 05 0.012 15.4 1.30 07 0.020 15.7 1.39 12 0.040 18.2 1.58* 18 0.120 19.2 1.67 25 0.200 9.1 1.29 08 0.008 11.7 1.31 10 0.100 14.9 1.49 18 0.040 15.3 1.58* 25 0.070 17.0 1.67 25 0.160 17.9 1.71 40 0.180 18.7 1.71 40 0.200 8.1** 1.31 10 0.010 11.6 1.42 20 0.015 13.8 1.60 38 0.050 15.0 1.69 40 0.100 15.6 1.78 60 0.100 17.0 1.82 70 0.120 8.1** 1.41 25 0.008 9.5 1.44 25 0.010 10.7 1.58* 55 0.010 12.3 1.62 48 0.020 14.2 1.83 80 0.080 8.1** 1.58* 60 0.013 10.0 1.64 70 0.018 11.2 1.71 80 0.025 12.2 1.81 100 0.040 13.7 1.88 100 0.080 Table 5: Strength and stress-strain indices for SCL soil as a function of mc % and γd for Imo state (3) mc(%) γd (g/cm3) qu (kPa) εf Is (kPa) Es (kPa) 9.0 1.15 0 0.010 0.01 100 12.0** 1.20 3 0.013 0.17 300 14.0 1.28 6 0.016 0.25 500 15.3 1.35 10 0.028 0.37 510 17.0 1.42 12 0.053 0.55 440 18.5 1.60* 20 0.150 2.80 250 20.0 1.65 22 0.180 4.50 100 8.0 1.30 12 0.010 0.20 800 12.0** 1.35 13 0.012 0.31 700 13.5 1.50 20 0.033 0.75 1100 15.6 1.60* 28 0.080 2.20 70-0 16.5 1.67 33 0.130 3.20 480 18.0 1.70 38 0.150 4.80 300 21.0 1.75 32 0.200 6.00 100 8.4 1.35 17 0.007 0.24 1000 10.0 1.42 20 0.010 0.34 1400 12.1** 1.60* 40 0.028 1.20 1800 14.2 1.70 48 0.076 2.96 1000 15.0 1.78 60 0.110 4.80 800 17.0 1.83 60 0.200 6.00 300 9.0 1.40 22 0.010 0.3 1400 10.0 1.45 28 0.010 0.39 1600 11.6 1.60* 45 0.020 1.00 1800 15.0 1.72 45 0.094 3.00 800 17.5 1.83 60 0.120 6.00 300 8.1 1.50 40 0.010 0.40 2300 10.0 1.65 70 0.015 1.00 2600 12.0** 1.70 70 0.035 2.20 2000 1450 13.5 1.80 78 0.070 4.00 800 15.0 1.88 90 0.120 6.00 SCL soil as a function Is (kPa) 0.08 0.20 0.22 0.30 0.40 2.50 4.00 0.20 0.25 0.80 1.80 3.00 4.00 6.00 0.20 0.40 1.80 3.00 4.00 6.00 0.35 0.40 0.80 1.50 5.50 0.50 1.00 2.00 3.00 6.00 Es (kPa) 200 400 380 500 500 300 100 500 600 800 800 350 350 100 1000 1200 1200 800 1000 500 1800 1800 1700 1800 1000 2900 2600 2300 1800 1200 693 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(7): 688-696, 2012 Table 6: Values of Ji for SCL soil as a function of mc % and γd for Imo state (1) Ji mc (%) γd (g/cm3) 13.0 1.29*** 0.020 12.6** 1.40 0.020 12.1 1.48 0.020 11.1 1.69 0.020 10.0 1.88 0.020 13.3 1.36 0.018 10.9 1.86 0.017 14.1 1.29*** 0.016 13.7 1.40 0.016 12.6** 1.61 0.016 10.9 1.84 0.016 12.5** 1.71 0.015 15.9 1.28*** 0.012 15.3 1.40 0.012 13.9 1.60 0.012 12.6** 1.80 0.012 12.0 1.90 0.012 16.3 1.43 0.010 16.2 1.55 0.008 15.3 1.65 0.008 13.0 1.90 0.008 16.2 1.73 0.006 15.0 1.80 0.006 13.7 1.88 0.006 14.6 1.87 0.005 17.4 1.83 0.004 15.3 1.86 0.004 14.3 1.90 Table 8: Values for Ji for Imo state (3) mc (%) 12.4 11.6 10.8 12.8 11.5 10.7 13.8 12.5** 11.6 14.1 13.0 11.0 12.9 16.1 14.2 13.0 12.4** 14.7 17.5 15.8 12.4** 15.8 17.5 14.3 16.5 13.8 SCL soil as a function of mc % and γd for γd (g/cm3) 1.38 1.56*** 1.71 1.35 1.58 1.81 1.32 1.60 1.75 1.32 1.56*** 1.88 1.40 1.33 1.56*** 1.76 1.86 1.53 1.46 1.56*** 1.94 1.72 1.68 1.85 1.84 1.94 Ji 0.021 0.021 0.021 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.017 0.017 0.017 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.014 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.012 0.011 0.009 0.009 0.007 0.006 0.006 0.004 0.004 A comparison of nonlinear power curve regression fits for Ji, εf, Is, qu and Es versus the variables mc% and γd are shown in Table 1. The nonlinear power curve function served as potential for functional relationships and was consistently a good fitting function in all cases and allowed comparison between parameters. The exponents of mc % and γd indicate their functional relationship to Ji, εf, Is, qu and Es. Based on the exponents Ji decreases as mc % increases holding γd constant. This comparison indicates that even though the exponents of mc % and γd for Ji and εf and Is are opposite in signs, there is potential for an inverse relationship. In contrast, the comparison of the exponents for mc % and γd for Ji and the strength measurements, qu and Es agree in signs for mc %, but are opposite in signs for γd. Therefore, there is an inconsistency in exponents making it difficult to develop a relationship between the strength parameters and Ji for this data set. The jet index (Ji) test results and the strength (qu) and stress-strain (εf) test results are independent data sets, a prediction of Ji can be made for the strength and stress-stain data using the functional relationships in Table 1 for the SCL and CL soil. As an example of the potential relationships for Ji versus εf and qu a comparison of the predicted Ji versus εf and predicted Ji versus qu for Imo State is shown in Fig. 1 to 4 and Fig. 5 to 8, respectively for SCL and CL soil. These plots show that there does appear to be a general trend as qu increases Ji decreases (Fig. 5 to 7), Table 7: Values for Ji for CL soil as a function of mc % and γd for Imo state (2) mc (%) γd (g/cm3) Ji 17.3 1.21 0.0120 15.0 1.3 0.0120 13.6 1.42 0.0120 13.0 1.51*** 0.0120 12.4 1.63 0.0120 10.6 1.75 0.0120 17.0** 1.26 0.0100 15.9 1.32 0.0100 13.6 1.40 0.0100 13.1 1.50*** 0.0100 12.4 1.64 0.0100 11.0 1.74 0.0100 19.1 1.34 0.0080 15.5 1.42 0.0080 15.0 1.50*** 0.0080 14.3 1.60 0.0080 12.6 1.71 0.0080 20.5 1.42 0.0070 17.1** 1.47 0.0070 19.6 1.50*** 0.0060 16.6 1.60 0.0060 13.8 1.73 0.0060 20.5 1.58 0.0055 18.3 1.60 0.0058 16.9 1.60 0.0058 15.0 1.68 0.0050 18.4 1.64 0.0050 19.8 1.70 0.0040 18.7 1.74 0.0040 17.0** 1.71 0.0040 14.5 1.74 694 Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(7): 688-696, 2012 but there is quite a bit of scatter. For a parameter to be effective in predicting erodibility, it must also be consistent between soils. Combing the data in Fig. 1 to 3 for predicted Ji versus εf brings the data for SCL and CL soils together (Fig. 4). However, combining the data in Fig. 5 to 7 for qu versus Ji does not bring the data together (Fig. 8). Using the erosion prediction model Ji obtained for the three sites in Imo State, two locations in each of the sites were each tested for the mc % and γd. The two sites included one that had visibly undergone erosion (A) and one that had not visibly undergone or partially undergone erosion (B). The parameters mc % and γd were obtained at random locations (20) on the site. The average values of the parameter were imputed in the Ji model to ascertain the extent of or the susceptibility of soils to erosion and to also verify the efficacy or exactness of the model obtained. This is shown in Table 2. Based on the jet index (Ji), a highly erodible soil will have a Ji of approximately 0.020 whilst an erosion resistant soil will have a Ji of approximately 0.002. From Table 2; Imo 1A, Imo 2A and Imo 3A had Ji values close to 0.020 or slightly above it. This explains the adverse extent of erosion on these soil to the extent it was glaringly visible. Imo 1B and Imo 2B had Ji values close to 0.002 with no visible signs of erosion. These soils are still erosion resistant. However, with a Ji value of 0.011 for Imo 3B, is an indication of the susceptibility of the soil to erosion even though it is not yet prominent. However, if nothing is done to curb the erosive tendencies at this stage of Imo 3B will subject the soil to severe erosion. Furthermore, the predicted Ji versus qu for SCL and CL (Fig. 5 to 7) soils does not indicate potential for a relationship between soils. For a parameter to be effective in predicting erodibility it must also be consistent between soils. However, the combined data in Fig. 5 to 7, for Ji and qu does not bring the data together (Fig. 8). This does not discard soil strength as a potential indicator, but it does indicate that it should not be solely relied upon for prediction of soil erodibility. The results from compacted samples of SCL and CL soils indicate that stress-strain characteristics namely failure strain (εf) and area under the stress strain curve up to failure (Is) are helpful in predicting erodibility. The stress-strain indices (εf and Is) increased with increases in both γd and mc% (Table 3 to 5). The resistance to erosion (Ji) of the SCL and CL soil also increased with increase in both γd and mc % within the same range (Table 6 to 8). εf and Is had similar functional relationships to Ji (Table 1). Even though, the exponents of mc % and γd for Ji and εf and Is are opposite in signs, there is potential for an inverse relationship. The predicted Ji versus εf for SCL and CL soils (Fig. 1 to 3) indicate potential for a relationship between stress-strain and erodibility for a soil and between soils. The combined data in Fig. 1 to 3 for predicted Ji versus εf brings the data for SCL and CL soils together (Fig. 4). These results indicate that stress-strain characteristics should be included alongside strength indices in studies when developing relationships between soil erodibility and other soil parameters. The models developed for the prediction of the extent or the susceptibility of soils to erosion and subjected to sensitivity test on some selected sites as shown in Table 2 achieved over 90% efficiency in their functions. From the discoveries made in this project, it is appropriate to recommend the following: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The soil strength indices (qu) for SCL and CL soil in the sites increased with increases in dry density (γd) (Table 3 to 5). The resistance to erosion (Ji) of the SCL and CL soils in the region also increased with increases in γd (Table 6 to 8). qu decreased with increases in moisture content (mc %) (Table 3 to 5), whereas Ji increased with increases in mc % within the same range (Table 6 to 8). Soil strength (qu) and erodibility (Ji) are both affected by mc % and γd, but not necessarily in the same functional manner (Table 1). The comparison of the exponents for mc % and γd for Ji and the strength measurements; qu and Es agree in signs for mc %, but are opposite in signs for γd. Therefore, there is an inconsistency in exponents making it difficult to develop a relationship between the strength parameters and Ji for the data set. • • 695 Similar studies should be extended to other areas in the country that are prone to erosion in order to develop models that will ascertain the susceptibility or extent of soils to erosion. Since the control of erosion is capital intensive, early detection will minimize cost and ultimately save the environment from its menace. Studies in soil erosion are usually intensive and expensive in terms of finance. Government through institutions, agencies and parastatals should make available adequate funds to sustain such studies. With proper funding results of such studies will go a long way in totally annihilating the menace of soil erosion in our environment if sincerely implemented? Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(7): 688-696, 2012 • Hanson, G.J., 1991. Development of a jet index to characterize erosion resistance of soils in earthen spillways. Trans. ASAE, 34(5): 2015-2020. Hanson, G.J., 1992. Erosion resistance of compacted soils. TRB Transport Res., 1369: 26-30. Hanson, G.J., 1993. Effects of Consolidation on Soil Erodibility. ASAE Paper No St. Joseph, Mich., pp: 93-2091. Hanson, G.J., 1996. Investigating soil strength and stress-strain indices to characterize erodibility. Trans. ASAE, 39(3): 883-890. Hanson, G.J. and K.R. Robinson, 1993. The influence of soil moisture and compaction on spillway erosion. Trans. ASAE, 36(5): 1349-1352. Nearing, M.A. and L.T. West, 1988. Soil strength indices as indicators of consolidation. Trans. ASAE, 31(2): 471-475. Parker, D.B., T.G. Michel and J.L. Smith, 1995. Compaction and water velocity effects on soil erosion in shallow flow. J. Irrigat. Drainage Engrg. ASCE, 121(2): 170-178. Soil strength should not be solely relied upon for measuring erodibility of soils. However, other parameters i.e., stress-strain characteristics etc should be included alongside strength indices when developing relationships between soil erodibility and other soil parameters. REFERENCES Akintola, J.O., 2001. Determination of rainfall erosivity for different agro-ecological zones in Nigeria. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Agric. 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