Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 3(2): 110-112,... ISSN: 2040-7467 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2011

Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 3(2): 110-112, 2011
ISSN: 2040-7467
© Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2011
Received: December 15, 2010
Accepted: January 27, 2011
Published: February 20, 2011
A Fixed Point Theorem for n-Contraction Mappings in Metric and
D-metric Spaces
Safa Salehian
Islamic Azad university, Gorgan Branch, Kordkoy Center, Kordkoy, Golestan, Iran
Abstract: In this study we state a type of contraction and then establish a fixed point theorem, then adapted
results in D-metric spaces.
Key words: Complete metric space, D-metric space, fixed point, N-contraction
Generalization of the above contraction mapping has
been a very active field of research during recent years
(Chidume, 2002; Berinde, 2003; Zhang, 2009).
In this study we introduce a type of N contraction and
a theorem state and prove it, then the results adapted in Dmetric spaces.
Fixed point theorems give the conditions under which
maps have solutions. The theory itself is a beautiful
mixture of analysis, topology and geometry. Over the last
50 years or so the theory of fixed points has been revealed
as a very powerful and important tool in the study of
nonlinear phenomena.
In particular fixed point techniques have been applied
in such diverse fields as biol-ogy, chemistry, economics,
engineering, game theory, and physics (Beg, 2006; Mai
and Liu, 2007). Historically fixed point started in 1922,
the Polish mathematician, Banach proved a theorem
which ensures under appropriate conditions, the existence
and uniqueness of a fixed point, his result is called
Banach's contraction principle or Banach's fixed point
theorem. Many authors have extended, generalized and
improved Banach's fixed point theorem in different
ways and different spaces such as D-metric spaces
(Sedghi et al., 2007). Jungck (1976) introduced more
generalized commuting mappings called compatible
mappings, which are more general than commuting and
weakly commuting mappings. This concept has been
useful for obtaining more comprehensive fixed point
A mapping T: X ÷ X, where (X,d) is a metric
space, is said to be contraction if there exists k , (0,1)
such that for all x, y , X:
d(Tx, Ty) # kd (x,y)
Basic definitions:
Definition: If T: X ÷ X be a mapping on the metric space
(X, d) and for all x, y , X, T satisfying:
M(d(Tx, Ty)) # N(d(x,y)) – t
where, t>0 is a constant and N[0,4) ÷ [0,4) is a mapping,
then we say T is a N- Contraction map.
Definition: Let X be a nonempty set. A D-metric on X is
a function, D: X3 ÷ [0, 4), that satisfies the following
conditions for each x, y, z, a , X:
Immediate example of such a function is:
D(x, y, z) = max {d(x, y), d(y, z), d(x, z)}
Rhoades (2001) assumed a weakly contractive mapping
T: X ÷ X which satisfies the condition:
d(Tx, Ty) # d (x,y) – N(d (x,y))
D(x, y, z) $ 0
D(x, y, z) = 0 ] x = y = z
D(x, y, z) = D (p{x, y, z}), where p is a permutation
on {x, y, z}
D(x, y, z) # D (x, y, a) + D (a, a, z) in this case we
say the pair (X, D) is D-metric space
Lemma: Let (X, D) be a D-metric space, x, y , X, then
D(x, x, y) = D(x, y, y)
where, x, y , X and N: [0, 4) ÷ [0,4) is a continuous and
nondecreasing function such that N(t) = 0] t = 0(t) =0. If
one takes N(t) = kt where 0<k<1, then (2) reduces to (1).
Proof: It’s immediate from the following inequalities:
D(x, x, y) # D(x, x, x) + D(x, y, y)
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 3(2): 110-112, 2011
Proof: Let , > 0 be arbitrary and {(xn, yn, zn)} in X3
converges to (x, y, z) , X3, so there exists K1, K2 and K3
such that for all n $ K1, D(x, x, xn) < ,/2, n $ K2, D(y, y,
yn) < ,/3 and n $ K3 D(z, z, zn) < ,/3. Now if n $ max {
K1, K2, K3}, we have:
D(x, y, y) # D(y, y, y) + D(x, x, y)
Definition: Let (X, D) be a D-metric space, x , X and
{xn} be a sequence in X:
{xn} converges to x, if and only if D (xn, xn, x) ÷ 0
{xn} is a Cauchy sequence if for all , > 0, there exists
positive integer K such that for all m, n $ K, D(xn, xn,
xm) < ,
D(xn, yn, zn) # D(xn, yn, z) + D (z, z, zn)
# D(xn, z, y) + D(y, yn, yn) + D (z, zn, zn)
# D(z, y, x) + D(x, xn, xn) + D (y, yn, yn)
+ D (z, zn, zn)
< D(x, y, z) + ,/3 + ,/3 + ,/3 = D(x, y, z) + ,
Lemma: Let (X, D) be a D-metric space, x , X and {xn}
be a sequence in X such that converges to x, than x is
hence D(xn, yn, zn) - D (x, y, z) < ,.
Similarly we can prove that:
Proof: Let {xn} converges also to y … x. For each , > 0
there exists K1, K2 such that for all n $ K1, D(x, x, xn) <
,/2 and for all n $ K2, D(y, y, xn) < ,/2
D(x, y, z) - D (xn, yn, zn) < ,
Now if n $ max {K1, K2}, we have:
|D(x, y, z) - D (xn, yn, zn)| < ,
D(x, x, y) # D(x, x, xn) + D(y, y, xn)
< ,/2 + ,/2 = ,
That is, lim D(xn, yn, zn) = D (x, y, z)
Hence D(x, x, y) = 0 which is a contradiction. So the limit
is unique.
Definition: Let (X, D) be a D-metric space. We say that
X is a complete D-metric space if every Cauchy sequence
in X3 converges in X3.
Lemma: Let (X, D) be a D-metric space, x , X and {xn}
be a sequence in X such that converges to x, then {xn} is
a Cauchy sequence.
Theorem: If T: X ÷ X be a mapping on complete metric
space X, and for all x and y, T satisfying:
Proof: Since {xn} converges to x for each , > 0, there
exists positive integer K such that for all n $ K:
N(d(Tx, Ty)) # N(d(x,y)) – t
D(xn, x, x) < ,/2
where t , (0, 4) is a constant and the function N: [0, 4) ÷
[0, 4) be a monotone nondecreasing and continuous on (0,
4), then T has an unique fixed point.
Then for each m, n $ K we have:
D(xn, xn, xm) # D(xn, xn, x) + D (xm, xm, x)
< ,/2 + ,/2 = ,
Proof: Let x0 , X be an arbitrary point, x1 = T(x0) and xn+1
= T(xn) for all natural numbers. First we show that {xn} is
a Cauchy sequence.
hence {xn} is a Cauchy sequence.
Definition: Let (X, D) be a D-metric space, then we say
D is a continuous on X3 if:
Put x = xn and y = xn-1 in (1), so we have:
N(d(Txn, Txn-1)) # N(d(xn, xn-1)) – t
lim D(xn, yn, zn) = D(x, y, x)
But from definition of the sequence:
N(d(xn+1, xn)) # N(d(xn, xn-1)) – t # N(d(xn, xn-1))
Whenever the sequence {(xn, yn, zn)} in X3 converges to
(x, y, z) , X3, that is:
Since N is monotone nondecreasing:
lim xn = x, lim yn = y, lim zn = z
d(xn+1, xn) # d(xn, xn-1)
So the sequence {d(xn+1, xn)} is decreasing and bounded
in R, and this show that exists r $ 0 such that:
Lemma: Let (X, D) be a D-metric space, then D is a
continuous function on X3.
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 3(2): 110-112, 2011
d(Tu, xn) # d(u, xn-1)
d(xn+1, xn) ÷ r
If n ÷ 4, d(Tu, u) # d(u, u), that is a contradiction, so
Tu = u.
If Tv = v and u … v, put x = u and y = v in (1), we
as n ÷ 4 now we show that r = 0. If r > 0, put x = xn and
y = xn-1 in (1), so:
N(d(xn+1, xn)) # N(d(xn, xn-1)) – t
N(d(Tu, Tv)) # N(d(u, v)) – t
From continuity of N at (0, 4), if n ÷ 4
The above relation yield,
So, N(d(u, v)) # N(d(u, v)) – t, that is a contradiction. So
u is a unique fixed point of T.
N(r) # N(r) - t
Theorem: If T: X ÷ X be a mapping on complete Dmetric space (X, D) and for all x and y, T satisfying:
and this is a contradiction, so r = 0.
If {xn} is not a Cauchy sequence, there exists a , > 0
and a subsequence {xm(k)} and {xn(k)} of {xn} such that
n(k) is smallest index for which n(k) > m(k) > k and,
d(xn(k), xm(k)) $ ,. This implies that for all k > 1, d (xn(k)-1,
xm(k)) $ ,.
N(D(Tx, Tx, Ty)) # N(D(x, x, y)) – t
where t , (0, 4) is a constant and the function N: [0, 4) ÷
[0,4) be a monotone nondecreasing and continuous on (0,
4). The T has a unique fixed point.
Using the triangle inequality we have:
Proof: The proof is similar to the proof of before
theorem, just use axiom of D-metric spaces and lemmas
that prove in basic definition section.
, # d(xn(k), xm(k)) # d(xn(k)-1, xm(k)) + d(xn(k), xn(k)-1)
If k ÷ 4 we obtain lim d(xn(k), xm(k)) = ,
Put x = xn(k)-1 and ym(k)-1 in (1), we obtain:
N(d(xn(k), xm(k))) # N(d(xn(k)-1, xm(k)-1)) – t
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Mai, J.H. and X.H. Liu, 2007. Fixed points of weakly
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Rhoades, B.E., 2001. Some theorems on weakly
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Sedghi, S., K.P.R. Rao and N. Shobe, 2007. Common
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d(xn(k)-1, xm(k)-1) # d(xn(k)-1, xm(k)) + d(xm(k), xm(k)-1)
So if k ÷ 4, lim d(xn(k)-1, xm(k)-1) #,.
(2), continuity and monotone
nondecreasing condition of N we obtain:
N(,) # N(,) - t
That is a contradiction. So {xn} is a Cauchy sequence and
since X is a complete metric space there exists u , X
such that xn ÷ u
If Tu = u then conclusion holds. If Tu … u put x = u
and y = xn-1 in (1):
N(d(Tu, xn)) # N(d(u, xn-1)) – t
But the above relation yield that: