Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2(4): 326-337,... ISSN: 2040-7467 © M axwell Scientific Organization, 2010

Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2(4): 326-337, 2010
ISSN: 2040-7467
© M axwell Scientific Organization, 2010
Submitted Date: March 22, 2010
Accepted Date: April 12, 2010
Published Date: July 10, 2010
Symmetric Duality for Mathematical Programming in Complex Spaces with
Second Order F-univexity
D.B . Ojha, 2 Anil Sing h, 3 S.P. Pandey and 4 N. Ahamed
Departm ent of Mathematics, R.K.G .I.T., Ghaziabad, UP, India
Departm ent of Mathematics, I.T.S ., Greater N oida, UP, India
Department of Mathematics, B.B.D.I.T., Ghaziabad, UP, India
College, D hanbad, Jharkhand, Ind ia
Abstract: In this study, w e estab lished appro priate duality results for a pair of Wolfe and Mond-W eir type
symmetric dual for nonlinear programm ing pro blems in complex spaces under second order F-univexity, Funicavity/F-pseudounivexity, F-pseud ounicav ity . Results of this paper are real extension of previous literature.
Key w ords: Classification (2000), dua lity theore m, mathem atical subject, multiobjective programming,
second-order du ality, second-order (phi, D)-(pseudo/quasi)-convexity, 90C29, 90C46
Bector et al., (1994 ) introdu ced the con cept of
univexity. Mishra (1998), Mishra and Reuda (2001) and
Mishra et al., (2005) have applied and generalized these
functions. Mathematical programming in complex spaces
originated from Levinson’s discussion of linear problems
(Levinson, 1966). Mishra and Reuda (2003) have
generalized these upto first orders, se cond order with
symm etric duality. Further Mishra and Rueda (2003) have
given second order generalized inv exity and it’s du ality
theorems in multiobjective programming problems. For
more details reader may consult (Ferraro, 1992; Lai, 2000;
Liu, 1997; Liu et al., 1997). Sym metric duality in
real mathematical programming was introduced by
Dorn (1961), who defined a program and its dual to be
symmetric if the dual of the dual is original problem.
Later, Mond and W eir (1981) presented a pair of
symmetric dual nonlinear programs which allows the
weakening of the convexity-concavity condition. For
more work on symm etric duality in real spaces
(Chan dra et al., 1998 ; Gulati and A hma d, 199 7; M ishra,
2000a; Mishra, 2000b). Mangasarian (1975) considered a
nonlinear program and discussed second order dua lity
under certain inequalities. M ond (1974) assum ed sim ple
inequalities respectively and indicated a possible
computational advantage of the second order dual over the
first order dual. Bector and Chandra (1987) defined the
functions satisfying these inequalities (Mond, 1974) to be
bonvex/boncave. Mishra (2000a) obtained second order
duality results for a pair of W olfe and Mon-W eir type
second order symmetric dual nonlinear programming
problems in real spaces under second order F-convexity,
F-concav ity and second order F-convexity is an extension
of F-convex functions introduced by Hanson and
M ond (1982). Mishra (2000b) formulated a pair of
multiobjective second order symmetric dual programs for
arbitrary cones in real space. The model considered in
(Mishra, 2000b) unifies the W olfe and the M ond-W eir
type second order vector symmetric dual models.
Gupta (1983) formulated a second order nonlinear
symmetric dual program on the pattern of second order
dual formulation as given by Mangasarian (1975) for the
real case, but the constraints in the formulation
(Gupta, 1983) is linear. Lai (2000) extended the concept
of F-convex functions to the complex case and established
sufficient optimality and duality theorems for a pair of
nondifferentiable fractional complex programs.
In this study, we defined F-univex in the complex
space in two variables. Hence extend the concepts of
F-pseudounivex, F-pse udounica ve fun ctions and study
symmetric duality under the aforesaid assumptions for
W olfe and Mond-W eir type mod els with secon d order in
complex spaces.
Mishra and R euda (200 3), to compa re vectors, we
will distinguish between
specifically, in complex space. Le t For C denotes an ndimensional comp lex spaces. For z ,C n, let the real vectors
Re (z) and Im (z) denote the real and imaginary parts,
respectively, and let = Re (z) – iIm(z) be the conjug ate
of z . Given a matrix
, where
is the co llection o f m×n com plex m atrices, let:
Corresponding Author: D.B. Ojha, Department of Mathematics, R.K.G.I.T., Ghaziabad, UP, India
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 2(4): 326-337, 2010
deno te its conjugate matrix, let
deno te its conjugate transpose. The inner product of
x,y ,C n is (x,y) = y Hx .Let R + denote the half line [0,4[ .
z ,C n , v ,C n ,Re(z)
Re(z i)
Re(v i), for all I = 1,2,.,.,.,n , Re(z) … Re(v)
z ,C n , v ,C n ,Re(z)
Re(z i)
Re(v i), for all I = 1,2,.,.,.,n , Re(z) … Re(v)
analytic with respect to
, i=1,2,.,.,.,n. ,
c omp lex
fun ction
, define gradients by:
, i=1,2,.,.,.,n.
In order to define generalized F-convexity, we follow the lines adopted in M ishra Reu da (2003). In which
be sublinear on the third variable. Then we can generalized F-univexity for analytic functions
and and Q is increasing function and satisfying:
Definition: The real part Reof an analytic function
is said to be second order F-univex
with respect to R +, and
if for any
for fixed
for some arbitrary sublinear functional F.
Definition: The real part Re f of an analytic function
unicave at
is said to be second order F-
with respect to R + and
for fixed
, if:
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 2(4): 326-337, 2010
For so me arbitrary su blinear functional F
Definition: The real part Re f of an analytic function
pseu dounivex at
is said to be second order F-
with respect to R + and
for fixed
, if:
for all z ,C n and for some arbitrary sublinear functional F.
Definition: The real part Reof an analytic function
pseudounicave at
is said to be secon d order F-
with respect to R + and
for fixed
, if:
for all w ,C n some arbitrary sublinear functional F.
Lemm a:
(i) If
is F-univex and
is F-unicave, then
is F-pseudounivex.
(ii) If
is F-unicave and
is F-univex, then
is F-pseudounicave.
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 2(4): 326-337, 2010
Second order W olfe type symmetric duality: We consider the following second-order Mond-Weir type pair and prove
a weak duality theorem.
Prim al (SM P):
Subject to:
Dua l (SMD):
Subject to:
Theorem: Let
and fo r all
be higher-ord er F 0-univex at
feasible for (SM P) and all
be higher-ord er F 1-unicave
feasible for (SM D).
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 2(4): 326-337, 2010
Proof: Let
W hich by the second order F 0-univexity of
W hich by the second order F 1-unicavity of
Combining (1) and (2), and using property of function R and b:
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 2(4): 326-337, 2010
Using the hypothesis of the theorem,
Thereafter, using property of function R and b, we g et:
The second strong duality theorem can be developed on the lines of Mishra and Reuda (2003) in the view of the above
M ond -W eir type symmetric duality in Second-order: We consider the following second order Mond-W eir type pair
and prove a weak duality theorem.
Prim al (SM P):
Subject to:
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 2(4): 326-337, 2010
Dua l (SMD):
Subject to:
Theorem: Let
pseu dounicav e at
be second order F 0-pseudounivex at
and fo r all
feasible for (SM P) and all
feasible for (SM D).
Proof: Let
which by the seco nd order F 0-pseudo univexity of
be secon d order F 1-
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 2(4): 326-337, 2010
which by the seco nd order F 1-pseudo unicavity of
Combining (1) and (2), and using property of function R and b
That i.e.,
The second ord er strong duality theorem can be developed on the lines of Mishra and Reuda (2003) in the view of the
above theorem.
Second order dual fractional programm ing:Now extend above to the second order complex fractional symmetric dual
pair (SFP) and (SFD) as follows:
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Prim al (SFP):
Subject to:
Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 2(4): 326-337, 2010
Dua l (SMD):
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It is assumed that Re G > 0 and Re H > 0 throughout the feasible regions defined by the primal (SFP) and the dual
problem (SFD). Lemma above can be ex tended to the higher order and also next theorem on the line of Mishra and
Reuda (2003 ).
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, then this is an
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