Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 7(23): 4859-4863, 2014 ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2014 Submitted: October 03, 2013 Accepted: November 26, 2013 Published: June 20, 2014 Quartic Non-polynomial Spline Solution of a Third Order Singularly Perturbed Boundary Value Problem Ghazala Akram and Imran Talib Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Lahore 54590, Pakistan Abstract: In this study, the non-polynomial spline function is used to find the numerical solution of the third order singularly perturbed boundary value problems. The convergence analysis is discussed and the method is shown to have second order convergence. The order of convergence is improved up to fourth order using the improved end conditions. Numerical results are given to describe the efficiency of the method and compared with the method developed by Akram (2012), which shows that the present method is better. Keywords: Boundary layers, monotone matrices, quartic non-polynomial spline, singularly perturbed boundary value problems, uniform convergence INTRODUCTION The purpose of the study is to develop a new spline method for the solution of third order singularly perturbed boundary value problem. The method depends on a non-polynomial spline function which has a trigonometric part and a polynomial part. The following third order self adjoint singularly perturbed boundary value problem is considered, as: L ( y ( x ) ) = − ε y (3) ( x ) + p ( x) y ( = x ) f ( x) , = y (0) α= α 1= , y (0) α 2 0 , y (1) (1) p ( x) ≥ 0 (1) or, L ( y ( x ) ) = − ε y (3) ( x ) + p ( x) y ( x= ) f ( x) , p ( x) ≥ 0 (2) = y (0) α= , y (0) α 3 (2) 0 , y (1) α 1 = where, α 0 , α 1 , α 2 and α 3 are constants and ε is a small positive parameter (0<ε<<1), also f (x) and p (x) are smooth functions and p (x) = p = constant. The spline function has the form T n = {1, x, x2, cos (kx), (kx), sin (kx)} It is to be noted that k can be real or imaginary. The theory of singularly perturbed problems frequently occur in many branches of engineering and applied sciences, for instance in geophysics, fluid dynamics, Newtonian fluid mechanics, quantum mechanics, gas dynamics, chemical reactions, optimal control theory etc. The numerical treatment of singularly perturbation problems yields major computational difficulties and the usual numerical methods fail to produce accurate results for all independent values of x when ε is very small, owing to the multi-scale character of the solution of singularly perturbation problems. That is there are thin transition layers, where the solution varies rapidly, while away from the layers the solution behaves frequently and varies slowly. Three principle approaches are frequently used to solve such kind of problems numerically, namely the finite difference methods, the finite element methods and spline approximation methods. In this study the third one, namely, the spline approximation method is used. Howers (1976), Kelevedjiev (2002) and Roos et al. (1996) discussed the existence and uniqueness of singularly perturbed Boundary Value Problems (BVPs). Lie (2008) constructed a computational method for singularly perturbed two point BVP in the form of series in reproducing Kernel space. Rashidinia and Mahmoodi (2007) developed the classes of methods for the numerical solution of singularly perturbed two point BVP using non polynomial cubic spline and the method is second order as well as fourth order accurate. Khan et al. (2006) used sextic spline to solve second order singularly perturbed BVP and the method is fifth order accurate. Yao and Cui (2007) developed a new algorithm for a class of singularly BVPs in the reproducing Kernel space. Akram (2012) presented a quartic spline solution of a third order singularly perturbed BVP and the method is second order accurate. Akram and Mehak (2012) proposed a quintic spline technique to solve fourth order singularly perturbed BVP. Consistency relations: To develop the consistency relations the following fourth degree non polynomial spline is considered: Q= ai cos k ( x − xi ) + bi sin k ( x − xi ) + i ( x) + ci ( x − xi ) 2 + di ( x − xi ) + ei Corresponding Author: Ghazala Akram, Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Lahore 54590, Pakistan 4859 (3) Res. J. App. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(23): 4859-4863, 2014 Defined on [a, b], where 𝑥𝑥ϵ[𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 , 𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖+1 ] with equally 𝑏𝑏−𝑎𝑎 spaced knots, x i = a + ih, i = 0, 1, …, n and ℎ = . 𝑛𝑛 Using the following notations: Qi ( xi ) y= Qi ( xi +1 ) yi +1 , = i, (3) = Qi ( xi ) T= Qi (3) ( xi +1 ) Ti +1 , i, Qi (1) ( xi ) = N i . (4) 1 − cos θ 1 − 2 cos θ β 3 = + . 2θ sin θ θ sin θ It is to be noted that, if α = 0 and 𝛽𝛽 = truncation error of the above equations is − Using Eq. (1) and (6) can be rewritten as: 2 1 240 then the ℎ7 𝑦𝑦𝑖𝑖7 . (-ε + α ph3 ) yi +1 + (3ε + β ph3 ) yi - (3ε β- ph3 ) yi −1 + (ε + α ph3 ) yi -2 i 2,3,..., n -1. = h3 (α fi +1 + β fi + β fi −1α fi -2 ) , = The coefficients in (3) are determined as: (7) T − T cos θ ai = h3 i +1 3 i , θ sin θ − h3Ti , bi = 3 End conditions: The system Eq. (7) consists of (n-2) equations with (n-1) unknowns, so one more equation is required. Following Akram and Siddiqi (2006), the required end condition can be written as: θ yi +1 − yi h(cos θ − 1)(Ti +1 + Ti ) N iθ 2 + h 2Ti , ci = − − h2 hθ 2 θ 3 sin θ N θ 2 + h 2Ti , di = i 2 T0 + a1 T1 + a2 T = 2 + T3 θ e= yi − i 1 h (Ti +1 − Ti cos θ ) . θ 3 sin θ 3 Applying the first and second derivative continuity at knots, that is, Q ( µ )i −1 ( xi ) = Q ( µ )i ( xi ), for μ = 1, 2, the following relations are derived: 1 4 b y + c0 hy0(1) , 3 ∑ i i h i =0 (8) where, a 1 , a 2 , c 0 and b i , i = 0, 1, 2, 3 are arbitrary parameters which are to be calculated using method of undetermined coefficients. The end condition of O (h5) can be calculated, as: 1 2 7 θ 2 ( Ni + Ni −1 ) 2θ 2 ( yi −1 − yi ) 2(Ti + Ti −1 )(cos θ − 1) T0 + T1 + T2= + T3 y0 + 3 y1 − 6 y2 + y3 + 2hy (1) 0 (9) 3 ( T T ) 0, + + + + = h 3 3 i −1 i 2 3 h h θ sin θ 2 2 2h (Ti −1 − Ti ) h (−Ti −1 + 2Ti cos θ − Ti +1 ) 2( N i −1 − N i ) + + Using Eq. (1), Eq. (9) can be rewritten as: θ2 θ sin θ 2 2( yi +1 − 2 yi + yi −1 ) 2h (cos θ − 1)(Ti −1 − Ti +1 ) 0, + + = 3 7 h θ 3 sin θ (−3ε + ph3 ) y1 + (6ε ) y2 + (− ε + ph ) y3 − h3 ( f 0 + f1 + f3 ) 3 2 (10) which leads the following consistency relation in terms + (− ε − ph3 )α 0 − 2ε hy (1) =0. 0 3 of T and y : i i − yi − 2 + 3 yi −1 − 3 yi + yi +1 1 3 1 − cos θ 1 − 2 cos θ cos θ − 1 = h3Ti -2 3 + + + h Ti −1 3 2θ sin θ θ sin θ 2θ sin θ θ sin θ 1 1 − cos θ 1 − 2 cos θ 3 cos θ − 1 ; + h3Ti 3 + + + h Ti +1 3 sin 2 sin sin 2 sin θ θ θ θ θ θ θ θ = i 2,3,..., n − 1. (5) T0 + 2 T1 + T2 + T3 = 3 135 141 49 ε + 2 ph3 y1 + ε + ph3 y2 + − ε + ph y3 − h3 ( f 0 + 2 f1 + f 2 + f3 − 11 11 11 6 2 (2) 43 3 0. + ε − ph α 0 + ε h y0 = 11 11 (6) where, and, 135 141 49 6 2 ( 2) 43 − 11 y0 + 11 y1 − 11 y2 + 11 y3 − 11 h y 0 , Using Eq. (2), Eq. (11) can be rewritten as: = i 2,3,..., n − 1. 1 cos θ − 1 α 3 = + θ sin θ 2 θ sin θ 1 h3 (11) Equation (5) can also be written, as: yi +1 − 3 yi + 3 yi −1 − y= α h3Ti +1 + β h3Ti + β h3Ti −1 + α h3Ti -2 i −2 Similarly the end condition of O (h5) for the system (2) can be calculated, as: ) (12) The order of truncation error of end conditions can be improved. Following Akram and Siddiqi (2006), the improved end conditions of O (h8) for the system (1) can be determined, as: 4860 Res. J. App. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(23): 4859-4863, 2014 T0 + 97 69 1 99 176 309 96 7 T1 + T= y0 + y1 − y2 + y3 + y4 + 15hy (1) 0 , 2 + T3 7 7 h3 28 7 7 7 4 Also, (13) 99 3 (1) 3 c1 = ε − ph α 0 + 15ε hy0 + h f 0 , 28 Using Eq. (1), Eq. (13) can be rewritten as: c2 = ( −ε − α ph3 ) α 0 + h3α f 0 , = ci 0,= i 3, 4,..., n − 2, 3 97 69 3 176 309 96 7 ph y2 + − ε + ph y3 - ε y4 ε + ph3 y1 + ε + − 7 7 7 7 7 4 97 69 99 f 2 +f3 + − ε - ph3 α 0 + 15ε hy (1) − h3 f 0 + f1 + =0. 0 7 7 28 and (ε − α ph3 )α1 + α h3 f n . cn −1 = (14) Similarly end condition of O (h8) for the system (2) can be calculated, as: T0 + If Y = [ y ( x1 ), y ( x2 ),..., y ( xN − 2 ), y ( xN −1 ) ]T denotes the exact solution of BVP (1) and Y be the approximate solution then, Eq. (17) can be written, as: 265 213 1 607 944 921 224 113 90 T1 + T2 + T3 =3 − y0 + y1 − y2 + y3 + y4 − h 2 y ( 2 ) 0 , 31 31 h 62 31 31 31 62 31 AY − h3 DF = T + C, (18) (15) where T = (t 1, t 2,..., t n −1)T with: Using Eq. (2), Eq. (15) can be rewritten as: 23 3 = t1 ε h 8 y (8) (ξ 1), 265 3 213 3 944 921 224 ph y1 + ph y2 + − ε+ ε + ε + ph y3 840 − 31 31 31 31 31 and 265 213 113 607 f1 + f 2 +f 3 + 0 − = ε y4 − h 3 f 0 + ε + ph3 α 0 + 15ε h 2 y (2) 0 31 31 1 62 62 7 (7) (16) CONVERGENCE OF THE METHOD − ti = εh y 240 A (Y − Y ) = A E = T , α ph3 + ε (21) To determine the error bound the row sums S 1 , S 2 , S n-1 of matrix A are calculated, as: β ph3 + 3ε α ph3 − ε , β ph3 − 3ε β ph3 + 3ε α ph3 − ε α ph3 + ε β ph3 − 3ε β ph3 + 3ε S= 1 ∑a= 1, j j Si =∑ a2, j , β β α α β β α α β β 69 1 7 β α C = (c1 , c2 ,..., cN -2 , cN -1 )T , = − ε + ( 2 β + α ) p h3 , j j and S n −1 = ∑ an−1, j =ε + ( 2β + α ) p h3 . 3, 4,..., n − 2 i= (22) Since the matrix A is observed to be irreducible and monotone, A-1 exists and its elements are non negative, therefore from Eq. (20), it can be written as: E = ( A−1 ) T (23) Also, from the theory of matrices it can be written as: Y = ( y1 , y2 ,..., y N -2 , y N -1 )T N −1 = k 1 , 2 ,..., N − 1, ∑ ak−,1i S i 1 = and F = ( f1 , f 2 ,..., f N -2 , f N -1 )T . 99 173 3 ε+ ph , 7 7 S N −2 = ( 2β + 2α ) p h3 ∑ an−2, j = j 97 7 β D= α (19) (20) E = Y − Y = (e1 , e2 ,..., eN −1 )T . 69 3 309 96 7 ph + ε ph3 − ε − ε 7 7 7 4 β ph3 + 3ε α ph3 − ε β ph3 − 3ε x i − 2 < (ξ i ) < x i +1, (17) where, A = (a ij ) is a tetradiagonal matrix of order n-1: 97 3 176 7 ph − 7 ε 3 β ph − 3ε 3 A = α ph + ε (ξ i ), 2,3,..., n − 1. i= From Eq. (17) and (18), it follows that: The system of Eq. (7) and (14) provides the required quartic non polynomial spline solution of the BVP (1), which can be written in matrix form, as: AY − h3 DF = C, x 0 < (ξ 1) < x 4 i =1 −1 is the (k, i)th element of the matrix A-1. where 𝑎𝑎𝑘𝑘,𝑖𝑖 4861 (24) Res. J. App. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(23): 4859-4863, 2014 Similarly, it can be proved that ‖𝐸𝐸‖ = 𝑂𝑂(ℎ2 ) for the solution of BVP (2) given by Eq. (7) and (12). These results are summarized in the following theorems. From Eq. (22), it follows that: n −1 ∑a i =1 −1 k ,i ≤ 1 1 = min Si (h3 Bi0 ) (25) Theorem 3: The method given by Eq. (7) and (10) for solving the boundary value problem (1) for sufficiently small h gives a second order convergent solution. where, = Bi0 1 min Si > 0 h3 (26) For some i 0 between 1 and n-1. From Eq. (23) it can be written as: = ek n −1 ∑a i =1 −1 k ,i Ti ,= k 1, 2,..., n − 1. (27) Theorem 4: The method given by Eq. (7) and (12) for solving the boundary value problem (2) for sufficiently small h gives a second order convergent solution. To illustrate the implementation of the method and error analysis of the BVP (1) and (2), two examples are discussed in the following section. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES Using Eq. (19) in (27), the following result is obtained: ek ≤ lh 4 / Bi0 , k= 1, 2,..., n − 1, Example 1: Consider the following boundary value problem: (28) where, l is a constant independent of h. From Eq. (28), it follows that: Similarly, it can be proved that ‖𝐸𝐸‖ = 𝑂𝑂(ℎ4 ) for the solution of BVP (2) given by Eq. (7) and (16). These results are summarized in the following theorems. Theorem 1: The method given by Eq. (7) and (14) for solving the boundary value problem (1) for sufficiently small h gives a fourth order convergent solution. Theorem 2: The method given by Eq. (7) and (16) for solving the boundary value problem (2) for sufficiently small h gives a fourth order convergent solution. On the same fashion, truncation errors of the Eq. (10) and (7) are calculated as: x 0 < (ξ 1) < x 4 and 1 − ti = ε h 7 y (7) (ξ i ), 240 x i − 2 < (ξ i ) < x i +1, 2,3,..., n − 1. i= 0 −ε y (3) ( x) + = y ( x) 81ε 2 cos ( 3 x ) + 3ε sin ( 3 x ) , (2) = y (0) 0, y= (0) 9= ε , y (1) 3ε sin ( 3) , (33) k= 1, 2,..., n − 1, The analytical solution of system (32) and (33) is: y ( x ) = 3ε sin ( 3 x ) The observed maximum errors (in absolute values) associated with y i , for the problem (32) and (33) 1 1 1 corresponding to different values of 𝜀𝜀 = , , are 16 32 64 summarized in Table 1 and 2, respectively. Similarly, the observed maximum errors (in absolute values) associated with y i , for the problem (32) and (33) corresponding to improved end conditions are summarized in Table 3 and 4, respectively. (29) Using Eq. (29) in (27), the following result is obtained: ek ≤ lh 2 / Bi , (32) and, E = O ( h 4 ). 37 − t1 = ε h 5 y (5) (ξ 1), 20 −ε y (3) ( x) += y ( x) 81ε 2 cos ( 3 x ) + 3ε sin ( 3 x ) , (1) = y (0) 0, y= (0) 9= ε , y (1) 3ε sin ( 3) , (30) Remark: The comparison of Table 1 and 3 with 5 shows that the errors in absolute are better than that developed by Akram (2012), corresponding to the problem (32). Similarly, the comparison of Table 2 and 4 with 6 shows that the errors in absolute are better than that developed by Akram (2012), corresponding to the problem (33). Example 2: where, l is a constant independent of h From Eq. (30), it follows that: E = O (h 2 ). (31) (34) where, 4862 Res. J. App. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(23): 4859-4863, 2014 Table 1: Maximum absolute errors for problem (32) in y i ε N = 10 N = 20 1 7.39×10-4 5.09×10-5 16 1 32 1 64 10 3.16×10-4 2.16×10-5 1.39×10-6 1.30×10-4 8.77×10-6 5.60×10-7 Table 2: Maximum absolute errors for problem (33) in y i ε N = 10 N = 20 1 1.02×10-2 1.40×10-3 16 1 32 1 64 N = 40 1.73×10-4 3.80×10-3 4.84×10-4 6.15×10-5 1.40×10-3 1.00×10-4 2.00×10-5 2.49×10-7 2.52×10-8 1.75×10-9 1.00×10-7 9.90×10-9 6.81×10-10 1.28×10-6 1.27×10-8 2.41×10-9 4.25×10-7 5.33×10-9 8.04×10-10 Table 5: Maximum absolute errors for problem (32) in yi developed by Akram (2012) ε N = 10 N = 20 N = 40 1 6.9×10-5 3.1×10-5 5.4×10-6 16 1 32 1 64 3.1×10-5 1.8×10-5 2.8×10-6 4.9×10-5 9.9×10-6 1.4×10-7 Table 6: Maximum absolute errors for problem (33) in yi developed by Akram (2012) ε N = 10 N = 20 N = 40 1 2.5×10-3 1.9×10-4 1.4×10-5 16 1 32 1 64 6.8×10-4 5.7×10-5 5.0×10-6 1.2×10-4 1.3×10-5 1.6×10-6 Table 7: Maximum absolute errors for problem (34) in yi corresponding to improved end condition ε N = 10 N = 20 N = 40 1 2.18×10-12 3.65×10-15 4.62×10-18 16 1 32 1 64 9 sin ( ε x ) . The observed maximum errors (in absolute values) associated with yi, for the problem (34) corresponding 1 1 1 to different values of 𝜀𝜀 = , , are summarized in 16 32 64 Table 7. Quartic non polynomial spline function is used to develop a numerical method for solving third order singularly perturbed boundary value problem. The method is second order convergent and fourth order convergent as well using the improved end conditions. The numerical illustration shows that the developed method maintains a very remarkable high accuracy that makes it very encouraging for dealing with the solution of singularly perturbed boundary value problems. 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