Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 7(6): 1236-1239, 2014 ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467 © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2014 Submitted: March 29, 2013 Accepted: April 22, 2013 Published: February 15, 2014 Construction of Measurable Incidence and Adjacency Matrices from Product Measures 1, 2 Amadu Fullah Kamara and 2Mohamed Abdulai Koroma Department of Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China 2 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone 1 Abstract: This study presents a new method of representing graphs and a new approach of constructing both incidence and adjacency matrices using the theory of product measures. It further shows that matrices constructed by this approach are measurable which a major advantage of this method is. Keywords: Adjacency matrix, incidence matrix, product measures, measures The goal of this study is to show that the product measure spaces (V×E, A⊗β, μ×v) and V×V, A⊗A, μ× μ) represent the incidence and adjacency matrices respectively and that they are measurable (Berberian, 1999; Friedman, 1982; Hewitt and Stromberg, 1965; Lieb and Loss, 2001). This study presents a new method of graph representation. It also proposes a new approach of constructing both incidence and adjacency matrices based on the principles of product measures; and demonstrate that both the proposed graph representation and the proposed construction algorithm possess the characteristic or feature of measurability, which is a major advantage of both methods. Finally, some areas where the research can be found applicable are discussed. INTRODUCTION In Computer Science and Mathematics, a graph is defined as a mathematical structure that is normally used to model a pairwise relation between elements from some collection. But, in the most common sense of the word, a graph can be defined as an ordered pair G = (V, E) where the set V consists of the vertices or nodes while the set E is made up of the edges or lines which connect the nodes (Balakrishnan and Ranganathan, 2000). There are various types of graphs such as bipartite graphs, hyper-graphs, directed graphs (digraphs), multiline graphs, networks, line graphs, planar graphs, undirected graphs, vertex-transitive graphs, etc (Balakrishnan and Ranganathan, 2000; Chen and Hwang, 2000; Diestel, 2006; Li et al., 2011; Mandl, 1979; Schrijver, 2009; Strayer, 1992; Xu, 2003, 2001); and it is clear that their construction resulted from everyday life problems and hence the need to research about them. Graphs are normally represented in two forms namely; Adjacency matrix form and Incidence matrix form and it is in either of these two forms that graphs are commonly stored in computers (Xu, 2003). Therefore, all other types of matrices namely: Toeplitz matrices, Circulant matrices, Null matrices, Triangular matrices, Diagonal matrices, etc (Agaian, 1985; Bhatia, 2007; Brauer and Gentry, 1968; Fiedler, 1971) are either adjacency matrices or incidence matrices in origin depending on the constraints subjected to the graph in question. In this study, we would represent a graph as G = (﴾V , A, μ ) ﴿ , ( E , β, v ^ where V is the vertex set of G, A is the sigma-algebra of V and μ is a measure defined on A while E is the edge set of G, β is the sigma-algebra of E and v is a measure defined on β. 24T T 20 20T4 20T1 20T1 T 20 20T1 20T1 20T4 20T4 20T4 21T4 20T4 20T4 21T4 20T1 15T24 15T24 21T4 21T4 21T4 21T4 21T4 21T4 21T4 21T4 24T Crucial definitions and theorems: In this section, we will define the important terms and prove the theorems that would be used in the construction of the said matrices from the theory of product measures. We start by fixing some notations. Let (V, A, μ) and (E, β, v) be measurable spaces. A subset Ψ⊆ V×E is called a measurable rectangle if Ψ = Ω ×ɸ for some Ω ϵ A and ɸ ∈β. We let R to denote the class of all measurable rectangles with the fact in mind that, it is not a σalgebra but a semi-algebra of the subsets of V×E. The sigma-algebra of the subsets of V×E generated by the semialgebra R is called the product sigma-algebra and is denoted by A⊗B. 2T 2T4 24T 24T 21T4 24T 24T 24T 24T 24T 21T4 21T4 8T24 8T24 8T24 8T24 8T24 8T24 21T4 8T24 8T24 21T Definition 1: Let ( X , A 1 µ 1 be a measure space and let a mapping ϕ exists such that: 23T 23T4 24T 24T 20T4 0: X → R* 8T24 8T24 8T24 20T4 12T4R R R R12T4 24T 8T24T Corresponding Author: Amadu Fullah Kamara, Department of Mathematics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China 1236 Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(6): 1236-1239, 2014 where, R* denotes the set of extended real numbers. Then the mapping ϕ is said to be measurable if f ϕ-1 (I) ϵA 1 for all intervals I ⊆A 1 or if ϕ-1 ([c,+∞)﴿ ϵ A 1 for all c ϵ e R. 24T 24T 12T 24T R 8T24 R24T 8T 24T 24T 12T4 20T4 R R 12TP 12T4 24T P T 12 24T R 12TP P R 24T Definition 2: Given a set a power set Ψ a power of Ψ (A) and µ a measure defined on A; the triple (Ψ, A, µ) is called a measure space. If µ (Ψ) <∞ then (Ψ, A, µ) is called a finite measure space otherwise it is a non-finite measure space. 23T 23T4 8T24 8T24 8T24 8T24 8T24 12T4 12T4 8T24 8T24 8T24 8T24 8T24 8T24 8T ∀ (x, y) ∈ X ×Y. Now we would show that ∀𝑀𝑀 ∈A 2 the inverse projection map ϕ y -1(M) is also in sigma-algebra A 1⊗A 2 we would proceed as follows. Given any set M which is any element of the sigma-algebra A 2 then the inverse map ϕ y -1(M) becomes: 20T 23T4 12T4 20T4 20T4 12T4R 8T24 R R 8T24 R R12T4 R R R 8T24 R6T 8T24 6T20 R 12TR RP 24T 24T R R RP P R 20T 19T24 12T4R 24T R R R 12T R RP R24T P 12T4R 12T4R 12T4R R 19TR R 23T4 R R 24T R R R 24T 13T24T 24T R 24T R 24T 23T 24T R R12T4 R R 12T4 24T 24T R R12T4 R R 13T 24T 24T R R24T 24T 24T 24T 18T 18T 18TR R18T24 20T4 ϕX ( x , y ) = x 19TR R 20T4 20T maps 20T 20T 20T 19TR R 13T20 20T 20T4 20T 18T 18T R 24T 13T R 24T 13T 12T4R R20T R R20T R 24T 24T 24T 24T R 24T R R 24T R R R RP P R RP P RP P 12TR R (1) 12T 13T R R 12T For more clarity of Eq. (1) we let X and Y to be non-empty sets and supposed C and D to be families of subsets of X and Y respectively. Thus we can analyze as follows: R 24T 13T2 13T2 13T2 21T R X C Z (C) ϕ X -1(A) = {(x, y ∈ X×Y|x∈A} = A ×Y ∈ R⊆A 1⊗A 2 R P A 1⊗ A 2 = Z (1)⊆Z 12TR 20T R P RP which implies that R⊆Z and hence the following result: 20T 24T R RP R ∀ (x, y) ∈ X ×Y. We now claim that ϕ X is A 1 ⊗ A 2 measurable and hence ∀ A∈A 1 we would show that the inverse projection map ϕ X -1(A) is also in A 1 ⊗ A 2 as follows: R R A×B = (A×Y) ∩ (X×B) = ϕ X -1 (A) ∩ ϕ y -1 (B) ∈ Z 20T 20T 13T R 13T20 20T R R R24T 20T R R 24T R are true. Since A×B∈R, we can without fear evaluate the product A×B as follows: 19T20 X×Y→ X A 1 ⊗ A 2→ A 1 ϕX: X × Y → X ϕX: ( x , y ) = x R R 24T 24T 20T 18T R ∀x < ∈ E X and ∀ y∈ Y. We consider the map ϕ X and make the following analysis: 12T4 A×Y = ϕ X -1(A)∈ Z X ×B = ϕ y -1 (B) ∈ Z 24T and ( ϕ Y ( x , y ) = y 19T20 13T20T 13T 20T R 20T4 R 24T 13T 23T4 24T R 24T 20T 18T Proof (i): Let the projection ϕ X : X ×Y→ X ( ϕ Y : X ×Y ) be defined as: 23T 13T9R Proof: Let Z be any σ-algebra of the sub-sets of X ×Y such that ϕx and ϕy are both Z-measurable (Theorem 1). Our goal is to show that Z⊇A 1⊗ 𝐴𝐴 2 and we proceed by supposing that the set A∈ A 1 and the set B ∈ A 2 , then from theorem 1 it is clear enough that the following equations: 23T R R 13T24T 12T3 24T 20T1 19T24 R R 12T4 Theorem 2: Let (X, A 1 , µ 1 ) and (Y, A 2 , µ 2 ) be two measurable spaces such that theorem holds. Then the σalgebra A 1∈ A 2 is a member of the a-algebra of the subsets of X×Y. 23T R12T4 ϕ x is a A 1 ⊗ A 2 measurable map ϕ Y is a A 1 ⊗ A 2 measurable map R Therefore, since ∀ M ∈A 2 , ϕ y -1(M) ∈ A 1 g⊗ A 2 the fact that the mapping ϕ y is A 1∈A 2 measurable is established. R • • R P P 24T then the following statements hold: 24T RP ϕ y -1(M) = {(x, y∈X×Y|y∈M} = X ×M∈R⊆A 1⊗A 2 20T4 20T1 R 12TR 24T ϕ X : X ×Y → X ϕ y : X ×Y → Y R8T24 24T R R 8TR 24T 12T4 24T R 24T 12T4 Theorem 1: Given two measure spaces (X, A 1 , µ 1 ) and (Y , A 2 , µ 2 ) together with projection maps of the form: 23T 24T RP P R R 20T We have seen from above that for any set A ∈ A 1 the inverse projection map ϕ X -1(A) ∈ A 1⊗A 2 which implies that the map ϕ X is a A 1 ⊗ A 2 measurable map. Y D Z (D) 20T X×Y C×D Z (C×V) 24T 20T4 24T R RP 24T R R • 12T4R P R R 24T R R 13T24 R R Here we also claim that ϕ y is A 1⊗ A 2 measurable and consider the projection map: 24T ϕ y : X×Y —► Y R24T 24T 24T A 1⊗A 2 = Z (C×D) ⊆ Z (C)⊗Z (D). 13T24 24T which is defined as: 24T R 24T R and hence Eq. (1) becomes: 12T4 R R R 24T R 13T24T R R 13T24 13T 13T9R 12TR R 12T Construction from product measures: In this section, we would describe the construction of both incidence and adjacency matrices using the concepts of product measures. We let (V, A 1 , µ 1 ) and (E, A 2 , µ 2 ) to be spaces where V and E are sets, A 1 and A 2 are the sigmaalgebras of the sets V and E respectively and µ 1 and µ 2 are measures defined on A 1 and A2 respectively. We 1237 2T R R R R R R R 12TR R R 12T R 2T 12TR R R 12T R ϕ y (x, y) = y R R 24T 24T 12TR R 12T 12TP P 12T R R R Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(6): 1236-1239, 2014 want to show that the spaces (V×E, A 1⊗A 2 , µ 1 ×µ 2 ) and (V×V, A 1⊗A 2 , µ 1 ×µ 2 ) represent both incidence and adjacency matrices and they are measurable. For the construction to be meaningful, we only need to show that there exists measure Q such that: turn means that x∈ A t and such that y∈ B t . Thus y∈ B implies that y∈ B t where x∈ A t and we have: 12T 12T 12T 12T 12T ∐𝑡𝑡∈𝐹𝐹 (𝑥𝑥) 𝐵𝐵t (2) where, Ω: A 1⊗A2 → [0, +∞] 12T21T F(x) = {t∈N| x∈A t } such that: Equation (2) can be further written in the form Ω: (A×B) = µ 1 (A) µ 2 (B) µ 2 (B) = ∑𝑡𝑡∈𝐹𝐹(𝑥𝑥) µ2 (𝐵𝐵𝑡𝑡 ) for every A∈A 1 , B∈A 2 . It is a clear fact that: A 1⊗A 2 = S(R) If x ∉ A, then z ∉ A t ∀ t and we can write X A t ( x ) = 0 where χ At (x ) is the character is- tic function of A t with respect to x . Also, if x ∈ A then x ∈ A t for all t in F(x ) and hence χ At (x ) = 1. Thus Eq. (3) can be modified as follow: Therefore, 12T (Theorem 2) where S is any sigma-algebra of the subsets of V×E and R denotes the semi-algebra of the subsets of V×E and hence the following equation is true: (3) 12T 12TR 12T µ 2 (B)χ A (x ) = ∑∞ 𝑡𝑡=1 𝜒𝜒𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 (𝑥𝑥)µ2 (𝐵𝐵𝑡𝑡 ) R = {A×B|A ∈A 1 , B ∈ A 2 } (4) Applying the monotone convergence theorem (MCT) on (V, A 1 , µ 1 ) Eq. (4) becomes: where, µ 1 : A 1 → [0, +∞] µ 2 : A 2 → [0, +∞] 12T21T ∫ µ2 (𝑩𝑩) χ𝐴𝐴 ( x ) d µ1 ( x ) = ∑∞ 𝑡𝑡=1 ∫ 𝜒𝜒𝐴𝐴𝐴𝐴 (𝑥𝑥)µ2 (𝐵𝐵𝑡𝑡 )dµ1 ( x ) µ2 (𝐵𝐵𝑡𝑡 ) ∫ 𝜒𝜒𝐴𝐴 dµ1 ( x ) = ∑∞ 𝑡𝑡=1 µ2 (𝐵𝐵𝑡𝑡 ) µ1 ( x ) µ2 (B) µ1 (𝑨𝑨) = ∑∞ µ (𝐵𝐵 𝑡𝑡=1 2 𝑡𝑡 ) µ1 (A t ) Ω (A×B) = ∑∞ Ω 𝑡𝑡=1 (A t ×B t ) 23T 12T21T 21T Step I: We let: 21T 21T 21T Ω: R→ [0, +∞] 12T21T 21T Hence Ω is countable additive. Therefore, defined by: Ω (A×B) = µ 1 (A) µ 2 (B) Ω: A 1 × A 2 → [0, +∞ ] 9T21T For every A∈V and for every B∈E and show that Ω is a measure on R. We proceed as follows. It is obvious that Q satisfies the null-empty set property, i.e: Ω (ϕ) = 0 13T21T Such that: Ω(A×B) = µ1 (A) µ2 (B) Is a measure on the semi-algebra A 1 × A 2 Next, we would show that Ω is countable additive i.e: Ω (A×B) = ∑∞ 𝑡𝑡=1 Ω (A t ×B t ) 21T where, A 1 , A t e A 1 , B 1 , B t ∈ A 2 and (A t ×B t )⋂ (A r ×B r ) = ϕ for t≠r. We begin by letting A and B to be two pair-wise disjoint sets which means that: A×B = ∐∞ t=1(At × Bt ) Step II: We use the general extension theory to extend � on the sigma- algebra Ω to a unique measure Ω generated by R and claim that µ1 and µ2 are σfinite i.e., given: � : A 1 ⊗ A 2 ⟶ [0, +∞ ] Ω 13T 13T21T 13T21T such that: � (A× B) = Ω (A×B) Ω � is a measure. We proceed as follows. then Ω We now fix x∈ A, vary y∈ B and maintain the For our claim above to be meaningful the equations condition (x, y) ∈ A×B. The above operation implies below must be true: that there exists a t such that (x, y) ∈ A t ×B t which in1238 12T 12T 12T 12T Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 7(6): 1236-1239, 2014 V = ∐∞ i=1 Vi , Vi ∈ A1 and µ1 (V i )<+∞ for all i: V×E∐∞ j=1 Ei , Ej ∈ A2 and µ2 (E j )<+∞ for all j .Thus: (∐∞ i=1 Vi )×( V×E = ∐ j = 1 (Vi×E j ) ∐∞ j=1 Ei ) (5) Finally, we would like to extend special thanks and appreciation to the Chinese Scholarship Council. (6) REFERENCES =∐ i = 1 is a partition of V×E by elements of R such that: 𝛺𝛺 (Vi×E j ) = μ 1 (Vi) μ 2 (E j )<+∞. 21T Therefore, 𝛺𝛺 isσ-finite. The above described construction goes for incidence matrices while that of adjacency matrices follows the same procedures as above. DISCUSSION The concept of measurability is very important in various disciplines such as, analysis, statistics, economics, computer science, etc. In statistics related areas the presence of the power set in this representation, which is equivalent to the universal set makes it possible for the probabilities to be calculated and hence represented in a matrix form given rise to matrices like, doubly stochastic matrices, right stochastic matrices, left stochastic matrices, etc. In the computer science disciplines, a knowledge of the sigma algebra backed by measurability makes computation of any matrix represented in this form to be faster than other matrices of different representation as the algorithm is knowledgeable about the power set. In Graph Theory, the power set (sigma algebra) of this representation can be used to store all perfect matchings of a graph (bipartite graph) and hence doubly stochastic matrices can be generated since perfect matchings are associated with the graphs of doubly stochastic matrices. At the same time permutation matrices can be obtain because of the fact that any convex combination of permutation matrices gives rise to a doubly stochastic matrix (Ando, 1989; Bhatia, 1997; Borwein and Lewis, 2000). CONCLUSION We have presented a new approach of graph representation and at the same time a new method of constructing measurable incidence and adjacency matrices. The advantage of this noble work is simply measurability as both the representation and the construction are measurable. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank anonymous referees for their valuable comments on this study. Agaian, S.S., 1985. Hadamard Matrices and their Applications. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp: 227. 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