HUB-Robeson Center Advisory Board 1/31/14 Meeting Minutes

HUB-Robeson Center Advisory Board
1/31/14 Meeting
Attendees: Heide Port, Mary Edgington, Cortlyn Hagman, Carlos Wiley, Rich Daly, Ed Sidwell,
Pam Watters, Katie Tully, Yani Mai, Careen Yarnal, Rich Byers, Kristin Wong, Anand Ganjam,
Armani Beck
Call to Order – Rich Daly
Welcome –
Rich Daly welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Comments from the Public –
Approval of the Minutes –
A motion to accept the minutes from 12/12/13 was made by Pam Watters and a second was
made by Anand Ganjam.
Old Business –
Tech Survey Committee Update -
The Technology Survey has been sent out and is complete. SAIT shared that we had a very high
rate of return on the survey. The survey was completed in Qualtrics which Heide is learning to
use. The report showed that most of the computers are not being used in the student organization
offices for various reasons. Many students have their own equipment that they use. A list of
software options have been given to us by the students. Some are on the current machines.
Right now, USA does not have the resources to replace and update the machines in the student
organization offices. The biggest request on the survey was for printers. A printer to be shared
by suites of offices was discussed. Careen brought up that as a faculty member, she has been
forced to move away from paper and by offering printers would be moving against this mission
to minimize paper. There will be ongoing conversation on this matter. Additional discussion
with groups will also happen.
The question was asked, “Who will pay for the printing and supplies?”
New Business –
Space Allocation Committee –
The application has been active and will be live until 5 p.m. January 31, 2014. We will leave
open until midnight for last minute requests. The committee will meet next week to begin the
The following individuals are on this committee: Katie, Steffan, Daiyon, Yani, Cortlyn,
Rich B., Anand and Kristin.
Update from the PRCC –
The PRCC has had a busy 1st two weeks of the spring semester.
The PRCC is looking forward to a busy February.
Carlos held an open forum and it was taped for PSNtv. It will be on TV next week.
The Rev. Jaime Washington will be at Penn State next week.
Carlos invited everyone to come to the PRCC to look out the library window at the
construction progression. It is the only window where you can see into the old courtyard.
Things are starting to take shape.
Carlos went to UPAC recently to request funding for the next year.
Update from USA –
Mary shared that there will be a speaker series coming up this semester in Eisenhower
Schwab is nearly booked full for the spring semester. There are 10 student employees
and a manager in that area. The brick on the outside of the building is nearly complete.
Schwab will close mid-May – August to fix the rigging on the stage. This will make the
area safe and awesome. It will create some new features for productions.
The Facility Fee Committee will be holding a meeting at Schwab soon. They will get to
see how their money has been put to use.
Students love that they can use Schwab.
This committee asked about getting a tour of the building.
Schwab use is based on the following order.
o 1. Performing Arts
o 2. Thespians
o 3. Everyone else.
The THON dinner was held on January 30th. The Kevin Steinberg Award is given to
someone that contributes a lot to THON. This year, Brad Wagner, a USA employee
received the award.
The Column Awards for Fraternity and Sorority Life will be awarded on January 31st at 6
There was a fire in the construction area over break. The workers were using a torch
outside and a spark somehow entered through the brick and caught some insulation on
fire. The fire was extinguished quickly but the entire HUB was filled with smoke. An
outside agency came in immediately to help remove the smoke from the building. There
are some curtains in Heritage Hall that are still not cleaned. One set of curtains were sent
to be cleaned and the lining of the curtains disintegrated. We will work on the
completion of that cleaning in the summer.
There was a water pipe break during the very cold weather at the beginning of January.
The contractors are trying to be proactive for the future and have insulated many of these
former interior pipes that are now exterior due to the construction. So far, no more
problems have occurred.
The architects will be visiting the week of February 3rd. Furniture has been delivered to
begin the process of deciding on the fixtures and furnishings. A group of students
including the students on this board have been invited to a meeting on Monday, February
3rd at 5 p.m. in Hetzel Lounge to review the proposals and provide input.
The Student Activity Fee Board met and has approved a proposal for a $6 fee increase for
next year. An additional $1 of this fee will go to Student Legal Services. There was good
discussion on this topic.
At the next meeting, there will be a presentation from Bobby, formerly the Homecoming
Executive Chair, and Brenden Dooley, Vice President of UPUA on a photo initiative they
would like to propose for outside of Alumni Hall.
We will schedule the next board meeting for after THON.
The construction kiosk will be up next week. There will be 3D videos of the construction
project. This will be very cool to see the progression each week of the HUB expansion
The crane will be removing the roof off of 129 A, B, C very soon and steel will be laid
soon to begin the building of the three new larger meeting rooms on top of Alumni Hall.
Meeting was adjourned.